HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-11-30, Page 6••••••••••••,......, 04-0-4-04-0-e-0-110• TFE titi8B1 WOMN !NERVE RACKING TRICKS THE MANY WAYS OF BREAK- ING YOVIL NECK. Looping the Loop and Devices That Followed -Pay Received by Perfermere, variation of the human arrow the bieycle is replaceil by A four Wheeled COr, which is stopPed abruptly by a buffer at the end of the upward curve while tho rider is hurled through space to a trapeze some distance anti fifty feet higher. Failure to catch the trapeze means certain death. Anothee startling application of the samo principle is maw) in an open air performance which has been ghee ,0.4-04-0+04.0-e-ogeo+.0-dneeeseece-0-.. Looping the loop and its progeny are tho most effective devices Yet Iii* Litany times itt America. England awl Young Perderby has a. cerium vented for prodtwitig apparent as well oe,,,,,,,,y. The indium' track Is sense of humor. Ilad he lived in its real danger, says the Scientilie f. erected On the shore of a lake or the Early Victorian era, Penderby Ameriean. Does any one still reinter. rivet Etna is 200 eet longThe .Would have been a king ,among prae- bee the bleyelist who ueecl to ride at Wetting platform is Et hundreil tea, terrifying speed down 11 steeillY lit' the top of the upward eurve about tical humorists. elincel siety-foot iteddere One eight foety feet ideove the ground. When He Was with Ellis and Preston sit- rides off the end of the en, .. att tick of vele Igo caused li is , tee eieyeasi ting in the club smolcing-room, when. uentn, but his net Was less dangerous. curve into space he lots go his mach - Ernest Paxton catered. Each sprang than the performances on etre' toil Me aud dives int') the water. to hie feet and grasped the wanderer and (foetal polis to which wo ho.vo This 1,,,maii,rrim maiNcm by the hand. It was slx years shire Since become accustomed. terrines the spectators, but the real Ito had lefb England, and they had I missed dear old Ernest. by James S'mitheon, better known as la looping the loop, first performed danger Is that of being struck and The few awkward though hearty , Diavolo, a bicyclist starts irokilled by the bicycle, a late whichn a greetings which Britons indulge in , idatiorm (10 feet high and plunges befell James Fleet in Chicago. i on occasions like these wore over. ; cluwn Et track which extends obliqueiyi An acrobat named Thompson ne.kes i and Ernn est was sitting looking 'a ; for 100 feet to the ground, eee a still more perilous plunge with the older and graver edition a the Ern- thence rises to form a complete spiral ald of simpler aPpareaus, leaping est they remembered, putting n. cigar loep 20 or 23 feet 10 diameter. Tat front the top of a very long vertical ; of his old brand. 1 steed acquired by the cylist in aceladder into a tank some distance ! T'I'm only back for a month or , scalding the inclined plane carries away, which 010080188 only 40 feet in length by 8 feet in width. A he said. "Felt I must come him around the loop. When Diavolo, I !sli ht error in making the leap would back out or the wilds and see old familiar faces once again, and—" "And?" repeated Ellis. "Well," Paxton said, after a mo- , „ ment's pause, "we're old lends, and atta• ,, While several cyclists were proper- / don't see why I shouldn't own up. "What's tbe lady e name? asked Penderby. "Shut up!" said Preeton. "Dou't know," said Paxton. They waited for the explanation, and Paaton drew a card from his • preceded by a great tope at on, c . , to Paris ho found ono Noiset, IL -tweed tiring him to the ground instead of the tank. profeseionally as Mepaisto, preparing to limp the loop at EL rival musio The automobile, the queen or sport, shares with the bicycle the glory of these dan,geroes exhibitions. One of the latest developments is the mons- trosity called the autobolide, which is making fame and fortune for Mlle. de Tiers Another young woman has been leee to consult the Dolt= on all Myer- Y ."'b fortunate, for a terrible accident has trod questions, anti apparently keot severity. She anaged so thorough - abruptly terminated the exhibition his promise, while tho Sober had ly to adopt Muscovite ideas that even her morals were suited to the Romanoff Court, as Is politely Put by a famous historian who said that "tho paternity of bee children was a matter of eorious doubt," Cathesino left an enlarged empire to her son Paul, and if ho had been a strong man Russia would have had it splen- did chance of becoming really great amoug the feee nations of the earth. But Pain was eVen below the average Romanoff standard, and, after four yearsof atrocious cruelty, oppres- sion and waste, he was murdered by his ministers, one of whom, Count Pahlen, wrote to the British Govern- ment at that Ulm: "It bo.s pleased the Eternal to call to himself llis Imperial Majesty the Emperor Paul, deceased In the night of the llth- "My sister's a good sort," he said. "and wastes no end of time moicioig writing inc all the little tittle-tattle The public soots tires of the strong - that comes so sweetly to it man in est sensations. The stationary loop the wilds. And one day she wrote , gave place to the rotating circle call - me about some private theatricals, . ed and gent me scene photograohs of THE DEVIL'S WHEEL, the characters. Among them was in which the cyclist opens like rt the orte I hold in my hand, and --sed squirrel. Taking his place inside the was caused, by an ingenious cambia- - I dare say you fellows will wheel, which is about tfteen feet •ili ation of springs and levers, to turn think nui a fool; out there one gets diameter, he pedals in a direction op- a complete somersault, after which a bit strange perhaps. I3ut, at any posit° to that of the wheel, and thits; it continued its dight to the emote - rate, I've fallen in love with tho lit- remains at the bottenn until tile' ; Ing platform, forty feet distant Irma tle lady this photograph represents. wheel has acquired considerable ve.ce-; the point when it had lett tho first I'm EL romantic fool, petit:ape., but city. Then he stops pedalling, au look at her." plies his brake, and is carried back- " -I section of the course. The act was particularly thrilling The photograph passed from hand ward and upward . . nearly to tho top,' because tbe vehicle, at the moment to hand in utter silence till it reach- whence he rushes denim arid nies . , of tho somersault, appeared to sttP , in its onward flight and consequently sentiment of national unity and who 121h of this month (March, 1001), around the revolving wheel with ed Penderbv. And that individual startlim, sn ed. gazed at it for a moment, and then ; to be in immineut danger of falling had g .. 6 . .. y a 1 p . Y• d be un to make headway areinst b stroke of a ea lex " At a *perlocrinance in Vienna a eye- ing to loop the loop honeetly, one 101111, 11110 Mini; to risk his life for amusemeet of spectators, devised a loop with a concealed groove which guided his alleel and kept it from falling. His trick was accidentally exposed by a clown who got his foot caught in the groove, and the dis- graced loom fell into obloquy aud THE HOME OF ROMANOFF HISTORY op nivnuSE AND °Buzz RULERS. The Record of the Itomanolfs Ig One of Strife and Assass- ination. day would doubtless be free. But they did not. Ills grandson, rata., 11110 succeeded him, Wed ebildless af. ter a three years' reign, and the daughter of the linbeelle brother of Peter ascended the throne, She died without. Issue and waft succeeded by her sisters Infant gran de 011, who nominally reigned for five months afi Wall V and was then deposed in The history or tho Hesse ef Eon- favor of Elizabeth, I eter s younger sister, end was brutally murdered in allot! is El. l'alllarkahl 0 one. Threo hun- dred yearn has it held dominion over his Cell alter twenty-three years' cap - Russia. At the beginning of the ilvItY• raimbetit herself dm ehild- Romano!? rlynaNtY, tau PalilAcal 110- less-sonto grim fate bas purseed ertlea of the Russians were greet,' theso lb:imam/Its all through their in turn, her seder's eon eompaved with those of to -day. The' history -end, 3‘01cnioecnituttireaditiopiiilso oirlytzjii,:nstitiaweshiset:oolse_ ,. ‘lv'eatsera itlirlu.,nktince ,i,,ifIcendmitnhge, tbhutteniilrai,a 1,..liel inns, such as the Emperor elauriee, 1 ambitious German wife, who, with zNiihoo bhatiki,unentldo, tcheseicroibteeciitiallielititiainiese clan, the assistance el some of Ow minis - tore, deposed hen. Ho was ordered . to the etch] usselburg-the Russian free people, impatient of contra'. Later, they were gradually orgenized: Bastille -but 110 never reached IL, into meearch ; having^ died on the way from the of nowesi,cal litotes, under Els or- Idailc, the founder of the Russian . Minister °Hair with special privileges, 1 Pressure of the thick thigets of the upon his wIndeine. century the power, wee a prince of Novgorod itt I This was described in the official the ninth centime. In the fifteenth; power passed to tee on tho same basis that the murder of despatches as "an attack of colic," Peter the Great's son was announced as duo to an apoplectic stroke, aud was only another of those suspicious ailments so suspiciously common in the family history of tho Romanoils, Grand Dukes of Moscone But, oven with the Bomanoff in power, there was for long nothing like autocraey. The authority a the throne was lim- ited hy the vested righte of two os- semblies, which in their general con- stitution were to some oetent analo- gous to the two houses of a modern legislature. There was the Houma or council of nobles, and the Sobor, which partook more of tho nature CATHERINE THE SECOND, the German murderess, who succeeded bine wee that Catherine known to Posterity as tho "Creat." And geoid she was in wae -and diplomacy, though she did nothing to ;freo the of a. states -general than a parliament Michael Ramona!, the first of the People from the brutal oppression or the nobility, which had all those lino pledged himself at his election • - of the aptly named whirlwind of jurisdiction in all malters of com- death," ln which she aPPeared re- mace and finance. Every subsidY coldly at a Paris music hall. In this the first Romano!! emperor received act the automobile, after running was granted by - down on inclined plane and up a 'PIM VOTE OF THE SOBOR. short curve, was projected into space in a nearly level position, like the The Roma:none came to the throne In thnes of bloodshed, and in blood - bicycle of tho human arrow. 13ut Whall the vehicle had reached the shed their reign has been perpetuated highest point of its trajectory it through three certturies. History does not explain why a flomanuff was elected. The country was in a turbulent state. The extinction of the Royal House of leurik had been followed by whet was known as the Smutnoye Vremyrt, the time ot trou- ble. The country was torn by civil war and devastated 03, the victorious armies of tbe great Sigismuncl, Xing of Poland. The man who revived the burst into a roar of laughter which •• fell from' to the floor, twent1 feet below. This the Poles was Pozheroki, and it Thus, at tho beginning of the nine - list stricken with apoploy - • 1 t. th v • 11 might reasonably have been expeeted teenth century, Russia, after two mon was c ue o vet's' ow pot-, would have discredited a humorous the tiewel and soon expired. But the ition of tho centre of gravity, which; that upon him the choice of the boy- hundred years of slavery and abomin- bull. dattger of cerebral congestion is nit caused the inverted body of the wo-1 ars, or nobles, would fall. But they ations called governments, WEIS ht a "I -I'm awfully sorry," he said, thonly one. The critical phase r man to move backward, at that itt- voted histead for a lad of fifteen, a ran mote degraded position than be - o o wiping his streaming face: "but I the act is the last, when both. the stain, faster than the center wasnoble of secondary rank, Michael fore the flied Romanoff ascended tho , can't help it, really. It's -it's too bicycle and the large wheel are be- moyim, forward. 1 Romanoff, whose only rcecnumenia- throne. Alexander I. followed Paul, funny for words. This isn't a um- inc brought to rest by brakes. The man at alit" "Eh?" said the three men. "No; it's --oh, my hatl-it's young Tom Maitland! I was in those thentrieaLs. We were a girl short, and Tout was always a girlish -look- ing boy, so we made him up, and he took the part. • Oh, say, Ern- est! Silent watches of the night, and ono guiding star at home, six- foot -two, with a beard and two ehil diem!" Peaulerby's mirtlt was so uproari- ous that Ellis and Preston could not repress a smile. And Paxton sinned. too. "If -it is rather a good joke, 3r011 fellows, isn't it?" he said. "Good- night !" He went out silently, but Pender- by's mirth grow more and more un- controllable. "011, has be gone?" he gasped out at last. "Ole dear, did you ever see anything like his expression? I wouldn't have missod it for no- trumps handl And the best of the joke is that It wasn't Maitland's photograph et all!" "Do you mean to say," said Ellis "that you've been playing ono of your Idiotic trielcs?" "Yes; it's Maude Maitland's pic- ture. The idea struck me, and simply couldn't resiet it." "Pondorby, you're a lunatic!" said Ellis. "I'm going to find Ernest now, and bring hien back to wring your silly nockl" e * * 5 * But Penderby's neck is still in- tact. Paxton vanished from Inman ken that night; lm was always ab- surdly gonaltive to rtelicille. And, utterly unconseioue of the tragedy of her lost chance of happi- ness -for Ernest was worthy of a queen -Maude Maitland, single and unclaimed, sits io it lonely Hamp- shire yicarage axed sighs for a Prinee Charming who does not dime. SENTENCE SERMONS, Clen't is the devil's creed. Tribute:10ns Spoil iritimph. Warm heerts do not grow in hot- houses. The trickster is always proud of his tact. Gilding the whistle will not raise the eteani. An empty head is no evidence of a hole heart. It is bard to bo in the swim With- out getting soaked. True prayer wears out the soles faster •than the knees. . Sermon that are easy on tho melte be hard oil the people. It itt may the oVil We cherish that has power to ebaselee tis. If you havo the water of life yon will not need to water life's stock, There are men who neve1 think of glory unless they go by a graveyard. Borrowed broths have a way of balking When you drier() them in public, ie easy to be brave whe11 you know the enemy has only blank cartridges. Many a man thinks he is patient With pain when he is Only perverse in eating pickles. Iluy your emiles at the bar and you are likely to pick up yolks. got-. tivesywhere. The soug of • (sympathy never Wiese tielil tiro sleety It been to the 810001 of eorreet, bicycle lurches, and the slightest al, ror in steeriog may send it through tho open side of the wheel and pre- cipitate the rider to the stege. . of applause, or simply the hone a' Sigismund, Philarot Romancer was liberty, onle to be thrown 01010111 arid In G ermany a genius calla i making a fortune? The American associated with Ids son as joint ground stile deeper ;ander the iron "Eclair" invented an infernal wire! eggig oop i tbe loop" was conceived in. ruler. Whilo Michael did., little cr heels of the bureaucrats who ruled in of another sort. It wns about 2o an essentially practical spirit, and nothing of any sort, Alexis, his sue- the acmes of the Tsars. It is enough Loot in diameter, end a smaller wheel, ggittoio., who receives $000 a eessor, was not so tame. From his to wring pity from St011CS to read rolled round inside of it, obtainiug ; ni in has become a rich man Mlle.! accession dates the long. record of the story of Russia during the past Itlaat is the incentive Which impels! tiOn, apparently, was that his father anti the old story began again. Al - these men and women to risk their; was a high official of the. Russien ways the same tale of a stricken, 11- tires nightly before crowds of specol Church. This Vier is strengthened literate, suffering, downtrodden pee- tatorse Is it ambition vanity love by the fact that after tho peace with ng ple gropibliridly alter light and its impetus from it plunge down en, Darien, etho huinan arrow," earns' strife between tam clemooracy and ieclined plane, which made a descent ' $80,000 a year, "Mepbisto" received bureaucraey which now thrrtons of fifty feet. To this small 0411e31 $110, Mlle. de TieM rs O a nieC11-l111i11/1. e t t "Eclair" was lashed in spreculeaele; downfall of the in Perth and larger sums abroai. House of Romanog. Alexis refused fashion. 7Ie accustomed himself to Imitators of course receive less to renew Michael's covenan1 with the this novel inode of locomot oit than originators. Tile current pay assemblies, repeated/y acted in state having himself strapped to it similar Inc looping the loop is from $00 to affairs of imPortanee without askitig sacred 'duty of suppressing liberal ideas throughout the whole world, and of his desire to resign tho awful burden of the Russian crown. For tho first -named purpose he organized the Holy Alliance, bat before he had begun bis schemes in connection with its furtherance, he died childless - which was tho only blessing he ever conferred on Russia. • His brother, who must havo been a wise man, ut- ilised tho throne, and Nicholas, an- other son of Paul, a stately man, with much of the iron strength of rotor the Great, took it, reigned for thirty years by the assistance of the nobility, to whom he allowed every license, and ended his reign by pre- ciptating the Crimean. war, the shame of the defeat of which causod his sud- den death -another relief to Russia. With,the advent of the second Alex- ander came hopes of liberty at last. Ile was the only flornanolT who had both liberal views and the personal strength to enforce them. Ho gave the serfs emancipation, and bad be not been ossinated, which has been ascribed to the liberty -bating bur- eaucrats, he would have given them constitutional government, for on the very afternoon of his terrible death by a bomb ho was about to sign it ukase gronting this. 'Alex- ander III., father of tho present Czar, then took up tho splendid but blooe- stained heritage of his house. But he listened to evil counsellors. LOr1S MelikotT, tho greatest statesman Rus- sia has traduced, and the enlighten- ed mentor of 'Alexander 1.1„ woe thrust aside, and the brutal Pobie- donostsete wbo has been Bassia'S evil einee, took his place. What has happened since then is common knowledge. It bas been the same old story -the present Czar un- til recently did Mlle or nothingitt the cause or freedom and enlighten - Inca, NICHOLAS 11,, centnry. THE FIRST ALEXANDER was' a cultured and benevolently - inclined naystie, who regarded the Ai - mighty, and talked alternately of the wbeel , whiv.ch as tin nor i al . .0' about a fixed axis by means of ti $40 a night, which is no t high, es- the advice of the Bourne,' and abol- pecialle if the performer owns the ishod the Saber altogether after it crank. More startling and perilous than ca5popoaratus, which costs at least had affirmed the act of his corona- tion. Ho prepared the weer for Peter any of these devices is tho "circle al ' • It seems, therefore, that the hope the 'Great. That monarch ruthlessly death." This is a large, flat, teem- ; of gain is not the only incentive, but swept out of existence both bodies cated cone, liko the rim of a pud- that the performer, like the public, and established the ding dish, supported by ropcs in a I , is attracted by the very danger of ABSOLUTE MONARCHY, position slightly Inclined to the Ito i7onted, so that onty one siee of the; the act -a curious Must/Italian of the faseinalion exerted ernotions which rested on bureaus, and rulea %leach in themselves aro disagreeable. through bureaus, supported by the bayonets of a mighty standing arme. From Peter's Mine to the present there has been no radical change itt tho pelltleal status of Russia, with the single exception that whereas Peter ruled through bureaus, his sue- cessors generally bave allowed the bureaus to rule in their name. Before the accession of eliohael tho peasants had been rem Afterwar is they were "bound to the soil" -a form of slavery very effective, if without the name. From that time onward their position and condition have gone on steadily from bad to worse. They have suffered beneath the iron heel of aueocracy long and cruelly, but at last oven the long - enduring spirit of the Slav has been compelled to action, and, perhape, will gain the vietnry. It is a strik- ing fact that throughout the record or tho Romanoffs the reigns of eue- cessive Czars and Czarinas have been short and their sons few. Them twee been 1(3 Cecile; and Czetrinee, in addition to tho two Catherines, who hold tho sceptre by raLIS011 of their marriage to Renumotts. 'Pilo reigns nf these eighteen savor- eigns covers le span of two hendred 111111 ninety years -or an aterage oely sixteen years to each. Only two of the yvhole lino have livedto be sixty, and only a few times -directly -has the stlocessicm descended from father to son. The last throe em- perors bavo succeeded their fothere, and, Indeed, the later Romance's have been much more respectable in their private lives than WM 411n1e ancestoes. Peter himself, let joint Czar when ten years of ago with his imbecile half-brother, his easter Sophia being tweed, shut ep the bats ter in 0 convent prison and forced tho former to reeign. Then ho stole a slave peasemt woman frofli the household of ono of his rainistere, made her his mistress, then his wife, and finally empress, mid it is from thet union that the present Czars are eleseended. Peter, howeree, with all ids faults, pointed the way to toivil izati on , 1114 CREATED A NEW AltelY, lower and smaller edge rests on the stage. Bicyclists -one or more -enter tho central space and run up and around the steep side with their ma- chines and bodies timely horizontal. Then to add to the apparent and reel danger, tho whole apparetus is rais- ed aloft. The effect is thrilling, for the riders appear to be in constant :danger •of falling. In Berlin, as three 'icyclists were gyrating in a single circle of death, one fell and carried a second down with him,. They ha.1 scarcely reached the stage when the third performer fell also. "THE GLOBE, OF DEATH," atu interesting and comparatively safe act recently exhibited in a 1,4 OW York theatre, combines some of the fee - tures of looping the 100p allti the devil's Wheel. TWO bicyclists, a man RICFLES IN WASTE GOLD. Precious Metal Collected From Floors, and Even Water. The waste of gold in a manufac- turing jeweler's promises Is likely to he 00 considerable that the most stringent measures have to be taken to avoid loss by reason of tho gold dust falling to the floor, getting caught in the workers' clothes, get- ting washed off his hands, and in many other Ways. Scene titne ago a gold and silver manufacturing firm had oecasion to put in a new Moor it . its working room, and the man who made tho and a woman, enter a stationary change took the old floor in pay - latticework globe some twenty feet ment of his work, and WELS in diameter and course around it at great speed in both vertical and hoe- Paid, izontee circles, Itt tho process of manufacture it 04 All of the acts hitherto described impossible to avoid small particles aro performee with corm-2aq rireles of the preeloes metal flying upon the or loops. Tito tr•xt cl.velt,plarmt was floor, where they are trodden into the removal of the toimmet tart 11, the crevices rintil the floor is satur- thc, vele teal loop, lea-. ing et.c1 with 'Ilene The floor in a spa co tit rough whi eh t he bicyclist maniere-mai rine k7Walnr's workshop flies heed downward. Tele feat la which has beeonie so worn that R. west replered contains fully tea - called "looping the gap." Mlle. Dutrieu, "the human arrow," ficimit, gold to pay for a new one. produces a 1210111 grace4111 c. eel 13v Tee, sweepines are sent to the refiner travereing a gap in a Irak will h Ir "1, geld to be extracted. would note If complete, form a iOlp. "he preeeee of extraeting the "old Tho first section a th' 1 reek le a freer: liege settedege is einiele. They plane fifty feet long, inelleect fl0 dr- are cm! the ashes are direful- gr eve to the horizontal awl terinica pe ewe -ere The boor selectee sam- Laing In a short ua pwrd ets and there reeve. Tbe •it second section bne egiwith it saddle-, tiett „art ,fit,f. (.33'. Lb, taking a portion 31 Tfut40 beck curve and ends in a plane ir. fh1,0;',g,liratf'griotfor Mined upwatd for tho perpose of „,,;: 3 r, ' 00 t bringing the bieycle to rest. The 133l hen thoroughly mixes the sample of it, re- sections are separated by a gap 0ea 11144 it and ealculates how Enrich fifty feet, through which the eyolist flies like art arrow. It is worthy of W'iri there is in the whole quantity of 0(140,5,Prom this he forms an note that 040011,11 formed a 111750ma- estimate of the value and pays ae- jority of the spectators of the hit - Man arrow's first public eight. cordingly. A feat performed by the cyclist hven wale'. ittwhIvil geld is Marok might be called looping with. washed when a ring oe other article out a loop. The traek twee/Mace the of jewelry in crafted hi 11r05800455 tins first section used by the human at, tit thore in a Sufficient, quaillitY te row, bud the epwerd etre° is longer make it worth tvhile to separate the and forms an tiro of a circa°. At tho soot of the incline and the com- mencement of tho curve the bleycle Is canght by a wire etoineeded from the centre of this circle, The nettebble, therefore, after traversIng the cure- A Turin jeweller has made a tiny ea path, describele tbe remainder 01 boat formed of a etwele pearl. Its the cfrcla ja the air, Mearavhile tee sail is of beats% gold tit lithiPtI With curVed path le replaced by a levet diamonds, mul the binnacle light in Mr terminating itt an Ardent, wineh a perfect, ruby, Alt emerald turves receives and stops tho eYeliSt When eta its rudder and its Wand is a hes returns to earth and caste off the slab of Ivory, It weighe lees than Wire. heir tor ounce, and its price is 615,- In another legations and terrifying 000., gold from it, , BOA'P, ho exteindecl and consolidated the am - Dire, secured its recognition ruf ono of the great powers, abolished many litteletroute euestome, such as Oa S,1. elusion of women, the whipping ot debtors, and Introduced at least the semblance of many western Inatiti- tions-sueh as the law of prlinagent- ture, whieh, IrY the way, was ubol- ishod soon after his (Ivath. /lad those who followed Neer take en peal -epic by him, and also ad- Vaneed With the thnos, Russia 1,o» 100 present Clear, is a well-meaning man, umloubtedly, but vaceillating, and him weakness haS been more dis- astrous to his country than tho bru- tality of some of Ids predecessors. Not ovea the development of tho Si- berian empire is due to ally of the liomationes It woe beget' before their Mine by tho Cossack chief Yee - teak, and has been oontinual to our own time by little bands of adven- turers and eolonizers, Who received no aid and scanty thanke from the goveremeet, which took all they gained for ft, Russia's Wavering policy in this respect may be gauged by her cession of Alaelte, to the Unit- ed States in 1816, and of the Ettelle Islands to Japan nine yews later, 'Russia stands to -day in a position from which only a mteong hand and a great mind can save her. Her poo- ple have less liberty than Exiglarid had five hundred stave ago, and ere more igtiorant than the Asiati(1 00)1 - ie. Yet in territory aud popelatioe sho is second only to the Ileltieh Empire; her natnral resourees are greater than those of the United States or flanttea-Vast stretchee of fertile land unequalled In the wor11, great forests, untold mineral wealth, every variety of climate, magnifIceut 1101 works of rivers forming it eupoen natural water highway, a hundred and thirty millions, of people and room for as many more. 'Plie 1171- SiallS are not 1111 exhausted reset bet are tOgrorous and hardy, and 1410111 115 potentially able as any in the world. Yet, Russia. is toglay in a elough of iscry, tiaSOhl 011 end despoil,. Only time can show whether the dawning of tho day of liberty bas really arrived with the present Ozar's tartly inanireido, or whether this le only a false dawn that will cacl la a revolution compared with which even that of levance itt 1702 may pale. ENGLAND GOINa RANNRUPT? Forecasts. Which Have Never Come True. The question, will Englund beeomo bankrupt, has ever been the cause of most alarming, peedietions. The pre- vailing dread of the people hes lion that of poverty, either individual or National, and at intervals of every few years the fears aro renewed by acute depression of trade. Thee, by some unseen domes, 1113 tltttu tit 5.1711111, they occulted him NeLion, as if of itself, from Ds own and his bride to the raihvay (dation, strength and will, emerges from her wbenee ho departed in that helpless with renewed vigor, and condition on his honeymoon. everywbese business 114 001)1101 MOra Solaa !Icily{ lass practical progressive than before. Marion, Indiana, however, went one jokers at, So far hack as 1688 the great la- bettee-or wurse-on the ()erasion of crease In the National Deld-anll it the marvinge of it youthful towns - was then but 41001,803 -forma the me. ,such a Ingh-toneel event bad theme foi•-• the darkest foreboding, never taken place in the neighbor - Here is the opinion of it. leading melt hood More, and to add to the elute - on our NEttimial stability in actor of tho occasion a mintier of Tho celebrated Dr. Baldwin., in an the revellers handeuried the happy essay on the balance of trade, wrote: peir 00 their trail', giving the key "Unless the public reveene can bo re- to one cif thu nt tandems, With 0- 1111001.1 to Z8,800,000 pee amoun, it struelions to release them at Kok - will be found that In 210 long course emo, of time we shall languish and det• SOME DISTANCE, AWAY. cay." On of the jokers, however, obtain - A few years later-1710-wbon the d possession. a the key and ran off National Debt had voey considerably ewith It, leaving the emiple Ito moons increased, tho figures now having run or effeeting their release. Not teen - into millions, the amount being over tent with this, their tormentors went 1130,000,000, another Wig itt came the length of armouring to the other forward with an Warming forecast, passengers by printed liandbillet die - anti said: "We are 110W driven al tributed Nom did to end of the tram most to the brink of destruction, ote. that they were a nowly-wedded pair. treasuries riotously misted, our coa- A nor travelling as far as Frank- stitution Is in danger of being sub - ford, a distance of sixty-five mile% vetted, an(1 the nation almost in gen- the handcuffed couple left the train, oral corruption. What will the end creating no small astonishment by of it lic?" thete appearence. There, by a good Between this and the next twenty - d ell of patient labor, one of the ste- same subject had been made, and on. til.on-hrinds succeeded in filing tho six years, other prophecies 011)00 the „ chain through, and the bendenffs FebruarY 1 1th' 1736' anP71°PI;' Ware 111110Ckad by a friendly policemeit paper called the "Craftsma' in To tho unfortueate Prisoners this out with a very long and sad chap- ter of lamentations, (.110 dobt havi ng putting asunder of the bonds whieh bound Om tvas more then a happy SOME PRACTICAL JOKES STARTLING noilEimooiNT DEll- DIOXI4XE11TS, A Youthful Couple Wete Hand- cuffed Together -A Barefoot - When a intu:astiBirl;sid:11.1011 his hones - 1110011 the posaibility of (Malin; 01111 - self in tiny Mud i1 preeicamoid rill ly enters him head, end Ito is comet- (moi)1ty all the 11101.0 seared when cir- cumstance'i eon:giro to land hien 111 some awkward lix, It was soinethilits inure formidahle than elreumedinives, however, that Played a -Philadelphia young inan in a very tantalising predicament on the brink of his honeymoon -to wit ,!ltio members of 0 well-htmWn social Club. The Wetliline;, it seems, had IV1tli°s"iit1(1 tt04t ofUto .e'tr; ttZCI71atgayttniectt111tItt- bet% determined that the honeymoon should not sulee in comparison. To them, apparently, the bride- groom did liot appear Lo ha\ e tied his hands sufficiently by taking a wife, so they need needs send Mut on Ills lioneytunon 111 heneletifie. Hav- ing securely hand -cuffed their unfor- 110W assumed much larger propor- tions. The leader of the prophets to -day is Mr. A. .1. ;Wilson, editor a the 'Iiivestoies Itevi OW, a well-knovel recently Tomtit herself it 010 on her flnaiwier. In the "Investor's lit_ honeymoon.The couple had been spending this at Chicago, and were view" Ito 80)18: '"Phe truth of the matter is 040 gitt,0 00 CIlle 0 lnatia, W11011 tha ISISl a tea wealth worth speaking of in this turning to their private room, found country." And o he goes n to aseort his that another war for lerigland would Sbride absent, 'at'imr; a Pair 1)1 shtt'S anii a Pah* of 140111411155 lying by the lady's distil ovate tbe empire. So it goes on. The balcruptcy awl trunk he suienised that his wife hal beggo ry of the Whin appears to be gone downstairs, leaving 111111 to see everInstingly to the front. In SOME, that, the articles mentiotwel wee° duly quarters tho overshttelowing influenee. placed in the trunk mut (read of this burden does not ; READY FOR Title jouRNE.Y. diminish, Mit continees to inerottse Ile accordingly throw them in, lock - enormously, until now the Nation:)l od tho trunk, and called a ;meter, Debt lins reached its present gigantee who carried it away ten the railway themes and it Is still a boomine sub- station. A little time afterwards the lady created 501210 SOMintlOn amongst the loungers in the hall by walking through to the oillee, most, inside', ably dressed, but without either shoes or stockings, to make the pm•- tinent inquiry what bad become of her ,husband, her trunk, onel her slices andelt (IlWicillo'il%gseMbarraesing, in a se)1se. was the peculiar sititaticm wheel a lady of title was plunged at the very outset of lier hcmeymoon. On their arrival at Calais, France, hos husband loft her in the train, tehtle he and her thaid went searching for refreshments. Before they rejoined her the train seddenly started for Its destination; and before she could tealizo 'what 11 1)10(1111 tho young wife, who luta never before travelled un- accompanied, was aeing carried off to l'aris without hesband, mate ticket, or so much as a penny in her pocket. At the Clare du Nord, where sho arrived in due course, the railway officials appeared to regard her with some suspicion, for they kept her et prisoner in the waitteg-roora urttil her temporarily lost busbatie arrived on the scene and teseued her frost her unpleasant, if to others some- what amusing, situation, 11 coutoAL DILEMMA woe that which overtook a newly - married. Paris couple barely twolVe months ago. At midnight, after too wedding banquet, whcire the Willa had flowed freely, they proceeded to their new abode, whieli they heel taken in a building where, there be- ing no 'doorkeeper, the Unreels let themselves in NNW] latall-kayi4. The bridegroom's key proved to be 11t174(t- ing as everybody in the hotese was fast asleep, hammering on the door failed to secure admit -esteem The bride would not hear of going to an betel, so °leer walking about until eoinpletely tired out, they sat down afl the slopes of the fortinera Mons, near the 'Versailles gate, awl wee goon fast asleep, /Coro eventually they Ware illee.ov- erod, stIll fast ashieP, by tho early market gardeners in the .sanall hours of the marring, and a queer spectra. cle tItoy prosoded. The bridegroom's tell hal; heel been banged down over his eyes, while hitt once itninaculate Shint-front, as well as tho bride's white weddieg garments, Were all snAltruirodugthyleilit mwelacsrtutllttg . boavo, the Couple slept on; and it was only When the police WOra called that they wolco lap to a sense of their siteromel- logs, After Collecting his veneered thoughts, 'the Man explained how be aonudgiltvitiigwitfLotehfradrallid+eipenssbotitiliog;htwoottr,on:iiii! lowed to 50 borne, Lefullord-We have been forced fo rated yoer rent. Tenant -Oh, thanke. T Conida't do 11 111)70011, I'Vl MSC'. Extraordinary was the preelleament in which a bride feom indienapons Jed for some of our chief legislators. RUBBLES. Sow it goes -Creed. Tho 13tig4'illo policeman must be a pinch -bug. High-sounding language -over the telephone wire. The porter who gets another job Is not exactly a reporter. We don't like the old settler velum It's an egg In our coffeo. The tippler who brags of being full certainly claims empty honors. 1The hard drinker would be more temperate If not to drink were as easy. Should a girl call a countrified Id - low' who proposes a popirf-jay? Tho bleached blonde can seldom keep her looks a dark secret. When tho meat man wants to move, of course ho has to pull up steaks. Fast lire, as the pace that kills, is oftea slow but sum. The man in the 1110011 has a high time getting full 011 MS last quarter. That what some folks say never goes, goes without saying. To some people those they consid- er beneath them rawer come up to expeetatione. The show manager loohs at the rows of empty seats with tiers in his eyes. A woman cries less over spill; milk than about a spoiled creamy com- plexion. Even rm resteurant fa an orderly sort of place, YOUR FINGER NAILS, Each variety of nail corresponds, it is said, to some particuler ten- dency or tee health, 'There is, foe instance, the nervous band; each fin- ger -nail is broken to the quielc, and is split and ragged. Tho nail ie extremely thin, and the two layers of whleh it is composed separate every time the nail strikes against a hard. sebstance. No amount, of Meoienring Will make these nails peefoot. The nervous system Must first of all be controlled and calmed. Another hand shows that tho per - eon is subject , gout or rheuma- tism, caused probably by an alCCOSS of urio acid itt the biood. Nails that have ledges on them are lWays eign of this condition. A, rapid nail - growth is a mime of health, PENSION FOR A CAT. Motimoute, the "official" cat, which has been Miro:hoe foe the last fifteen years to the office of the Paris Pre- fectnre, has been granted 15 retiring ponsimi and Ilea 110011 boarded out, to tech hetteeforth on sueoulone stales, tho animal being 110 longer tibia to masticate hard food,