The Brussels Post, 1905-12-21, Page 4The Votostis Vint. THURSDAY, DBC. 21, 1905. Wei wish all our reader° a "Merry Merry Obrietmas." PRIMER Some and party won out in the Saskatobewan Provincial eleotiou It week And will now proceed with the or• genization of the new Province, Now is the time the farmer boys should be studyiag the pointe iu horses and cattle along the line ot judging the some so as to be ready for the eompetitions at Brnesele Fall Fair in me. The same beide good in naming apple(' for the Fair Theee things =not be mastereo in a day but 0, little information gathered every day will soon count big. Bobo° Leathern and parente mu do math iu aiding in thie °lase of rueful information. • Poen old Russia is in a bad way am: apparently going from bad to woree. It will be a sad Christmas time for many. The national disaster is not the work of a day but an soottinalation of wrong do ing and 111 treatment for many years. If the persons guiding the ship of State had been half awake they might have known what the result of their arrogant and deapotio oonduot would eventuate in. Good will come out of the riot atm bloodshed seep if the promee le terrible in the extreme. OOSISIDEAABLIE new interest ie being awakened In England over the advent of a Liberal Government and the election contest will no doubt be a hot one. In the Cabinet there ie a blending of leading men who have ethampioned diversifieu intereets and the results will be watuhed with the hope that question causing die. ruption and etrife in the pool will be dealt with in such a way that the out• come will tend to the betterment of all concerned. Many men of note have accepted office and the combined wisdom should be for the National weal. TRIO year the Salvation Army did oonsiderable along the line of bringing a good Dian of immigrants to this Conntry. It was a trial made for the purpose of future movements. The attempt proven eo satisfactory that a plan ie now being formulated to have 10,000 people oome, including farm help, servant gide teeter), hands, eto. An ocean steamship hat been chartered to ren two or more trips next Spring to oonvey the homeseekers to our shores. It ie said the people coming will be the better grade and will not be made up of serest mate and per. eons of low repute. There is plenty of room for the right class and Canada is the land in which industrious thrifty folk can prosper. Ma. BANWELL, the defaulting Crown Bank teller, bas been leading the de - totems a lively chase but we fear he wi I likely take prolonged holidays ere long with hie addreee as Kingston, Ont. It it had been 40 oente or even 94.00 taken be would be Bare to be sent down but a person who oan ewipe $40,000 is supposed by Some to be eo clever at financing that .he ehould not have hie liberty interfered with. There have been instances that looked very math like thio bot Mr. Banwell may not meet with that par- ticular hazy idea of so called ;wales and if not the lesson taught him and other moons untrue to the tend reposed in them eboald prove fruitful. It is rather unfortunate notoriety for the new Crown Bank. As Canadians we need to plume one - palest+ over the tact that me a country we were free from many of the public ranalities that gave e black eye to our neighbors but If the coming year brings to light aa muoh that ie diabolical and thievish ae 1906 we may well arouse ourselves to the necessity of demanding a higher order of oitizenship. The revelation° brought out in the Courts blot on our fair land and little sympathy effintitfl be manifested for the sobemere and grafters if they re. eeive what they merit in the way of good stiff fines, imprieonneent or other curtailments of rights and privileges vbioh only ehould belong to people of probity. Canada is a great actuary but • its fair name will nob long continue no. lase righteousnees is demanded and ob. Seined. The fountain lies in every eiti- zen's manhood as the Nation will dee no higher than the individual life. Brussels Council. The Statutory meeting ot Bruesele Council was held on Friday evening. Minutes of last meeting were read and permed. rollowing mounts were presented 2-- A. MoLauchlin, cutlery 926 00 R. Aendorsoo, Warning jurore4 00 Dr, Toole, Medioal Health °flitter 10 00 F.13. Scott salary as Clerk and mit • 82 00 Municipal World miecellaueous2 31 A. 31. McKay & Co. " 8 85 Wilton &Gillespie " 4 81 T, Ross, fierVi00 at hay soratte19 00 For dump ground • 10 OD MeLennan & Broadfoot, nate..." 10 00 Gekry &Walkee mithellantmet2 60 W. 11. err, printing 26 00 Moved by J. Cle Jones, emended by W. 10 Stewart that shote accounts be paid. Corded. „..,,,,eeecee.refeeegeeteeegetaseee-"zet The qoaetion 01 examiuetion Of Fire theme otttne up and the mod of the expert 011101 1111' engine was is fairly good oundition, lb wiil eeeeive some attention next Spring. Oounoil then Adjourned. A CHATTY LETTER FROM CUBA, Ma Enerom-Through your valuable paper 1 :meat like to write to KIM Mende regarding our trip to Cube, We, Mr. Olegg ted myself, left Brumels Nov, 21et and arrived in New Yocio atter a 21 hours rum Left New York at two o'oioak on Tbureday end arrived in NeVannit 010 Mundey. We sailed by the Ward line. It, was 0 little rough for 4 day. Pet was lookiug over the rail one morning when the captain said ',Weak at the stomach Pat ?" "No begorra I oan throw as far 00 anybody," Havanna is certainly a good city. About the first ming that takes your etteutiou 18 the Spanish tongue whioh is neither mustoal nor entertaining to Oanadiaus. The harbor is very flue with the remazus of the Maiue etiokiug out of the water. A few oases of yellow fever oame from New Orieaua. Btoppieg it Havanna three d ay e we took train one hun- dred mime Weet through the fluest noun. try I ever saw. Tougue ottunot deeorthe the seenery. Palm trees as far ae the eye can see and the faucet lined with fiowere. reev:op Reid./ un all tides whioh net about 95,000 per sore. A, friend took tni luto the thard one of the boye went up o tree and brought ball e pen of Drawee from which Le said 14 boxes had already been picked. There is plenty of good tend for sale but near trausportation it is being picked up very fast. We are staying with an old soldier who flamed in the British army in Afrioa. He took as over part of a four or five thous. aud acre property wbioh is for sale 10 large tete. Jun South, on the coast, there are two brothers who have five hundred Hemmed Home not for sale yet. Any person found eatting hie or making hay are iiable to imprisonment for life, As for peeple going math 1 have not Been emythiug oungertme yet, nor have I seen O suake. It is fine weather, a little wet wet late y, Seat about 750 all the time. Y mire Tru y, Joan Wiennese. Pinor Del Rio, Oubs, Deo. 5, 1905. Sessions of the Peace. The Deoember Sessions of the Peace for Huron opened at Godedeh on Toes day afternoon of last week before hie Honor Judge Doyle, the docket &insist. tug of 4 civil cams, 8 jary and one non• jury, and 8 criminal cams. The grand jury was termed 01 1115 following gentle emu : Jae. Alton and Jos. Foley, of Ashfield ; Wm, R. Belden and Edmund Gaibreeth, of Howlett / A. J. Goldthorpe, of Colborne ; 11. W. Ball, Goderioh John Haetie acid Robert Holland of McKillop ; Etha, MoVittie, of Hallett ; Charles Merton, East Wa.wanoth ; Wm. Pirie, Grey ; aett Robt. H. Pentane and Ftederiok Waldron, of Steuley. The jury haviug eteoted A, J. Gold- thorpe foreman, the Court addressed them oo the three bills that would be placed before them by the Conary Attorney, instructing them what con. etituted theft, segmented assault and indeoeot assault, the offences charged in the bills, and informing the jury that it was their duty to visit the jail. The civil cases were : The Robert Bell Engine Co,, vs. Anderson, an action to recover the price of a threat:slug meal:toe engine; Searle vs. Goodall, an notion by a neher of Ripley, against a oommission merobent of Wanguam, to recover damages for supplying a oar of corn of inferior quality to that agreed upon. Fleet? ve. Orr, an action to recover damages for injuries oaused by being struck with a bus. Davidson vs. Olendenning, an motion to mover for eetvioes 08 10 utast: while attending an invalid. All these were adjourned, none being ready for trial. The Grand Jury presented true bills to the King ve. Mason, theft, and the King vs. Brindley, aggravated assault, aud "no bitl" in the King vs. Milligan, indeoent astault, and then made the following presetament : Your grand jurors, for the December sessions, have to thank your Honor for your explanatory charge as to what constituted the offences oharged in the bilis placed before as by the County Attorney, and were pleased at your statement tbat the 000017 0108 emetically tree from crimes of a serious nature. We aiso thank the County Attorney tor 1110 oonetesy. We inspeoted the jail and found the building in exeelient condition; the prisoners had no complaints to make and were evidently well looked after. Your jurors heartily agree with your remarks Sal to the necessity of proper arrangements for each grand panel visit. ing the HOUS8 of Refuge at Clinton, (Signed) A. J. (401,131110111in. Foreman. Hie Elouor, in diaohargiug the jury, voice strongly in favor of the hot oiause of the prenutment, shying it watt gaiter es neoessary to visit that institution ae tit Vitiit etre ;elle The case against Brindley Vas given to the jury, and atter an thence of an hoar and a half a verdict of guilty was returned. Hie Honor imposed a floe of $25 and ooste, oderickr. A. U. Todd hits purthafted from Michael Finn hie two storey frame resi- derma on Trafalgar' etreet, A fancy dress ball will be given in the Oddtellowe' Hall on the evening of Jan. 9th, under the auspices of the Florenoe Nightingele Chapter of D. 0. E. At the preparatory service in Knox church, 44 leeW members were added to the membership of the congregation, 82 being by oertifleate from ether oburohee, making an addition of 68 during the year and bringing the memberehip up to 708. The death mourned lam Sunday morning of Mies Campion of Goderteh from severe borne euetained on Friday morning at Noreen Hernia' house Brantford where the was visiting, Her night robe naught fire from a gad heater. She ran into the street and dropped uthoheolons, Tbe funeral took pleee at Omit:rich. Miss Campion was well known in moiety. The partnership in the medioal and ettrgioal praetioe conduoted by Drs. 3, L. and W. 0, Turnbull has been dissol. ved, Dr. S. L. having eold hie letereat to Dr. A., T. Emettersen, of Claude, Onbe who, with Die Welter will oontitnie the preestitie, Dr. J. L, Turnbnll Will remain Standard Bank of Canada A mtieweueenx.xeMeneitme ate72 SURPLUS, 071 R7SeelliVie FUND 1,000 000 'N'OAL altaleTle GYlIR leeeseeee General 430,4ritioc 413uStrrok4t4 7eraustt </tett -'s\2SAVINGS BANK4P' Aeetrued interest le added to noconuts ovary ale months end beeenies prInelpal. .101111 nieneett Amounts -a SPBCIAL 0003V15hneten10 In nee In our Li:squint Do. p0511803 00118 ',Jetta Deposit" amount, Money may be deposited or wit11.01011 by either or the two me:there of the housebold, 71111 syatem le a great 0U4501.1. leoee to many residingl town, but 1818 711 tienlarly so to femora, 110 in the latter ease whether man or wife comae to town either eau attend to the Banking. An- other feature of the compel is that iu 0480 05 1118 death of either party the money can bs wittiorewn by the survivor without east. We will telt you more about our methods if you will kimuy Dan or write. Married Women and minors may make and withdraw deposits without Wein. teryention 81 any parson, SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only Inc which no charge is made, YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive our careful and courteous attention. A. O. MACFARLANE, Anntim. Goderlith end inactive service nelil the fleet day of February meet, when he purpotes going abroad to continue his atudits. A large quantity of cedar timber ie now at the boos of Pattedermott's etepe. It vent be need Inc orib work to protect the Northwest corner of Squaw Island and abutments at that point. A large quantity ot earth has been added to the eland track the past few weeks, and now many perm of it seem to be gating almost the full width of the base as it will be wheu finished. That part on the old South channel is nearly ae high aa the G. T. R. traok, and this end lothe es if it will be finished in a few days. Ethel. Friday of this week will be Nomination day. elre. Eph. Other, ol Brussels, was a vieitor under the perentai root lest Friday. Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Oosens of Bruesele, will preach in the Methodist thumb here. Rev. Mr. Armstrong will be at Bruseels. En= KANSAS -A. letter from Medea Dobson, from Solemou, Kansas, a former resident of this locality, says 2 -creeps a temporal standpoint everythiug te going very good here. We have had several years of prosperity. Land ie changing bands around here very often and at good prioes, It will soon be 20 yeere since we lett Ontario and we are all oomfortably situated for this life and I believe, if I keep true, I have the promise of that which ie 10 00000, praise the Lord. The majority of us in town bave telephone° and mot of the femora all around eo I eau talk to all my obildren in the oountry when we please. The fortbeet away is .1.0.1•131111011KM10 about 10 ulnae eo you no we have things bandy. We are all well except Mrs. Debeon and alto is getting quite !ethic, 9 enclose $1.00 for Tun Pose tie we with to be kept itoquainteci with Ethel news, With love to all old frieude, ete," GI•orr4(1. Mrs. Morrow hat been eerionely ill. Hilton A•sbloo and Edward Galbraith, of Howlett, and Elmer rallie, of Ford. with, were at Goderith hot week eating ae jurem. Jos. Mutat lett for Listowel where he has soured a Situation in a better shop, Rev, J. 14, Ortorhoul, of Wroxeter, ocoupied the pulpit in the Methodist °berth Sunday morning and evening, Rev. Wells took Wroxeter The anniversary services in connection with the Methodiet Sabbath Sobool will lie held Sunday and Monday Deo. 24 and 25. On Sunday, Rev. A. 0. Tiffin, of Trowbridge, will occupy the pulpit. Monday evening an entertainment will be given in the Towu Hall. Charles Armstrong, of Bt. Cetharinee, oommitted suicide at Niagara Fella by shooting himself. W. F Robinson, ex•Treseurer of Til- bury Beat, has settled hie shortage with the Municipal Commie Bergt. J. Hughes of the Government polioe dropped dead jest after coming (.8 duty at Government House, Ottawa hrist 1 Be sure and see our New Stook of Christmas Jewellery. -Watches - Brooches -Chains - Cut Glass - Clocks -Lockets - Cuff Links The Largest and Finest Line we have ever shown, -Rings -Necklets -Silverware &c. -Bracelet -Stick Pins --Tie Pins We do not pretend to sell Jewellery below oost. If we did oar wetter would be there. What we do say and prove is that we sell HIGH CLASS JEWELLERY at the Lowest Prioee in the County. Down to the smallest articile everything we sell is gnamnteed. The most valuable meet in our basinese ie our reputation for s nare dealing. We oan assure you of Quality and the Closest Prices, H. L. JACKSON LEA JDEINGELLER BRUSSELS' NE DAM HT STORE a cLaren Prices Out of the Ordinary for Christmas Sale Choose your Christmas Presents from a Strictly New Stock. We have many use- ful articles that will make acceptable Christmas Gifts You will find here a strictly new stock of Ladies' Furnishings, Dress Goods, Fur4, Flannel Waists and Waistings. Ladies' and Misses' Skirts; Table and Fancy Linens, Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers and Over- shoes. New Suits and Overcoats for \fen and Boys, new Men's and Boys' Furnishings. Eon are a1 Few Special Prices -for Xmas Sale , 85 00 Women's Astrachan Jackets for . 25,00 -6 only Women's Ohoioe Quality Astrachan Jack- ets ; oloe, bright, glossy earl, 28 to 84 inches long, extra heavy satin liniug, assorted sizes, regular price 085.00, Xmae Sale Price 925 00 Ladies' Fur Ruffs at . - 5.00, 7.00 and 10.00 -We are showing special values in Ladies' All Around Ohio Sable Ruffs, finished with 4, 8 and 8 tails, et 5 00 7 00 10 00 Muffs to match at 4 00 to 8 60 9.00 and 10.00 Men's Tweed Suits for . 7.50 -35 Men's Suits in All Wool Canadian Tweed ; made in Sootob Tweed Materna ; a partioulerly fins lot of Perfeot Fitting Suite, regular prime 9.00 and 10.00 Xmas Sale Prim 7 60 1.00 and 1.25 Women's Fancy House Slippers 75e -60 pairs Women's Panay Heine Slippers, Juliet style, warm lined, fur trimming, flexible sole with fleec- ed insoles, sizes 2i to 8, regular price 1.26 and 1.00 Take them Xmas Sale for 75 2.50 and 3.00 Ladies' Waists for . -6 dozen Ladies' Panay Flannel and Wool Delaine Waists ; Tartans and Light and Dark Faneys ; all sizes 82 to 44. We guarautee these to be perfect fitting. Regular pries 2.50 and 8.00, your choke Xmas Sale for 1 75 1,00 and 1.25 Men's Fancy Shirts for , 75c -10 dozen Men's ram Cambric Shirts in soft and hard fronts, Light and Dock Colorings, regular 1.25 and 1,00, Xmas Sale Pelee 75 5 00 and 6.00 Men's Overcoats for - . 8.50 -17 Men'e Dark Grey Frieze Overcoate, well made and perfect fitting. Some of this lot have large Storm Collars ; others are lathed with Velvet Collars. Reg- ular price 5.00 and 6,00. 'Take your ohoioe Xmas Bale 8 50 3.50 Boys' 2 -piece Suits for . . . . 2.50 -21 Boys' Suits in Light and Dark Colored Cana- dian Tweeds, Norfolk stylee, sizes for Boys from 6 to 13 years old. Xmas Sete prioe 2 50 2.00 and 2.25 Men's Tweed Pants for . 1.50 -4 dozen Men's All Wool Tweed Pants -in small, medium and wide stripes-Buis/led with good quality of Twill Pookethig ; well made in every way ; assorted sizes ; regular pekoe 2.00 and 2.26. Xnatte Sale Price.. 1 50 1.00 and 1.25 Men's House Slippers for . 75c -50 pairs Men's ranee, House Slippers in leather and Velvet -a very suitable Xmas gift -razes 8 10 10 ; regular prices 1.00 and 1.26, Your choice of the lot during Xmas Sale for 75 2.50 Women's Skirts for 1.75 -3 dozen Womenis Navy Blue, Black and Dark Grey Skirte, made from good quality cloth, nicely finish- ed, all sizes, regularprioes 2.50. Xmas Sale Prioe .... 1 75 4.00 Women's Tweed Skirts for . . . 8.00 -2 dozen Women's Alt Wool Tweed Skirts, in broken checks and light colors regular price 4,00 Xmas Sale, Price 8 00 Choice Qualities Fancy Linens, Napkins and Table Cloths Ladies' Fancy Collars, 10e to 1.00 Men's Ties, 100 to .50 Warm Underclothing, 500 to 2.00 Extra Values in White Wool Blankets. Ladies' Gloves, 25c to 1.25 Men's Gloves, 25c to 1.25 Fancy Mufflers, 256 to 1.25 Special Prices on, Boys' Overcoats. HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE 'Money cbeerfi lly refunded for anything bought here that is not perfectly satisfactory. • Yours, for Mutual r3enefit, Next Door to American „Rotel, Brussels. G. N. McL REN ;"V• I Xi ''' WILL SOON BE HERE AND -- W. 1. Grewar IS LOADED FOR GREAT EVENT WITH California Naval Oranges, Lemons from Italy, Figs from Asia Minor, Dates from Arabia, Almeria Grapes, Raisins and Currants and Dried Fruits and all kinds of Nuts. Our Canned Goods are all Fresh and all Kinds of them. The House of the 27c Tea Good Cheese and Clean, Groceries Our Confectionery PeZ7,16130:Pb8riTt'ea ctgoeon:101:ausatanTounen-a Just the thing boys. FANCY BISCUITS OF ALL. KINDS. Fish and Oysters Ice Oream made to Order to be Red 1,-3.000 St ced fel( OWING to the Sale of my business I will hold a Reduc- tion Sale for the next 80 days during which time Goods will be sold at Specially Rutland. Rates In Stook will be found Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Sleigh Bells, Single and Double Harness, Trunks, Valises, &c., sib First:class at Great Goods. Now is the time to supply your wants Bargains. accounts are asked to be squared off at let of year. %In°. Donaldson r. Harness Maker 4;fte IS AT HAND GiftMaking IS IN THE AIR If you desire Presents, Neat, New, Seasonable, call and see the Jewelry Watches Clocks China Smokers' Supplies,etc. -AT- NET Special Bargains will be offered and the goods are A I. Make Your Selection Early ,f,14 t mein/mom= Having 51100-081 10 a Hot Witter Heating apparatus I am now in a position to offer you Hob Coffee, Beef Tea, Tomato Bouillon, and Ohiollen Broth at our Res- baurant on two minutes' notice. Thanking you for past patronage and hoping for a continuance of your trade, I am, Yours Very Respectfully, J. KERNEY TELEPHONE 5 Oysters Served Hot or Cold, FALL AND WINTFR SilitS and vercoats mo14.1010101.1.b011.11.11014.1t1.1101,01,01. If you aro thinking of buying a Fall Snit or Overcoat we will make it worth your while to call and see our new line of Scotch and English Tweeds and plain and fancy Worsteds. The most Stylish and Serviceable goods that can be bougbt. Our Overcoats of Fanny Tweeds, Beavees, tons and Cheviots are also on the move and are sell- ing fast. We have a large stock of Fancy Pantings. The price we know will make you buy. Call in and we will be Glad to show you what we have for Little Money. 006,00,0,,,x00 Dodds & 'ee abkirk 40 _zee,