HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-7, Page 4d,......f 11 'yam.:. ���r .. -,.'•.near++w+Tw.n.. Etitl 'wets .est, THURSDAY, DEC. 7, 1.905. Quaint ALa tamnat's birthday wee Fri. day of leek week. Elbe was 61 yeare of age 00 that date, Long may she live is the wiabof her loyal subjoin in the Dominion of Canada. Hon, Ma. Scott ease they are tapering away' in the Saekatobewan Proviuoial Election to be held on Wednesday, 18th duet., with the expectation of repeating the Liberal viobory gained in Alberta, leetmonth. Wel notice that in a number of manioi- paiitiea where Oonnoile refused to grant the prayer of petitions asking that a vote be taken on the Looel Option question Temperance ticket° are being plaoed ie the field for the ooming eleotione. The mistake Counoile make, we think, is in assuming the responsibility the ratepey• ere are willing to take upon themselves by their vote. Is' Hon. Mr, Ayleeworth desires to make a good bit ae Postmaster General on streaming office he could do it by etrik• ing off the tax, that never ehoold have been re -imposed, on newepapere io the matter of postage. All progressive Governmente expreee a desire to add to the may aogaieition of knowledge and praetioal education but by saddling from $25,00 upward annually upon the press of the country ie not the way to do it in our humble opinion, The Poetoffice Department has aoaompliebed wonder- ful things under the able administration of the late Postmaster General bat n. one ehoold offer a word of dissent if the new man at the helm would stroke bit official pen through the regulatiou referred to. What do yon say Mr. Ayleeworth ? Jun now the Derham Oement Com. pany is ooming in for eume "hot staff" over the management, or mismanage. meat, of the baeineee affairs of what was promised to be enoh a money maker to the etookholdere. A thorough inveeti• gation would do good. If the company ie attending to baeineee properly letting in the light would do no harm but rather tend to satisfy people who have invested their money, and if the opposite ie the ease the sooner it is rectified the better. The chief difficulty in all these enterprises appears to be the tremendone outlay in promoting and setting on foot the projeae. When money is plentifal there is often eo lavish an expeuditnre that profit-making for years is next 90 impossible. We have often thongbt if the same interest weld be aroused in porely local undertakings inetead of biting at the golden bait by some oily tongued outeider it would mean mach in the promotion of permanent interests near by which would directly aseiet many. There is room for aative Government oversight in the floating and management of maty of what have turned out to be very maehroom under. takings in their vitality and development. The Marton eager factory taught a very salutary lesson to hundreds of people. Tim P oaT is very heartily in accord with the order of things followed by the Teriff Commission by whiob, at various oeutre8, persons representative of olaesee or companies are heard sod cateohieed relative to the tariff changes they desire. It does not follow that everything asked will be granted bat the full discussion of the many phases presented ehould do much to furnish data of a very helpful oharaater in framing or revising the aohedolee. There is a large measure of selflebneee evident in many of the addres- ee and 11 is certainly beyond the power of any Government to acquiesce in requests where the 01480 would be beoefltted at the expense of the mase. Tariff mekiug is a big question to tackle but it to jest as ne0eeeary that frequent ohangee should be mede as it is for business men to set their sails at different angles to cattail the varying breezes in helping them to thei destined haven. We have great oonfidenoe iu Hon, Mr, Fielding but believe greater Dara should be exeroieed than ever in deal- ing as fairly with the beet iutereete of the Dominion rather than making mil- lionaires of some eleeee8 while other inetitntione trying to paddle their own oanoe went on the Tooke. Ile about time many of the eager spooned fellows were allowed to dig for themselves for a while. Now that Municipal Election day ie drawing near it would be well for the ratepayers to give a little ooneideration to the ohoioe of nominees for the various mnnioipal Councils, Too often the hap. hazard style of being dependent upon the nominetiono made during the hoar apb pointed for receiving names is the Daae and peewee are frequently proposed who are not even present nor yet desire to be a nominee. In our opinion every oan- didate should appear before the eleoters, not necessarily to woke a long epeeoh, hat to ehaw he [este enough interest in the office sought to give evidenee of hie zeal for the year to Dome, Often tax. payers desire 80 oak gneatione on enbjeete likely to be dealt with by the intimating Counoil and the abeenoe of woald.be munioipal 1egiel10ore preolnde tbie. Ratepayers should attend the nominee time ae tide is the lime and place pabiie affaire are ap for review and a eohation of knotty probleme arrived at if the die. melon le of a proper obarmier. It is very easy to be a kicker but while intone. bility need not be expeoted there are often many tbinge done that would never have been if the ratepayers had been more vigilant, Botta equitable and workable plan should be initiated by the Council for the removal of snow from the eldewalke thie Winter. A goodly number of property owners, or tenants, work in. duetrlouely in keeping that r share of the walk olear while many parties deoline to wield the shovel although enjoying the advantages of his more energetic neigh - bore. Iu numerone towne and villagee tenders are asked, both by the day and the eeaeon, and the work is done by horee and plow with the wet assessed agalnet the pabiioat large, TIM POST bide the members of Huron 0o, °ounoit a hearty welcome to Bras - eels thie week. Thie important body eat bere before in 1886 when the late F. 0. Etagere was Reeve. On that 000asion the weather was the rongbeet for many a day. We don't mean to attribute thin to the ooming of the Co. Conceit, although we have oeeaeionally known members to kink up a duet and raise is storm but it wae chiefly wind. DR. BEATTIE NESBITT has attained no iuoousiderable notoriety by heading the ofooe•grabbing contingent in Toronto in the ousting of the License Inepeotore, fol. lowed by the resignation of the three Lioenee Oommleeionere recently appoint. ed by Hon. Mr. Whitney, as a mark of their disapproval of enoh taotioe. Its a pity that Goverumente oould nob be freed from bulldozing gentry of the Nesbitt type and we have no doubt Premier Whitney would vary gladly diepenee with mob if he only oould. The powers that be often receive a b:sok eye and smilingly give a kiee for a blow when the toe of the official boot would beapplied with alacrity and vigor, were it not for fear of the Don- eegn+noes. "To the victor belongs the epoite," re often quoted ae proof of the right to take everything in eight but when the biggest kink comes from the real friends of the party in power it is quite appareut that some one has blundered. The poet Tennyson in his immortal "aurae of the Light Brigade" did not have Dr. Beattie Nesbitt and friends in hie mind when be wrote "Wien oan their glory fade 0 1 the wild charge they made, All the world wondered." If the heavy weight Dr. oan't "fill" a seat iu the Cabinet he oan "sit" on the Premier with an emphasis that will keep him warm for many a day without the neoeeeity of wearing a Klondike bleu - It et. leu•Itet. Perth County. There is some talk of another bard• ware More starting in Monkton. The Maxwell worlre, St. Mary's, ship ped one carload of obnrne to Liverpool, England, The customs returns at the port of Stratford for the month of November totalled $11,518.94. Arthur Davie Monktoo, o is at hie father's home, "Poplar Hll," Mitobell, laid up with typhoid fever. Charles Glee, proprietor of Grand Central Hotel, Newton, died at his home on Friday morning, Nov. 24113. Rev. W. Kenner and wife, after a month's visit to the former'e brother, at Mitchell, returned to Prince Albert. Time. and Mre. McLaren, ea, will oelebrate the golden anniversary of their wedding on Christmas day at Mitchell. The annual bazaer of Trinity church Junior Auxilary will be held in the basement Mitobell, on Friday evening, Deo. 8th. It io whispered around Mitobell that Councillor John Skinner is going to enter the mayorality 000teet at the coming January elections. Postmaster Kuhtinan of Bt. 0olomban went to Paris on Monday of laet week to attend the funeral of hie brother Alfred, who died suddenly Sunday morning. The Stretford firemen had a very quiet time daring the month of No mother, only one alarm being given. This alarm was a false the. Rev, Mr. Howeon, pastor of the Mettle - diet ohurab Mitohell hag concluded funeral eervioee et the graves of seven. teen departed saute since coming to Mitchell laet July. During November there were reale- tared with Stratford City Clerk Lang 22 blrthe, 16 marriages and 4 deaths. Among the birthe wae one of twine, and it le angular that in the births and deathe, the sexes were equally repreeent. ed. Formerly lettere were diepatohed from St. Colamban on the afternoon 'rein Beat, but none were received. For the future au open mail car, or travelling poet office, will deliver and reeeive lettere, whether registered or not, at St. Oolumban. Mitobell complains of the exorbitant prime demanded by a combination of two looal butobere, when meat should be bought for a quarter Ieee. The Advocate advises a third shop, or that farmers bring in their dressed meat and secure a good price. George and Mre. Bpotton, of Lietowel, are likely to remove to Stratford about New Year's. Mr, Spotioo is dietriot manager of the Federal Lite and the oompany wish him to make headquarters there. Mr, Spotton ie owner of the lanai. nese oollege at Winghem. William Stone, who rammed away on Sunday morning, Nov. 26th, was among the p1008808 of Blanchard township, He name tiftyyeare ago trona Yorkshire, England, arid has proven bimeelt ever e. be worthy of the e810em and confidence akigkom rs ,vim...-....-...-�_.�.,.:.. Standard Bank of Canada sa 00T..A.atT+xei3Sa79 1072 8URPLO8, OldRESERVE POND 9I,am000 TOTAL AWBBET6 OV10It 10,000.0eu A Cenertal Saralxinr: Mistnemra Tranaseiotosl 'SAVINGS BANK ' Accrued Interest le added to accounts every six rnonthe and be8Omee prinelpel, Joint Depustt Aeeeuntn—A SPECIAL CONVIINTENCE in use In our Savings De- partment le the "Joint Deposit" a000uut. Mouoy may be deposited or withdrawb y 811409 oltbe two members of the household. This system is a groat eonven. fence to many rosidiug in town, but more part oalarly so to farmers, as in the latter Daae whether manor gate Dames to town either Dan attend to the Banking. An- other feature of the system le that iu 0480 of the death of either party the 11100e7 Dan be withdrawn by the survivor without that, Wo win tell you inure about our methods it you will kindly gall or write. Ittiorled Women and Inners may make and withdraw deposits without the la• lervennon Or any person. BALE NOTES CASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFE•BEEPING only for which no oharge is made. YOUR BUSINES8 will receive our careful and courteous intention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, AGENT. of hie fellowe. Some four years and Mrs. Slone moved to Bt. where they have been enjoying earned rest io the atoning yeare ago he For several weeke past Mr. Stone hat Marye, been failing rapidly and death when it a welt tame was not unexpected, For sixty of life. years he was n faithful member of the �➢ au Dvercoaf Lilo In e,r'I,r'trynrhr'4949"L'411L9U'IV'h.41"li 4 Is your Winter Overcoat still unbougllt ? Why do you wait ? Is it that you haven't seen just what you fancy ? That would mean, clearly, that you have not seen our showing of 20th 1entury Brand Overcoats This Brand is head and shoulders above all other Ready-to-wear Clothing made in Canada and is equalled by only the high-class Custom Tailors. Buy a 20th Century Overcoat and rank at once with the very best dressers. Come in and see these very fine high-grade Over- coats ; ver -coats; • try some of them on ; you'll appreciate better, then, their worth, and the truth of what we say. Suits from $12 to $18 Overcoats from 10 to 22 tlge'IJ4,elr'Ih'fll'lir'lu'Ip4U'b�lll'il E. C. DUNFORD 8i SON Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers, Brussels. w ntiri 4 STOWE Wan COM ill. VRT • Having invested in a Hot Welee Heating apparatus I am now in a position to offer you Hot Coffee, Beef Toa, Tomato Bouillon, and Chicken Broth at our Res- taurant ou two minutes' notice. Thanking you for past patronage and hoping for a continuance of your trade, I am, Yours Very Respeotfglly, J. rY. KERNEY TELEPHONE Oysters Served Hot or Cold. Methodist oburoh. Mrs, Stone, live sons Joseph, Wesley, John, William and Edgar, itad two daaghlere, Mre. Palmer and Mre. Robert Kemp, survive him. A000rding to information given by theee who are in a poeition to know, the proepeote for the new wooden box factory which it is proposed to erect in Stratford and for which a guarantee of $20,000 will be voted on at the mammal eleotione, are exoeedingly bright. Mitchell town eolioitor F. H, Thomp eon reported to the oounoil at a meeting the result of the appeal against Grand Trunk assessment. The oounoil instruct ed the clerk to Bend an amended notice to the Oompany demanding abont $520 taxes, instead of $86, ae fixed by the three county jadgee. John A. Orerar, of Shakespeare, met with an accident which might have resulted math more Seriously. He wee doing repairs at Jae. MaGillawee'e, North Raethope, when he lost hie balance and fell down a flight of stairs injuring hid bank and otherwise braieiog himself, Ole ie able to move around bat still feels the effect of his fall. What might have proved a °eriane aaoident, happened to Mre, Thee. Rinke of Logan, engaged in driving hareem attaobed to the horsepower while eawiog wood. Her olothee beoame entangled in the 000neotiug rod and with much diffianity she mended in extrioating herself from that dangerous predicament without any serious result. Ae a result of a serious aaoident which he met with, Roy Cartledge, aged 15, eon of Thos. Cartledge, of Ellice, is con- fined to the Stratford IIoepital. The lad wee engaged in nutting hay when the knife, whiob he bad left on a hay stack. fell etriking him on the lett band, almost eeveriug the member near the wrist. He has undergone an operation at the hoe pital and is reported to be doing as well as oan be expected. One end of the knife struck the boy on the forehead inflicting a emelt out. Wednesday of last week a sad death aoourred on the 8rd oonaeeeion of Logan. David Waugh, who spent hie lifetime in that neighborhood, was eofferiug from some inward trouble. Monday three Mitchell physicians performed an opera - Won on him, which was highly suooeee- fal, but he was so weak that he oonld not stand the shook, and he quietly passed away. A wife and family survive him. He was a kind and highly intelligent man, a member of the Presbyterian oburoh and a Conservative in politica. O. P. R. line North from Stratford will go direct to Linwood, leaving Wellesley village without Doone Et on bet tapping the rich district ot in wkd oh Wellesley is looated. The plane at present filed in the registry offices will have to be replaced by new seta, as the route onteide Stratford will be different, even in Perth county, The work on the line through Stratford will be etarted next Spring, and the road will be built from South to North, oommenaing at Ingereoll. It will go direst from Em• bro to Stratford, oroesing the main line t1 the 0, P. R. alightly West of Mmbro. It is the intention to build the whole road from Ingereoll to Linwood in one year. The branch to St. Marys is not n thing of the immediate future. I1 is impoeeible to obtein details of the route through the oity of Stratford, but it is understood that one with may theme and grades has been surveyed, to oon neat with the river route surveyed for the line Northward. The 0. P. R. is not 0oneidering eleatrioily as a motive power for its Stratford line at present. Five trnetees of the Berlin, Ont., public eohoole have resigned heathers a majority of the board refined to dismiss a lady teacher, AN INVITATION FOR YOU We have jest opened out a full stools of NEW AND BEAUTIFUL XMAS GOODS. We wish to remind the Public+ that absolutely oa all the lines enumerat- ed'in oar new list we have made EM- PHATIC REDUCTIONS. Therefore, we claim your support for Business Rea- eona—"Better Goode for Lose Money," You need not go out of our Jewelry store for all kinds of choice deelgns for Wed- ding and Xmas Presents, A cordial Welcome is extended to all Whether on a purchasing mission or one of mare inepsotion. W. P. Strotton LEADING JEWELLER, Grand Concert UNDER AUSPICES OF THE Tennis Club TOWN HALL IlammonlinaVenaradelebas Brussels FRIDAY EVENING December 84b9 1905 Programme PART x OVERTURE, Mandolin and Guitar, "Southern Belle" Lei?arpe MR. CHAS. KELLY AND MISS HATTIE KELLY 2 SKIT, ••"How some Women Act iu a Dry Goods Stot•e".•.Aaron MR, J. H. CAMERON 3 VIOLIN SOLO.,...... Scottish Fantasia MISS MAUD BUSCoILEN 4 SOLO, "The Monster of the Beep" ]liarioo MR. CHAS. KELLY 5 SONG, " "The Pale Moonlight" Tilley MR J. H. CAMERON 6 DUET, Mandolin and Guitar "Infanta Patrol"...,,,LoBarge MR. AND MISS KELLY 7 VIOLIN SOLO Gavotte, Op. 23 Mrss BUSCIILEN 8 SOLO "The Exile's Return" • Neelanri MR, KELLY PART II. r SONG, "Ain't it funny what a difference just a few hours tnake" Front Yankee Conant MR. CAMERON 2 GUITAR SOLO "The Drum Solo" Henning MR. KIELLY 3 VIOLIN SOLO, Overture from....."Wilhelm Tell" .....Rossini 1lhoso BUSCIILEN 4 SOLO . "Coo Song" Miss KELLY 5 RECITATION "The Highland Brigade"...... ..... Hamilton Ma, CAMERON 6 SOLO "Alone in the Desert" Ma. KEr.LY 7 DUET, Mandolin and Guitar,... ..... "Le 'ripica".., ..... Tipaldi Mit. AND MISS KELLY 8 SELECTED MR. CAMERON "NATIONAL ANTHEM." Doors open at 7.30. Concert at 8 o'clock ADMISSION 25, 35, and 5o Cre. FLAN OF HALL AT FOX'S DRUG STORE The Methodist church at Stroud was destroyed by fire. Arobbiohop Braaheei of Montreal has issued it second warning to Montreal theatrical managers against immoral ehowe. EXQUISITE COMPLEXION QuicklyP11. Aegnlred 1r the System Is Regulated by Ur. Ihunllloa's 10. The power of Dr. Hamilton's Pills over the complexion is marvellous. Al if by magic all blemiebee, humors and. pimples disappear. A olear, ruddy glow is4 Y uickl manifeet on the cheeks, o asks and looks that delight the eye Dome to shay, Itie by purifying and enriching the blood and thereby building up the aortetitntion that Dr. Hamilton's Pills accomplish so mnoh in a abort time. oan heartily recommend Dr. Ransil. ton's Pills for the complexion writes Mies E. M. Porter, of Olear View, Io. Before using this medicine I had a very pallid oomplexion, and there was 0o red - nese or calor in my cheeks. But Dr. Hamilton's Pills changed thio and my looks have been moth improved." In every ease of dull, Sallow complex ion, wherever, the ekin is blotoby and rough, Dr. Hamilton's Pilie quickly prove their merit. You'll look batter, feel vaetly improved by relying on this great medicine, which le instant in effeot. Price 25o. per box or five boxes for $1, at all dealers, or by mail, from N. 0. Polson & Co., Hartford, Conn„ U. S. A , and Bengston, Ont. w.roniummemer' UNDERWEAR BARGAIN,) Now that the gold weather is awning you will need good warm Underwear. We will be ple',eed to fit you out with the alone, Permit us to quote a few prices HEAVY :-- LADIES' 5 CAVY SUITS from • .50 TO 1.50 MEN'S HEAVY SUITS from .80 TO 2.00 BOYS' HEAVY SUITS from .70 TO 1.50 It ie early to speak of Xmas Goode but we might eay that we are buoy preparing to please and Boit you. LaIcDONALB BROS, Jamestown r1'Ilighest price for Farm Produce. ,eve :...... FALL AND WINTER S tiSuits and Overcoats e.rwtrrar4rntrarururvrtrtrerel4. If you are thinking of buying a Fall Stiit or Overcoat we will make it worth your while to call and see our new line of Scotch and English Tweeds and plain and fancy Worsteds. The most Stylish and Serviceable goods that can be bought. Our Overcoats of. Fancy Tweeds, &savers, Mel - tons and Oheviots are also on the move -and are sell- ing fast. We have a large stock of Pitney Pantings. The price we know will make you buy. • ::17 Cali in and we will be Glad to show you what we have for Little Money. Md'tI4dVlkkd Dodds l'abluirk