HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-14, Page 8oweiteeeseeetweeirethereeteefeweeteeleesteatisee
dor the Coal Oren.
of the Buse
We have etaoke of
with wonderful Pictures and Stories, lots
to ohooee front. A number of the new
Annuals such as
A great colleotion of
Of course every Girl will want one of our
in Burnt Leather
snake ideal Christmas Permeate,
eepeolully where they have to be
sent by mail,
A Burnt Leather Album
containing Views of RC
Brussels for .
Also Book Covers, Match Hold-
ers, Blotters, Holders for Olip-
plugs, Poet Card Albums, Needle
Cases, Whisk Holders, all hand-
somely decorated.
Souvenir of Brussels
You will profit by doing your Christmas Buying Early
T H'
.E.cal ilius 4tem5
A ohiel's amain ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
WHEELING has been A 1,
1905 ass well nigh run its race,
A FEW weddings are on the tapie.
ONE week from next Mondity will be
Christmas Day.
D. A. Lawny is attending the Winter
Fair at Guelph this week.
MvNIoxPAL Councils meet Friday of this
week allover the Province,
R. GBAae x hue received a oar of fine
feeding corn whish he is now disposing of
at his etorehonee,
HAVE you paid your taxes 7 5% is add-
ed Friday morning of this weak to all
taxes unpaid in Breesels.
A. 0. U. W. nomination ot officers
takes place in Brussels Lodge Friday
evening, 15th inst. Are you a member 7
CORN,—Have for ease any gaaotity of
good feeding corn at lowest oeeh pride at
any etorehonee, Brussels. R. GRAHAM,
grain dealer.
Tan eleotric light was off for several
nights last week owing to a break in the
dynamo. Repairs were made in time for
Saturday evening for which the boeinesa
people were thankful.
AD. Semen was off active labor last
week for a few days, owing to an aooide"t
by failing through a trap door at Jno.
McFadden's stable where he was deliver.
ing feed. He is all right now we are
pleased lease to state
HOLIDAYRaTEB.-For:Christmas holidays
Bingle fare tickets will be issue on thed
railroads good from 28rd to 26th inclae•
ive, and for a fare and a third from Deo.
22o5 to Jan. 5. At New Years single
from Doc, 22nd to Jun. let and 11J fare
from Deo, 29th to Jan. Ord, Tbere will
no doubt be many on the wing during the
ERS.—The Model Sohool examinations
for the entire Province are now to pro-
gress. The written examinations extend
over three days, Deo. 12th, 13th and
1451], The examinations in teaching
begin on Deo, 16th and ends Deo. 18th.
The Board of Examiners meet at Sea -
forth on Deo. 22nd to award oertifioatee
to euooesetnl condidatee. There are 42
nandidatee writing et Clinton ;-33 who
attended the Model school eines it opened
on Sept. 5th, and 9 teachers who are
writing for renewals. The Board Exam-
inant for this county ie Inspectors Robb
and Tom and Principals Cameron and
Loser, Orange Lodge, No. 774, Brussels,
elected officers for 1906 as follows :—
W. R. Mooney, Worthy Master ; Francis
Mo0utoheon, Deputy tvlaater ; B. Gerry,
Chaplain ; W. H. Moore, Recording
Secretary ; T. Farrow, Finanoiat Secre•
tery ; M. M. Cardiff, Treasurer ; David
Smith, Director of Ceremonies ; Jobe
Mooney, Henry MoOotobeoo, Samuel
Crawford, John Simmons, William !,
Grey, Committee men ; S. T. Plum and
M. H. Moore, Leaturera ; B. Gerry and
le. T. Plum, Auditors. After the of
fitters were daly ivatalled the members
eujoyed a baohlot'e lunch and all fully
agreed in that old motto No Surrender.
of so important a body Iasi weak as
Huron Co. Council was considered worthy
of mime reoognitioa and the form it took
wee that ofa oomplimeotary supper at
the American Hotel, the 0o. Councillors
being the guests on the oaaaaion. A
goodly number of oitizene availed them
eelvee of the opportunity of meeting the
visitors so that et the well laden tables
there were seated some 65 people. The
mens was of a first-class ebaructar, with
no tedious waiting se there eometimee is
00 000aeioOe of that kind in the sere•
ing. When the wants of the inuer•man
were satisfied by the good things provided
ex Warden Leckie took oharge of the toast
list and for u few hours wit and humor,
teminieoeooee of former Co. Cooncila,
hietaricelrefetenoea, progooetioations of
the future, tee., were pleasantly blended
In the impromptu apeeohee and songs,
"The Co, Council," called for remarks
from Warden Miller and Councillors
MOKenaie, Lamont, McQuillan, Currie,
McLean, MoNaughton, Bryane, Perna
and 'ablator. In reapoaae to "The Co,
officials" 0o. Clerk Lane, Co. Treasurer
Holmes, School Inspector Robb, and
House of Reloge Inspector
Torrance replied, The first mentioned
gave a brief history of the early mens•
cipal days of this motion of the Go.
Dr, Holmen was in a retroepeotive mood
and called up different experienooa in hie
20 years residence in Brneaale that were
very interesting ; lnepeotor Robb lament-
ed the shortage of scholars and teachers
in our publio aohoole; and Mr. Torrance
promised the beet of dare to any of those
present if they ever dame to reside at the
House of Refuge, of which he did not
think there was mach danger, "Pact
Co. Cannella" elicited replies from ex.
Wardens Rear and Dox and ex- Ooan•
Milers A, C. Dames, A. Hielop M. P. P„
Graham, W. H. MoOraakeu and J, B.
Miller. "The death of Nelson," was well
sang by George Thomann: Mine hoot
McLennan responded to the compliments
expreeoed over the excellent spread.
"The Ladies" were championed by Bar.
Hato McDonald after which "Auld Lang
Syne" was given followed by the Nation.
al Anthem and the company dispersed,
A NEW time table went into effeot on
the G. T. R. on Monday. There ie no
change' affecting Brunetti.
SCHOOL Board did not meat Friday
evening as a quorum was not present,
They mat on Tuesday evening of this
week ineteud.
MUNICIPAL Nomination for Brussels
will be held an Friday eveoiug of next
week, 22"a inst., at 7.80 o'clook, when
candidates will be placed in the field for
the Reeveehip, four Councillors and
three publio school Trustees. There
should be a large uttendauoe.
A PHOToasaPHIo group of Toronto Uni•
verelty well known Foot Ball teem ap
peered in !set Satarday'e Globe. We
uotioe the smiling countenance of James
Strachan, one of the hustling forwarde in
it, He i, a sou of James Strachan, of
Grey, Rud played at Brussels; for the past
few seasons.
THUD who know anything about a
priatiug offioe will know the "fan" Tao
POST had feet week by the interesting
.auto of a "pied" form of the paper. It
was being taken to the basement from
the presto to be waebed when the accident
happened and it was "distributed" in a
burry but afterwards distributed by a
Glower process.
Moose Scathe Exette—Ioapeotor Robb
of Brume's, is et Clinton taking
charge of hie donee as Examiner of the
35 Model School students writing there.
There are three days of written examin.
ati0n followed by three days teaching.
Priuoipal Cameron, the other examiner,
will go to Clinton for Friday. Inepentor
Tom,of G
oderioh and J. W. Moffett of
Srafortb, are doing similar work with the
27 pupils attending Godertch Model. It
is feared the eupply of teachers will be
short, even with the goodly number of
additions from the Model Schools. One
reason is the heavy draft made by the
Northwest where salaries are oonaidarab.
iy higher than here, People should not
forget that expenses are higher out there
"POETS AND THEIR Wean" ;—Under
hie beading the young people of Melville
oburch gave a Social on Monday evening
of this week. The basement was comfort-
ably fired by well.wiebere of the society
and after Rev. Dr. Roes had taken the
ohair the following exoelleot program was
listened to :—Trombone solo by Lorne
Danford, "Sweet Adeline" ; meg, Jobe
T. Strachan, "The Lost Chord" ;
recitation, Mise Winnie MtGnire, "The
Interviewer" ; song, Blies Mamie Mo.
Arthur "Suotland Yet" ; Organ Bolo, Mies
Lizzie Bowman, "Oathedral Eohoee" ;
song, Percy Richards, "The. Ensign" ;
reading, Charles Richardson, "The Ludy
Rehasia" ; trombone solo Lorne Danford
"A Dream of Paradise." At the close
of the program refreshments were served.
Tba room was handsomely decorated and
eltboegh no admiaei,rt fee wartannulaced
a very good freewill offering was given at
the door umoanting to 514.65.
Boomer's Oration —After a eao0eeefo,
ran of bustueee tor nearly 10 years John
Donaldson, harness maker, has sold our.
to George Sterno, of Sebringville, Perth
Go., who in turn disposed of bis harness
baeinees to Joseph Moore, of the same
piaoe. Mr. Donaldson will give plana to
bis successor iu February. He porpoeee
removing to Milee pity, Idaho, U. S.,
where he spent tome time 13 years ago
and where his brothers are located in a
big ranching business. To reduce hie
stock Mr. Donaldson bee annoonoed a
bargain gale for the next 30 days, Mr.
Stems end family, highly esteem.
ed residents of Sebringville, will be mov
Ing to Brueeele thorny, Mr. and Mre.
Dooaldeon have many friends in this
locality who will be sorry to hear of their
decision to leave town,
FINE CONCERT.—The people of Brunetti
and community are indebted to the Ten-
nis Club tor the exoelleot mueloal event
teat Friday evening in the Town Hall,
when the anneal Concert was held. Hoo.
Presideot Leckie 000upied the chair.
relent consisted of the well known
Charles Kelly, of Guelph, whose reputa-
tion from former visite gave him a hearty
welcome back. He expelled in "The
Exil 'e return" and by epeoial request he
prayed the guitar Bolo "The Spaniel] Re-
treat" with bio old time ability, Mee
Hattie Kelly, daughter of the above
mentioned gentleman, did her part fam
oaaly and will alio be heartily received in
Breach]. Whether in solo, or on the
mundolm at piano the appeared to be
equally at home and oertainly is well
qualified to do her pert. In the humor
one J. H. Cameron, of Toronto, who has
appeared bete before, was in good trim
and hie mugs took with the old time
there, meriting: frequent reoalla. Hie
jokes were almost too dieoonneoted to
have the effect they should bat he tells
them in good style, Mien Buaohlen, of.
Mount Foraat, gave a highly creditable
performano0 on the violin and proved to
the audience her capability at wielding
the bow with the eaee and grace of a
veteran. Sha has a bright future. En
oorea were numerous and reeponeee me
generone eo that good value was given to
the audience. The total proceeds were
805.00 and after all expenses were met
left a small balance in the treasury,
Program Was as follows : — Overture,
mandolin and guitar., "Southern Belle,'
Chas. Kelly and Mies Hattie Kelly ; skit,
"How some woman not in a Dry Goods
Store," J. 11. Cameron ; violin solo,
Sootti019 fantasia, Miss Maud Busohlen ;
solo, "The MooSter of the Deep," Mae,
Kelly 1. sang, "The Pale Moonlight," J.
H, Cameron ; duet, atandolln and guitar,
"Infanta Patrol," Mr. and Mies Kelly ;
violin solo, Gavotte, Op. 23, Mise Bomb.
len ; nolo, "The Exile's Return", Mr.
Kelly ; Bong, "Ain't it funny what
difference jnat a sew hours make," Mr.
Cameron; guitar solo, "The Drum Solo,"
Mr. Helly • violin solo, overture from
"Wilhelm ell," Mies BUaeblen ; solo,
"Coo Bong," Miea Kelly ; recitation,
"Phe Highland Brigade," Mr, Cameron ;
nolo, "Alone in the Deeert," Mr, Kelly
duet, mandolin and goiter, "Le Tipton,"
Mr. and Mimi Kelly ; Dong, "I'm
rather too old for that now," Mr. Oam•
eron ; "National Anthem"
H. R. BBEwEa bad Srtiet ()strophe'', of
Toronto, last week painting scenic
back grounds for hie well known studio to
be ready for the holiday rush.
VERY sir.—We are sorry to hear that
Mies Kettle Galbraith, who hoe made her
borne for the past ten years with her
Meter, Mrs Archibald MoDouald, Mill at.,
ie lying dangerously ill with peritonitis,
Ae ebe ie advanoad in years there is
little hopes held out for her recovery.
POST Bon:FTa. Read Tar Peer clubbing
offer. --O. U. F. met on Tuesday. Next
meeting will be on the 26th inet.—
Bruseele Coattail will meet Friday even.
ing.—The stores and shops have mourned
a holiday appearance and trade is briek.—
Do your Christmas buying early and
avoid the rush.—Some young lade got into
trouble by breaking windowe in vacant
house last week. The damage had t0 be
made good.—At a meeting of Brunie
Fire brigade, held Monday evening, it WHO
decided to have a cold water teat of the
engine by an expert, Other arrange.
menta were left over until after the
Municipal Election, to be dealt with
by new:0onocil.—Mr. Storey, MOKillop,
has moved to Brueeele and taken a
position in the Exosieior Knitting Fac.
tory.—We olip the following from the
Teeswater Newe of last week ; Thomas
Friendship, who for some time has been
carrying on a grocery buaioem in the
Button Block has made an aseigment to
John Farquharson tor the benefit of hie
creditors. There will be a meeting of
nie creditors at Mr. Farqubareon'e
office on the 16th.—There are 40 tele-
phones in connection with Brussels air-
. nit now. THE POST is No. 20. New
iireotory has been supplied to the local
subscribers.—D. 0. Roae, R. Laatherdale
and Jae. Turnbull ore retiring members
of the School Board, with the exception
of the latter, who is out of town, they
will propably seek re.eleotioo if eo should
be returned without opposition. -1t is
said the partnership existing for years
between Meagre. Cochrane & Johnston in
the Marble Works at W Ingham has been
dieeolved, the latter retiring. Mr.
Johnston will likely go into the hardware
bnsinese we noderetand.—Mrs. Thomas
&inlay, a former Bramante, died at her
home to Lietowel on Monday and the
funeral took plana there on Wednesday
afternoon.W ateon and Mrs. Arnta
6v. H. McCracken, E. C. Danford, and
George Mrs. and May Birt attended from
town. Deceased was a fine woman and
Mr. Aiolay will be deeply sympathized
with in hie Borrow. A more complete
reference will be given next week.—In
the G, T. R. shipments this week were
• Oar 0f Cattle for Barr and Blaok ; 2
oars of hoge for Dames ; 3 oars baled bay
by Backer and a oar of wheat by Graham.
— The comfortable reeidenoe of John
Donaldson, has been sold to hie s000easor
in enaluuee, Mr. Steam, 0f Sebriugvillc,
—luapeotor Bog, of the Standard Bank,
made his official visit to Brussels this
OMIT.—Thursday evening of last week
Auuie, eldest daughter of'Promau Smith
formerly of Grey township, died at the
home of her brother, Roy, W. A. Smith,
B. D, Luoknow, after a lengthened period
of einem, during part of whish elle wee et
patient sufferer, She wan born in
Brume's; 37 years ago and was always an
fnrrrested worker io the ohurob being a
member of the Methodiet choir here for
yeere. Her mother predeneoaed her by
15 years to the day. A funeral aervloe
was conducted at Luoknow on Saturday
afternoon by Rey. Mr, Millyurd after
which the remains were brought here for
interment, Rev. T, W. Cairene offioiating
at the cemetery. Mise Smith passed
away triumphantly realizing that all
was well, The bereaved are deeply
sympathized with.
SIIDDnN DEMISE.—Soddenly and an•
expectedly came the death summoue to
Mre. Wm. Smith, of Hamilton, Monday of
last week. She had been visiting frieude in
Toronto where she took ill with poen.
moria but had improved so tar as' to be
able to sit op and the dootor had told
her she would be able to return home
ehortly. After eating , her dinner ebe
took worse and palmed away quite sudden•
ly before her husband aould reaoh her
bedside. Deceased was Miee Agnes
Crawford of Edinburgh, Scotland, and is
survived by bar huebaud, who is a
brother to John Smith and Mre. Alex.
Stewart, Turnberry street Brneaale,
2 sone (Oliver and David) and three
daaghtera (Mise Agnes who is a. lecturer
ou Domestic Science, Wee Ellen, in
training for a nurse at NFw York ; and
Mies Bella at home.) • Mr. Smith holds'
an important poet in the head office of
the Federal Life Inanrauo" Go. Hamilton,
The funeral took piaoe on Thursday of
last week. Nee. Smith wee 68 years of
age and was a very flue spirited woman..
She spent Tlmnkegiving day in Brume's.
Mrs, Stewart, of town 1 Mrs, Oliver
Smith and and Alex, Smith, of Wrox.
eter ; and A. and Mrs. Turnbull, of Grey,
attended the funeral from this locality.
This pall is a loud sermon from the text
"Be ye also ready."
Business Locals.
SEE Strettoo's brilliant Display of
Xmas. and New Year'o goods.
THE finest and most up•to.date Jewelry
at the Golden Cloak, W. F. Stretton.
Fon SALE.—One pony, reliable driver
Alan cart and harness at bargain,
h 0. Months.
COMFORTABLE dwelling for Bale or to let.
Immediate poesessian can be given.
Apply to I. 0. RICHARDS.
W. F. STnnTrooe cordially invites hie
friends and the public generally to visit
bis store and inspect hie fine . die la
p display.
4046 Celiforoia Naval Oranges for
Xmas. at 60, 50, 40, 30 and 20 ciente per
doz. W. A. GaEweR.
WANTED.—Oboioe Turkeys, dry pinked,
and undrawn, 15o. All kinds of fowl and
dried apples wanted. GEO. E. KING,
AT the Golden Clock you will find
Stratton, the Jewler, willing and ready to
compare prime, quality and design in the
Jewelry line,
Is now almost here
And at this busy time you are no doubt thinking
about what you will get to Blease the Girls or
Boys — Your Father, Mother or Friend
WE are well prepared to supply you with many use-
ful articles which would be highly appreciated.
By calling and taking a look through our Xmas Display
we hope to show you something that will be just what
you want.
—Children's Picture Handkerchiefs
at 2o, 8o, 4o and 6o each
—Ladies' Plain Lawn and Fancy
Swiss and Linen Haudkerohiefe
at ..5o, 100, Inc, 15o, 20c,
25c and 500 each
—Very Special Itadiee' Ham -stitched
Linen Lawn Initial Handker-
chiefs—Six in a pretty box ..500
—Gents' Lawn and Linen Handker-
chiefs at
.....5c, 8o, 10o, 150 and 25o eaoh
—Gents' Hem -stitched Silk Hand-
kerohiefs at 25o and 60o, and
with Colored Borders — Extra
Quality at 750
Ladies' Pretty Collars, Belts Gloves
Mitts Slippers Furs
New Lustre and Silk Blouses, Etc , Etc.
pII,III,IIt1111110'llrlu'e YIyABJW 111'111
Ties and Mufflers
—A beautiful range of New Ties
for the Boys and Men at,..
15c, 25o, 60c and 75c
—Very Special Values it.
Gents' Mufflers at
50e, 75o and $1.00
These are only a few out of many Suggestions we might offer
along these lines, but our large and choice stock is
at your service to choose from.
No Fancy Prices Everything Cheap
Hoovie.—In Grey, on Nov. 22nd, to
Mr, and hire, R. J. Hoover, a eon,
Srstvenr,—In Braaaele, on Dee. titb, to
Mr, and Mee. W. H. Stewart, a 050.
MaDouoaor,—At Towner, North Dakota,
on Deo. Brd, Alex. MoDoogall, fernier.
ly of Grey township, in hie 35th
SMITH,—In Toronto, on Deo. 4th,
Agnea Crawford, beloved wife of
Wm, Smith, of Hamilton, aged 68
StnuH.—In Luoknow, on Deo. 7th, Annie,
eldeet daughter ot Trueman Smith,
aged 87 years.
WEDNESDAY, DEO. 20T11,—Farm Stook,
Lot. 27, 0un, 9, Grey. Sale, unreserved,
a 1 p. m. Juoob Holleubeck, prop., F.
S. 800tt, auo.
Fall Wheat 75 76
Barley 40 42
Peas - 66 70
Oats 32 53
Butter, tube and rolls19 20
Eggs per dozen 19 20
Hay per. ton 5 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 5 00 5 50
Hoge, Live 6 10
Wool 23 23
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Potatoes per bus 85 40
Apples (per bbl.) 1 50
good kitchen girl, Highest wages,
Apply Brussel00 s S. MoLENNAN, American
6. No. 4, Macdonald, Duties to com-
mence January let. Application stating
salary to be in by Deoember 20th.
Echo Bay, Algoma.
Fon Senn.—Genuine"Smut Nose" Corn
carefully saved on the cob—the beet ensil-
age earn we bave ever seen. Sawn the 90th
'lay ,will ripen early in September. Also
"Early Triumph" Potatoes which have sue-
cesafully resisted d iseoae for the past three
seasons. Quantity limited ; first some, first
carved, 4. M. KNIGHT, Lot 21, Con, 19,
stray 33-51
Seasons go by, years slip one past the other ; things happen
and are forgotten, but happy Christmas time, rather than a thing
to be forgotten, becomes more dear to us each year. We grow to
appreciate the privilege it brings to us of tangibly expressing love,
friendship and all of the other graces. The selection of some token
or remembrance at the glad Yule Tide is one of the most delight-
ful, though perhaps one of the most difficult of tasks. We are
satisfied however, that among our immense variety you will be
able to find something that will appeal to ,von. We have an ex-
cellent assortment to select from, among which might be mention-
ed .
—Biscuit Jars
—Fancy Plates
— Fruit Dishes
—Pitcher Urue
— Jardineree
— Photo Frames
—Post Card Albums
—Photo Albums
— Candle Holders
—Scissor Sete
—Fine Perfumes
—Musio Rolla
— 25 Cent Novelties
— Ornamental Pottery
—Jewel Boxes
—Toilet Sete
—Fern Pete
—Chocolate Sete
—Bon Bone
— Tea Seta
—Salad Bowls
—Fruit Sete
— Smoker Sete
—Fine Stag Sete
—Ink Stands
—Hymn Books
—Hall Sets
—Hand Begs
— Fountain Pons
— Fine Stationery
—Manicure Sete
and scores of other articles of equal suitability as gifts, and after
all you will not find it such a difficult thing to choose appropriate
gifts when you see our fine collection at
Fox's Drug Store
-1• Belle for aide, eligible for reaiatra- NJ/ Lot for sale, situate on Princess street.
tion. Apply to JAS. SPEIE, Lot 30. Con. 0, Brueeele. Fur lmtiler particulars apply to
Morrie. Brussels P.O. 03 5± Mks. Il, 0001015. 295t
G. N. McLren
Prices Out of the Ordinary for
Christmas Sale
Choose your Christmas Presents from a Strictly New Stock. We have many use-
ful articles that, will make acceptable Christmas Gifts You will find here a strictly new
stock of Ladies' Furnishings, Dress Goods, Furs, Flannel Waists and Waistings, Ladies'
and Misses' Skirts, Table and Fancy Linens, Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers and Over-
shoes. New Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys, new Men's and Boys' Furnishings.
Here are a Few Special Prices for Xmas Sale
85 00 Women's Astrachan//Jackets for . 25.00
—6 only Women't0hdic¢ Quality Astrachan Jack- •
els ; olo=e. bright, glo sy ';. rl, 28 to 84 inches long,
extra heavy satin lining, assorted sizes, regular price
335.00, Xmas Sale Price 525 00
Ladies' Fur Ruffs at . . 5.00, 7 00 and 10.00
—We are showing special values in Ladies' All
Around Ohio Sable Ruffs, finished with 4, 0 and 8 tails,
at 5 00 7 00 10 00
Muffs to match at 4 00 to 8 50
9.00 and 10.00 Men's Tweed Suits for . 7,50
—35 Men's Suite in All Wool Canadian Tweed ;
made in Scotch Tweed Patterns ; a particularly fine lot
of Perfect Fitting Suits, regular prices 9.00 and 10.00.
Xmas Sale Price " .. 7 50
1.00 and 1.25 Women's Fancy Rouse Slippers 75c
—60 paire Women's Fancy House Slippers, Juliet
style, warm lined, fur trimming, flexible sole with fleece
ed ineolea, sine 2*• to 8, regular price 1.25 and 1.00,
Take them Xmae Sale for
5 00 and 6.00 Meu's Overcoats for . . 8.50
—17 Men's Der k/Grey Frieze Overcoats, well made
and perfect fittiug6/Some of Shia lot have large Storni
Collars ; others are flni-hed with Velvet Collars. Reg-
ular pride 5,00 and 6.00. Take your ohoioe Xmas Sale 3 60
8,50 Boys' 2 -piece Suits for . . • . 2.50
—21 Boys' Suite in Light and Dark Colored Cana-
dian Tweeds, Norfolk styles, sizes for Boys from 6 to
13 years old. Xmas Salo price 2 50
2.00 and 2.25 Men's Tweed Pants for . 1.50
—4 dozen Men's All Wool Tweed Pants—in small,
medium and wide stripes—finished with good quality of
Twill Pocketing ; well made in every way ; assorted
eizee ; regular prices; 2,00 and 2.26. Xmas Sale Price.. 1 50
1.00 and 1.25 Men's House Slippers for . 75c
—60 pelre Men's Fancy House Slippers in loather
and Velvet—a vary suitable Xmas. gift -sizes; 6 to 10 ;
75 regular prices 1.00 and 1.26. Your ohoioe of the lot
during Xmas Sale for 75
rL:CSO nd 8.00 Ladies' Waists for . . . 1,75
5 dozen Ladies' Fancy Flannel and Wool Delaine
Waists • Tartans and Light and Dark Fanoys ; all sizes
82 to 441 We guarantee these to be perfect fitting,
Regular price 2.50 and 3,00, your choice Xmas Bale for 1 75
100, and 1.25 Men's Fancy Shirts for . 75c
ayf 10 dozen Men'a Fancy Cambric Shirts in soft and
harm]] froote, Ligght and Dark Colorings, regular 1,25 and
1.00, Xmas Sale Price 75
2.50 Women's Skirts for 1.75
—3 dozen Women's Navy Blue, I3laolr and Dark -
Grey Skirts, made from good quality cloth, nicely finish-
ed, all sizes, regular prices 2,50: Xmas Sale Price .... 1 75
400 Women's Tweed Skirts for . . . 8.00
—2 dozen Women's All Wool Tweed Skirts, in
broken checks and light colors ; regular price 4,00
Xmas Sale Price 8 00
Choice Qualities Fancy Linens,
Ladies' Fancy Collars, 100 to 1,00
Men's Ties, - 10c to .50
Warm Underclothing, 50o to 2,00
Extra Values tri White
Napkins and
Ladies' Gloves,
Men's Gloves, ,
Fancy Mufflers,
Wool Blankets. Overeoat,s'.
ta'11/foney cheerfully refunded for anything bought here that is not perfectly satisfactory.
Yours, for Mutual Benefit,
Table Cloths
25c to 1.25
25c to 1,25
25c to 1.25
Prices on Boys'
Next Door to American
Hotel, Brussels.