HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-11-30, Page 4IIISSOSIODELLES6:011.-o4.13.0,414 che Numeis ost, tnt).0,7; va. and goo prospeote for many more.— abe Odd Fellows' Sall in Bowie ie not THURSDAY, NOV. 80, 1905, superseded by anything (Weide the eitiee.—Lodge meets every Thursday evening.—Grand Meister Blewett and A DELIGHTFUL TIME Bro. Powlev will alweys be welcome.— Noble Grand Jones fills the head chair AT WE8TERN I$TAR. with ueetness and dispatek—Bro. lataairi laASTra ELEWETT AMONG TGE GUESTS. The members of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, 1, 0. 0. F., Brussels, held an At Home in their new and commodiona Efala in Tim Poe a blook, on Thursday evening, 16th inst., wbioh proved to be One of the moat enjoyable and sueoessfnl Inuotions in ire history. Brethren were present from Wingbam, Wroxeter, Gor• rie, Atwood, Lietowel and other pinata • and among the notables was tbe worthy Grand Blaster, Bro. Blewett, of Listowel, and Bro. Joe Powley, of Toronto. After the initiation of a oudidate, in whiob the Degree Team came in for many compliments, the noteworthy proceeding of preeenting a Veterans' Jewel to Bro. Wm. Martin took place. Noble Grand Jones palled on W. H. Eerr to reed the following address and the Grand Master pinued on the Jewel, offeriug words of hearty greeting and oomplimeotary referenoe to the reoipient :— Mr. Wm. Martin DRAB BRO.—We, the Offitiers and mem- bers of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I, 0. 0. F., deem it 10 great pleaeare to have the opportunity of congratulating you ou your Silver At nivereary ae an Odd Fellow. That yon were an odd fellow before you became an Odd Fellow none will doubt who have the pleasure of your aoqualute.noe and yet it ie a good thing to Peel assured that you never meant any woree than you said. Our ritual wisely remark+, "Olen are not always to be taken as they appear," end so yon have our hearty abeolution. Yoor faithfutness to dray Ina been recognized by everybody aud your punotuality to opening the door eo that the brethren might enter and "depart in pea.oe" often eucouraged °there to a deeper intereet in this noblest of Orders. Veterau Jewel preseutatione will never grow wearisome, owing to the infrequency with whioh these pleasing functions 0000r but you are too well eeaeonad to think that we are speaking words of flattery when we say rarely does the recipient Merit the honor more than yourself, if hard work and oonsietent efforts cont. We hope you may long be spared to wear the Jewel— whose goldeu material bespeaks the gennieeneas of the friendship and good will of the Matinee to you—and we believe when you are through with it that your —we can't say son—friends will oherieh it ae a memento ot an honest man, who endeavored to exemplify the true meaning of Friend- ship, Love and Truth. That you, may enjoy many happy years yet with West. ern Star Lodge in their way quarter+ is the hearty and unanirnons wish of your BRETERRN. Bro. Martin, although refusing to Maim ability as a speechmaker, made a mom appropriate reply in expressing hie thanks for the gift and gave sage advioe along the line at pointers' to endue greater sue. Gess for the years to come. Bro. W. E. McCracken was asked to supplement the reoipient's remarks which be did in grand and eloquent style in which Bro. Martin's Of te and goner) were emphasized "He'a a jolly good fellow" was rendered, in double forte, as Bro. Martin nomad hie seat, A choice program ensaed, with W. H. Kerr in the chair, couaisting of short, pithy, well directed, congratulatery and commendatory addreeees to the brethren and the oommodious, modern, aon• venient and home like appearance of the . new Hall were oommented upon by Bro. Terhnne, of Listowel Bro. (Rev.) Westgate, of Atwood ; Bro. Powley, DI Toronto (who had so much to do it the reeneoi tenon of Western Star 6 years ago) ; Bro. (Rev.) Oeterhoat, of Wroxeter ; paid Grand Master Blewett. The latter was particularly happy in his remarks aim urged still greater entbusiaarn in the noble work being done by the- bretbreu of the three lioks. In speaking of the growth of the Order be gave the follow ing interesting stationing up to January let, 1605 :— Subordinate Lodge Members $ 1 217 145 00 Enoaammeut • ... 377 839 00 Rebekah 474 059 00 Total number of persons belonging to the Order, 1,2.20,621, Net !nonage during year 1,004 Subordinate Lodge Members 65,744 n ampmeu 0,990 Rebekah 26,291 101ineremte, total 102,100 Net daily inereaee subordiu alae over 200 it at " in all BOO Relief in 1004 paid $4,030,744.06, or over $120e per day,Sundays tut:hided TOtal Relied paid between 1830 and 8105,425,- 778M. Invested funds of Grand and Subordinate Leave acclimated to $37,040,071,10 on Dea. alst,1904. N000. et increase since Dee.31, 1902, over MOOG,- Songa were well sung by Bros, J. G, Jones and R. 0. Davies and a inhale trombone Bolo rendered by Bro. W. A, Gramm with piano r000mpanimeut by Bo. T, A. Elawlsins. After a hearty vote of thanks to the Grand Master and other visiting brethren, which wee fittingly responded to by the former, the Nanny., Anthem wee sting with a gusto that left 110 one in doubt ail te the loyalty of the mug. atere. ' An adjournment was then made to the American Hotel, aeon the steeet, where simper was in wititiog, 00y - ere being laid for 80.1 Mine horde, Mclennan & Ittoodfoot, had everything in apple pie order and from the tempt ing bivalve, down to the Mealy prepared demerit the moat epioarean teeth wart whined. A vote of thanks was paeeed to the proprietore and ladies after wbioh "Good night Ladies" and "Should auld oaquainterne be foegot," with joined .haude, were heartily given arm the large company dieperled "Happy to meet, gorry to pert, hoping to meet again." 0,107141 2,0110e. Brae, F, 8, SOO, and B. Leatberdale were arearere ;of tVeteettn jewele be. tin all» give the most of them WM ers on Oonstitutiottal pointe.—Tbe Degree Teem do their work in good etyle.—Thnell Brea, very kindly 00n tinged the eleotrio light louger than neral to add to the comfort and °maven. Mune of the brethren.—If anybody Rake yon Octet Grand Master Blewett you cien eay for Brueeele Odd Fellows that "he's all right."—If Joe Powley does not climb to the top of the °Medal lad• der there meat be something wrong with the other fellows. Who is to Blame P To the Editor of,T10 Pinar : MAR SIR,—I wish to draw your at. tentiun, eapeoially that of the Village Council, who should be the custodians of the penoe of the town, to the period• coal 000ttaione of rowdyism which 000nr ad to frequently at night on the street+ of our vitiage. 1 am not one of tboee who lay all the sine and evile of in- temperance at the door of tbe 130101 - keeper, bot this innob I em We in say- ing, that the hotelkeeper is very tintioh responsible for the introdnotion of Looal Option and agitation for prohibitory legisletion. Were hotelkeepere to adhere strictly to the license lawe peace loving Gaines tonal not see the same neoeseity for a change. Sunday morning, 19th inet. at 2 o'olook, two or three youths, evi. dently ender the influence of John Bar. leyoorn, paraded the etreete squealing, yelling and kidding everything kickable, aka very detnous from the bottomless nit. Now, is it not a reasonsble in. formica that theee youths obtained abaft ficeweter at one or more of the hotele In tbe town I am perfectly justified in ooruiug to this conclueion, beceetee I know for a faint, there were young men drinking in a hotel in Bowls, et the same hour on the same Souday morning. treat this will mit as a warning to all partiee concerned, espeoially to (bat youth with the demoniac voice and pug. naolous fest. He may "squeal" once too ono to the tune of $5 and mete. Thank ing you for your valuable space, I am Faure for order, ANTI-ROWDYIBX. T h 8 Western Provinces. IN the Editor of THE POST: DEAD EDITOR.—having spent over two menthe in what le often called llThe Urea; West," I will give, through tbe einumus of your valuable paper, a few of my ideas about the preseut progress and taws possibilities of those Provinoee ol oar fair Dmniuion, to those who are always anxione to read something of that part of Canada. Of all iodustriee farming is generally considered one of the moat profitable. Many femora who settled there later than twenty years ago with small (Apnea Borne on land grown wild 660313 shrubs and poplar, sthiell was very hard to break, are now very wealthy. .Che usual eize of farmie 390 sores, at. though quite a number have 480 or 640 aores, While some are making a goon living on 160 stares. No doubt there are farmers; in most parte who are not doing well but we mast admit that saoh are SEEM in every country, There is also poor laud, for inetanoe in the neighbor. hood of Winnipeg and also South 8008 01 Portage la Prairie but femme who bought low or bush land are finding out that they cannot compete with those who dented cm the higher laud. Like all newly settled lauds the farm buildings are tether poor, although through Mani. tribe many Eine barns and bonne may be aeen. Farm laborere hiring by the year are wu better off than thole In Outario, but many young men from Eastern proviooee, who have bomeeteads, spend the Winter months there and engage with a farmer for the Spring and Summer. Judging by the number of homestead entries made this Fall one might think that the good land would soon be ll 1,01.10010 up but the new Provinces are large enough to support millions of people yea This year's mop was about the average. Moat farmers had 20 buthele of wheat to the aore yet I saw a 50 acre field that yielded 1600 bushels., Barley sod oats were also it splendid orop in all pares. Very littie bay is grown in some parte, Ole farmers staoking oats fur teed for their stook. In the second place I would like to eay eomethiug about the educational system, rhe atandard for teaolmie is about the same as in Onterio except that Third Omee Certifieates are still issued in Manitoba; but Alberta and Saakatobewan, eta a rule, employ none (inept Normai trained teachers. Every year a large clamber of Ontario teacthere go there be. muffle the Normal term ie only four menthe in Magni and the eolariee are limiter. Scheele in villages throughout idanitoba oarry ou Continuation work an in Ontario while the toeme and cities are well supplied with Collegiate Inetitutes, Winnipeg has well equipped Collegeand Utsiversities. Perhaps for a few people the real eelate bueineee preen to be the beat for making money. This hes been a eplendid year for the agente, espeolally in Winnipeg, wbere building sites are in great demand. This pity bee this year beaten the world's reoord in number of new buildings tweet. ed. The oew 0. P. R, elation and the T. Baton block are among the firma 50 oonolueion San 11 few worde bout the future 01the West. With its Wins - Ands of acres of both wheal hind and ranching teeritoey, new railway lines being Owletruated, new echoed eeotione being formed When required by new set. nen, the majority of the people being of indnetrione imbibe and a good edueational eystem having beau established, is ' there any reaeou why Weetern Ortnada should not give a good aotionnt of itself in this 20313 ornery, Yours Truly, (311RVITE. Nov, 18, 1905. 180 arGill GET litearellie No remedy cfonid be more prompt and agreeable than Dr, Hamilton's Pilte. No matter where you go you'll hear of the grad +wee they Make. Writing from Ottawa Mre, 04. n Legere flays ; "For people itathned to bilicteenefie aud eiak Unbolt° I don't think there is a remedy to compare With Dr, Hamilton's Pine, 411sissEublo,E4.14,.../oSaseasstlass...srouggitAsktbakl~rdoslarki0.13.14014.or.04.0.W.smlmssfakOlthdiso titossionvOl*A*00,1101.*SOSitstos,..ssasooKeznaKsk.fts_44..„,lsoccaVaZZ,„--Sas. Standard Bank of Canada mwmae..nnaz..,xma-xemzi 1E372 SURPLUS, OR RESERVE KEW $ 1,0781122 TteraL alearirra OVER 16.0011004 ..4 ecenerat 1311,111alug Bit slat eisaa 'Ucttri °tea Anorned Intereat le added to attenuate every six menthe mid 101/1011 OS prIneht. 1. Joint Deposit Acrittin IA -4 SPECIAL CONYelaintenta 111 aro In our 8. VII/Mi DO. partment 10 the "Joint Deposit" aceouut, aloof.) may be dimwitted or WI 100,141M by either of the two weathers of the household. Thai system is a great ecutiu. fence to Mang residing in town. 1390 03078 'mitten lerly SO to fermiers, es in the latter wise whether man or wife comes to town either 1801 DI SOW to the Baulang, An- other feature of the wawa 160110600 ease 06 108 death of either party the money eau be withdraw,, by the survivor without goat. We 01111,11 700 More shoat our Methods if you will kindly ealt or wrap. Married Wonien and Minors may wake awl eithdraw deposits without the lu- terventiou Of any person. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE KEEPING only for which no obarge is made, YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar oareful aud courteous etleetion. A. 0. MACFARLANE, A Germ, a6MWCPWWW I formerly bad bilious attaoke about once a mouth—need Dr. fletroiltonal and obtained grand results. My stomach hae bean pat in good order and my health greatly improved." NI medicine batter for men, women or children. Try Dr, Hamilton's Pills, 25 +a per box or five boxes for $1 00 ab all druggists, • Grey Council Meeting. The Council met pursuant to order in the Township Hell On Monday Nov. 20813. KS 10 a. nn. The Reeve in the chair and other membere all present. The min - 0480 of last meeting were read and ap• proved. _Moved by John Brown geoonded by D. Johneton that no action be taken regarding the petition for twee! Option in this Townebip. Moved in amendment by William Fraser second• ed by John Grant that action be taken in regard to the petition for Local Option. Motion Gaoled. Moved by John Grain, emended by D. Johnaton that the Clerk notify the Con- traotor's sectarian on all inoompleted Municipal Drains, that they he well as the oontraotora will be held responsible tor the completion of said draioe. Carried. Duncan Johnston examined the Mark Manicipel Drain, and reported that no action be taken in oonneotion with eaid drain at prompt. On motion of William Fraser eecond• ed by John Brown the following mount° were ordered. to be;paid Thomas Straohan, gravel $ 6 60 A. bieLauctilin, work on Grey and Morrie bdy. and broken plow.. 10 00 O. Raynard culvert and gravelling on Mill road 5 65 R. Leatbordale table for Treasur• sr at Hall 4 50 Wm. Menary, drawing tile and cement onlvert lot 12 con. 10.,., 4 00 R. Miller, repairing &Cobalt bridge 4 00 W. Bowman, farm bridge, Lamont 15 00 drain W. Games, farm bridge, Lamont 18 00 drain T. Boat, farm bridge, Lamont 12'90 draio R. L. Taylor, gra vel'g Ei. R. 3, lot 15 22 56 S. Dunn, gravel 9 40 J, Dunoanson, dilob los 13, con. 14, 3 00 R. Frannie, gravelling and gravel on Grey and Logan bdy 9 00 0. Pnlittrd, ditch on lot 1, wan. 14 2 50 Jae. Brown, removing timber from Ethel bridge and teaming 2 00 A. G. Biebop, 2 oemeot culvert° lot 5 oon 8 3 75 Peter Tarr, °emetic pipe, 14 00 Wallace Township titement pipes 8 20 Obae. Tomkine, clearing award drain Wallace Bdy. Grey's share 10 25 Ben. Hielop, repairing culvert Howlett Bdy. Grey's share 1 25 Wm. Hamilton, gravelling lot 7 eon, 2 5 00 George McDonald, shovelling gravel 1 25 John K. Baker, oniVert Hanna drain 17 00 Jobe E. Baker, gravelling S. B. 6 con, 10 26 75 A. 0. Dames, drain B. 11,. 4 con 15 5 00 Wm. Bell, per order from Gain & Foga! an 140 59 60 oon, drain Geo. Hodge, timber for aulvert, Grey and Logan Bdy 2 60 Nelson Hayden, temporary road at MaFarlaneat bridge 3 00 Geo. McDonald, gravel 7 20 Luke Spartan, broken plow 7 00 Witliam Mitainell, gravel 14 80 Elnaes °deb, gravel 2 00 Joo, MoOntoheon, gravelling lot 26, con, 2 .. 1 00 Wm. Pollard, ditch and railing on oulvert lot° 19 and 20 con 6.... 20 76 R. W. Livingston, phone to Mitobell and Godericsh ..... 60 hristmas Presents See our new stook of Christmas Jewellery, dm. Here are a few Gifts nit - able for a Lady :- -Pearl Set Brooches, —Diamond Rings, —Birthday Binge, —Gem Rings, —Brooches, Necklets, —Lockets, Bracelets, ' —Pearl Set Pins, Lace Pins —Gold Watches, —Gold Filled Watches, —Gold Watch Chains, —Sewel Cases, —Gold Pens, —Fountain Pens, —Sash Pine, —Souvenir Spoons, Etc. You must gee the Goods to knave their beauty and value. We have bought them direct from the matufac- Were for spot oaah sad clan save you money and asSure you quality, We have the stock and armament, Honed Goode at oleo prams ea H. L. Jackson LEADING JEWELLER, AN INVITATION FOR YOU We have just opened out a fell stook of NEW AND BEAUTIFUL XMAS GOODS. We wish to remind the Publio that absolutely on all the lines ennmerat- ed in our new li-t we have Made EM- PHATIC REDUOTIONS. Therefore, we claim your support for Buskins Rea- tions—"Better Goode for Less Money." You need not go out of our Jewelry store for all Linde of choiae designs for Wed- ding and Xmae Presente. A. cordial Welcome is extended to all whether on a purehaelug mission or one of mere inepeotion. W. P. s t re tton LEADING JEWELLER. George Barkley, McDonald bridge abutments 970 18 William Coats, expensee of hire. Cornell to Stratford Hospital „ 8 75 Robert Malin, rag, bolte for culvert Grey and Logan Bdy 1 20 Robert Munn, rag, bolts ouivert ou Hanna drain 1 80 Robert Mann, rag, bolts 2 20 Robert Mono, tile 75 Joe. Coombs, oontraotor and Twp'o. portion of inspection Mc- Donald bridge abutments 33 75 Samuel Burke, gravel 1 20 Moved by Duncan Johnstoo, seconded by John Grant that the Council do now adjourn and meet on Friday the 1506 day of Deoember at 10 a. ,n.—Carried. Jona Molsaose, Olerk. HERE IS A CURE FOR Sleeplessness Weak, lidstlesS, Sleepless Men and Women Cared Every Day by Dr. 111111111 1011'S Plile. The physical togerIng and mental angelith that viottms of eleepleiniuses endure id0 .tieed a sal awry but in Dr. Eirunittou's Pills there is swift relief from this awful condition, Thousende have printed the merit of this grand Medicine, among them Mrs. G. T. Lyons, one of the beet known resideute of Geneva, who writes :—.My health ran down itud I Wee unable to sleep. 5 heti beadaehe and pine in different pinta of my body, in the morning I was weary and exhaneted—no rest or oomfort came from the imitates of sleep I got." "Dr, Herniates Pills braced ,me at one*. Atter thr first night I got refresh• ing sleep, that extreme weariness left me and I recovered very fast." No medioine I even usegave snob telling results ae Dr, Hamilton's Mao - drake and and Buttermilk Pille," Don't let eleepieeenerm drive you orazy, take Dr. Hamittou's Pills and get well. You will 100rea0e in flesh, your appetite will be vigorous, force end energy will be instilled Nita your nervous system. By nourishing and purifying the blood and by stimulating the liver and Mom aoh De. Hamiltou's Pine a000mplish woriere. Try a 25e. box, or five beetle for $1, at all dealers, or N. 0. Poleoo Go., Harttord, Conn., U. S. A., and Xing. eton, Ont, Farmers and the Tariff. Before the Commission in he session at Toronto meaty farmers spoke. Thom Mealillan of Hellen, tbe first speaker, declared witb erephaeis : "The burden of taxation hae teen reached ao far aa we are outierued. We are not prepared to hear of any more taxation on behalf of any other indnetry in this Province." He deolated that the Bonne of Canada's inereened prosperity waa not in the tOWne and cities, but In the farms Of 0807 tionntry. Be quoted authentic figures of the re. ceipte end txpeudIturee for a year 0010 $14,000 200 acre farm, bee of the beet in Huron county. The reeeiple, mostly from cattle old, were 86,081.64 and the expen• (Mores $4,836,60, the largest Hein being (tattle bought, leaving a net Wehrle of $695 14, no allowance being made fur the wages for any one uf the family. "Dozens of farmers hi Huron county," said Mr. Motailian, "although tbey have exercieed all their ingenuity and economy during the !net five yeare, have only been able to mark lime." He analyzed the products ol the farm in the Borman of Incluatriele returns, and ehowed that, de• duetting that patio° which is led and ie thereforeoritw materiel, there was lett $186,500,000 a year, which, divided Among 185,000 farmer% made an average grime revenue of $788 for One year in Ontario, "Yon will gee," ha oommented, "that there ie not very ratloh Muncie of otir be. Wining mIllioneiree in a abort time." Evem the Manufaciturers Were depend. 00000 the troll for 70 to 75 per °ant of their raw =Waal, eo (het the prosperity of the farming wag of great importatioe to them torn that etandpoitd, The fermata were also the largeet purchasers of the mautdaotker's fluiehed produote. It Was therefore fair to itelt 110188 111 &villa making other indeetries be not allowed to Prey aeon agrioultare, AEI 10 the relit. tive profit, Nom were quoted to show that while agrioulture in Canada has four timoe the ii.vsetnient, three tirnee lte Melly employees par) two time art molt Wawa, yet its profits are only one and two thiree dines as those of the rnaeufaotures. Laying down a platform, Ala MoMil. Ian said a tariff for revenne WKS tleoes• eery. They strongly approved of the Britib preferenoe and would like to eee British gouda, more particularly °lobbing admitted at the loweet praotioable rate. No increase should be made on agrioul' boral implements as they are one of the farmer's raw materials. He would like e reduotion, but by no manna an inereitee, Mr. McMillan resected tthe Massey. Emote Oo'e. euggeotion that employment in aity faotories Wad neoessary for the feriner's ourpine sone, and remarked that help le already 100 800,088 on farm. The proposal to levy 45 per omit. ou extra parte for farm implements was only another way of putting a prohibit. Iva duty on implements, aa parts tem nt• ready dear enough in all ormeatettos. The duty 1/11 baggies and on wire for fencing, Mr. McMillan said, le too high. The Baty of one cent a pound on sugar ohould be removed, ae labor oonditions are not suitable for beet sugar making in Canada. FALL CATARRH. Disease 'PrevalentNow Rat Can be Quickly Cared with Weasel. A great many people suffer more with catarrh during the Fall months than at any other season of the year, the °henget+ in weather seeming to have a bad affect upon the disease. Some of the mires made by Hyomei seem marvelous when 0110 remetn. berg that the patienta had suffered from °March since ohildhood and that for years they had been unable to get a good nightie oloep, on Do. count of the disagreeable tickling and dropping al the back of the throat amused by this offensive dia. ease. A few day's treatment with Hyomei brought quick relief, and its continued ase made a complete and lasting more. By breathing Hyomei through the pocket inhaler that oomes with every outfit, all the air paesagee of the lenge and throat are tilled with air ladeu with Nature's own remediee Me the aura of catarrh. All disease germs are killed, and the irritated mnoona membrane is healed. - The oomplete outfit costs but $1.00, extra bottles 50 oente. Oom. pare tbis small expense with the fees °barged by speOialiets. If you want obtain Hyomei of your dealer, it will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, on reoeipt of prioe. Write to day for eons/lunation blank that will eutitle you to servioes of our medical department without charge. The R. T. Booth Company, Hyomei Buildiug, Ithaca, N. Y. STOCK FR SERVICE B uLL FOR SERVICE. — THE undereigued will; keep for service on Lot 8, Con. 9, Grey, the there' Med Durham bull, "Merry Amer," who won the sweep- stakee n4 Bruesela Pall Pair. Penne— $2,00 for grade cows aud $5.00 for Thiamine. Pedigree may be seen on upplicietion. • DONALD ROBERTSON, 18 Proprietor. liVIPORTANT NOTICES THREE NEW COUNTER -IL Show Cases for eale, email 0 feet long, walnut frames and double thlok glass, Lip - ply to TAR POST, Brussels, TWO TRORO' -BRED DUR- .A. mar Bull Oalyoe for Bale, prize win- ners 01 Brusaela Pah% One 0008 and the other red. 10 months old. D. I00SE01te- 14003, Lot 8, Con. 0, Grey, or Brands P. 0. rflEACHER WANTED FOR S. JL fi. No, a Grey, Huron Clo„ duties to oommence after Christmek holidaya, Ap- j,lloatlono, With testimonials, stating salary, reeeived up to Dedenther lst. Address W. WORE, Secretary, lbtf Brussels P.0, Huron County Council. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Enron will meet In the Town Rall io the Village of Brussels, on Decm- ber 91,13 next, at 3 o'clock p, 10, All accounts to come before the Coni.eil must be platted with the Clerk before this date. Dated Noy, 20811,1200, W. LAND, Clerk, 17.110R SALE -14 GOOD YOUNG beioester Ewes, 4 two-thear Rama, 1 Shearling Item and 2 Ram Lambs. Also 6 young Snort Horn little and a limber of Cows and eleifers, All ere of the best breed- ing and A 1 quality. Will be sold at lowest prices and eaay terms to early buyers, 1). MILND, Ethel. WARM FOR BALI)) OR TO -1-HOS t. containing 100 stores, being Lot 8, Con. 2, Grey. Viers is a bank bean and comfortable brick house on the promises. Perm is well watered and there 18 n good orehard, Convenient to school and ehtt0eh, Por further partioulare apply on the prem. isos. JOS, oc•ousos, 144f Jameetown P. 0. nOMFORTABLE RESIDENCE V and 2 soros of hold for Bale on Walnut street, Brussele. Brick hofise, good etable, hard and soft water, emall orchard, &e, Property In good shape. Immediate posttest - sloe ean be given. For further particulars apply on the premiers'. JOHN MaErileatia 62,46 Proprietor, Brussels. 1.00 t.t?iaRalisijilko oEMF0°0114, BMActrjrz!, About 80 acres are steered, balance in bush. There ie a frame holthe, bank barn, driving abed, orchard, &o, Plenty et good water. 0ouveuient to sobool and Hi mike frown 11thesels. Poasession can be given Meech Lit, Pot further particulate WS to pries, terrolea.,11&e., apply te A. J. LOWEY. Bruesole. rigNE FARM FOR SALE BE- L ing Lot 12, 001*. 14, Grey, eontaining 100 woe, 8.1 111 66111,01 SIT 01 Oared f010 WA - alum in hardavood bunt. Pianae house; new bank barn. otaboad,Go., on premiere) With abundance of Spring water, Place is well folioed; Is It good condition and no waste tuna, 0081140 (0008 either Boatels or Wel. tom For further partionlare apply on the prenalees 011 17 by ratter 00 OranbrOok NEIL 13177406.I038.101.,, Notice to Debtors, in the matter 01 101, Plante of Alexander liteNittr, tete of the TOWnitlilp et Grey, in the County of Huron, Merelianb, tleoetteed, Netted Is hereby elven that all nevem who are lu guy wey lodebtad to the late Alex. antler MoNalr, la 11 IS life time, in the Village of Oranbrook, in the Comity of Huron, wer. obaut, ;Retorted , are required to settle wad athottute w1001 the EXaoutora, David 13087 804 Letitia Iforettir on or before the 004 day of Decetuber next. That ell anaemia; not settled by that date will bo plaited in suit, Dated at Godertah this 14th day of Nov- ember, 4,0.1900, PROUD.POOT, PAYS & BLAIR, Solicitors for the said Executere. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Alexanaer MoNair, late of the Township of Grey, in the Connty of Huron, mer- chau a deceased. Notice Is hereby given, puranant to Boyle - ed 8108000001 Outario, 38117, Clam. FA and amended Ade, that all ereditore and others IleVine troy elatine against the pinata 06 0018 ,aid Alexander MeNair, 0>10 ,1101 011 or about the 29th day of (Mob 4,1), 1005, are required, 011 or before toe BA day of December, 1900, to amid by poet, prepaid, or deliver to David TioNair, ot the Village of Oraubrook tu the Conuty of Eurott, ODD Of the Exthutore of the Estate of the oibLd doceased,the Iull parblettlars of their claims, the statenieut of their 110. 000,18, and the nature of the socuritleefif any) held by them. Aud nuthie ie farther give u that after the said lett mentioned date the said Exeett- tore will proceed to distribute Um aesets el the deceased tunougat tee pOSHOS on titled thereto, buvitte r,gard o,oOy to the 0101108 08 widen theY shell thou have notice and that the said Executor will nob be liable for the mete, or ally part thereof, to any person or paraoua wheee olefins notnie shall not nave been received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated 00 Godertalt tbis 14011 clay of Nov- ember, A. D. 1905. P100010 70010, 84108 & BLAIR, 10.3 Foamier for Executors, S:VIMIED YOU OtAPORT) Having invested in a Hot Water Heating appavatue I am now in a poeition to offer you Hot Coffee, Beef Tea, Tomato Bouillon, and Chicken Broth at our Bee- taurant on two minutes' notice, Thanking you for peat patronage and hoping for a 0011 Lill 11ILD00 06 70000. trade, I am, Yours Very Reepedfully, J. e. KERNEY TELEPHONE 5 Oysters Served Hot or cow. r a r ins t` ftU ERY to-woa,r Hats GOING AT tow PRIOES SUCH AS 25c935e1,40c As 111310 going out of Ladies' Coats and Mantles Special Re- duetions will be made to clear out the stock. Intending purchesers will end it to their advantage to call, Mrs,. IVIc 1)1:10TOGRAPHS of Mende adds .11.. greatly to the comfort of a home. HyOWonaiatLymo4d3 without a Photo, of 017Ruplatoricaisealt;learIghb and our Work r110 get a, Photo. taken mime early in 1 the day. OfaUR reception 70001and samples' aro open for inspection. SIT for year Photo. now before the Xmas rank areeueir H.R. REWER 000 Farmers or Storekeepers by coining to the - Brussels Salt Works eau get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. D. EWAN & Co. H US S 1-714 S Are molting the eUtterS Finest display of Ever seen in Brussels. Call and See them and get Prices. FALL AND WINTER uits and v moats anittgallanse-a' If yOU UR thinking of buying a Fall Huit or Overcoat we will make it worth -your while to ca,11 and see our new line of Scotch and ilInglish Tweeds and plain and fancy Worsteds. The nimt Stylish and Serviceable goods that Can be bought. Our Overcoats of Fancy Tweeds, Boavc, s, tons and Cheviots are also on the move and are sell- ing fast, We have a large stook of Fancy Pantings. The price we know will make, you buy. Cali in and we will be Glad to bhow you what we have for Little Money taafitearratAsatiase. Dodds & abkirk