HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-11-30, Page 8CHRISTMAS
In a day or two we will have on
exhibition our new Holiday
Goode, comprising so many dif-
ferent Bose, and things which
Will snit everyone, something for
the boys and girla and lots for the
older ones,
is an old adage but we would re-
mind you that the biggest choice
is to be had right now at the
first. Many lines cannot be
daplioated and the beet things
go first.
This week we have a very hand-
some lot of Christmas Calendars
which ere truly wonderful value
There are nine or ten different
deeigne to ohoose from, some
decorated with flowers, others
with scenery, c@o.
See Window Display
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows i
Mail 7:06 a.m I Mixed 8tio a,m-
Mixed...„ ...11:26 a.m mail...1:44 p,m
Expreea 8:02p.m Express .,.... 8:61p,m
rood t,t sins,
A ohiel'e amang ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll great ie.
THE Poet gives the news.
Co. Council next week in Brussels.
WEDDING stationery at THE Pose.
CHRIBTAIAS 3 weeks from nest Monday.
READ the advertisements and save
A OAS of baled hay was forwarded by
Alf. Baeker.
RESERVED eeat tiakete for Grand Oon•
cert at Fox's Drag Store. Plan open.
tomorrow, Friday Deo. lab.
PETER Bream baa arrived home from
Manitoba and has again taken charge or
the shoe repairing department at I. C.
De. BUTLER, specialist, will be at the
American Hotel, Sentinels, Thursday Deo.
7th, when he will be pleased to have
persona desiring his proteoeional skill
or advioe, oall and see him.
Mies Posers MITonELL has taken a
position with Mies Eastman ie the
Dressmaking Department of Messrs.
Ferguson & Roee' store where she win
be pleased to meet all her former
Tan Tennis Club Committee have
secured tbe very best talent that could
be brought to town. The program :s
being arranged and bill of fare will
appear in one next issue. Admission
500,85o and 26o.
A. imam of the County Press Aseo•
elation wee annonuoed to be held at
Blyth last Friday bot only three of the
quill drivers patting in an appearance
nothing was done outside of the exchange
of journalistic compliments.
Tax REASON—George Thomson informs
THH Pose the reason the prise of a roof
of bread is higher in Brussels than in
Clinton is because the loaf here weighs 2
lbs., whereas at Olinton it only scales 1�
lbs. We are very fortunate a000rding to
this se we get both quantity and quality.
A BUSY STORE.—While palling at
Blyth last Friday a representative of
Teta Pose took a run in to the well
known store of MaKiunon & Go. and
found them as busy as Palters. Mr,
Kinnon has been in business for man,
yeare at Blyth and his trade was never
better. He will have to increase the size
of hie More if busineee continues to grow
as 11 hoe been doing.
CARD OF THANES.—We hereby desire to
express our einoerest thanks to the many
kind friends who by word and deed gave
ae ao many evidences of their friendship
and sympathy daring the Meese and
subsequent demise of our loved one. It
was most highly appreoiated.
Yoore gratefully,
Bruseele, Nov. 29, 1906.
eon of T, K. Powell of Turnberry, bee
been appointed by the Bishop of Huron
to the inaumbenoy of Christ's Church,
Markdale, until his ordination in the
Spring. Hie leaving Huron College was
the 000aeion of a midnight supper in hie
honor Friday night last, in the dorm:•
toriee of the college. After a number or
theater and reeponoee, three hearty chests
were given for the guest of the evening
Arid Lang Syne was then sung and the
happy company dispersed. Mr. Powel,
supplied St. John's thumb in Breese
foe several months last year and bas
many friends here who will be pleased to
bear of hie 0000888.
meeting of the direeters of East Hero.
Farmers' Institute was held in the
Coattail chamber, Braesele, Saturday
afternoon. Those present were : Pres:•
debt McMillan ; Vioe President Elliott ;
Directors ; Gardiner, Simpson, Watt,
Lawson, Miohie MoTaggart, Campbell,
Kerr, McCracken, Gibson, Kilos, an:
Perrfe, and Seoretary.Treaeurer Mo.
Arthur. After making arrangeweute
for the supplementary meetings to be
heldin January, a dle5oeeiun todk plane
with respect to the advisability of
offering prizes for essays on some tabjeo
connected with farming. It wee de
aided to offer three prizee let $6 00, 2nd
48.00, and 3rd $2,00 for the beet essays
on "How to make the most profit on the
farm." Easaye to be written by farmers
0r farmer's sons, ander 40 yearn of age
and be limited to length so it oan be r561
in 10 minutes and the prize winners
will be read at the January meetings of
the Inetitute, The Emmett, will be judged
by one of the Proteeeore of the Ontario
Agrioaltetal College, Guelph. They
mast be gent in to the Beoratory before
the first Of January. P. A. MoArther,
Braeeele, P. 0,, It was moved by ltlr.
Watt, seconded by Mr. Gardiner that the
tepreeentative to the meeting of On tam
Partnere' Institute ofB:ete in Toronto
peaeive 94.00 for hie expatiate. Carried,
A 0. DAMES shipped two oars of hogs
this week.
TRY and bear Charles Kelly the
famous Base sotoietDos 8th.
Ono. tense shipped a oar of cattle from
Brueeels since our last keine.
VooxL, Comic, Violin, Guitar and
Mandolin, Friday evening, Deo. 8811.
Secure 1108080 at Foxe Drug Store.
Plan opens to morrow (Friday.)
Dn. OVENS, M. D. Surgeon, Ooonllet,
Speoialfot, Diseases of Eye, Ear and
Nese treated and glasses fitted properly.
Will be et Smith's Drug Store, Bruseele,
ou Toeeday, Deo, 12th. Hours, 8 a. m.
to 130 p. m.
Tare weak A. Ragbag and "company,
iron dealers, of London, left Bruseelefor
the Forest oily after a aoj.orn of a few
weeks here. They shipped 4 care of
metal while here whiob is a good reword
for this time of year, The people be
dealt with give Mr. Hughes a good name.
HERE J. H. Cameron the humorist
"At the cop of hie profeeelou ae a pureli,
entertainer"—Beltsville Daily Ontario—
and Miee Maud Bneohlen, violinist, The
Elora Express says ;—Mise Maud Busch•
leu with tier violin eeleotione captivated
the Rbdiance. She ie an artist of rare
After an illness extending over ' six
months, Rev. Robert H. Warden, D. D
General Agent and Treasurer of tbe
Presbyterian ahuroh in Canada, passed
away Sunday morning in the preserve
of Mrs. Warden and his three eons. Iu
the midst of hie manifold aotivitea in
church and business circles, Dr. Warden
was enddeoly affitoted last May with a
fatal me ady. For some time be remake
ed et Roohe'e Point, but in the beginning
of September, finding that the canoero0r
growth had not abated, he removed to
Queen's Hotel Toronto. Hie last hours
on earth were epeot in the full use of hie
Nineties, sad fortunately, the drean
ravagee of the malady were not Room
peeled in hie case by the usual suffering.
Ever thoughtful of others, among his lael
earthly acts was to providethat those
personal attendants who had bestoweo
much patient pare and kindness upon
him daring hie illness should be rewarded.
Amoue hie public begneete were .$10,000
to Knox College and $5,000 each I.
Qaeeo'e Uaivereity and the Montrea'
Presbyterian College. Dr. Warden
married Miee Jemima MoCaekill, daugb
ter of the late Wm. McCaskill, Ithnednnao
Isle of Skye Scotland. Their famile
cambers five, two danghtere and three
teens. Tne daughters are Mre. R. A
Dunton, Mre, Fairman, Montreal, ane
the sone are William in the banking
erviae ; Alexander, who bas been assist.
Rot to his father, and Lyle who is stili at
ohool. Dr, Warden was President of Eh,
Metropolitan at the time of his death
on Tbaredny night of last week th•
spirit of Janet Letitia, youngest dangbte
of James and Mrs. MoArter, Thoma,
street, Braeeele, took its flight. Deoeae
ad ,who had only been ill for eight days
from cerebral meningitis, was a brigb,
young girl in her 15th year and a gener
favorite. She talked oalmly and resigners
ly of her going away and Bang "Th.
Holy City," "Love Divine," "Nearer M
God to Thee" and the "Glory Song" a,
indioative of the happiness elle soon
expected to enter upon. Her death is
regtetled by many both old and yoane
and the bereaved are deeply sympathizen
with. The funeral, on Sunday afternoon,
was very largely attended, 91eponveyaooee
being counted ib tbe procession. Rev
Dr, Ross aondnoted the eervioe. Pall
hearers were Norman Smith, Riahare
Oardiff, R. J. MoLaaohlln, Stewart
Gantt, Cleve, Beaker and R. Work
Many and beautiful were the flora
offerings, three of them doming from
Melville Sabbath Sohool, the Little Stare
Mteeion Band and the Public School and
teaabere, Among those from a distance
attending the funeral were Jno. Moir and
Wm. and Mre. Russell, of Exeter • Mre.
Felton, of Benenll ; Mre. Geo. Right
mat, of Michigan ; Mrs. H. Colbert, of
Egmondville ; Robert and Mre MoArter,
of Tileooborg, and Mise Mary MoArter,
who is abteuding Model-Sohool at0lintoo
The latter and Mr. MoArter mentioned
are slater and brother to the dammed.
I am home In Heaven, dear 0008 ;
08, 80 happy and so bright l
There is peefeet Joy and beauty
Ill tbie everlasting light,
Alt the pain and grief aro over ;
Every mattes a tossing passed;
I am now at pcao0 for ever,
Safely home fn Heaven at last I
Did you wonder Iso calmly 1
Trod the valley of the shade ?
Ah 1 but Janus' love lllumitedl
Every datk and fearful glade, •
And He came Himeelt to meet -me
In that wey an hard to trend
And With Jenus' erne to lean on,
Could/ have one doubt or dread 7 .,,o
Then you moat not ggrieve go sorely,
For I love you deafly still ;
Try to look beyond earth's shadows,
Fray to trust our Fatber'e wllf,
There is work 81111 walting for you,
Hs 9081 must not Idly stand;
Do ib now while 111e temalueth...
Ton Shall rest in Jeeua'1aud,
When the work le an completed
Ho will gently call Sou Homo,
Ob the teepters of that meetitg I
oh, thetas, to see yon come 1'
amisuariptAIMMOMIUMfbief 1021.21.4....
Peen oresoent Wok pin lost last San.
day. Finder will muoh oblige by leaving
it at THE POST,
TINS week It, Leatherdale & Sou per.
chased the undertaking baeinees of
George Cardiff, hearse, eto., and will
amebae it with their establishment,
REGARDING Mies Hattie Kelly "'Phe
Herald," Alliston, sale "Mise Hattie
Kelly is a sweet ginger and olever pianist
and in addition to several choice eoloe,
is an aaoompliehed mandolinist."
ArOIDENT, —Thos. Moore, while millet.
ing B. Gerry last Moudey at repeire to
the windows of the Methodist ohurob had
the misfortune to have his right hand
eeriouelyinjured by having it caught by
a deeoendiug each. We hope he will soon
regain the usefulnese of this important
THE POST is sorry to report the death
of Dorothy Leona, the youngest daughter
of Duncan and Tillie Mohiartin, of Hen
sell, which sad event took pleas last
Saturday. The baby was two months
old, She was buried at Brussels Deme
Wiry on . Sunday. The parents will be
sympathised with in the lose of their
little daughter.
stated that Eph. ()ober, of Brussels, bee
closed a bargain with L. Sauteed, of
Moorefield, for the purohaee of his bard.
ware and tinware business in that
village. The probebilitiee are that
George Innes will take charge of the
tinware departmdnt. Mtg. ()ober and
family wil not remove to Moorefield un.
til atter the New Year. While sorry to
lose air. Cober from Brussels we wish
him stemma in hie new busineee. Be
should do all right as he is industrioue,
level beaded and has aeon enough of the
world to know how to treat hie o0etomert
ao as to retain them and increase the
A WINNIPEG paper says of a niece of J.
end Mre. Leckie of Bruseele :—Saturday
evening Mise Annioe MoKiunon, daughter
of P. D. and hire. McKinnon, Kennedy
street, entertained her young',friends.
Delightful amusements were provided
for the boys and girls, The conundrum
oouteet proved very exciting and Mise.
Polk pleased every guest with her
humorous recitations. Instead of having
e regular birthday party klieg Annioe
annoaaoed a "shower" for bhe obitdreu'e
shelter. Her friends responded to thie
request most generously, and it was a
happy group of obildren at the home
who greeted Miss Annioe yesterday after
noon when she presented to them the
ebandance of warm stockings, mitts and
After many varried experiences owing to
the unoertaintlee and iuotemeooies of the
weather the cement walls of the Colo
Storage building for Robert Thomson,
',ocher of Turnberry and Market streets,
are about aompieted. It was the greatest
experience P. J. McDonald, the 0ontra06ot
ever had but he and his etaff stook to the
work in good style and have the
eatiefaotion of getting through with tba
heaviest portion of the work, The Carey
roof is on the main building and will be
pat on the balaooe of the block as eon,
as possible, With the doors and windows
in their plates the fitting up of the
interior oan proceed ao as to get ready fur
the atorage of ion this Winter. When
the block is completed it will not only
be of great esrvioe to the proprietor and
lbs community but will materially in•
prove the appearance of the town, as it
will be a fins looking block.
POST SaRIPae.—This ie the last day of
November,—The youngsters have been
doinga little skating on a small pond le
a field on Geo. Robb'e fat m.— Council
meeting next Monday evening, -600
turkeys were shipped from here ou
,Monday by H. George, to the Ole
Country. They were forwarded with
the featbere on, peaked in cases.—A. 0.
0. W. Friday evening sof this week,—
dobool Board will meet Friday evening
of next week.—Huron Go. Council ooh•
vanes here on Tuesday afternoon next at
8 o'clock and will continue io eeseio0 nn•
til Friday noon probably.—Quite a
quantity of short wood is being battled
to town. Some of it has the decent on
the fifth word.—A. train that has been
working at Wingbam station grounds
has been paeeing up and down morning
and evening from Palmerston with tht
employees.—Some very neat store win.
dow dressing is being done by a nom.
ber of our business .men.—What about
the G. T. R. putting down a sidewalk
from Tnrnberry street to the depot nes+
Spring ? The Council should log thole
memory,—All taxes not paid by the
arose of Deo. 14th, will have 5% added.
Don't forget thia.—The weather has
been very ohangeable during the pant
week or so, some days giving a half doz
en varieties.—Rabbit hunting ie on the
peogram and usually with considerable
5000005 to the sportsmen but bad look
to the bunnye.—Angus Kerr, who War
oommitted to stand hie trial for an
aggravated assault on Joseph Qaeriu,
some time ago was taken to Godertale on
dnoday.—Read the announcements of
the business men and prove their correct.
nese by calling on them and putting
them to the test.—The improvements
made in the store of Geo, N. McLaren
and the interior arrangements of the
windows in the front are very noticeable
and deolded advabtegee,—Three decks
.,f fine lambs were shipped to Buffalo
lash Saturday by Meeses. Black & Barr,
--The can seta now about 4 48 p, m.,
tending greatly to the abbreviating of
the daylight.—Thureday of this week
the Bret monthly Horse Fair of
this season was held in Bruseele,
The date of the next one will be Thera
day January, 4th, 1908 —It's really our.
prising the amount of scrap iron,
pegs, eta., collected by A, Bogbee and
company who were making their bead.
gaarten at Brunette for a few weeks.
—J. Leslie Kerr ie on the programtfor
a tepee of Solos at the Methodist Tea
Meeting, in Wroxeter, Monday evening.
—Mise Winnie McGuire is billed to take
part in a L. 0. L. Concert at Belgrave on
Tuesday, Deo. 12th.—Prof. Dorenwend
will be at the American Hotel, Brbseels,
on Friday of this week. It you require
anything in the line of up•to date hair
goods °all on him.—Miee Norma Van.
Stone, of Wingbam, wee in Brussels for a
couple of days recently with a very
headoome display of band painted china,
She was doeiriona of organizing a olaee
in this alt but will not commence until
after the holidays. Mies Van.
Stone le vary peofieient In the work. --An.
other business change, if not more, is
mooed.—Tuesday forenoon wart an
awakener datto the Doming Winter, people
will likely take the bink,—Listowel
was defeated last Saturday afternoon by
the Broadview football team, of Toronto,
by 9 Id 1. The winuete took the matole
the week previous in the • Queen
city by a wore of 2 to 0, Matoboe were
for the obampionship of Ontario and the
Bruedviewe have it, Llstowel had not
kept up their preotioe and Beware! remov.
ale had ehauged their team —The mud
and refuse was °leanoil off the iron
bridge on Wednesday,—A great rush
of grain shopping ham been done during
the past month by the mills in Bruseele.
—weduesday'e strong wind cracked the
glass in H. It Brewer's street photo
allow case, —The telephone oerviee iu
Brussels es numb impetus/eel in its axteed
ed form.—Tbere have been seven
interments made In Broaoels cemetery
during the month of November, and
several others in adjacent burying plume,
The grim Reaper bas been busy.—A
double deohed poultry orate, the length
and width of a wagon, was built by D.
Ewan, & Co. for R. Thomson to be
utilized in the collecting of live poultry,
It will carry a large number of fowl and
was pct in service on Wednesday, of
this week.
Ul1URU11 Wildi(S.
The Methodist Sabbath Boboul voted
975.00 from their fonds to the Trustee
Board of the church to be applied on
debt redaction co January let,—"Oar One
Excuse," will be the topic in the Melville
Young People's Guild next Sabbath
evening, to be taken by Mimeo Belle
Strachan and May Deadman,—At the
A. Y. P. A. meetlug in St. John's ohuroh
oast Tuesday evening "Daniel" will be
the interesting topic. Mrs. H. James
will introduce it.—A Obrietmas Praise
eervioe entitled "Heralds of Light" is
being prepared by the choir of the Metho
dist oburoh.—Oliarlee Riohsrdeon, of.
town took charge of the eervioe to Jemee•
town, last Sabbath evening. Anniversary.
servioes will be held in the Methodist
ahorob on Sabbath, December 24th. A
cash offering will be taken instead of
holding a Tea meeting. The Trustee
Board is aebing for 975.00 to meet half
yearly payment of the interest, repairs,
etc„ to the (March. The name of the
preacher for that day will be annonnead
tater.—"The upward way of life" was
Rev, Dr. Roes' theme last Sabbath
morning and in the evening "The power
of sin".—Last Sabbath W. H. Kerr was
on the Wroxeter oirouit assisting the
pastor, Rev. J. H. Osberbout, B. A„' in
the anneal Mieaionaryeervioes,—Rev. Mr.
Tait, of Port Dalhousie, will o0uupy the
pulpit of Melville chetah next Sabbath.
—Rev. Dr, Noss will preach at that point
on that day.—Rev. T. W. (Jostens took as
the topic of last Sabbath morning's
discourse "The soul winner's reward”
and in the evening spoke on "A tent in
the wrong plaoe."—Thureday of last week
Rev. F. M. Lang•Ford, of .Sb. John's
oburob; Brussels, took part in the induct
tion eervioe of Rev. W. Hartley, the new
pastor of Trinity ohurob, Belgrave,
Blyth 18 associated with Belgrave as one
charge. A good time was enjoyed.
EXECUTIVE.—The Exea0 live Oom-
mitteeof the Wingbam Dietrot Epworth
League met in the board room of the
Wiogham Methodist ehurob on Friday
November 24tb, at 2,30 p. m. Members
preemie John Kerr, Rev. Dr. Gandy,
Reeds, W. A. Smith said A. E. Jones,
Mre, Pattison, Misses Staples and
Loyd. After numerous items of hardness
had been transacted a prolonged disoas•
cion took piton concerning the work to
be undertaken by the various Dieoriot
officers during the year at tbe close of
whiob it was resolved that sash of the
vine Presidents correspond with the vioe
Presidents in all the Leagues aoaneruing
the work being done in their various de.
partmedte, encouraging energetic work
in them all. It was tben ooanimoael,
resolved that a Sommer Bahool be held
in 1906. and John Kerr, W. A. Smith
and A. E. Jones were appointed a com-
mittee 1" investigate the questions of
finaime, time, plume and talent and to re.
port to the next meeting of the executive
to be held in Wingham at 9 a. m., Fri.
day, Jan. 9th, 1906.
The official returns for North York
make Mr. Ayleaworth'e majority 404.
L. J. Seargeant, late General manager
of the Greed Trunk, died in Loudon.
Business Locals.
A raw tborobred barred Rook. pallets
for sale. NoanxaN SMITH, Brussels,
WANTED.—Choioe Turkeys, dry plaited,
and undrawn, 15o. All kinds of fowl seed
dried applal wanted. GEO. E. Klee,
6 BOR 10.=ro close out the balance of
Sheet Music we will sell 6 sheets for 10
ciente. Both vocal and instrumental.
Tan Pose.
Leeman pocket book lost in Bruseele
on Nov. 161h, 0ontainiug a sum of money.
Initials were on oamide. A suitable re.
ward will be paid on leaving it et THE
Pose Pabliabing House.
ALL kinds of poultry wanted for which
the highest cash prime will be paid for
good fat, dry pioked poultry, starved
properly before killing. Delivery at
once. R. Tamagni.
SHARPzxsnoo,—If your carving knives or
any edge tools need sharpening I have
invented and am Halog the latest ebarp
ever that oan give that easy, sweet, keen
putting edge. T. 11'I5Gutoon, Mid et.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Martin
Gaylor, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron, gen-
tleman, deosaeed,
Notion is hereby given, pursuant to Bevis.
ed statutoe of Ontario. 1807, Chap. 100, and
amended Auto, that all oroditore and
others having ally olatme against the estate.
of the said Martin elaylo1 who died on
or about the 28th day of October, A, D, 1000
ere required, an or before the 28rd day of
Deoembor, 1800, to send by poet prepaid, or
deliver to A. B, Macdonald, of the Villese of
Bruseele, in the County of Huruu, Nolicitor
for Daniel Glaeoior and Elizabeth eaylor,
texeouboes of the estate of the said demand,
the full partieularo of their claims, the
statement of their auoounte and the nature
Of the 000uritiso(if any) held by them,
And notice is further given that after the
said last mentioned date the sale Exseu-
tore will proceed 10 distribute the ae0et0
of the deceased amongst the parties entitled
thereto having regRard Only to the claims of
6hb(eh flyby shall than leave. noti000110 that
e said Executors will nob be Hallo
for the agate, or any part thereof, to May
porton or 015x08110 of Whose 0laime nether,
shall' tot heel been received by them at the
aim a et snob dtetribntlon.
Dated ab Bruseele this Seth day of Nov.
ember, A, D. 1905.
21.8 Solloltor for Executors,
Ji lir
00MF00TA002 dwelling for sale Or tO let.
Immediate poseaetion can be given.
Apply to I. 0. RroHARDa.
GENT',' kid glove found. Owner may
have it by proving property and paying
for this notion by calling at THE Pose.
Puttee loot on Saturday evening, 181b
loot., containing a sum of mousy.
Finder will kindly leave it et THE Pose
for the owner,
CAMPBELL,—In Berlin Hospital, on
Nov. 28th, Lucy Jeahet, youngest
daughter of Donald and Charlotte
Campbell, 16th con., Grey, aged 18
years,1 mouth and 15 days.
CLARE.—In Morrie, on Nov. 27th, Alex.
ander Clark, aged 69 years, 1 month
and 26 days.
MaARmau,—Iu Brussels, on Nov. 23rd,
Janet Letitia, youngest daughter of
Jas. and Mre. MoArter, aged 14
years, 10 menthe and 25 days.
MOMeRTIN,—At Hensen, on Nov. 26th,
Dorothy, Leona, infant daughter of
Duman and Tillie McMartin, aged 2
MaNaxn.—In Grey, on Nov. 25th, John
Edmund, third eon of Peter McNeil,
aged 19 yenta, 6 menthe and 8 days,
VouxEN.—In Grey, on Nov. 27th, Robert
Vodden, in hie 85th year.
B. Na. 4, Macdonald. Duties to ocm-
menoe January let, Apnlioetion stating.
salary to be in by December 20111.
Echo Boy, Algoma.
,., haven't
Ti 17 r ` e
t® Bough
White Pine
and Tar
TMHZ VSS33170 M.A.R. TM M.q.
Fall Wheat 76 77•
Barley 40 42
Peas 65 67
Oats 34 36.
Butter, tube and retie.,,, 19 20
Eggs per dozen,.18 19
Ray per ton 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 6 00 6 60
Hoge, Live 6 25
Wool 23 28
Salt, per bbl., retail....,1 00 70
Potatoes per bee 95 40
Apples (per bbl,) 1 60
WEWE have been busy fax the past week checking and placing New Goods in stock, and we are now-
t in a position to serve you well. Possibly some are not aware that our stock is STRICTLY
NEW in every sense of the word—not one dollar's worth of the entire stook has ever been in a Retail
Store before. It is our intention to keep a first-class, well assorted stock of General Dry Goode,
Ladies' and Men's Furnishings ; Ready-to-wear Waists, Skirts and Coats for Ladies' and Girls
Ready-to-wear Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Children ; Boots, Shoes and Rubbers of all,
kinds. We will always pay the highest market price for Produce.
We have had over eighteen years' experience in buying and selling Merchandise and we think we
know the trick of buying the right goods at the right time and at the Lowest Possible Prices. We
invite comparisons in prices at all times. When on the market three weeks ago we secured a number
of lines at less than regular prices. Here are a few Specials while they last :—
weffieil's Ready-to-wear Deft
$2.50 Women's All Wool Grey Frieze Skirts $1.75
—12 only Women's All Wool Plain Grey Frieze Skiirta
assorted sizes, perfeot fitting, on sale while they last for.. 91 75
3.00 Women's All Wool Blue Frieze Skirts . 2.25
—12 only Women's All Wool Plain Navy Blue Frieze
Skirts, extra full, perfect fitting, assorted lengths 37 to
42, on sale while they last for $2 25
8.75 and 4.00 Women's Fancy Tweed Skirts 8.00
-24 Women's I''anoy Tweed Skirts in light and med-
ium oolors, large broken °books, in the correct style, per-
fect fitting, all sizes, on sale, your choice while they last 8 00
1.25 to 1.50 Women's Dark Colored Shirt
Waists for . . . . .98.
—10 dozen Women's Shirt Waists in Cott :n Costume
Clothes, mostly in dark colors, made by the 0reeoent
Manfg. Co., of Montreal, all sizes 32 to 44, guaranteed
perfect fitting, your choice while they last 98
2.50 and 3.00 Women's French Flannel
and Delaine Waists for . . • 1,75
—20 dozen Women's Ail Wool Detains and French
Flannel Waiete, lovely assortment of colorings, regular
values 92.50 and $3,00, sizes 82 to 44, your ohoioe while
they last 1 75
Ready-to-wear Clothing Dep't
1.50 and 1.75 Men's Frieze Pants for . 1 25
—2 dozen Men's Wool Frieze Pante in Plain Navy
Blue, good quality Trimming, well trade in every way,
all Men's efees, regular prise 1.50 to 1.75, your choice
while they last for 1 25
2 00 Men's Tweed Pants for . . 1.50
—8 dozen Men's All Wool Tweed Pants, in a big range
of patterns, all sizes in the lot, regular values 2.00, your
choice while they last for 1 50
3.75 to 4.50 Men's Scotch Tweed and Wor-
sted Pants for . . . 8.00
—25 pairs Men's All Wool Sootoh Tweed and Fancy
Worsted Pants, in a splendid range of patterns ; this lot
is worth regular from 8.75 to 4.50 ; we bought them at ' 3
away below regular and offer you the ohoioe white they vest
last for 3 00
5.00 Men's Plain Grey Frieze Ulsters for 8.75
—12 only Men's Plain Grey Frieze Ulsters, with storm
collars, all sizes, regular prices 5.00 to 0.00, take your
choice for 3 75
3.50 Boys' Two-piece Snits for . ' 2.50
—17 only Boys Two-piece Suite, Norfolk style, in plain
Navy and Fancy Tweeds, sizee for Boys 6 to 12 years old,
regular pride 8.50, Sale price 2 60
Women's Furnishings
50c Cashmere Hose for . . 85o
—5 dozen All Wool Cashmere Hose, Plain and Em-
broidered, sizes 8} to 94, regular prioe 50o, your ohoioe
while they teat for 85
Women's All Silk Belts for . 25c
—4 dozen Women's Silk Belts, finished with buttons in
Blank, Cardinal, Brown, Green and Navy, Resorted sizes,
while they last for 25
Special in Dress. Goods
25c to 85c Dress Goods for 22c
—10 pieces Fanoy Tweed Drees Goods, in Light and
Dark colors, plain eergeo, in Black, Navy, Cerdigal, Gar-
net and Brown, your ahofe° while they last for 22
Staple Section
7o and 8c Flannelettes for
—10 pieces good quality Flannelette, dark colored,
stripes and oheuka, regular value 7o and 8c ; take them
while they last at
50o Table Linen for . 890
—75 yards Ext a Heavy Linen Tullio Damask, 2 yards
wide, good patterns, regular video 60o, while it lasts for., 89
70 Crash and Tea Cloth for 5e
—5 ends Roller Toweliibg, with oolored borders, also
Glass Towelling. in blue laud red checks, regular valne 7o,
take thorn while they last for 6
Boot and Shoe Department
—We have a complete stook of Men's, Women's and Child-
ren's Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Felt end Fancy 6fouee
Slippers—in feet the have just What you are looking for in
Footwear. Our prices are the lowest possible. Compare
them is all we ask, Soo price lilt for Shoes next week,
OUR Opening Sale was a success in everyway,
thank our friends for same. This week we
see all old Friends and Customers as well as new
Yours, for Mu
in fact much better than we had expected, and we
are in inueh better position and will bo pleased to
trial Benefit,
G. N. ideLAREN