HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-7, Page 7t"Jr>000**000 00-Qotreo=pi a BLOODLESS GIRLS. ENGiISX11dXN IN DUELS, l WAS p n At r,t 1 YOUNG find New Ilea1t11. Through the Use PAmous Alen Who fought With j l�,j j� 1 fi �rg}g� of Dr, Williams' Pink fills. Swords or )'istols,tlIr�,1 cU[,L FOLKSFOLKSSVhon you sea a Young girl Thl Earl of Itunbe-dr'y's mueli Ills. -v Palo ousatd challenge to 001 '•iupwell 1.1'a And ailing and wastblg atvuY, yu,IDODD'S XIDNE•Y PILL; CURED [000*0*0*01DO-0000000*0 Know that bnddbtg ivnn.a111100l )s,rarollIng that tough iha days f making' new avalaodH upon her ))I ill, aluollblg are <.onsldereti to have {rays- MRS. ADAM, I3PRIGI�T t fighting s ut et n I')n *1 .nil th. 11 slit f TI1T1 CIItATtIIl!iL+l()MI,1 MU'T[tll)YS. siy)jr1V which She. cmwat nicer. �funtlt 1 r (, 0 6 g F DI:aEASE, It wan 7omuly's Sixth birthday, ofttr Intint,h h(r 71raltl7, her strength, w1ll still hr•tak out un oevatnons, and he was Ilavlug n birthday })lento her very life, In helag draheml. allay. sat'H elle London Tlxpro•.n. _._,,, iu ilia park, nJ(JJ half a dozen of his No food nod nu earn cull do ally 1 Nut nn very long ago Mr. IY3uatoll She Did Not Believe in Them, but little rilisvd(- A pion#e iii ill(-beaiti- ]food. Common mildiviue eannot Sa\ CAuu•rb311 was challongod to on en- ful'park NJ -41.1%, alwuvei a delight; isn't her front broken health and a hop!_,couuter a l'outcrince by tin ;rain To -day She io Strong and Well. to -duty (here' t0'c+fe favoi•n, a hirthday less decline, Now blond is Lha nus consilitient tit Oldhilla. One hes}- olikki rout (AlOr thilign i)(11oll;ing to lhlug that can snake her a htolthv,ItntoS to think what would have hors- b rc(1ul,tvo,rfri, ThtQatw Nov, 37 Panics, br•Hiiles, rhtrrful, roR,Y-checked g•b4., Anti lit'. polled had Mr. Churchill had 11'i•uro (• P )•.-A1rH. '1'luls•, Ati':IF)s, who 1Vhenavey 'idle children Lived of 4Ylllinma' Idol Pillet aatutilly tnake,ettouRit to mistime Ills martial role, Inti lic ed " hero about t.wvears afro gumes,• I,ney went to w'atrb the ani 110NV bloom with eoel;v doer. That ;n� Lord Reuconvtleld novo ehadlrnh;•d'1VOIn u H Poll, 1,o (ills' of the Inaitrt•fti while, '1•bero was a beat "s Lho whole Secret, of holy they have O'C'olulvll to a (Viol, hot the falll(JUS I Iltany C'nmtdlans who once lull I i t,Disease n r ars Oiv stt•ut: at• 'rl tilt) •1 til n s e, uus lid• 1 r 1 hurl oufrg a ! Palo, nm( li, t Lnsnuln found himself bound I ,/troll hutlt. of groat tot, the with a u I a 1t s n and well, Like all the 0L11eVa site PnFa in the middle to the bears to h'trls rxnu un oat'ly lava. Mesa to keep Che pna.a in a Police court cliulh; and there were wolves, loxes, Allea Chnput, uf,ed 17 ynarlt, Ihinbiinstead of dopart1119 avrnHH the t5'as cured by Dudd's R'lejery I)iIjs, whet -rata nod a grant many other tit 475 St. T#mutllee atrort, Mon iChannel to blow out file brains of "t was eight months all Invalid," animals, besides the owls and herons, treal, g1l,vs Sixong proof of Pr. it'll- lite political opponent. isays Data. Adams, „and no one can Ilcoi11H 1 i i to 1 !f ' 1 thu crunr.H, and Marks, The rico •, f til t oils to curt.. "A cou,'lu O'Connell himself fought a Burl j Il what su Porti. ley donLor na r1 buffato and ostriches had little parka of years ago" Says bliss Chaptit" "I with a meatier of the LvIs'h House of 11 had (Bright's Disease and Sciatica, of their own, lanced in with iron K"aS All ahuast cout;uuuus suffers*, Conlmuns named INhstclru and kill- but. i gut,no Pellet from. anything he netting; and the prairie dugs ww-a arta beeline so weak I could hardly Ied lain opponent. gave nen. At last a friend of Iov happy in their gnetr round tompl:' So' "JiouL, I Sulfered from frocluorL Anol.hrr total duel was that lit husband Induced the to give atodil's burvoxv(;ig ant of slp,ltt lit the Soft n T 101011900 spells Of dizziness, 1 which Lore! Camolforcl, one of (h0 �IiiOnny Pills a trial, I had me faith earth, orlsltting up gravely On their hall frightful headuchas, and mvIx,lost confcrtard duelists of his day lit thein, for I thought I never !rind Jogs Lo stare back at Lite chi]r1- stomach ryas completely Out of order. all, IKrotdd Not g 7'ho least exertion would lenva nue' and a man who had the death of wall] boxes better, them S after ailed Lo nett. ]:Fut iha place of All others which worn nut and breathless, and I dirt'hand than one fellow t•reature on sus rho eh{ldteu elr'nyeit most we., It not aPPear to have a (trop of bund hands, was killed by ant Best. t othAlto do h \vert(. 1 have hod good I blood in my body. I consulted a I wore excellent Shots, and one of the health srr since I us%ed Dodd'n Kid - large pavillon ort most Lho Parrots y' two Pistols used was suppose(] to nes Fills." Mild murrain ofac]. Toth at one veg, doctor, n'do told oto the Lrouble wns:be slightly more perfect than the +'---^ wore parrots of all kinds and slzry, g'encral debtlit,v, but hill trentmfln'1,; NY! ill beautiful, brilliant plumage dict not hall) wo a parLiele. To and: Other. A piece at money wes tossed ANYLETS OF GOLD. and loud, harsh voices, In the centra to the trouble my nerves gave %av, iult to cltcide the choice. hest won, - a It ' the result Lord C mo old and in L English ld tlfomen Use Ancient S of ilia room was a circular Inuk ;n ar 1 u(ten passed leeplesa ntbh(s.a Sym .- !I were a great maay fishes, At this ntago it friend advised ma fell mortally hounded, I bola of Slavery. Ireland s 1 to r h In wa The lost dl rl fought in t1 )r 1 g Dr. Nllliar •' Y xis Phik '] i 1) •n li • P7 is 1 I it a !, backs the children dr u xa al e 11I en cu lel touch, '"i k The e an let after hundreds Pyears, c h ori n r S i •n nntl a , , t ee a E,.avor of I es 'l ht, went swiunmtin • b Sh01)sh 1 bot ti few boxes. Tela first bene It l b tw n , F "Y b Y• line returned to favor in LonLtun, and es were not at all afraid. I noticed t)om the Ilse of the pill9 member of the legal prafesalon, but And last of all-monkcyal T]na al- L\us nn nnprnvrd aPpetrLeo and tY%i•11honors were declared easy, for lo- is to grace f.hn slander twi.Jc of the Y belle of to -day. nays ]sept those to ilia last did too seemed to bring much relief. I corn thing happened. 'Phe modern anklet. t'esembles Vie Children; for the here the mist t#1111""1 taking tba pills until I had Mr, TFernry eharged Fitt. with "ob- Y plain gold hand first worn as It visa funny of all, lits oyer anything], usedi six boxes, when I was fully ra.. sirncting the defences of the cam- ( at bondage. tieing a slave no more, more comical than a cage of monkeva aLored to health, net] I have not had try," and that oratorical ohserva- woman, as is her habit, is only too Swinging from perch to parch, play- a duyya illurSs since. I cannot pratS,lltion sounded so terrible in the cars glad to Pl¢y with the symbol of for tricks, climbing u the sides of Dr. Williams' fink Villa ouough rap of the eminent statesman that he I y, provided the symbol is ba- h P Slaver their cage, chattering, Scalding, cut- the great good tau,, have (luno lite sent, iris Seconds to Mr. Tierney. eom;n; . Theretorr, the anklet graces Ing alltl looking around anxiously A Palo mnaemic parson uercls only The two incl at 3 o'clock ono 11un the foot of the girl wile wants to be with their wrinkled faces, I3ko very 0110 thing -naw blood, Dr. Vi311.lnms day morning at Putney TtrathI noL � just a litchi more than incrt'ly up-to- activa little old rienl Pink Pills oto one thing oily-tlu,ilia,. from the Kingston roast, fired Nate. Q'onlmy had just slipped a peanut °take now blood, That is till the,ltwo chats tit each other and then I 'Oriental anklets are much in tie - Into Lho outstretched !rand of one of do, but they do it well. 'rlley don't;returned !tome quite well for break-, mand, and in many hirtarlces dross the monkeys, when a larger one act on the bowels. They don't both-. fast. ' are supplied with a hinge anti class), swung himself head downward by his cr "Ah morn symptoms. Thry won't'. Charles .Tnmes FOX, Pitt's brills- J and slip round the foot easily. (tail, scotched the peanut, and Scam--C'ill'e ally disease that iiin't rall,"dor-sant I'1T'al, 't0(Ik 0c'Ca91011 t0 melte � Some of Lite flaw anklets al`s the smart ftp the Side of Lho cage, The ig. Williams'llYfroad blood. Ilnt Tvh,•a;some sentbing ohseryat3onS un 1,1101 tiniest gold bands inscribed with au- I•I . { 111 { lams P'nit 1 l ills re' • 1 smaller r l 1>icr I'll,] c t u Duke raced n t til trx• hl r ! t(. charms. r c lit a ttiln. sit L defend t ,• Y H P'. War Oft}�o n o h, lowdc 1 . u f Med 1)v l .t I a c loin Tt F t[ I b 1 With good U blood 1 • S at- tchu IIs t tact of o au and a fiucfl a 'r •l at t r •er 1 g angrily; r+ Lt .Ill ft•ar all discuses and f al n n from promptly r e,'iv.1 a challenge tribal. Iu the excitement, the pert- .straight Rt the root soli rause of all nncl u u ]sly . 1 oc F I conllnou ills a ea like limflnches, blltr ,roan M1, Adams, and aecrptecl the (ilii of et•rry kind, out was d1ol.pecl, (end a lhu•cl mon- '(]tor] rias rru],nt, incl Ilio states- C)Uter nnL•letS are natio of precious key, Iwntu7g Lhrough the sawdust[or aches, harRaclles, hithley troulde.l 1, stones strung somrtllin g good 1's' cat, found u.nd livar complaint, bilfou.nrf>S, fudiges-'man was uvomld d. "Adams," be is b together•. These art, b g re ortrtl to have said on that 1a- worn under thu stocking, and searn')- sic it snlaekiug his lips Tvitlx gra rt tirnl, tutariuia neural<,ln srF.u3ca, P 1 Show through, so fine anti small enjoyment locolnotox• niceaia unit the special se-Inlentable occns#on, "I (lo believe a e thev. g The (]unreeling grow inut.er soli you'll have kllletl me Ff soft hadn't r eret troubles that every wrinrt❑PltOanit'ion glass nr beaten gold louder. Tommy tried te, ,,tell it by� known bot. that none of then! ]Fite to used GovmnmrnC powder." anklets carved ;n hieroglyphics oro offering a whale handful of pcamlls;J_t1IIt mu)11t, even to tbe;r doelors' -Tb very Popular, void will probably bo but the monkeys Isere too angry to I But you insist Il:lvt the. genuine pl'1.,1 6•nA y p tr m s�4 11 worn at winter dances. notice him. So lie dropped tbn I)ea- or you em7't he Clo'ed, n1ul the gree_ eliaBY..3.stri..9N 3eLF.F, I IgTiCII. nuts on the 0ociv of the cage null I uiue alwa,YS have tilt. rill Molle, "Dr I -- � turned away. And when they'lookedi R'illial"S' rink Pills for T'nlr Pea- -First En,ylj,sh Periodical Firm to A CfroatCota'v`aatlta, "1""' im" the b:.E Yukllish in Canada. Jesuits to, it ahvu!d be talon b)• all fnralado, by !luck r•om the dour of the pavilion, Pio," on the wrappt'r around ilio hex. all ,halo run Aawu or out of am6a. It builia tilt! children saw the two nlonLuvs (4old by all medicine dealers or santup, Sir" now fife, :Cha in,tnst., and according to all still quarreling on ilia high sh'.11,Jdirect by mnil tit :ss' ce!llts it box or accounts, the hest of any publics - cut([ the third calmly eating the nuts,' six boxes for ya.fin by n•rit.ing tiro tion that Sit' Alfred llrarlllSwnrLlt I31'FORIIIIAND. turning his head trona silo to sidu, Dt•. IIOntams' lfrc}iclno Co., Brock- has over Iliad arrytbiug to du with, Harry-lull#sky Is said to be a with quick, et)mlcal glances, villa, Unt, tray lA, oroReloVt.ati nS the DI'St' pllblt- "tit'ta•im't they silly to quarrel aver publish(ng good autktole for snake bites, isn't A little thing like drat'?" said Twa- Tt� cation of that famous it'? I •he, n•in d and tub Sb cl p� house Lo lie to 1 Illy. "C .,,,,ESCAPED rPP.EST IV COF'.tI1S. 7 Hack -t don't knew. I fty1 it an 1 )f course, v o 1st though, lin h it was 6 I in Canada, At the soma moment C tient't'e re v 11 • TUt art 117 the big Ona to Hllatl'h itle C tllllt air a .' P away." "But it Lite little one had kept Ills P `�- .Strange and Gruesome g a I some Device Re- sorted to b Swindler. "' Y m in hAnnouncement is site that the r k.ngland that. the Iiartnsvvnrth peri- er _ 'c s Eire avi 40 per cant. ch oil al n n P g P e I n e. A 'oothing all.=PO throw oil upon the taeol,le)d waters )) • )y th CR 8 Trit LU al (7110x0 L I•;\'rL1I1NAL.LY. off,"er, he'd have berll lots better oft," slid 1)orls, "Tia nee(Jn't hose A strange alxl somewhat gruesome - v}dend this year, is made public the calmness trio most hwtiroreus ea, '1'* apply lir, Thomas' ficlectrio Oil to the Tramp -I lives] on water once for six months. been impolite, even if the big one b drTivo, by which a mail ltalvwd Maker, charged ilia other day withlworlh fact that a Itllmher of the Ttarms- men have cnr_nncncecl Publtslt_ ( troubled body when it is rac!;ad with para n,azna speedy .nlrfugattun of the 'eansrafra S,nc1Y-Ivotl, I must say you don't teas," "1 peas mamma's right," g gut," laughed I fraud, succeeded in auce evading ar-, Ing from the ,lanes Building lit To- tsps elsubjug. It puree most/ sin, heals tory n, oweri the ata (onto ]U0k it. Ralph, as they stopped again to cost, aril a scrond time in dodging'rontu. Ia r ]fir, 'k,urray is in charge of , urn and as a coast household, m d[• �- 1$ nr0i111 in neatly ndniarl naIt la Ti -I aster be a Sailer. watcll t.11e ell110 g' Prairie dogs, "nite nullllrolls, was described at tbai !lest Ham I'otice Court, Lond.)n UiMrnilons anti lie describes the'Clna Harnnniy0 th 8vlf-Fduv.atnv as being worth Jtllicll' Allen's Long Ralsarn, ill trhi('It t1/or0 in no Says it navel, pays Lo quarrel. Oh, die] yUll aCe that little follow go England. really ilia bleat remarkable publica- �- CllaLOlnCl'� "NOt lett ago I Carate g b op,lira, o'TPp. ''r Lhrc•at wul 5Grp hing, Ire it n 7aY3 fhb 1L rb matl,s1 nal Adi y,il of the flown out of sight ill that holo!"-- On one occasion, when "wantett," ifou of its kind ever attempted. ITa in para soli hought a pnrouir plantar a,aa"aett rpt„pa ap the air Pas pages. 5e,„60a., 9r.no bottler. Canadian Churchman. Baker was undelsLoed to be at all Says that eveI;y possible enllijoct lip -'to help Ire get rid of the lumbago." -• undertilkier's shop at Manor Park, nn which a lean lir woman can need ICleriz-"Yes, sir. 'Misat con I do YOU CANIT TELL, FOR D411'IIP%R'S SAKI . ITow anti the officers of the court wer'tl there to apprehend him. Irt he infnllnatlnn is hlchtrletl within ;LS being a to all las you now?" C11atUnlrr^"I want Life is not always what it seems, ,many of ,you girls piny the Now Could not be found, though the pla:o Pages, practical guide n ofessions and trades with the last something note to kelp ova g(.t rill for there's many a silver watch on Piano or organ? it the time to learn to play, clear while was thoroughly searched. 1 word upon. all arts and srianxces 3s' of the plaslnr." ,r the cud s'4 a gold chain. girls, yon Ara quiLe young. Yntt aCQ gll'lA, w9 Or trestles in the shop was a col• illi, fit which the police were Inform- A'd'dition to teaching Rix languagm, ills Preloldent a slave t0 Catarili.- At till in Their Action--Parmnloe'a coed not wait until wr. are b; t, g ed there lay a body. In the prescnr.,. Shorthand, typewriting And all the YP g D. T. Sample, president of Sample's g ' in Vegetable They4dot gripptmato Cee] we are doing something, Girls of iho olilcers the coffin was screwed practical tletaila of everyday life at Instalment Cell an IYashin ton, P y, 5 not rntn@i the x'tmma pin to tore or esus* rl19 t'I Might 1CRI'll to pia. Isbell y qu;tu - anti taken away to, as was iutl- home, school or at work, The pub- pa., wrJtes: "For years I w'as n h.rapOa up ss' nlxny pill,; do. '1'harafore, tko Young, an it y g, goes batter and seenhn m mated, a Public mortuary. lieatton w311 lir. sold in semi-monthly attl[et0d with Chronic Catarrh; Rome- meat detioata can intra tMrnt without fea, of unttlmsmut resUtts, They caul easier, and they era more patient with the trying Think A Clay or so IaLer it was discover- 'parts for fifteen nen is cacti, costing dies and treatment by specialists tea, b* adatuustered to ohtldrete with. Iia exercises. of art that the supposed dead innil in altogether less than eight dollars. p aYy 3'ellt•f until only gave axe temporary- C11t apiu+• LMC l+au0.ltid$ u'lllali fol- P i, low -self )lettaUl'e ] you can give yourself in the Coffin was no other than Mo. ---•D I was intlticell to rise Dr, Agmew's the use Ili pill$ not so carefully vr;il, rod, the hollte by spending till hour Ul• b more at Lhe Piano; and the pleasure Baker, whose friends had collaborat- DIIRAES. Catarrhal Powder, It gave almost of the other members of the family. ad with hila ;11 this way of evading Time honored -the grandfather's instant relief. 50 cents. -49, 1IT,I1 UN�,1�,I;T,IIY 1'r1R�l3RS['PY, -Asto father And mother sit about thelock. toile, grad and weary, how soothing arrest. (ht LitetSCC011d occasion a judgment Parts o4 speech -"I allies and gen- ---- First T.arvrr-"It seems t'o Ina Mrs, TTtm 5 I w#sh k.- you wouldn't be so positive. Thore are two sides to thdrxl to listen to sweet strains at sumtn0ua teas to be served. Thirs house tlolnen," you let that last witness down pret- to every gtnastion, music[ Try to please papa, my lit- time a woman at [lie said that, ,2r. Baker was very ill and could not kYith some people idle words are t. easily in your cross-rxanlina- y tion." econd Lawyer -"T had to. Old hunks (with a roar) -Well, Isla cauains, who is home so little, ba seen. evrrworked. la tailor, and I one him a that's why you should al- And who, by kis hard woxk, makes it IVllen the otllccrs next called rite The mnuoved man clues not atTraya ." big k#I1." big a n ilia n'ay's lin on lits' Trrong slClo! possible for you to enjoy these prey- ileges. 'Help h.iln pass the evenings blinds were all down, unci rites were told that the defendant had died that: have the true ring. Would you null the stingy pugilist ---- T'::rrF.,n dna Prnm iha of "A2v tt�,ixirsit'SPtmerr;alrg nQtif t,ifa elft n pieasan'tly, mornitab, Then come a coffin, and close listed? many are propriob•rrn walyar'J 0'- ,,o to fA.nils Who tLL1a trrittan t 1 s Else tray, 2'iva. a, TAT. Wr3iM, of Braekrill0, Ont., Fawn sat at the Ia110, TACt1Ctn p practicing, Never did tiara to tick the '"body" was again removed, Tongues run, n wgear. s tongue toll of the (r rto`A gdad ward l's' earl aot rar.1RIviss knmtul, uoa;.i hand mint other shill dizoaaori. d .... III. her sum'on,agis at anrothad od' arta°'•. clock seem so slowly. After each of these adventures 2afr. i is part of Lh¢ running gear. � ins aa+I paagltnt-`ea. d[tor tzrl,y( ar.,ey ronoelfa• "0, dears" she Sighed. "A whole Baker started business in anothdr 0t L0ndo1L, The tvliect of fortune sometimes for the wheal- wife (na they aro preparhlg for wittk-b ban*dt, Aix battles of Dr. Agnon's Cara fox tMt fSo.at m,tcrafl tar to ttWtltM. TMs' Brat hour more, and the monk sculls part ,hie has now been sent for tvial on goes wrong oven Wright. church) -'11 am Sorry to have to say loot pato alzraat taataat roliol, said in a Any out• H move math slowly titan usual. How I hate this everlasting prat- the charge s'4 fran'd. To a tear nP words the combatants it, but. 1 never know you to a;rrea with lore in anything." ITust)and fede,gc*aw.laltmwatA,T,__sl •--• t#ntn I I wish there were no such l; ----•-••i----•- simply shoot oft their mouths. (Irtruigp•ling with a huttonloss shirt.) LOGIC, things as pianos in the waldl,• "Why,, 3dI:7TiIIAHLSI NIGII7IS. more than a crook can stn to keep h#msr.lf straight. keep -"you and mietalcen, my dear; 1•h0ra "I sr lett.," sold little Taunts altar Elliott," said mammn., who hat] just entered the room, "A ,,r Ya• - In thialeing he fouls others a .man is one cnntenilnn eC,yours that I cheerfully' acquiesce in." IVlfc-"In- . a ni.udy Iloilo in his nature class, 11that ago ,you were coaxing papa to bay Nothing, sa demoralizes all in[ant often shelve ~chat a 4anl he i8. damdi And what is that, Pray?" tloNers shoot u P because tlr:y have Pistils insldo of 'ant." you a piano. .Are you growing tired enol enslaves the parents as to 'Lake The hangman doesn't seam to ]levo klusband-"'"that woman's work is I of it ISO 80012?" The littleb•la face ililalted, 1iI b"_,_ a cross or wakeful baby from the bed anti walk hits' ,Lill and down LiteA many Admirers on the string, shatu fit of druultemtass may never clone." Calvo I7olloway's Corn Care a trial. It reulovad ton Curtis front one Mair of ctir] not ]collo it was such hard wort:, floor during the night. Tho htthy look ]iho iha real thing. They A7•a n Powerful Noralnm-pis. feet without any pain. what It }lac Ileus euro it will clo_�nyntn. mamma; and. I can't bear to stay e ig!n becainic it in not Tisell-general- Glasm eyes ase not a1WasS for pal,ain mwev drrannement of the nerv- int the house a whole hour this bright IV heCatrHn its stomach is sour, its rlrinl<ir.g in the beauties or thescone. at d ht once dna "Y"10111, nn urrvnus de lff.y on atigoudered is dlixirult to deal With. ITNen a follow has discovered that mornin Just drautruin at exorei.acn, g't $ little bowels con re;steel anti its skin h A lit.Lle difference in op#mlon be, 7hpre era ')any testimonials as to the all till ]too r change, has filtered I would like to play pretty piacCa." ,"Voll 1101, and feverish, Relieve this altd tween. two friCilds ottea mattes a big olaeaay of rnrin0ce's Vegetable 111118 in treating this etieorder abowing drat through a hole #n Ills Ivonst:rs pock, must be patient, dour," tin• swerod her mother. "The pretty btth will Sleep sollildly all night; Y stronger and hotter. every difference. diff To a woman nobody to I.Alk to is they nervor tall to pratlneo ood sa to. ha ctitC Dative IIy ¢tvin proper taloa to �r at, it is nearly inlpos:sihle to get him pieces will come by and by, Tbluk growing ,lay, ,Inst' what mothers need to ,,, situation of unspeakahlo nliscry, organa, they restore equilibrium to the to accept (lta Hctenti(tc' proposition how delightful It will be by anti b, reap bal>v healthy and make him An invoice some mtrrha:nts know neve centras, -, _ that nothing is over lost, "- _,.n -- '- to entertain Sather When ha conics ala+ soundly in BafEry's Own Tlublets, p ' JILtle about -the voice of collscienco, r A IIAI\DSO.StE SOUVENIR. homo Lived -train the of}ica. You ken- whlcll Clll•C r411 aLA11taC17, bowel and P)xl;Espt for thCil' 110aCn t11Cra fire how !le loves music; so keep tip your teothin trnublea and thus promote p people who cannot be snubbed, The Grand Trunk Railway System `l l § eoura.g'e, little daughter, for lathor's azatura health-giltug sleep, - -- have issued a beautiful SOL of Plaa- c. ° I . Sake. 1'ho words lingered in the ahihi'e "My win. Helms, Dacrr, Ont., says: "My sour atom» TO MA'�P. 1i IIA11010vT at. Ing cards which contain fifty-two 1 •ir lines, ro- views aP scenes oil t1t e , , q�AC� �- f' s '. ` i't ss �i-, t, r� namely, tab Was troubled with ac'h and was constipated xne8b a.? the A simple barntnota• titer can be produced is hal[-lona engravings -mu ,. . �� S � � ,.(. "For father's sake," she would say time, and was Always broaa and y fit glia for one"' salt, tunic whfc:ll h old, to ;a #iluslrrX an on the fare of each card, the cards ace !!'' ?° `� sac � _x ? to h rq 14 the hours Roeutod o a t e. When t o }ling, and levo gave Ileo patience. r nt.lrs^, T ave h#In Iiab 'a Own a' g y thou g Indy i30 new 8olne, ; , i+ , made as tolloKs. Two dt aidtrnS n, This Stock of which macro 7s the hest that can ho obtabt- ,. x,:ri; ._ a; }• ,. • •' � }1 11 "ll+'Ur father's sak0," dwelt wit ea , Jet: and f mt th tit a complete .1'tvb , s d Ut 1 C P Callt ltl OY' half drachm Of lyra salt- I P Pall b tv eel for the - purpose, Cepa y P P p to h as the chimes of sweat bells and • +il t bo w 7th t L re, w tl inn c ss 1 1 n sac r a re halt r :ah tsP nnmiate .4 aril• pal to d a m o Cc t 1c.1 71 i 11 I v • n r tile r •o0f process W Waist pl p o y .I !r. k r^ blossed her. them." You can got, Tlnhy'S t)NA, tor nionia, and two ounces of proef English ilrac of Cloodall Rt. Sons, Lo11» 6 �. r. a �, I I'lrinOtt t)tll' LARkn al•a 1011 e11Ct g T Ille' el from any dru tat., or by n t bog al/il'tts, ill a fllaH9 tube tn' tlarrtfiA, 1 mdso ld 11011. 'F17e backs contain a Ila L , `t�,.ti; !rear lei'. its wh#s.ev to ouraelveS, �niall at '1 .t) rents a box by writ3n .. €S Plt}a1, e1iI1 lnaka a vary ;Ioott Waatir» desijin beautifully iithographed m ""]nor 0111at's sakn." T,ife'^i exor_ tit() Dr. lvilliams' Aledic#ho Oo., or guide, In (try weather the solo' tight colors. 7llc cards have gold �� clef's Lire often hArd atilt )ong; but by Ilrockvilk-, Ulan. tion will remain cieAr. Oil file ap,. edge`nt And Arm nfiatly boxed. I.l hoy ^. ? � , ,, ' ''>`p.- �;, . y" . �, anti by they Iv.11l become for us tine proach of change, miautb stara will are for sale by newt+ st�onts on .j� heavenly harmonics abav0. Ilse uP 3r1]]��iho iiquicl, whilm btdrnly l tie tow d situulS 71unk ita�ts, and at. ;.• r ur t tp, sty(( �„}} .-.,,,_.>_ - Lite is short at bust-alid orhapa I? eatber tvlil bd indicated b tho vory iv y a lid Inake All interent.ill Souvenir n•)t Za.ti;a .. au',{) bus, falx ps AN may h r, 1.hOse who h0iievo all rhos huill' at thing that La11 lam that iN i.lte ba 1 g . , condition f t1: h iL 1 dlatliri3ad cnndt U ] e n am E1 .. only fell nal H 11ULile 1)ltt to 5L11t1 tU n t y t n hit i '+til',, � sty .Fllaaa, 60� e1 acllorall' tall Ali thag :kltoiv y r said about U. . eahaalltatloA, distant n•ten(la. a _ r- _ -,-", -_ " .A Pleasant Surprise For tea driniters Is to give there a bot, steaming cup of r1ra geomnt Y j J Lpi y� d "M1 0. YLa'�qIrc�^'�tr..W5'ti'r_... �Y.rw•�"�"u�J?7°•3::dii�..,.I I 7A instead at the ordinary kind. They'll notic;I Lite difference quick enou,tih, then no'.. -,',tag will do them batt Blue gist bonTea. n i*X?Nw W=-:i�Er9 :MP_= b �s,�.rt0 t•'�• :Za_ . .. _ .t I'llw Easily93f iii i fi $i for , w C�Bl68"bpd l . R xJ V I- �ei af:; c Bid I�GSfB£d11��'C36JEv+1Lqa�,,,,a tt�pr v'k. „M'tl u, y.. cr or any nthacp3 purlao>;m�% Qinv4• 1 ar t v Ila. lwi AAaAbn tell'!( n)of aknra0. ands .o or, ar Ori ar tab. i4�'d-$„f'`" f s ri .acts raid wa udil rDprlertaae toXatbor,in M.•nuc(Fui xn.it-tano, am t.era J t t•' pA Irl Atei3lrlan 'Ile{9a n lAe VC bX:A r a. Y at,t Y M e ata'rart9 tr cAtmr- ' _ , e5a n naso md• 7`*^ 1 Jkd. ell c os rt rwspe n ,'lw: dsx .:o p�. � .. -'': H a.aew . la W ''1J4.�+ lctayclaatttul, pe.nlablo npnprrtltipty. gYoueRgelt' and folla:v warl.arU c0a iF '1J '"+`' Y[+. 4 :SEEP av©.e ON lid@ 822.69 n9rt'l` awlthln a.mantb, We •rI :"�s- "r•.:1. N �) r) Ws' `u-.poara t"rppald. , '. ' �,¢ ' an V[MAT )MOVlaaA IS AWA'"'CT, •not 01!"" ^'Mateo arch will, d der, fio"xlCon rrwot-ti W, On..-Im. ells llpel(let "F -at 6s' f, •'J? RntctMwey"(eetoalpa)-] *p Addtt'o.0aletW*yid ICC tlnra, dbo.e .) 11 �'a1 .. to c; nr:Wtyy as a<!a[eaalnpc non Bair• to, :ear, 5( �Ee am« (w+oo Arl. o. .. y99 i,.6 !� r,I5f30rgQl,R WOP0,. Cllr r sept, %th fkAWTOWGa O, W10. cc . �c �.g);e1Tf+SGua ' w.irnnar��-r, Rcmington Typcwliter __g t -p ^' moths ora ys,best Silver's $ hi hest ,t lcetl strain. Only best pigs Shippers CR08S110ADS FAIIM, �a`3 "�°aA,Y i'lattshnrg, N. 11, ��y.,1� . r j Olt SALT] - 17IRST - CLASS 4r" kS; " ,;1,' ' "J, fifty -acre, frult farm; only one 1_ ,F mile 't r i e from city limits of Niagara WW K.�M,"I' 4-11 Falls. D. Coley South End, Out, Vii.. •%,}a _ .5".- __ ... _ -at, >� I�7 { + 's1M l , o.. ..� ; �.'E7 AATl:D-Rk1LIAIlL> PAIITITIS h7" {. av I_'�• i Y to do machine knittiug for us J� � �� at home; $7 to $10 ii week .easily npy u earned; wool, et.c., furnished free; distance no hindrance. For full par NEW Z*0DELS tdculars address the Pominion Knit NOW R EA© Y ''ting Co., Dept. 11, Orillia, Ont. rvary ww.lol of aanllagton T•vpowritcr °�" � Ladies x ha: been a plaaaaa. Tharp sorer was n aambr„ann Ih1._, A E1t?JLHOSWral; STICK Fill. YItin volt' or all T I, rspraaaus tba a*m and upbeiaro o[ art rlis c 1, tan ow llt, Send no mono Simply pphs; ka yens of oxpofiauoo 1u Gypow xiter Y• p ,y name and ltuildi)y. address to Nora will be glwl t, hove you call at am COUI\TTY BUPPT.Y CO., ofheo and poo the new at nWl or Asad for Chatham, Ont. illustrated boollot describing the new - - foa" itrrs. Praatioa! livery day -.-. ..Lossona on Remi, rich u f1�¢'®. 1rR'sl;F6{aSrw99599 35Ano . 'at. aTov rt fm as, ,.,dada a Forr a .nest Italia, , . �r6�> , �A_vrrt WKSI6yS211, M ha,tt,Uot ..". .- 7 of}y- 1t irle tolls me young and na kI.d­f h_ ise ;en:,, n1Ja IVoodbv proposed to liar last night." LACE GiERTAT8 6l've,I a Ct•ep;$ap Viola -"I don't, think I Lou;. him. %.feta wzliv. write to as Abaat yearn. Is he well off'?" Tody-"lie certalit- t;LgTd6tt Aagt)r alis) Pyglyya SO.. sax tae, motlLar-0 ly is. ,she refused hire," ­­- . ­ _ ___ ,__ I ____ . :..._ 11 t3nalsr Prsneltbmvr-alar Raridt."- D. H. 0AIS° EM 0% sr•$ C 0. Wri. Annie C. Choxt•,at, of whithy, way for rzja Ftid-lHpaeTuRsa.l$ lnmura n rheums.611a r;Ca n, int Rnnth lmasiamn '7'7 ,--moi :G)smcs•!:r 'ZI cos ar M ibtz, U1100matir l n,e clan-! ttld -la frim "dospnir" to "jay" she au):a ; 111 sugorti I meld misery LAWNS' and 1NIMIT'H FDI. and p'Ca^. LI\ Er from rbount.tbai-dnatars' mcdi6nae did me Ise Ci•)A'.['H, T.ran•tk)ing FU Furs, $an•t f.,r estates. goad -two b.,ttl,r) of 5nnth Ampriwn ahoa:nntfa t r, "' a'e pre•, lei^hast priwa. Sand 6B 6i7 G6: E4. for pz3�ea1"est. 011,0 cured me -relief two hours after rho __- I ------ - duw., 50 t I o a1 s idea of franknis to hnvd roar •7 t1 11 her how nice ho thinksi., ho a S , Otic what n i t nl+year it Uo the most trivial o,•• r• re, . to urn t Ill iiia j,rave to ba the ma 1.t r"ga,.r'l is fishy are -dM;- t,c)se(t to f 6g a tela ,, •t lbsht thing, d pnog-ke of little _,,sideration, 17-t and this rri,lt.!t often r,is,,ea to roost •:eratts a•bnrnts entailing years of nui- Wru,g. Italie ort cnlrls ncl 1-1.1. with 131ek1a'8 Anii Causumptive syrup, the recognued reinedy for all aaec L,ous OL the throat slid lungs, "Blusher is the most bas}nfal loan I over knew," "flow on earth, then clic] he tonin to lint nlarrIN}?" "Ila was 'too bashful to refuse." Did you ¢nti atIvit al:l nail limping alta, a ftqcr to a,,c t Well, if ho will put oil his back ho D k L'• na lthol PIv)ter, in a weal: be will walk m straight as allyout. NOT YET. Terrillod Taper -They ain't a-go#n' to hung me, ore they? No, not now. Bet''ter without a stoolwAch than with one that's got a constant "•hurt" to it. Ili% Van :3tan'a Fine - apple 'Tablets stimulate the diges- tive organs, Let one enjoy the good things of lite and leave no bad ef- Nc•ta--varry them with you in your vest pocket --60 in box, 135 cents. -98 "Mr. Fronton saga he never spoke n llnrsl7 word to Ilia wife." 'tiro," remarked et lady, "hut was that due to kindnrss lir caution? That's what I should like to know." 0-mllot Flux is latter tltsal otbor cmaxa, but la hest whaa uz,4 in the 31ta1-10u!',lay. S)ny ounlight Ilea!) and Char, a.:reatiass, POIJCIIICINT:'S 1.1110PIITICY. Apropos of the prrsem disorders in (lussla, the 11anvIl"Icr "Guard - two recalls the prophrtle utterance of one of the rno:it brilliant, of Rus. State poets-Aloxander 1leuchl;ane. Por ills holt! talk he was ban'isharl to the Southern provinces: „ lie said, .r "'I`il#nk vnu, a`"t0 do xis for ever those hoavv-eyed, drowsy rinititude.s by the splendor of the Czar's crownl l,rror, That splen - der will fade, and Just, too, at a Lima when it will be most needed. Those sixty ntillious of swinish Soria sleep still, you rayl Trot; but they will awakel Not certainly in our time,, nor perhaps in that of our children, but awake they will; and whenthat moment. comes the Llm- poror's scepLre will be a child s play- ihiag; 1113 divinee right a Jest; the supremacy of Russia a vanished drearn1 lie warned, And let the work that toast bo delta be timely set. about, The army, do sem sdy? Poolll On the day I speak of the exiinginnnors will ho on fire., f.00," "I%iv was uttered more than threo- quartern of a ccatury ago, and it now looks as it time were to give It proof. If yoll succeed in i,*otiitTs ytttlrlionsi above the crowd'-•e.cpoct to have it hit, .--_-_ _.-q�_�_-n fir.? p�7� _ _. lYVHP§ r x -a `. .: g K' �'t r u ._. . M. ». L 1 �•,3in as .+r « 1 r "tom x a OV... h � A 1' 1. �i '�i t . �}F .: ..".mac, ..14J'J,r `9 t zf 1 coy ?[�I _ � , Ti , . � zt�. �C•E/tCt:tiVlr d®.ai;,ita� [Hfi`M . OM 'L ' [Y W �'n o" we oro app113-. -"c ono dltn ,•ust or aSaoat � Ig ovorp to,s;o un - vktalt *,a. i'., e:ka for < I lea aa4a of oar rt,nw.ismn. love Craat a ia*a%_. f*ily Noma, 0.0'1o, sheep. Rzop and, p••uBtry, YowtZ ouka with "vell said juiut dt-,vao. y Ow Read Advice gild Cotrpsm 5ysbese Will lut.T.A You. wribo fnr list of roma. -� din xaA nearests� oxry. 270 t.tadc-ls $. ar eau t^taow kao tmaeh aMeat tMa dL,easoa Mie .; animals are oaLjoct tJ. Z The yETCeE4s`naa.•r er'tchiiTv as., Lb%1_ad Y 550 Dt NIOA6 ST., 'rtil'>•U's1 ro, (•Ttir. __. _.._ _- __ _ . Nottlt.-'A girl doesn't often mar- ry t.ho man oho is the befit husband for her." Ned -"Of course not. If lie is A good husband there is no occas -ion to marry him more than once." Picanaut as syrup; nothing agmsls it Oka n Werra medicine; Rile nan)e is Vo- thcr Clravott Worm six tend iron ter. The greatust wort destroyerof tit* age. oy TIME ENOUGH. Dorroughs-Say, ofd man, there wns it time tv}len volt promisral to Shirr ;your last', dollar with lite. llichlny-Tbal:s all right; I haven't got down to it yet. { t•. i . s' 9ct' _33 1 ,t Slid h'a cv,vtRaptias Cvey tit^• I alliq Toa' luta kspast baaae sLxi t c and to , dtit, tel &er NIA Ilse k,ct J its atI'les 1. ltava ztsw y 60-otxd you lay you, istkra bees I", $1 of dui* Ate7it of h, i1 °t7 0 a ! As A Auto (be C.ongisr, Colds. "a alt diraaces of iha ]rings nxi ort Itieat42.. Those 1,16 nava treed gr cu'd wetud not lits Trklanet st. These 't -ho haws soros titan it 60law leuaely 1W. ee•.ly I1e:tlo IS gold wi't>a a )taaavn 0gatir%Gaa.allat, if is eoam'F rills),ta, t6(610will tot" whist you stem bzt it. '349010, ' Has Et ' .1'".1rt 61 :aag� t tM1bb.kQi l tt it rx.a gars. i,Aa �r'aw," i 31� fat tt" to iha Aer1 - - 1 l v {? (tI s` , a C '' S7tJr;Alb tAn at1 to " W-01- , 0 ,pbell xisttras:, •, -,^) atnY eoad - 11-WIa3 a mfr.^ 7A,•b hI dol a y het( c Id, rA 'da b xraNSA am l yt ps < ton turru w E"litA ifad .uta ak 64r " 10 ,01J,k r T,th-,b tt'."t,Yl r."Jaa. Iata na vi to,asst A(tl: all as -ti tone of Avan, r b:tti otAvi.- or pM. 1 I'VerkeAa. floss' eoi( + ., I tt \>ilT]S '�taianlea. t'tw:-„r.1 �n::wT:' . �w ,-_ _ ISSU.Tu IiTd;:.,.jj131