HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-21, Page 51. Merry e Christmas At thio eoaentl of the year everybody woarti a happy smile 80 dou't forget to nit for your Photo, at our H1 uiio, Gallery open for b11sinees on Xingu and Now roan, Comp early, Family Groupe a Specialty. All work guaranteed. Wieling my niauy Customers n Merry Xnuts and happy New Your, _ ■ ; RE ER Prat Bats 1tcnts Trus time for the Calendar fiend has arrived, Nsxr Monthly Horse Fair in Brussel° will be held on T'bureday Jemmy 4th. See advt. ou page 6, OoNDO0To11 Jobs Qum Wee presented with u handeOme Gila umbrella by u 8818 of hie friends at the London House, Lan- dou, ou the mouton of hie ratiremeut from Barytes' on the G.'1'. 11, A. CissAte 13on0mn,—The Elliott Iiu8ine2a Uohoge Of Toxnbio is doing a splendid work in training young men and women for positions lie steoographere, book. keepers, a&fue clerks, bueineee college teaohere, oto. The demand for Its graduates Is always in oaoeae of the supply. The 11011ege eujoye a large attendance, and its roputaofou for !Int- uition work 18 well known. The Winter Term opens on Tuesday Jan. 2nd. Write to the Prinoip8l, W. J. Elliott, fur n tetalogue of his 8ouool, if you are interested in a busiueos education. EDDOATiON OF MB PA012188 Scar,— Among the Ubrlebmas Meilen arriving at tine Milos, none is worthy of more at. teutioo than the hullduy umber of the "Farmer's Advocate sad home Maga. zine," of Loodou, Ont. As an exponent 08 Agriouitore Mug eeientlfi0 Mud 8d. vaned lines, the '.9'armer'n Advocate" stands to the trout lifty.two weeks in the year,and s n 80( example of line up•tu• date jeur0ali8m, thio p18rtioul80 number deeerve8 our hearty 81011gri8Ggleti0n8. The illgebretione, which intend° au en. graviug on the ouvar of the 0ple1rdid new buildiug just oompleted for the Welt ern editiun of the paper in Winnipeg, are very tine, many of them being feenee typioal of Canadian agriculture as it le carried on from the Atlautio to the PBailic, Special uncles appear from the pane of many able writers, ivaluding Bath men me J. W. Beagougli ; W. H• Collins, of the G0010610081 Survey of 08oada ; Hon. John Dryden ; Rev Father Burke, President of the P. E. I. 1 raie-growera' Aseooiutiou ; 0. W. Young, British Columbia ; G. H. Par moue ; John Gould, Onio, with a group of timely pithy artiolea contributed by the presidents of the various Proviooial AgrioUltural Colleges on the adulation of the lar21er'0 sou, JNo. 141.OALLIBTa1 Dn2D. — On Sunday morning, 10th lust., ad R. T. Molnt08h,of Seetortb, was driving on the London road, abut a mils and a had North of Bromfield, las 11otioed a man lying on the roadside. Hie feet ware partly in the water iu the dhoti and trona appearauoed he thought him deed. Mr. McIntosh 8880E to Mr• eloliaigb1'e near by and in o0lupauy with than retorutd to the body, On Moser mm01806(100 they louod the man 8186 0101 gone dead but life bourne extinct iu a few minutes while they ware attending him. They at 00)0 notified Dr, Rogers, of-Bruoefield, who in tarn notified Dr. Shaw, of Oliutou, coroner, and be and Mr. Frenub, manager of the House of Retage, took *Marge of the body. Tee rant wee Jno. iiIOAllieter, He woe 82 ye8r8 of age mud had been 3811 inmate of the 80080 of Refuge for come time, He formerly belonged to Bromide, He wuudered from the lienee of Refuge dur. lug the morning and Mumble ill or ex - hammed tell over Red the ;Auk queuobed the feeble spark of life. It is not likely that be had bean long lying where be w1,. f)uud orb old a would have been diem*eared nether se there were many people passing elong the road to church daring the fore- noon. Mr. MoAllieter weem*8tpenter by trade, without relatives, and when l umble to earn bid own livelihood watt to the House of Refuge where he has spent sev• oral years. Hu was given it good deal of liberty by Keeper French se he was a smart old man with ono weakness, a tend- ency to Indulge 600 freely in the intoxi- eating bowl. Nuns 315,000 PAID 8011 PODLTDY AT Baue0sL$.--'1'hi8 has beau a very busy num to poultry shipping at Brunets, the birds b8iug brought from long diatau• sen owing to the top notch prioee paid. To set the ball rolliug H. Ueorgetorward- ed 3 ton of feathered tdrkoyo to the 0,d Ocnotry on Nov. 25th, at a valuetian of over 3700 00. Then fullowed a ehipment of 3400 or 3600 worth of poultry to Lon• dun byJarred Elliott. Robert. Thomson dieoouuted all previous outputs however, sad had it regular little army of halpete for tveeka killing, puking, peeking and shipping the unprecedented arnhotgnmente to Winnipeg. He Mad over 120,0.00 poande of ,reseed poultry, 50% of whioto were tgrkeyd l 20,000 pounds of geese 22,000 puede of Spring ohiokene ; 8,000 pounds fowl ; and 0,000 pomade duke. Over 318,000 were paid out by Mr. Timm - sen, The weather was very favorable,. fortunately, and the elliprneete were made in firm Mass form, Auntuer year ail danger from ohange of temperature will be obviated by the ufoapstion of the modern Cold Storage block built thlo Fall by Mr. Thomson where all kinds of produce will be handled at tbo bighted market price. Brunie takes no 0e0ond 51e with any DI the looal mm'k018 and wimimebe in a pooition to do better than 8981 auot110r year. In addition to 5118 above 0entioued tlipreute there 00118 1101 a taw untidier tote forwarded to out. side naetomees by our bedtime men and the10*61 supply was Superior to many poet years. Punnets have nettling on t their farms that yield baIter bturne for capital thwarted than their poultry Red TIPoet het it on good authority that 1900 will ems a groat ad9nn08 in thio lino, both in quantity and gaalfty, Mr. Thomson uertai1ly deserve(' credit for hie 011808p8i86 and we hope be may be re. 1 warded Ananoiully In n moat eabi8Xootory style. Tee people of Brussels trod 8t1r- 1•uunii3ngeuuutry appreointe no faith in the town. Mr. Thumouu ['aye he wee well saddened with the shape the poultry mime iu thio year, The mulling out of poor, shinny birds other yours had a tendenoy to improve the quality of delivery, The farming community have not boon elow to 18uqueint ►hemeeivee with the u(088Bi. tree of the more also tied linos the im. !movement hue been of mutant pruHt to both buyer and teller, Demi O8' Mug Time. AINf14r,—Although not um:evened the death el Mr8, 1:1104, Alnlay 001 Monday ev80iog of lust week 0111018 dumewhat oltddeuly, She had been affected With heart trouble and had been ailing for over a year but until the Met day wits able to be around, lu the morn ing the wee feeling worse and medical aid uvea 'summoned but her beset teemed to have beau worn out and elle died in the afternoon. The deueased, wboee maiden frame 0080 Elrzx Jaue Smith, wart born iu the township of Hamiit00, Northumber• land County and 81 the tune of her death Wee Whet 65rd year. She tette m801100 to Mr. Atuhay in Porrytown, in Hope Oonoty and had lived in that neighbor. hood for two or three years, thou gomiug West and living its Brussels for about' twelve year°, Mr. and Mrs. Alnlay have reelded ill Listowel for the past eixte8,6 years, Mr. Aaolsy being employed In the Hees teatery et that time, afterwards going over to the Piano Factory, where he has slue been 0ugaged. They bad no family. The 1uu0ral took muse ou Wedneoday aftern000 to Fairview 00210 eery, Rev. Mr. MoOamus ounduoting an apprupriebe service. Among 11oo0 from a 1000tana8 were Wm. Alulay, and pare. Jno. Wyun, of TOruut0 ; Mrs. 011088. Ain• lay and daughter from tiarr(8ton ; Wet. 80n and airs. Walley, W. H. Taut/realism, E. U. Danford and Geo. aud Mrs. Birt, mud daughter, of Brussels, Mesdames and Juo, Clegg, of Morris. Y ordwlch. Robett Garnbie ban purohaeed C. Severn's 6omfurteble home for about 3800. The Roy al Template have poetpon801 their open meeting and debate to Tuuoo. nay evening 28olt iuet. On Monday evening they paid a fraternal vent to Listowel. The Woman's Auxiliary of Trinity church held their annual meeting on Dec 7 at whiob the to:lowing off:Mere were elected for 1906:-Pre s,Mr% W. Donaghy ,Vice _Sees., Mrs.' Wee. Hutt ; Sao., Mrs. Wm. Wallace ; Treat., Mose, E. Spinke ; Purohaeiug Uommittee, Mre. Watters, Mro, A. Spink8 and Mrs. Wtn. Wade. The following are the ofifoere of Jubilee Conned, Nu. 229, 1t. T. of T. for 1906 :— S. 0., S. Gregg ; V. 0. Mies L. Brown ; 08189., Geo. Walkey ; R. S., H. W. Laird ; F. S., W. Watters ; Trete., U. Walkey ; Herald, Norman Gibson ; Guard, Mee M. Sotheran ; Sentinel, B. Downey ; Organist, &lids M. McKee ; Trustee, J. 81, Rogers ; P. 0. H. W. Laird, Offiuere of L. 0. L, No. 642, were elect- ed 1,e nohow] :—W. M., Tuos. Goggin ; D, M. Jura. Campbell ; Uhap,, I, Gamble ; 1t. 8., W. Dorbett ; F. S., 1V. Goggle ; True., it. S. Cook ; Leot., J. W. Soott ; 1), of C , Arthur Sputtun ; Oum., Jae. Douglas, W. H. Newton, W. A. Edwards, Jus, Hametcokl W. Wooer I Tyler°, W. Mee and V. Framer. Whir 1)O WOMEN MUFF= Sub pate (8,111 endure the 8011010 of uervoad headache when 25o, buys a Huta mire Nervihue 1' A low drops :n 881eatea. ed water brings oufailiug renef, Yu fee better at ones, your braced up,invigorut ed, beadaohe goes away after one doeo. The ouoaeiouel 1180 of Nerviline preveuts ludige8tiun and etomaoh disordere— keep8 up health and strength. Every woman Aeede N010111ne and shoulduse it too. In 25 0. bottles everywhere. i1lo1e, woz,Ult. NBteex No228,—The Miesiuuury Band of the Preobyteriau Unroll held au open meeting on Nov. Sorb when the obildreu showed bow tbey bad used their talent money, web of thorn besting received live Dente 10(60 Spring, The total prooeedd were 328, several having a8 bigh as 31.60 (106801 to 25 menta. It le a grand idea to interest the children in missionary work and Mrs. Baruch deserves great oredit for the sine she has t e aka❑ with p 1 the work. —Samuel S SangeEer delivered lour flue Oat11e to drover Scott at Ethel for whiob he received the euug sum of 3288. They averaged 1690 the 018oh,— Grainger re Armstrong are buoy on their timber limit which they purchased from W. R. Belden a year ago, '1'bey have a number of men at work on it matting wood, eto.—Several of the road divielons are doing their statute labor. It may be 211013ht, but it Malmo the road had for the Warta autil the (now grate deep, — Mrs McKee, of Stratford, le spending a mouth with Maude in Ode vi0inity, 00011 panting atter her severe illness,—Donald Menzies is home after hie [mason's ah088e. making He will be properoog for open. tei0u tt Molesworth i11 the Spritlg,—•John Sa03018r, of the Farming World, spent m new dnye with his mother. — The many friends of Mro, Robertson sr., will be glad to hear that she hae recovered her until health after her tt resent a n aak of iilue The homestead of the lute Geo. M0Do(I. aid hate been pur0hased by Mr. Birlett, 8rd son. of Wallace.—E, Armstrong and W, Elliott have numbed tun job of 8utti0g 50 cordo of wood for H. Ar218trong, 48008260 AND PAnelNTATION, --- A very 58088601 time was 85081 ou the evening ut Nov, 7611 at the home of John A. Mao. Donald when a goodly number erf hie brother Forootere and their wives gather- ed to bid him god bye erg he departed to the Northw001. The timet putt of the 1veniug was Spent In social interoouroe after which Bro. Onmpbell 0, R., took the chair and called the gathering to order. Atter n few remarks he mulled on Bro. Mo$ee to read the following madman :-- Demi Stu 261D &Liana18, — Wei a few of your brother Foresters on being apprised of your near departure for the Northweet, thought it proper to aseem111e at your borne and spend an evening with you and your estimable family. We are flurry to tole you from our Court for as a brother we have stereo foiled yen kind and true and ready to (to a brethor'o part ; ready to oyipathlee with th08e fn trouble and rejoin lth thou in proeperity. Ae atf o an • Curt o1, have been 0(e • officer f n e r g0tic 89111 a:raut, having filled Ibe poei• 11011 of Reo,•Soo. for the pact year Very ofil0iently, To show 0nr appreciation of your good qu1811tiee and as a memento of 111( plea8ant times We have spent together • -P4141 up Iil;Nlatyh FUN 1/ N. 3. MOORS, President. T1100,110(110810481, Allreetnra $1,000,000 $1,000,uuo D. B. TI'fOhfPYN, IC C. Viee•President, J110, I0711010 /11811071011 Dtn, W. MORTIe611n 0[41,0, 00 01. 30018 Flltex'11110010 dff!'Jwar 01314X11145° MONEY 010Db11(8 lowed payable at any 86 and under acenls town 1n OANA.Da taxeopt the Yukon'l'orritnrrl 0800 0,6,11 (o 010 00 a oe111 rattle0701' 810.W to 83100 1m Aente without charge, at the following r oyer esu mm Ee 811,01 le outs DRAFTS for larger am0n0t8 henna at 18a80utb18 rause maths at all bakieg Volute in CANADA or VN1Tl011 STATES. Saar 4S DAWN Bran ninwr Intermit at HIGHEST 0U1t1ZENT RATES allowed on all throe of 31 and npwarde a?9a3,'vssae'x'zae'a�' VadXcill A. E. M.ELLISII, Manager. we would ask you to auoopt utile pin. Hoping you 01141 your 081i2111110 wife may be prospered by our Heavenly Father io your tv amoral home ata that ultim(404 we rosy all meet In fthe Heavenly Uourt. Above Maned Of/ behalf of Douro Moles. worth, No. 518, 0. 0. F. H. UAuroOLL, 0, It, D. Rose. V. O. R„ Lt, Autt°TBUNO, Preae., Ono, llunsursoN, F. S. The presentation was made by Bro. b'loeeuoe after which Bro. Monou8ld re• plied veryfseriugly, &haunting the bretb• ren, atter w111011 a bountiful supper 00188 eartaken of and the pro00eding8 %Deed by singing Auld Lang Syne. YOtlit 1PIN0R+OUT STOMA,060. Whit it needs to the strengthening in- fluence of Dr. Hamiltan'e Pihe—they wurk marvels where the 81o1080h and digestion are poor.. In one day the appetite inereade0 and tbo robots system to rapidly strengthened, No otumaeh 0peotaliet uouid write a better prescription than Dr. Humilton'e Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. At all dealers In e yellow box, price 26a., or five boxes for one dollar. ta9nto>tz. Jobe D8ymtnt i8 superintending the ma058uter work for the new menthes be. ing oouetruoted for the (Milton Threeller Co. Owing to the Cuneus of her brother 10 Ua11180016, Mrs. J. 0. Stevenson had gone to see him and may be away a mouth or two. Mee. J. Hodgeue will go to California in a few days, where ebe will spend the Winter with a brother sue has not seen for 40 years. A 008nimone invitation has been ex. tended to Rev. T. W. Neal, of Toronto, to accept 1110 pastorate of Watley Macho. distoburob next June. The well•known firm of Rnrnball & MBhleth le to be .dteeolvod, but the busineeo will condone to be oarried on by one of the pr008ut firm. 4, G. Medd has acrid hie barbering bueiueee to Fred. Whitely, woo hae been working in town. Mr. Mead's Meelth baa beau poor for some time. W. L. Galbraith, who hes eonduoted the billiard room for the past year (01111 a half, bas disposed of the business to Mr. Marshall, of Kingston. In view of the submission of the water. works bylaw, and the work that will bo entailed in tarrying out tie provisions when carried, Mayor Hoover bee 0010 minted to again be a amudidate for the Mayoralty, and he will likely be elected by auularnatioo, The Bylaw to raise 320,000, Dover. ing a period of 20 years, to provide u syetom of Watertvorko 002188 before the people on eleotiou day. It praotioally ravers the whole town for -fire protea• tion Dud other purposes. Every proper. ty owner wi'l derive (erne advantages, We Wish You A l l the Happiness of the olil�y Season In•ortler to augment thir happi- ness we have carefully 0510880 goods for this Beason. Pump us to quote the uatne8 of a few of the goodo,810 have :- 3'o rdinereN Toy's Calle Diehea Dolls Salad Dishes Perfumes Caps and Saucers Handkerchiefs Lamps Oranges of all kinds and man other - tioles that oahnot faa1• fail to give pleasure. LlacDONADD •BROS, Jamestown t Highest prioe for Farm Produce, Rev. Jonas Greens, of Clinton, has in the request of the on8Erro(8u, ooueented to supply the work an Thn20elord air - mitt until Ooufererloe meets, The omen that wore axpooted to Como up for tele! at Blyth, 1030611er with the eouuter.olaim entered by the defendants, were all adjourned until the February eittiog et the Ouort owing to the ab,enoe of a material w'it11eee. A short time ago, the Grand Trunk Railway, which had bitherto refa0ed to recognize the Maim at ell, made an offer of the eetti0ment to Mrs. Hall, for the death of her eon. It hue not yet been uooepted, though she stated terms upon which she is wiping to drop proceedings. Lars -rte. weal. Miss 0rfltu Meyer1 returned home atter being away for some time vi0iting in 108118higa0, The report of the fire brigade showed there hal been eleven 0%118 for fire dur ing the year. Dr. Roy Seeking to home from New Ontario, and will spend the holiday with hie parents in town. The Ladir e i1 Kuox Church soared a big enema withtheir bazaar, whioh arae bald in Ile Town Hall, The fir8( 18u00al ball of the Listowel Fire Brigade will be held in MoDouald'e made hall on Friday evening, December 29th. Invitations are out for a wedding on Ohrietmae day, when Mise Viola- Spears will be united in marriage to Alvin Bricker. The eighteenth anniversary of the 31801)odi01 aharob 0780 celebrated on Sou. day with- special services, Rev. T802184 Griffith, M. 9., of &ret Uburoh, St. Thome, preached. A fine of 325 and outs 81180 imposed on J. Boebmer, proprlelor of the Queeu'd by P. M.'rerhuue, after bearing a Dom. p18iut laid by Richard Ssameu, father of Reg. Seamen on the ground that hie eau, who I8 a minor was served with driuke at the Q0eeu'e. The evidence of the boy and Other witnessed went to show that it was ginger beer that wad asked for and served. The magtetrate, however, thought otherwise, and imposed the find as above. Ouse will probably be amanied. de-sava4)01. The U. 0, F. At Home proved to be a 0000880 both o08ially end fioa11oially. (leo. Hiles, 10611 Don„ bold hie black driver to a Mt. Forrest buyer for 3226. Robb. Taylor bee purchased the 100 80re farm of J. Alexander, neer Britton Rud gate p0608e01011 io February. At the meeting of the trustees of til Atwood publfo soboot to 18ppoiet a prim 01pa1, the 11081880 selected D. G. Auder- 0on,editor of "the Bee" and for nine and one•bulf yours a former prinoipal of the school, The annual meeting of the Elam ooneervative Aeboeiation wan held iu the Agrlouhurel Heil, Atwood, There was a good atteudeuoe and muob important business was tntos0oted. The following officers were elected I Pres„ W. J. Gunter ; fat Vice Pres., Jae. Mitchell, 2nd Vioe Free., Cyrus Lomas; Se0.1r0100., Cyrus Harvey. The old Executive Committee were 18.eleete31, Cameron Struthers and Ed, Huts were s o t a bootin in the huh behind g ab 11d D, Edger's ou the 8th ooh when the doge started a wild oat. Oi600000 saw (Ma eat firat walking Solna distance ahead of him. He had only flue °bot iu hie rilie bat be let blaze and Mr. Oat took to a tree. Then Ed, took a allot at the animal and wounded him but not fatally, Meantime Cameron bad been re -loading and taluug a steady atm he fired and down tumbled tbo oat as deed as he ootid be. The maimed wee very large, weighing 23 pomade end certainly looked oapOble of making a hard tussle with any 008 who got too neer him. About ten o'olooll Wednesday night of last week the fire bell rang and the 0111• zone hurriedly turned ono to find Dr. Langrill'e frame olfio8 in flumes. It wine dean thee there would be etrenuone work eg11ired to sale the re0iden0es of Mrs. W. D, Milobeil and Ed. Huck. The crowd responded uobly and in a short time ked subdued the &emus that broke out 00 the undoes, Windows and ebiugleo of the two houses. Many wome0 worked valiantly at the pulnp0 and oar- riod water. It wee a lime fire while it lasted, The wind blew from the West and emrried the sparks and meat in. Ienee beat away from the homes, other. 81isea different story might be written. Ar. Langr,h's loos lea complete one, in - eluding all hie 10edi8in8, flue library • e STILL GROWING Demand for Mi -o -0(a Stomach Tablets Continues to Increase, i3Al0ho gh 8318.0•na wee introduced to Brusible but a short time ago, it ie today onttelling all abet medicines for the mire of indigestion and atom. ash tronble8. Mi.o•na almost invariably puree ail forme of indigestion end domed] ire ub1esdxo except n p o1, Der, Itf yea sub to the wonkeet healthand thatallthe food is readily unversed into nutrition, go than It gives nourish. meut and health to the whole 8y0tem. In thlo way nervousness anti 01eeples8, nese are cured ; be8ds01188 back. Robes, and rh0021mtia pante are pre- vented, and there will be no more poor appetite, distreee after eating, heart•buru, or debility. Mi.0.08 outs bet 500, a box. Ifo n d n Y a not obtain Mi• .o o n of Your dr nKgi et 11 Will be sent by mail port -paid, on receipt of prion, Write 0e for schism on your use from a loading etomaoh 8pe0iniiet Whiob will be sent free, The 1t. T. Booth Com. party, 111100a, N. 2. i.,elr0m0nte and oleetrio battery, eye G at note and other valuebl0 038000. lr. lione'e thrinture wee somewhat to. Oleo Ida lair greute81 damage flee done u floor, o'/.(.le and woodWork, One ut 1010810 pl88eing inolden0s in1.1 life, Wilton do not gomgr 1,e often as they abound, transpired at the home of Jno. S. and 11208, Cowan, 10th con„ Beet, Bator. day evening, 9th iuet„ when the friends and neighbors of Mae. and Sirs. Olaeun, assembled to do honor to the worthy ocupl0 who were 8008 to leave the line for the city 01 Stratford, 2t 19100 s goodly omnpeny and the spirit of good will and neighborly Wootton breathed over the gathering. Atter all had assembled, T. G. Rat oliffe, of At wood, a former teacher of the eeotion, trapped forward and read an appreoiat• rive addreee and at the tight moment, John Irwin, a life time friend and neighbor, presented to Mr. Mason, a handsome chair, and Mrs. J. Cowan likewise preowned Mrs, Mason with a elinil8r gift, and Miss Effie Buchanan made the dauhter, Miss Elizabeth, the recipient of a handsome drawing ease, Needless to say that the worthy couple and their daughter were nearly over. name at thou ma0iteetatio00 of the 0018em and love of their neigbbo.'e. However, Mr. Mason made a stiffest'e 1eply after whioh the 8000tnb1801 gather. ing partook of lunch end spent a fewhomehappy hoe together. Hene,al IL 4, W, 0rtwoin contemplates patellae. toga farm whiob he would run in oonnea tion with his more. Mre. John MOArth11r lee returned to then after spending a week with her Meter, Mre, E. A, Shaw, of Lyons, J. E, MrDenoel and Fred Smallacombe were 0800nd and third in the vote foe Meanie iuspeatorohip for South Huron, Mrs. Gardiner, sister of Mrs, James Moore, has been lying ill in Harper's Hospital, Detroit, eofferiog from pnea• mouia end typhoid (ever. Robert L8rnaer, stage driver between Henault and Zurich, entered on the 20th year of his avocation in Novem*er. Robert bas driven during this long period CRinr1011 SPECIAL BARGAINS From now until January 1st, 1900, we will toll Ladies' Olath Coats at Slaugh- ter primas, They are mate that were left over and not Wieldy np-to-dale, 'but all gond goats, some are long and others are medium and short, lengths, tomo have largo and others medium sleeves. They will be sold in three lots at different prices, Every moat must bo cleared out before January 1st, and we have marked them at prices that will do it, LOT Ladies' mud Misses Jackets and Coate, made of beaver, tweed and homespun, in black, brown and gray, original prices were 32,60, 38.50 and 34, Your choke for .50 LOT Ladies' Coats, made of beaver, marina and tweed, in brown, black and navy, in different lengths, regular prioee were $6, 36 and 37. Pour ohoioe for,...,.1.00 LOT 3 Leaies' Mantles, made of fine beaver, kersoy and homespun, to fawn, brown, fray and 1110011, in different lengths, the prices were 37.50, $9 and $10. Your ohoioe 1.50 These are ridiculously low prices, but the goods must be told before January let, no matter at what sacrifice. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES Our stook of Christmas Groceries is now complete in all the different lines, such as Raisins, Currants, Pigs, Dates, Shelled Almonds and \Valuate, Poultry D.essing, Mixed Spice, Icing Sugar, Extracts, Lemon, Citron and Orange Peels, Prunes, etc. over 150,000 milee tbroagh 80orm and tnuehine. He has had a few misbape but nothing of a serious nature. Reeve Smsllaoombe informs the Observor that be will not be in the run'bening for DamaraofnGe , 0.al 0(ors. We Petty, 1,11ear W. Oriwein Owen Geiger and Hugh Mo• Donald mentioned for the Reeveehip. It wee rather an amusing trick that J. E. MoDoonel played on Peter Hansen the other night, John had been up at Clinton, and o0 arriving home drove to the Uommerofal Mettle and requested I Pete to attend his horse. Pete did not recognize him and put the horse into the stable. After he had returned John went Ont and took the horse to his own stable behind the store. Judge of Petor'o oon8ternation in the morning 00 finding the horse stolen as he believed. He could neither eat nor Bleep and when informed of the truth gave -a great eigh of relief. Strictly Th q One Price R1:;:e c� l_O„t LRISTMAS SBOPPJMi Another year has almost sped by and the season of joy is again at hand. The ques- tion that confronts us each yeas is before us now. What shall we give him or her ? We are more ready than ever to auswer this question for you. The store is replete with hundreds of gift -giving things of both useful and ornamental kind both for young and old. At this time when needs are Inany and gift -giving brings your wants to the highest point it is important to make your purchase at this store where you get the most for your money. When planning your Christmas purchases, the question will arise as the most desirable place for your shopping. We are in a position to supply your wants. It will be our pleasure to demonstrate the fact that we give the greatest value to be found. Ladies' Department New Silk Blouses in Japanese and T,.ffetta, large variety, prices ranging from $2,75 to $5.00. Ladies' Stook Collars, in Silk Embroidered, Chiffon, all the newest Novelties, raogiug iu price from 25c to 32.00. NOW is the time to buy your Fancy Linen, These Goods are imported direct and we are in a position to offer extra values, Fanoy Doylies iu hand -embroidered and Teneriffu. See our display of Fancy Linen Table Covera, Tray Clothe and Sideboard Scarfs. Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Gents This season we have made a special purchase of an import sample lot of Ladies' White .Embroidered and Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs, in all 105 dozen, which we plana on sale for the Holiday trade at exactly half prfoe, bee these lines and compare prices, —5 dozen only Gents' Fanoy Brocaded Silk Handker- chiefs, worth regular 31.00, Special for Christmas at exactly half price, 60c. —8 dozen only Gants' Fancy Oolored Silk Handkerchiefs, worth regular 50o, Speoial for$rnae 260 each. --Ladies' and Gents' Liueu and Sfik 0101181 Handker ohiefo from 20o to 75o each. ', Big Purchase of handsome Far Garments Bought at Saving Prices by Us For Men and Women Will be Sold at Sig "—+ Saving Prices to :You Fur Coats, Fur Janke ts, Fur Caperines, Ruffs and Stole Collars Muffs and Gauntlets and Caps of Every Good Fur. These goods have all been bought with the maker's guarantee of good qualityand will be s makers and our guarantee. We will stand behind any old to you with the below the regular. We can afford to give every customer a saving of $8.00 to113B 0ht 01 an Para ilii prprio amor4- ing to the size of the purchase. This with perfect assurance that every piec0 of fur is reliable both as tortgnal ty and newness of style and freelances of make, is a strong argumeut why you should meow: assortment before buying, 50 gSeUe.ITImGoSugto hceuste aanrd8 mneltbleksuimngea°, orey, ootftrS10ao8t18o0h(1, 1E0,ueglfsf8n1fdonIrfgenhaTawueteeedd and Ser- $15.00 Select Your Christmas Good Will [livings A Nice Pair A Nice of Gloves Tie 50e to50 2. �� � 25c i to 50c front our Choice and Fresh Stock of Gentlemen's Furnishings. Ai handsome Fancy Vest t $ s.00 t a o5.0 � 0 A Pair FineI Flt of Suspenders Caps 1Jc to 500 $8.00 to $10.00 ALL OUR BOYS' OVERCOATS We have been told that our range of Boys' Overcoats is the handsomest lot ever seen in Brussels, and while with all their drossy appearance and practice/ styles t110 prices are unexpectedly low. Sizes 4 to 16 years of age, 32.50 to 34.00. OUR BOYS' SUITS Strong in ooustruotion, handsome in design, youthful in appearance, oorreot in style, perfect in fit and genuine wear resisters ; made from A11 Wool Fabrics that have been tested for toughness. Double seats and knees on Knink- ere ; Coats with hand-ohaped collars t deep fitoing : buttons firmly sewed on, F e 2�) 5 d sell Odd Knickers, Odd Coats and Odd Vests. SUITS ,i. f7Q 1,j, 3 �e O Boys' kreavy Stockings, 25e per pair Boys' Sweaters... ,,,..,,. 760 each Boys' Knit Oa Boys' Mitts,,,,........... 25e s , ., 2 rl Caps 5c Highest Prices Paid for Butter & Eggs Fergusnn & Hoss GAPM/ ELD lat.-00K Dried Apples Wanted 60 per pound