HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-21, Page 7tr.'ri•o•voonv ca4t�orsoaooc,t�ob, YOUNG FOLKS tsooc>•o•o•oaoao•taootaoaoot>aa A SNAIL'S WAYS, One day I (bund a snail in the woods, 110 was crawling on a 01us:1,s log. 1fis eht11 n gfussy autl of light brown color. The snail, to'1, wits pale brown, lie looked soft, es 11 he had Neon made nut or Jelly. 110 Bed a !'air of horns thrust out from the front of Ills h11,01, to warn Will ai danger, When I ,.,lowed up the shell Mr Snail quickly Lucked himself out of sight. mettle. 1 took the shell 11014, J11 pkv liodke1, and at night laud it e u my table. In the morning it was g'ai'le, Looking about the room, I' four I the I no11 climbing up the ('all, hal' "ay to the ceiling. f "rood on a chair, touched him gently on the head, and, in a (right, he thew into his shell, aid It tell from Orr wall Into my hand. Then I Look u large chum dish, fled put in !L a nice stone from 1113 brook. The stone had 1ttic Inch. e and bits of water weeds 011 It, 1 pa water in the dish, Then 1 sot ill snail on the Route, Snails !11:11 cool, moist things, ;}Iy 5111111 at once C11rne 01(t to Mu his new home. no began to trei Vol around it at a great rate. ale crept to the water on every side. 1 suer that. he ate the lichens, So I.brouu'nt hl nice young lettuce leaf, tees. it, Duni laid it On the storm, When the snarl in his journey reached it, he toucvled it with his horns. 'Plein he crept up- on the edge of the leaf, turned side- wise., mut began to NIL fast. L -Is seemed very hungry. Ile moved along the ergo of the leaf, gnawing as he went, After he had oaten aheat it quarter of the way along the leaf the turned and went hack, still eating. So he kept 011 until he hu.1 cut a deep scallop. Then he went t•, ntlotitor place and ate out 0110111.11' Seullup. The children said he liked scallop- ed lettuce I kept the leaf wet. At first 1 thought the greedy little creature did nothing but eat. 1 found that he liked to play and was fund of bray, 1. Ile would go to the edge of the ere. tee', and, holding fast to the stun::, would dip his head in for a drie!t, or to get It Wet When he did this, ho drew In his horns until they could not be son 1. Then ho tried to cross the'w[tter and to reach the side of the dish, Ile Mould clog test by the 11011 pnrt.of his body, raise his tread, and stretch himself as far as he emit I, aid tiro to take hold of 1110 (lish, Ile often fell short and tumbled into the water. But out he would come and try again. When he succeeded, 110 would walk all around the rim of the dish, One night he came out, dropped to the fluor, crept over the carpet, [.p the leg of the table, along the toll. cul then travelled all over Nail's new bonnet. Ile tried -to eat the ar- tlleithl leaves on the bonnet. There I caught 111tH in the morning. Wherever he went he left a thin trail like glue. I could follow his steps as you can those of a careless boy who forgets to wipe his feet, .A WO1W TO DOI'S. You are made 1.0 be kind, boys, generous and magnanimous. If there Is a boy In school who has a clubfoot, don't let him know you e\Cl' saw it. If there is a poo' boy with rugged clothes, don't talk rags in his hear- ing If there is a lame boy, assign him some part, or the game that doesn't require running. If there is a dull one, help him to learn his lesson, 11 there is a bright one, bo not en- vious of him; for if one boy is proud of his talents and another is onvi0ns of titan, there aro two great Wrongs, and no more talent than before. If a larger or stronger boy has in- jured you, and Is sorry for it, for- give hien. All the school will show by their countenances how much bet- ter it is than to have a great fuse. a --4- WONDROUS LAKES. eine Blows Mad Bubbles, Another Iles Water Like Rfltk. The "Horne of the riot Devils" is an Island of lire situated in the centre of a. huge lake of boiling mud and 0111111 in Java. Cases arise irons the lower depths and form en- ormous bubbles in the sticky mud, which grow and increase until they attain a diameter of Ove or six foot. 'Peso bubbles are often carried sky-, wards by the wind, where they final• try burst with a loud explosion. The biggest show lake was seen by Sir Martin Conway, who explored the Karakoram range of mountains in .18112. From the summit of Vision Pass, which be traversed for the first time on record, ho looked upon a vast level lake of snow, over 800 tamers miles in area, surrounded by innumerable giant peaks. Tho Sea of Ice, near Cbamouni, in Savoy, Switzerland, is more like a lake of snow than anything else. The surface of the ice is broken up by molar heat, and this minute fissuring gives it the appearance of snow, and it Is often mistaken for such by tour. tate '1310 Ones[' milke:Mite lake In tea World was discovered by Herr Thor. oc113sen in Iceland, who christened It isle Langlsjor. It stretches from the margin of the Ihilghty glacier which fortes the western elde of the Vatrie ;Toltull, and the 'glacier water of which it le composed is of a pure milky -white color. A similar Lake, but on a mallet, seals, Is situated about thirty miles from '1'aurehga, in NeW Zealand. SNAPPISH. "You neon complainat every Mini p0111, she plan sA"Mit but eve Weiner), 'we stiffer In nilente." - "1 suppose you do suffer In finance, you 11(1,4 01) leeterek !defiant in tone,"tit 1"3(141ed, WAS SENT HOME AS INGURABLE 'bYIEN JOS, COONII irOIUND III.ALTR IN DODD'S KiD)NIEY PILL)!. fie was Muffle to Work for Seven Y6ur$ Before Ile third the Grelgt (:au- ndlan Kidney Remedy. C011e1 s Co', -e 51111., Dee„ 11.— ISpeulul,)—'1'1.0 days of mh'aciee are inlet but the cure of Joseph Boone of this place allot/tit ranks with sen- natlonal euros, o1 the surlier ages, 61r. Boone had boon ailing for eight years, seven of wheel he was 'male to work front the utieels of Ilaekuchv enc! Maney (fit /111.111i11t, lie Ivan ell echos and pain::, ilo was tree 11-d by 010ei'e11 due tors and after seven mouths in the basil tut worn sent hone, as incurable. It tuns there that reaffirm, of eur110 h 110 ItoaR'ni'"rs led him Lo use Ihuid's 1 l,ln ;V 1'II Is. I1 111111, twenty -rite hu 3, :0 to cure him, but to -dice he is strnn,q and well unci hard 1(t wort, lobster listing. People here hava learned that if the 1 ).sonSe lo of tho 141,111evs or front 1111, kidneys, Ootld's Kidney tills will cure it. --4 - OLD 110611Y 11011141; AGAIN, Gyelope of Ojw ilunrlred year's Ailo lo he-itenelved. The 1nslest fashion in cycling is a1 "VeMec'dc" for Indies, say's the Lon- don Uuily Mirror 'Phis tales ns flock to the days ,.1 the Itegenev, when tho "fleet gentleman or Europa' blandly squandered millions at Brighton, ai111 his .friends alntlae 1 themselves by "hubby -horsing" along the Pewit, The eeedopele," Mcleod, Is exactly the old "hobby -horse' with improve - !Witte, 'Prue, it Iv fitted with 111110• math: tires, springs encu hall -beanie s tlinl is a feather -weight Confl'at'ed With the hideous combination of wood 011d h'o, which our gr5a1 grandfathers disported. Itut the main "hobby -horse" features are re - La inert. There are no pedals, the machine being propellor' either by Lhrustingl the Feet against the ground, or hid "punt. poling" with a walking stick; or alpenstock. The seat ds Ve'y low,I so that the most clumsy rider can f1 hardly full 011', end of course, barely any instruction is required. You can get ori quite a fair speer! on the machine ten miles an hour beins! about the limit. But who, it may be asked, waled care to use a cycloperle when ordin- ary bicycles are faster and less ' trouble? One !dee is that the new uiacbinc will give more vigorous are: healthy -exercise than the ordinary bicycle affords. Another Is that eld- erly ladies may be attracted by its absolute safety. Resides, the price— four guineas—is very low. The first lady's machine has been built toF the order e o « distinguished customer, and in a generation '01111 1 worships health and is always look- ! fornew n fo k me form f 0 exercise t gi has a chance int becoming quite rt rage. The chief ohataele is ridicule. Ladies have the net of looking gr•een- fl under most unpromising circum- stances, but -tin miles an hour on is 0y010110d0 will be rather a severe test of this faculty. PRE WIFE AS MANAGER. "You can rely upon it," said a keen business man, that the man whose wife is managing his salary for hlin Is prosperous, When 7 SOP a man that 1 happen to know hand all his earnings over to his wife, 1 set 1 him down as getting along Sve11. Ito has started 011 the right road to get rich, for (Yl nine eases out 0f ten 00 1 is saving something. And a fact h which he is apt to overlook is that If he only spends a little less then 110 makes, he is hound to get rich, s A woman who manages hen hpsbanrl'e i salary will help hen to do this 110411•- ly every tinge• as women are meaner m than men, Some mon lied it impos- slblo to save money, and a man hes got to spend less than he makes be- 0 fore he can begin to get along. 'rho 0 man whose wife Is enough of a mar, - ager to help him get to this po art by taking caro of his money for him may consider himself fortunate." 4. A DRAIN WORKED. Muse !lave the Kind of hood That Nour- ishes Brain. "1 ant a literary man whose eel" q nous energy is a great pert of my 1 Stock in trade, and ordinarily I t1 have little patience with breakfast in foods and the extravagant claims' 0 made of then. But I cannot with 0 hold my acknowledgment of the debt 0 that X owe to Grape -Nuts food. "I discovered long ago that the c0 very bulkiness of the ordinary diet Sv was not calculated to give one 1t a clear' head, the power of sustained, u accurate thinking. I always fell, co heavy' and sluggish in mind as well 111 as body after Dating the ordinary a meal, which diverted the blood from or' the brain to the digestive apparatus, to "X tried foods easy of digestion, 0 hut found them usually deficient in !a nutriment. 1 experimented with many breakfast foods and they, too, ed proved ❑usatisfal.etory, till I reached, 111 Grape -Nuts, And then the problem fu Wag solved. eel "Grape -Nuts agreed with me pee'• to fectly from the beginning, satisfying Pd fray !lunger and supplying the nutrf- Snont that 00 neatly other prepared 11 foods lack. " X had not been using it very lona Lc before I found that I Seas turning g Out an unusual quantity and quality of work, Continued luso has demon - attested to my entire satisfaction that Grape -Nuts fond contains all the 013- b ttent5 needed by the brain anti ter- th vows system et tho hard working pubilo Writer." Nemo given by lei Postln Co,, Battle Creels, Mich, 'Diene it a reason, (lead the little to book, "Tito Road to Wntivlllrt,'r in Yiaektsges, 130US13;1TO1,D PILTEl2S. The fact that intestinal diseases, such as typhoid fever, yp e a, cholera, r1V- sentere, diarrhoea, enol so forth ate contumely transmitted tllrongh. con- terndllated water makes it seem ad- visable to print a word of warning regarding the use of domestic wate,- Olters. Tho most efficient method of puri!. - ing contaminated water• -supplies on a large scale le by means of sand filter -beds in which the water p0rco- ates very slowly through a 1a•'e' of fine sand several feet in thickness. Cities that have installed such plants 'sport a great improvement in their ealth statistics. Knowledge of the danger to be apprehended from the hate' -supply has -become no wiile•- preacl, however, that domestic filters ntended to be used by theindividnol I IIEALTIT s, '1 A I•'II` Ob' TUE 11L,W';S, Blatt the ttnlo When people tilts they have the "blues," all they marl fiseel alio,. gi', out and gut a breath of 1'eoplo who have "blocs" stay in hnusas too nitwit; they dn11't exercise enough, and they cult ta0 muco, 'l'i,a body is clogged with a surplus of food, elle lungs arta vitiated with bad air, alid the whole uluchfnery of '.hm body is working at law gage. The motor wheels of the a1ttelIinel'y drib; anti rent heavily. ' This physical condition in reflector! (poll the mental faoutilue, and they become torpid and singe -tele u,ul et cry 1111118 takes on. rt depressed. "blue" look. All the little worries troubles lord perplex11Jes arc mttgn;- tied, and the world seems a disnrtl, dee„late pingo, indeed, and the pi) 10 "1111(0" person is enveloped I1( a fog of misery and despair. Ile thinks the whole world is topsy-turvy and tall the elements are comiaining to make hen wretched, that eveybo ly Is just as mean as he feels, And ,cot all the while this whnte world -full of misery is root red right !thin himself. People everywhere are getup' to lend fro about [.heft 01 - fairs, with sympathy in their• henna and kindliness in their eyes. '19,11 world is emoting over with Joy awl the people in it are 1101 us bad as they seen. What the "blue" individual needs in to got outdoors and absorb S011(e or the happiness that is going to haste. lie or she 1130 been absorb- ing ,111 sorts of indigestible rood and villa ed air, erten 1110 body hos re, belled. What be needs to do is to let up a little on outing, skip a meal or two, take a long, brisk wa111 %elk, hrcatho in great draughts of pure oxygen, cirfni1 plenty of nater, 'Phis will help to eliminate ''111 poison from the body, that has he,hn making things. "blue.'' Tho machin- ery nill commence to r110 cosier, the wheels '0111 quit dragging and begin to ran merrily round and round, humming a little time that will quiet rho fretted nerves. 'Tee f g will clear away, 'end the 1111nrl will become active, alert and buoyant, anti the dark, deep blue will begin fn lighten into a pale blue, and then a little pink tint will creep in, end finally everything in it will be rose enlnr, and the whole world, an. everybody in it will bo beautiful and good once more. Yes, the world is all right. The trouble Is all Within your own little self. You have overfed the body, or given it had air or deprived it of its needed rest, You may be sire when you feel "bine" you have clone Rome - thing or omitted to do something that .vas required to keep your body in eeriest working oiler. One ought to feel ashamed to say he hes the "blues," for it is ropily an a.rimiss,e•n that he hhas t, i )Cita 1 5 n(trnt a n is g body. So, if you over get the "blues," don't tell anyone., but go eutrloors end run and walk and breathe until you got rid of them. have 001110 into general 9e. These aro of nemeses varieties and employ many dllTet'ent substaeces s the filtering medium, such as harcoal, sand, mineral wool, Un- glazed clay o1, porcelain, and s0 forth. These may appear to be use- ful, owing to their ability to rein No a eer•tain a1110111rt of coloring matter and (Punting materials, but as usually employed they fall far short of the Necessary degree' of efficiency, and maty even be directly a source of add- ed danger apart teem 111e false geese of security they inspire. Unless such falters are very Ire, neatly taken, apart and thoroughly c Maimed, bacteria are apt to pass 110(1911 freely, and even to muitir,ly the filter itself, so that auo'Juor f germs In the water that is drawl' IT may actually be increased instead 1 diminished. There is but ono safe way for the nsamer to deal with a doubtful ator-supply. if enough suspicion ttaehos to tho water to mance the tie of a filter seem desirable, the editions aro such \'that half -way mamas are out of piece., and oniV bsoluto sterilization can be consifl- ed, revery drop of such water te- nded for table use .511011(4 be 1ho- ugh1y boiled, Tho flat taste of wa- r treated in this way is due to tiro et that tho dissolved ah' Is expoit- from it by the 11001, but by plan g it la bottles only three-qutu'to's 11 and shaking wee), enough ale 11 bo taken up to restore the pale.. 1311lCy. Tho bottles may then bo aced in tile refrigerator to be coot. , for of course the ice is just as cels to bo bad as the water, and ere is no use in purifying the we. r if dirty lee is to be put into it.-• otttii's Companion, HEALTH HINTS, Gat pleety of sunlight. Nothing aautffal or sweet grows or ripens in o darkness, Avoid oxeessetl of ill ktnds. The,/ aro the mild and body. Tho long and beautiful and whole - mo Iifo is qualitlod by constant temperance, Don't live to. eat. Eat to HIM .1. P Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed in any other way. Chemicals in soap may remove the dirt but always injure the fabric. Sunlight Soap will net injure the most dainty lace or the hands that use it, because it is absolutely pure and contains no injurious chemicals, Sunlight Soap should always be used as directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary, Sunlight Soap is better than other soap, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. , Equally good with hard or soft water $5.000 R ,YARD will be paid IO nrly pareen proves that Sunlight Soap osmates any tat11rinos nhomio0ls or any form of alul1eratiou, 159 Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto This is old and . threadbare advice, But it is just as good to hollow to- day an 11 was a century' ago. - Many physical ills and blurs and blemishes on the countenance are duo to over -eating. to eating damugfug food, 01' eating irregularly, Don't hunt for dark sides of your life. Rome on the sunny side when- ever you can do so without neglect- ing those who ora dear to you. Ile as happy as you can while malt- ing others happy. These simple rules are helps i11 Per- petuating health and beauty. FOR FAMILY A1`FECTION, The town of Chantilly, Fran;e, which is generally associated wit' Charity, Mme. Alo•tiur des Noye • gape to the town in 1$73 600 fr. and decreed that the dividends trot this sum when invested should b anniled as a reward for ltlial piety The conditions are that candidata must be Frenchwomen, maids or wi dows, either born or dom!uiled for live years in the town. '191e prize is awarded for high character, and for love, favor, and affection shown in the faintly. This year's prize flue been given to Mlle. Kaufmann, a seamstress, who for twenty years has made the wants of her infirm motile' her first care. MOIININ0 'PALE. Bobby—"Mother, toll nue n fair, story." Mother—"I can't. Oo ask your father what detained hln down- town so late last night; that will Le one!' flnrd and soft corns cannot with- stand ifultowny's COri Cure; it Is c(- fee1ual every 4Ou,u. Cut. a bottle at once and be happy. flleks—My wife is very methodical. Shes (111vnys got a place for everything and 00 Ory 1ti11g in its place." Wicks— "S( hes mine, but 1 can never find the place." 1 Like Merino 1110 heart Strings,— "11 is not within the conception c nc piton nt roan to measure nay' great sufferings ' from beer! disease, !roe ;mane 111. I enflured almost constant culling and e tearing pains about my heart, and• . many a 11010 would have welcomed s death, Dr, Agnew's Cure for the heart has worked a veritable miracle."—Thus. Hicks, Perth, Ont. -59 "The discord was snmelhing fierce," .Ad THE BEST OF PEOPLE make mistakes unintentionally. But no one EVER MARE A MMUS IN OMNI:: ° . 41. , ONLY ONE BEST' Ti A BLUE .'RIB k3ON. I%SrPMMAr I'f:its'�f 'i;:4 kit.' °1r. •v?+'L1 !'J 0 Pedlar's 'Oshawa' STEEL Shingles les roi 50 0 r; 15.1 01 cg to 3= 10,, co Cd fel cn a, linivonlzed or painted, 11041 durable and cum umhpd covering for Reofinu or Siding for Re0,drnce-, ffnusrs, learns, Elevators, eta w Ch schen, Poutt' y !louse., 4r b., etc. Easier 14 lay and will hast Mtge • tl1.0, any other 5 .001(04. Ohemer than bend silt 04151 or slats, do expo fence neem nary. A h.Ias nor earl ,:nips a -o the rely toots required. ft is s0mi-hlyduno l high grate steel. Alt, Co•rugnted Inn", Painted or (ulu°n Z O. in 5110Ots De 111010.4 1,nlg, !tree Cd cad Embossed Ce,fln.:e V Com rd . oofine. • 8151) 40.1450 of Ito"1lag, 8111,0 and Callings in 101 maim, 1'h.,sands of buildings through th(Dom,nfon aro severed with our sheet Metal ri•o ,•!Y, Making Mae (1 1E, We•TER AND LIGHTNING PROOF Rend in your order for an many squares(.ex'OieeW an you require to never your now or Old buihhng. The toy holt roofing ter alt!, ell/rote- We eah 111(11i1y Bove Tr•'ugh, ell size!, a.urrega'rd or Plato kcund, 114nd, c or . ,pus, SN 1,6' Elb ells, .p k a Tubes. Weald ld rho largest mem of trio kind under the British dug. •Establlabod (801., Capital Inve.te 11j' ,11,11:10.011. Write TI -Day for Catalogue Ko 14 R and Free samples. la Mrf1TAEAL, QUE. a'TAWA, 0NL TOn0Ni0 Onr, 551(000VEB, a.0. 7aT Craly^ Et• I 427 8,15,10* at. I 00 Yong,' 8 + 616 render 8t. WRITE YOUR NEAREST Or -FILE. HEAD OFFICE AN) W1I11(S, - 0S'4AWA, ONTARIO, CANADA° LARGEST ARSENIC MINE. What Is said to be the largest ar- senic mine in the world, turning out 70 tons a month, is situated in Floyd County, Virginia, seventeen miles from Christlanhurg, the near- est railway station. Th're Is no more obetfnate skin trouble than S'tltitlheum. It s+metim04 lin^ors cur years, but Weaver's Comte makes .short work of it. Also, take weavet'a Syrup to insure permanent cure. Magistrate—"So you admit leaving been engaged in making counterfeit money?" Prisoner—"Yes, your wor:+;hip. You see, the supply of to said florern, in speaking of an umatenr genuine article is so very short." concert. "Why, the music mss so loud ,.One Short Puff Clears the Dead.— that 1 arlually could not hear myself Does your head ache? [[ toile." "How delightful!" exclaimed bliss v a c, ave you pains ' Cutting. nye0 your eyes, Is 1110 140081.11 o(ffnsive? These are certain symptoms of Catarrh. Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder will 910,000 A YEAR FOR ONE 1100111. The widening of Piccadilly VLondon , has been the means of showing the enormous valine of land in the centre of London, the sum paid by the Lon- don County Council for a small area, which, of course, was built upon, working out at £34 a square Pout P11is is believed to be the record, but as it included compensation for d' t,s ttil' bunco it cannot bo compared with the prices paid in Cm'nhill, which is the highest -rented spat on earth, a single room having' been lot recently for 910,000 a year. ilcd-ridded 15 Years.—"If anybody wants a written guarantee from me personally es to my Wonderful cure from rheumatism by South American Rheumatic Cure I will leo the Maddest woman In the world to give it," says Mrs. John 13eatimont, of Elora, "I had despaired of recnvory up to the time of taking this wonderful remedy. It cur - ad completely." -58 ' Gratified Hostess—"So glad you like 1110 tarts; i always think that small calces taste better than largo ones; Ti ih the size th1(1 makes these lille tarts seem so appetizing," Horrified-Eptouro -- Good gracious! You don't say you put size into them?" Avoiding Winter colds is difficult; roaring !holo is not bard If you Gtke Allen's Lung Gelman. Begin whoa the sold 1s young lust not ,valt until it aottles on the 15111;s, for then, even with .Wetb Lung palatine complete relief 11•11( be slower. Miss Prism -"Don't lot ,your dog bite mo, tittle boy." idltle 13uy--94a won't Idle, ma'am." Miss Prism—"13ut he Is showing his teeth," 13oy (With pride)— "eleetninly ire is, ala an; and if ,you had es good teeth as he has you'd show 'em too." sere it1.g'rllitnrn,--liandralre and pain. dollen are lcllolvn to twat a. powerful 111th1unce on the liver and kidneys, re- storing them to 11600101 notion, Wee - leg a regular flow of the secretions Anil imparting to the organs coin civ porter to perform their functions, There vnhlab(e ingredients enter bete the rem- ItosaL!o!1 of Ru,melueet Vegetable Pulls And. serve to render them the agreonble and saloon: nlndlrmo they arc, Time are few puha so effective as they, in their action. A PTtAC'l'ICAL RING. King Victor Emmanuel of Italy is not a play !ting or a figurehead, if the stories that come from time to time tell truly of 1118 activ- ity. His foreign minister, says a writer in Leslie's Weekly, asked hint to sign a decree for enlarging the force of the foreign office, '1'11e k1)19 promised to think the matter over, The next morning he set Out on foot alone to visit, the oillce. Arriv- fhg 1n ' at nine o'clock, ho found no one there but, a solitary idle cleric. "What are the hours of this oilice?" asked the king, "Froin eight till twelve," wee the reply, 'And when may I expect to sec your co1160gus6?" '^1`lioy generally turn alp aboat elovert." "Very well, Tell your Odd when he comes that 1 have been hero," Whet leis majesty stint for the min- ister, and seggested that indeed of asking for more merles he nilo11111 melte it, his hus11)00e to sea that Hume already employed - did their nay. - It is Good for lean and, Timet.,—Not cure most stubborn eases In a nlarvt- only is Pe Thornes' Erlertric Oil of Incomparable value Dl ton household, loads S11m1 111110, If , 1('010 Led Cn- yo but tnc fu m r tar u.nd s n 1 t ecu ,un mull dad It very Heroic/mine in Lim farm yard 1 o(rn1f a Rent: 11:7 a slice jU of IL's and on the cattle range, often mt. ly yrt.mrS ,Sl,.ild)t1J,t lf8 jllsC as Pf- e v 0r n. the services i et in r -v surgeon, In melee. 50 cents, -57 Injnn•ies to stork and b1 cases Oe _ tout, Ts there anything you don't need and pains it can be used with good of - Mrs. 1ircDnff—"This paper says that mice are attracted by inus10) but I don't believe it," alfc1)uff—"Why not?" Mrs. MCDlllT—"Because I nev- er see any nic0 around when I plev the piano." Mc)u0'—"Well, that's no excuse for doubting the paper's !Where Doctors de Agree!—Physicians no tenger consider it catering 10 ,"g1:nckery" in' recommending in prac- lice so meritorious a remedy for indi- gestion, Dyspepsia and Nervousness ss Soulh American Nervine. They rea. lista that it is a step in advance in med- 1 ice! science and a sure and permanent cure for diseases of the stomach. IL wI11 cut's you. -60 The aggressive man who always events to take things into his own hands 19' never satioilod unless 11e 10 taking tho things that don't belong to hint, YOUNG MEN Or CANADA AND YOUNG WOMEN T00. get a RResiness or Shorthand education nothing will pay yrlu so well, and no school can do an well for you as the old successful Canada Business Col- lege of llmnflton. WO can place 800 of our grlldentes in good situations during the incoming year. We did it this year and can do it again. This is Me old reliable College of Canada,- establishepd 44 3(0(1.5; 2 0 ye000 uud6r presall principal. Over 3,000 grade-. ales in successful business Iife, !fry it. Write R. li, GALLAGHER, Principe!, C. 13. College, Hamilton, Ont. Y. 1y1. C. A. i1u11d1ngs, 11Ir. Grumpps—"I'd just like to know what good all these cooking - school lessens are doing our daugh- ter." Mrs. G.—"Everything she coops she brings !home." "Yes; anti nae of tho family will touch 'en aand way." the things are just thrown they ago not. She gives thorn to tramps," "Ugh/ What good does that do?" "We are getting rid of thettramps, A debt of 9(1111tude is generally the ha1•dest kind to ' collect. that I might take?" asked the rag- and-bone man, watching Jones throwing rubbish into the dust -bin, "Yes," snapped l1,d Jones, "a bath!" ," Ono trial of Mother Cleaves" Norm Ex- terminator Will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medtctne, 1(ey a bottle and see ff it does eat please you. Young 1Tusband (to wife)—"Dido t I telegraph to you not to bring your mother with you?" Young Wile—"I know, ''Hat's what she wants to 00e' you about. She read the telugralnt'" sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way, Buy Sunlight Soap and follow direo;ioas, First. Actor—Many a time my poor old father implored me not to become an aelor." Second Aolor—Dont mar- ry, old man—you didn't." When in town, buy 'The DAL" Mfontbol Planter. Try it tureen:elide or rheuntatia peeps. It in the boat and simplest thing and will only cos isle. —r - A sneeessful man is the ono Who is f Mile to persuade others to accept him at his own valuation. Bargain n List of Farms mailed free. ALF. BROWN, Dept. K, Flog, n Ont: Practical. Every trey tern Nm on FARM ACODUNTS For 75o, post 1111 PARAS Puts. House, Ilex 931(, Chi,tltnm,Do D. 1-1. F:.7ASTECEo & CO. ;Ulu MA00FACTURER0 1 r, 77 =0.sq.a. ACC/month, Ti ostmc ms+r.,a LADIES' and (MEN'S FUR and FUR -LINED COATS. Itrerythiag in Tura Rend far catalog, n1,. p°:y highest prloea. Sa°d RAW FURS fur price hat,. 4�+�f�i't ¢>;24�ik'1• �i-h3:E+ts�•?�•4•!:t �•S.Ei' � s> ERS! $, eg This is the h season 1(t the year w tOa Y n u need to a+e every roatiuu with your attack, list + ,wa of Our a S . CO )K TONIC Send ethosrecedes you Item the boat g5araaee of health t., your eetcli1. 4 - Valuable Advice Free ,, Use it and boeomo your (urn vesorieery ;O + surgeon. ri The VETERINARY SPECIALTY CO:, Limited 1 saa1uNOAi'lUl ' t �r. UNTU WY F. •a:1-t-zt , 4:E+:E'o-•DE+A-t3:c+):l+it$i:i+1 ISIS MENTAL CALIBRE. Eiggs—So the phrenologist who ex- amined your head wasn't very com- plimentary, eh? Ufgg:3( 1 should say not. Ile to13 me 1 was cut out for a society man. Sudden transition from a hot to a UTtemporeturn oepo8ure to rain, sit-. ting in a draw gnu unroaoonahlo sub tuLiion of !holt for heavy eintlling„ 'are h'uithll 0011000 or colrls and the result nut rough so perilous to persons . of weak lungs. A name the many lrledictr. e for bronchial disorilere so orto,ug, them - is none better than nlekie'e Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup, Try It and -become eonviaced. Price (15 conte. Husband (newly rearrie 1)—"Don't. you think, love, if I were 10 sm0140, • it Would spoil the curtains?" Wife-- "Alt! ife—"Ah! you are really tho most ensile, (iso and thoughtful husband to be ound anywhere—cortaialy it would," Ilusband—"Weil, than, take the cur- tains down." Succors In Lee Is dependent upon gond henna. . you aro out of sotto, ill or feeble, take IPorrovirn." It's tate test tonic, 01 boatel 111aodi0108 dealers Gregson (in alarm)—"Great -Scott: 've left my puree under lay pillow" isllor—"Oh, well, your servant is most, isn't elle?" clregson 'That's just it—she'll tante it to 'any vire," They 'Wake the Torpid 7Onor lea•—Ma. rbluery not pf°early supervised and lett to rule itself, very soon shows fault i1( Pts working. It 1-, the sante with the 4. di:ensi.led (I090)18. Unregulated from time to time they nee likely t0 become torpid end throw the whole esteem out of gear. Parmelee's Vegetable Pi11a I were made to meet such muses. They P restore to tura full the nagging facut- tics, and bring into order all parte of h the echo ti atl lv t sato NATURE'S FIrtST LAW. "If ,you please," announced the grimy little person, who had jus: tapped nt, the door, "mother wants t0 know if you will kindly lend her your preserving -kettle'?" "Po11, said the lady of the house c hrbien:4y, "I would do so with pleasure, but the last time I obliged your mother ,'he preserved it so elr'er:- tively that 1 haven't seen it since." A look of extreme hauteur passed Ow the mn.idee's countenance. "'Very troll," she Said. "There's no need to be nasty about it. The old thing was full of holes when wo borrowed it, and mother wouldn't have troubled to mak sett again, 0nte. we seo'd you bringing home a new nu." T111 N TI111 DINERS TITTERED, In a rest[tm'a.nt recently a gentle- man loft his wife for a few momenta to chat with an aequailltance at an- other table, and while he was those hie friend persuaded him to partake of some lamb. Uncles a misapprehension tloo Wait - 0r removed the lamb before he had eaten it, whereupon ho exclaimed, "Geminate, Where Is my lamb?" Ills wife, Overhearing the question, anstyeeed in a clear voice, ?°I'1Ct'e l am, eterlillg." 1I nien seldom acts like a tole'. tri ' bake he's the real thin, faith 'You cannot 6o expected to have faith in Shitoh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, ase cure for Cowls, Coughs and at[ diseases of the air pa s, if you Iowa tier triad -ib Wo have fault i1( n, and we guarontee. ii. If it doesn't euro you it costs you nothing. If it does it costs you 25a. that's fair, Try it to -day. Shiloh has cured many thousands of the pie, t obstinate eases, and we do not hesitate to say that it will cure coy Cold, Cough, Throat tar I.rrdg trouble. if we .rid not Lolfevc this we would not guarantee Shiloh has had on Unbroken record of success for thirty year!. It has stet4 may 130)4(ilc 104 m !:tout Whim. Furter Povof is found m the malty tcstlmosuals of diose who hays triexl Shiloh end been Cured, Mo. Archie Taylor, Asaph, Pa., writes[ "i he,ghl a bee et Shiloh'R Conownpden nue wad found It say bes11 i°t 16a40two dhilrlroo, and day h 4 to 0ml,le X11®h. 10011 neem hie,11 mold. i, of, t ttheq 1 nn brtkt, and oh° uvontap :":13.,hwhee Ioua7or a boulo,0. INrtloh. W. saveto she 1,gdrew muse (haaatt went !o I,ed, cad .kat ill night. !t Lured ewe�nmpktn7. ! a6ami! a sys kelp ft gate boom B e, Wlht,. Mpntna'. Cud' m ifss ISSUE NO1 54-45,