HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-7, Page 8A, Box of Stationery Makes a very pretty and acceptable Gift. We have a great many different kinds to choose from and the boxes are more bandaome than ever, Some of the boxee aro deoorated with I Holly and Ribbon others with Mistletoe, others with very little decoration to suit those who like a plain box. The styles of paper will also suit everyone—the Hemstitched le oepoo- ially nine. Prides range from 20o to $1.00 a box. A pretty box decorated with Holly for OUP Showcase of Perfumes Will intoreet you, Thie is something Hutt is always appropriate as a Gift, Perfumes in all adore, prices are from 1O0t to $215(1 a Bottle The Cut Glass Bottles in their beautiful oases are fine. Let us furnish your Holiday Per - 26o. lamas this year, Come in and See our Christmas Goods The Ohrietmas Numbere of Leading Magazines now in. • DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, SIT GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 9ODTHEBN EXTENSION W. a. & B. -' f Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follower GOING BOvTH GaINe Nonni. Mall 7:00 a.m I Mixed 0:10 a.m Mixed 11:20 a.m I Mail 1.44 p.m Express 8:02p.m I Express 8:61 p.m Tug Ntius Pins A. ohiel'e among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. ADDITIONAL looal news on page 6 lit this ieeue. Hain Charles Kelly sing the favorite eeleotiou "Alone in the deeert." TIOImETB for tomorrow (Friday) even- ing's concert at Fox's Drag store. Tan sleighing has beau very good for light loads this week and bas livened tip trade. Tam blacksmiths have been having a busy time horseshoeing with the coming of slippy roads. THURSDAY of last week was St. Andrew's Day, but the local Seotohmen did not hold any oelebratiou, PUBLIC schools will aloe° for the holidays on Friday 22nd. and reopen on January 8rd 1906. BBs the program of Teouie Canoed on page 4 of this issue and be Bare and enjoy the musfoal treat. A WEexmmexsa chime cloak iu H. L. Jackson's jewe.sry store has attached considerable attention this week. Tama are over 150 reserve seat taken for the Tennis Concert Friday evening of this week, The program will be sure to please. 2 sea loads of poultry were shipped this week to Winnipeg by Robert Thum son, whish will supply Christmas dinners for many. FlnimsN,—Monday evening at 8 o'olook a meeting of the Fire Brigade will be bald in the Oounoil Chamber. All inter. eeted are asked to attend. Dn. OVEN¢, M. D. Surgeon, Conlin, Speoialist, Diseaeee of Eye, Ear and Nose treated and glasses fitted properly. Will be at Smith's Drug Store, Bruseele, on Tuesday, Deo. 12th, Hours, 8 a, m. to 1 30 p. m. OH8NGE Os MEETING,—The Lady Maooabee Hive will meet the snood Tuesday of each month hereafter instead of every two weeks. Next meeting will be held Toesday evening of next week, 12th list. Tan little nine•monthe'•old daughter of D. and Mre, Dopes, died Wednesday night of laet week at their home in Mitchell. Mr, and Mre. Dopee recently moved from Brume's, and they have the sympathy of many friends in their sad lose. Tam Provincial Winter Fair will be held at Guelph from Monday to Friday inclusive, December ilih to 15th. A tiptop program will be presented. Single fare on railways, Members of the Farmers' Institute admitted free on presentation of member's tioket. METROPOLITAN Booz,—S, J. Moore, Vioe•President of the Metropolitan Bank has been elected President to fill the vaoanay oaneed by the death of the late Rev. Dr. Warden. D. E. Thomson, K. 0. has been alerted to the position of Vioe•Presideut and James Ryrie bas been appointed to the Board of Directors. FINED $10,00.—Leet week Angus Kerr came up before Jodge Doyle, at Goderiob charged with aggravated assault by Joseph Qnerin, of the Queen's Hotel, A number of witueseee were present from town. The plea of guilty was pat in and after some seasonable advice from the Judge to those oonoerned a fire of $10 was imposed. Tan Pon would like to see a greater interest manifested in the Fire Brigade, —The Choral Society do well.—Good sleighing during the holidays,—A wtee oboioe in electing Ooonoillore for 1906.— Snowballing 908—Snowballing on the 8008818 stopped — Several needful industries [orated to Broeeels next year. --The Gravechoret Sanitarium remembered in the Christ meg gifts of the people.—Better order on the port of some people wbo attend public) gatherings both in and out of Braaeele.—Lively buying from the well stocked business plaoee in Brussels. To INosnsonr.,—The Ingersoll paper apenke of Si former Bruseelite as fol. lows ;—"'The Ingersoll skating rink hue been [need for the Winter by Wm. Lowry, of London, hrother.in-law of I. W. Kiogewood. it is understood that Mr, Lowry will endeavor to bring about a change in the general state of affairs at the rink that will be greatly ap• preoiated by the patrons.. He has bad considerable experience in dealing with the public having had a three.yeat lease Of the pavilion atBPtin bank. which he only recently leased a sin foru terra of five years. Mr, Lowry is an onthuefae. 110 oarler and a lover of hockey and he Will no doubt oncourege the latter eport." Anything .that he undertakee will be done ,roil and you may depend upon It, We hope he will make a good return for hie labor, READ, THE POST clubbing offer of this Isom, page 5. Reesman seat ticket holders for to mocruw night'e Oonoert are requested to enter by the side door of the Hall. Bass Moods BEAD, dreeamaker, is pre. pared to work at home or abroad. Har home ie 7th line, Morrie township. Mise LIozxs MoNADoaxoo, dressmaker, le at the aiaposal of °hues requiring any- thing in that line. Sewing done at the home if preferred. Apply at Mre. D. B. Moore's, Brussels. PAY your taxes before the 15th, di 5 % wid be added on that date. Collector Long will be at the 0ounoil chamber on Taeedey, Wednesday and Thursday of next week to receive taxes. Da. Burma, apeaialist, will be ab the American Hotel, Bruseele, Thursday Dee. lib, when be will be pleased to bave persons deeirieg his professional skill or advice, call and see him. There have been quite a large number of Holtets eold for (Friday) tomorrow night's ooneert but there is no doubt but that all who attend the entertainment will be provided with Gents, Good order is guaranteed. Ants Baoxsi.—Last Tuesday evening as Mrs Inc. Tait was going to her home. Queen Street, after visiting Mre. Thos, Dunford, she slipped on the street and tell breaking her left arm at the wrist. We hope ebe will FOOD be convalescent. A. ROE DEAD.—Friday of last week, A, Roe, of Wingham, formerly proprietor of the Queen's Hotel, Braude, passed away, aged 07 ysare, He had been an invalid for years from paralysis, The Emeriti took place on Bunday afternoon. Ray. J. W. GILPIN Paeese Awn—Mon• day evening, about 6 45 o'clock, Rev. J. W. Gilpin, Methodist minister of Aber. oyle, near Guelph, and brother to J. J. Gilpin, of Brussels, passed away to hie reward after a severe illness of 4 weeks of o complication of diseases. Funeral on Thursday, service being held in the Methodist church, Harrieton. Mr. Gilpin was the eldest eon of the late Wm. Gilpin, of Blauehard toweship, Perth Co. and was born in Ireland in the year 1837, He entered the ministry 41 years ago and has been a euoeesefal pastor. He ie survived by hie wife, who was a Mies Bell and 6 sone and 8 daughters who will share in the aymathy of a wide oirole of relativee and old friends. Business Locals. Fos BALK.—One pony, reliable driver. Also out and haruess at bargain, L 0. RICHARDS. Ootm mars dwelling for Bale or to let. Immediate poeeest•ion can be given, Apply to I. 0, RICHARDS. WANTBD.—Ohoioe Turkeys, dry pinked, end cudrawu, 15e. All kinds of fowl and titled apples wanted, Gso. E, BIND, Wingham. 5 Fon 10.—To close out the balauoe of Sheet Moeio we will sell 6 cheats for 10 cents. Both v0oal and inetrnmental. THE Pear. People We Know. ROME! PERSONAL.—Theo. Gilpin, who hue been a rebid nt of Wiartoo for the past 87 years, was visiting bie brother, J. J. Gilpin here for e day. — Mrs. [t, T. Hiegetou arrived home from a visit with reativee and friends 1n the Weet, Mr. Hiogeton, who aoaompauied her will pro. ,005 hie etey.—Mrs, 0. E. Roadhouse, of Blyth, was a visitor at P. MoQuarrie'e on Wedoeeday, G. O. and Mrs. MODowell, were vieitiug in Toronto last week. They went to see Mre, Bert, Potts, of Clinton, wbo was dangerously ill in the hospital .here enffering from metier. She had been here for two months and died on Time - day afternoon. Interment was made at the Norway oemetery. Mre. Potts is a oouen to Mr. McDowell, She was only 30 years of age.—Mise Lizzie Askin bas .rrived home after an enjoyable visit .ettb friends and relativee in Muskoka, Jiltou, Georgetown, Brampton, Toronto and other etowne.—W. R. Mooney, of Beryls, hos taken a poetbion iu Geo, N. MoLaren's store,—Roy MODos. Id and Mies Vera Wilbee Bundoyed in Leadbory.— H, A. Metabett, a former ,nerohant of Braude., a Welter in own this week, He le cow a reeident et lorunto.—Miss Eila Simpeon returned en Friday to bar home in Berlin alter a .ery pleasant visit with bet oonein, Min Euphemia B. Wilton.—S, B. Bmale ie a. visitor in Bruseele.—Mies Mend Qasrin e holidaying with friends at Berlin.— George Tbompeon, of Goderiob, e farmer resident of McKillop, was here on Friday. He ie a shrewd busineee man ,nil is one of the firm owning the God. erioh Harbor sawmill, They handle a large quantity of lumber annually, He t8 a very decent fellow. — MIs. James Oliver fell on the stairs at the home of her dnagh er, Mee. Latakia, Tueeday y night and monied gaite a shaking up. No boxee were broken we are pleased to hear and we hope the old lady will 8000 be Mont 08 usual.—Jno. A. Ritchie left town on Wedoeeday for Aylmer, Oat., where he hag taken a sitnatfon in the itarnees shop of Mr. Buchanan,— Gee, Edwarde woe in Louden bhie week. --Mre, G. N. MoLaren and little dau. ghter, Kathleen, arrived in Brageele on Saturday, They were aouompooied by Mre, 3, R. Morrow, mother to Mre. MoLaren, of Midland, Tum Pon 85. tondo a oordial welcome. Mr. MaLaren We are Sole Agents in Brussels for the bas leased the residence of R. K, Rom, Alexander street, — Jno. Pugh arrivedVuritahome from a prolonged stay in the Weet this week and will epend the Winter here with his family. He looks as if he was enjoying good health,—This week F. D. Patterson, who has filled the position of ledger keeper in the Standard Bask for the past 5 months most aooeptably, was moved to the Bay street branob, Toronto, He is succeeded here by Mr, Pease, of Toronto, whom we weloome to Bruseele, UH't11fC11 UNl,ill9S- "T11e City of God" will be the theme of the Guild meeting in Melville church next Sabbath evening, Next Tuesday evening St. John's Young People's Society will dimes "The history of the church in Canada." Min Amy Taylor will introduce it. The monthly Missionary collection in the Metbodiet Sebbabb Bobool last Sum day totalled 96.40. This mulles $52.26 eiuoe the let of last May, not a bad showing. This week the epeoial evangelistic dateless have been continued iu the Methodist March and a number have expressed their intention of leading a Christian life. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr, Tait, of Port Dalhousie, who gees to Teeewater as pastor, 0000pied the pulpit of Melville church. In the morning his diecourse wee based on the comforting words "My grace ie sufficient for you." The very unusual bast fond in Isaiah 28bb obapter and 20th verse ;—"For the bed is shorter than a man oan stretch him• self on it and the covering narrower than be oan wrap himself in it," WEB taken in the evening from which a very practical sermon was presobed, Brussels Council. The usual monthly meeting of Brae. aisle Cannon was held last Monday evening in the Cannon Chamber. Present Reeve Henderson and Councillors Plum, Stewart and Jones. Ninnies of last meeting read and con- firmed. Following a000nnte were ordered to be paid ou motion of Messrs, Stewart and Plum :— A. MoLaoohliu, salary 925 00 R. Oliver, epeoial Constable 1 00 Alf. Lowry, " " 1 00 D. Ewan & Co., Fire Dept. 2 00 Geo. Brown, wood for Hall 6 00 Tan Poe , Oold Storage By.law22 62 Jae Oothill, dog tax etraok off1 00 Mrs. D, MaLaaohlin, dog tax struck off 1 00 By•Law No. 4, 1905, appointing Deputy Returning Offioer and plume for Moni• eipel Eleotion was read three times and passed. The polling pieces will be No. 1, at J. Leckie's store with J. T. Rose as Deputy ; No. 2 t Oounoil Obamber with N. F. Gerry, Deputy ; and No, 8 at Geo. Birt'° reei- denoe, with P. Boort presiding. Date of election will be Monday, Jan. let, 1908. Reeve, 4 Couooillare and 3 School Tend- ed' to be elected. Nomination on Fri. «ay, Deo. 22od. James Onehill addressed the Council es to a rebate on bie taxes as be contend. ed bie being farming lands should not be messed for certain items belonging to village property. No action was taken. The question of Fire Ecgioe repairs and other neoeseary work in improv log Fire Brigade was introduced by Barry James who said be wonld aot no longer in the oapaoity of engineer Diving to want of interest in the brigade by 'he Council and townspeople. Weighmaeter MaLauohlin reported 539.75 tie the reoeipte from the males for November. The total for year to Deo. lat is 9440. An amount for $4 deducted from Photos for Xmas Now is your chance to get a Photo. taken. All orders taken before Dec. 22nd guaranteed for Xmas. Get a Photo. of your Family while they are home for the Xmas Holiday. My Studio will be open Holidays. Call and see our work, You are always weloome. 4P4otes H.3. B°EWER Christmas 'q G IS AT HAND Gift Making IS IN THE AIR If you desire Presents, Neat, New, Seasonable, 0011 and see the Jewelry Watches Clocks China Smokers' Supplies,etc. —AT.-. s J NE� J. L Special Bargaine will be offered and the goods are A 1. Make Your Selection Early Brand 'Underwear PURITAN UNDERWEAR "Puritan" is a guarantee of Excellence and every Garment bearing this Brand is warranted to give satisfac- tion. All sizes in Children's at 10e each and upwards for larger sizes and all wool. Ladies' sizes at 20c, 25c, 85o, 50o, 75o and $1.00 for best all wool, None Better—None Cheaper and All Guaranteed. A.ST'RCRAN Eleotrin light afe the time of the freshet last Spring and 92 for a eleatrio light pole out down by the town was presented by Tinted Bros. Ou motion of Memo. Plum and Stewart it was decided that the former amount be not paid and that the Reeve enquire into the latter. The matter of entertainiog the County Council was ooasidered and it was moved by W. F. Stewart and eeoonded by 3. G. ,Jones that a oomplimenbary supper be tendered at the American Hotel on Thnrrdey evening. Carried. Connell then adjourned to meet again on Friday evening 15th ioet, 0e per Statute. 1Hokz� FLOODY.—Io Blytb, on November 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. David Floody, e duoghter (still born), Fn it000 En, — In Bebriugville, on Nov. 29th, to Rev. 0. S. and Mrs. Fink- beiDsr, a daughter. Jeoneoot.—In Blyth, on November 29tb, to Mr, and Mre. J. A, Jackeoo, of Ponoka, Alberta, a daughter, VANNORrIAN.—In Brace Mines, on Nov. 28rd, to Mr. and Mre. Froth Ven- normao, formerly of Blytb, a eon. xt¢.afxxxxaa, ARDBLL — BREDYOIAN, — At Winnipeg, Mao., on Wednesday the 22nd sit., Mr. Jos. Arden, formerly of Bruasele, to Mies Elate Bredyman, both of Carman, Man. Cols—WOLFE.—At the reeideooe of the bride's sister, Mrs. Nearquard, Wingham, on Wedueeday, Nov, 15, by Rev, W. J. Weet, M. A., of Bine vale, Mr. James W. Cole, of Water too, to Mies Mary Regina Wolfe, of Wingham. BsLLY—AesN.—At St. Michael's obaroh, Blyth, on Nov. 29th, by Rev. Father Haulon, Mr, John P. Kelly to Mies Bridget Agee, both of Morrie. Mowreoitanx—Gnaaem,—At the reeideuee of the bride's perects, at Petersburg, N. D., Mies Grace Graham, to Dr. 0. J. Montgomery, Overlay, N, I), on the 28rd alt. POLLARD—Them—Ai xz the re of donee oft e h bride's father, on November, 28th, by Rev. A. D. Gieobler, Mr. Joshua Pollard, of.Leedbary, to Mies Mary, daughter of Mr. Henry Thiel, of Hollett. QDINN—OALDwzm. At the reeidenoe of the bride's father, Burnside farm, Hallett, on November 22nd, by Rev. N. M, Leckie, MI. lease Quinn, of East Wetwanoeb, to Miss Ella, daughter of Mr. James Caldwell. TuRVsY—WoODRowE,—As the manse, Bloevale, on Wedueeday, Nov. 29th, by Rev. W. J. West, 111, A., Mr. Robert Taney, of Morrie, to Mies Mary Helen Woodrow', of Morrie, soxEn- OAMPBELL.—In Grey, on Nov. 28th, Hattie J,, daughter of David Chimpbell, aged 28 yoga, 4 menthe and 15 Jaye, Darsn,—In Mitchell, on Nov. 29111, Bessie, infant daughter of Daniel and Mre, Dupes, formerly of Bruseele aged 9 months leon (fILris.—•In Aberfoyle, Deo, 4fb, Rev. J.' W. Gilpin, aged 68 years, HsNDEReON,—In Morrie, on Deo. 6th, Charles Henderson, aged 79 years and 7 monthe, RDS, -in Wingbam, on Dee. let, Alfred Roe, fotmerlyof Brunie, aged 67 years, We10'reesee1T,ts S6r4.1 .s•sse J:':4, Fall Wheat 75 75 Barley ,,..,...,,40 42 PONS... F .. ...,...,..... to.• 66 07 Cate 98 84 Batter, tube and tolls..., 19 20 Eggs per dozen, ,18 19 Hay per ton 6 00 0 00 Floor, par bbl 6 00 6 60 foga, Live ... 6 80 Wool 28 28 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Potatoes per bus 35 40 Apples (per bbl.) 1 60 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TWO FRESH COINS FOR BALs, JAS. SHUR, 2011 Lob 30, Oon, 0, Morrie. WANTED. — AT ONCE, A Apply good fli8 a MoLI]NNAH,s Amerioaa Hotel, Brussels. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND Lot for sale, situate on Princess street, Brussels, For further partieulare apply to MRs. II, 0081018, Ott TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S. No. 4, Maodonald, Duties bo com- mence January let, Application stating salary to be in by December 2031, G. W, WILif1N0ON, Iteho Bay, Algoma. �.41ARM TO RENT.—THE UN– nanslDNan offers the 100 EDITS, known as the Asklo farm, Lot 10, Con. 14, Grey, to rent. Good brink house, 2 frame bone end °beide orchard. Farm is all seeded down except 20 acres ; 6 acres of Fall wheat M. Poeseeelon at once. For furtberpartianlara apply to JOHN GRANT, Lot 0, 0,35. 12, Grey, or Brussels. P, 0. 22.80 To Taxpayers. Notice is hereby given that I will be at ,he Council Chamber, Brussels, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next w oak ,12th iOch and 1418 suets., from 0 a. in, to 5 p. m„ to receive taxes and give receipts. 5 per coot, will be added atter that data, so those interested should govern themselves ac- cordingly. JOHN 1.0173, Tax Oolleator, eaSGivin Seasons go by, years slip one past the other ; things happen and are forgotten, but happy Christmas time, rather than a thing to be forgotten, becomes more dear to us each year. We tow..fap./ appreciate the privilege it brings to us of tangibly express n love, friendship and all of the other graces. The selection of sdmo token or remembrance at the glad Yule Tide is one of the most taellgltt, ful, though perhaps one of the most difficult of tasks. W4t..are satisfied however, that among our immense variety you will 1i'ev, able to find something that will appeal to you, We have an ex- cellent assortment to select from, among whish might be mention- ed . — Biscuit Jars — Vases —Fanoy Plates —Fruit Dishes —Pitcher Urns —Trays — Jardioeree —Photo Frames —Post Card Albums —Photo Albums — Candle Holders —Bibles —Bronzes —Dolle —Scissor Sete —Purees —Fine Perfumes —Music Rolls — 20 Cent Novelties — Ornamental Pottery —Jewel Boxes — Toilet Sete — Fern Pots —Oh000late Sets — Bon Bons —Tea Sets — Salad Bowlo — Frnit sets —Smoker Sets — Fine Stag Sets —Ink Stands — Hymn Books —Ball Sets — Plaogoee, —Hand Bap —Fountain Pens — Fine Stationery —Manioure Sete —Books find scores of other articles of equal suitability as gifts, and after all you will not find it such a difficult thing to choose appropriate gifts when you see our fine collection at Fox's rug Store Strictly One Price F. Fewewetracieerevaireereweeekeetieivaireerairmetries The Lowest CNBISTNINS SHOPPING Another year has almost sped by and the season of joy is again at hand. The ques- tion that confronts us each year is before us now. What shall we give him or her ? We are more ready than ever to answer this question for you. The store is replete with hundreds of gift -giving things of both useful and ornamental kiud both for young and old. At this time when needs are many and gift -giving brings your wants to the highest point it is important,to make your purchase at this store where you get the most for your money. When planning your Christmas purchases, the question will arise as the most desirable place for your shopping. We are in a position to supply your wants. It will be our pleasure to demonstrate the fact that we give the greatest value to be found. Ladies' Department New Silk Blouses iu Japanese and Taffette, large variety, prices ranging from 92.75 to 95.00. Ladies' Stook Collars, in Silk Embroidered, Chiffon, all the newest Novelties, rouging in price from 250 to $2.00. Now is the time to buy your Fancy Linen, These Goode are imported direct and we are In a position to offer extra values. Fancy Doylies iu hand -embroidered and Tenoriffe, See our display of Fancy Linen Table Covers, Tray Clothe and Sideboard Scarfs. Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Gents This season we have made a special purchase of an import sample lot of Ladies' White Embroidered and Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs, in all 105 dozen, whioh we plaoe on sale for the Holiday trade at exactly half price. See these lines and compare prima. —5 dozen only Gants' Fancy Brocaded Silk Handker- chiefs, worth regular 91.00, Special for Christmas at exactly half price, 50c. —8 dozen only Gents' Fancy Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, worth regular 50o, Speoial for Xmas 250 each, —Ladies' and Gents' Linen and Silk Initial Handker- chiefs from 20o to 75o each, A. Big Purchase of Handsome Flay t arm nts Bought at Saving ForMen and Women - Will be Sold at Big Prices by Us Saving Prices to You Fur Coats, Fur Jackets, Fur Caperines, Ruffs and Stole Collars Muffs and Gauntlets and Caps of Every Good Fur. These goods have all been bought with the maker's guarantee of good quality and will be, sold to you with the makers and our guarantee. We will stand behind any garment we sell, having bought these Furs at prices consider- ably below the regular. We can afford to give every ouetomer a saving of $3.00 to 98.00 on prevailing prides aoaord- ing to the size of the purchase, This with perfect assuranda that every pieoe of fur is reliable, both as to quality and newness of style and freshness of make, is a strong argument why you altoeld see our aseortmont before buying. 50 SUITINGS to out and make to your measure, of Sootoh, Buglioh and Irish Tweeds and Bar- gee, Among these are fine black suiting°, to your measure, satisfaotion guaranteed at ja} Select Your Christmas Good Will Clivillas frothoGentlemen's Fu nisiour Choice and hnSgtsock A Nice Pair of Gloves 500 to $2.50 A Nice Tie 25c to 50c A Handsome A Pair Fanny Vest of Suspenders $8.00 to $5,00 150 to 503 Fine Fur Caps $8.00 to $10,00 ALL. OUR BOYS' OVERCOATS We have been told that our range of Boys' Overcoats is the handsomest lot ever seen in Brussels, and while with all their dresey appearance and praotioal styles the prices are unexpeotedly low, Sizes 4 to 15 years of age, 92,50 to 94.00. OUR BOYS' SUITS Strong in oonetruotion, handsome in design, youthful in appearanoe, 0Orreat iu style, porleet in fit and genuine wear resisters ; made from All Wool Fabrioe that have been bested for toughness. Duuble mate and knees on Knick- ers ; Coats with hand -shaped collars ; deep facing t buttons firmly Bowed on. \vis g . O f 91/ t 3 • {,t/ O sell Odd Kniokers, odd Coats and Odd Vote, SUITS FJ l V Boys' Heavy Stockings, 25o per pair Boys' Mitts - 25e Highest Prices Paid for Butter & Eggs Boys' Sweaters... 75e each Boys' Boit Gaps 25e " Fergusou & Boss GARF/EL® BLOCK Dried Apples Wanted 6o iter. pound