HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-21, Page 319}1.1.14.
iWJNQH,4M ...�..v.aa,,.v.,•....
(o a 11nal-grade Oom 010101 l Belloot.
Three 010111'3014 t.
Oomutorola1 8leuegoapby Tolegrelihy
Write OMB. SPOTTON. Principal.
Do You Want a Position
All ooboolo aro not alike aud espoo•
lady 1n helping etudeuto to 003Rti0ne.
Do not overlook tide point
cannot supply the demand made upon ql
it by business mon. Why 2 Because lir
our reputation f0r high.grade work is
well known and we protein this repu-
tation, '11,18 is a salient 0r the 11108.
est Standing.Winter Term one0m 1
Jan. Ind. Catalogue free.
W. J, ELLIOTT, Prinolpal.
Successor to Dr. J. A. Mo iaugliton
Brussels, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclinic Post Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, New York.
Member of College of Physielaoe and Sur-
geons of Ontario.
Ofnoe and reeidenoe 011010 as formerly 00.
copied by Dr. MoNanghtou,
Diseuseo of women is specialty.
'Phone No. et.
cent. F.B. SCOTT, Brussels,
• Ieaner of Marriage Licenses. Of-
Ace at Grocery, Turnberry street, Bruoaal a.
Danaxan111 has several good Farms for
sale aud to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. F 8. S0UTT, 6ruceel0
C. O. T+'.
Court Priooeso Alexandria, No, 24, 0.0, E.,
Bruseele, meets in their Lodge Boom. Bias -
hill Block, on the 258 and last Tuesdays of
each month, e.t 8 O'olook. Visiting brethren
always welcome. D7 MELLISH, 06. B.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
JL • mai, will eon for better prices, to
better men in lose time and lees charges
be won't charge aother nything. Dae eoand orders
can always be arranged at this ofaoe or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the o1noe of Tun POET, Brussels, 22tf
• Honor Graduaue of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, le prepared to treat all dia-
easee of domesticated. animals lin a compet-
ent manner, Particular attention poll to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. Calle
promptly attended to. Office andInfirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry 01.,
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto.
Bueee0eor to G. F. Blair. Offioe over Stan-
dard Bank, BrueOole. Solicitor far Metro-
politan 13 auk.
• Barrister, Solicitor, I0o0veyanoer,
Notary Public, &o. OfHO0—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.:
801101tor for the Standard Bank.
W. Pno0DSooT,1 K. 0. P.BLAIn R. 0. HAY,
Oflloes—Those sonrmerlyt eo pied by Meagre
Gon0nl00, DNTAIn0,
Graduate of I the Royal dollee° of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Pirot.ela0s Honor
next to Brows 1 of PbuUniversity, Office
E Winter Term Opens Jan. 2
P810 foono 01 the best Oommareial
and Shorthand sohoole iu the Donde-
ion, Our oehr0es aro thorough and
elle a On -
tl . s
Many e g
Ya(t Y
ploy rad graduates 00 todchoae. All
our graduatoe aoonre good poeltous,
Write 100 free catalogger,.
u a
Our Clubbing List
Tile Poor Imo made arrangements to
club with all of the 'eating Weeklies' and
Dailies and other Jout'ualo of every
True Poor end *the following named
papers will be sent from now until Deo.
910, 1900, for the prioe of nue year's
oubenripilon ae follows :-
Poor and Toronto Globe 81 65
1 75
Free Prase 1. 90
Family Herald de Sbur,1 80
Montreal Wilneoe ,,.,., 1 66'
Lindau Advertieer 1 60
Weekly Sun 1 80
Farmers' Advomate 2 85
" " Mail and Empire
Pen and
u a
61, 14
" 11
11 11
the Nowo $1 90
Star 1 86
Globe 4 50
Mail and Empire. 4 50
World 8 10
Advertiser 2 85
When Premiums aro given with any of
the above named publioationa you secure
them througb the olub with Tan Poet.
Call at the office or remit the amount
by P. 0. Order, Expreee Order or Reg.
littered letter, addressing
Tun Pose,
Bruaeelo, Ont.
IRzs:Odd .e s,
The date of the annual Scottish Con,
cert will be Tneedey, January 9111,
Geo. Young left for Winnipeg to accept
kis position as travelling ealooman in the
West for a large wholesale hardware
Most of She furniture to be need in the
furoiobiug of the new 0. P. R. hotel at
Winnipeg will be made by the Wineham
factories of the Ounada Furniture Manta
P. J. Thome, of Walker & Olegg'e
office received word of the death of hie
brother at Toronto. Mr. Thorne left for
that city. The deoeaeed W. H. 'Thorne
was 78 years of age and was born in
York County and was for many years in
the grain and milling business at Hol.
laud Landing. For the past twenty
years he has roeided in Toronto.
The Hay foundry has closed down on
amount of taut of bdeinees to make it
Iu the death of William Williamson at
the age of 94, Listowel loses ooe of its
oldest and respected citizeno who enjoyed
very good health till very lately. The
funeral took plaoe Sunday afternoon,
Mr. Bohiobein, who purobased the
Oampbell blook ou Main street, which
was badly damaged by fire twioe daring
the Summer, ie making good progress
towards its completion into the finest
blook in town. When completed he in•
tents oecopying the largest part of the
first floor with an up•to•date department-
al store.
A serious acoident happened ou Deo.
9111 to Mies Mabel, daughter of Mayor
Watson. While she was polishing a Brave
with Nononah stove polish, the stove be.
ing a little too warm, the brush and eon•
tante of the bottle oaoght on tire, badly
burning her bands, face and one eta.
Fortunately OOe of Mr. Watson's omits
was banging near by with wbioh Mrs.
Watson smothered the are, but in doing
so ehe reoeived severe Walloon her hands.
Had it nob been for the coat being so
convenient the reealt would likely have
beau more serious. This should be a
warning to others not to use such polish
un a warm stove as both will be under
the care of the doctor for some time.
You surely won't start ata dollar hill
to oure that horrid, sniffling cold 7 Go
to any druggist and get "Ostsrrhozone"
and your cold will be a thing of the peat,
There is almost witchery in the swift way
Oatarrhozone 111(1 colds. But when you
uoneider the penetrating, healing and
antiseptic ouelibies of Oatarrhozone
perhaps We not so wonderful, Certainly
,here is no remedy half so prompt for
colds and catarrh as Oatarrhozone.
Refuse a eubetitate and fueis% cu having
only "Oetarrhozono."
fie ate or ale.
The uew skating aud ourliug rink is
now about oompleted.
Wm. Brine, of Bamiltou,ie laid up with
a sprained ankle at hie mother's home
Wm. H. Heudereon bad the tope of
two negate on bia left hand taken off by
a saw in the Measure faotory.
Daly & Dill, P. Daley & Son, George
Irwin end Robert Mnrdie were all prize
winners at the euelpb Poultry Show.
A new light sleigh has just been turned
out from the Devereux Carriage Worke
foe the seaforth Fire Brigade to be used
es a hose mutt.
Workmen are now busily engaged fil•
ting up the large store in the Oddleltows
blook for J. 0. Greig who will oeonpy it
a0 um ae it ie ready.
Howard Hartley, 0011 Of William Haetry
of Seaforth, has been engaged as book.
keeper at the Bell Engine works in
ouooesebou to W. Murdie,
It will be of interest to many to 'Dorn
that A. N. Sherman, the healer, will
shortly return to Seaforth. He expects
to eat hie Cbrietmas dingier at the
Queen's hotel, Beafortb, and will thou
remain for a month or ea,
The members of Loyal Orange Lodge
No. 793 held their annual meeting and
eleetlu0 of 0810010 and ohm the follow.
ing ;-Master, Jae. Marshall ; dept, Wm.
Thomson ; ohap., John Montgomery
recording 000001ary, Thos. Stephonet
treasurer Ed. Makin, ; director of
ceremonies, W. Riley ; Maturate, G.
Riley and Rohn Howes ; aommittee•men,
Geo. Brow.nleee, Fred, Welsh, G1 Bream,
11, Martin and M. MODermttid.
John Rankin, who was appointed town
olerk aud treasurer a few months ago,
tendered hie resigbstiou to take plane at
the close of the present munloipal year.
The reasou for Mr. ROukiu'e resignation
's that 11100 he bad
been appointed to a more
lucrative position in the life insurance
Mailman, hav109 been appointed Lope.
tor for tlo Huron chariot of the 'Staid.
and Lite of Edinburgh. J. A, Wilson
wee eleoted (Perk and Wreaearer for the
batan00 of 1905,
BY JANNIE. lda i 1€clary 4
"'- rt:,Warath 4Y ronl«r, Wawa.,
The Widow of Canada's Creat atatesonuzi
The study of the lives of great m1.'1t reveals 1n cant t.,,J instances that
their inspiration, stimulna, and constant source of new r:ireu, l.h, was the
love and companionship of a devoted sannan. 1'149 debt 01! iielllfnl11e2s .that.
the late Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's great Premier anal state:iman, owed
to Lady Macdonald, his second wife, cannot be overestimated, according to
the testimony of those who knew them both. "All that Larly 139ari0nsfield
was to the Conservative Pretnier of England," says ono, "Lady Macdonald
was to the Conservative Premier or Canada. Their understanding of each
other was complete."
On the island of Jamaica, the bh:hplare of two other brilliant women
—the Empress Josephine and the third Lady Holland --Lady Riaedonald,
daughter of Hon. T. J. Bernard, a member of the Privy Cottneil, was born
in 1886. The cleath of her father, while she was still a child, made it neces-
sary to take her to England for her education. When she was eighteen, she
came to Canada with her mother for a visit, her t:vo brothers, Richard and
Hewitt. Bernard, having entered the legal proferoion at Oftuwa, anti (here
site met Sir John Macdonald. Thirteen years Tatar, in 1857, They t -ere
married In London. 1C was a re11-lettc•r year in the calendar of their lives
and the history of Canada, for it was the year in which the British North
American. Provinces were united into a federation. Sin John becoming
Premier and governing the New Dominion through its trying first years,
Lady Macdonald accompanied her husband to Washington, and was with
him during the long deliberations of the Joint High Commission which
resulted in the Treaty of Washington in 1871. She was with hilt, too, on
that great trip over the new Canadian Pacific Railway, :•560;:00 very exist-
ence was so largely due to slim, and the steal rails or which 101nd and
unified Canada info one great dominion as ne bonds of law could ever do.
On the death of Sir John, in 1891, rocogulzing hls splendid Scrviros
'to the Empire, and the zealous devotion or his widow to ail the public
interests, Queen Victoria was graciously pleased to raise her to the peerage
by making her a Baroness in her own richt—the only Colonial thus honored
—with the title Baroness Macdonald of Larnseliffe. Besides her social and
philanthropic work, Lady Macdonald has written frequently for tlto maga-
zines on,
ars-zines•on, Canadian topics dear to het heart. Since 1898, wizen she disposed
of Earnscliffe, her beautiful home in Ottawa, she )taw resided in England,
Entered acaordior he dot date Melee -tent °Mende, 18 the year 1011, by NY. 0. Meek, at the Dela,rmnaat or lrrleutture.
Two men nerved Jamieson and Jeffrey
had a narrow 000ape from death by a
ruffooation at Colbert Bros.' brewery in
Eglnoodville. One of the large vete wag
being °leaned out preparatory to horns
painted and in order to dry it they had
a oherooal fire burning in the vat. The
fire was not going well and Jamieson
went into the vat to refresh It up.
Shortly afterwarda Jeffrey looked in and
saw Jamieson lying on the bottom gasp•
ing for breath. He jomped in but was
unable to get Jamieson out. He too wee
nearly overoome by the gas, but managed
to Drawl out and summon help. When
Jamieson wag taken out he was un-
conscious' and remained so for some
time, but gradually cisme around all right.
Had he been left in the vat a few min•
mei longer, however, he could not hare
From (toughing and you don't, know
do1jest 0hale the matting
vspor of "Oatarrbozone" ; it's a lung
food,a etreugtboner and certain 0000;
try Oatarrhozone.
!ale. tie.
(;%F,Alex. and Mre. MoRellar have retorn•
ad from Franklin, Manitoba, where they
have been residing for nearly two years
The oonteet for the Reevsehip in this
village has now narrowed down to two
candidates—Reeve Sloan and Ooun. Mo.
Elroy. Both gentlemen are already hard
at work canvassing and the rivalry is fast
getting iuloreetiog and lively. Several
names are now being mentioned for
positions at the ooenail board. Among
others we beer the following:—Ooun.
Metcalf, Conn, Strothore, Conn, Milne,
Wm. Jaokeou, le, Mn00mmine, J. H,
al li s
Ready - o- >! ear Hats
25c,35c, 11Oc
As I am going out of Ladies'
Coats and Mantles Special Re-
ductions will be made to clear
Out the stook.
Intending purchasers will find
it to their advantage to call.
a MoL,,a
Cbeilew, James M.oMarobie, John Pot.
ter, Dr. Long and A. E. Bradwin,
L 0. L, anters were elected as fol.
lows :—Worshipful Mader, N. B. Gerry
depaty master, Fred. Haggit 1 recording
e0oretary,. A. H. Plummer ; fluanoiel
secretary, J. E. Taman ; treasurer, W.
H. Makes, ; uboplaio, R, MoOnmmioe ;
director of ceremonies, Robert Vint ;
lOoturer, Arthur Sime ; deputy lecturer,
Ab Taylor ; committeemen, John
Mains, Riohard Pratt, Defoe Taman,
Albert Wilford and Bert. MoOommine•
BLINDLY louOOLo Oa aANlZIl.—Tueedoy
afternoon of last week a meeting was
held in the Blyth Methodist thumb to
ooneidee the forming of a Bentley sobool
association, inainding Blyth, Belgrave,
Londesboro and pointe udjaoent. The
following representatives were present
viz. :—Rev. A. E. Jones, Rev. B. Ander
eon, Rev. Dr. MoLeen, Rev. W. H.
Hartley, Messrs. Shelton, Jowitt, Britton
Wilford, Jaokeoo, Bielby, Haegitt and
Elder, and Mrs. Sims, Mre. Ferguson,
Mre. Salter and Mrs. Newcombe. After
some discussion Ib was deaided to form
anal an taaociation, and the following
oflioers were eleoted :—Hon, president,
Rev. Dr. McLean, Myth ; president,
Wm. Jaokenn, Blyth ; first vioe.prest.
ideut, Mre, Fart/neon, Baigrave; eemond
vioe president, R. Adams, Londeeboro ;
aearetarytrea0lrer, T. W. Boots, Blyth.
It was decided that the above rammed
olloers, together with the euperintend-
onte of the various Sunday schools in-
elnded in the ao0ooiation aud the clergy,
should compose the sxeoutive committee
of the asseoiation sod that tike ahoold
be palled the ellyth Sunday School
Aseoeiation. Other matters were left
over to be dealt with by the executive
onmmibtee, which will meet at tbo omit
of the president, sometime in January.
T•I l .we'te,r.
Mise Alma Martin was ill (eat weals,
ooneegnently_ the pupils ,of. flet. amain
hada holiday.
Mies Haile attended a oonvenbion of
the Women's Inetitutee of Ontario, held
at Guelph in connection with .the Win•
ter Fair.
Will. Davis, son of Wm. Davis,
Exeter North, got his arm severely
out in several plaoee by coming in 000•
teat with the machinery in the flax
.rhos. Harvey purchased from H.
Biehop that One reeidenoe on Andrew
owlet at present oouopled by 'l'hne•
Hawkins. The price paid was 92,300.
Mr. Harvey tame p0s0eseion April lab.
Samuel Sweet reoeived a kink on
Um knee when returning from Devon.
as a oousegnenoo of the Dolt he wag driv-
ing getting frightened ata traction engine
and lauding his heels through the dtteh•
Mrs. Roes, of Livingstone, Minn,, ar.
rived boyo 00 a visit to Mrs. R. I3'. Col-
lins and Mies Bonthron. Mrs, Wee has
just mime from D01nth s
where be was
to attendance at the bedside of her
brother in law, Brace hills, who died
fn Duluth, following an operation, Me.
Ellie was a former station agent at
a t
A. Ba haw of Stephen, lost a year.
ling steer and a yearling heifer in a very
pe00liar manner, The two were tied to.
(:ether. Apparently one animal bad
lain down and the other had fallen
over it and in the tarugdlea which en.
aced both were strangled. Ou going
Felt I-Iats for
50 Cents
We Bre also Agents for the "New
Idea" 10 Cent Patterns.
Call and get a Fash-
ion Sheet.
to the °table in the morning Mr. Bag•
,haw found both animals dead.
At a meeting of the Executive Oom-
mittee of the South Heron Ooneerva•
tive Aseoaiatiou, held at Hensel! on
Dee. 12111, for the purpose off reoom
meuding the appointment of a Lioenae
Inopeotor to 11111 the vaoonoy amused by
the resignation of W. Ballaotyue, John
Torrance was aeleoted and it ie likely tin
appointment will be made a000rdiugly.
Meesra. Bawdeu & McDonnell arrived
home from England. They brought
with them nine heavy entire horses,
seven being Olydeedales and two Sof.
folks. This ennoh of hareee i° eon•
sidered to be 000 of the best ever brought
into Canada. The Soffolks are a rare
importation. Their ages range from 8
to 5 years. Mr. MoD000ell oleo brought
s floe Booteh collie.
At Kingsville on Bentley, 10th Inst.,
the death took phew of Jaoob Wigle,
father of Kra. (Rev.) Godwin of town.
At 6 o'olook in the evening Mr. Wigle
went out to bis stable to feed his horses
and while leaning over a barrel to get
eOme feed he dropped dead. Mr. Wigle
was 84 years old, and a life-long Liberal.
The cause of death is supposed to be
heart failure. Rev. and Mre, Godwin
attended the funeral.
Sleep not only testa, but builds
op tbe body. Ono down the hours
of sleep, and you out down health in the
mama proportion, Rebuilding then
(teases, nerves then go to smash, you grow
tired, weals and wretobed.
To restore sleep you must get mote
bodily strength, more nntritioue blood,
bealtbier nerves. Permeate solves the
whole problem, makes you sleep soundly,
gives endnranoe, vim, ambition. No
morning weakuees—instead the fire of
youth will run in your veins, supplying
abundanoe of energy and vigor, Whole.
ery expreeeea the instant effect of Ferro -
zone ; try it,
work eboalrl be given in the lower forms.
unfortunately, owing in a tradition that
die% har,4, ma„y p00'001e are 0005 saris•
lied imitate they see their ubildreb's life
lnieerable 0100.13 ing. home work at night,
and In marry aa0re ruining titbit' eyesight
for life, doing work that oould bo meati
ea010r learnt aftorwarde, Five and a quar-
lor }mare work ger day in school ah001d
be eoMoieg5 nett) the age of eleven or
!waive i%embed, Your Oobool io re is
very healthy 0011diti011 and the 100ohiug
s44 and the Board of Truotone deserve
she fah confidence of the rateliayera moo
patinae Of the village, 1 um, gentle•
men, your obedient aervaut, 1), Ronal,
Moved by W. 41, Similair, oemouded by
D. 0. Rose that the Board agree with
the Iuepeotor's report about home work
Motion parried.
Board then adjourned,
J. G. Saims,
Tro'v Jun(1=e.
L. 0. L.—The annual gathering of the
members of L 0. L. 825, Trowbridge,
and their friends took place on Tuesday
evening, December 5011. The following
c87oere were eleoted ; W. Master,
Thos. Taghon ; D. M., David Edgar ;
Rso. Boo., Robt. Oliver ; Fin. Seo., Al.
bort D. Canton ; Treae., Joe. Jobneton ;
Chap , Hugh ;Walker ; '0ommitteemen,
let, Robt. Bowes ; and, Wm. Thompson 1
Srd. Edmond Cando ; 4th, R. Johnston 1
5th, H, Beooam ; D. of 0., Robb. Wil.
ouebby ; Leoturer, Wm. Welch.
Afterthe election of oflfoere the lodge
Wad thrown open t0 theta who had not
been initiated into the mysteries of
Orangeism, and from eight o'olook un -
t•1 eleven, thoae who were fortunate
enough to be preeeut, enjoyed arare
treat. The meeting was called to order
by Wm. Weloh, who was unanim•
ouely ohoeen ea abairmau, and who
daring the evening demone(rated to all
present that he was the right man for
that position. Tice program, which
was a lengthy one, consisted of vocal
aud inetromental solos, duets and
quintette, and epeeohes by J. H.
Gunther, and the Revile. H. P. West.
gate, Atwood ; A. 0. Titio, Trowbridge,
and 0. H• Buckland, Listowel. Special
mention must be made of the songs
rendered by Harry Russam ; a rein
Tattoo by little Mise Delmage; and
the Trowbridge orchestra. The latter.
will compare favorably with many
erganizatio0e of greater pretenaione,
The members of Trowbridge lodge
may feel proud of the ou0oeasful gather.
mg held by them, which caliper] all
former efforts,
lfr'nooele "BC51e1h1 "hoard.
Bpeoial meeting of the Public Boboel
Board was held in the Board Room o0
Tuesday evening of last week. Members
preeeot, D. 0. Ross, T, Farrow, W. M.
Sinclair and .2. G. Skene.
Moved by D, 0. Roos, seconded by T.
Farrow that the fees for resident mile
001 Continuation work be ae follows
Form I, A. and B„ 600. per month
Form II, 760. per month ; Form III,
91.00 per month, and non resident
pupfle' lees toremain as they were be.
Pure, $1.00 per month, this to oom0 in
,la',. let, 1906, Marion parried.
Following is Inspector Robb'e report
to Board ;—GILNTLnanno : I beg leave
10 reporo that I visited your school on
the 5th, 0th, 7011 and 8th instants and
toned rooms wall swept, dusted, well
ventilated, warm and oomfortablo. The
nnibnildinge are also in a oatiefaolory
tanto. The caretaking is well done, I
would recommend the r0000/ be gal.
seminal at Ohrietmae or et latest next
mid Summer. The entire staff of
100080re is doing exoellent work Red the
etauding and progress of the pupils are
quite oatiefaotory, Wee Robertoon, the
new member of the staff, le a clear, no,
0000)0tonelier and gets good work done
without nnuooeeoary iriotiou. As oar.
tam nubjeoto of Otady require It meter.
ity of mind not found iu younger papile,
too numb haste should net be made, Mud
ooneequenbly but tulle, if a0y, Houle
Find Ibe eill1S07017 tite Weakness
and iterveag Dread That
Overshadows Your
You can't keep up forever,
Sooner or later N+eturo will rebel
alaiuot the ,train that is imposed on
your overworked system. Bo lar, will-
power aud nerve may have tided you
over, but the end ie probably near at
'1'o day the common oomplaiot with
weak men and women i0 look of kidney
vitality. Here you have the manso of
your ill•beeith
WOoldn't it be wise to use a time•
tested remedy like Dr. Hamiltou'e Pols
—they onre the "olliug" haling in one
eight. Next morning you feel like 110w—
oright,fredh and happy, Appetite im-
proves, dull, Ballow mica grows ruddy
and clear, proving that greet good is
being dope by this aoieutifio medicine,
Thad writee Mrs. D. F. Fowler
from Yarmouth :—"I Head to
feel drowsy and heavy, my oolor
was sallow and there was mseal-
ly a bad taste in my mouth. I
had vague pains all through my
limbo aud my head arched as
After one dose of Dr. Hernia
ton's Pills there wise a duddoo
obauge. I felt better, my ap.
petite increased and that exhaus-
tion and depreeeion gradually left
me. Life seemed happier and
brighter after I used Dr. Hemil•
ton's Pills, Bo' strongly recom-
mend euoh a good medicine."
Mre• Fowler's letter is a message to
yon and all °therein poor health. You
can't do better than fo low her edema.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills yon certainly need,
then why not get them now and enjoy
the abundant good health they are euro
to bring you 2 Price 25o. per box or
five for $.100. At all dealers or by mail
from N.0. Polson & 0o., Hartford, Ooun.
II .8. A., and Kingston, Ont.
Over 40,000,000 bushels of wheat has
been marketed at O. P. R. pointe in the
West this Fall.
Ex -Treasurer Robinson, of Tilbury
East, has beau arrested and held for
oaamination et Chatham.
Noah Peltier, a y0nug farmer, ,bot
himself twine, and ie in a preeariaaa
condition at the hospital at Methane,
The body of John Burne, of Sarnia, was
found in the woods, with a bottle of oar.
bolio acid near by.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of James
Laird, late of the Village of
Ethel, in the County of Huron, gen-
tleman, demand.
Notice 10 hereby given, pursuant to Revis-
ed statutes et Ontario. 1807,Obap. 120, and
amended Aote, that all creditors and
others haying any claims against the °elate
of the said James Laird, who died ou
or about the 0th day of November, A. D.1000,
ere required, 00 or before the BM day of
Deoember,1005, to send by post, prepaid, or
deliver to A.13, Macdonaldof the Village of
Brussels, in the county of Huron, Holieltor
or Dr. F. J. Laird, of Lebanon, Oregon, and
Ivie Campbell, of the Village of Ethel,
!executors of the estate of the acid dm:mated,
the foil partioulars of their claims, the
of theont of their weounte aud the nature
of the notice
is furt any) bold by thorn.
And notloo ie further to t u that after the
said lamb mentioned date the said Exam -
tore Will deceased
to distribute the titled
01 the dec0aeed amoag,ttho parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the cidime of
which they Shall then have notioo and that
the said Executors will not be liable
for the ase00:010,0,,T any pato thereof, to any
person or 01 wno00 01aim0 nodes
aball bot ha1100 reoeived bythem at the
time of euoh distribution.
Dated at Brussels this 11th day of Deo -
ember, A, D. 1066,
28.9 Solicitor for Exeoutore.
A 811ow Oa000 for tette, euoh 0 feet long,
walnut 10110000 0110 4:1010811, thloa glass, dp'
ply to Tun loeA'l brueoela.
Lot for sa1,', 01tuate 00 Prlheose otreet,
Mrae0elo. -1Per further porno/alias apply bo
1ltltii. B. 00131018. 3201
lA1tM '1'O Itli N'1',—TI1111 UN-
AanmyGNron °gar's the 100 301'08, 101,0wti
as the e.sklu form Lot 10, Ooa.10, Grey, to
rent, Good brick douse, 2ironic bar00 4.04
ohaioo orobard, Farm Is all 000dod down
exeept 20 mored ; 6 mires of Fall. • wheat in.
Puesesslon at once,, Fox furtherpa4'tleuhtre
pply to JOHN GRANT, Lot 0,. Con. 12,
'a -7Y'
01 Mrnaeelo 2, 0. 12.01
Lot0neter r;waO, 4 um ,.shear Baum, 1
,hearling nam and 2 Bum 1 au,bi. also 0 :.
,uung 00000 kuru Mulls and a number of
Lowe and 300,1are. All ale 001 the best prowl.
nag sod A 1 quell ty. 11'll, be sold at 181eel
plloos and easy torbis 1early M11buyb'ers.th el.
._ )taut, uuutaiuiug 100 410000. 11e1ng Lot
a, Goo. 0, Grey. There is a batik berm and
uomfortamle brick hoose ou the premi00s..
garni is well watered nue there is a good
orobard. Uouv001,0ut t0 beholdmidchurch.
ror further 11artleulmrs apply on the prom -
,doe: JOS, 00011113118,
14.11 Jainee town P, 0, ..
�V✓ and 2 aurae of land for salt on Walnut
street, Brussels. Brink house, good stable,
nerd and soft water, /Wali orabara, So.
Property in good shape. Immediate Damien -
.1011044 be g1Yen, For farmer particulars
-pply on 0130 premises.
62.81 Proprietor, Mruomele.
100 A011
being bi LOG 18, Con. 4, Morrie.
i bout 000 morel, are ol-ar. d, balance iu Mull.
here le is frame houee, bank earn, driving
lied, orchard, &m. Plentyo' good water.
'.unveuie03 to school aud ba miles from
•irudaale. P0,900ot011 Oa01 be kiv00 March
lit. lnr further particulars as to price,
terms, &o., apply to A. J, LOW 3Y,
1841 Bruaeels.
Horse Fairs
The'.vlonthly Florae Fairs will beheld in
Brussels for tbe 0000 n as followel—
THIIRSDAY, JAN. 4th, 1906
F183. let, "
" MAR. let, "
APR. 5th, 't
Leading Local and Outside
Buyers will be Present
F. S. SCOTT, OLwmr.
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. A11
work will be promptly and care-
fully attended to.
ThueIl Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building.
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
.& :LT S8 �" 1
Are making the
Finestest display of eutt
Ever seen in
Call and See them and get Prices,