HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-14, Page 6WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE ie a High -grads 0ommerolal Sahoo6 Three Courses 1 Opznnrerolal Stenegrephy Telegraphy Write GEO, eroineps., rrlucipal, Do You Want a Position P 0 renot e qq. n oools hA alike a¢ k d aspen. 11 in helping students t brill e 1A e 0 On , y p g p D overlook Do not o. er sok thio Point. OELIJOTT TORONTO, ONS'. cannot supply the dammed made newt it by buei,ete men, Why ? heuause tib for high-grade work le wour reputation r ig g otil known and $. protect this rae-.l Cation. This to n inter i Te tlra. Digit - est 'Standing. ey lllfer 'Term opens Jen. 2nd. Catalogue 1'r°o• i W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. I,p 00Ar YONG0 AND ALESANDER STs. kt- MEDICAL CARDS. TR. R. A. BURNS - JJ Successor to Dr. J. A. MCNaugIdon ltrutstls, Ontario Graduate of Polyclinic) Poet Graduate SchoolofMedicine and Surgery, New York Member of Oollege of Physicians and Sur, geon0 of Ontario. Office and .residence same a0 formerly oc- cupied by Dr. MloNaugbtou. Dlaeatee of women a epeoialby. 'Phone No. 21. BUSINESS CARUS. 'M ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 BBB 1Vi cent. F.B. 60OTT, Bruesele_ ,x'7 H. MoORACKEN-- V V • Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Of - foe at Grocery, Tnrnborry street, /instals. 'ARMS FOB SALE -THE UN DERsreNED nae several good Farms f of gale and to rent, easy terms, in Townahipt of Morris and Grey. F S. 800TT,Brueselo C. 0, 3'. Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. h'., Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room, Blalocn tdud enlast ppfas- eeauhmonth at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAB. BURGESS, 0.21. A. N. MELLISH, it. S. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAM1 IN8URAN011, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • BBB, will sell for better prices, to bettor men in. less time and less chargee than any other Auctioneer in End Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders pap always be arranged at ,lila °Moe or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - 014T, Auctioneer for Huron County. n able. Sales arranged d for Terms roaso g at the offioo of THE Poem, Brussels. 221! VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM- • Honor Graduate et the Ontario Vet- erinary college, is prepared to treat all dlo• eases of demeetioated animal's •10 a compet- ent manner. Particular attention void to Veterinary Dentletry and Milk Fever. Gape. promptly attended to. °Moe andlnSxmary -Four doors North of bridge, Ournberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ASB. MACDONALD- Aosrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Successor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan- dard Bank. Brussels. Solioltor for Metro- politan Bank, NM. SINCLAIR- e Barrister, Solieltor, n0on8eyanoer, Retest, Public, deo. Office -B tewart's Block 2 door North of central Hotel, Solicitor for the Standard Bank. ptBOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BARRISTERB,UB ,II I1101tS, NOTARIES W. 11110011110011,20.0. 1i. 0, Hats G. F, 13LAm. Offileo-Those formerly occupied by Masers Cameron & Holt, Go/match, 00241100. DENTISTRY DR, R. P. FBILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and ['iret•o1a0e Honor Graduate of Toronto University. ()Moo. nett to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, e/tfitiliid,CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. MARE torn LIFE A Staines, Yon can if you will. Our oonrooe whish are up-to-date and practical will quell- . fy1ou in the shortest pooelbid time, Ail our gqraduates secure good osl. nWgta. mpcattene tiothans. wd pean at mootr. Thinorn a9eplinbpl the gained a oonti0entel reputation for thoroughness, Write 100001) bonutifel oatalog0e, it will interest you, You may enter at anytime, ELLIOTT & ylof,AOHLAN, Prinoipafe, ILE I. �i=fift* i tr4 1= r3 ..�mvmaw,W GRAIN 01-10P. C NG The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming O0U 5Puuity that they ore BOW ready to do all hinds of Uraiu Chopping and Crushing atlowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Thu.ell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. Huron County Council, [0ontioned from page 4] 11111)01120 Or 0011111201118, EDSOATIUN. In refareaae to oommaniaation of Uountiee of Leeds said Grenville asking (20180Oit 00 petition Legie:eters 8011101)8100 grouts to common wheels of Ontario, we recommend that it be supported.. The oer1ified immune of Public) Sodom Iuepeot0re Tum and Robb, relative to Enersuoe Examinations held in their inapeatorates, were examined, also as. 00(0110 of Contiflaatioo (Maria work fur the 0o. received from Deputy Minister of Edeoatiou, exacconed. Recommend that both be published in minutes. Letter from Inspeot00 Chisholm, of Brunn Oo., to Iuspeetar Robb of East Huron, relating to the gra010 to Union S. S. between the two counties. We reOommead that the Flame be filed, It GARDINER, Chairman. 118880121YE 005ID11220EE. Teachers were reoeived for metal ceiling for the 008rt room of Court boos, from W. R. Pinder, Cues. Lae, J. H, Worded, Howells, Chae. Harper, A. Silage', D. tlanroe. We reaommena the tender of Mr. %Vorsell be a eepte4. Pattern to be eeleated and work done under the direction of Robt. McLean ane %he 0 ark. We re00mnie114 the tender of painting wood work and papering of D. Meares be aueepted, W. hloOresih to be .oepeotor, H. SPAciiIAN, 010lrm811. MOW, 1)00111102110. In reference to letter from Sanitarium for Ooneamptivee, we recommend that it be laid over to January Bearden. In petition from the 0o. of Norfolk we re oornrnend the Warden Rud Clerk be ,tathoriaed to sign the same. This referred to the County Council Act. Re. deeding the committal papers of Florence Brown, we recommend the same be ,' !ed. In regard to the circular from the Ontario Municipal Association, we re. 0ommeed no motion. J. T. Omuta, Chairman. DR. SHAW'S REPORT. I bag to submit the report of the Phy efaian of the House of Refuge for thio year. The tucceesed a000mmodatioa bee enabled us to keep the house in a mach better 00n11ary 001 111100 ail emit inmate boo now mob more air space in the aleepi05 wards. It is vary noticeable in the hospital where the sleeping room servee as flying rooms, The managed number of flambe this year is due to a larger number of inmates and also that e number of inmates who were admitted in a dying condition died a few days after their entrance. We performed saveraloperations daring the year and all patients did well. There has been one birth during the year. The armee of death were 2 from epilepsy, 4 from apoplexy, 8 from Danner, 2 by accident, 1 from pht11ysie,.1 from Bright's disease, 1 from pneumonia tollowieg broken leg and 1 from old age, Average age way 71 years. During the 12 months I had 1189 oases, necessitating 78 visite, all of %%Muth is respectfully submitted. 00. 000I0II09IONE11'O REPORT. I herewith submit my report, It son. twine ea a000nnt of the orders issued, their uumber and amuaot and portions to whom paid. The ooutraots that were awarded by your Council last January have been completed in goad time. The Morriebenk and Luoknow bridges are saciefaotority completed. Bridge South of, Amberley is not finished in a'wok kman• tike meaner and I have retained $260 of the e0ntraot prise until your honorable body wept the 812001ure. I saw the bridge on Nov, 23rd and ordered some repairs which have eivae been carried sot end the bridge will no doubt be of sufficient strength to carry gibe traffic The MoOano and llforrieon bridges Oil the boundary between Perth and Enron °aunties hove been aomptetod 8ati0. faaloriiy, These bridges have concrete floors and $25 has been retained from McCann Coitlr8000 price by eaoh Oo. no til floor hue been thoroughly tested 00 door wag pat down late in season and may have been slightly damaged by frost. The Stanlake bridge ever the Aux Bauble river on the boundary be. tween Hay and Stephen, has been aom• plated and ie a &lit.olass job. With re- gard to Bayfield bridge imamate work I have riot measured It np yet but, will re. poet oei the name at the next meeting, Considerable repairs have been done this season. 1 think it adviaabte to plana the following bridges under °entreat to be rebuilt as early 88 possible in 1906, Jamestown, Day's, Forsyth's, Belgray. and Zetland. The total expenditure was 317095.70. JNo. ANSLEY, Co. Engineer. ROAD AND BRIDGE 0012111022280, We would advise that eugineer'a report be aaoepted and printed in minute% would advise that no more money be paid to the Huron Bridge Co. for bridge known as the Anatomies, bridge until centre of earns is raised to a proper level a000rding to epeatfloatious and that Bridge 0o. be notified to that effect. We advise the building of the following bridg00 in the Co. next year, tendons to be °ailed for Jemmy 80801018 :-The Jamestown bridge, 1 spas, 110 feet clear ; Day'0 bridge at Wroxeter, 1 span, 120 feel ; Poreyth's bridge, 2i miles North of Breesels,1 span of 20 feet. All bridges Id be of iron with 0000re10 ablltmebte. Root/bowed that the advioe of one Co. Iingineer be taken with referenda to email bridge at Bothnia that it be renewed out of tutrbee taken out of ofd bridges, if poeeible, when these contraote to be lot are ootopleted. Advise that 8/e of R. B. Ansley ba arrack mit' 'f the report se we ooneider it to bo part of engineor'o work after ovoidal Brent has been made. With reterenoo to delegtelian from eleKil10p on bonadaryibridgee, tee Sen0mmeod the matter be loft 00tir to January aeceton es particulars troin Perth Co, will then be ascertained, Recommend that in all oonorete work no atone be seed larger than would pass through a 8 tech ring, Io ea paeo should there be deviation from .peolfloatious. In referonoe 10 motiou et kleoere. MoLeen end McKenzie es to the lengthening o! Port Albert brisge 11 UB lett to the e eel tlrat"DR of thea Cunnoil With reference to olefin of Nettle d. Looby would ouggeet that the name of L. hardy, of Exeter, along with the Co, engineer, take measeremente and report At J e next 1111 6800(00. e D.OANTELON, IJhnirmnu. Supplementary report. -We have son• oidered the Byelaw from Howlett rela- tive to Wooing road. It appears the 2unleipal Aot hue been complied with Cid 08 no opposition le offered 50 re0rm• mend that a By.law be passed ooufirming the same. REPORT OF THE KEEPER OF 200 HOUSE OF 011F000, I beg to submit the following report of oropa grown on Indestriel Farm during ,year 1906 :-.280 burl. oats, 22 bus. beaus, 495 bus. mangolde, 80 hue. sets carrots, '20 boo. garden carrots, 40 bus. table turnips, 18 bus. plume, 24 tons of hay, 200 bead of oabbaga. 28 tone of auger sr beats, 810 bus. barley, 95 sue, onions, 225 bus. field turnips, 6 bee. tomatoes, 19 bus. garden beets, 20 bue, parsnips, 316 bee. potatoes, 1800 quarto red raspberries, 8 barrels apples, All of which is rasped. tally submitted, D. Fa01101, Keeper, 11000E OF 011110011 0011101088118. We visited the Hoose twine since our lest report, August 8rd and Deo, tat, At first meeting we met to ooneider the pnrobase of the ne0008ary furniehioge for the new part. We found some of the window obadee and ',baits in the old building worn out and decided to pur- chase 5 dozen window ebadee, 6 dozen kitchen chairs, *dozen arm abaire,'l doz. single iron bedeteade, 7 tab'ee, 3 doz double blauketo, 100 union ahem and } doz. ooverlete. Accounts for the above may be seen in the In0peator'e report and will show a total of 3585 69. Shell, ing has beau put in the operating room and 000k'e pantry slid is eatisfaotory. An agreement is made with the Clinton Eleatrio Light Co, for 10 years to furnish light for the whole building for 3150 per annum. The (Heck was inetruated to attend to the insurance on the new building and reports that 37,000 riot( be effected. The imminent Noe, 151 to210, inalasive, were audited and amounted to 39647.24 and were quite eatiafaotory. We examined tenders for bread and groceries and accepted the tenders of J. tV, Irwin for groceries and H. Bartliff for bread. On Deo. lot we found 91 inmates in the Houee. The crowding in the old building is relieved sod the new part is about all 000upied. We ooneider there. fore that it was well that the addition was erected and ready for occupation early chic year. We feel eaflefted with the ma0agemeot of the House and farm and consider those in charge deserve credit for the care of so many inmates. Joo. Dinaley is again au i1mete. He has aoroe money and ioeuracee which will be used for his mainteoanee. We instruct. ad the Olerk to aommonioate with the officers of the Children's Aid Sooiety of this Co. about the child in the House so that he may be placed in a home with some good family. We recommend that the entrance on the East gide of the House be protected to prevent aoow drift. ing into baaemeut door. The annual re• porta of the Inapeotor, Physician and Keeper of the House of Refuge will be presented. H. SPACEMAN, Chairman, INSPECTOR OF 00081 OF 1(112200. To the Warden and Coattail of the Go, of Huron : Gentlemen ; - The Inappeotor of the House of Industry sod Refuge of the County of Huron respectfully promote the following to hie report for the year ending 80th November, 1905: Total no. of inmates admitted einem opening of House, 307 ; no. of inmates on 1st of Deo. 1904, 81 ; no. admitted for first time during year, 31 ; no. re•adrnitted after 5 ; 130. born in House during the year, 1 ; no. of deaths daring the year, 15 ; no, absconded during the year, 2; no. die• charged daring the year, 6 ; no. of inmates in Hoose on let Deo, 1905, 91 ; no. of males, 57 ; no, of females, 34. Admitted during the year from several municipalities as follows : MoRillop 2 ; Goderioh township 2 ; Howlett 3 ; Grey 1 ; Uaborne 2 ; Morrie 2 ; Hallett 1 ; West Wawanoeh 1 { Stanley 2 ; Stephen 1. 'Towns and villages-Olinton 6 ; Sea. Meth 2 ; Wirgham 1 ; Exeter 4 ; Wrox eter 1, Natiouolity of inmates admitted during the year -Scotland 2 { Ireland 2 ; England 10 ; Welee 1 ; Germany 3 ; Oanede 13 ; no. of days' board of inmates 80950 ; no. of days' board Keeper's family and help 900 average no. of inmates daring the year, 844; average no. with Keeper's family and help added, 874 ; total expenditure on Boase and Perm, 35926.50 I add value of provieiono Bargains IN MILLINERY Ready -to -Wear Hats GOING AT LOW PRICES MOD AS 25c,35c, /1Oc As I am going out of Ladies' Coats and Mantles Special Re- ductions will be made to clear out the stook. Intending p fiolia0ers will find it to thele advantage to pall. Mrs. McKin1a and fuel on band 101 Deo., (904, 31214.23 tatmlexpenditure, $7041 76. Deduct per. moment imerevewents and capital memento, 3808.77 ; pprotinae sold during '1902, 3560.00; provisions, products, new 'clothing anti fuel on hand let Deo, 1006, at per inventory, 51640 27 ; unexpired insur0uoe. 3200 ; received from paying inmates, $169; total $276804. Amnnrtt expected for eupp0rt of inmates 34278.• 71 ; average expense per inmate per day, 18 80 ole ; average weekly expenditure per inmate, 900 ; the expendil ire o0 Hunee and Farm 0000110ta i0 08 fullutan : et a oapitat acn°aut, $280,68 { p m net1t improvements, 322.14 ; hired help, house end farm $94.88 ; etpok and implements, 3180 00 ; 001arlee, Inapeotor, Keeper and e� ' Matron, $7001 Nhy tornnil salary and appliances 3212.91 ; repairs to building and furniture, $278 ; provisions and seething, 32684,12 ; fuel and light, 3903,• 77 1 books, postage and etationery, $14 20 ; insurance, 3216 ; incidental expenses, 3871.85 ; sundry aco0un10 for farm, 364.• 50; total, $5920.50. No amount has been taken of about 3400 reoeived by the County from one Divaley, au inmate, for future mainlainenee, JOHN TORRANoE, InepeOlor.. 00. 000N01L POST SCRIPTS, It takes an average of $325 per annum to supply butter for the House of Refuge. The Co. Valuation will out about $1200 in round Ogurae, by the time the report is fully oompieted. own Cl��oyamQi'N.,�,a,:r.--, wram aaetx... arae ,p,.v'nwnwromo. Ooeuoiilbr Grieve wail (impelled to go home before Council couoleded owing to attltuk of lumbago. tire, Hugh Spttokmeu, of Exeter, Itae been an invalid for a long time. pet o00onnt of her oonditiou Mr, Spellman left for home on Wednesday night, Several mombaeo had never paid a I visit to Brnseels before end were very agreeably oorprised by the tidy and prom motive eppeeranee of every thing. T.111 about men of"weight," you hit them when you run egatoet Cennaillore MoLeum, Mu1Soi.ate, Bryans, Morrison, Ma Nangbtoa, Uantaloq, loiter sad othere, e, Warden Milier has been busy this Pal in purchasing bridge timber for the Mo. Kenzie rr' & Mann tllwa Ha ate agood share of it in Northern Ontario, r. Miller is an old band at this jab, Go. Committee Carrie ie rem nlly home from 813 enjoyable trip to the Northwest, He was well pleased with his visit and was also maob improved in health. Mr, 00rrie makes a paiuetaking 000001llor, Tule Posx is pleased to know that a goodly number of the Go. Oounoillore support the idea held by the writer that a perambulating cession of the Council in December fe of no emelt advantage in giving the members an acquaintance with various esetiona of the Go. In Deo. 1906 ibe Northern members ehoald got ail opportunity of 800ieg Exeter. It'e the proper neper, gentleman. REPORT OF COUNTY VALUATORS To the Warden and Commit of the County of Huron : GENTLE/LEN,-We bag to agbmlt herewith report of Valuation mads by us in Sept., Oot., and Nov„ of the pre80111 year. The difference between our valuations and the values of the Aeseseors are in many 0(1000 very great and will uo doubt cause more or less dieeatlefaolion, but rye have endeavored to give equal justice to ell municipalities without respect to North, South, East or West. Valuations made largely from a waggon may be more or leas ictaoattrate, but taking the aggregate for each municipality we think they will stand fair oritioie,n. IVe diatribut'11 the valuations as uniformity as possible over the several mUnieipeiities so as to cover a fair proportion of all olaeees of property, good, medium and the poorer ohms, w here 0u01 could be found, also tatting Ina proportion of the nninrorporated village property in the several Township%, We valued a greater number of parcels in earth municipality than the law requires, 8% to 10%, instead of from 5% to 8%, believing that by so doing a better comparison would he obtained, and all valuations were made before seeing the Assessment Rolle. There can be no clearer proof of the utter useleseneae of Aseoeement Rolls Oil they at present stand as a guide 10 equalization, than the fast that the diecrepenoiee run all the way from 5% degrease under, to 04% inorease over the assessments, A number of Assessors have tried to comply with the law and Reeeoe property at or near its cash value while *Deny others have not done so. It ie to be hoped how- ever that in the future all Assessors will endeavor to assess property as the law direst%. We beg to suggest that it world be a great improvement as to comparative values, especially fu rural municipalities, if the assessments could be made in the month's of October and November instead of iu midwiuter, when there ie two or three feet of snow on the ground. We beg to baud you herewith it detailed statement of valuations made in eeob munioipaltty in the County, also a summary of eame, trusting that the report may prove sattefaotory to yourself, the Co. Council, and the public geuerally, Yours very reepeobfully, J. LECKIE, 3200. COX, }VALUATORS. WM. BAWDEN, MUNIOIPALITY Ashfield Colborne Goderioh Twp, Grey Hay Howiok Hallett MuKillop Morrie Stanley Stephen Tnokeremith Turnberry Ueborne E. Wawon''rh. W. WAwenoeh Baydol1 Blyth Brussels Clinton Exeter Ilermall Goderioh Seaforth W iogbam Wroxeter 8 Fv a 95 3 404,050 51. 231,850 84 801,750 113 477,800 92 830,950 137 552,400 78 848,700 84 407,250 77 841,660 72 310,100 105 888,875 77 395,560 65 810,000 69 828,300 48. 222,200 59 285,000 23 28,250 54 81,100 55 91,850 81 184,700 68 95,700 30 47,700 144 272,300 98 168,260 108 202,900 33 46,400 VALUA- TI0N. AeSESSBE VALUE, $ 8.1 INCREASE OVER W °d AsoEaa'T A p PER CENT. OF DIF- E/01M n, 261,650 3 209,290 201,000 469,450. 306,225 462,015 257,350 888,500 263,800 287,960 882,900 223,550 251,590 248,550 100,550 229,900 14,180 54,015 97,575 127,405 84,658 43,610 218,200 122,025 167,860 41,422 142,400$ 22 060 100,750 8,850 24,720" 90,385 91,850 68,750 77,850 22,150 6,975 72.000 59,010 74,750 81,960 5,100 9,120 7,085 7,295 11,042 4,190 59,100 46,225 86,040 4,978 5,726 54 42/100 10 54/100 50 18/100 18100 8 07/100 19 56/100 85 49/100 20 81/100 29 51/100 7 68/100 1 56/100 22 25/100 28 46/100 80 07/100 11 86/100 2 22/100 64 54/100 18 72/100 5 87/100 5 78/100 18 08/100 9 68/100 27 72/100 37 88/100 20 87/100 12 02/100 Totals 955 36,725,675 05,650,070 31,081,880 3 5,725 FALL CATARRH. Disease 1prevnlent( Now But Cell be Quickly /lured with 1lyomel. A great many people suffer more with oatarrb during the Fall menthe tban at ally other semen o! the year, the ohangee In weather seeming to have a bad effect upon the disease. Some of the cures made by Hyomei Seem marvelone when one remem• here that the patients bad suffered from catarrh 01008 childhood and that for years they bad been unable to get a good night's Bleep, on c0. count of the dieagreeable tickling end dropping at the beak of the throat paused by thio offensive die - ease, A few day's treatment with Byomei brought viols relief, and its ooninued use made a complete and looting cure. By breathing Hyomei through the pocket inhaler that (tomes with every outfit, all the air passages of the lunge and throat are filled with air laden with Nature's own remedies for the euro of catarrh. A11 disease germs are killed, and the irritated mations membrane ie healed. The oomplete outfit ooete but $1.00, extra bottles 50 dents, Com, pare this email expellee with the fees obarged by apeoialiste. It you cannot obtain Hyonei of your dealer, it will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, 08 receipt of prioe. Write today for oonsnitatioo blank that will entitle you to servioea of our median! department without charge. The R. T. Booth Company, 11yomei Bonding, Itbaoa, N. Y. John Mulhall was naught in attempting t0 wane from Belleville jail; Mro John Sexton, on aged widow of St. Catharines, was Mood dead oa the floor of her kitchen: Robert Wiieon,a well to do farmer, wee found dead near Biota, from where he started 00 drive borne alone. ' Rev, Dr. S. E. Roes, of Hamilton, has aooepted en invitation to became coater of the new dethodiet thumb 0n Broad• way avenue, Winnipeg, The TTari0f Commi