HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-7, Page 3WINDHAM! BUSiIVESS COLLEGE is it H1tb-grade Commercial Bobool, Three Course); t Commercial Stenograply Telegraphy Write GEO, 81'OTTON, Principal. it Do You Want a Position? V 'A80hoole are not alike aud oepee. 4,1 tally 'Peiping etudeuts to p0811ion8. Do not snook t1ie polu0, ,LL!OTT TORONTO, ONT. cannot surly the demand made upon It by bus noes men, Wby y Boom's our reputation 10x 111211 -grade work le (� well known aud we pr00001 title repo- tation, This Is a S011100l Or the 'Ugli- est standing. Winter Term opens Jan. end. 00(0108110 rreo. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 00n, YONO0 AND ALBYANDnn BTR. MEDICAL CARDS. DR. R. A. BURNS— Sacc8SSer to I)8. I. A. McNnugltIon ltrua001e, Onlarle Graduate of Polyolluic Post Graduate School of Medicine and Burgery, New 'York Member of College of Physicians and Sur. scone of Ontario. Officio and residence some ea formerly oc. copied by Dr. McNaughton. D100ases 01 women a op0oialty. 'Phone No. 81, BUSINESS CARDS. Air ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER ILL Dent. F.B. 80OTT, Brunie, AAT H. MoORAOKEN— v T • 1001101 of Marriage Li0000es. 01- 0100 at Gro�ery, Tnrnbarry street, Bru0eels, l'ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN DIMMED has several good Farms tor sale and to rent, navy terms, in Township. of Morrie and Grey, F B. BOOTT.Braseels C. 0. F. Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, C.O. 1„ llruana's, menta In their Lodge Boum Bias. hill Bleak, on the 2nd and last Tueedave of each month, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome, A MEILLISSH, R. 8, M. MURRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM0 I200E46011, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. T,tS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • .1• B&B, will sell for bettor prices,•to better men in lose time and lime charges then e won't barge Auctioneer Dain Fleet swan orders eau always be arranged at this 00800 or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLIIEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for at the office of Tan P00T, Brussels. 2201 VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— iJt • Ronor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die- eaeeo of domeotioatod animals lie a eomee0- ant manner. Partioular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. 0a11e promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, 18010110080 et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD— • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta, Stan- dard Successor Brunie, Soliciitee tor. fore Metro. polltau B auk, VVM. SINULAIR— • Barrister, Bolloitor, 10onVoyanaor, Notary Pnblio, dm. OMee—Stewart's Block 1 door. North of Oeotral Hotel„ Solicitor for the Standard Bank. Pa0UDFCOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRISTERS, IISB0 0ITO B, NOTARIES PW. P11013ne'00T.31. C. R. 0. awe G. F. BLAIR, Ofiloee—Those formerly occupied by Mortara Cameron & Holt, ' ONTARIO. NTAuIo. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental. Burgeons of Ontario and Fh'et•olale Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRV8811L8. i.D CENTRAL av STRATFORD. ONT. MAxn Toon Limn A 8000200. You P� ip 0011 if you will. Our 0ouree0 which !Y Ora up-to-date and practical will quell. ly nu in the 0hor0000 pooeible time. All our graduates 0000110 good peti- tions. Wo got far more npph0atione , than we oat meet. Thio o011001 1100 j� gained a oontneittai reputation for g 0y4p therougbtl000. Write for ourbeautitnl 0a0011M110, 10 will interest you, You If 4l illt mayeutor at any time, Ory 001 ELLIOTT 40 MoreAOHLAN, G'( i.D Prineipal4, 1,0 GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to, Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. Morris Council Meeting. The 0aunoil met according to adjourn. ment in the Coulon room on Nov. 20th, Membere all present, the Reeve in the ohoir. Minutes of last meeting read and coalmen, John Davie appeared in reforence to an outlet fora drain at lot 98 on the 411] con, line. On motion of Taylor and Kelly, Mr. Shaw was instruct ed to attend to the matter, A deputation consisting of A. T, Cooper, of Clinton and Reedit. McNabb, Baker, Anderson and Jones, also a few reeidente of the Town ehip waited on tbe Commit urging them to submit a Looal Option By law at the time of holding the vlani0ipalEleolion In January, next. After considering the matter it was moved by 'Taylor, seconded by Shaw that title Council take no 00ti0n at this late date ea no petition being presented the do nob consider the evidenoe of the feeling of the ratepayers 'sufficient. ly strong. Carried. Ou motion of Kelly and Shaw the taxes of Wm, Wiley and Arthur, Oautelon, amounting to $5 79, were remitted. Altamonte were ordered to be paid as follows :— 1. Brown, cement tile $ 88 12 W. 0, Laidlaw, building Dement oalverbo 17 65 W. Cunningham, ropalr'g culvert 6 50 Hunter bridge 00, steel structure and plate 1878 27 J. Ainsley, engineering services 34 50 J. Kearney, dttmegee 1 00 Duff ds Stewart repair'g bridge] 89 85 J. u, Oaaemore, abutment 4 50 A. Pullouts, gravel 8 92 0, Wilkinson road and fence at Bodmin bridge 7 00 A. Niobolson, filling at abutments 28 25 Wm. Bates, digging award ditch 5 00 A. Miller, drawiug tile 3 00 Jno. Little, gravelling approaohee 17 50 Joe. Bolger, gravelling on B. B. 40 46 0. Pollard, do 26 81 J. Bolger, inepectiug on E. Bdy2 62 Wm. Wray, work on road 1 60 R. Yonill, filling approaches72 00 P. Amens, plank and grinding grader knife 10 55 J. Smith, gravel 3 54 P. Tarr, Dement tile 4 42 D. McDonald, cleaning ditch on aide road 7 75 A. Howlett, repairing culvert.,,, 1 50 G. Barrows, repair'g bridge on S. Boundary 40 R. Mitehen, hire of engine on grader 16 00 A. Niobolson, road allowance8 75 Howick Ioeuranoe 00 1 20 0. Barber, balance on abutments 190 00 J. Watson, postage Ind equaliz• ing Union School Scotian..,. 14 80 Deputy Returning offiuere were Op• pointed an follows : Div. No. 1, Wm. 0. Laidlaw ; No. 2, Jae. A. Moore ; No. 3, 0. Molboa : No. 4, T. Miller ; No. 5, R H. Garuies; No. 6, J. Robb. The Council then adjourned to mee0 again roc Dee, 15th. W. CLAax, Clerk. SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY. A New Source ot Fertilizer—Voice Blue. eame—The Passing Prooeoeion— An Bleotrio Automaton -•Music Preeerib• a:Zing—A. New View of the Eiher—The Oxygen Knife—Paper Waterproofing —Food for Eggs. The fixation of the nitrogen of the air by the eleotrieal prooesa of Bradley and Lovejoy baa proven a eoientifio B000ess, but has nob yet been developed cowmen ially. Interest is atilt felt therefore in any meatus of adding artificial alkaline nitrates to our rapidly lessening stook of fertilizing material. The chemical pro. ueee of Prof. Esobweiler, of Hanover, is being adopted in Eogland, and constant in passing a mixture of air and steam over pe00. in elow combustion, The steam le decomposed, the hydrogen combining with nitrogen of the air and of the peat to produce ammonia. Tbie ie taken up by eulphurle acid, forming aulphate of ammonia, and it is claimed theb enough can be produced, at moderate meet, to avert a fertilizer famine for a long time. Collections of voices are being made for various purpoeee. The phonogratne of the Delude Mneanm are designed to preserve for future generations the voices, of famous people of our time ; but the Vienna Academy of 801011000 10 going further, and seeks phonograme of tan. goeges. Already its collection includes popular eonge of Gypsies end Arabians, favorite airs of Red Indian tribes, the idioms of Negroes and Malays, and 90 on. It is sending oat epactal voioe•hunting expeditions every year, and He agents are now mooring Aeootralaeia, Roumania, Istria, and other localities. Its !Meet plan is to phonograph the voice& of animals, for eoientillo study. Two of the world's interesting mammals, have lately become extinct without stemming the attention. An Engli0h naturalist pointe out that the great ettaight.horned race of the Indian buffalo, which woe 000aeionally met with fifty or sixty years ago, is no longer known. The other vaniehed form is the wolf of the Falkland Islands, a type of considerable importance, which seems to have been exterminated by otryollnine abont thirty years ago. Vocal or inetrumental mimic as a therapeutic) agent baa been found by Dr. F. S. Kennedy to be a valuable aid in 00008 of melanoh,lia, insomnia, hysteria, family afifiation, bueineee reverses, delirium, pain, and mental or phyeiaal fatigue. A German phyeioien ban also euboeeefully used mn010 to lessen the dietreee and af0er.effeot0 from aneetheties. Tho "Enigrearelle" ot the London Hippodrome appear0 like a balky man six feet bail, weighipg 198 pouude. Ito feet are 01 Iron, the lege aro of steep and wood, and the arms are of Ace' and ooylper, while the body is all insulated wire frame o203d with Ober end rawhide, and the head ie of wax, It le moved by three springs Land four eleotrio motors, tvith fourteen etorttge emoumnlestore. In Ito back ie o switchboard containing lite rheostat, fifteen ewitohee, three evero aud three automatic brakes, 'though the motions are rather jerky, the maohina very °levetly walke with long or (bort elope, node ill head, waves Re arms, rides a oyole, and writs name on is blackboard. Gravitation is explained by the new theory of W. A. Nlppoldt ea dao to the motion of matter having the tenuity usually assigned to the ether. All mat- ter is in motion, and the smaller the fig. gregab100 the greater is the maximum velocity. Open 0pa0e 00010000 very minute particles in rapid motion in all direotiono. The partiol00 ore email enough to pave between the mole0nle0 of ordinary bodies, and they are stopped or refloated in proportion to the rnuee of the bsdy bombarded. Two bodice in specie shield each other on one Bide, being thus apparently attended. For cutting metals by a jet of oxygen, thejottrand and apperatae oon0iet0 es. eentiully of a tube with two bronohee, terminating in blow pipes, moved along with a guide at the rate of about six inohes per minute. One blow pipe de. livers an oxyliydrogen flame, which haste the metal to a dark red along the (totting line, A jet of pare oxygen from the second blowpipe enters into combustion with the hot metal, and pro. duces a clear ohumnel, ,Ike n 0010.000, about an eigth of an inob wide, the rest of the metal being unaffected. Zapon, the paper preservative of Dr. SMhilt, of Dresden, is a solation of ni- trated cellulose in amyl aoetate or like oheap'solvent. Brushed with the liquid and dried, the raper beeomee coated with a thin film, which resists Wu, sweat and v0riou0 fumes, ss well ea mold, baoteria and hard usage, The treated paper, unaltered in appearance, still takoe ink or pencil writing. The effeot of food on the flavor of egge, is found by an English medical man to be enrprioing, When the hone mot se nevermore, their eggs are made unfit to eat, but a diet of sunflower seeds pro• duoee remarkably fine and sweet eggs. DURHAM CEMENT CO. The National Portland Gement Com pany has a great number of etookholdere here. This oompany wee floated about three years ago with a oapitalization of one million dollars. The promoters Bold stook throughout the province and there are now some 1800 etookholdere who have never realized a dollar on their invest. ment. The mill was built in Dnrhem lied the promotere appropriated $260,000. A vigorous protest woo made by the citizens of Durham and vicinity, bub Mr, 0owham'e explanation was accepted and the matter was allowed to eland. The oonetruotion work went on and Durham had one of the best cement mills in America, the oapaeity being 1000 barrels per day. The Durham Chronicle ie mak. mg a tight for the etookholdere and Bays the lose for the first two yearn was owing to inability. The stook went down to 16o. on the dollar. This year everything wait in good order and bbe Chronicle gives the follow. ing :—"At the beginning of the season there was a bonded debt of $127,000 against the mill besides the company owed the bank $13,000 for borrowed money, borrowed to pay expeneee of salaried officers and other claims daring the period the mill wee not operating. Thin made in round nombere $140,000 of an actual, visible, pressing obligation .lo be met by the oompany. Even the most hopeful of us felt that the debt would never be discharged and a not uncommon opinion was that the Company would be forced to go into liquidation et a very early period. Snob was not the male however, and at the 9108000 time, the bonded debt is reduced to $80,000 and /he other bank•debt has been wholly wiped out. Besides the payment of this large indebtedness which totals up $110,000 the company has paid interest on the bonded indebtedness an amount reaching nearly' $7,000." Not ea0ieffed with this good showing the etookholdere have decided by resole Hon to move the works elsewhere. Thio the town of Durham and certain interest. ed etookholdere protest against. The reason given for the proposed change le that the marl necessary for the Mani] facture is giving out, The town oounoit took the matter up and the following ie the committee's report 3 Dorbam, Nov. 20th, 1905. The Dirrotore' National Portland Ce. ment Co., Darbem : GsNTL0MgNi In reply to yours of the 160h, oontaining an offer to oo•operate in looking for marl and olay. I am inetract ed by the Committee to my we have now oompleted our Investigations and you will no doubt be pleased to know we have fonnd both marl and olay in sufficient quantities to run the mill for al least fifty SPECIAL BARGAINS IN 1I[LLINERY Felt Hats for 50 Cents We are also Agents for the "New Idea" 10 Cent Patterns. Call and get a Fash- ion Sheet. MISSES .ah • I,I 2,10 fl€i u\., fa t .:_.,, IviG 1 a`) Ie RALPH CONNOR Copyright.Notting 11 nereu Co The Story of the Man and His Books In the Highland settlement of Glengarry, in the heart of a Canadian forest, Rev, Charles W. Gordon, better known to the reading world as Ralph Connor, was born in 1800. In his career, the markings of heredity and environment are more manifest than in most men, as some bands show the veins more strongly than others. To the virility, intenseness, individuality and friend.making genius of his father, Rev. Daniel Gordon, a Scotch preacher and teller of stories in the primitive pioneer days of Canada's backwoods forty years ago, was united in him the sympathy, mental keenness, literary temperament, spir- itual insight and hunger for helpfulness that distinguished his mother. In the woods through which he went to school, and where his early childhood days were spent, he grew into that Close reverent love and com- munion with Nature that bas become part of his very life, and pulsates through all his pages. At eleven, the removal of his family to another sea tion gave him better school advantages, and prepared him for his course at Toronto University. Ile earned looney in the fields to pay for his educe; tion; he was not a hard student, but passed his examinations seemingly by instinct. After a three years' course at Knox College, where prizes and scholarships dropped Into his hands when he was not looking, he spent a year in Edinburgh and on the Continent to gain back bis fleeting health. On his return he went to Banff, the National Park of Canada, inhaling the pure, clear air of the mountains and the spiritual atmosphere' that seemed nearer to God because, nearer to unspoiled Nature. On Sundays he preached in the little Presbyterian Church to an audience of villagers and tourists, and it was while a home missionary in the Northwest that he grew discouraged over the small appropriation made for the work among the millers. Itis friend, the editor of "The Westminster" of Toronto, invited him to wage his war for funds through the pages of his paper, and, in accepting, Mr. Gordon decided that a strongly human story might win its way to the hearts and purses of the people. The story was "Black Rock," that virile, crisp series of pictures of life in the mining camps, that made their author famous. Then came "The Sky Pilot," "The Man From Glengarry," "Beyond the Marshes" and "The Prospector," all tingling with vitality—stories tender, humorous, picturesque, pathetic, strenuous in action and simple in thought. 00terad nee0rdlnr to Ad of the 1'ar11o1neut of llaued,, In 1000 year 1901, ty tr. R 11,001, at the Department of Arrltulture,' years. Both materiale have also been analyzed and our report ahowe to be imit- able for making fires oleos Portland Gement. Miura Truly. D. JA1110006. Joel why the Directors in the face of this report want to move from Derham needs Oome explanation. The public who have inveeted their money should get a run for it aud the aotion of the Durham Chronicle ie in their interest. All etookholdere should become thorough ty 0oover00110 with the abate of the beet. nese, and should elect an hooeet rep- resentative body who will have the wet• fare of she company at heart. If there were any reoolotions passed et the meet- ing of the Executive in Toronto on the 16th of November, the stockholders ebould be apprised of them. It they are 0olin the beet interest of tbe aompauy. then they should enpport the people of Durham. The Ohroniole comes out boldly and meas "le there a Nigger in the Fence 2" It there ie then the investore should know. It i0 time promoters were taught that the email investor has some right. Again we advise if you have au interest in this 0000e0n look aftot' it. T1110 T1118 MAN'S DAN1811. He can't ramjet disease germs,—that's why ho'e such a mark for ocneamp0ion. In thio laud of plenty, thinness is wickedneee, 'menially when it is 00 easily overcome with Ferrozone, This remark- able these builder makes you fat quickly it dose so by forming blood that's riob, nourishing and health giving. Ferrozone supplies the nutriment needed by worn oat nerves, rapidly oonatreote-muscle and fatly tisane. The form fills out, the Meeks redden, proving that weight is being added. To be well and easy well see Ferrozone. Fifty oh000laled coated tablets is a box for fifty oenle or six for $2,60 at all dealers. THE BUSINESS MAGAZINE. In the baudrede of excellent magazines now being published there are many ar• Oaks the modern lewdness man ahoold read. Bub bow can he hope to do this, unless he boa unlimited leisure and un. limited manna 2 Fortunately there ie a way, which has recently been opened to Canadian badness Dien, through Ito e0 terpriee of The MacLean Pnbliehing Company. Li The Basineee Magazine, publiebed by them, will he found each mouth a varied and carefully selected aeries of article's from the beet maga. 20110s of the world. to addition there fe a complete desoriptive index ot all the other important articles et the mouth for which there is no room in the our. rent inane of The Bueineoe Magazine. The November number is orammod from Dover to oover with good things. It givoe more solid reading matter for the money than any magazine published. There is a alevetly written artielo on the bueine0e career of the late Senator Fulford, of Brookville, who made a name for himself as a worldwide edam Cheer. The Senator left over $15,000,. 000, and the article tells how he made it. Then follows an amneing short story, "The Smattnees of Lowltovita," and *eerier] of 28 ortiolee on enbjeot0 of general interest. A few ot them are; "Big Sniaries and rime," "A Night itl a Marconi Station;' "The Ri00e0t Woman in the World," "How Grant Outlines& Mon Keep Wnll,7 "The Rothe. ehilde of France," "Saving, the Key to Success,' "The Typewriter Girl," The Largest Vessel Ever Built," "A Female Training School for Sleuthing,'eto. Atvvoo(/. Donegal Trustees have hired a Mr, Slaughter, of Stratford, for the year 1006 at a salary of 9650. Wm, Sweeton was in Logan to see his brother-in.law, David Waugh, who is dangerouely ill. His friends have little hope for his recovery, A publio meeting of the ratepayers of the village was held on Friday evening to discuss the advieibility of raising At. wood to the states of a Police Village. Rev. Mr. MoKinuon, of Milverton, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian obnroh Sunday. Rev. Dir. MaoVioer oonduoted anniversary services in Milver- ton for Mr. McKinnon. Elora Cheese Company shipped the haat cheese of the ee0aon an Saturday, Nov. 26th. when 292 November cheese were Bold to Hodgson Bros., Montreal. Tile cheese were very green hat were in- tended for export to the Old Country via Portland, Maine. J J. Johnston has made a deoided im• 9ravement to hie ebop 011 the West side of Main street formerly occupied by Geo. Cox, harnesemaker, He has had a cement wall plaoed under it and also one entitling along the centre to atrengtheu the floor. A cement platform has also been built in front ot the shop. Two fine plate glass windows have been pieced io position and the doorway set baok a toot or two and side windows planed in ib. LA/alto av tel. Mrs. W. Godfrey and eon Johnson, of Moorefield, are visiting in town, the mutate of Mrs. Andrew Hay. The Knox Ohuroh Bauer in the Town Hall on Thursday and Friday, Deo. 7001 8th, afternoon and evening. Oeptaio Lightbouroo, who has been in oommand of the S. A. ooutiogent in town for the peat two or three menthe, left for Londou, and Captain Boyd is now in command bare. Howe Broe, have dieolved partnership, and the business will hereafter be oar. ried on by Ie, 8. Howe. W. J. Howe will, we understand, oontiaue to Desist his brother in the barbering bueinoee for a time. The meeting of Listowel lodge, A. 0. U. W. on Monday evening of last wee( WWI made more than penally itlterooting by the visit of District Deputy Chapman ot Port Eight, who gave a practical and highly interesting addreea on the Order, its work and progress. The annual meeting of the North Perth Ooneeevetive Ao,00iation wee held at Milverton on Wednesday of last week. Theta was a good attendance, ooneidering that there is no probability of ria ele0tion in the near Ware. The meeting was opened at 11 a, m„ with President J, H. Gunther in the chair. The minutes of Net annual meeting were read by the Secretary, Geo, Steelton, after which Jae. Torrance, M. P. P„ who had jnet arrloed home from the West, gave a abort ad., dretg. A committee on resolutione was then appointed, and the meeting adj.Inrued for dinner, Upon real. eembiing, tho 000 021a1 report was road, showing a email Wane./ in the troaoury. The efeetion of of here 101113 then pr0000ded with, nearly ail the old ottloore being ro elnoted, es follows f H.noorary Preetdonte, S. R. Haman, Li. B. Murphy, Jahn Watson, (Morning. trot,) 1), 1). ()emptied, Tbus, Magwood, C. MrIlhargy, il. Rothwell and )no, O'Donoghue ; Prosidonr, J. H. Gunther Vote Preeldeute, Wm. Bell aud D A Dempesy ; Scoretary•Treaeurer, Geo. Bpotton. Executive Ooommittee—Strut. ford, 8. J. Mahlon and W. J. McQn;. lough ; North Eoethope, Chao, Frytngle cud Andrew Wilhelm I Ellice, Wm, Itus. ton and fi, I1' my ; Murhingtou, J, R. Hamilton, and W. F, ltntltertord ; lit. ver0on, F. W. Gunther and H. Schneu• kor ; Elme, Robert Rae, and Wm. Graham; Lietowel, A. St. Geo. Ha10• kine and Wm, Welsh ; Wallace, Joeeph Walker and Jobe Strong. THE WORST OF COLO. h how suddenly It oomeo. No time to hurry to the drugstore, creep develope, the lungs areefleeted with pneumonia or tnberonloeie nud it's too late, Keep Catarrhozone o0 hand,—it kiilo °olds in meetly. Something magical about the way it sures Oabarrh and Bronchitis Cooarncezone is the beet remedy because it curse in nature'e way ; it heals, soothes and restores permanently, Carry a Oatarrhozaneinhaler in your pocket, age it 000asionally and you'll never (atoll cold—that's worth remembering. 120 s'tt,. Mise Luella Holmes, of Doroheoter, ie the guest of Mies Aggie Gagman ane other friends in the village. Monthly faire will be held in Blvtb this season as follows :—Deeomber 12th, Jannary 9131, February 8th, March 6th and April Bid. Division Coact will be held in Blyth on Friday of this week. There will b. a heavy dcokst, among the oases being that of the Huron Peaking Oo, against several Bullet farmers. Wedding belle were ringing in St, Mioheal's Moron, Wednesday forenoon of last week. The priooipale were John P. Kelly and Mies Bridg' b Agen, butt of Morrie. Rev, Father HammD performed the ceremony. W. G. Aanable bee been appointed general baggage agent of the 0. P. R. All attempts to release the stranded Bavarian 41308 Fall will be abandoned. The last spike of the Canadian North. ern was driven at Edmonton on 1"ridey. At a meeting iu Montreal, $2,090 was oabeoribed for the relief of the Jewe 11 Russia. Several passengers were injured in 0 collision On the, H„ G. & B. Railway, near Hami.ton. The coal steamer Turbine Wit wreaked off Cape Sable, and about a dozers of bet Crew were drowned. Timothy Eaton has sent a check for $1 000 to the Brandon (Man) Y. M. 0. A. for the building Fond. Lewis Smith, a wealthy readout of Sidney township, wa8 struck by u train et a 010001ng and killed, York County Oounoil will petition the Ontario Government to establish forest reserves in the waste plooee in the county. Sarah Bernhardt ie playing to orowden hoaeea at -Montreal, notwithstanding Arobbiehop Bruohesi'e 000demoatiou of her playa. Fifty eight horses afflicted with gland. ere have been killed at Peaohtaod, B. 0. Nearly all the working horses in the town have been destroyed. Lorne Thomas, who ie wanted in litre:. Lord on a Merge of otealiug jewellery, twine attempted enicide at the Haab Ste. Marie jail atter being looked Up' About the fleet of December a depute. tion from Queen's medical faculty will interview toe Ontario Government with reference to a grant to the medical col. lege. It is understood that the Provincial Treasurer of Quebec bee given the Do. minion Government aeenranoee that the oommeroial travellers' tax will be reoo0 eidered and modified at the next sitting of the Legislature, _ IMPORTANT NOTICES THERE NEW COUNTER Bbow Oaooe for sato, clot, 0 foot 1002, waltut 03,10800 anti duuulo 0311001 211000, Ap- ply to Tug Pool, Breeeele, TWO PRO,ItO' .BRED DUR– 4. war Bull Calves for Rale, pries ruin• mare et. bl'ueeate Fair. One a roan awl Ibo, other rad, 1c mrntha old, 17, 0108E1tT• HON, Lot k, 0.010. 9, Croy, or Brtalelo P, O, FOR SA1,L1'-1.4 (1001) YOUNG Leiceetor Ft Wird. 4 two•ellear Same, 7, 8bearltug 10am aid 2 nP.M Lambe, Alec c young Snort Horn Bella and a. number of trotvo an) Reif ere, All are of tbo best breed - lug aside Inutility. Wlil beeuld ai luwo0t prism and Duey terms to earl b,l 'er0, D, M0I 8210, Etbal, L ARM FOR 'SALE 0R TO Rau O, eon Min 1,10 nee agree, being Lob. 0, 001, 0, Grey. 8010,010 a bang burn I1.11d oomf•,rtable brick bone on the premien, Farm to well webrod and there 1n a gaol onward, Convenient to School aud cntltoh• kur further partloolare apply or' the prum- ieeo, JOb. QOMIEB, ."4.41 JaUmoatowf 8, 0. COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE aud 2 aures at laud for Bale on Walnut atreot, Brussels. Brick house, good stable, hard and wit water, small orchard, ,bo, Property 1r' good shape, Immediate postma- ster' eau be Nivea. For Maher particulars apply on the promises. 301101 MoRDNZIE 53.103 Proprietor, Brussels. 10 ® ACRE /L. AIEM FOR SALE be mg Ht: t 18, balance Morrie. 6bou. 00 acres are otter. el, balance iu n T1(0101a a frame pound, bank barn, driving shod, orchard, 80, Ylelity of good 100101•. (oaveaieot to mobool and erg miles from ussols. Possession can be given Maroc let. 101• B'or lurcher part,eitara as to price, terms, &a., apply to A, J. LO WRY, 18-tf Brunets. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Martin Gaylor, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, gen- tleman, deceased. Notice 1e hereby given, pursuant to Revis- ed titntutoe of 0ut01,0. 1aby, Ohap. 159, and dem, tha. al •exit 1e and others 31 e,i in O others ha ,in any claims (la tor, Pt the moats, or bite said Martin 1 OotO, woo died 00, or required; ted; tit day of October, A, O. ' 00 urn required; or' or before toe 28rd day o f .Decamoer, 1055, to send by ,post, prepaid, or eeilver to A. 11, mecdoh aid, of the Village of brussels, in tbe Com.ty or limy,', solicitor ror Darnel Classier and lcbzabe4h Baylor, Port °Laura 0r the estate or the said deceased; the 11111 petrt,attla1.1 of their elaime, the statement o1 tueir a:oa an 1.0 and the nature of the securities lil any) nota by them. And nudes la tuts lta given that after the said last mbutroned date rue We Execu- tors 10111 p10u01u fu d,atr,bute the assets ot the deceased amouget tun parties untitled thereto, hovu.ar.Laid unly to the 01 alma o1 whieu they shun then have n.,ti0e and that the mall Lixecutnre will 1100 be liable for the 080oll, ur airy pale 1110,00x, to 0114 1,0100a Or Iteration 00 Maine Wimple 1t0tl0n anuli not have 00011 oeelyed by them at the time of suet, dlatributiou. Dated at b*usso,a title 80111 day of Nov- ember, d. D. 1905. d. B. MACDONALD, 21.0 bulteltor lar Executors. Farmers or Storekeepers by coaling to the Brussels Salt Works eau get any kited of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. STILL GROWING Demand for Mi -o -Da Stomach Tablets Continues to Increase. Although DIi•o•na was introdnoed in Braesele but a abort time ago, it i0 today outselling all other medioinee for the ears of indigestion and atom ash troubles. Mi.o•na almost invariably own all forme of indigestion and etomaoh troubles exoept Gamer. It gine snob health and etrength to the weakest etomaah that all the food is readily converted into nutrition, so that it gives nonrish• sent and health to tbe whole system, In this way nervousness and sleepless. nese are oared ; headaches back- aches, and rheumatic pain0 are pre• vented, and there will be no more poor appetite, dietreee after eating, heart -burn, or debility. Mi•o ua oasts but50o, a box. It you 000not obtain Mi•o•na of your druggist, ib will be sent by mail, povt•paid, on reooipt of price. Write 0e for advice on yonr oa0e' from a leading stomach epeoialiet which will be Bent free. The R. T. Booth Com. pany, Ithoaa, N. Y. Co. Are making the Finest display of Cail and See them and get Prices.