HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-11-30, Page 2fo•Q'4C}agS1a•cet-.}4vao4AOt?aoa
00.2.O•oan o o o•n oo'o'o*OGO {>o•o
We've formed a new society—
"Tho Order of the Smiling Face:"
An honored mea.,`,er you may bo,
Por every ono may have a place.
The rules say you must never let
The corners of your mouth droop
For by this habit you may got
The habit of a silky frown.
If playmates tease you, lot your eyes
A bravo anmerry twinkle show;
For if the angry tears arise
They're very apt to overflow,
If you must practice for an hour,
And If it seem a long, long while,
Remember not to pout and glower,
But wear a bright and cheerful
The rules aro simple, as you see;
Malce up your mind to ,fain to -day.
Put on a smile and you will be
An active member right away, '
"Tell me a story, please!" begged
the little boy.
"Well, go to my desk and bring
me that little picture in the gold
So tho little boy brought the pia -
Imre and climbed upon his father's
knee, and this was the story he
"This, (addle, is the miniature of
your most famous ancestor, your
great-great-great-grandtn'ther, Sir
Roger Templeton. Ile was a brave
and gallant knight, and lived in
marry England in the time of good
Queen Bess, And when I was a lit-
tle boy like you, laddie, there was
nothing in all the world I lilted so
well as to listen to the stories of
his many valiant deeds.
"And often he would look first at
this miniature and then at me, and
m l
1 that I had the a o-
roud P
ton nose—the long, aristocratic,
Templeton nose. Then I would
dream of knights and lists and tour-
naments,and nd the bravo
deeds of
"And one day I thought of the
belfry tower in the old church where
my father preached. I had heard
that the ascent was difficult, and
that no one had attempted it for a
long time. Here at last was a task
worthy of valiant, longnosed Tem-
pleton! So instead of going nutting,
with the boys, I slipped into his
study and took from his desk the
heavy iron church key, and hurried
to the church, which stood on a
lonely hill a little out of the vil-
"I turned the key in the rusty
lock, climbed the gallery stairs and
opened the door leading to the belfry.
The first two flights of stairs were
easily climbed, though the way was
dark and dusty, and, oh, so dread-
fully still!
"Then the stairs ended, and a long
ladder led upward into the tower.
Some of iho rounds were broken, and
the whole thing seemed terribly
shaky. For a moment I longed to
turn back; then I remembered my
brave ancestors. I started up the
"I climbed it safely, and found
myself in a tiny room just below the
belfry. Then came another short
stairway, and at last I had reached
. the end of my Journey. And, oh,
how good it seemed to be out in the
clear air and bright sunshine once.
more! And how tiny the village
looked, ler, far bedew!
"'Then I saw by the setting sun
that I must hurry down if I wished
to reach home in time for supper.
So I started to go, but turned back
for just one more look at the big
bell, and at that very moment there
Game a loud crash from below. The
treacherous old ladder had fallen,
and I was 0 prisoner in the tower!
"I shouted and called, but no ono
heard me. Tho sun went clown, and
it become quite dark in the belfry.
The stars came out, ono by one, and
still I crouched beside the big ball,
hungry and cold and frightened.
"At last, shivering with cold, I
crept clown to the tiny room below
the belfry, It was warmer there,
and I sobbed myself to sleep, and
dreamed that Great•'grcat-great-
, grandfather Templeton canto a -riding
on a broom, witch fashion, and car-
ried me away—away—over the tree -
'(hen I awoke in great terror, for
the whole tower was alive with
sound, and shaking and trembling in
tt fearitt] manner.
"The big hell was ringing madly-:
Boom! boom! boom! All the world
seemed full of noise.
"Booml boom! boom{ I clapped
my hands to my ears.
'Then it stopped for a moment,
and far below, very, very faintly,. X
heard the cry, 'Boy lost! boy lost!
boy lost!' Then boom! boom!
boom! went the bell again.
"nut at last it stopped, and they
]toned my cries anti came with
lights and a ladder, and took mo
safely down and carried mo home.
"In illy mothers arms I told ley
story. My father listened giictly,
and eatnebov, with his grave eyes
odor inc., the taking of tho church
key seemed anything but a knightly
"When I hat] finishorl, my father
Bald, Very sternly, 'There was ono
virtue, my erre, that your noble an-
eestors vented even more than cou-
rage, and that was honor.'"
'.f nye Into boy gazed long and
tiniehffully at the; miniatere,
grape," saki he, "have I the Toms
pluton nose?"
"No, laddie," said his father,
"''bur nese is left alit every-day-
tteentietlx-ceniury nose, and the meet
gallant deed you can do to -night Is
to go straight up -Stairs to beth"•
Can Only be Cured Through the
Bad backs—aching hacks—colic
from bad kidneys. lied kidneys conic
from bad blood. Bad blood clogs
the kidneys with poisonous 'mettle -
ties that breed deadly diseases, And
the first sign of that fatal trouble is
a dull, Dragging pain in tho back.
Neglect it, and you will soon have
the coated tongue, the pasty skin,
tho peevish temper, the swollen
ankles, the dark -rimmed eyes, and
all the other signs of deadly kidney
disease. Plasters and liniments can
never cure you. Kidney pills and
backacho pills only touch the symp-
toms—they do not cure. You )oust
get right down to the root and
cause of the trouble In the blood—
ing] no medicine in the world can do
this so surely as Dr. Williams' fink
Pills, because they actually make
now blood. This strong, rich, new
blood sweeps the kidneys clean,
drives out the poisonous acids, and
heals the deadly inflammation. That
is the only way to rid yourself of
your backache and have strong,
sound kidneys. Mrs. Paul St. Onge,
wife of a well known contractor at
St. 'Alexis des Monts, Que., says:—
"I suffered for upwards of six years
from kidney trouble, I bad dull, flee-
ing pains across the loins, and at
times could hardly go about. I lost
flesh, had dark rims below my eyes,
and grew more wretched eve y day.
I was treated by different doctors,
but with no apparent result. I dis-
paired of regaining my health, and
was becoming a burden to my fam-
ily. I was itt a deplorable condition
when one of my friends advised me
to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. I
began taking them, gad after using
throe or four boxes, I began to foal
better. I continued the treatment
for nearly three months, when every
symptom of the trouble had vanished
and I was again a well woman. I
feel justified in saying I believe Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills saved my life."
New blood—strong, pure, rich
blood which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
make, cures not only kidney trouble
but a host of other ailments, such
as anaemia, indigestion, rheuma-
tism, erysipelas, St. Vitus dance, lo-
comotor, ataxia, paralysis, and the
secret ailments women do not like to
talk about, even
to their doctor.
But only the genuine pills can bring
health and strength, and these have
the full namo "Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People" `int d on the
wrapper around each box. If your
dealer floes not keep the genuine pills
you can get them by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for 52.50
by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Engineering Feats Called for in
Construction of New Line,
In the constrnelion of the Ama-
bele-Butterworth railway in Caps
Colony, unusual difficulties had to
be surmounted, according to tho
"Pall Mall Gazette," and the result
is, from an engineering point of
view, one of the most remarkable
railways in existence. After passing
through the.: Koi Hills the line winds
around another hill, and then, at a
lower level, goes under its own
track. This portion of the railway
is known as the "spiral." At an-
other point the line travels along
the bank of the Mangulu River for
two miles, and then doubles back
for a nifle and a half, so that, after
covering three and a half miles, the
train is really only half a mile to
the good. This section is called the
"zigzag," and, with the spiral is
unique in South Africa. All along
the Ilei heights the route is through
cuttings or on emhankntents. Some
idea of its extraordinary character
may bo formed from the statement
that in eighteen miles the line falls
or rises, to the extent of 1,500 feet.
Titers is no tyrant like a teething
baby. Tho temper isn't due to orig-
inal sin; the little one suffers worse
than the rest of the family. Ile
doesn't know what is the matter—
they do. But baby need not suffer
longer than it takes to make him
well, if the mother will give him
Daby's Own Tablets, They ease the
tender gums and bring the teeth
through painlessly and without tears.
Mrs. C. Connolly, St. Laurent, Man.,
says: "Some months ago my little
girl's health became so bad that we
felt very anxious. Sho was teething
and suffered so much that we dict
not know what to cls for her. I was
advised to try Baby's Own Tablets,
and from almost the first 'lose she
began to improve, and thee was 310
further trouble. She is note in the
best of health, thanks to the Tab-
lets." 'rho Tablets mire all do
minor ailments of children, and are is
blessing to both mother and child.
They always do good—they cannot
possibly do harm. ,i'ry them and yon
will see no other medicine for ,your
little ono. Sold by all druggists or
sent by mail at 25 cents a box by
writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Bored Tunnel, Similar to Simp-
lon) 2,500 Years Ago,
Unmistakable evidence exists that
2,500 years og',p certain Hebrew en-
gibeers (in the time of Icing Hea-
Kfah) executed exactly the same kind
of work which was 'carried out in
the Sfmplott tunnel, though perhaps
on it slightly smaller scale, says the
Scientific American.
Dr, TBcrtholct, tt professor at the
University of 'Basle, Is the gentle-
man who ciailns to have made this
discovery, The Jewish records state
that Bing Ilene-Klalt, or IiIzekias,
who reigned at Jerusalem 727 D. 0,,
was much troubled at the bad state
of the water supplied to the people
of that City, ITo acoordhtgly had a
vast reemeroir made at the gates 02
tire, elty, to whisk water was fed
from varlouy serfage lying at great
1n1,a®(\ REWARD will
`P be paid to any
person who proves that
Sunlight Soap contains any
inJeriaus chemicals or any
form of aduiloratioe,
is equally good with hard or soft water.
If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions)
you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better
results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way.
As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly
pure, 'the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be
washed without the slightest injury.
Lever Etrothero Limited. Toronto
Your money refunded
by the dealer from whom you buy
Sunlight Soap if you find any
cause for complaint,
er or less distances from the reser-
voir in question.
At first his pttoject seemed doomed
to failure, as there existed between
Jerusalem and the springs from
which the water was to bo derived a
high chain ' of hills, over which it
would be impossible to convey tho
water. It was tharcfore determined
to open a passage for the water
through the solid rock. One of Ole
Sirach MSS. dating from this period
states in this connection: "Hezo-
Kiahfortified his city by bringing
water thereto, and he bored through
the solid rock by means of bronze,
and he collected the water in a
Recent explorations have enabled
this predecessor of the Simplon to
he thoroughly identified, It is Said
to be the Shiloah tunnel by means
of which water was brought down
from a source to the east of Jerusa-
lem and poured into tiro Pool of Si-
loam, mentioned in the Bible. This
conduit is 300 yards long. The
distance, as the bird `lies, between
the two mouths of tho tunnel is also
only 880 yards, which proves that
the work was not executed in a per-
fectly t
L t lt line—due doubtless to
the difficulties which the engineers
encountered in their task-, which for
the period, was of a really marvel-
lous nature.
That tho work was commenced
from both ends of the tunnel is not
only proved by the inscription, but
also by the fact that the marks of
the boring tools, picks, etc„ may
still be seen, all bearing in opposite
directions. The direction of the tun-
nel was altered several times during
the construction theroof, as there
are several short galleries, which
were evidently abandoned as soon as
it was noted that Working was be-
ing clone out of line. Tho floor of
the tunnel is finished with the
greatest care, and the workings vary
from live -eights of a yard to one
yard in width by from three feet to
nine feet in height, more or less, ac-
cording to the hardness of the rock.
In the light of modern engineering
science, tho following questions sug-
gest themselves: How clivi these old
time engineers gauge their direction,
recognize and remedy their errors in
alignment? What tools did they use
to execute a piece of work which has
remained without equal or rival for
2,500 years?
Tho earnings of a successful Lon-
don beauty doctor run easily into
four figures. Thera is one lady who
makes sufficient income out of the
business to pay £1,200 e. year rent
for premises and keep a house in the
vicinity of Hyde Park. She charges
as much as ten guineas an operation,
and for merely manicuring the nails
demands half a guinea. Five assist-
ants are kept, in addition to a
book-keeper, a lady to receive pat-
rons, and ono young lady whose duty
it is to look after the advertising.
Makes Way for the Better Food of
Better Day.
"Porridge is no longer used for
breakfast itt my haute," writes a
loyal Britain from Huntsville, Ont,
This was an admission of no small
significanco to oto 'brought up' on
the time-honored stand-by.
"One month ago," she continues,
"I bought a package of Grape -Nuts
food for my husband, who had been
an invalid for over a year. He had
passed through a severe attack of
pnountonia and la grippe combined,
and was loft in a very bad condition
when they passed away.
"I tried everything for his benefit,
but nothing seemed to do him any
good. Month followed month arid he
still remained as weak as over. 1
was almost discouraged ahoit him
when I got the Grape Nuts. hilt the
result has compensoLcd mo for my
"In tho ono month that he bas
eaten Gmapc-Nuts he has gained 10
pounds in weight, his strength is
rapidly returning to him, and he
feels lila a now man. Now Aro all
eat Grape -Nuts food, and aro the
better for it. Our little 5 years obi
boy, who used to suffer ft•oln pains in
tho stomach after eating tho old-
fashioned porridge, has 110 more
trouble sittco he began to use ilraper
Nuts, and I have no more doctor's
bills to pay for him.
"We use Grape -Nuts with only
sweet cream, and find it the Moat
tasty dish in our hill of fare,
"Last Monday I arc A teaspoonfuls
of Ot'ape-Nuts and cream. for break-
fast, frothing .iso, tihoa Set to work
and got my mornings work 'lone by
0 o .loot, itrtd felt less tired, much
stronger, than if I had ma'cto my
breakfast 0111 (neat, potatoes, etc., as
I used to, •I wotil'dn't be without
Grape -Nuts ie the house for any mou-
oy.". Name given by Posture Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich, 'There's a reason,
Road the little book, Pau Road
to \Vclivillee'f in pliJ;s,
Interesting Notes About Some
Prominent People.
Lord Roberts is able to endure a
fast so prolonged that neat men
would bo incapacitated by it. 1Io
eats very sparingly at all times, and
alWays of the simplest kinds of food.
The Queer of the Netherlands be-
lieves in early rising, notwithstand-
ing that she has not a groat
amount to do, She has been accus-
tomed to be downstairs by half -past
seven of a mo•nieg over since she
was a little child.
To be the possessor of a distinct
peerage in England, Scotland, and
Ireland is a rare honor. Only three
nobles can ciahn It. One of them is
the Duke of Abercorn, who recently
celebrated his sixty-seventh birth-
day, and the others aro the Mar-
quis of Lansdowne and the Earl of
Lord Ashbourne, who is now sixty-
eight years old, has been Lord
Chancellor of Ireland for twenty
years, having risen from a practis-
ing barrister with remarkable
quickness. Entering Parliament in
as member for Dublin Lner-
y, h a was appointed Attorney -
General for Ireland in 1877, and in
1885 gat his Chancellorship and 1110
seat in the Cabinet, which he ]las
since continued to hold uainteerupt-
Doctors Said There Was no Hope
For Him But he is a Well Man
Mount I.Btydges, Ont., Nov. 20.—
(Special).—That Dodd's Kidney Pills
euro Bright's Disease completely and
permanently- has been clearly shown
in the case of Itt'. Itobt. (Bond, a
well-known resident of this place.
Mr. Bond does not hesitate to say
he owes his life to Dodd's Kidney
"My attending physician," Mr.
Bond states, "said 1 was in the lath
stages of Bright's Disease attd that
thee was no hope for me. I then
commenced to use Dodd's Kidney
Pills and no other remedy. I used
in all about twenty boxes when my
doctor pronounced No quite Well. I
have had no return of the trouble
Bright's Disease is Kidney Diser.alt
in its worst form. Dodd's Kidney
Pills always cure it. They also
easily euro milder forms of Kidney
Tho King of the Hollenes general-
ly spends some part of each summer
in a :pleasant way. Ile tuens farm-
er, and works as hard as though he
were a laborer. No can plough a
field, cut and bind corn—in short,
keep a farm going from Start to fin-
ish, as well as though it were his
sole business in life,
Miss Bertha Ki•upp, who has for
two years been the real. head and
owner of the huge Krupp works, is
described as oro of the richest and
most capable young women in tho
world, Not ,yct twenty, she 10 an au-
thority' on groat guns and battle-
ships, and thentilitary rept'esentae
tives of countres needing armament
frequeltly meet and discuss their
business with her personally.
Mme. Rejance the great French ac-
tress, has received a call by balloon
at her sumnur villa at Iienaoquc-
ville, At the hour of afternoon ton,
five o'clock, there settled down on
the lawn an nirs]tip, and standing
up in It was ),Into Henri L ettelllor,
who observed quietly as she extend-
ed her hand to the astonished lacly
of the house, "Wo have Galled 'to
thank you, dear madame, for your
co -Operation in our charity play,"
"Phis is the first time anybody has
dropper( from the clouds to thee&
me," said Rejano, "1t is elm way
two have in 1.805 of paying tri'bklte to
talent," was the ready response.
:elle Grant( Duchess Olga of Russia
has well earned ler charming nick-
name of "'1911 Princess of Peecc,"
Her Imperial highness, Who is the
Ozal'bt youngest glider, inherits hoe
horror of war from her late father,
and 11 is said that the recent peace
negotiations were greatly due to her
influence on her 'Other, The Grand
Duchess, Who is now twenty-three
years' of ago, was itint'ritd lou years
ago to a distant eninin, Prince
Peter, duke of 0ldeideirg. She 'lives
In St. Pei eesberg, enol is very a1.-
Wheel to the Empress, anti also to
the Grand Duchess Sorge, "Tho
Princess of Peace" is also a ;lace of.
Quten ,Alexandre, whose gentle Mite
tura she shares.
The clock in the tower of tho New
Naval College at Dartmouth, Eng-
land, which will be opened shortly
by the King, will mark time as kept
on board ship, striking eight, six,
four bells, eta, and will be the only
clock of Ifs kind in England,
'renown to 'thousands— Parmelee'.
Vegetable Tills regulate the action of
the secretions, purity the blood and
keep the stomach andhowels free from
deleterious matter. Token according to
dircetion they will overcome dyspepsia.
eradicate biliousness, and leave the di-
gestive organs healthy anti -strong to
perform their functions. Their merits
tern welt-ltnawll to th O1t011 ds W110 kion•
by experience low beneficial tinny a. to
la giving tone to the system.
"What does Freddy like to play? '
asked the caller. ".Freddy," replied
papa, "likes to play whatever games
mamma and I decide are too rough
for him,"
Yes, It is humiliating to have a skin covered
witb foul eruptions. It is painful, too. Why not
and the trouble and restore your skin to itn nat-
ural fairness with Weaver's Curate?
Mario—"wily is Mr. Puffer in such
a- hurry to marry b ud " Arthur—"Ho promised her he wouldn't
smoke white they were ongagcd."
ffianly Stre ngth and Womanly Beauty
depend on purity of Aho blood, and much of that
purity depends on perfect kidney filtering. If
thele organs aro diseased and will not perform
their lunetions, man will seek in vain for strength
and woman for beauty. South Amerluan Kidney
Curs drives out all itnpurities thruttgb the body's
"Jtlterers"—repairs weal` apotr,-43.
Dolly Swift—"Odd, isn't it?" Sally
Gay—"What, dear?" Dolly Swift—
"Why, that the more a girl blushes
the more a man admires her cheek."
The Heat of the Tropics fades ro y cheeks,
It bakes away the energy. 'Ferrovim" is the
130a1 t<utio to brace you un. Ib atimelates the
systom. It makes the weak strong. 11 fie pleas-
ant to take. Ell druggists dellIt.
"This seems like a pretty healthy
country," said the tourist. "What
disease do most people ilio of out
Isere?" "Well," replied tho Western
native, "you might call it kleptom-
ania, bat we got a different name
fur it." ,
The Orme lu tuft .13acic,—"Ona touch
of nature makes the whole world kin,"
sings the poet. But what about the
touch - of rheumatism and lumbago,
which is so uonnnon now? '('here is no
poetry in that torch, for it renders life
numerable, Yet how dollghted is the
sous° of relief when an application of
Dr. Thomas' )tclectric oft drives pails
away. Thorn Is nothing equals it.
Old Farmer (tending thrashing -
machine, to applicant fosjob)—"Ever
done any thrashing?" Applicant
(modestly)—"I am the father of sev-
enteen children, sir,"
Itching, Burning Skin Dig -
eases Gtirari or Thirty -Five
Cents —Dr, Agnew's Ointment re-
lieves in 1 day, and cures Tetter, Sa't
Rheum, Scald Freed, Eczema, Bar-
ber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches and all
eruptions of the skin. It is sooth-
ing and quieting and acts like magic
in the euro of all baby humors. 85e.
Tito Grand Trunk Railway System
have issued a beautiful set of pled -
Ing cards Which contain fifty-two
views of scenes on their lines, re-
produced in half -tone engravings—an
illustration on the face of each card.
The stock of which the cards are
made is tho best that eau bo obtain-
ed for the purpose, prepared by a
waterproof process by the well known
English firm of Goodall & Sons, Lon-
don. The backs contain a handsome
design beautifully lithographed in
eight colors. Tho cards have gold
edges and aro neatly boxed. They
aro for sale by news agents on Grand
'''rind: trains, and at the notes stands
and stake an interesting souvenir not
only for one's home but to send to
distant friends, x
"Yon have spurned mol" he cried
bitterly; "I will go into the busy
world, I will fight and wit, My
name shall be known and my riches
envied—" "Then, when you have
done that," she interrupted, "try me
w WC)
That's what any woman is after a hot cup of fragrant
ft chases away that old tired fa 1,fig and fills her with new life..
So Delicious too.
Only one best tea. BLUE RIBBON'S IT.
Lady, or Gent'.
gond lin pm,. nage 11111i a dr n ,ilou , itt ronoleo Fars on Arrlm'
reu purest eon.
tondos 12 note n1 12 'l him /Ann tour 0000 patternoi mule of Real Ahunl limn.
'1' dIt001,"'' 0000t1,ie1, yut0. Tiley a1.1 ro lighter sold /teu tl,ut'' t t,, 1011ossed ! nlil,eriur.tolnarsold ut
Ifo, and ,over uu•nl'h.
WE T11UST YOU -1410 MONEY r.EQ�.Urnfm.
s w illlxen.1'y a 1u1 01 cants moll, Im.I11'ttn.Otn it Levet' Wat.�0,"in ion eoI'for 0
ywew, or othm Preenntn oI Nigh -ninon Jewellers, wlduh you gut tetvrt trout our list.
A6 ywruiw,a�--yCOLO & CO., No. 2, rho Watch Nouse, Dutmuoro Orasoant, London, r!., England.
�ffi•T• : a`del` no
MACH VE CO.tlnnm
Bill—Did you ever notice how many
tall men you meet in a day? Tom—
No; but I've often noticed (tow many
short men you meet when you wants
a loan.
There axe a number of varieties of
corns. Holloway's Corn Cure will re-
move any or them. Call on your drug-
gist autlget a bottle at once.
Mr. Milks—The fools aro not &I
dead yet. he'r's. Visits—I'm glad of it,
dear. I never did look well in black.
Loss of Mesh, dough, and pain on the chest
may not mean consumption, hub arc bad signs.
Allows Long Balsam loosens and heads the
cough: Nota grain of opium in it
"Ile says Itis wife is largely re-
sponsiblo for his business success,"
"Well, she has certainly made it Ab-
solutely necessary for ]him to earn
more money."
Speeohless anti Paralyzed,—"I had
valvular disease of the heart," writes Airs. J. S.
Goode, of Truro, N.S. "I suffered terribly and
seasoner' ep000hloss and paralysed. Ono dose
of Dr. Agnow's Cure for t1,0 heart gave mo relief,
and before t finished one bottle I was able to gq
a bout. To -day I am a well womau.--is
Hewitt—"Who is that terribly I
homely woman?" Jewett—"That's
my wife." Howitt—"You haven't
looked to see which one I mean."
Jewett—"I don't need to."
A Sound Stomach Means e. Clear
Slead.—The high pressure of a nervous
Die winch business men of the promm,
day aro coustrained to live mace
draughts upon their vitality highly det-
rimental to their health. It is only
by the most careful treatment that
they aro able to keep themselves alert
and active in their various callings,
many of tic',, know the value of I'ar-
melee's Vegetable Pills in regulating tau
stomach end cunuequeutly keeping the
heat] clear.
Mistress (to new servant)—"Thee
are two things, Mary, about widen
I ass very very particular. Tiny
aro 'truthfulness and obedience."
Maty—"Yes'm,. and when you tell me
to say you're not in when a person
calls that you don't wish to see,
which. Is it to be, mum truthfulness
or obedience'?"
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of this paper.
For limited period only.
A handsome illustrated treatise, giv-
ing full • rleatn''11ttIon cr liheu tnatlsm turd
Paratysidl with instructions for a cout-
pleta 1`0100 001'0, describing too meet
commend trOat.11tettt 1,l 0/141 world, re-
commended by the1l,Itstry and endors-
ed by medical mus. This highly in-
atruotivo book was written by W. H.
veno, a gentleman who has made a
study of these diseases. The preface is
by a graduate of the University of
Wtu'trburg. Soni postal to -day end
you will receive the book free by re-
turn.—Adcireso, The Veno Drug 00., 21
!Ging St, West, Triton to
Alis. 13. "I ant told that you al-
low your ]husband to carry a latch-
key." Mrs. C,:—"Yes, but it dots
not fit the door. I just let Kiat
carry it to humor him. Ho likes to
show it to his friends, and make
them think he is independent."
Tito efficacy of Bicltlo's Anti -Consump-
tive Syrup in cluing coughs and colds
and arresting inaammatlon of the lungs,
can be estabtlehod by hundreds of testi-
monials from all sorts and conditions.
of neon. It is 11. Gtandh-'d remedy in
those allineats and all affections of tho
throat and lungs. It Is highly recotn-
moluled by medicine vendors, because
they latow and appreciate its vale() as
a curative, Try it.
Miss Howler (who sings)—"That
gentleman who you just introduced
mo to said he would give anything
if he had my voice. Ety the way,
what business 'does ho follow?'•
Friend—"He's an auctioneer."
Btnlight Soap is bettor than Ober soaps,
but is boot when used in the Sunlight way,
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow dirootions.
The lightest of 1iluropean crowns
is the State erown of Great Britain,
whiolt Was made for Queen Victoria.
Although it weighs only 2 lbs. 7
oes,, its value is 81,500,000. • Ono
o m1111ou0 sapphire came from tho
signor of Edward the Confessor. In
the Pope's treasure house are two
crowns which are valued at 222,000,-
000.• Ono of them was tho gilt of
Napoleon to Plus VII., and contains
the largest emerald in the world.
The other, the gift of Queen Isabel-
la of Spain to Pius IX., weighs 8
lbs„ and . is worth 81.,000,000,
Algernon—"You must not think,
dearest, that because you aro rich
and I am poor I am trying to mar-
rY yeti on' a000unt of your money,"
doneviovo-ranri9Vholso are you after ,rr«
Praotiosl Every day LAMMane on
For 710. post Paid.
Col 426, (that hata,02t
and all kinds of house flanging., also
Write to un about ''ours,
OEITlO3t AASEEI0AN 01E100 00,,1120 1511, tdontrozl
D, H. BASTE&' O Ss CO.
77 Sa L mm. Ea.ta,&, or caz-.rsatec
LINSD C0A'rd of every Lind. Icvel•t'tbtnfgf in
Furs at olosa prices. TUB TRADE 0111%
KIST). Smeller catalog.
EMI FDEO WANTED. 9E110 FOE 00100 1,131).
$.1W12M 7011 SALLA -100 AC1cfiS—N, 1-2 lot
h 10, oon.0, Tp, Asylum: nearly all cleared:
good brick house; frame leant; good orchard of
excellent fruit: never -failing spring well: llos-
0001(0n at onon: on'y 82,100.001 0,00.00 duwn : l,al.
anus an time: thbo is a euro Mown., Por further
particulars, write to D. AfcAlpluo, 420 Richmond
street, London, Oat,
Wo are appointing one druggist or agent
In ovary town or lditoi o all over Ramada for -6-
the sale of our remedies. tYu treat success-
' fully Horses, Cattle, Shcop, Hogs mill
Poultry, Young Colts with uaral and3 oint -
�¢-OmFree Advice and Ca on
twill interest you. write for list of mine-
and ntoo m ageuuy. No )(bock -breeder
can know too much about the diseases hie
ti bo aro su ct to.
+):v xF)' 0+):1 Fi:(+)3 iY3.k+ i 1•i:£ --3:f
Remington Typewriter
Avory mortal of Remington Typewriter
has been a snoeeea. There never was a
Remington failure.
THE NNW MODELS represent the sum
and substance of an Remington .ueccea—
phls e0 years of oxperianco in typow Ater
Wo will be glad to have yott oall at mer
office and Goo the new models or gond for
illustrated booklet dose/Thing the sow
Remington Typewriter Co.
33 Adoktldo St. E., Toronto, Canada
AND entitRYtvllaRtt.
The fact that Rome was not built
in a day is a rource of much comfort
to the lazy man.
1)o not delay 1 ti relief o , ay lt getting elle Worm
little atos. ,n. pleasant
r Craves' su rin uta
If rnllnatut• lovo a ,i card and sure cyo
you suffer
'ton child y is
do you
lot it sullen• when a remedy 1s ao Haar
at ltnnd'1
There is some hope for a man whe
lame% that ho is a fool, and tries to
keep the knowledge to ]himself.
Imitationo Abound, but insist upon getting
the genuhte, "Trio D !t L" 38011101 1'laitor• it
has stood Alto test of years. 11 euros aches and
pains quicker than any piaster.
The reputation of your ancestors
won't no you mucin good when you
are looking for employment:
Twitchy snooks and Siesplosanoss.—'
The lopolood heart sickness that settles an a
man or weman whose nerves are shattered by
(lisoas° can best be. pictured 1,1 contrast with a
patient who hos boon in the "depths" sod has
been dragged from thous by''Soutlt American Nor -
vine, f#norge Webster, of Forest, 011t., says) "I
owe my life to it, Everything else failed to
Aid W. Anicer Simmons of IT.enloy-
on-Thames town welted has Just ac-
complished a romarkablo feat near
the famous reach of the Themes at
ITenley, England. Ho walked, ran,
cycled, rood, acid theft :swam 200
yards alt under eight Minutes. As
Mr. Simmons Is 48 years of age, the
feat is all the more notowo'thy,
Cash r Cure ,
if Shilolti s Consumption Cure fails to odea
your Cold or Cough, you get back all you
pair! for it. You are euro of a Cure a
ahs Cash.
1111 wasn't a sure cure, this ode, would
slot -be madein,
Cnn nnyllta be fairer ?
If you hove a Cold, Cough, or any disease
of the T11roa1, Lungs or Air Peewees, fry
I L 11
25e, par bottle, An dealers go'4obnteo b,
ISslion b701 4/-05y