The Brussels Post, 1905-12-14, Page 2'1"1.i{ k loi.,ni notiontn non to ffel"k n k. ka HEALTH M3 ,� RM SICK -ROOM MEALS. Although ft is tho function of the physician, to Indicate the general na- ture of :the nourishment to be given. for n responsibility U t 3 l is patient, the 1.r c ° Y P 1 the proper feeding of t1(aisk personrson devolves almost entirely an the nurse, soul on her tact ata! judgment r'l t the success of ),110 n a l iuec it will clepend. Even when the food is cor- rectly ptropareci, much attention to the manner of service is requisite In order to make it tempting to the in- valid. During Mimes the things that na- turally ethnulato the appetite, such as fresh- air and exercise, are en- tirely lackieg, so that every pos- sible moans must be teed to render the idea of food as agreeable tes pos- sible. Chief among these is the carr of the mouth and tongue. Unless these are leapt scrupitleusly clean by the use .of cleansing lotions, parti- cles of fermenting rood are retained, and give rise to [lunch discomfort. This is especially true of milk, the administration of which should al- ways be followed by a cleansing of the tongue with some such prepara- tion as a mixture of equal parts of glycerin, lemon -juice and water ap- plied with a cotton swab. Before bringiug In the meal the room should have been put in order as much as possible, the patient's hands and face sponged off. and the bedclothes and pillows freebhr ar- ranged, The tray itself should be decked with the prettiest cilina, the whitest and freshest linen and tho brightest silver the household boasts. Very small portions only should be set before a sick person, for In this way a greater amount is likely to be eaten than if the wea'S appetite is appalled, by the sigh' of well -tilled plates. In giving liquids to patie'a un- able to sit up, the head should he raised by slipping the hand wider the pillow, instead of directly under the head, as in ibis way the posi- tion is less constrained and swallow- ing is easier. The conventional sick - feeders with nozzles are usually dis- liked by patients, and in most cases fluids can bo taken without much effort through a bent glass tube or from a tumbler only a third full. Here again the patient should not be presented with more that he is likely to drink, as a sick person feels a certain satisfaction in com- pletely emptying his glass. It is often a difficult question to decide whether or not to waken a sleeping patient for food. In most rases it is better to wait, but often a sufferer may be roused sufficiently take few swallows,nc yet be to to a eand ably to drop off again and sleep all the more soundly for having receiv- ed the nousisbnlent. TIIE WAY TO .iCTtEr YOUNG, Keep in the sunlight; nothing beautiful or sweet grows or ripens in the darkness. Avoid fear of all its varied farms of expression. It is the greatest enemy of the human race. Avoid excesses of all kinins; they aro injurious. The long life must be a temperate, regular life. Don't live to eat, but eat to live. Many of our ills are due to over- eating, to eating tho wrong things, and to irregular eating. Don't allow yourself to think on your birthday that you are 0 year older aud so much nearer the end. Never look on the dark side; take sunny views of everything. A sunny thought drives away the shadows, Be a child; live simply and natur- ally, and keep clear of entangling alliances and complications of all kindlt. Cultivate the spirit of con- tentment; all discontent and dissat- isfaction bring age furrows pre - .maturely to the face. Form a habit of throwing oto be- fore going to bed at night, all the cares and anxieties of the day—ev- erything which can possibly cause mental wear aud tear or deprive you of rest. HEALTH IS A KAI3TP. Health is really a habit—that of Ilving right. If wo get into the right habit of living we shah hare little trouble in keeping ourselves in good condition, physically and men- tally, Once good habits are est ablirihed the beneflts derived from ),hent will prcvo so del!gltful that there will he no temptation to fall back into the old habits. Get into the habit of breathing properly, It is just as easy to breathe deeply as not, Ex- pand the lungs and 1111 them full of .air as often during the day as you think of it. But good physicalhabits are not all. 'tate mental habits must bo re'tlnted. If you aro in the habit of talking about every little ill,. pain or ache, stop it at once, and talk health instead. Speak kindly of your body, 'think that every or - grin is in perfect order, doing its wont naturally. Don't think that you have to toll somebody every ilia your head aches, or your heart palpitates, or your stomach refuses to digest soma horrid fond you have toned upon it. There aro so many other things to talk about. AN AUTHORITY. 'Doctor (to Pat's wife,, after exam- ining Pat, who had been run down by an aura) --Madam, 1 fear your husband is dead." Pat (feebly)—"Nur I ajut't dead yet." i)af.'S Witt:• -"leash, Pat, tiiegonlle- tine knoll's better than you." 1(1 ,Tama therrd to an orchid. fill the flowers] of which open at once, as it by tie! stro(0 of a Waled, coin. they 61140 all wither together, RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS. Will, Find a Certain Cure in the Use of Ar, Williams Pink Fills, Itheumot.ieni is a disease of the blood. Every doctor now admits this to be site fart. Doctors used to think that rheunsatism was brought an by colds in the joints and 01Us• Iles, Now they know that cold never started the disoaov--cold only sets the pains going. Rheumatism can onlybo curd b • curing' .Ise )(h(1 rt 1 s blood which causes [t. Dr. Williams' h Pink 1'llls always cures Mheumatisn , hecailse they lutually make now, rich red blood, which drives nut the Deism/sous acids, loosens ns thu stiffened aching joints and muscles and re. stores the rheumatic sufferer to health and happiness. Dr, Williams' !rink Pills have cured rheumatic suf- ferers, some of them when they wore almost hopeless es1Pples. llll•, T, ft, Smith, Caledonia, Ont., says:—"Pur a number of years I was badly trou- bled with rheumatism, and was s.' crippled I could scarcely do any work. I tried quite a slumber of medicines, but they did not help me. Then I saw Dr. Williams' Pink pills advertised as a cure for this trouble, and got a supply. After I had taken l a few boxes I saw they were helping me, and I continued taking the pills throughout the winter, and am now completely cured. T have since wont- ed out of doors ln1cold weather with- out a coat, and did not feel even a twinge of the trouble," if you are suffering froln ally the- cae due to bad blood or disnrcdered, nerves, Dr. Williams' fink Pills wilt cure you, because they make new rich blood, which goes right to the root of the disense and drives it frost the system. That is why Pr. Williams' Pink Pills cure s e trou- bles as anaemia, indigestion, panni -i tatiot of the heart, neuralgia, head- aches and backaches, kidney and liver troubles, i t o blcs St. Vitus Danc(t•tP. r - clysis, and the special secret nil - merits of girlhood and womanhood. But only the genuduc pills can do this nud these always hese the full name "Dr. Williams' Ned: fills for Pale People." on the Wrapper around! each box. Sold by Medicine dealersi everywhere, or sent by mall at KO cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. •THE SHAKESPEARE GARDEN'. The estate of the Countess of War- wick, in Essex, possesses a most unique feature. Its one part of the grounds is what is kuown as the "Shakespeare .Border." This include. every flower, shrub, and vegetable mentioned in the works of Shakes- peare. The collection comprises over two hundred species, and every speci- men is labelled, not only with its botanic name, but also with the quotation from the play in which it is mentioned. Altogether it is a quite unique reproduction of the ar• don and doral history of the six- teenth century. This extensive col- lection does not include either the forget-me-not, tho holly -hock, -.tie fox -glove, or the lily -of -the -valley; for students of Shakespeare will look In vain for mention of those favorite flowers in the whole of his works. 4 TI.L'1HING TROUBLE. Teething is generally accompanied by nervousness, irritability and stomach disorders, which may Leal to serious consequences if not prompt- ly treated. Baby's Own Tablets is tha best medicine in the world far teething children. They allay tho in- tiamination in the tender woollen gums, correct tho disordered stom- ach, and help the teeth through paitt- lessly. Mrs. T. Nu Lt, Raymond, Ont., says: "My baby suffered telri bly while teething, but as soon as I began giving item Baby's Own Tab- lets he Improved in every way and is now a bright healthy child." The Tablets also cure colic, consttpatlon, diarrhoea, indigestion, simple fevers and destroy worms. They are guar- anteed to contain not one particle of opiate or harmful drugs, and may be given with equally good results to the new born baby or the well grown child. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail at 25 cants a box by writ- ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ADEPTS AT FRAUD. Man Marries Two Rich Women and Spends Fortune. By the arrest of a roan muted Viand, who opened a marriage amines,. at Paris, France, Hurl his niece, Mlle. Deeps de Lancet, an extraordinary matrimonial swindle has been brought to light. ITe surreeded in marrying a woman with $25,000, but in a few moans he had spent her money and deserted bee, Tho woman did not prosecute hint, but contented herself with ole. taining a divorce. Viard then slneeeelied in finding a 8500)14 wife in a young woman with $15,000. When he had obtatuod the money he deserted his wife, who, like the. first, did tut prosecute hien, but obtained a divorce. Viard promptly began a search for a third victim, but mennwhil0 a young man, the well-to-do Viscount Emanuel de Villofontainc, applied to his agency for a wife. Vinod livened - lately' introduced his Moo as a very wealthy young lady, and the Vis- count became enamored of her, A marriage was arranged, and 'Viard induced the Viscount to hand him t47:f1,000 and jewelry to tho value of $4,000. Before the wedding could take place however, certain information con- cerning the girl came to tha ears of the Viscount, and he beak° off the match and asked for the return of Isis Mosey. Falling to obtain this, he applied to the 'police, and Vlai'd and bis niece aero arrested on cherges of fraud foul eonsplracy to defraud. ALL HT.I OARED ABOUT. Tp11'st , Surgeon—Myr) you advert yarn' roan? 8000011 Surgeon --\),.:hut I'Ce stav- ed his alepentlix. TO HUNT GAME IN AFRICA EARL or WARWICK AND TWO COMPANIONS BTART. Elephants, Lions, Deer, Gigantic Baboons and Little Apes in Abtnldanee. Tho Earl of Warwick, his brutke'•, Capt Greville, and Col, Pottiness 'snap started front London for Ugan- da Incb1 shooting repo 1- t a ) 1001 >,1 11. tb c� ( h tion which rill bo of several. duration. This is by no means the first ex- periynco the 11 a111 have had with biggame bhn(3 1111 " for 1 ..a k g, r to lots brought down tigers in incite, aud has shot the griazly" On the 1Roelry Mountains. (!apt. Greville le ono of the best shots of the day, t'ki1l0 0n1. Pattison is a big game (hunter of re - put r. It is to the latter that tho ar- rangements of the expedition have beet entrusted, and in explaining them before starting 110 laug3ed at the idea that the perils which he and his companions 500r0 going to face would be very dreadful or that the harships would bo over great. ABUNDANT SPORT. "As a mutter of fact," ho "we shall take things as comfortably CIS we can, From 'Mombassa We shah go up to Nairobi, which Is as' far as the rail will take us. "Seven ,years ago when I was there, leverebi was simply a patch of desert laud, now it is a city with 10,000 in- habitants, and there are a number of white officials. "13'e shall use Nairobi as our head- ql 100 and make various capedi - tions from thele. "Some of the ca11111ry is, of cones*, penetrable thicket, but we shall avoid this and male for the hills and plains which aro really beautiful, and liter- ally alive with big game of all kinds Nowhere on earth, indeed, can so much big game be found, '•iliere are herds of elephants pletlty of lions, giralTes,,endless deer, and gigantic baboons that wander about, followed by an attendant arnly of small monkeys, whom they boss. ALL DEPENDS ON LUCK. "Our prospects? Well, that is hard to say. There 1s a largo element of luck in gauge hunting. Night after` I night one may hear lions roaring r.1L I around the camp, and yet not see ono for weeks together. I have known men go in search of lions for months, and never catch sight of one. On tho other hand, ono may bag a couple in the course of an afternoon. "As we reckon about twenty por- tersto eachof us weshall number o n u all told about sixty. I daro say u•e may {Ind our way to spots whore no White - elan has over yet been, and come across many of the nulneroue native tribes. I suppose that aco- sclhcr we shall be away five months, PERIL IN FLANNELETTE. Deaths by Burning in London At- tracts Attention. The British Home office authortttee are collecting statistics as to tee number of deaths caused by the wear- ing of flannelette clothing, with a view to legislation on the subjeet. Wynne 13a-xter, East London coron- er, made this announement at an in- quest concerning the cleath of Dora Zullo, the wife of au artist. She was combing her !lair in front of the Ere when her flannelette dressing gown was set alight, and she died front her injuries. Tho coroner, after mentioning tate official action which was being taken, commented on the peril arising from the wearing of flannelette, and mad the number of fatal eases seemed to bo on the increase. A similar cause of death was also investigated by the Preston coroner, a child, three years e1c1, dying owing to injuries received by her flannelot'a night dress catching fire. ),'here is not an atom of flannel in flannelette," remarked the coroner. ,'Flannelette is merely a name, and the material is all cotton. It is a good deal more clahgerous than inte- nd or ordinary cotton cloth." THE "COFFEE HEART." It Is as Dangerous as the Tobacco or Whisky Heart, "Coffee heart" is common to met ' coffee users and is liable to send the owner to his or her long home if tho chug is persisted in. You can run 80 of 40 yards and fled out if your heart is troubled. A lady who waS once a victim of the "coffee heart" writes from Oregon; J. have been a habitual user of coffee all my life and hnvo suffered very much in recent years from ail- ments which I became satisfied wore directly due to tho poison In the 11OV. )rage, such as torpid liver and indi- gestion, which in turn made my com- plexion blotchy and mttdily, "'!'hen my heart; became affect co, It would beat most rapidly just af- ter I drank my coffee, and go below ,formal as the coffee effect wore olT, Sometimes my pulse would go as high as 187 beats to the minute, My family wero greatly alarmed at my condition and at last mother per - emoted me to begin the use of Pos- tusn Food Coffee. "X {lave up Lite old coffee entirely anis abso1Utoly', and made Postuin my sole table beverage. This wee 0 months ago, aud all my 111s, the ie. digestion, inactile HOW' and rickety heart action, have passed away, and my complexion bas become 01ear and natural, The improvement set in very soon after I made the change, just as seen as the colTeo poison had time to work mit of my system. 11111thaud line also boon great')' benofltted by 1110 Ilse of Postural, and We find that a sample breakfast with Posts's'', is ay 1a1isfyhig and more strengthening than the old heavier meal we used to have 011.11 tate other Bind of coffee," Name given by Posture Om, 13attie Creel:, Mich, - There's a 1'eeson. Read the li11,111 boob, "The Road to Welton le," in pkgs, Your Motley l .ulldod byby rho dealer from whom rot buy 5011.light soap if you find any cause for complaint. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Su11a,fliigFnt way. $5,000 reword will bo paid to arty omen wbo proves that S11ellghtSoap. contains num 1 uj or loos chemicals or any tont of adulteration, Equally epoctd with hard or soft water. Y,000r O3rotlsotr•as ILtm44eoO. Toreolato rye IN THE GERMAN ARMY. Draconic Sentence Imposed on Two Soldiers.. A dea.conic sentence has been pass- ed by a court-martial sitting at Cob• Ienv, Germany, on two riflemen, who, dressed in ch. Wan clothes, the bettor to avoid recognition, had slipped out of their quarters ant, under cover of darkness, gone to a village restaur- ant, where they know would find a certain non-COntunsmOIICd office', agnlest whom they born a grudgo. Seeing him silting inside, they threw a stoneware pitcher. and a 111000 Of wood through the window al hilts, though without do1ng any injury. T710 court-martial found the accus- ed guilty of participation in a milt- taryrevolt, and sentenced one to six years' iinprisoemcnt and degradation and the other to five years hale labor, expulsion from the army an fivo years' loss of all civil rights. No allowance was made for tho eleven months ..he men hacl been itt custody awaiting trial. The sentence has created great a>- tonishinent, and is compared ,vita the clemency so frequently shown by eourts-martial to non-commissioned officers proved guilty of treating pri- vates with gross brutaility. THE RAIL TY. LIFE ON IS A HARD ONE C. P. R. ENGINEER'S E7CPER- LENGE WITH DODD'S KID- NEY PILLS, They Brought Back His Strength When he Could Neither Rest nor Sleep. Winnipeg, Mau., Dec. 4.—(Speciale, —IlIr. lien Rafferty, the well-known U.P.R. engineer, whose home is at 175 Maple Street, is one Wianipeg man who swears by Dodd's ICiclnoy Pills. "Long hours on. the engine altt the mental strain broke down my con- stitution," 1[r. Rafferty says. "Ary back gave out entirely. sharp, cutting pains followed Due another, till I felt. I was being sliced amen piecemeal. I Would come in tired to death from a run, AIy 5.110 desire would be to get rest and sleep, aud they were the very things I could not get. 1Pfna113' I hall to lay off work. "Then I started to take Dald's Kidney Piffle, aud the first night after using them I slept soundly. In those 'clays I threw away the belt I have worn for years. Docld's Kidney Pills cured me,' IN PHYSIOLOGY CLASS. Teacher—IV1cat clement in sugar is necessary to the human body? Pupil—Sanil. b YOUNG MEN OF CANADA AND YOUNG WOMEN T00. get a Business or Shorthand education nolldng will pay you so well, and no school can do so well for you as the shrdlu llydln hrdlu shrdlu hrdlu lirdl old suo°esslul Canelo. Dustneee lege of Hamilton. We can pine 200 of our gradu°les in good situallons durhlg Lilo incensing year. We did I 1 this year and can do it egnin. This is the old reliable College of Canada, established h4 ewes; 26 ,years under present prinoipal. Over 3,000 gradu- ales hn successful business life. Try it. Write IU. 14. GALLAGHER, Principal, C, B. College, llalnllton, Ont. Y. M. (1, A. Buildings. THE RETORT COURTEOUS. A barrister pained Melte ryas trying o. ease in 1,lmoriok before Chief Boron ('Grady, when, in the course of the lawyers speech, an 111.0 began to May loudly outside the cnla•t•roon, the win- dow of which opened on a pasture. "Waft n fllinute,fl said the Chief Bar- on, "Otto at a Ilene, Mr, i1ushe, if yon please." The barrlstrn' presently had a goad enamel to retort, When Onirtidy was charging the jury the rl'e again began to brnv, this time_ill n grouter dislalico front the court - remit window. "1 beg your 'Lordship's pardon," said Hullo. "Ohm 1 ask you l0 repent yaltt' Iasi Words? Piero is Snell ntl uelto Here I did not quite cattle ,your lest se11- 10110e ". 'Brighton races 1, his year yielded.a profit of about. £1.,i00, which Will tin's into the corporation treasury, MAIDS UP. Angel Child—"Aunt Daisy, what is meant byby'a fictitious character'?" Aunt Daisy—"'I.'liat means one that is made up, clear," Angel Ohfid—"Uhl yes! 'Then you're a fictitious character, aren't you, amt -tie?" If a dogbites you don't bo stared. Bathe the lomat wth n Mt nater a11i1 cover it with a cloth on which weaver's ('ov(tto lots been freely spread. Thu Comte re:lovoa tho pain caused by Mu sting of ieso0ts. WILLCB')'S GUESS, Teacher—'Billie, what animal is web footed? nettle—The spicier. Little but .Searching. — Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple 'tablets are not bei; nauseous doses Illat contain injurious) drugs or 'eutectics —they are clic pure, vegetable pepsin — the medicinal ex- trert frons ihls luscious fruit, and the luhlets are prepared in as palatable form as the fruit. itself. They cure in- digestion. 00 in a box, 35 cents. -53 Competition is the life of trade from tho viewpoint of the buyer only. Alany inherit moult lungs, and as dis- ease usually assails Lo weakest H o ist, these persons aro continually exposed to attacks of cold arid 1 1 oaoridis- turbances. The speedy us of itecle's Ants Consumptive Syrup will be form- Iand a protection, strength- ening the organs go that they aro not 00 liable Co defrom exposure or abrupt atmospheric chinges. Ilcklo's Syrup Is cheap and good. NOT YET. Cashier (coughing)—pardon ale, 1 didn't catch your last name. Ethel (blushing)—I havcu't caught it yet, myself. A man often makes allowances for his wife, but not always in the Corns of a weekly stipend, A Quick Recovery from Fever and all sick- ness is always the Dass 0-11011 "Norruvhn " the best tonin is rood, It builds, it strengthens, it gives now life. Try it, Willie—"Father, what's 0 spend- thrift?" Father—"A man who spends a great deal of 111000yy 1001- ishly," Wi11ie—"Then is a man who lends money foolishly a lendthrift?" )'ou cannot be happy while you have corns. !lien do not enemy in getting a bottle of Holloway's Corn Coro. ]t removes all kinds of corns without pain. Pnilure with it is unknown. - When tho cooking -school graduates casts her bread upon the waters sho hopes it will return to her in the shape of a wedding cake. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handsorno illustrated treatise, gle- fng full dooms Minn of IPllouneatisnl and Paralysis, with instructions for 0. com- plete home cure, describing the most successful treatment in tho world, re- commended by the ALlnlstry and endors- ed by medical mon. This highly in- structive hook was written by w. II. Veto), o gentleman Vito hits made• a study of these disease0 The preface Is by a graduate of the University of Wurtzburg. Send postal to -day and yyou will receive the boon free by re- turn.—Address, The Ve110 Drug Co,, 24 King St., Wont, Toronto MAKING UP 11'01: LOST TIME. Ates, :i'unga3t—Yet can't imagine how convenient 111114 it to have a telephone in the house. I don't see !low we over managed to get along without it, Her llusbancl.—Yee, I can imagine, without any trouble, how conveni- ent you find it. I tried nine tittles to call you tip to -day, and every time your were busy talking to somebody else. It's the lest draw that breaks the bank account,, Y" i'i lISMI -_h4 •Ymu. �Qtt..— .fere'i' .�u�a'u'Jia•1Yiv.:uaR J'l''E", +.aiOXAM1�i�',1 TO LIVE AND D172 Without over drinking Without Why s t e f i miss h 1 'i r n fol joyn LIVING, 1 'Tem is to dle \1 dh1 ut Zenon I g the 1 , 3 ) ' o'si , i n a hot cep of this b RAGRANT REFRESILING SATISFACTION I 1plg I 1 drink y ro cs 1E 01 1..a � E'3t t8b "T.re+ 1.:a. .TrSlxrt© 71E'C S 711 ran Ct 0101 L9,rs ,eA Man u18�mrr�-nno�:z.mratfFYrr-^e•m.".1.y'2"oast+'amtoo,+who.,=i5.''arals+¢;vrie'G:SSir��.2M "' u'9*Jor'r"u'vareasoc.0eey3 14010111 Genre _._.. or s Fano se 00vr came 10,0 add n')0, MI 1.0,1 1,111 re,al,0 ((a,1, 00 Armor,,., a 10„001 eon• 4411Ing 19 Hindi and 111 Thimbles (Our 1005 pattel'nsl made of nerd A1,10,11111114. '0»,, 000 10.0 ..4101110 o11a014110O 01 010401, 1111a 0mba0aad 0111 1110 1ne0Tlln 1010 )(Fuel l'"liacror burn eek eta. They aro Ilghtor an,11,05hor 11,nu real $Quay orlloiu, 0314 u1 Wr.i Tii1BI' woo—NU MONEY IIEQUIt1ER, 9011 11,0111 ).11)01n. at 0 0outu each, ,nakinq 51,44 ,dtesoiltor, welch forward 10 .04 will vn•I 00, at 01,re, a, n rowan), a r4agOIflOaut L0000 VJatrh, quaraut00d0), (ors 1001), or other Present. of shah -oleos Jowellory, wholh you out sated. froth our Ilan, 601.0 & 00., too, 2, The Watch Homo, Delamere averment, London, W., England. a U W TO RAISE MONEY Easy and Quiokiy for Yoitr Church A1)1) . •1ocmge yq ?0i-lOt)Lq r" ,tea y� IS �9 R or taw any outer Go' purpose. -'0, 00' F•": 50EK 0i 141 Ilu photo:m.Plo(nuy alio) of church midactor, or otheruulr loots nod leo will moronism )0g141100, 1n I3oaun0ul lial(•tonn, 0100110 ('1 91(10 i•45rqutss 01008 111,0101118 01.0)1,1.3. (1459, 4t11.2.21,;21.31,1,1!.11,17,111.1, n.l Aaulee, ono. 10110>ed ae directed. Make healthful, salable ooulonlro, Y0Uro011f And follow worker) eon ..to quickly 0o110t 161100011. '4 KEEP 530.00, SEND US $20.0011018datg>n i.nig T10 'tn n0 1 0(000 1001nnen Iff 0004508, but 010.00 accepted cash with 10 order. 001/erection fntur0nteed, Ono 0:61510 and booklet "Flow to 'RM.() Kotler', (tie to 1100) fro0. Additional samples y co°nob, 1.bovo nl articles ns odrertlein( 00114001re fee marahe11t, ata, name price. Wi0000S1M MFG. 00., 1115) 281, MANITOWOC, WIS. TOOTER 01' S1IAL'li;, "What have you in the shape of cucumbers?" asked the would-be cus- tomer, as he entered the grocery. "Nothing but bnuanas, sir," 00- 11t•ered the new rtrrk. 1fo11, your children to grew sarong and robust by conn tCrlcthhg anything that causes ill-1oo.lLh. Otte great cause of 11 161.11.N0 111 r,fldren is u•u10114. 1tc 110411 1111Th with i11o1hor (:raves' Worm idxtcrmivalor. It lover boils, Tho Value of all kinds of fish land- ed in England and Wales in one 10(11' is over $35,0110,000, and the number of anon and burrs etttploydcl over 41) - 000. _^ Impossible to Find. 41 !)taster oqual to "Tho 1) S 7 Menthol. For ,dde ache ustbio3 equals it. €I yard rull outs 7 plasters, )),ailed 011 receipt of price, Doris &Lawrence Co., Montreal. All then have an iuteeent ability to make mistakes. Baby Humors. — Dr. Agnew') Oint- ment soothes. quiets, and effects quick and effective 011008 in all skin eruptions common to baby during teething 11me, IL is harmless to the hal' in cases of Seals' Mend, and cul'e5L blezeme, Sall Rheum anti ell skin Diseases of older people. 35 cents. -_55 In the palma of the hand there are 2,500 pores to the square inch. If these pores were united end Le 011>1 they would measure about five nines. The Luxuryof a solute throat and robust lunge is most keenlenjoyed by people who, having suffered from a little cold, you know," have boon reserved from misery and danger by lilion's Lung Balsam. When you virile to a man rend your letter over carefully, then mail it, when you write to a woolen rend it over three limos, Wen burn It. A Cure for Palatal/ 111,121n.—Th,, Ii tru- sion of uric acid into rho blood fee cin Is a frulhftil C0.0190 of rheumatic petoa This Irregularity is ()ruing to a derang- ed and unhealthy condition of tibio liver. Anyone suh)ect to this painful alTeotion will find a rarnedy. in 1 armelee's Vege- table Pills. Them action upon tie kidneys is prououneeli and most benefi- cial and by restoring healthy notion, they correob import tics in tho blood. A bee tient works only by night is to be forted 1n the jungles of Indio, It is an lantlsually lnrgt insect, the combs being often Oft. ]°lig by -1:111 wide. Delphi's Disease — .Insidious! decep- tn'el releltlissn has lulled hundreds of Trials by mealiest s0lence to Mem the tido of its rammer; -- lain nut until South American Kidney Cure protect Mould doubt its power lo hien -male thn lido. Was there a glean! of anything 1.111 de spalr for the vlciful of this dread furor of kidney disease.-- 5•'i PAF OLD 010011 E5• ' "Mr. Deeply," said the hostess, "won't you oblige us alth onto more song?''"Olt, really!'' replied the eminent vocalist, 'the host' is laic. I'm afraid my singing• will disturb the neighbors.". ''veva mind that. They've got a 'clog Whose leo-teeing disturbs the at night." Impurities to the lllood,—when the action of the kidneys becomes impaired. imperil:Ms in the blood are almost sure to follow, and general derangement of the system 0001(00, Parnobco'o Vega- talilo fills will regulate Lite kidneys, 00 that they will main Urdu healthy action and prevent 1110 00mplicutinns which certainly conte 1v1,011 there is derange - went 01 therm delicate organs, As a restorative these PII15 aro in the first rank. It sometimes happens that a meek and lowly gaol becomes a Strenuous wife, Sunlight eeap Is hotter than other goalie, bang boat when used in tho!lunlig4t way. iluy Sunlight Soap and follow' 8,1000(1000 NO MACHINERY. "I uhclorstood ,you 1,0 say," com- plained the 110mo-sleeker, "that the house was a browlnstone front. 01, no," replied the slick real- estate meal, "I merely said it was 'a brown front.' "Hub! We nothing but plaster painted." ".Prue, but-or—it's all stand palntedl." r arD >rw, STRENUOUS I,N , tvl1 With a look of intense madness oat Tate fate the yonngf man lliapad into the parlor. "Well," queried the aUXSotfe made "what did papa say?'1 "Words cannot express j ,3''' anawolt; ed the .youth, aro leo hurriedly crawl - cd into his overcoat, but 1t161 lingua monk nava the a palh,'•h Pra011on1 Every day Los0e51 on FARIVI ACCOUNTS For75e. post ptitl, FARM PVD. HOUSE, nos 415, (;hotboul,00 1 D. H. BASTED() 8, co. ----FUR s1A1tUFA0TURE911- 3')7 't302.oa•g' 1t7sats'0i $'es7.eowaiga. LADIES' and MEPs FUR and p111t•1JNED COATS. Everything in ]Pers. Send for catalog. RAWFdR Yuuor ppraoe 131seeprima. Saud CLEANING WALKING LADU4r . e o auTg Ona be One refloat, by our Broach Prommee.. 1'n• It RR)T150 5(11E1115511 (1881110 00, 101Tn6ATa 'TORONTO, OTTAWA A QUEn50 FARMER Li t Wo are appointing one drugglat or agent �? n or • town or villas° all ort Canada f 1 a10 $ rcG 4 or the solo of our remedies. Wo trout Hogs 41 4)" 1, fullyHorses, Cottle, - 'lion Hogg ant Shoop, P, ' disease. Young Colts with caval unit ju[ut s•c ttisu u It8 . Our lame Advice and Coupon System -0 j 4 will Interest you, Write for list of reme- dies audneatest twangy. No stook•breedur' can know too moult about the diseases his animals aro subject to. The V •TEnIN Rtl SPECIALTY Th C A P OtALTY Oa. Limited 1 650 DUIPDAS ST., T01t0YTo, ONi`. 1 -3.2+.1:i4'iv +1:.(¢35++)Zll'a.4`-gE s TE ',53 INTERNATIONAL "1PLCI10N THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT useful, Reliable. At- tract vo, Laottng,Up to Data and Authoritative. No other gift will so of ton be a reminder of tho giver. 2380 pagos, 5000 i lustratlons. Reoeuey enlarged with 25,000 new words a new Gazetteer, and Dew Biographical Diction - 017, edited byV/. T. Harris, Ph.D., 18,.D., U. S. Oommiosfonm' of Education. Grand Prizo,World's Fair St. Louis. 401 the Best. '1Vehrlor r ll hint) 3't 01001 y. l;arb to(on ab idg• .holt. t a1i umdThinr-rcroclitioau nalasaoon,l %Ito for"Dictionary Ylrielece"^Frog, G. & O. 1:MERRIAM CO., Spriug(old, Hasa ",Aucl yet," sold the prates:me, struggling with a burnt and blacken- ed steak or unusual totlgliiless, which the Cook -lady had ,just brought lu, "they say trm1a14.11'e work is 1104.'ee done". ". The World is Pull 01 Paine. Tho aches and pails that )fillet Immunity aro many and constant. arising from as multi stile ocindistinguishable muses, but in the Y,laln owing to man's; ueg- llgenco in taking care of ills health. lir. Thomas 19eleotl'ic Oil was - the out - conic. 01*4 un i vers,Ll cry for unmo opO0t- lc Which would speedily relieve- palls, and it has lilted its mission to a re workable degreo. In Frame), out of every 1,000 in- habitants, 1211 are 011.1 people of Inure than sixty ,years, es 113niest; seven]'':y-tbr00 in 1113>1 nd and havenry nine in C 01111,nny;' The Stomach's "11/end u1. \1'04-!"- • 'i'he stomach is the centre from wideh, from 111e standpoint of health, flows "Went or woo." A healthy stomach moans per- fect digestion — ported digoeli114 means strong nod stonily nerve centre* —strong nerve centres 11100.118 gond cill• oblation, rich blood and good helm lt.. South American Nervine mnlanl4 and keeps the stomnch right,—: Seahskir shoes for dogs IT 1110 le in Labrador, The dogs attctch01 to sledges travel at great spend over tho rough ice, and some !narration. for the foot is neees001'y, mmaansiemosazomestosowo ammassearw000 rirr,••ameee Dear Mother Your little ones ore a constant tare in Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold, Do you know about Shiloh'. Consumption Cute, the Lung Tonic, gad what it has done lot so maty ? it le said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of rho Air 351185es in children. It is Absolutely harmless and element to tak& it isguarentecdtocure oryour money iu returnoj. The pelt? is 25c. per bottle. anti all dealers in medicine eel 9t/ SHI •H 'Tole remedy should be in every heur9hold, iS$UE NO. �1\A�,�.t+ -: ky•dl; Si . I. tea y 'l 41 0 l 1 ng0 r�'Ij:, rt , ' is �''y "-t h ' aM"'NjrR A 5.v p° �,.. f „• ti "tot -r fu ilk v•• tld-t' wt i,x Pi � 1.71 11 9. t111v'.,'� '1t v at '..3' talc 3 1. yc 'r• 11.1 Vn ,,�` l V .a b e3@c�3ro�r 4 1. 1010.0e PADDY trete months tonne 0(00a45om Guj{RANTtfQ PERFECTIX PURk,GEyt1lHE,& roan$r),.,,> . rga'» FREE Dion A 0 U 158>0oN AIL Sf004) ee 1.n,. 000 mea .far ,°°°.. q �' )quo non „r r nun AUTNORRea Te AEIWRn PUn0NASE etot1EY eonrogtri,..'0=g,a . To erireim mime c list. MR QOMPLAIRT. J. Your Motley l .ulldod byby rho dealer from whom rot buy 5011.light soap if you find any cause for complaint. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Su11a,fliigFnt way. $5,000 reword will bo paid to arty omen wbo proves that S11ellghtSoap. contains num 1 uj or loos chemicals or any tont of adulteration, Equally epoctd with hard or soft water. Y,000r O3rotlsotr•as ILtm44eoO. Toreolato rye IN THE GERMAN ARMY. Draconic Sentence Imposed on Two Soldiers.. A dea.conic sentence has been pass- ed by a court-martial sitting at Cob• Ienv, Germany, on two riflemen, who, dressed in ch. Wan clothes, the bettor to avoid recognition, had slipped out of their quarters ant, under cover of darkness, gone to a village restaur- ant, where they know would find a certain non-COntunsmOIICd office', agnlest whom they born a grudgo. Seeing him silting inside, they threw a stoneware pitcher. and a 111000 Of wood through the window al hilts, though without do1ng any injury. T710 court-martial found the accus- ed guilty of participation in a milt- taryrevolt, and sentenced one to six years' iinprisoemcnt and degradation and the other to five years hale labor, expulsion from the army an fivo years' loss of all civil rights. No allowance was made for tho eleven months ..he men hacl been itt custody awaiting trial. The sentence has created great a>- tonishinent, and is compared ,vita the clemency so frequently shown by eourts-martial to non-commissioned officers proved guilty of treating pri- vates with gross brutaility. THE RAIL TY. LIFE ON IS A HARD ONE C. P. R. ENGINEER'S E7CPER- LENGE WITH DODD'S KID- NEY PILLS, They Brought Back His Strength When he Could Neither Rest nor Sleep. Winnipeg, Mau., Dec. 4.—(Speciale, —IlIr. lien Rafferty, the well-known U.P.R. engineer, whose home is at 175 Maple Street, is one Wianipeg man who swears by Dodd's ICiclnoy Pills. "Long hours on. the engine altt the mental strain broke down my con- stitution," 1[r. Rafferty says. "Ary back gave out entirely. sharp, cutting pains followed Due another, till I felt. I was being sliced amen piecemeal. I Would come in tired to death from a run, AIy 5.110 desire would be to get rest and sleep, aud they were the very things I could not get. 1Pfna113' I hall to lay off work. "Then I started to take Dald's Kidney Piffle, aud the first night after using them I slept soundly. In those 'clays I threw away the belt I have worn for years. Docld's Kidney Pills cured me,' IN PHYSIOLOGY CLASS. Teacher—IV1cat clement in sugar is necessary to the human body? Pupil—Sanil. b YOUNG MEN OF CANADA AND YOUNG WOMEN T00. get a Business or Shorthand education nolldng will pay you so well, and no school can do so well for you as the shrdlu llydln hrdlu shrdlu hrdlu lirdl old suo°esslul Canelo. Dustneee lege of Hamilton. We can pine 200 of our gradu°les in good situallons durhlg Lilo incensing year. We did I 1 this year and can do it egnin. This is the old reliable College of Canada, established h4 ewes; 26 ,years under present prinoipal. Over 3,000 gradu- ales hn successful business life. Try it. Write IU. 14. GALLAGHER, Principal, C, B. College, llalnllton, Ont. Y. M. (1, A. Buildings. THE RETORT COURTEOUS. A barrister pained Melte ryas trying o. ease in 1,lmoriok before Chief Boron ('Grady, when, in the course of the lawyers speech, an 111.0 began to May loudly outside the cnla•t•roon, the win- dow of which opened on a pasture. "Waft n fllinute,fl said the Chief Bar- on, "Otto at a Ilene, Mr, i1ushe, if yon please." The barrlstrn' presently had a goad enamel to retort, When Onirtidy was charging the jury the rl'e again began to brnv, this time_ill n grouter dislalico front the court - remit window. "1 beg your 'Lordship's pardon," said Hullo. "Ohm 1 ask you l0 repent yaltt' Iasi Words? Piero is Snell ntl uelto Here I did not quite cattle ,your lest se11- 10110e ". 'Brighton races 1, his year yielded.a profit of about. £1.,i00, which Will tin's into the corporation treasury, MAIDS UP. Angel Child—"Aunt Daisy, what is meant byby'a fictitious character'?" Aunt Daisy—"'I.'liat means one that is made up, clear," Angel Ohfid—"Uhl yes! 'Then you're a fictitious character, aren't you, amt -tie?" If a dogbites you don't bo stared. Bathe the lomat wth n Mt nater a11i1 cover it with a cloth on which weaver's ('ov(tto lots been freely spread. Thu Comte re:lovoa tho pain caused by Mu sting of ieso0ts. WILLCB')'S GUESS, Teacher—'Billie, what animal is web footed? nettle—The spicier. Little but .Searching. — Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple 'tablets are not bei; nauseous doses Illat contain injurious) drugs or 'eutectics —they are clic pure, vegetable pepsin — the medicinal ex- trert frons ihls luscious fruit, and the luhlets are prepared in as palatable form as the fruit. itself. They cure in- digestion. 00 in a box, 35 cents. -53 Competition is the life of trade from tho viewpoint of the buyer only. Alany inherit moult lungs, and as dis- ease usually assails Lo weakest H o ist, these persons aro continually exposed to attacks of cold arid 1 1 oaoridis- turbances. The speedy us of itecle's Ants Consumptive Syrup will be form- Iand a protection, strength- ening the organs go that they aro not 00 liable Co defrom exposure or abrupt atmospheric chinges. Ilcklo's Syrup Is cheap and good. NOT YET. Cashier (coughing)—pardon ale, 1 didn't catch your last name. Ethel (blushing)—I havcu't caught it yet, myself. A man often makes allowances for his wife, but not always in the Corns of a weekly stipend, A Quick Recovery from Fever and all sick- ness is always the Dass 0-11011 "Norruvhn " the best tonin is rood, It builds, it strengthens, it gives now life. Try it, Willie—"Father, what's 0 spend- thrift?" Father—"A man who spends a great deal of 111000yy 1001- ishly," Wi11ie—"Then is a man who lends money foolishly a lendthrift?" )'ou cannot be happy while you have corns. !lien do not enemy in getting a bottle of Holloway's Corn Coro. ]t removes all kinds of corns without pain. Pnilure with it is unknown. - When tho cooking -school graduates casts her bread upon the waters sho hopes it will return to her in the shape of a wedding cake. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handsorno illustrated treatise, gle- fng full dooms Minn of IPllouneatisnl and Paralysis, with instructions for 0. com- plete home cure, describing the most successful treatment in tho world, re- commended by the ALlnlstry and endors- ed by medical mon. This highly in- structive hook was written by w. II. Veto), o gentleman Vito hits made• a study of these disease0 The preface Is by a graduate of the University of Wurtzburg. Send postal to -day and yyou will receive the boon free by re- turn.—Address, The Ve110 Drug Co,, 24 King St., Wont, Toronto MAKING UP 11'01: LOST TIME. Ates, :i'unga3t—Yet can't imagine how convenient 111114 it to have a telephone in the house. I don't see !low we over managed to get along without it, Her llusbancl.—Yee, I can imagine, without any trouble, how conveni- ent you find it. I tried nine tittles to call you tip to -day, and every time your were busy talking to somebody else. It's the lest draw that breaks the bank account,, Y" i'i lISMI -_h4 •Ymu. �Qtt..— .fere'i' .�u�a'u'Jia•1Yiv.:uaR J'l''E", +.aiOXAM1�i�',1 TO LIVE AND D172 Without over drinking Without Why s t e f i miss h 1 'i r n fol joyn LIVING, 1 'Tem is to dle \1 dh1 ut Zenon I g the 1 , 3 ) ' o'si , i n a hot cep of this b RAGRANT REFRESILING SATISFACTION I 1plg I 1 drink y ro cs 1E 01 1..a � E'3t t8b "T.re+ 1.:a. .TrSlxrt© 71E'C S 711 ran Ct 0101 L9,rs ,eA Man u18�mrr�-nno�:z.mratfFYrr-^e•m.".1.y'2"oast+'amtoo,+who.,=i5.''arals+¢;vrie'G:SSir��.2M "' u'9*Jor'r"u'vareasoc.0eey3 14010111 Genre _._.. or s Fano se 00vr came 10,0 add n')0, MI 1.0,1 1,111 re,al,0 ((a,1, 00 Armor,,., a 10„001 eon• 4411Ing 19 Hindi and 111 Thimbles (Our 1005 pattel'nsl made of nerd A1,10,11111114. '0»,, 000 10.0 ..4101110 o11a014110O 01 010401, 1111a 0mba0aad 0111 1110 1ne0Tlln 1010 )(Fuel l'"liacror burn eek eta. They aro Ilghtor an,11,05hor 11,nu real $Quay orlloiu, 0314 u1 Wr.i Tii1BI' woo—NU MONEY IIEQUIt1ER, 9011 11,0111 ).11)01n. at 0 0outu each, ,nakinq 51,44 ,dtesoiltor, welch forward 10 .04 will vn•I 00, at 01,re, a, n rowan), a r4agOIflOaut L0000 VJatrh, quaraut00d0), (ors 1001), or other Present. of shah -oleos Jowellory, wholh you out sated. froth our Ilan, 601.0 & 00., too, 2, The Watch Homo, Delamere averment, London, W., England. a U W TO RAISE MONEY Easy and Quiokiy for Yoitr Church A1)1) . •1ocmge yq ?0i-lOt)Lq r" ,tea y� IS �9 R or taw any outer Go' purpose. -'0, 00' F•": 50EK 0i 141 Ilu photo:m.Plo(nuy alio) of church midactor, or otheruulr loots nod leo will moronism )0g141100, 1n I3oaun0ul lial(•tonn, 0100110 ('1 91(10 i•45rqutss 01008 111,0101118 01.0)1,1.3. (1459, 4t11.2.21,;21.31,1,1!.11,17,111.1, n.l Aaulee, ono. 10110>ed ae directed. Make healthful, salable ooulonlro, Y0Uro011f And follow worker) eon ..to quickly 0o110t 161100011. '4 KEEP 530.00, SEND US $20.0011018datg>n i.nig T10 'tn n0 1 0(000 1001nnen Iff 0004508, but 010.00 accepted cash with 10 order. 001/erection fntur0nteed, Ono 0:61510 and booklet "Flow to 'RM.() Kotler', (tie to 1100) fro0. Additional samples y co°nob, 1.bovo nl articles ns odrertlein( 00114001re fee marahe11t, ata, name price. Wi0000S1M MFG. 00., 1115) 281, MANITOWOC, WIS. TOOTER 01' S1IAL'li;, "What have you in the shape of cucumbers?" asked the would-be cus- tomer, as he entered the grocery. "Nothing but bnuanas, sir," 00- 11t•ered the new rtrrk. 1fo11, your children to grew sarong and robust by conn tCrlcthhg anything that causes ill-1oo.lLh. Otte great cause of 11 161.11.N0 111 r,fldren is u•u10114. 1tc 110411 1111Th with i11o1hor (:raves' Worm idxtcrmivalor. It lover boils, Tho Value of all kinds of fish land- ed in England and Wales in one 10(11' is over $35,0110,000, and the number of anon and burrs etttploydcl over 41) - 000. _^ Impossible to Find. 41 !)taster oqual to "Tho 1) S 7 Menthol. For ,dde ache ustbio3 equals it. €I yard rull outs 7 plasters, )),ailed 011 receipt of price, Doris &Lawrence Co., Montreal. All then have an iuteeent ability to make mistakes. Baby Humors. — Dr. Agnew') Oint- ment soothes. quiets, and effects quick and effective 011008 in all skin eruptions common to baby during teething 11me, IL is harmless to the hal' in cases of Seals' Mend, and cul'e5L blezeme, Sall Rheum anti ell skin Diseases of older people. 35 cents. -_55 In the palma of the hand there are 2,500 pores to the square inch. If these pores were united end Le 011>1 they would measure about five nines. The Luxuryof a solute throat and robust lunge is most keenlenjoyed by people who, having suffered from a little cold, you know," have boon reserved from misery and danger by lilion's Lung Balsam. When you virile to a man rend your letter over carefully, then mail it, when you write to a woolen rend it over three limos, Wen burn It. A Cure for Palatal/ 111,121n.—Th,, Ii tru- sion of uric acid into rho blood fee cin Is a frulhftil C0.0190 of rheumatic petoa This Irregularity is ()ruing to a derang- ed and unhealthy condition of tibio liver. Anyone suh)ect to this painful alTeotion will find a rarnedy. in 1 armelee's Vege- table Pills. Them action upon tie kidneys is prououneeli and most benefi- cial and by restoring healthy notion, they correob import tics in tho blood. A bee tient works only by night is to be forted 1n the jungles of Indio, It is an lantlsually lnrgt insect, the combs being often Oft. ]°lig by -1:111 wide. Delphi's Disease — .Insidious! decep- tn'el releltlissn has lulled hundreds of Trials by mealiest s0lence to Mem the tido of its rammer; -- lain nut until South American Kidney Cure protect Mould doubt its power lo hien -male thn lido. Was there a glean! of anything 1.111 de spalr for the vlciful of this dread furor of kidney disease.-- 5•'i PAF OLD 010011 E5• ' "Mr. Deeply," said the hostess, "won't you oblige us alth onto more song?''"Olt, really!'' replied the eminent vocalist, 'the host' is laic. I'm afraid my singing• will disturb the neighbors.". ''veva mind that. They've got a 'clog Whose leo-teeing disturbs the at night." Impurities to the lllood,—when the action of the kidneys becomes impaired. imperil:Ms in the blood are almost sure to follow, and general derangement of the system 0001(00, Parnobco'o Vega- talilo fills will regulate Lite kidneys, 00 that they will main Urdu healthy action and prevent 1110 00mplicutinns which certainly conte 1v1,011 there is derange - went 01 therm delicate organs, As a restorative these PII15 aro in the first rank. It sometimes happens that a meek and lowly gaol becomes a Strenuous wife, Sunlight eeap Is hotter than other goalie, bang boat when used in tho!lunlig4t way. iluy Sunlight Soap and follow' 8,1000(1000 NO MACHINERY. "I uhclorstood ,you 1,0 say," com- plained the 110mo-sleeker, "that the house was a browlnstone front. 01, no," replied the slick real- estate meal, "I merely said it was 'a brown front.' "Hub! We nothing but plaster painted." ".Prue, but-or—it's all stand palntedl." r arD >rw, STRENUOUS I,N , tvl1 With a look of intense madness oat Tate fate the yonngf man lliapad into the parlor. "Well," queried the aUXSotfe made "what did papa say?'1 "Words cannot express j ,3''' anawolt; ed the .youth, aro leo hurriedly crawl - cd into his overcoat, but 1t161 lingua monk nava the a palh,'•h Pra011on1 Every day Los0e51 on FARIVI ACCOUNTS For75e. post ptitl, FARM PVD. HOUSE, nos 415, (;hotboul,00 1 D. H. BASTED() 8, co. ----FUR s1A1tUFA0TURE911- 3')7 't302.oa•g' 1t7sats'0i $'es7.eowaiga. LADIES' and MEPs FUR and p111t•1JNED COATS. Everything in ]Pers. Send for catalog. RAWFdR Yuuor ppraoe 131seeprima. Saud CLEANING WALKING LADU4r . e o auTg Ona be One refloat, by our Broach Prommee.. 1'n• It RR)T150 5(11E1115511 (1881110 00, 101Tn6ATa 'TORONTO, OTTAWA A QUEn50 FARMER Li t Wo are appointing one drugglat or agent �? n or • town or villas° all ort Canada f 1 a10 $ rcG 4 or the solo of our remedies. Wo trout Hogs 41 4)" 1, fullyHorses, Cottle, - 'lion Hogg ant Shoop, P, ' disease. Young Colts with caval unit ju[ut s•c ttisu u It8 . Our lame Advice and Coupon System -0 j 4 will Interest you, Write for list of reme- dies audneatest twangy. No stook•breedur' can know too moult about the diseases his animals aro subject to. The V •TEnIN Rtl SPECIALTY Th C A P OtALTY Oa. Limited 1 650 DUIPDAS ST., T01t0YTo, ONi`. 1 -3.2+.1:i4'iv +1:.(¢35++)Zll'a.4`-gE s TE ',53 INTERNATIONAL "1PLCI10N THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT useful, Reliable. At- tract vo, Laottng,Up to Data and Authoritative. No other gift will so of ton be a reminder of tho giver. 2380 pagos, 5000 i lustratlons. Reoeuey enlarged with 25,000 new words a new Gazetteer, and Dew Biographical Diction - 017, edited byV/. T. Harris, Ph.D., 18,.D., U. S. Oommiosfonm' of Education. Grand Prizo,World's Fair St. Louis. 401 the Best. '1Vehrlor r ll hint) 3't 01001 y. l;arb to(on ab idg• .holt. t a1i umdThinr-rcroclitioau nalasaoon,l %Ito for"Dictionary Ylrielece"^Frog, G. & O. 1:MERRIAM CO., Spriug(old, Hasa ",Aucl yet," sold the prates:me, struggling with a burnt and blacken- ed steak or unusual totlgliiless, which the Cook -lady had ,just brought lu, "they say trm1a14.11'e work is 1104.'ee done". ". The World is Pull 01 Paine. Tho aches and pails that )fillet Immunity aro many and constant. arising from as multi stile ocindistinguishable muses, but in the Y,laln owing to man's; ueg- llgenco in taking care of ills health. lir. Thomas 19eleotl'ic Oil was - the out - conic. 01*4 un i vers,Ll cry for unmo opO0t- lc Which would speedily relieve- palls, and it has lilted its mission to a re workable degreo. In Frame), out of every 1,000 in- habitants, 1211 are 011.1 people of Inure than sixty ,years, es 113niest; seven]'':y-tbr00 in 1113>1 nd and havenry nine in C 01111,nny;' The Stomach's "11/end u1. \1'04-!"- • 'i'he stomach is the centre from wideh, from 111e standpoint of health, flows "Went or woo." A healthy stomach moans per- fect digestion — ported digoeli114 means strong nod stonily nerve centre* —strong nerve centres 11100.118 gond cill• oblation, rich blood and good helm lt.. South American Nervine mnlanl4 and keeps the stomnch right,—: Seahskir shoes for dogs IT 1110 le in Labrador, The dogs attctch01 to sledges travel at great spend over tho rough ice, and some !narration. for the foot is neees001'y, mmaansiemosazomestosowo ammassearw000 rirr,••ameee Dear Mother Your little ones ore a constant tare in Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold, Do you know about Shiloh'. Consumption Cute, the Lung Tonic, gad what it has done lot so maty ? it le said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of rho Air 351185es in children. It is Absolutely harmless and element to tak& it isguarentecdtocure oryour money iu returnoj. The pelt? is 25c. per bottle. anti all dealers in medicine eel 9t/ SHI •H 'Tole remedy should be in every heur9hold, iS$UE NO.