HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-12-7, Page 1Vol. 34. No, 22
,low Advertisements.
:ben—Tennis Club.
el—L C. Richards.
ve for sale—Jas. Speir,
Taxpayers—John Long,
Perin to rent—John Grant.
Christmas Gifts --J. G. Jones,
Girl wanted—Amerioan Hotel.
Pleasure giving gifts—Jae, Fox.
House for sale—Mre. E. ()ober.
Xmas Groopriee—W. A. Grower.
Overcoats—E. 0, Danford & Sou.
Photos. for Xmas—H. R. Brewer.
Puritan Underwear—A, Straohan.
More new goods—Mo$innott & Oo,
Christmas shopping—Ferguson &Boas.
Stationery and Perfume—F. R. Smith.
Weal ton.
Dr. Ovens, M. D., Bergson, Oooullet,
Speoialiet, Diseased of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and gleans fitted properly.
Will be at Smith's Drag Store, Brussels,
on Tueeday, Deo, 12tb. Hours 8 a. m. to
1,80 p. m.
NoTEs,—The A. 0. U. W. held their
annnal ball ou Friday evening last, sup
per being served at Geo. MoKim's, The
Freeman orobeetra supplied the muefo.—
A demonstration in favor of Local Option
was held in Walton early Saturday morn
ing,—The sound of eleighbelle usually
brings the average person to a startling
realization of the uearueee of Ohristmaa.
—The special serviaee in the Methodtet
oheroh have been ngntinned all thie week,
—Work on the big out East of Walton
WAS abaudoued this week until Spring.
Turnberry township Council will meet
here on Friday at next week.
The annual meeting of the Blnevele
Obeaee and Butter 0o. will be hold In
the Foresters' Hall at Bluevale, on
Thnreday, December 14th, commencing
at 2 o'ofock, p. m.
Mice Janie Wells left for Hamilton on
M onday.
tteJ. R. Weudt epent Sunday at hie home
in Mildmay,
A new organ was plaoed in the Metho.
drat church last week.
Mise J. Howe, of Howlett, vieited at
her home over Sunday.
Mise Mary Miller spent several daye
of last week in Toronto.
Fred. Barlow, of Guelph, is renewing
eaquainteneee in the village.
:vire, Hapfer and Mies Maggie are
vieiting relatives in Wiarton.
Rev. L. Perrin preaohed in Victoria
Hall, Jamestown, Sunday evening.
Mica Blida Hazlewood bee been neer
ed as seemlier at Douglas' eohool house
until Lima owing to the illness of the
present teacher, Mien McKee.
B. T. Carr was ie Clifford last Friday
on busineae,
Misses Perrin, of Detroit, were guests
of their brother, Rev. L, Perrin for few
A. H. Rae had three terkeye etoten
from hie packing house last Tuesday
A number from this vioinity attended
the Hookey Club's oonaert in Corrie on
Friday evening.
Allan Rae and Cowin Smith were in
Brgesele on Monday delivering a load or
fowl l0 R. Thomson.
John Hartley bus resigned hie position
as Prinoipal of the eohool here• Is is
said he will tesab at Blyth for next year.
The home of Mrs. T. Miller lied a
narrow neap from fire iset Sunday
morning. When she %attrned Item
chetah the bean wee filled with emoke,
from the wood and wood work babied
the stove whioh were on lire, Fortunate.
ly it was put out before very sericite
damage had been done.
METnonIeT 0801I011 ANNIVEnoAaY. The
anniveroary eervioes of the Methodist
ohurab were held Sunday and Monday
last and proved very interesting and
',nemesiah On Sabbath sermons were
preached by Rev. W. E, Kerr, of Clinton,
a former peter, good oongregetione being
in attendance. Monday evening the
auniversary Tea Meeting wee held. A
ens sapper was served in the basement
after whish an adjournment was made to
the auditorium where en eujoyable pro•
gram was well rendered. It was as
G. N McLaren
WE have been busy for the past week checking and placing New Goode in stock, and we are now
i/ in a position to serve you well. Possibly some are not aware that our stook is STRICTLY
NEW in every sense of the word—not one dollar's worth o£ the entire stock has ever been in a Retail.
Store before. It is our intention to keep a first-class, well assort( d stock of General Dry Goode,
Ladies' and Men's Furnishings ; Ready-to-wear Waists, Skirts and Coats for Ladies' and Girls ;
Ready-to-wear Suite and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children ; Boots, Shoes and Rubbers of all
kinds. We will always pay the highest market price for Produce.
We have had over eighteen years' experience in buying and selling Merchandise and we think we
know the trick of buying the right goods at the right time and at the Lowest Possible Prices. We
invite comparisons in prices at all times, When on the market three weeks ago we secured a number
of lines at less than regular prices. Here are a few Specials while they last :—
women's Ready-to-wear Dept
$12.50 Women's All Wool Grey Frieze Skirts $1.75
—12 only Women's All Wool Plain Grey Frieze Skiirte
assorted sizes, perfect fitting, on sale while they last for, .51 75
3.00 Women's All Wool Blue Frieze Skirts . 2.25
—12 only Women'e.811 Wool Plain Navy Blue Frieze
Shirts, extra full, perfect fitting, assorted lengths 87 to
42, on sale while they last for 52 25
3.75 and 4.00 Women's Fancy Tweed SkirtB 3.00
—24 Women's Fancy Tweed Skirts in light and med-
ium colors, large broken cheeks, in the oorreot style, per-
fect fitting, all sizes, on sale, your choice while they last 8 00
1.25 to 1.50 Women's Dark Colored Shirt
Waists for . . . .98
—10 dozen Women's Shirt Wafete in Cotten Costume
Clothes, mostly in dark colors, made by the Crescent
Manfg. Co., of Montreal, all eines 82 to 44, guaranteed
perfect fitting, your ohoioe while they last 08
2.50 and 8.00 Women's French Flannel
and Delaine Waists for . 1.75
—20 dozen Women's A.11 Wool Delaine and French
Flannel Waists, lovely assortment of ooloringe, regular
values 52.50 and 38.00, eine 82 to 44, your choice while
they last 1 75
Ready-to-wear Clothing Dept
1.50 and 1.75 Men's Frieze Pants for . 1.25
—2 dozen Men's Wool Frieze Pants in Plain Navy
Blue, good quality Trimming, well made in every way,
all Men's sizes, regal. r price 1.50 to 1,76, your ohoioe
while they last for 1 25
2 00 Men's Tweed Pants for
. 1.50
—3 dozen Men's All Wool Tweed Pants, in a big range
of patterns, all eizea in the lot, regular values 2.00, your
choice while they Int for 1 50
3.75 to 4.50 Men's Scotch Tweed and Wor-
sted Pants for . . . 3.00
—25 pairs Men's All Wool Scotch Tweed and Fancy
Worsted Pante, in a splendid range of patterns ; this lot
is worth regular from 8.76 to 4.50 ; we bought them at
away below regular and offer you the ohoioe while they
last for 8 00
5,00 Men's Plain Grey Frieze Ulsters for '8.75
—12 only Men's Plain Grey Frieze Uletere, with storm
Dollars, all sizes, regular prices 6.00 to 6,00, take your
ohoioe for 8 75
3.50 Boys' Two piece Suits for . 2.50
• —17 only Boys Two-piece Suite, Norfolk style, in plain
Navy and Fancy Tweeds, sine for Boys 5 l0 12 years old,
regular prise 8.60, Salo pries 2 60
Women's Furnishings
50o Cashmere Idose for . ▪ , 85c
— 5 dozen All Wool Oaehmere Hose, Plain and Em-
broidered, sizes 8i to 9, regular prise 60o, your oheioe
while they lest foe 05
Women's Ail Silk Belts for . 25e
— 4 dozen Women's Silk Belts, finished with buttons in
Bleck, Oatdival, Brown, Green and Navy, assorted sizes,.
while they Iasi for 25
Special:in Dress Goods
25o to 85o Dress Goods for . . 22c
—10 pieces Fancy Tweed Deese Goode, in Light and
Dark aolore, plain Berges, in Black, Navy, Cardinal, Gar-
net and Brown, your ahoiae while they last for 22
s ntq
Staple Section
70 and 8c Flannelettes for . 50
—10 pieces good quality Flannelette, dark colored,
stripes and checks, regular value 70 and 8a ; take them
while they last at 5
500 Table Linen for . . . 89c
—75 yards Extra Heavy Linen Table Damaek, 2 yards
wide, good patterns, regular value SOo, while it lasts for.. 89
7c Crash and Tea Oloth for . 5e
—5 endo Roller Towelling, with aolored borders, also
Glass Towelling, in bice and red obecks,regular value 7o,.
take them while they last for 5
Boot and Shoe Department
--We have a complete stook of Men's, Women'e and 01118 -
ren aBoote, Shoes and Rabbere, Belt and Fancy House
Slippers -1h fad we have just
whatyou are
looking for in
Footwear, Otte prioee are the loweot possible. Compare
thotn le all we sok. See price list for Shwa nest week,
OUR Opening Sale was a success in every way, in fact much better than we had expected, and we
thank our friends £01 same. This week we are In much bettor position and will he pleased to
see all old Friends and Customers as well as new ones.
Yours, for Mutual Boneat,
Go • OLA
RE 1\T
follows :—Ohalrmau'e address, Rev, J.
H, Osterhout, B, A, ; solo, J• Leslie
Kerr, of Braseela ; addrose, Rev. L.
Perrin, of Wroxeter ; eolo, N, J, Robin
Hon, of Wroxeter ; address, Rey. W. E
Kerr, of 011uton ; solo Mr. Gibson, of
Wroxeber ; addreea, John Hartley,
of Wroxeter ; reeitetioo, Mise Raabeel
Dane, of Wroxeter ; Sulo, J, Leslie Herr ;
addreea, Rev, 0, P. Wells, of Gerrie;
sola, N. J. Robinson ; solo, J. Leslie.
Kerr. The ftuanaial proceeds totalled
over $100, whirr!) will be applied on the
orguu fund under the direction of the
Ladies' Aid.
Leered bInt rr'.
Township Council will meek on the
Some eay there will be a lively Muni•
oipal election in Molt.iliop this year.
Reeve Hnodereon and Jim. Habkirk,
of Bruaeele, were visiting Mende in Mb
Killop last Sunday.
A 2 year old heavy drauht mare Dolt
was Bold by Andrew Henderson, 4th eon.
McKillop, to Mr. MoNeught of Tnaker•
smith, for the sum of 5220. This must
be profitable hone growing, The oolt
weighed 1440 pounds end was a dandy.
Allan Cameron is on the eialt list bat
we hope he will Boon be o. k,
Mice Beatrice MoNair ie attending
Brneeele public school this term.
The program is beiug prepared for the
Christmas tree entertainment in aoanea-
tion with Knox Church, 1t will be held
on Friday 22nd inst.
This week Jno, and Mre. MaNab
and Banana! Dann, arrived home from au
enjoyable visit of several mouths bo the
Week. The latter expecte to go bank
Dr. Oveue, M. D., Surgeon, Oeonliet,
Speoialiet, Diseases of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and glasses fitted properly.
Will be at Smith's Drug Store, Breenele.
on Tuesday, Deo. 12tb, Hours 8 a. m. to
1.80 p, m.
Ell Smith, of Brneeele, preached in the
Methodist cherish bare last Sabbath and
did hie part well, also the solos rendered,
by Mise Ooutta and Profeaeor Brown, of
Stratford, were highly appreciated. Olise
Ooetba ie a first amain of Dire. James
Jiterteettowet .
"Remember thy Creator in the days
of thy youth" was Rev. L. Perrin's text
lot Sabbath evening at Victoria Hall.
A time, prao:ioal sermon wart given,
John Outt sold a 4 year old heavy
draft mare at Bruaeele Horse Fair to
Thos. Archibald, Beatorth, for the tidy
sum of 5170. It pays to keep the right
The iron work for the McDonald
bridge is being delivered. Gement abut.
menta ore ready. Filling in the are
preaches was let Monday of last week.
0. Skinn enured one job and a gentle.
mac from the 12th con., enured the
NEWSY NOTES,—Mr. Porter, of Oren•
brook, visited friends in this vioinity
recently,— Mies Godetha Ooombee is
home from Listowel.—Mies Rattan, of
Lakelet, le vieiting at the home of her
uncle, L. Rattan.—G. T. Gilleepie attend-
ed the Ooneert at Gerrie last Friday night.
—Dr. Ovens M. D., Surgeon, Ooonliet
Specim!iet, Dieeaees of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and glossae fitted properly.
Will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brussels,
0o Tueedey, Deo, 12th, Hoare 8 a. an. to
1.80 p. m.—Peter Bishop, township Tax
Oolleotor of Grey, was in our burgh all
day Monday,—Weare pleased to see Jae,
Simpson je., and Chas.Forrest beak from
the Weet,—Men are busily engaged in
putting the iron work on the new bridge
East of Jamestown a mile and a quarter,
—Robert Scott, of the Boundary, attend.
d League at Roe'e church Tuesday even-
ing. We wooden was there an "after
meeting" and whet were bbe exbroisee.—
Edward Bryant' ie attending the Deana-
bar seseioa of the Oa. Coattail in Brume's
'hie week.—Mr. O'Connell, of Dublin, has
been operating in this vioinity with bis
hay preening outfit.—S. Wilson and Mies
Wilson, of Brueeele, vieited on Sunday at
the home of the former's slater, Mrs. J.
D. Miller.—Mrs. Jae, Stephan visited
friends in Luoknow Ian week.—Mr, and
Mts. Hicks, 01 Howlett, visited at J. D.
Miller's reoently.—Owen Bell, wife and
child are vieiting at the home of Mr. Bell's
father, Debt. Bell.—Mrs. A. Bohannon, of
Wingham, le vieiting at the home of her
sone, MaaDooald Bros.
lltltltc 1,
Beninese has improved by sleighing.
rowneliip Council will meet here Fri.
day of neat week.
Concert in the Township Hall Thins -
day evening of this week,
Owing to a bad cold R. 0. Davie was
unable to attend the Tea Meeting at
Wroxeter on Monday eveaiug.
Preparations are being made for the
annual Sabbath school entertainment to
be held by the Methodist church.
A branch of the Bank of Hamilton ie
to be openllere one oritwo days each week.
Io will be a spb•agenoy of Listowel it is
A Temperance Barman was preacher!
est Sabbath evening in the Methodist
rhumb here by the pastor, illustrated by
a chamfeal experiment, whiob will not
soon be forgotten.
Dr.Oveue, M. D., Bnrgoon, Ooouliet,
Speoialiet, Diaeasse of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and gtaesee fitted properly,
Will be et Smibh'e Drug Boors, Brunets.
on Tuesday, Dew 12th. Route 8 a. m, to
1.80 p, m.
Mrs, N. A. Milne and children and Mise
Pearl Mateo, who bas been making her
home with bet grandparents, David end
Mro. Milne, for the pant 8 yeare, left for
Balmoral, Man„ on laeeday, She will
visit also at Winnipeg, Stonewall, Stoney
Mountain, Calgary and other points.
Mee. Milne's parents live at Delmore' and
her brother is rauobing at Calgary,
The annual meeting of the Lthel cheese
factory will be hold in the Townehip Hail
Ethel, on Saturday, Deo. 16th et 1
u'olook sharp. Geo. Barr, chief In.
etrdotor of London, will be there to
W. I -I . KE R R, ,Prop
Yr. Chas. Kelly
Mr. J. 11. Cameron
Tna Basi or Music.
To -morrow Evening
eetteepereerneetearearetor reeetoreeauereweete.
address the meeting. A good tern out of
the patrons is asked for and hope they
will be there at one a'elook aa Mr. Barr
wawa to go home ou the three o'clock
BaaoEeernL °ONCEar,—The Pabiio
School Couaert held in the Township
Hall Inst Friday evening was a brilliant
success, The Hall was well filled, and
the pupils deserve praise for the way in
which they did their part. Every number
on the proararn was good, Promptly ai
eight o'olook the curtain was drawn
bringing to view about 100 girle and boys.
The girls all wore white dresses and
moiled very pretty. They Bret gave the
school call :—"Who ars we 7 Yon might
gnus, we are the popile of the E. P. S.,
Learning to reed, to write, and to spell,
Ibis we do and do it well. Geography,
Grammar and History ton, 013, it's
ewtnt whet we have to do, Yee, yea, yes,
you might guess, we are the popile of
the E, P. S." Tble was followed by two
rousing ohoruees—"Jolly Boys" end
"Johnny Oanaok's the Lad." The next
nembsr was a duet"A Political Quarrel"
by a small girl and boy, which greatly
pleased the andienoe. This waa followed
by a aborne "A Lament for Sommer" by
28at the senior girle, Then name the
Turkey eoug. Amid loud applause 15
email boys, bedecked in turkey
feathers, came marching upon the stage
singing about these "Kluge of the barn.
yard." This was followed by the Flag
Drill, every movement of which was
followed with keen iutereet. The girle
went gracefully through the drill to the
organ and violin maeio. Atter a shorn
none the eahool Rang another ahorne
"Tho Laud of the Maple." A dialogue
"The Train to Mauro," given in good
voice by 8 senior popile, Drained muoli
Laughter. When the curtain was again
palled aside it revealed a see•eaw with 4
,•mall girls on each end and a boy etmnd•
i0g in the centre to balance it. They
sang a pretty little chorus as they went
up and down to the magic. Then 'tame
e patriotic chorus entitled "John Bute
Children" by 20 boys. Next a very pretty
Maypole drill wee given by 12 girls,
They were dreamed in white and held red
and white eoarfe whioh they plaited about
the pole. Then 15 very email girls array
ed in long white nigbt•dreeses and
right naps, carrying lighted Dandles, sang
e "Good night " song. Ali joined in
-iuging,'Godsave the King" and thug
brought the enjnyeble evening to a olbee.
Proceeds amounted to $80.00,
151,01'0.8 5,
Township fleapit Friday of next week.
'Alfred Hallam has Bold his fifty sore
farm et the river, on the 41b con., to
Geo. Proctor, tor 52,000.
Mrs, John Robb, 6th line, is laid up
with an attack et appendicitis. We wieb
her a speedy recovery.
:Meesre, Jake Lever and Fred. Mathew-
son, of Fleaherton, are visiting their
father.io-law, John Manning.
Herb Manning is visiting relatives and
'riende in Elora, Hartley and Lindsay.
Before returning he will Dalt in Toronto,
A Sabbath School entertainment will be
held in Jackson's chorine, 8th line, on
Friday evening of next week, 151h inst.,
when a ohoioe program will he presented.
In tlae minutes of the township Conn.
oil Councillor Shaw is credited witb
eeoondine the resolution declining to ea.
ae8e to the request of the Lon( Option
delegation. This ie a mistake as Ooao•
oilier Kelly eenouded the motion.
day of this week an old and well known
reeideut of Morrie paesed away in the
person of Chas. Henderson. He wake in
hie 80,h year. Funeral took piece on
Thursday atternoon to Wingham came -
Mies Niue J. Iebister, who has been
one of the fear teachers in the Sas.
katoon taboo', Sasketahewan, will re.
tarn at Christmas, and tales charge of
S. B. No. 7, Morrie, and Elias Lille )3„
who is now teaching in S. S. No. 7, wilt
take bar eleter'a plane in Saskatoon.
MATnisaogao, —St. Mtotteal'e church,
Blyth, wee the scene of a very pretty
wedding when Mies Bridget Agin, young,
eat daughter of the late Dennis Agin,
and John P. Kelly ware united In the
holy bondt of matrimony by the Rev.
3. Haulou, of Clinton. Preoieely at ball.
past nine o'alook, on Wednesday
et last week the bridal party
marched up the aide to the sweet strains
of the Wedding March played by Mrs.
D, Kelly, sieber•in-law of the groom.
The bride looked charming in a bean -
taut postman of grey broadcloth trim.
rued with Aloe blue over laps and tib•
ups with tore bat to match. She was
anew' ca' u het ni ,
nue Mise Lavine,
Y ,
L ulna
Arendt, one, of Grey, who wore a becom-
ing ooetnme of brown Oreton cloth trim.
mad with cream over lane With hat to
mutate. The bride wore an eleotrio eeal
goat with sable dollar and the brides.
maid a fawn Empire goat. The groom
wee abeieted by James Ryan, of Walton.
Atter the ceremony wall performed the
bridal party, accompanied by relatives
and Mende drove to the home of the
bride's brother Where a eumptaone repast
wee partaken of, The bride was the
reolpieut of many ooetly preemie nom•
slating of obequee, iewelry, silverware,
Mine, ete, The groom's gift to the
bride wee a gold watch and chain, The
',Pompon was pleasantly spent iu annul
chat and games until the newly wedded
couple left on the four o'clock train to
spend their honeymoon in London, St.
'1'homae and other points, On their
return they will maids in the new reel
dense, wbiob the groom bas steeled on
lie aloe farm, 6th. line, Morrie this past
Sumwar. Tbeir many friends unite in
wishing them many long and happy
years of wedded life.
Tames Campbell, who had the mie
fortune to haus several ribs broken some
time ago, by a fall, is able to get about
quite oomfortebly once more.
An entertainment will be held at Man•
orieH 00 Tuesday evening, 19th inst.,
ander the direction of Mies Alberta Me.
Naught, the energetic teaaber.
George Campbell, son of Donald
Campbell, 16th con., arrived home from
the Northweel Net Saturday in time for
his eiater's funeral by driving from Sea•
Sugar beet returns are reported to be
turning out quits favorable. From 2
aoresAlex, Stewart, who recently remov.
ed from the 81b 000., to Breesele, bad 28
tons for which he received 5154 00.
Ih is said that John Ontt has given his
consent, at the argent request of a num.
bar of ratepayers, to become a candidate
for the position of township Councillor.
He would make an A 1 man,
If Councillor Frtteer promotee to can-
didature for the Reeveehip of Gray it is
possible that Thos. Bennet, of the Nortb
Boundary, may run as a nomlaee for
Councillor. Tom is quite a student of
public affairs.
CARD or TEANxe.—We wish to express
our eiooere and heartfelt thanks to the
many friends who eowillingly, by word
end aot came h
r s •
0 ou a eistsone in the M-
oen, death and burial of our daughter
Nettie. We_wili never forget it.
CARD or DUNaa.—We hereby deaire to
express our sincerest thanks to the many
kind friends who by word and deed gave
tie so many evidence' of their friendship
and sympathy during the illaese and
death of our loved one. May God re-
ward them all,
Grey Deo, 6. 1906.
LAWN Ftantri ,,—The funeral of Mies
Nettie, daughter of Donald Campbell,
16th eon„ was largely attended last
Saturday afternoon, 88 riga being meet.
ed in the procession. ,'iev. D. B. Mo.
Rae oondoobed a very impressive eervioe.
Peter Campbell, of Milton, end Robbie
MoDonald, of Acton, nnole and eonei0 to
deceased were here for the funeral.
Pall bearers were Donald MoTag.
gait, Robt Houston, Jno. A. Stew.
art, Wm. and Neil Duncan.
sou and Lain Taylor. The floral offer
inge were beautiful, a wroath from the
Christian Endeavor, of Knox ohernb,
Oranbrook, and briquets from Berlin
friende and one from the Bible alase of
the Presbyterian Sabbath Soheol were
among the tribntee, the latter c000mpan•
ied by the following verses :—
Dear sister thou has lett us,
All is sad and lonely here,
But it is God that nes bereft an
And Ile will our sorrows heal.
Though you were dear to ns dear sister.
Still jeans loved you more,
And Fie is wisdom called you home
Te Heaveu'e nappy Shore.
You are not lost to us dear sister,
But only gone before
Toreet us all in Heaven,'
When our toll and turmoil's o'er,
Adieu I Adieu ( dear sister,
Those words we sadly eay,
31111 we know we'll meet In Heaven
When the mist nus rolled away.
The family spoke very kindly of the
oarefal attendance of nurses and doctor
ib Berlin hospital and the kind attention
of friends during their stay. Rev Mr.
Bradley, Preebyteriao minister, of when
church Nettie wee m member, celled
regnently and when onehle to nail made
kindlyenquiries by telephone. These
mete of brotherly and sisterly kindness
will long live in the memory of the
Huron County Council.
The Connell met on Tuesday afternoon
of this week, at 8 o'alook, in the Town
Hall, Beneeels, Warden Miller in the
ohalr and Go, Oonuoiilore McKenzie, Ma.
Leen, Oaubelon, Ferris, Lamont, Mc-
Naughton, Spaokman, Gardiner, Mord.
son, Grieve, Currie, McQuillin, Iebieter,
Bryan and Dolg K 1 err please,
Minntee of last regular and special
meeting were read and adopted,
The Warden addressed the Council
drawing attention to the settlement with
Mr. Young, whose daughter was drowned
at Port Albert lair July ; the progress of
bridge work ; and other matters to be
considered at this meeting.
Letter from J. 5, Roberteon, Seorelary
of The National Sanitarium eteeociatiou,
read and sent to Executive. Memorials
teem Norfolk, Leede end Grenville and
Waterloo counties were read and sent to
Specify,' Oomnaitteer Letter. from °apt,
Haile, relative to his company was filed,
Oommitmeot of Florence Brown to the
oars of the Children's Aid Society, Beat
to Spatial Committee, Returns showing
expense of Entrance examinations in
Hest and Ween Huron wete sent to
Education Committee. 13y -law of the
Townebip of Howiok to close up a oertala
Mad allowanee and asking tine Connell
to oonilrm the samea
w g sent t0 the
Road and Bridge Oominittee, Rennie
from Education Department ehowing
amellute paid for Continuation grants,
gent to Education Oommtttee, throttler
Pow theOCout
crib Municipal A sonic la t'
asking that the Council appoint one or
more delegates, eentto Specie' Commit
tee. Tenders for repairs bo °Dori room
ito Court Hauge were sent to Exeoetive
Committee. Secretary of the Goderiob
Collegiate Institute reported that Inv.
Dr. Ura, a trainee, had died glen lett
meeting. Filed. A bomber of a000uuts
wee° read and gent to the Finance Oom.
Report of County Solioilor referring to
By law No. 7 wee read end laid on the
table, Report of Jailer was read and
referred to Go. Property Committee.
Report of Warden's Committee was read
and taken up In Committee with: Mr.
Iebteter in the ohair. Report .passed.
The release from Mr. Young treeng the
Huron Go, from lumber claim was flied.
Report of Read end Bridge Committee
respeoting the bridge at Bay Beal was
passed. Mr. McNaughton wimpy•
tug the ohair in the Committee.
Report of Committee reepeatiug
tenders for bridge work, at meeting held
in Seaforth or July lltb, 1905 , read.. In
Committee, with Mr, Mol5enzie in the
ohair, it passed after, dleoussiou.
Moved by Mr. McLean, mended by
Mr. McQuillin, that Rev, Joseph Elliott
be apl,otutett Trustee of Goderlob
Collegiate Institute to 1111 the vacancy
caused by the death of Rev. Dr. tire.
Moved in amendment by Meson. Ferris
and Gardiner that appointment be left
over until tomorrow for ooneideration.
Motion parried.
Moved by Mr, Iebister,seoonded:by Mr.
°matelon that the Clerk be instructed to
notify Me Cretin of the various
maniotpalities in the Go. that it will be
nnnepeeaary to take a vote at the next
Mnnioipal elections on By-law No. 7,
1904, dealing with the Go. Councils. Aot.
Moved by Mr. Mo1erzie, senaaded by
Mr. Ferris that By Jaw Nu. 7,' 1904 be
repealed and that a ely'law to shat efieot
De pawed. Carried.
Moved by Mr, Spackman, emended by
Mr. Carrie that By-law No. 2 of 1899
referring to bridges be repealed and at
By-law be prepared relating to roads and ,.
bridges in conformity with Seo. 617,
Municipal Act of 1908 end Seo. 27 of
Reeve Henderson welcomed the Go•
Council to Bruaeele and invited them to
atteud a complimentary Supper ou
Thursday evening. tex•wardene Leckie
and Kerr, Principal Cameron, Iaepeator
Bubb, village Clerk Soots and Barrister
,41uaDouald aieo briefly addressed the
Cannon Meng the Bane line, after whiuh
th„ Warden expreased the thanks of the
member. and the Conuml adjunrnod to
meet on Wednesday at 10 o'clock,
Comm OpnNaaa, Pep SOEIPTa.
The °oanty Contrail when it met in
Brunelle 19 years ago was composed
of 51 members, .with Warden Betz in
the ohair. Co. Ouuuoiilors were ee fol.
Iowa :—Messrs. Gr,$io, MoMarohie,
tltruthere, Kelly, Rogan, A, MoMarohie,
Corbett, Blaine, 3touttte, Bisset, John.
soon, Cameron, Eiden, Beacom, Stretch -
au, Oliver, Bryane, Rennie, Relhdiesoh,
Zane, Ooolt, Jacques, MeaPlian, Britton,
Bays, Manly, Wray, Bowe, Milson,
Seattle, Torrance, Campbell, Rate,
Elba, Rink, McPherson, Walker,
timillie, Hey, Harney, Currie, Ander.
son, Gurviu, Damien, Clegg, Scott, and
Anderson. No less than 12 of the above
Pee passed away from time. The only
present member who was in the Go.
uaauotl in 1880 it Edward Bryane who
is one of the reprseentativee of the Div -
mien uomprised by Grey, Morrie and
Bruaeele. Mr, ,Bryane bas not been in
the Gannon 000tinuouely however.
Bengalis luoality has Pout ex Wardeua
viz: Jno. Latium, Thos. Straohan, W.
H. Kerr and Jas. Bowman, respectively.
-A oumpumentary Banquet wuf oe tend.
Bred the County Commit on Thursday
of this week at the American Hotel.
dipper served at 8.80 o'otook. (litmus
and otbere deairoua of participating may
secure tickets from Reeve Henderson or
Coanoi,lore Jones or Stewart, the eon
being 50 agate nob to oot.mem-
bare of the County Connell.—
Who will be Warden next year 7 Ao•
wtding to the rule eetabtfabed it will go
,o a member adhering to ills Conservative
Leith and among the most likely aspirants
is the genial Hugh Spaukman, of Exeter,
pa happy"Bob" MoLeau, of the townof
iiloderloe, It is mad Warden
Mu ler might be eligible for
euotber term if he'd promise to
uhauge hie politics but even the allure.
amnia et the onset ohair will hardly
UG autOieieut to divert him tram the ways
.,1 hie yootb. Sp/Warned Ia the likely man.
—Clerk Lane is the beet story hailer—
we dou't mese "alba"—iu animation with
.he Conned. T. Le. Hays, of Seatortb,
used to head the Ilet and Ooouoillor
Lamour is not a bad 'Bound, but Mr.
Lane looks eo very eernoos over it.
—Everybody loves Dr. Holmes attd.
apeonat atteonment is evidenced at the
cioee of the last baeaiou,--Jno. Ansley,
ne veteran Go. 0ommieaioner, of Wing.
nam ; Dr. Slum, the urbane pbysiotan of •
,be lineae of Refuge, Chelan ; ex•Watd•
en Torrence, 01 Gnutou, who le Iuspeotnr
of the same institution; ex•Wardeue
Cox and Leckie, two of the Go. Valuators
were In atteuuauoe at the Go. Conned
tnis week.—They eay that No. 5 at the
Amertoau Hotel etaude for the moat
orderly guests during the (lo. °ouuott,
A goodly number of visitors dropped In '
,o see the Go, Parlinment fu seeuWn thus
wank.—The report pf tau Co Valielore
'was presented today (l it basdity.) A
printed report will be mailed 10 ea011 of
,be Oouutyoowspapere this wank. --Taste
were 9I mutates in one House of Refuge
on Deo, let, 67 melee mud 81 females,
there Wars 16 caliche daring lbs pan.—
there were Ave Meilen bunt this year
to the County besides the abutmeubn at
Rat Beld for a uew bridge 280 feet long
L(3be put up (text yuan, --Go, Oounoi! or
Grieve was botbere ith
uw itn'atnk
attack of
umb `i
ago,—A blolil top derogation ap•
peered before the Couaoil on Wta•
„eeday afternoon and argand but' their
ease 00neorning Go, boundary bridges,—
uottnell will nkely aonolade the bttelneee
by Friday noon. Co Valuator Bawdtc
nae jurat returned trona ' Ilse Old
Cottony with to dozen heavy Koren,
(Continttsd next week) •—.
.t. LDAltrl i0ALa 1802 the eiok lief hut'
Mlle. (bonen BAExaa nes been i1l ;his , •
weak, We trust ebe Will soon Ira can,
yaleegenk, •