HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-11-30, Page 5IXAMMIVIIMPIEWIC8,1 •1119016116..414.6•090 WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE 18 a lllgh-grudo Commercial 9uUo0l , Three t'our$eN Cemmorolel Stenography Telegraphy Write t18O, SI9YI'TON, Principal. Do You Want a Position? Al et' l aro of alike and ea o, Uoo e n t a 1 no fully In helping oto onto to o Mane i Id e Y p • Donot overlook thio point. 9'jm��Arl�{ F 7i ELLIOTT 'i4 TORONTO, ONT. cannot ouppply the demand niado upon it by business men, Why ? Somme our reputation fur htgb•grade work is wolf kuowu and we protect 00 Is repu- tation. This le it 5u11o91 o1• the high. est Standing. Whiter Term opens 11n2nd. Catalogue rtes. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Con YONGS AND ALEXANDER NTS. fidi3t5 5$ 2sr125i PSi MEDICAL CARDS. DR, R, A. BURNS— Siteeeslwr t0 Ile. J. A. MONa11giitott Br11HAe1N, Ontario Graduate of PolyolIlio Poet Graduate School of Medicine and Surgery, New York Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geonsof Ontario. Oflloe and middencc same as formerly oc- cupied by Dr. MoNaugh1ou, Diseaooe of women a specialty, 'PhonC No. 21. BUSINESS CARDS. 00N1/ £tL OoNE/ TOFRLOA01,.1BTelPER NAT H. MoORA0ERN— v • /Bauer of Marriage Licenses, Of tics at Grocery, 1urnborry street, Brussels. TARNS FOR SALE—THE UN DEaeoNED has several good Farms 10, Bale and to rent, easy tonne, iu TOWnOhipt of Morrie and Grey. F B.'BOO'LT. Brussels 0. 0. F. Court Princess Aloxaedria, No. 24, 0, 0, F., Brussels, meets in their Lodge Boom, Blae- hill Blook, on the and and last Tuesdays of oaoh month, at8 o'olook. Visiting brethren always welcome, JAS. BUitGEsS, 0.14. A, E, MELLISH, N. S. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licen ses, WAL.TON, ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI IN0URANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. e AUCTIONEERS. iii S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • HER, Will sell for better prices, to butter men in lase timo and lase charges than any other Auctioneer in East Amon or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can ahvayo be arranged at tide office or by personal spplioatiou, ROBT. H. GARN/SS BLIIEVALE — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for at the o11Oe of Trot PORT, Brussels. MEI VETERINARY. a A, CUNNINGHAM • Bonar Tai a,lnaw of the Ontario Vet, oilcan, College, is prepared to treat alt d1w casae of domesticated animals • iu acompet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Doutiebry and Milk Favor. Calle promptly attended to. Olboo sue infirmary —Pour doors North of bridge, ''i urnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCINO. AB. MAODONALD— • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta, Successor to 19, F. Blair. 0100e over Stan- dard Bank, Bromide. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bauk. VVM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Bolleitor, I0onvoyaueer, Notary Public, deo, W1loe—Stewart's Block 1 door Not 012 olOontral Aotel• Solicitor for the Standard Bank. ptlOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRISTERS, SOLI0110(1 S, NOTARIES W. PRO/WI/00T, K. 0, IE, O. HAYS G. F. BLAIR. Ofeeee—Tb000 formorly °coupled by Messrs 00meron & Bolt,. GODmm0K, ON't'AIRIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of 0110 Royal College of Dental 8urgeoue of Ontario and Firet.olaee Boner Graduate of Toronto *University. Omee next to Brower's Photograph Ci allure, 1310088EL5, bq fif3r"e�aeQl iD CENTRAL ar STRATFORD. ONT. aNene Yonn LIFE A 0000000. Yost can if you will. Dur courting whioh B aro up -to -unto and practical will (mall- lyyou in the shortest Possible time. All 0111 greduatek 002010 good pnei- aMORN.Ne get far more applications than wt' eau moot, 11110 seh001 has gained a eontluoltnl reln000010l1 for t110roughuo04. Wei0e [stuns health MMI �( uA 11 catalogue, it Will lutoreet you. You b8 ulay 011(01.1140)11 & .1dotA0Bi,AN, as 1e Prineipul0. GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming oonirnunity that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and rates. All Crushingat lowest to s work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Thuell Bros. 141ill at Electric Light Building. ',oca.t ge.rho ittrnL. Tine Clinton New Era Bayo :—"We are oorry to hear of the eario0e Blume of ,Mire, John Shaw, mother of Dr. Shaw, She is et the home of the latter, her can• dition being nob that she ouunot be taken to her own home," litre. Shaw W11.9 e former Bruseelite and her many old friends hope ebe will soon be con. valeooect. NoonNlT1ONO.—Mnnioipal nomination day that year will be held on Friday, December 22nd, instead of as usual on the 10,01 Monday 0f the month, which this year happens to be Christmas day. Thr Statute provides that when the laol ,Monday of the month is Obriowmas, nominations obeli take plane on the preoediog Friday, but Election day will be on Monday just the tams although it 1e New YOer'o day. RESIGNED —The travelling public] will learn with regret that Onndnotor John Quirk, of the London, Huron & Brace, has tendered his roeigno(ion, to take effect at' soon ae he oto be relieved, Mr. Quirk has been in railroad eerviott for 41) years, and lately hue Buffered considerably with rhenma►iem, whioh io cue reason for him taking the• step he does. Having been on all other branobes of the Grand Trunk, he ie well kuowu by the travelling public, and no more jovial, ootirteoae and competent cood1otor exists, He will carry with hien the good wishes of everybody. He has a comfort able home 1u Wingbam, where he will con1ioue to reside. Conductor Quirk ran on the W. G. & B. for yearn and was a familiar figure. ABSENT BUT NOT FORGOTTEN.—At a reeen0 meeting at Outlet Princess Alex lmdria, No. 24, 0. 0. F., Brunelle, the following reeolulion of condolence wao ordered to be forwarded to Bro, A. Reid, of Langdon, North Dakota, a highly esteemed member of the Coact :—"Dmee Bro. RE/D.—We learned with no smith regret of the deoeaee of your partner in life and although distance intervened to snob an extent that we were prevented from attending the funeral of Mrs. Reid or personally eXpreesing our Oym• pathy we take Otte opportauity, ae a Court, of telling yon that you were Dot forgo0teu by un in the hoar of your sorrow. That the Great Comforter will be near yon and cheer you is the sincere prayer of your O. 0. F. brethren of Court Prineese Alexandria. DEAR MR, EDITOR.— I Will be greatly obliged to you if you would insert theca few linos in the next foeno of your excellent paper, TRE POET, so that the people may know what hue been done in oonne0Eim1 with my mansion to Melville ohurah, Brueeela. I wish first of all to thank most heartily all thine who helped me with their sub soriptious and for all the good wiebee of those who had to refuse me their aid ; also those who have driven me frum home. to home in the newly. I have greatly enjoyed my iotercenr0e with Messrs. Elliott, Crooke, A. Stewart and last hut not tenet, our mutual friend, Thome Straabun, They were eyes to me and mouth too, for when I would tire talking to the people they would chime in. Aa I am a `tory myself, we bad some fine die 0U8010110 on politica as well ae higher themes. I feel ciao very gratefat to Tao PoeT for the ertiolo and photoo appearing a few weeks ago ante ter ire friendly attitude toward "Queen's," The Het, wbloll is up to date $140 60, $8100 of which hat been peed, ie lett with Rev. Dr. Rose for further eigna0uree. We would beglad it the two hundred mark could be reaohed. I am sure that Dr. Ernes, who has been Boob a help to ue to this whole molter, will be only too glad to receive your 01(00100 and forward to the Treasurer of Queen's College any monies that are paid to him from time to time to this Fund. I remain, &o, J. B. MULLAN. Fergus, Nov. 18th, 1005. A DEonnviNo 0H001' ,—Dear Friend,— On the eve of Fall and Winter work I am erre we can look to the Brandt Apse. oiation of your totvu for the needed help and effort in enuring funds for the ext0110ia0 and maintenance of the Muokaka Free Hospital for Oonoump• levee. We have to thank you and the good friends of your community for what they have done in the past. Helene you have bad the opportunity of visiting these Muskoka homes, and [oeing the work done, i0 in dhdioult to realize the 00011004e boon these consumptive homes are to hundreds in all parte of the Dominion cluttering from thie dread dinette. During the year closed we have oared for 177 patients in the Muskoka Pro Hospital for Ooneumptivee, or 538 eine the institution wao opened in 1902. The large majority of sheet' have been cheeky patients. To answer the question some- thing asked : Are patient0 really ad. matted free 7 letme tame the official report for the week ending Oat, 7th. There were 52 patien00 in retidetme that week. They wereulaooified as follows :— Oharity patients from Toronto 9 Hamilton 7 ' Ottawa 0 " other mUnioi- polities - 15 'Total number of obnrity patiente87 Patients paying in part for main0en 9.01043 15 Total 52 Of the patients paying in pert eleven con tribllted $3 60 per ween or loss, two paid 54 00, one paid 56.00, and one $0.00. bt toots the Institution over $8,00 o week to maintain each patient, 'Millet the Mee. ml•..nrvrw�rvv.r. •rr-••••r.•+.ca�nro�.raw�rw:r,�t:+=v++....:.:rw,::.::: front of the newly wedded couple, whioh WWI disidol among the genets amid expree0ione of ben wlehao. Booiel abet, m11000, complimentary Bpee01100 from Dr, (:11101101m II. P. Joseph Lent], and °there, Is'«usher with varloae garnet', tilled up the pieaeant hours of the even• METROPOLITAN ANK CAPITAL—Paid up 01,000,000 RESERVE PUNA • • $1.,000,000 Directors EV, R. H. WARDEN, D. D., 8. J. M001(8, Preoident, Veie-Proaldent, TR00. /ARM/DRAW, 8 LA, RCB HONOR, Mil W. MORTIMIER CLARK, R.0. D.19, TriOM°ON, It. 0. JOHN PIIIBT'DROOK HEAD OFFICE FCE TORONTO W. D. 10085 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 'TRANSACTED. Drefte Bought and Bold. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Set rId'S` e?iiJV'1 Bffl"ePd$`b°.'t'Rgy`1' Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sumo of 01 and npwarde A. E. MELLISH, Manager. age of the fifteen who did pay in part ran Ina than $3 00 a week. The state went sen be made without fear of con• tradiotioo, that nota single patient has aver been refused admission beoouee of hie or her poverty. Illaotrative of the pitiful nature of the appeals, might I draw your attention to six lettere pub Retied on page eight of the October "Door of Hope," the monthly publication of the Aseooiation. The work ander taken by the National Sanitarium Aseooiation iu oaring for the many needy ones in all parte of the Dominion suffer. ing from ttiberoolieie le truly great and large. It hi only made possible by the oontinned gifts of friends everywhere. Eaoh day's needs is a heavy Dalt ou the Lunda of the Ioetitution. Yon can help nee the burden parried by the 010/1000 There are marry, we are sure, in your town, who are sufferers from the dread White Plague. In many plane, during the Winter [mason, oar friends in the oharahea, Young People's Booietiee and other organizations, plan one or two en. tertainmento and tarn the proceeds over to the Hospital, At the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the National Semi. Larium Association, held jest a week ago, it wan resolved to extend the 0000mmode- tion from 60 to 75, providing the nesse. eary funds are forthooming from month to month to pay the expense of this in oreased number. We know how maoh your Association has done for us in the past, and we feel we clan with notUdenoe net upon you for generous help at the present time. Believe me, Very Trnly Yours, J. B. ROBERTSON, Sao. Nat, San. Aee'n. IT IIEALB THE LUNGS. When the antiseptic vapor of "Catarrh - ozone" is inhaled it epreade through the breathing organs, oerrying healing and health to the eon spots. An irritable throat "Oatarrbozone" curse in five minutes, bronahitie it soothes instantly, weak lenge are fed and quiokly nourished bank to health. To be free from oolde and cough°, to avoid catarrh and bron obitie—nee Oatarrhozone ; it is prescribed by more than twenty thoneand phyeiaiene in America alone, and need by the people of nine nations. taro.v. Mre. Wm. Bray ie home from an ex tended visit to Barke'e Falls. Will. MoNaaght is home from the Northwest. He enjoyed hi0 trip very mud!, Mies Millie MoNangbt has aooepted the pmei0ion of orgouiet at Bethel (March, 18th eon. The pupils of 8. 8. No. 9 are getting rip a program for an entertainment in the near future. Henry MoNaaght has ereoted a new Woodstock windmill. A. Reymann, of Orenbrook, wan overseer of the work. Jae. McLean, 16th cone has gone to 8t. Jooeph'a Ieland for the Winter. Jim will be missed very maoh on the 16111. G. W. and Mrs. Mogay were away to the wedding of their nephew, A. Nichol son, of MoNlllop, Wednesday of last week. George Hanley ie away to Stratford. We nnderetaud he ie going to the Boni nese College of that place. George has the good wishes of the neighborhood with him. Miro Gerrie Hanley, who has been organ et and S. S, teacher at Bethel, is away on an extended Viet to friends in Toronto, reeigned her position iu the S. 8. two weeks ago. Her many friends took advantage of this and presented her with an address and puree. The follow- ing ie a dopy of the address :—Dean FeIEND —It is with regret that we hear you are going to leave ae and we, in behalf of Bethel church and 8. 8., would like to show our appreciation of your serviette ae organist and S. 8. Leather. Your (aithfulneeu and oheerful diepooition will not Boon be forgotten, We would ask you to accept this puree ae a alight token of the esteem In whioh SPECIAL BARGAINS IN 1IILLINERY Felt Hats for 50 Cents We are also Agents for the "New Idea" 10 Cont Patterns. Call and get a Fash- ion Sheet. ,HISSES HABKIR0K you are held in thin neighborhood. Yon have our beet wishes for year !Mere and wherever yonr lot may be oust may God's blessing r00t Opo11 y0l1 end may you oon0inne to ever be a faithful worker in the Maaler'o vineyord. Signed in be. half of ebnroh and B. B. WILLIE MANN, FRA211 HARRISON, Although taken by service) Mies Hanley made a emit• able reply thanking thein for the kind way they had rembered her. Scrimp REPORT —The following i0 the report for B. S. No. 6, names of pupils arranged in order of merit :--Sr. IV— Penelope Brewer, Ella Peareou, Bertha Blair, George Hutchison, Br. III— Garriean Jaokeoo. Jr. III—Helena Mitchell, Daweie Blair, Fred. Bmeltz-r. Sr. II— Wesley Brewer, Eva Mitchell, Jr. II—Roy Hall, Borab Hutchison. Pt. II— WillieMit0hell, Herbert Bateman, Sr. Pt. I—Reuben Brewer. Jr. Pt I— George Hall, Earl Lowe, Bertin Vodden, Lela Vodden, Maggie Blair. Lino CIE MACARTHUR, Teaoher, n1,1eva.ito. HYMENEAL; A pretty wedding took plaoe at the home of the bride in the village of Blaevalo en Wedueeday after- noon, 15th suet , when Mie° Laura Etta Reid Snell was suited in the bonds of holy 'matrimony to Charles Henry Ooalcee, by Rev. G. Baker. Tile bride woo gowned in white silk, trimmed. with insertion and plaited ohiffon, and was given in marriage by her anole, T. J. Watt, of Wingbam. Mies W.A. Obieholm sang "The Breath that Breathed o'er Eden," atter whioh Mies Li'ian Simpson, of Ethel, played the Wedding March. The marriage ooremony wag performed in the prey -nos of about eeventy•five guano, relatives and friends of the bride and groom. The pleasing ordeal of oongrat. n'atione having been gone through, end the marriage register signed, the wedding feast watt enjoyed immensely. A beauti tel wedding cake adorned the table in .aww« Ing, The preoento were nameroue and very fine, among them being a hand. some ptotere, done in pastel, with oval shape, gilt frame, a present to the bride from the Birupoon Co., in Tercet°, Mr. and Mrs. Coulter will reside in Bloevale. THE WONDERS GP 1011E 110DV Ito moohouiam, like delicate machinery by even a Blight canoe i0 00 dioarrauged ae to be praotfoally lateen. A headache is DO trifling matter beoaus° the 00, 0110011, kidneys and liver are aura to be effected. To cure the aaeea of h 031000ee and pro. vent flew aLtanke, use Ferrezone 1 it aide the etornaoh by supplying nooriohing h ood, vitalize° the unveil and brain in. steady, Ferret me braces—gives 1000- 81000101 your opirite. No such health bringer known. Fifty ciente per box of fifty oh000late coated tablets at all dealers., 10 Els at1. PRa11 Form MOLEOD,—Mre. R. Dil- worth writing from fort MoLeod, N. W. T„ on Nay.9th nye :—We are having beantitnl weetber with the doors open and the children going barefooted. There are malty wealthy people in this locality, and a number of the ladies and gentlemen amen them -mien in horaebaok riding, Land ie in great demand end has risen from $8 and $5 per tore to $12 and $16. The average yield of wheat this year was about 35 buehele to the 10or0 and oats about 100 bushels. The probabilities are we will buy a farm near here as $18 a mouth rent for a house is something we are not aoonetomed to. The shops Moue here at 6 p. m. and open at 9 a. m. and the people do not appear to be in a hurry. Two men apply water from the river Mann. Flags are flying over the result 01 the election here, the Liberals being in by a big majority, A lawyer named Hiokt, formerly, of Oranbrook, Ont., lives here, our boys have met him. There are no faotoriee in Fort McLeod, The old fort is about } mile away. It ie like a village all painted red except the ooal house. The police Beep it looked up. The drilling of the mounted Police is a very pretty sight. This is a very healthy locality, cue of the ministers oalling on tie said he had only 6 funerals iu 2 years. Bob says he W101108 we had gone West 10 years ago. Rue. bee bought 10 black pony ae he and Bd. Grant are doing a good deal of driving. They went to a (alts 9 miles distant to shoot wild geese of wbiah there are hundreds but the game is bard to get. The larreere never °table their stook bare. There are no treee near by and dietaooes are vary deceiving. The mountains are 40 miles distant and British Colombia line 60 miloe away. The Roman Oatbolioe are building a large brink aonvent. We are Bled to receive lettere and Tan POST and were sadly surprised at the number of deaths Toart/"+l•-rb acci'tf4r,eC1'ife,''b!l•'.,, 'I'''.�, ; e3''-'cfU"= 'L 1 MCKINNON &v ' 4; 9r 9, CHRISTMAS GOODS Several months ago we placed our orders for Ohriotmn•, Novelties and arranged to have them shipped in only, as our en:#tumors (WO buying their Christmas presents earlier than usual. The gouda are now in stook and ready for inspection. Never in the history of this Big Caah Store have we ehown such a vast assortment of Christm+s Novelties, Oar space will not allow us to give a detailed fiat of all the different hues we show this season, tvh011 you want 0111i0tmae Goode we will he pletteed to have you Gall and i110peot ottr large a0nortmenb, Below we mention a few of the leading linesblit —Lealee' Fancy Collars in new styles, at 15o, 25e, 850 and 50e. —Ladies' Late Searfo, in black, cream and white, 1 j to 21 yards long, vary special at 85o, 350, 60e, 750 and 91. —Ladies' Belts, in all the new denigne, at 2.5o, 35e, 50c, 75e and $1, —Ladies' Silk Facinatore, very stylish goods, in black, 0101001, and white, at 5o L l2 7 .band ,$.$ 1.60. $ —Ladies' Leather Hand Bags. with parse, at 50o, 75o, $1, $1,25 and $1,50. —000111010 Topa, 3e silk and satin, assorted calors,, embroidered with silk and gold braid, at 50o, 66o, 7.5a, $1, $1.25, 91.5(1, and $2. —Tapestry Cashion Tope, new designs', at 20c, 25c, 400 and 711r. —111en'o Neckwear, in Puffs, Bowe, Four-iu-handle, Knots and String Ties, from 6o to 76o. —And various other lines too numerous to mention. MILLIIV ERY This week we commence a great Slaughter Sale of Millinery, when we will offer new, up-to-date Ready -to -Wear Hate at half price and lees to oloar. All Millinery Goode must be cleared out, as we will not carry any- thing over, 1-4 sx (+ a Rr r>, f1 -11''r'. mr ,ax,x, xb that have taken plaoe eine we left. We often think and speak of you. We will like this place I think as the people are very friendly. No less then three ministers have °ailed on ne already, PAIN AILOUT THE 111P,4. It it a common oomplaintwith women. The right treatment ie Nerviline, whioh penetrates to the seat of the pain im. mediately. Nerviline warms and eoothee the affected parte drum oat the irritation and pain, allows the patient ease after one robbing. No liniment so economical and sate. Nearly fifty years in nee, and the demand immensely greater every day 1 Nerviline moat be good. Themes Christie, of Owen Sound, was run over by a fire truck and killed. London City Council decided to take a vote of the people i0 January next on the question of reducing the liquor lioener-e. There is trouble in the Montreal City Connell over a Sunday caucus held by Fronch Aldermen, to whioh none of the Englioh speaking members ware invited. Two or three hundred Laval etndento marched to Mr. Langlois' hoaoe in Mout- real and made a hostile demonstration. They were dispersed by the police, and one man arrested. The new electric railway from Chat- ham to Walltoeburg W08 formally opened for hardness. The contract with the Bnokuailt Com- pany for a steamship;aervioo 10 New Zeeland woe approved by the Cabinet at Ottawa. At Woodstock, Alfred Pugh was gem tenoed to seven years in the penitentiary, and ;Norman Orr to three years, for horse stealing. Burglars who attempted to rob the Traders' Bank at Bridgeborg were driven off, after exobaoging 'shote with 10 clerk sleeping in the premien. The ship laborer* at St. John, N. B., are on strike for 35 oents an boar, and refuse to unload the Allan Liner Paris. ian. Hugh A. Allen threateue taking chip laborers from Montreal. The eteamer Slidell, at Halifax, re. porta that an unknown steamer struck on the rooks off Beaver Harbor and blew ap. This makes tbreo wrooke on the Nova Bootia ooast, with not a life saved. DEATH RATE INCREASED. The mortality of Taberooloeie of the Longs, says the Medical Journal, hag been greatly redacted since Oatarrhnzone was iatrorluoed. For oonsamptivee nothing ie et' valuable as "Oetarrbozone" SEENNEEMIREESIBUZIMINM CLOTHING SPECIALS FO:1 Saturday, Deo. 2nd i en's Slits We have placed ou sale this week 75 Men's Suits, assorted sizes f' om 85 to 42, regular $10, $11, $12, $13, $111,50, $14 and $15, at $10.00 m EACH 5 OYQ' Regular $8 50, $8.75, $4 00. $4 50, $5 00, and $5.50 Suits, all siz S 24 to 138, on sale at $3.38 EACH See our All Wool Tig r .Brand Underwear at $1.50 and $2 00 per suit, 1 Ile vest, Under WGNP t x1111 in town, also our Mocha anti Kill Gloves at 8Oc per pair. E. C. HUNPURD & SUN EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS & ] URNISH1+RRS, BRUSSELS