HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-14, Page 4E t fir" tl s.th:h
TH URS O «4 k', DJJJC. 14, 1900,
Huroin Coxiltl Council,
(Continued from last week,)
Connell met pursuant to adjournment
paused, Mr. Mullsuzfe,of 8eruia Bridge
Co., wee prima and gave the Oouuoil
au explanation of certain °entreat wotk
einoe Iae4eeoeion. Report of Co. Com.
miealoner Ansley was read and sent to
the Road and Bridge 0o111mi40ee. Let
ter from W. L Ohiebolm, 1. P. S., Brace,
wan read and referred to the Edaoa1ion
Committee. Bylaw No. 9,1905, to as.
sumo bridges lu the Oo. was read three
tiniest and panned, Connoil adjoeroed
till 2 o'olook.
Council rimmed at 2 o'olook. Let.
ter from W. H, McKenzie, of Huron
Bridge and Iron Oo., relating to Am.
barley bridge was read and 8801 to Rood
sad Bridge Committee. Mears. Man-
ley, Reeve of Mo$iliop, and Councillors
Govenlook, MoQaaid and Rowlett ad.
dressed the Commit relative 10 bridges
on boundary between townships of Mo•
Killop and Logan, Huron end Perth
Counties. This matter wae referred to
Road and Bridge Committee. Mr.
Nagle, of Nagle & Looby, complained
that he bad not been paid for the oorreot
number of oubic yards in oemeot work
at Stanlake bridge. Referred to Road
and Bridge Corn. Reports of, Inspector,
Physician and Keeper of the Howie of
Refuge were presented and sent to Hoaee
et Refuge Committee, Report of House
of Refuge Committee was read and
taken up in Committee with Mr. Mo.
Lean in the chair. Report passed.
Moved by Mr. McLean seconded by Mr.
Magenzle that the abutments at Port
Albert bridge be moved book to give
eaf&aient space for a water way, se there
ie not span enoagb at the preeeut time.
Sent to Road and Bridge Committee,
On motion the Commit adjourned tilt
the evening at 7 90 o'olook.
and tee minutes et feet aeeei0n road
Connell resumed in the evening. The
report of the Speoial Committee waa
presented. In Committee Mr, Lamour
occupied the chair and the report was
adopted. Repent of Exeoutive Com
mittee was taken up and considered in
Committee with Mr. McQuillan in bbe
chair. Report paesed. Report of Ede
cation Committee wee read. Mr. Carrie
was asked to take the chair. Commit•
tee rose end report was Adopted. Conn•
oil adjourned to meet at 10 a. m. There
Council met es per adjournment, War
den in the obair, end business proceeded.
Minutes of Wedneeday'e Belgian were
read and approved. Letter from H.
Either, Clerk of Stephen, relating to th.
Police Village of Orediton, was read end
emit to Speotal Committee. The report
of the Co. Valuators was presented anti
consisted of a summary and eohedulr
showing the valuation of properties in
earth muniolpality. Moved by Meaere.
McKenzie and Iebieter shat the report
be reoeived and laid over for future con
sideration. Carried.
Moved 0.y Mr. Oanteloo, seconded by
Mr. Iabieter that the report of the
County Valuators be printed and copies
Bent to the clerk of eaob municipality,
also a copy for eaob member of this.
Oounail and that easel newspaper in the
0o. be enpplied at once so that no favor
will be shown, Carried. Council ad-
journed to meet at 1.80 p. m.
Connoil reeomed at 1.80 o'clock,
Mestere. Leckie and Cox, Co. valuators,
were preeeut and addressed the Council
relative to the work, after wbioh the
members expreeeed the appreciation of
the valuable services rendered to the Ore
by Mestere. Leckie, Cox, and Bowden,
Miners. McKee, Gowdy and Underwood,
members of the Howiok Connell, addreee
ed the Co. Connell in the mutter of
oloeiog op a certain original road in that
and asked t at
By.law be
passed to confirm the township By law,
Second report of the Special Committee
wae read and paned. Report of Co.
Property Committee was reed. Mr,
Ferris oaaoped the ohair in committee
and the report paesed. Letter from Mr.
Hemphill, mill owner, of Wroxeter, was
read relative to road crowding foundation
of hie mill. Mr. Ansley was called upon
and stated that nothing could be done
until next Spring. Report of Road and
Bridge Committee was presented. The
Warden asked Mr. Morrison to take abaft
in the committee. Report was amended
oy inoreaeing length of Forsyth bridge
hem 18 to 20 feet. (Meuse relating to
Mr. Ansley je. was struck out, Conn
oil agreed to extend Port Albert bridge
to snob a length 0.e river regained, provid.
ing Ashfield township gave a release to
the Go. of any future responsibility for
damage oaueed by floods at that please
Vote stood 7 to 6 in Committee for it.
Report was adopted as amended,
Meaere. Gardiner and Morrieon moved
that this Connell desire to place itself on
record that it is not in favor of any
change in the Co. Councils Aot that
would lead to an it -image in the number
of members. Carried. Council then ad -
teamed to meet at 9 a, m. nu Friday,
Connoil resumed Friday morning.
741inntes of Thursday's eeeeiod read and
confirmed. The gt eetion of the Bayfield
bridge abatmeote wee dieoueeed and on
motion of Messrs. McNaughton and
Ferris it was decided to ask Engtceer
Roberta, of the 0. P. R., Goderioh, to
make a thorough inspection of the work,
aeoertain the cause ot the bad split in
oneabntmeot, and report at January
eeesio0 of Connoil. A abort disputation
took plane on the question of increasing
the size of the House of Refuge farm,
There are 47 sores in the present proper.
ty, Lett over for tothre aonsideratiou.
Moved by Councillors McKenzie and
Ferries that A. MOLanohlin caretaker' of
Brunets Town Hall, be paid 95.00 for hie
seeviaee during the ee88io0 of Council.
Carried. Moved by Menem, McLean and
Gardiner that no more be paid on Bay.
field bridge aoutraot until engineers'
kepone are promoted to Council, Oar
Be.lawe Nos. 7 and 8, 1905, were read
tbteetimee and paaeed,
Moved by Mr. McQuillan, eeoonded by
Mr. Iebieter that as a aouncll we exprete
our deep sympathy with oar brother Go.
Oo0noillor Spackman in the long and
severe Mimes of hie wife and hope a
change for the better will then 008ae,
A resolution Wee also permed expreesiug
regret 41 Kitten of Co, Councillor Grieve,
Oupiee of both were ordered to be sent to
the pertains 0ouoerned,
The ecement for the work done by the
valuators was preeeute11 0e follows se-
—Jur, Ona, 07 sieve U 95.00.,,...9985 00
Vern. Bawden 07 Jaye @ 95 00.. 035 00
a, Leckie, 97 days c iib 00 485 09
Livery, telephoning, postage ere
!lottery, &e 11 90
Total 91160 40
On motion the mount wee ordered 40
be paid by the Treaenrer. There will be
an additional cam for work to
be don e by Mr. Leokie on the
report naked by the Council.
Moved by Mr, MoBenaie, Beoouded by
Mr. Currie that onr beet tbauks as a
oouoail be tendered to the Reeve, Oounoil
end oitizene of Brneeele fur the royal way
they reoeived and euterteined 0e while iu
session, Carried. The Clerk was
authorized to forward a copy of reeola•
tion to the Municipal Clark. W. H.
Kerr responded. Complimentary refer-
ence was made by Masers. Gardiner,
Ferris, and other members relative to
rhe ability displayed by Warden Miller
in the o0onpution of the obair during
1905, The Warden thanked the Coon•
011 for their words of approval and hoped
a good year would be enjoyed in 1906
On motion of McLean and Bryane tee
Council adjourned to meet in Goderioh
on date set by Statute.
COonoinuod on page 8)
Ie thoroughly removed by Patnam'e
Corn Extractor. No soar left, no path,
for Pntnau'e is purely vegetable and
°autains no oaastics. Use only Fatnam'e
Corn Excracter.
08 TAA0E0 1)00000,0.0, wart Dano APatr. 1ST,
Frail as a flower out down,
Cut down iu his prime.
He suffered death bravely,
And we laid him in the ground.
Though you were dear to its dear Tames,
Still Teens loved you more ;
And he iu wisdom called you home
To heaven's happy shore.
A fewmore years shall roll,
A tow more semen's comb,
And we shalt be w,th him that rests,
Asleep within the tomb.
Then 0 my God prepare
Da to meet the great day.
And wash us in Thy preolaus blood
And take our sus away
ltle not death to Gloss
The eyes tone bedimed by tears.
And wake in 010010u3 089058
'2o spend eternal years.
Lines written by Mrs D. B. McDonald,
Stratford, uhtOntario, Duncan and Tillie Mo
Martin, Heneall,
Dorothy Leona, spotless purity has Bed.
Her soul 10 living, but her body is dead,
And though it oast the loving parents pain,
What Wan their legate h er boundless gain.
She was for two months to her fond par -
ants blessed,
But now she nestles safely in the Saviour's
He pave her to them, now Ho calls her away.
Obedient to idle Gall, she cauuot stay.
God give 8 the parents strength to bear their
losThe weight and suffering of thin heavy
But tb ough her life was short on earth be-
Her epirit now le shining with a heavenly
Deer father mourns and mother weeps,
Oh I yes they weep in vain,
But they must look to Him above,
Who death all things well.
Farewell dear babe farewell,
For we shall moot no more,
Till we are raised with 0ur180 to dwell,
011 Ounaan's reaee,ul above,
Food does you no good. Yoo call't di
keel—oousequentiy you're afraid to eat ;
tongue is coated, mouth teethe bad.
Pray soon you'll be overcome by weak -
owls and nervone prostration.
Beet prescription fur your condition is
Dr, Hamilton's Polls of Mundrake and
Butternut. Fordyspepsia
and indi eet-
con it is dcabtfal if btter remedy will
ever be devised. These pille bring new
strength and vitality to the stomach and
digestive organa ; they build up the
general health and instill soob vim and
resisting power into the eyetem Met
siekuee9 Is impoeeible; try Dr. Hamilton's
To the Editor of TBE PoeT
Deus Eine—By inetruotion of the Hon.
Hamster of Agrioulture another die-
15ibn0i0n will be made tbie season of
eamples of the moat prodnative aorta of
gtain to Canadian fermata tor the im•
provement of Beed. The stook for die.
txibatiou ie of the very beet and has been
secured mainly from the excellent crops
recently had at the branch Experimental
Farms at Indian Bead, Saek., and at
Brandon, Man, The dietribntion this
Spring will coneiet ot 'templets of oats,
epriog wheat, barley, Indian corn (for
en8ilage only) and pot80oee. The quail.
tits, of oats to be sent lbie year will be 4
lbs , and of wheat or barley 5 lbs.,
eutioientin each case to sow one•twent.
ieth of an sore. The samples of Indian
pore andpotatoes oaoee will
pweigh 8
heretofore. A quantity of each ofo the
following varieties has been eeoured for
hie dietributioa ;--
OA08.—Banner, Wide•Awake. Abun-
dance, Thousand Dollar, Improved
Ligowo, Goldfluder and Waverly,
Wi nn—Preston, Red Fife, Peroy,
Stanley, Bron, Laurel and White Fife.
BAanax.— (Six•rowed,)—Mammy,
Odoeea, Mansfield, Claude and Royal.
(two rowed.)—StandwelJ, Invincible,
Canadian Thorpe and Sidney.
Lora Conte(f ,r ensilage).—Early aorta,
Angel of Midnight, Compton's Early and
Longfellow ; later varietiee, Selected
Learning, Early Maetodoe end White
Cap Yellow Dent.
POTAToa9,—Garman No. 1. Early White
Prize, Roabeetar Rose. Uncle Sam,
American Wonder, novae, Early Aodee
and tate Puritan,
.Every farmer may apply, but only one
anmple one) be sent to snob applicant,`
benne if an individual reoeived a sample
of oats he cannot alto receive one of.
wheat, barley or potatoes. Lisle of
aamee from one individual, or applies.
tions for mors than nee sample 1100 one
household cannot bo entertained. Thee°
samples will be Beat free of charge
through the mail.
Applioaticel should be eddreeeed to the
Director of. Experimental k'srme, Ottawa,
end may be tient in any time before the
................n.mwn,:w. oma. ornet,: wwwe"' re...-::.., .. -.: - ...-.-rhaww: _v,.w,v` ..14, we9.
Standard Bank of Canada
BUR8'LDS, 010 RESERVIO FUND 4 1,000.000
A. (irons:-tL. 13sUiltin' I3rrai::esest Trrnumairsf'e(1
~.‘`VSAViNGS BANK "e' -
Accrued Interest la addedto a000anto every six mouths and becomes prbtolpol,
Joint Deposit Accetrnts—A SPROIAL OONVEhIENOE u0 use to our Bovines no-
Partmeut 1s ttie"Joint mepoeit" account. Money play be depoolteti or entnd:awn
by either of the two members of 0110 houeohold. This eyetem le a great conven-
ience to many residing in town, but more particularly so to farmers, AS is the latter
ogee whether man or wife comae to town either can attend to the Banking. An-
other feature of the system le that In ease of Wo death of either party the money
can be withdrawn by the survivor without cost, We wilt tell you more about our
mo1hods 11 you will kindly call or write,
Married iVomen and eilaore may make nod withdraw deposits without the in.
tervetltlon 01 any venom.
only for whiob no charge is made,
YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar careful
or may be left for SAFE IIEEPING
end oaarteotte attention.
let of March, after rebirth the Hate will be or variety they wnnld prefer, with e
closed, so that all serapes attired for may second sort as an alternative, and should
be sept cat to good time for sowing, the available stook of both these varieties
Parttiee writing ehouId meutiou the earl I be exhanated, some other good sort wit
Buy all MO Liffe Tliese
,,,4,0Ie't,'WV,'N,,tli e,Noiototot. ,,,
Is your Winter Overcoat still unbought ? Why
do you wait ? Is it that you haven't seen just
what you fancy ? That would mean, clearly,
that you have not seen our showing of
This Brand is head arid shoulders above all other
Ready-to-wear Clothing made in Canada and is
equalled by only the high-class Custom Tailors,
13uy a 20th Century Overcoat and rank at, once
with the very best dressers,
Come in and see these very fine high-grade Over-
coats ; try some of Mem on ; you'll. appreciate
better, then, their worth, and the truth of what
We say.
Suits from $12 to $18
Overcoats from 10 to 22
• 1.,'m'inN,rorhrb,trurmv,,v,ot'n
Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers, Brussels
be pent iu.teed. Those uppiyiug ter
Indian 005)1 Orpotatose will please bets
in tooled that the porn is not aveileblo f0
distribution until llerah or April, and
that potat0e5 meat b8 !nailed from her
until danger from trod in transit la over
No postage ie required on mail matter
addressed to tho Cen4rel Experimental
Fere, Ottawa.
WAi, SAONAltitB,
Director Experimental Parma,
OTTAWA, November 25th, 1905.
:4. L W /lo (S.
Warden Donaldeoo wee in St. Marys
last week on btieineae in oounectlon with
Borne county brldg,e.
Robert Taylor bae sold hie property in
town to Henry Squires. Poeeeeeion will
be given in February. Robert purposee
buying a farm,
Principal McMahon bas handed in hie
reeignation as teacher of cat public
:obool. He has 0eoared a more lucrative
position in Port Burwell.
W. F. Forrest has atilt further added
to the facilities of hie already well
equipped flour and °hopping mill by
metalling an eleoma plant for lighting
Wilkes and Mrs. Hamilton left for
ginoardioe last week wbere lbey will
spend the Winter, Mr. Hamilton work.
ed during the past seethe at the Newry
uheeee fee tory.
'lbs Loeai Option oampaign will be
Iaa0011ed in full force in Ibis village next
Monday evening when the IiIpWOrth
League and 0, D. Sooietiee will unite
their forces and hold a Looal Option
rally is the Methodist oborah at 7 P. m.
We regret to report the eerioue illness
of John McAllister, brother of Samuel
MIoAllieter, of Atwood. He resides is
Mornington and up to a few months ago
was a rebuilt man. A neglected cold
paaeed oomplioation of diseases whit&
are gradually wearing him down.
The diatb of Mre, (Rev.) John Ball,
Kent Co. transpired in Tilbury. Mrs.
Ball had not been in good health for a
unsither of years and ot late had been
euffering from nervous prostration. The
funeral took plane at Erma where the
deceased's reh,tivee live. Mrs Bali was
52 years old.
li, Oderiett.
The drat skating of the 000.011 at the
rink waa Friday, December, let, the tame
date as last year.
Wm. McOreath, of the Court Hanes,
teat called to Milwaukee, Wie., by the
eerioue Meese of hist mother.
The repairs to the South pier are prao
tioally finished, thoovb it will require
sOme thirty or thirty five horde of atone
to complete the job.
Malcolm McDonald jr, eon of Captain
Malcolm, of Quebec street, reached home
last week after hie thrilling experience in
the Wreak ot the steamer, Oreeoent Oity,
in Lake Superior, off Duluth, on' Tuesday,
Nov. 28th,
Some few days eines a well known
fancily in 8t. George's ward were nearly
euffooated by coal gas. One of the
daughters on rising iu the morning fell
over from the effects of the gee, but men
aged to r00Ne the family, every member
of which 0950 eemi•ineeneible for a time,
from the stove's fames,
David Weiemiller, of Toronto, who ie
well known to many in this section as a
0dn.ervative oandidate in West Huron
for the Dominion Huuee, hue been pro.
mated to the maoagerahip of the London
Mutual Fire Inenranoe Oce, of Toronto.
Mr. .Weiemiller wars Iuepeotor for the
Company for a number of yeare.
At a special meeting of the town 0000-
°0 it wee decided to [submit a By-law to
the eleaters providing for the guarantee
of the bonds of the Goderioh E avatar Co.
to the amount of 935,000 in consideration
of the erection of an additional building
of 500,000 bushels capacity, bringing the
•otal capacity of the elevator up to one
million bushel's, The By law will be
voted on at the Jannery elections,
The reealt of a visit of 0. P. R. officials
here, will be the opening me of a railroad
and steamship tioket offioe whiob will be
a pleasing
e r i
u C
et to 0
P koar mti e
z t. The
inostion favored though not e
r g positively
secured, is the corner oco0pied by Par.
eon's Fair, and it the negotiations go
through, Ibe building will be transform-
ed into an up to date handsome plane of
A gad death was that of Thos. Danoey,
brother of L. E. Danoey, of this town,
which o0ourred in Bnffolo on Thursday,
Nov. 80th, Hie death was aaoidentai, he
with hie wile having been asphyxiated
whilst sleeping at his residence on Euclid
avenue, Buffalo. The Buffalo papers say
that it was Gauged by a defeat in a coal
move that had been changed, eo v,0 to use
eau for beating purposes, and through
which defect gee enou,lh escaped to de•
stray the lives of Mr, and Mrs. Daucey.
Famous beauties pay particular Went.
ion to the purity of their blood, knowing
Chet nutritioue blood mane soft delioate
akin, and enduring nerves. Those wboee
looks are so delightful, nee Ferrozone be
(Muse We the exact food needed to tone
and stimulate the blood. Ferrozone
invigorates, brume, feeds. You'll have
the rosy bloom of health, daub and spirit,
the satisfaction and joy of tract health
after tieing Ferrozone. You elloold get
Ferroznne today. Sold everywhere in
50e. boxes.
'Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of James
Laird, late of the Village of
Ethel, in the County of tragion, gen-
tleman, deoeased.
Notice tehereby given, lns0aaut to itevis-
ed Statutes 0f' Ontario, 1807, Chap. 100, and
atn°n o0.
d ngt 01 that all inst the and
others having any a L0.l against tbo ))tate
01 the said Tamen Laird, who diol 0n
or about the 90.1. day of November, 8.0, 1005,
aro required, on or before the 00111 day of
Deootnbor, 1800, to send by post, prepaid, or
delver t0 A, H, M0edonald, of the Village of
Bressele,in the County of Huron,Bolieltor
for Dr. F, J. Laird, of Lebanon, Oregon, and
Tale Campbell, of the Village of Ethel,
elxeantore of the estate of the Bald deceased,
the Lail particulars of their claims, the
atatement of their dosonnte and the netters
o1 the securities (If any/ held by them,
And ootioe is further given that after the
said lest mentioned date the said BUM
tore will proceed to distribute the aeebtgH1
having regard Only oarlikeo e entitled
tvbloh they shall then have notice and that
the said Ereoutors will not bo liable
for tbo assets, or any part thereof, to any
P05505 0r portions of wh00a chime uotlao
than eat have been reoeived by them at the
ttOetedat B0Otitn elkthis,11th day of We.
ember, A, 13.1009,
03-a fiotltltor for ltxoo0tore,
W. Pi. C`*rewar
California Naval Oranges, Lemons from Italy,
Figs from Alija Minor, Dates from Arabia,
Almeria Grapes,
Raisins and Currants and Dried Fruits and all kinds of Nuts.
Our Canned Goods are all Fresh
and all Kinds of them.
The House, o f the 27e Yeas
Good Cheese and Clerxrb Gr'ooerie$
Our confectioner I8 THE BEST• Agent for Stewart's and
PerriO e0elobrated Ch000lateeand Bon Bone -
Just the thing boys.
Fish and Oysters Ice Cream made to Order
Just a eT
Thu Will be Co ,vre L
In ',eluting a Xmas Present you can rely on
getting the Beet Value at
Everything in the Jewelry Line le kept in stook and ell the moot up -to -dote
Designs. My Xmas stook rs just uupaoked and will be Bold at the Lowest Possible
Diamonds pearl Crescents
Pearl Necklaces
The largest se plc of Diamond Rings and Pearl Oreecenle
ever shown in Brussels, My variety of every line in the Jewel-
ry Business is too large to enumerate.
Call and we will cheerfully show you our
Goods and leave you to decide.
W. F.
The Up to -date Jeweler.
Sign of the Golden Clock
t'6'•" LCL
Gift Making
Idesire If you 8 1 0 Presents,a
New, Seaetnable, call ansee the
Jewelry Watches
Clocks China
Smokers' Supplies,etc.
—AT --
J. C. JtThES'
Speoied Bargaine twill be offered
and the goods are A 1,
Make Your Selection Early
Having It ll 1 f
r e.
D ted ill a -
g Hot Water
Hooting apparatus I am now in a
position to offer you Hob Coffee,
Beef Tea, Tomato Bouillon,
and Chioken Broth at our Res-
taurant on two minutes' noti0e,
Thanking you for past patronage and
hoping for a oontiuuauce of your
trade, I am,
Yours Very Respectfully,
Oystq»»Served Hot or Cold,
StlitS and
Te— '
o..,000,titte'tet h''b"N"a'le'pfldRdNe
If yon are thinking of buying a Fall Suit or Overcoat
we will make it worth. your while to call and see our
new line of Scotch and English Tweeds and plain and
fanny Worsteds. The most Stylish. and Serviceable
goods that can be bought,
Our Overcoats of Fancy 'Tweeds, Bettvo;:s, Mel -
tons and Cheviots are also on the move and are sell-
ing fast.
We have a large stook of Fancy 'hangs.
price we know will make you btty,
Call in and we will be Glad to show you what
we have for Little Money
Dodds x,''a, kirk