HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-21, Page 1Vol.34. No. 24 New Advertisements. Card -Madame Belie, Local -W, A. Grower. Fillies for sale -Jag. Shedden. Bun for eervioe-Jag. Shedden. Farm for sale -Geo. Chrietophor, Gift Buying -A. M. McKay & Co. Speoial Bargains-Molliunon & 00. Holiday Gifts -E. U, Danford & Son, Nobioe to Oredilore-Morphy tQ Oar. thew. istritt l'ans. Ethel. It is said S. S. Cole will enlarge hie tile !minces at Henfryn -next eeaa0n en as to make an effort to enppiy the demand, tJe la busy now getting out wood for the brick yard. Arthur and Mre. Draeger will trail from New York for Meglaud on January 10th, They have been here for the pet 3 months, The 100 arse farm belonging to Isaac Gill, Loo 32, Oon. 9 Grey, wee reeenbly Bold to Jim, P. Gaynor, of that locality, for the aura of 23,000. He gate posses slop on April let, Outram Mi0i:Na.-1he annum meet. ing of thooe ruteredted in Ethel ohosee (eatery was held In the Town -hip Hell on Saturday afternoon of last week. Annual report woe preeonted showing the total reeelpte to be $10,168. Patrons received $8416 ; 2407 was paid for milk hauling ; uheesemaker Brown got $924; talesman and treasurer $50 t se0re"try 325, Price of cheese ran from 9e. to 110, Average Ibe., of milk to pound of Ogee, 10 S4 ; average prime of cheese 10.40o ; Just a Cis 11 —AND— `'®u, Will, be Cowrla,eed In eoiooting a Xmas Present you can rely ou getting the Beat Value at Everything in the Jewelry Line ie kept in stock and all Designs. My Xmas stock is just nupaolted and will be sold at the Lowest Foeeibl° Prices. the mo• t up-to-d'te Diamonds Pearl Crescents Pearl Necklaces The Inrgeat et oh of Diamond Binds and Pearl Creecenta ever shown iu Brussels. My variety of every line fo the Jewel- ry Business is too large to enumerate. Call and we will cheerfully show you our Goode and leave you to decide. W. F. Stretton The Up to -date Jeweler. Sign of tbo Golden Clock BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1905 average poet of making per cwt., 21.16 Jno. M. Davide woe auditor. Mr, Barr, Dairy inetrnat01', wan present and gave e very prestige' addreee of general interest. The Board for 1906 will be au follows Jno, Brown, ealesmau and treasurer ; Jacob Kreuter, oe0retary ; trustees, Win, Slemmuu, Thos. Stevenson and Jno, Halter. J. K. Brown will be the uheee0• maker at the same terms ne last year, A very gathifeatory and agreeable year WAR put in and the proepeota are favor. able for 1906, (70.010a les- go lc. Wm. Petrie was at Gnderioh Inst week serving on the Grand .Jury .and A. Mal)onald an the Petit Jury. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Ethel, will take the eer vias in the Methodist ohurbh here, Tuesday of this week Rev. D. B. Mo Rae was in Wmgham at a Sabha! School Con(,' oma. herd under the three tion of Maitland Presbytery. 1.g021.(1 It car ' .'. Newer Nowa -There le an increase in the McKillop tape about 26% The question isn't" Where did the money dome from 9" but "Where did the money V?" -Jelin Rosa nuts Mies Maggie were visit. ing friende in M laewortb this week.- Rnb. J. Mltohatl, or Winnipeg, ie re. pawing old arquaintanoee around here oh, rte dugs. Bet). has been in the West for the past 6 years, Ito le at present engaged ao travelling agent for S. Mani• tithe for an Amerioa0 manufacturing Co. -The Bre.byterian element of Bethel presented 3o0. Rea, jr., with a houdoome mor0000 bound dreeeing aloe as a reaog. ninon of his eervioea in- choir work. The presentation wag made at the home or James Doeideon, A very enjoyable evening was apeut by all. Mr. Rea, who ie et present teaohiog echool in S. S. No. 9, will leave shortly for Edmon toe, Alberta,-L'tuis Hoegy, a well known ooutreetor of this part, has per. phased a lou a and lot in Watton. -Fin• tay and Mre McInboatt treated the mem• here of the Presbyterian choir of Bethel to -a fowl egppor last week, -Dennis Brea, the veteran threshera, niggled the tact barn on Wedueaday of lana weelr.- Peroy Smith and John S. Irvine have pnrohaeed a Bell threehing outfit of the maderu type. -Wm. McCallum has let the centraat of cutting 500 cords of wood. -The homes of Jae. Barrie, 'Joseph Love and James Mowbray bave been vieddened by the arrival of a baby boy each, -John T. Dennison, nocompauied by his wife end family, arrived home ID 17 FOR HNeckwear Gloves Suspenders Neck Scarfs Handkerchiefs Hosiery Underwear Shirts Toques Umbrellas Fancy Vests Suits Overcoats Suit Cases Etc., EtC. IAD Z, E LT.. LI 1.iJ.1� 99 Scientific Palmist Is in Town. Her Beadings cover all affairs of lite. Consultations Strictly Confi- ,,pp dential. a CALL AND BE CONVINCED American Mei Room 4 p7 Re urs -30 a 01. to 10 p. m, 7 t J from the West last week. He pnrpoeee starting farming again on the 4th line. - Owing to the withdrawal of several mem- here of the Grey -McKillop beef ring another organization meeting was held last week, It was again put in shape for 1902. It is comported of 32 member. now each supplying one beef animal, - ?dig Snbnla k'orbee ie on a protracted Welt to Toronto.-Webetor Stitt has no. oepbed a position in a photograph gal. lery in Stratford, -Noble Forbes is visiting in Brownie, -Vote for Dan. Bigley and economy at the municipal elections. Lir e -ox el -.Ht Nawox NOTES. - The animal Xmas entertainment, ander the auspices of the Methodiet Sabbath School, will be given In the old Town Beti on Xmas night. The program will °oneist of music, regi• begone and dialognee, also the May pole and Tambourine Drilla ander the direct. fico of Captain Kaine.-Ohne, and Jae Robertson, Boiesevain, Man., are visiting their parents, Jno. and Mre. Robertson,_. hockey team line been re organised for this season, at a meeting held last Wed needey.-Mise Georgie Howe hes taken a position as olerll in A. H. Rae's store for the Xmas rash. -Misses Georgie and Jane Rowe visited Brussels (decide on Sstur. M e, 0. Iin Maude Stewart le v 0, Stewart. - Mre, N. Foster leaves this week for Thameeville where Mr. Footer has a good position al hie trade. -G. Manning, of Mount Forest, has opened a photograph gallery in Mre. Walker'e rooms, Queen street. - W. M. Robinson, general merchant, ie /melee a thirty days' Rednotiou Sale. - G. Howe was in Cargill last Thursday on a bug. ..�... , THE RIGHT SPOT RESENTS You owe it not only to yourselves but to you friends to tida>y Presents. Wishing .411 cc Merry Xmas. & Son .t 0, visit Special Bargains in Neck Wraps & Squares If you intend buying a Neck Wrap for a Christmas Present you should visit this store. We have the most complete range ' we have ever carried. We.have them in all stylus at 50c, 75c, 100 & 125 gq �ya�5ggp., q/� FrrtN�.,1, kerSohief$ We are showing the best Initial Handkerchiefs in town at 50c each, and a choice selection of Plain and Fancy at 5Oc, 75c and 85c ChricItmas 'eel:' eats Is always in great demand for Presents. Wo are prepared with a grand selection of the Latest Novelties in Strings, Four'in-bands, Ascots and Pufis. And while we don't like to blow too much we think we are show- ing the nicest Collection of. good, dressy Neckwear ever shown here. Priees " ibc, 25c, 85c, 50c and Mc this Store for your lT'oli- Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers. W. H. KE' F R, Prop nese trip,. -Wiliam Playford, of Miobigen, in the guest of his mother, Mrs, S. Piey. ford, after an abeenge of about fourteen ysare,-John Rae has returned from Bot ton, on amount of illness but le improv. ing nicely and expecte to return to work shortly, - MOO Laurel McLaughlin, of Brown City, Michigan, oalled on friend') in the village on Monday,- Gavin Muir, of Simile() Oentre, Mieb,, is spending a few weeks' bo idey-o at hie home near here, -Rev, 0, P. Wells, B. D„ of Gerrie, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist ottnroh lent Sunday evening. -Rev, M. 0. Cameron, of Harrieton, and Rev. L, Per- rin exobanged services on Suoday.- Mra. Wallace, of Carberry, Mau„ le the gaeet of her sister, Mra. W, C. Currie -- Oharlea Andrews, of Gerrie, wee in the village on Tueeday,-There hen bean ex collect skating on the pond for the peat two weeks,- R. B. Barrie and W. i3. MuKoreber attended a Sunday Sobool Convention in Winghnm on Tueeday. C,: r e Nomination on Friday of thio week at the Tawn.hlp Pfeil, Ethel, Neil MoNafr took in the Winter Fair at Guelph end viefted old friends, Thee, and Mrs. Davidson were at Auburn last week visiting relatives and frieodo. Whitfield Tyerman, 12th eon., ie home fur Christmas vacation from the Modioal College, Toronto, James Knight, 10th oda„ was laid up with blood poisoning from a out on his band. We are pleased to bear he in ire proving nioely. The tax eolleatore are busting along ?4Miee Florence Armstrong, S. B. La. with the annual contribution of the rate mont and D. McDonald are home from payers to keep the municipal machine the Model Sobool and will oommenoe running. Jacob Kreuter has 312386.69 combing alter Naw ?Gera. to collect and on nbe 15th bad about Among three who were at Gnderiob an $7,000 of it in band, P. 3 Biehnp in the jarore last week were, Otto Schnook, An- North is responsible for $9,91428 and bad tbony McDonald, Robert Wripbt, Wm. about half that sum paid in on the game McKay, Alex. Yuill and Jae. Pert. date, An auction Bale of farm etoak will be San00L ENTlaTAiNMnNT.—A very ea0.as held by Wm. Mann, lot $5, con. 16, on easeful school entertainment wheld in Friday, 29th inst., at 1 p. m. Be is the eohool honee of S. S. No. 3, on Fri short of feed so is holding the eale. F. day evening of Iasi week. The program S. Scott will be the auctioneer. Ives an exoelteut one as followe ; The Gag farm, near Henfryn, wag Chairmen's addreee by Robert Straohan ; sold on Monday to Jae. Thompson, of pstriotia oborne by company ; recitation, Heufryn, for $8550, There are 71 agree "The parson'e turkey," Remelt Wilbee ; in the farm. It was Bold to close op the dialogue, "Wash clay at Z. ffiecuffere," estate. Jae. Gage is here from the States by Mies Jean Doll and N. D. Roes ; guar. attending to the besiege. Farm joins tette, Misses 13abltirk and Gerry apd Mr. Thompeoo'e property. Meeers. Cardiff and Richardson • dial. A.n as aotton for slander whioh wogue, "The dandy," by Fred. Stephenson pending between two residents of the and L. Parr ; solo, Chattel) Riehardeon ; Towoahip of Grey ban been discontinued mouth organ duet, James and Tom and will not go to trial, The Plaintiff Julian ; dialogue, "Conundrum family," after the Examination for die0avery misses Addie Cardiff and Ella Machin - under oath of the Defendant, accepted non, Wee. Stephenson, Rose ManKtnuon, the sworn testimony of the Defendant Wille Oardiff and Hugh Smith • song. that she (the Defendant) had never need "Nellie Ray," Walter Julian ; recitation, directly or indirectly any elanderoue Mies MaoNaughton ; dialogue, "The words against the Plaintiff, The exam• trial scene from the Merohant of Venioe," illation was not a trial and no witneseee P. A, MacArthur, Reg Freeman, Alex. were required to attend or were in at- Lemont, Jno. Work, Harold Wilbert, N. midtown. D. Roes end Mieeeg Ella Meollinnon and Wm, MoLarty and wife, of Weatpeid, Were etagere with R. 3, end Mre. Hoover, soh con. Last week P, A. McArthur was a visitor at Guelph attending the Fat Stook Show, He was well pleased with it. Robert MoKay took the servioea at Roe'e , 'Juice apd Ethel last Sabbath as the pager was used up with a gold. The new teacher for U. S. S. No. 12, Qrey and MoKillop for 1906, will be KM Sommerville, of MoKillop, Salary will be 3320. Mre. Wm, Knight, of Belleville, was a vieitor at James Knight%a, 10th eon„ thie week, while enroate to her parental home at Walkerton. A baby daughter tae come to brighten the home of A. I. and Mre. McTaggart, of Chicago. It is said to be the nicest baby in the whole city. J. Henry Hoover and eon, Everett, of Pigeon, Mich , are visitors at R. J. Hoover's for Christmas. The gentlemen are twin brothers, and look very moot) alike. The trustees of S. S. No. 8 have en gaged S. B. Lamont as tleeher for 1908 ab a salary 01 3400. Duties will nom menoe on Jan. 8rd. Re has had consider- able experience. Last week Wen. Davidson, 11th con., arrived bome from Annals, N. W. T., where he had spent the past 8 months. The poet Fall was wet and windy. Wheat averaged from 20 to 25 bnehele per acre. There was no sleighing when Mr. Davidson lett but weather was eold, He will not likely return next Spring. !FT GIVING the eheer of ehristrnas 91Np'In4a'Itl't"Id'Idie'U, Ill'114nM,'edU Christmas Gift Buying Something Useful, Appropriate and Accept- able for every Man, Woman, Girl, Boy or Child of your acquaintance. CARPET SWEEPERS Bissell's ()you Bearing Carpet Sweepers from $2.50 to $4.50. Bissell's Sweepers Sweetens Home. PARLOR LAMPS From $1.00 is $5.00. Make your Parlor pleasing by the addition of a lovely Lamp. CUTLERY SKATES We are! headquarters for Skates—"Bober" and "Mie -Mac." Boys' Hockey Skates for 50o—better value can't be got even at Eaton's. Boys' and Girls' Pearl Handle Pocket Pen Knives, from 25c to 66e. Knives and Forks at very Speoial Prices, SILVERWARE Children's Silver Plated Sets from 90o to $1.25. Silver Spoons of all kinds from 750 a dozen and up. 1847 Silver- ware at Special Priees. Fruit Dishes, Biscuit Jars, Sugar Bowls, Butter Dishes and Pickle Dishes at prices that will surprise you. INICKLE TRAYS In four varieties from 15c to $1.00. King Edward VII Nick's Tray for 25c, 150 Free Christmas rresouts to Farmers only. Every Farmer who will call at our store will receive one of these Presents absolutely Free as long a8 they last. Merry Xmas and .Prosperous New Year to ✓.t 11 lu'lu'Gnidbrtr'te'IIAtIi'trhPb"t'e cHay Laura Cardiff; ohorne, !'Down the fine," by ten children J recitation,ikThe foot ball match," by Ohnrlee Riobardeen quartette, Mloeee- Bile .MacKinnon and M. MacArthur and P. A. MeaA.rthur and N. D Roo ; dtalogtte, "The photogreph• er," N. D. Roes, Rob, and Ro-e Meati), non. Lunch wag nerved, 'Bente Omni arms wag Bung before the advent of Santa Olson Who dietribeted the presents from 0hristmas etoatees, r.'ruaeede 316 70 which will be devoted to loom! purposes. General regrot,ie felt over the removal of Teaeber Rose. 0n0Otleeehe GATneenlo.-Tneoday evening of ibis weal a punlic 00(1001 entertainment, ander the anepioes of Monorieff, eohool wag bald in Bathe/ ehurot which was tilled to the doors. Program was eutertatntag, well rendered, varied and wee as follows ;-Opening Mcrae I Chairman's addreee, W. H. Kerr, of Tna POST "The Turkey song" by 2 boyo ; "A Boy's Lettture on Knives." Alex, Mann ; "A Day's Experienoee," 8 gtrle ; reading, Mies A. MnNeoght 1 solo, J. Leslie Kerr, Brunets ; violin solo, Mies F. Hmtkin, Modell ; song, "The Blow Almost Killed Felber," 18 boys ; red., "At Ana Kitty's," Walker Noble ;rec., "Fool Yoaug;'n,o," 8 girls ; solo, J. Leslie Kerr • violin nolo, Mise Ruskin ; "Sabocl Concert" ; reading, Mien A, MoNaught ; "The Skating Song," 19 girls ; rep„ "If Pa ooald be a Boy," Wilt. Hislop ; "The Bong of the Wind," 8 girls ; solo, J. Leslie Kerr ; closing chorus ; "God Save the Ring," All did well. The deg drill waseplendid. ly `done. Mies 9A, OMoNonght, the 'eacher, has the happy kneel) of .doing well herself and inepiring the pnpile to do likewise. Mies Bailey, of Brussels, and Mitre Rankin, were rte a000mpah- eta, A vote of thauks wee passed to ,hoes who assisted. Proeeede, $22.00 which will be applied to improvements op echoed groande. W ttog. Nem Noma -The general °losing of the special meettnge in the Metbodlet ehnroh was made lag Sabbath evening, bet meetings for-°brietiers of the otturob and the young oonverte were held un vlonday and Tueeday evenings. Mies Seaman left on Wedueaday for her home .n Bieohelm near whwlt her next work will be, ,tikes Seaman bee made a boat of friends in thie community during her short stay and will always be a welcome visitor to thia oongregatfou,-A wireless .elegram from Leadbury says that while a young man was preferring his request 10 drive a young lady home from meeting lest Sunday, some misguided mieoreene appropriated the horse and rig for his own dee.-An adult baptimeial service will be held in the Methodist church next Sabbath in oenoeotion with the service at 11.00 a, m. -Rev, Dr. Roes, of Brussels, preached in Daff'e church last Sunday afternoon. Rev, MoNab is improving slowly in health. -A wedging is elated for next Wedueaday the bride being from Walton. -The Epworth League of tba Methodist ohnrob will hold their annivereary servioeou Sunday,Dee. 81st. The following evening an entertainment will be giveu in the ehnroh.-A, and Mrs. Mo00atg entertained a number of young people to at; oyster supper on Tuesday evening. 1141 orifi+. Public eohoole close Friday ot this week and will open on Jan. 8rd. Wm. and Mrs. Robb, 8th line, will spend 0hristmae at Tottenham. Mre, James Evans and Mise E11a,j 7th ane, will spend Christmas with relatives at Tpvietoak, lvliee A, 0. Milligan will spend the Christmas vaoation at her Home in Dungan, Mrs, A, nonMcCall and Mies Mabel Mo. Call, will spend Christmas holidays with relatives in Chatham. Some of the young people of the 40h tine enjoyed a 000iai hop at the home of Lawson Broe., 8th line Tuesday evening, Nomination Friday of thin week at the Townebip Hall. If an election is held it will take placation Monday„Jan„ let from 9a.m,toSp.m. George Mooning, son of John Manning 1101, line, bee opened a photo gallery at Wroxeter where we hope he will do well. Be ie said to be a competent hand, Quintin Anderson was coiled to Oheeley test week to see hie brother, William, who was dangerously ill. We ate pleased to bear he is ooneiderably improved now. Mies Bentrioe Milligan, who has spent the past year in Osliforoia, arriving home a few weeks ago, is visiting her sister, Mise Milligan at the Anderson Reboot, 8rd line, this week, Mre. James Burke and baby /took, of Baltmore, Maryland, left lost week for Toronto after an extended visit at the home of James Otennten, her father 7th line. Mr, Bennett has elect returned to his home in Detroit. Unrr.-Another of the pioneer reeidente of tine township has passed over to the great majority, in theperson of William. G. Oaeemore, 2nd line, who died on Friday, 8t3 iuet. Deceased had been in poor health for only a few weeke,, and prior to that was very smart for to men of hie ysare. He wase long life Coo. eervative and wee among the first settlers of the township. He was in hie 82nd. year. The funeral tools plea° on Sunday afternoon to Winghnm oometery, E1LLltn 150 1=icauwaVatcg.-Late Tues, day night Dsa. 6th, Jueepb 0agemore etas held up on a street in Winnipeg, by two thieves and robbed. They beat bit» over the head, inflicting injuries front which he deed io the general hoe pital the following night, 'having barn uneoneioono nearlyt dl the time be wilt in the hospital, 50 will be remembert that the de0ettged'e sivtfe committed infolds on the evening of Weber 280h, and two obtldren are thee bereft of bheit' patents In the Meet tragic manner, Deooased woe a 0003 of Robb, and Mre.' Oaeemers, who were killed at the reit. way abetting on the Area line of Morti t in May 1904. He bad been living in Winnipeg foe a number of galore tom prior to going there, owned a tart') near Bluevaie. Hie brother Win, Case. more late of Port Beton, left Winghanl for more,