HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-11-30, Page 1Vol. 84. No, 21 New Advertisements. Lmal—I, 0. Riohorda, White Pine and Tar—Jas. Fox. Christmas buying—F, R. Smith. A few sold daye—Ferguson di Roes. Teacher wanted—G, W. Wilkinson. Ohrietmae Goode—McKinnon & Co. Notion to oreditors—A. B. Maodonald. Underwear bargains-3laoDonald Brae, Mislaid 03s. Bine wilt,. TaoNDERnY COUNCIL.—Ooancil met NOV, 20th, members ail prudent, Minutes of former meeting adopted. Bylaw No, 17, 1905, woe paeeed for a meeting of the electing of the township of Tnrnberry, in the Foresters' ball, Bluevale, on Friday, Deo, 22nd, 1905, at 1 o'clock p. m. for the nomination of eaudidatee for the offline' of Reeve end four Councillors for the Municipal Connell for year 1905, A delegation of temperance workere appeared before the Commit, consisting of Rev, Mr. Baker, Rev, Dr, Gundy, Robert Shaw, Wm, F. Smith and Joe. Leech re•onbmieeion of Local Option Bylaw, No petition having been present• ed, no action wee taken. Thu taxpayer/ UNDERWEAR BARGAINS Now that the cold weather ie coming you will need good warm Underwear, We will be pleased to fit you out with the eome. Permit us to quote a few prices :— LADIES' HEAVY SUITS from .50 TO 1.50 MEN'S HEAVY SUITS from .80 TO 2.00 BOYS' HEAVY SUITS from 70 TO 1.50 It is early to speak of %mite Goode but we might say that we are busy preparing to please and suit you. IadONALD HOS, Jamestown r Highest prioe for Farm Produce. BRUSSELS, of Tnrnberry mey pay their taxee into the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, on or before the 14th day of December next, By presenting the tax eo11eotor'e receipt for atunature by the Bank official ie authorized to sign the same. A number of a000uote were paeeed and cheques issued and °outwit adjourned to meet on Deo. 15. VV rttatt,tt,t•. Mre. N. Foster wont to Leamington Iiia week. Iwepeeter Robb vleited the edictal here on Monday. Mee Rinda Martin ie the gneet of Mende iu Harrieton. Robert and Mre. Black have returned from a abort visit to Ayr. J, Leckie, of Brueaele, was in the village last week doing baeineee, Mre. Ewing, of Teeewater, la the guest of her danghter, Mre, Geo. Allan. Geo. Howe and tamily have moved to the roeidenoe Lately vacated by Jae. Allan. Niro. L. S. Palmer left for 81. Mary/ last week owing to the inane of a relit• tive. W. H. Kerr, of Broeeele, gave a Mie• olouary addreeei0 the Methodiet church Sanday evening. "Corea and her Mfseione" wee the subject taken at the Weetmiueter Guild Sunday evening. Richard McMichael has returned from the Weet and ie 010itiug his mother, Mrs. A. McMichael er, H, and Mre. Schwalm and Mine Schwalm, of Mildmay, visited last week with J. R. Wendt. A meeting of the curlers whiob woe to have been held in W. M. Robineou'e store Monday evening has been postponed. Large quantities of fowl have been received by A. H,. Rae thie weak. We understand they are for the Western market, Robert Hupler, of IIowiok, returned from Lyleton, Man., last Thursday where he hae opera the Bummer and Fall mouthe. By the aooidenlal breaking of a barrel containing scalding water, on which he was standing in the power house one evening last week, John Patterson had the miefortnue to have bie feet badly scolded, which will aonflue hire to the houee for some time. Mre. Soots Black bad a narrow eaoope one day last week, her olothee oatohing on fire from the stove near where ehe was etaoding. Jno. Barrie, a neighbor, fortunately was near, and managed to put the ffamee ono, although not until hie bends were badly burned. FORGING AHEAD.—Wroxeter for several yeare was at a comparative stand still and those who were moat interested le the welfare of this tidy village ominously ebook their heade when'uture proepeote were mooted. A wonderful change has taken place, however, for the better and vie/hoes tire etruok with the indioatione of progreee end permanent improvements. Among the moat noticeable evideeoee of ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1908 prosperity are the new Bement gide. walke ; the fine new modern eahoul hones ; the new briok Town Hall to take the pleoe of the antiquted old baildite over the river and J. Hemphill's store, The Direotore of The Howiok Mntoal Inemance Co. have parabeeed a lot op poeite the new Town Hall and will erten a new office, vault &o. next Spring, Tole le a move in the right direction and will plade at their diepoeal needed coo. venlenoee for Bate keeping of important papers. Better daye are dawning for Wroxeter and Tug Pose is planted to chronicle the advance and wish the buaineee people the eneoeee their energy and ioveetmeute deserve. The anniversary servioee of the Meths• diet Ohuroh will be held next Sunday followed by a Tea Meeting Monday evening, Rev, W. E. Kerr, of Clinton, a former pitetor, will have charge of the servioee and with Rev. C. P. Welled and T. H. Tarr, of Gerrie, L. Perrin and J. H. Oeterbont will give addresses Monday evening. A good program of meek) from onteide and local talent is also being prepared, !Belgravia. A number of oar villager/ think it ie time we had a public eobool in Belgrave. The members of Belgrave Methodist Sabbath Sohool are baey preparing for their annual Christmas tree entertain. meet. It will he held in the Foresters' Hall on Christmas evening, Dont forget, OONOEeT.—Belgrave L. 0, L., No. 462, willra a 1 e g vGrand Concert in the For - snare' Hall, here, on Tuesday, Deo. 12. The following talent ban been moron for the 0000eion : Jae. Pax, of Toronto, Comedian ; Miss Alba Chisholm, of Wingham, Vocalist ; Mise W, MoGnire, of Brussels, El000tioniet ; D. McDonald and daughter, of Wingham, piping and dancing. Chair taken at 8 p. m. by Pant ()aunty Master, W. J. Greer, of Wingham. Mina Norma Dineley, of Wingbam, a0oompaniet. Plan of Hall at Poet Office store. Jno. Armstrong, Master, Wm, G. Nethery, Secretary. Lea,dburv. Bare. MoPhereou jr,, hae gone to the Iumber woods. John Doherty'e Bale was well oltended and things sold well. George Dundas and Johnny Orietol arrived borne from the Weat. What girl loot her bat on the 121b line a few daye ago ? It looks a little ehady, Mise Windsor, of Goderieb, has been engaged as teacher for S. B. No. 9, Mo Killop, for 1906. Wm. and Mre. Haokwell were visiting their eon Wm., aid other friende in Stratford last week. Alex. Brothereton bee been around bah ing orders for a book on the Raeeia- Japaneee war. He bad fairly good luck. Duncan MoPbereon has pnrohaaed an engine from Robt. Ball, of Beatorth. He purpoeee grinding, nutting wood, oto. with it. Strictly One Price F. & R. The Lowest A Few Cold Days Will cause you to take refuge in a Winter Overcoat just as sure as anything. If you've an Overcoat to buy we've a few facts to acquaint you with before you do the buying. Please remember that any garments we offer you are carefully, thoughtfully and skilfully tailored. We buy from makers who have pushed their goods right up to the top notch of excellence. So we can Overcoat you in a style that we consider exclusive. We can fit you as you ought to be fitted. We will sell you materials that nobody can question either in weave, manufacture or style. We can let you choose from a surprisingly complete selection And we will fix the price so that you will be getting the Cheapest Coat in this town. We invite You to Look and Compare. At $3.00 —20 only Boys' Long Overeeste, with and without velvet collars, slash pookete, and with and without belts, good valve at $4,00, $4,50 and $5.00. Special price to Blear at $ 3 00 At $5,50 .t $1.00 —50. pairs only Men'e Extra Wool Pante, worth regular $1.75. Special at Heavy Extra $ 1 00 At 190. —10 dozen Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Oath. mere Stookinga, eize 8}, 9, 9i, worth reg- ular 30o, Special at 19 —15 only Youths' Long Overcoats, in ^ Fancy Tweed Mixtures, Plain Oxford Grey At $25.00 and Fine Stripes, with belts and velvet collars, eines 30 to ..85, best quality trim - —8 only Ladies' Aetraohan Jackets, 30 rninge and worth regular $8,00. Clearing inoben long, aim88 and 40, worth regular price 5 50 $80,00. Extra Speoial Price 25 00 FERGUSON & ROSS GARFIELD BLOCK We pay the .Highest Price for Butter, Eggs and .Dried Apples. David MoOntoheon has eold 50 armee of hie land to David Boyd. Mr, Mo. Outoheon bee been in the West for eome menthe. He has bought lead there. .rtterne')f.1Cowtl. Geo, Bekmier is now in poi/revision of hie fico new Dement shop, A working horse wits sold by Mo. Donald Bros, to James Rae, of Wrox eter. Mies Ide, of Termite, ie visiting at the home of her slater, Mre. D. M. Miller. Rev, L. Perrin, of Wroxeter, will be the preacher in Victoria Hall next Bab bath evening. The new bell will be placed on S, S. No. 10 thie weak. It is a fine large one and will be heard n long way. It in reported that D. L. Strachan may go iota the mercantile baeineee at Pine River. He should make a oompe. tent merchant. Arr ugeneente are being made for the annual Ohrietmae Tree in connection with the Sabbath School hire. Date will be annoauaed later. Thursday of last week a wood bee was held on the Snell homestead by Richard Miller and Samuel Snell at which eome 40 or 50 attended, In the evening a metal party took plane when about 150 young people participated in a dance. Supper was served at midnight. A debate will be held hi Victoria Hall on Thursday, Doo. 7th, The eabjeot, "Resolved that in- anemiarnoney hae more 7 u - fldeuethen oharnoter," is one of ex oeptional interest. Affirmative ie being Galrenby Metiers. Hartley and Munro, of Wroxeter, and the negative by Messrs, Rich rdeon nod Thompson, a B I Of CROBa B. Don't fall to be there. Morrt,r. Borne of the roads have been very bad where gravel and grading are tithing. Manioipal affafre are commencing to be the topic. Several intending candidates are on the warpath, Some of the tarmern have not got their oomplete root crop up yet and will likely resurrect the balance next Spring, Blies Lily Mooney arrived home the end of last week from an extended visit with her mother at Omaha. Sbe ie very weloome book, Sunnhioe Sabbath eobool will bold their annual Christmas entertainment on Taeeday evening, Dee. 19th. An ex- ceptionally good program may be expect• ed this year. Anderson's eobool, 3rd line, intend holding their annual entertainment on the evening of Deo. 22nd, when an .9. 1 program will be presented, rendered by local and outside talent. ALEX. CLARE PM NATURE'S DEnT.— Early last Sunday morning Alexander Clark, a resident of Morrie for the past 30 years, passed away at hie borne after a severe illness, of hemorrhage of the etomaah, for three weeks. Deceased was born at Beewiek, on the Tweed, Scotland, and name to ()anode when 18 yeare of age. He lived in'Anoaater town- ebip, Co. Wentworth, before locating in this township. Mrs. Clark, whose maid. en name was Agnes Mo0ollougb, pre. deceased her husband by about 3s yearn. The enrviving children are John and Robert, of British Oolnmbia ; Jae, and George, at home, and Wm. in Broeeele. They were all at the tonere! exoepling the Bret mentioned. Mr. Olark wan in hie 70th year and was an active, iodine trine man, enjoying the esteem of all who knew him. In aharoh relationship he was a Methodist and in polities a Liberal, Funeral took place on Taeeday afternoon, Rev. A.B. Jones, deceased's pastor, oondnating the eervioe. Inter• mens wee made in the Parody plot, San- ebine cemetery. The bereaved rebore in the eympathy of the oommnnity. LOOar, OPTroN.—In reply to the Local Option oommanioation which appeared in our last Orme, Reeve Oode writes an follows :—In reply to your Morris tortes pendent of .last week, concerning the deputation that waited on the Morrie Council on November 20th asking them to submit a Loco' Option bylaw to the eleotore to be voted on at the Municipal election, I would eay ae regarde the tents of the oaee he is very wide of the mark. Firet—In regard to the deputa- tion, he hae made it a good deal larger than the Conuoll 10 aware of. He mentioned namee on the deputation who were there on other business and never spoke on Local Option to the Coanail. I only know of three or tour on the depu. tion who were ratepayers of Morrie, Those olergymen who wore preeent claim to be, bat in my opinion are not rate• payers beoauee they pay no rate. Se. oond—Your oorreepondent Bays that "the Reeve seemed to think that their breef- neae wan private and not open to the public," I fail to Bee how be can eon- etrue my cations fu that way. After the deputation had addreteed the Council for over three house, I rose in my place from the ohair and addressed the depute. tion, titling them in my opinion the Council would not he juetlfied in submit• ting a by-law without a petition from the ratepayers, and I called on the Board eaoh iu turn to expresstheir opinion, which they did before deputation, eo that it is quite easy for your informant to see that the Connoil wee unagimoue in their opinion. The deputation then asked me o cell a specie[ meeting in order that they might get up a petition, and I rano ed on the ground that it wee not Doe1stn• ary to pall epeoial meetings, only in ogee of aeoidente or eome antorneen event, and I held that thin grievance, it it can be palled each, has been before the people tor over 40 some and there hag been ample opportunity to bring it before the Connell at any regular meastng in that length of time. The deputation utntlon aII claimed to be great lovers of lintel' fair play, butt would ask youroorreepondent 11 it wan British fair play to hold the whip over our heade and threaten to throw as cal of office if we did not accede to their wishes ? 'Tie eaoh member of the deputation did se he addtees0d the Connell and before they bad any iodine, Hon ao to bow we were going to not on the matter. I are ,quite willing to let the Ohriotlen oilstone of Morrie deal with moomMagmagarmessaugew W.H. HERR; Frop the Connell ae they tree lit. If your in• torment hae any more to Bay on Bila eubjeos, and will write aver bio own oigoalure 1 will reply but will pay no more attention to ananymoae oommu0i• oetione, I mey eay in oonolnsion that I have not made any aoeortioae here which eanuot he proved by the whole Ooanofl, 'fhonking yon, Mr. Editor, for your valuable apace, I am, youre truly, Teroarhe Corsa, Reeve of Morrie. (Yrtt it t)roolir . GOLDEN WgnpxNo.-.Tho Cadillac (Minh.) Evening News, of November 9th, gives the following interesting sketch of the Golden Wedding of Wm, and Mrs. Kai., ser, a000mpanied by a good portrait, former roeedentn of thio locality : — Mine Elizabeth Long, of Vaughan, in the province of Ontario, and Wiliam Kaiser were married at Nobletou, Ontario, November Bit, 1855, Rev. Mr. Ferquersou being the officiating mfoiotor. Mr. and Mre. Kaiser, who came to Cadiltao in the Fail of 1885, oelobrated the liftbfetb anniversary of their marriage, yeeterday, and in the oelebratiou were etiolated by their oblld• ren and families, friends ant of town and home, and neighbors, Mre, Kaieer wae born in Germany, near Strane• burg, December 11, 1834, neariy eev. euty.one years ago, She accompanied her parents, in 1853, to Canada, the ooeau journey, in it sailing vessel, re. goiring tlfty•tour days, the family leaving r v Germany on t1( t Febe 16 b g Y of P raary and arriving 01 Toronto ea the 28th day of tbe following April. Mr. Kaiser was born in the township of Vaughan, is the province of Ontario, December 21, 1855, nearly seventy yeare ago. He hae been in the employ of Oobbe & Mitchell eines 1897, and is yet strong and vigorous, looking forward to many motive years. Mr. and Mre. Kaiser began their observance yeeterday afternoon, ut their home on Wood street, with a reception from 2 o'clock to 5, followed by a eneption in tJ e the evening from seven o'clock until nine. Retreobmeuts were eerved at these two reaeptiohe. After nine o'oiock the im mediate members of the family, the children and their families, partic- ipated in a re•onion, followed by danc- ing, among the dancers being Mre. Oaieer and ber brother, Joseph Long, who indulged in a waltz together. Mr, and Mre. Kaiser are the parents of eleven children, seven of whom, Mre. John Garvin, Mrs, James Joh0Otou, Mre. John Philips, Mre, George Jobneton, Mrs. E. 0. Rice and William Kaiser, of thie city, and Austin A. Kaiser of Chicago, are living and bartioipated in the golden wedding oelebration. Nine grand• uhildreu were also in attendance, Jacob Loog of Oranbrook, Ontario, a nephew, John Lang, of Brueaele, On - tarso a nephew, Mre. Edward Cox of Big Rapide, a niec0, Mre, Jamie Thom. eon of Petoekoy, a eialer of Mr. Khieer, Jamoe Thompson, junior, of New Mexico, a nephew, Mies Elsie. Wilton of Brussels, Ores. Anetie A. Kaiser, of Chicago, a eon and Mre. Keefer were out•of•town gamete. Parlor decoratione for the two reoeptioae were Princess pines and yellow ohryoanthemumeand the dining room and table deooratione were oarnalione and smilax. Among tbe preeeble reeds, ed by Mr. and Bice. Kaiser were a gold watch and chain for Mr. Kaiser, two gold creases for) Mre. Kaiser, two gold handle umbrellas, a gold aleck and many pines of gold tabes ware and hoose ornaments. Cadillac in general will join in the half Dentary felicitations for Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser, who have been among the good 011100ne of the community for 20 yearn, and who have been helpful and benefioial in their participation in community affairs. That they' may live long years to Dome, and be happy and prosperous, ie the oommnnity eon tribotion to the marriage celebration yesterday afternoon. Ifltfrel. Additional Ethel news on page 5. 10 ciente gate Tien POST for balance of this year. Township Connoil will' meet here on Deo. 15th for their next meeting, Mrs, Rowe, of London township, le visiting her daughter, Mre. E. F. Free- man. The bridge men are here to pat up the Kerr bridge and if the weather is favor. able will Boon have it together. Don't forget to come to hear the gobble gobble song by 15 little fellowe Friday night at the Sobool Concert here. We uotioe that R. 0. Davies ie billed to sing at a tea meeting in Wroxeter Metbodietobarah next Monday evening. Charlie will do hie part rill right. Dao. Bokmier, of Clinton, ie visiting his mother and other friends here, Dan, hae been in the Went for the past three months and can now tell of some great eights he saw while there. RUDEST VonnEN DECEASED. — After an ilheeee of about three weeks Robert pad• den, who tee been a reeideut of this locality for the poet 25 yeast, was nailed away to his long home at 12.15 0. in. last Monday, in hie 85th year. The end came at the home of hie daughter, Mre, John Mitchell, lot 21, coo, d, Grey, - 01d age wee the cause of hie demise. Since the death of Mre. Vudden, tour years ago, be lied been shifting with various members of hie family, He wee a native of Beg. loud and wee married before Doming to Oanada to Mimi Mary Himont, They lived in Wilmot, Elma and Maryboro' townehipe before purchasing the Thom, Gatenby farm North of Ethel, uow own- ed by bin son Thamae. Mr. Vodden owned the Sonia farm prior to hie selling to Jno Mili r now of Drew. He is survived bya large and well known him. sly. William and John in Manitoba ; and Thomas, Of Grey, are the eoue, with Robert deoeaeed 16 years ago, Tbo', daaghtere are 1—Mre. Damen Muth - ton, of Grey ; Mre. Joos Miller, Drew • Mtn, Jap. Lindsay, Grey ; Mre. Joseph Mutohieon, Mookton ; Mrs. Jno. Natation and Mre. Donald MONiehol, of Grey townehip. Deceased wee to member of the Methodist church and a coneervative in polities, He was a bawl haeltand, a good father and a hind neighbor. Wed. ueeday afternoon the 1(101 ritee were eoiemnized and after an appropriate service the remains were conveyed to Elma Centre eematory for interment, The bereaved have tate eympathy of the community, Rev, Mr, Armstrong tOon• ducted the service. There is a great showing of talent on the program for the Consort to be held in the Hall here on Thursday evening of next week, obief of whiob will be Will. McLeod, the fanny mac from Seaforth, Public School Concert in the Township Hell Friday evening of thie week. The program wits coronet of vocal and in etrumental moeio, drilla, dialogues, oto, sed will be worth hearing. Proceeds will be devoted to the purchase of a school Library, a moat laudable enter prise, There was a large turn out of Canad• On Foresters Bubbatb afternoon at the Methodist ohuroh here wbeo Eh, Sanders aoted an Marshal with Soma 60 brethren in procession. Rev. Mr, Armstrong was the preacher and gave a very praotioal and appropriate sermon on the text "No mac liveth to himself," dwelling on the Forsetio words,"Liberty, Benevolence and Oonoord," in speaking of the duties devolving apoa true citizens of this grand country. w rot toll. A p'armers' Institute meeting will be held here in January, Mre. D. FritzfY, of Toronto is visit- ing e r i is- ing at her father's Mr. Alex klolienzie'e. The annual A. 0. U. W., boll and supper will be given on Friday evening of thie week. Mies Ada Seaman, evangelist, of Blenheim, is aeeioiing Rev. R. S. Baker in a series of 0900101 services in the Methodiet ohuroh, Servioee will be held every evening et 8 o'clock, It is said the McKim House bag been leold to M. Rowlan and that next Spring it may be:converted into business places in antioipation of a 0. P. R. boom, Mr, McKim will retain poeseeeion until next March, Last week Alex. Chrie(opher arrived home from the Weat after a stay of a few months. He was ;n Griewoed locality in whiob section be eaye orope turned oat well. Mr, Ohrietopber may reborn to Manitoba next year. Box SOCIAL. -- The members of the Ladien' Gadd of St. George's aharoh par pose bolding a Box B"oial at the home of Wm. Sboldioe jr., here, on Thursday evening, Deo, 711, A. short program wilt be given after whish an emotion Bale of the boxes will take plane. All are Dor dimity invited to Dome and have a good time. Fon ALnenTA, — Friday of tbie week Mrs. Walter Turnbull and her gone, Jobe and Andrew and Jae, and Mre. McMillan, old resideate of thio looality, leave for Strait/cone, Alberta, N. W. T., with the intention of making their home there. They will likely take up land. A call will be made at Sturgeon Falls, Ont,, 00 Charles and Mre. Tnrnball on the oat. going trip. Many old friends here will be glad to hear of their prosperity in that land of wonderful poeeibilitiee. The annual Union Sunday School Con. ventioawas held in the Methodist thumb last Thursday afternoon and evening. Tbe attendance in the afternoon woe slight, consisting in the main of workers in the different Sunday Scheele, In the even, ing, a good audience was present, and the different topics received spirited dieonse- ion. A teudenoy toward denominational view pointe, however, wae noticeable in the dieoaeeione which is mach to be re- gretted, end which it continued in will mar the effect of the Convention. It was deoided to widen the scope of tbe Convention, and in future it will be known as the Union B. S. and Young People's Society Convention. James Smillie, ao president meet, officiated an chairman in the evening, Rev. R. B. Baker, the retiring President, filling the chair in the afternoon. The unavoidable abseooe of Rev. Messrs. Lang•Ford and Oarewell, who were expected to address the meeting in the evening, shortened that aeoeioi somewhat, Gre.v. Township Council will meet on Deo. 15th. Irvin Raynaed ie bank from his trip to the Northwest. Additional Grey township news on page five of thin issue. Minutes of Grey township aounoil may be read of page 4 in this ieeue, Blies Maggie Taylor hae been suffering from a severe attack of neuralgia in ber face. Mies Margaret Switzer, who has been engaged in a millinery store at Wingham hae returned home, Joe. McDonald Bold hie fine team of bareee to Mr. Kidd, of Listowel, for whiob lie realized the neat sum of $400. Lan week 17. MatQaerrle, of the 4th son., planed a beautiful piano in hie home for the benefit 00 hie family, The annual Smite entertainment of S. S. No. 3, will be held on Deo. 1511(, N. D. Rose is the teacher. In former years the Sunday Sohool and day eobool united but thio year the day eobool will hold the eutertoinmeut, The Weet half of Lot 11, eon, 15, be. longing to the Douglas farm has been purchased by Oliver Turnbull, of the same line, for $1,700. There are no buildings on it. This will prove nl ennoble addition to Mr. Turnbull. r. 5, Stott, of Brussels, made the Bale. A few weeke ago Oliver Turnbull ebip. ped 10 Leicester tame from Blyth and 4 from Atwood for the Western States mikes. Robert McDonald, 9th eon., headed the 1101 with a aatt Q43.00 and Mr, Turnbull d rte 4 $ 17,ODopine, They ware oonolgnod t0 A. W. Smith, of Maple Lodge. Plowing bine are the order of the day on the Sod and 4th lines, Roderick Ma - Hay, reeenlly settled On his new farm, had a very euooeeefnl Lee on Saturday of last week turning over 10 aoreb of old sod in the afternoon. There were twelve teems at work. Mr. MolIay Mabee to extend hie thanks to big neigbbore for their work, Thio weep F. S, Boost diepoeed of the 100 sore farm known 00 the Patriolt Blake property, 13th non., belonging to George Brown, of Btuesels, to Jamie Betz, 11th oon., too pries being $5,000, The farm ie a good one and we wish the putted/atter 00coee0 ire bis new property•. Ida gets iminedlat.s poiememon, Last Sabbath Ettie, eld'eat deogbter of David Carnpholl, 2nd eon. • wan called away to bar reward, She had been 111 for the pact three or four months, Miss Campbell woo held in high esteem and many regrets are epolien and words of eympathy expressed to the bereaved relatives over her demiee, She was a most estimable y0ang lady, OALLEn AWAY.—.With no small sorrow we chromate the demise of Luny Jeanet, the youngest daughter of Donald and Oherlotte Oampbell, 1011_oou,, which sad event immured at Berlin hoepital lain Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock. Sbe had beau ill for two weenie from typhoid fever when u heart weakuese stoned which resulted in her death. Deceased was born in Grey township and bad been in Berlin einem last Spring. She was a very fine person wbo woe highly esteemed by all who knew her. Mrs. Campbell went to Bailin to ameba in oaring for her 01010 daughter and Mr. Campbell and Miss Lottie were also there when the end came. The rerooino were brought home Wednesday afternoon but owing to the absenoe•of George Campbell a brother, in tae Northweet who is on lie way borne, the t noraf will not take place auto Saturday afternoon. 8erviee will be held at 1.80 and the funeral will leave fur Brueaele oemetery at 2 o'nlooli. The nnlooked for eternise bee evoked wide.o read eympathy, GONE To NEUT.—Is Is 10 our Bad duty thin week to obruoiole the death of a fine young man to the person of Jobo Ed- mond McNeil, whose spirit took its flight to the Better Land early Saturday morn - tug, 25th mat„ at the early age of 19 years, 0 mouths stud 8 daye, The de• ceased was the third eon of Peter Mc- Neil, 146h aonoeaeion, wbo with two sous, Daniel, of Eetevan, Aesa, Hugh Arthur, at home, a daughter, Alice Annie, and dies ies Maggie, ere teff to mourn the lose of the departed•. wire. McNei( and seamed son, Willie, pre•dooeased him on April and October, 1893. The Dab• joss of thee notice was helmet end up• right, and although be had not enjoyed 11,0 most vigorous health of late, yet be WWI only aonfieed to bed eight daye, death being caused by typhoid fever. He paeeed peooetnlly away, bending his coved ones Goon•Bye and treating in Jeene, Tbe funeral took plane on Aeon• day afternoon, 27th inet., the remains being laid to rest in the Craobruok ceme- tery, Rev, 1). B. McRae, conducting he eervioe, John Edmund will be mach mieeod in the home end by a large circle ..f relatives and friends. Many sincere expreseione of ooneolation and sympathy ere extended to lighten the sorrow of the oereaved ones in thie, their dark hour of grief. But why should you weep and mourn, and your hearts be sorely riven.? There're another gem in the Baviour'e orowu, and another soul in Heaven, People We Know. PERSONAL ITEMS.—Barrister- Donald visited under the parental roof m Ash/teed over Sanday. It is time Mae. bad a home of its own,—George end Mrs. Thomson spent a few daye during the past week wan Walter and Mre. Iunee, at Moorefield, and found them doing well.—R. N. Barrett was dangerously i11 last week at hie home in Wmgham bat is able to bin about again and we trust will continue to improve.— wire. Pennon ,s home from a visit with Underwood relatives,—,1lre, Charles IJartliff and sou Harry, of Clinton, were rehewing old friendehipe in Broeeele lest week,—Miee Gotdou, who reeidee with her Meter, Mre. R. Poul, was under Ice duotnr'e care this week bat we hope dna will thou be ae well as uoaal.—Miee Ina Flatt is home from an extended visit with relatives in Owee Sound. She had an enjoyable time,—Mre, $ugb McIn- tosh and children have returned to their home in MoKtllop.—Mre. R, Forrest awe eon, who were visiting iu Brneeele and Morrie, have returned to their home to Brautford. Mr. Forreet ie bank from a trip to the Weet.—Juo. Ritchie arrived home not week from a taw months' eujourn in the West. He will (Antinae to make hie home in Brueeele,—Bert. Gerry, who recently sold hie hardware 000ine80 in Wingteam,.has been viaitiug under the pareutal roof to town.—Miee Sera ERiet wae vieiting relativee iu Atwood fast week. She brought her lit. e0 nephew, Clothe Heist, borne with her for a short Boy.— George Ihuee, of eloorefleid, wee in town for a few days this week,—Mr. Kirkpatrick, a fotmee resident of thie l00alu.y years ago, i0 re. uewing ofd trreudehipe' in Brueaele and its oommuuity, Hie home is in AMA. gen.—I'ay Fear, of Morrie, bee takena p 01110n iu the btteineeo eelabliehineol of R Loatherdale re Son, Brastels, —Mies Laidlaw, of Blyth, tea visitor ut her uncle's, D, 13. Moore, this week, —A. H. Alontgomery, of the Metro. penton Bank, (Ondeyed in Toronto. - 0. and Mre. McDowell were. 010111ug 10 Seaforth Lhte week,—Mie, Belle Strachan was a vieitor noder the parental roof, near Jamoetown, over Sunday. — Alf. .et/Milian is now en employed in. the ' store of Wiesen, Ferguson & Roes, the Gaifleld blook.--Alex, Welker, of T'eie•• water, is in lowu,-Arthur Jaokaon, who sone employed in the Excelsior Kuitteug Factory, had his fetid/and 0ang14t in one of the maohineeand badly 'lacerated the other day. We hope be will goon be 0, It. —Miee Clara Humor n b e on the sit , Ir Batilh e w trout Ludt antra g n but is improv• mg we are pleased to rotate. We hope ehe will goon be all right.—Mine Agnew, of Clinton, wan in town tiie week.—hi lee Mina MoRao,of Cranbrook, le vieit.tng her 0100er in Brneeolt,—W, E, and Mia. Duncan were vieiting friends et Teed - water last week.—Peter Ritnhie i0 house to Broeeele after enjoying a v10ft of a few mouths fa the Weet, a good &Bare of whiob WAS vent int the Seekatnon Iooality, where the family have land po00eeeioa0, at