HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-26, Page 81111 Kinds 111 Shapes MI Prices Do you need a new one ? If so see our display. We think we can satisfy you. Ent ° ; vtraol Tooth Past A. Scientific Preparation put up in Tubes, making it very convenient to use. Designed not only as a cleanser but also as an antiseptic, and for protecting the Teeth against the ravages of decay. It is a preparation, after once using, you will come back and get it the next time. S RI DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN BETEL -MON W. S. Jr D• 'Praine Leave Bri nnele Station, North and South, se follows: Gorse 8oure OrattB Noara• Mail 7:05 a.m Mixed 0:10 an Mixed... 11:25 a.m Man 1:41 p.m sae m Express B:C, m Ex zees...... 8.0 p. . p p v .anal 11,ews :Items. A ohiel'e among ye takie' notes, An' faith he'll prent i t. GET ready for Winter. Taa Pon gives the news. ADDITIONAL (Meal news On page 6, Tun shade trees in Brueeele require thinning out. WaorBsDAY next will neher in the month of November. A OUST encampment favored Brussels with their oompauy for a few days last week. Tata aeuvriee Doming on Thareday of tbia week Tan POST ie issued on Wednes day evening. Taa tinsmiths have been very bus y with stores, furnaces, &a, preparatory to Winter coming. Tim local Orangemen were talking of celebrating Nov. 5th, but may not be able to arrange it now. Horton Co. Oon:oil will meet in Bruise!' the Ent week in December, oommenoiug on Tuesday afternoon, 5th. ALRx. GenDI na, a well known MoKillop stockmen, chipped a oar of fine nettle to Liverpool lest week. They went via Portland. Dn. Boman, epeoitelist, will be at the American Hotel, Brownie Thursday Deo lab, when he will be pleased to have persona desiring his professioual ekill or advice, oell and- see him. DONT forget the anetion sale at Jno. Cober'e, Queen street Brussels, on Satur- day afternoon of thie week. The house and lot, on Alexander Street, known es the Hooter property, will also be offered by emotion. EARLY in November the store in the Smith block, Brueeele, will be 0ooapied by Geo. N. MoLaren, of Midland, former- ly of town, who ie opening up a line stook of DrylGoode, eto. Watch out for the advt. in THE Poem. DONT forget the National Socia) in the School room of the Metbodiet church, Brueeele on the evening of Thanksgiving day. An interesting program in poetry, music and character sketches will be given and before the conclusion of the proceedings lunch will be served. E. B. PLUM, of Vsneouver, B. 0., formerly of Brussels, iu remitting his subeoriptioe to Tag Poor attaches the following significant clipping :—"An editor in Arkaneas recently committed euioide beoanee be was out of money, Thio seems a silly thing to do, bot per - baps be had gone crazy writing to delin- quent subscribers." If all enbeoribere were as alert ae Me. Plum there wood not be app reason for Editors going crazy. MRS. ARTHUR HOPEINB DEAD.—Word was received by Brussels relativee and friende of the demise of Mre. Arthur Hopkins, of Winnipeg, formerly Mies Jeanet Iabkirk,seoond daughter of Wm. Habkirk, now of Neepawa, Man., a one time well known resident of the 9th oon. of Grey. She passed away on Oot. 14th, aged 86 years. In addition to her hus- band ehe leovee three ohildren who will share in widespread sympathy. Deaeae• ed was a oousin to Reeve Henderson, of Brownie. QUARTERLY BETTLEMRNT.—With the let of Ootober THE PoeT inaugurated a Dew system in the bneinees management viz the adoption of quarterly settlements. A000uote have been made out to above date and the hooka are being balanced so as to carry oat the plan whioh will, we believe, prove more eatiefaotory to all concerned than long oredite and unbalan. teed accounts. We will be glad if all in- tareeted will aid us in this matter so that we may open up a new Bet of books from October let. "Short eredite make long friende" ie an old maxim whioh many business people are proving to be nor• not. Tan Berlin Newe•Reaord in giving e write•up of the professional men of that town speaks of a former well known Brueeelite, in the person of Dr, F, H. Kalbfleisob, ae follows : — Although Dr. Kelbfleieob loaded in Berlin four yeare ago, it was not hie first acquaintance with our pity. He spent a part of his youth hare, attending the Berlin High Sahoot for three years. According to the dootor, himself, be graduated in foot ball as well as matters learned of in books. He was an methadon 0n athletic epoete — beeeball, laorosee, eta. Dr. Nalbfleleob continued hie education at Trinity and Queen's Univereitlee from whioh he graduated. He le also a mem. lot of the College of Physicians and grgeene of Ontario. Not content with elplomae, Dr. Kelbfleieuh has taken two poet graduate waren. He le not only 10511 educated in hie profession but has bad ooneidereble valuable experienee Before settling hero he praotieed at Pals lay, Renee county, and Bruenel°, Huron Lmnty. He it a popular Optimal: here ti his done mach g0311 work aline his tagin 1901, leox FROST is et work. TENNI° Club Oouoert Friday Deo. 7th, SINoLE fare on the railroads for Thanksgiving, good to return Monday. AT a meeting of the Pablio Library Board Friday evening of last week the !biennial affaire were aoneidered and a favorable verdict was arrived at. It was decided to hold a local entertainment f or the benefit of the library. The librarian's salary was increased $10.00. OVEN ON Nov. llth.—Geo. N. MoLaren, of Midland, wag here for a few days this week arranging for the opening of his brand new stook of dry geode, &o•, in the store lately vacated by J. Ferguson & 00. Mr. McLaren is peeking up his household effects tied will be removing to Brueeele as soon as he gets beak from from a par obasing trip to Montreal and Toronto. Nov. 11th ie set as the date upon which the new stook will be opened up to the porohasing public). T. P. SMITH PASSIM AWAY,—There was e, great deal of surprise expressed last Saturday at the report of the deoeaee of a gentleman kuowu to a large uamber of people in thin locality in the person of T. P. Smith, of Elora, who passed sway at the General Hospital, Toronto, last Friday. He bad gone to the Queen city to undergo an operatiou for cancer of the stomach whioh wag said to be euoaessfu' but iufiammation of the kidneys followed resulting in death. Mr. Smith leaves e wife and 7 ohildren to mourn the lose of a loving husband and a kind father. Monday interment took plane at Elora, the funeral being under the direotion of the Masonio Order, Jas, Fox attended from Brussels. The enbjeot of able notice enjoyed the respect of the people of Etore to a marked degree and was a leader in every thing that had for its abject the good of his town. He covered a wide territory In bia periodical visits in the Optical basiuese and for the pain 9 or 10 years had made regular calla at Mr. Fox's drug store here. Hie last visit here was in the Diose of June. Many tributes were paid by Elora aitizene to their departed friend. Deceased held adherence to the Methodist ohoroh. Mrs. Smith and family will be acoorded sincere and widespread sympathy in tbeir bereavement. Mr, Smith was 52 years of age. DENISE of JAMES BnowN — Laid w eek Tun Pose made reference to the decease of James Brow:, an old and worthy resi- dent of Howiek. He bad passed away at his home in Gerrie, where he had resided lar the peat five years, at the advanced age of 82 years. Mr. Brown was born lo Damfriepnhire, Scotland, and oame to Canada about 50 yeare ago with hie wife and family. They lived at Hamilton, Galt and St. Marys before locating in Howiok township, where deceased fol. lowed farming. Mre. Brown, who stir. vivee her partner, is pee6 82 years of age. Her maiden name wail Elizabeth John- ston. The ohildren are James, of Ford. wiob ; John, Indian Head, N. W. T. ; George, of Brussels ; Andrew; of Ham• niton ; Thee., of Howiek ; Sirs. Reading, of Wingham ; and Mre. R. Henry, of Algoma. The tenant service wan con. darted by Rev. Joh: Johnston, of Pais ,ey, nephew of -Mrs, Brown's, and Rev. Mr. Dobson, of Fordwiob intoe Presbyter. in: church, Pallbearers were :—Mesere. Brednook, Murray, McLaughlin, Mo• Grath, Match and Ivlontgomery. Mr. Johnston's father, a brother of Mrs. Brown, lives in Niesoari township and and is now in hie 100112 year and ie wonderfully smart. Mr. Brown was a member of the Presbyterian oburob and a Liberal in politica. He 'was as industrious, genial man who had many friende who will accord the widow • their eintere sympathy. PRETTY WEDDING.—We take from% the Daily Evening Star, of Wbitehoree, Yukon Territory, of September 27th the following wedding notice, the bride being a easter of A. E. Mellish, manager of the Brussels Branch of the Metropolitan Bask :--Ohriet ohurnh wee the Beene of e very pretty wedding at 8 p. m. yeetrday when tbe Rev. 0• Reed, of Dawson, led to the altar Min Mary Mellish, daughter of John T. Mellish, L. L. D., of Obarlottetown, P. E, 1, The nuptial knot was tied by Rt. Rev. W. 0, Bompae, D. D., Biehop of Selkirk, aseinted by the Rev. J. O Stringer, eY X eater of Whitehorse. g , In the unavoidable nbeenoe of any rela- tive the beide was given;away by Major A. E Snyder, of the R. N. W. M. P. and dons Rowerte Stringer anted as maid of honor. The service was most impreaeive, the einging hearty and the playing of Mr, Bindley perfected tbe oeremony. The ohoroh had been prettily decorated and altogether we hove seldom had the 388880. ore of attending a nioer wedding. The bride looked charming in atPi:Asian gown 1f bine gray voile over white silk, with hat to matoh, carrying te bogaet of white flowers and the maid of honor wag very sweet in while aiik with a ooronat of flowers In het golden hair. An informal reoeption was given in the rectory after the oeremony by the membore of the Woman's Auxiliary where a large num. bee of [deride and ecgneintanoee offered good wishes and oongratalationa to bride and groom, and admired the nameroa5 i ) reaenta. The and begat fa p happy couple leave on the Oolnmbien for their home in .Dawson where they expeob to spend the Winter, Rev, and Ire, Reed have many friende in Whitehorse who wish for them a Janney down 'Rohl river ttnrujEed by the tidetripa of infelicity or reeked by ripples of discord. .171 _- >,,,.. Standard Bank of Canada mewAasa—ma m 1672 Ovole ;OE1{E 101312D 1TTTALAS$Wl3YE00,000,000 A Gone - .t Il3a:eking IBus8uefeere 00Pim :set etnet �a ?SAVINGS BAN Ki"'� Accrued interest le added to teOoonnte every six mouthe and beoomee principal. Joint deposit Accounts—A SyEOIAL OOt PEIv1F1NOE to use in our Sevin,ts im- partment e.partment ie the"Joint deposit" aeoenet. Money may be depoeited or withdrawn by either 01 the two membore of the household, This syetem is a great 000ven- let ea to many residing in town, but more particularly so to farmers, tie in 11e latter case whether man or wife cantle to town either can attend to the Hawking, An- other feature of the system le that in ou08 of the death of either party the money can be withdrawn by the eurvlvor without coat. We will tell you more about our methods if you will kindly call or write. Married Worsen and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without thein. tervautiou of any person. SALE NOTES GASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE•KEEPING only for whioh no °barge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oerefnl and courteous attention. A. 0. MACFARLAN11, Aimee. .11011601/10.4 Nov. 17th Ie THE DATE,—The Directors of Brussels Public Librery have decided to give a publitt musical and literary entertainment in the Town Hall on Friday evening, Nov 171h, the prooeede to be devoted to Library pnrpoaee. An A 1 program will be presented to which the beet keel talent will take part. Ad - minion fee is placed within the reach of all viz. adults, lee ; ohildren, 100. Keep the date clear and give the Library Feud your moral support. NEIL MOLAoouLIN PAYS NAT00E'a DEET. —The sad news that Neil NoLltuoblin died last Monday at noon Game with great suddenness to many who were hardly aware that he was even danger. oaely Ili, but it proved ouly too true. While for over a year hie health was wanting the robustness of former dnye he was only in Led a little over a week when the call Dame, his death being the result of a oomplioatiou of eilmente that forbade the prolongation of life. His grit and geniality had obscured the fact to many of anything being wrong pbysivally, while at times he was a great Sufferer. Mr. MoLauohlin was bora in ()lark township, Carleton county, and was the sixth eon of the late Thomas Mo• Lauohlin, and came with hie mother and other members of the family to Grey township when a lad over 60 years ago. He grew to manhood in this local• sty and wee married on September 9th 1874 to Mien Elizebeth Forbes, of Morris township, who survives him. In hie earlier years he kept store in Brussels and Jamestown and afterwards termed on the 10th oon. of Grey, before locating in Brussels some 25 years ago, following the occupation of drover up to the time of hie illneee. Hie aotive life brought bin into content with manypeople eo that be had acgaaiota:oen by the hundreds end enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him, He was a Presbyterian in ohoroh relations ; a Liberal iu politica ; a kind husband, indulgent father and an oblig- ing neighbor whose demise will be einaerely regretted. For many years he belonged to Court Prinoeae Alexandria, G. 0. F., soder the direotion of whioh body the funeral took place on Wednes• day afternoon to Brnasela cemetery, Beautiful wreaths were planed on the oaaket by the 0. 0. F. and others. The funeral service wee conducted by Revd, Dr, Rose and Rev. F. M. Laog•Ford, Pallbearers were J. Leokie, A. 0. Dames, Wm. Bryane, Allen Speir, James Straohan and Duncan Taylor. This was the first break by death in the home oirole in 31 yang of its existence. The children are Thos., who is engaged at railroading ; George, of Fort William R. J., Mied Jean and Mies Margaret, of town. George arrived Monday night in • espouse to te telegram but too late to gee hie father in life. Time. could not be toasted. By spoken word, letter and telegram Mre. MaLanohlin and family have been assured of the widespread eympathy felt for them in the sudden oohing away of boebau8 and father. The eurviviugbrothers of Mr. Maaaoh. lin are Doneld, of North Dakota, and Phomas and Alexander, of Brueeele. "'.LORD'S DAY AL/ATM—Thursday evening of last week the annual meeting of the Brussels Branch of the Lord's Day Allianoe was held in 51. John's churn, B. Garry President, in the chair. The devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. T. W. Gonne and Rev. Dr. Roes. Short introductory re- marks were offered by the President after whioh the SBoretory•Treasurer'a report was presented whioh showed that 539 00 had been collected and remitted co the Treasurer of the Alliance for the past year, and 100 enbeoribere sant to the Lord's Day Advocate. The various emounte were as follower Ethel, $4.50 ; Oranbrook, $6.75; Walton, $596; James. town, $2,75; Brueeele, $1860. Office bearers for the coming year were sleeted ee followe l—President, B. Gerry ; Vice Presidents, the local paetore ; Sea.•Traae. W. H. Kerr; representatives on the Board, A. M. MoRay, T. Farrow, Jae, Oardiff, Joo. Smillie, Jno, Boarlett, Mre. Berry, 5, P. McIntosh, Joo. Knight, Dr. Ferguson, Jno, MoDonald and Thos. Straoban, Rev. Mr. Shearer, Beoretary of the Alliance, of Toronto, was intro. dined and gave a most interesting and well arranged address, brimfull of io• formation and enoonragement in this good work. Hie topic was "What we have we'll hold," and it wan dealt with ander the following divisions:—(1) Our Sabbath is worth holding, bananas (a) being de The National wellg ends on our p retaining it ; (b) The indoatrial liberty ie based on its observance ; (o) The vitality of religion depends on the inte- grity of the oommeud "Remember the Sabbath." (2) It is in need of bolding— Greed and Selfishness being the two abler dangers. There is the i000ming of emir grants to be mot, many of them very loose in their Sabbath keeping ideals; the Sunday ioe•oream parlors and oigar stores, Sunday street oars, Sonde.), theatres and ooneerts, letter writing, visiting, pleaenring, ata. There ere no lege than 150,000 Sabbsthleee Oanadiane in thio Dominion. (8) What are we going to do about 167 Finn linea of ef. fort were euggeeted, (1) Education, by pulpi6, platform, press, school and the home. (2) Organization, 800 branch Sooietfes with 80,000 members are now behind it, (8) Leglalation, 100 legal bat sit 10 les have been fought in the P years, resulting in complete 8810010880 in almost every ease, (4) Administration, moral eaasion, the setting of a good example and the galling of infreotione to the attention of the legal authorities. The Attorney General has placed the vaeioue Grown Attorneys at our disposal in this matter. Rev. Mr. Shearer's peroration was rioh in suggestion and purpose. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to him on motion of Reeds. Metiers, Oosene aol Rose. After a oolleot(on of $2.00 was taken the closing hymn teas sung and Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford pronounced the Benediction. Owing to the very wet and dark evening the ettendanoe wee not large but thoee who attended were well repaid. Rev. Mr. Shearer is without doubt the right Mau in the tight plaoe and is doing a grand work. He stated that 32,000 oopiee of The Lord's Day Advocate were loaned this month. Brae• eels Branch is well to the front in the practical interest manifested in the pact iu this worthy oause_ Business Locals.. Foot SALE, One pony, safe driver, oleo Dart and harness. I. 0. Ridhards. Lens's blank ruff loot, It has nears) tails. The owner will be greatly obliged E Ta Poe' . will leave i at E T if the finder 0ouFORTAxLe dwelling to let or Bell. Hard and soft water, every oonvenienoe. Poesesion can be given by Nov. let. I. 0. Rlouenns. Bowe.—We give you saws nay to wink and easy to pay for. Your courage will improve when you use our saws. If ycu have slaw, hard working saws du not de- lay but come right away tend have them toned to your fanoy. T. M0GRE000, Mill St., Brussels, Lo!T.—Iu Brueeele, ou Oot. 201b, to Mr. and Mrs, George Lott, a sou. MooRE,—In Winnipeg, on Oat. 21st, to Mr. and Mre. Robt, F. Moore, of Boone, a eon. Sa.A.180 ESJ- MOBPADnEN.—BENNErT.—In Winnipeg on Oot. 9tb, by Bev. Donald Mouton, Mr. Samuel Moepadden, of Bois. tenth, Man., to blies Minnie Ben• nett, of Walton, Out. HAwTnORN.—INORAME.—Io Winnipeg, on Oot. 9th, by Rev. Donald Munroe, Mr. W. J. Hawthorn, of Waekada, Man., to Mise Hannah Ingram, of Ft, elicit), Ont. axsn-o_ OAeTRR.—Io Blyth, on ootober 801, Mary Elizabeth Aun, daughter of Mr. and Mre. J. T. Garter, aged 7 months. GATnaea,—Ill Gerrie on Oct. 19th Elizabeth J. Palmer, wife of David Oathere, aged 24 yrs, HAwxnN8.—I0 Listowel, on Ootober 16818, 1906, Emma E•izabeth Hawkins, be- loved rtau•,Liter el Mr. and Mre. A. 8c. idea. Llawkius, aged 22 years, 7 months and 8 days. HOPEINS,—In Winnipeg, on Oet. 14th, ry, Jeanet Habkirk, beloved wife of 1.816 Anther Hopkins, aged 85 years. MoLAnonorg.—Iii Brunets, on Oot. 28rd, Nati MoLaoobliu, aged 62 years and 6 months. MoINToao,—In McKillop, on Oot. 17181, George William Walleoe, only eon of Finlay and Mre. MoIntoeh, aged 4 years. SMITH.—In 'Toronto, on cot. 26111, T. P. Smith, of Elora, aged 52 years, avemxmll sass E. SATURDAY, OOT, 28Ta—Horses, riga, furniture, &a., at Queen street, Brunets, Bale at 2 o'olook. John Oober, prop. ( F. S. Scott, ono. WEDNESDAY, Nov. lat.—Farm Stook, wood, poste, &o„ Lot 24, Cou. 18, Grey, Sale et 1 o'clock. Peter H. McNeil, prop. F. S. Scott, ono. THURSDAY, Nov. 2nd.—Farm stook, implements, &a., Lot 2, Con. 8, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook, Alex, Stewart, prop. F. S. Scott, alio. SATURDAY, Nov. 4th.—Breeding ewes and thoro'•bred reme, Loiceetere and Sbrope, on the rage track, Brueeele. Sale at 1 p. m. Jno. Soon, drover, prop. ; F. S. Soots, Gua. MONn3Y, Nov OTs. — Perm, Farm Stook, Implements, Furniture, Lumber, &a,, Lot 80, Oon. 17, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m. Angus McKey, prop., F. 8. Soon, auo. Firmer, Nov. 10x11, — Farm stook, Lot 8, Oon. 11, Gray. Sale at 1 p. m. Bre. E. Diann, proprietress. F. S. Scott, euationeer. SATURDAY, N ov. llth.- arm stook im• plemente, &a., at Lot 28, Om 8, Morrie. Sale at 1 o'olook. Jae. Sharp, prop. ; F. 8. Scott, auo. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ISS DATE MoKINLAY— A pupil in vocal music of .Mrs, Nor• ton, of Detroit, is prepared to give inetrtrc- tlon In vocal mueio and the violin, Terms on appitoatlon. FT OUSE AND LOT FCItSALE. The house eon Mins 0 rooms, There is a stable on lot, and d core of lend, For further partloulare apply to 1401 JA8.lcfamiLLAN, Walton, HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE BY ATOTION,—The house and 100 known as the Hunter property, Alexander preet Breas 1a will be offered for eel° by tin Saturday, eftoatonwithe tletob be held Cubr% queen died. to property le eligibly situates, There is a quarter of an tore of land, Portbor partic- ulars made known en day of sate or on ap- plloatlon to the uuderoignod. P. 8. 8COTT, RORY EVANS, emotloueer, Proprlotress, C 6P11'.Ia--•raid up $1,000,000 RESER V le ELJNII • $1,000,000 0. Directors 8. 5, moons,18111P.lt. H. 7M1':t1tDN:N, R • President. Ylco-President, 2'005. niteuttuAw, a Tee file Hosni UK w trenTTAntIt memo, 18,0, D. E, 0800380021, 11. 0, JOHN V1R0a•nttOt'R HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, D, ROSS - CE12EIt1L MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafie I3eugbt and Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted. f°ar°tawis eamze Bigralear ate' Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed an all some of 51 and apwarda DRUSSE,LS MUNCH A. E. MELLISH, Mummer, AUCTION SALE OF FA1SM RTO0n, IMPLEATENTe, &O.—P'. 0. Scott, nnatioueer bee been lnetruoted by the un- dereigupe1 to sell by public auction nt Lot 2 Oon 8, Orel, en TPUR SPAT, NOT. 2nd, 1it1 o'elook, sharp, the following valuable property. viz. ;— 2 mores 7 years old eopppns- ed in foal to "Royal Park",1 year old alll'by Eaplao," 1 °owe Supposed in oMf,1 fat cow , 1 two year old haifor m calf, d two year old steers, 8 two year old heifers, d one year 14',1 e, 2 one year old heifers, 0 Spring calv oalvee, 8 brood sown In pig, 20 Leghorn hogs of dbenr• out ages, number of white Le eerie bons, 'McCormick Moder' 1. eHHm Seed mower, 1 Demi/1g rake, l Petr Hamilton1en seed drill, 1 cultivator, 1 eoufder, 1 30008141 pnrpoe8 walking plow,1 walking plow fur sod, 2 two furrowed plows,' set front harrows, 1 laud roller, 1 hay loader,' 8-boree tread power, 1 horse power' 1 straw Cutter. 1 tornip pa1p• ,.r, 1 Bain wagon and box, 1 truck wagon. 1 wagon box and hog reek, 1 gravel box, 1 bay rank, 1 spring wagon,1 top buggy, 1 open buggy, 0 sets bobeleiglle,1 long sleigh, 1 act scales, 000 lbs„ 1 grind atone, 1 set heavy team harneaa,1 cot Rebt team har- ness, 1 net plow bnrneae, 2 sot single harness, quantity of cedar poets, turnips, goose wheat and Bleck barley, and numerous other artieles Bala uureeerved as proprie- tor has so d his farul. Torras—A11 eume of 55.00 and under cash; over that amount 11 months' o1•edit will be given on furntehiog approved joint notes; 4 per cent. off for Dash 4,n credit amounts. Crain sad turnips to be cash. ALES. STEWART, Proprietor. ; F. 8. 7 aUTT♦ Guo, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the esta'e of James B. Williamson, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farm- er, deceased. 1•7001c0 10 hereby given , plummet to Bevis. ed Statutes of Outaelo.1807, Oben, 120, Son, 08, 512,88 011 creditors mud others haying any Maims against the estate of the erla James B. Williamson, farmer, who died on or about the 15th day of July, A. D.1005, era re- ouired. on or before the 15th day of Nevem- nee, 1605, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to A. B, Macdonald, of the Pillage of Brus- sols,in the Comity of Huron, Solicitor for Henry Hamilton and Thomas W- William. son, Executors of the estate, Walton P.O., their Chrftttau and surnames, a,1drosso0 and deseriptious, the full particulate of their olefins, the statement of their ac- counts and the natureof the securities (If any) held by them, And notice Is further given that after the said lett mentioned date the said Execu- tors will proceed to d;rtrlbute the meant of the deceased amongst the pantie° entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wbiob they 111x11 teen have notice incl that the said lixecutore will not be liable for the assets, or any ]art thereof, to any person or persons of whose olaime notice shall not have been reoelved by them at the time of such dletriberlon, A. B, 5130D0NALD, 10.5 Solicitor for Execu to TB. CILEARING OUT AUCTION 1.1 Role of Olydosdale Herpes, Thera, - bred Shorthorn and Digit Grade Cattle, Thoro'-brerl Berkshire Piga and Leiceete' Sheep, on Wednesday, Ile,. 1st, at! l o'clock sharp, ou Robert Sourlett's farm, Svc miles North of Bea'orth and ono mile Punct of Winthrop, in DfoAillop• Pedigrees of 'L'horo• bred stook will be produced at the sale, No outeirle stook allowed ou the grounds, Ev- erything will positively be sold as, on ao- o0unt of the destruction o1 his barns by, Aro, he has neither toe.l nor shelter for them. Terme—Twelve mouthe' oroditwill be given on furnishing approved j 11ut notes, A diseouut cf d per pent. will.be allowed for 0a8h on credit amounts. 10013ERT [WAR - LETT, Prop.; Taos. Snows, Auotloueor. No Question About It ! We enjoy to a rare degree the con. Mince of our onetonlere, This oou- iidenoe is the produot of experience. Those who trade with tie regularly have learned to know they can depend upon getting the best goods and 808Vine. When you want drugs or have a prescription to be filled and desire to have absolute assurance of per- fect 00rv108 kindly remember this store. You will never have reason bo regret planing your confidence with DRUG STORE 81+W0 T 30Lt0'-Ia I BRED R - R7; D U beat Bull Calves for pale, prise win- ners at Brussels Pau. One a roan and the other red, 10 months old, D, ROBERT- SON, Lab 8, 'Con. 0, Croy, or Brussels P. 0. ripxxxxxxxxxxxx cxx xxxxxx' ticKINN0N & CQ 14 — MORE LADIES COATS asp Yb �__pbp q�3 Y.. We have done a largo trade iu Ladies' Cloth Coate this season. Our stook got pretty well reduced in several linea and sizes. But last week we got another shipment which puts our stock in good nape for the Fall trade. The buying p012lio now look on this store us headquarters for Ladies', Misses' and Ohidren'e Coats, and they know when they buy a McKinnon made garment they get the very latest up -to -slate style. Our atoolr is very large and varied. The few styles we mention below will give you a faint idea of the etook we carry. The Goods Require to be Seen to be Appreciated, Ladies' Frieze Coats, fly front, 82 iuohes long, semi -fitting with belt effect at back, lined throughout, colors blank and Oxford, $3, Ladies' Collarless Ooat, of black beaver, fly front, trimmed at neck and 1,,,9 belt with blank ve.vet, lined throughout, at 57. d��qb Ladies' Frieze Empress Coat, 42 inches long, loose back trimmed with /t d -I+ pleats and keraey atcappinge, oolore black and Oxford, $10. a -t Ladies' Etnpire Covert Ooat, 42 inches long, fly front, new fanoy shirred sleeves and yoke, trimmed with planta and self etrapping, oolore fawn rt and brown, $18. Q - Ladies' All Wool Kerery Cont, 43 inches long, self etrapping, satin finished L ° princess lining, loose beak, oolore black and fuw'p, $16. q8�� �1 Miens' Frieze Coat, double breasted, two pockets, long length, sizes 12, 14 t° and 16 years, colors navy, myrtle and Oxford, $8.95. Children's Goats, in all sizes and prices, from 52 to $6. dil Ladies' Fur Ooata, in astrachan, from 522.50 to 540, Ladies' Electric Seal Coats, in all sizes from $80 to $60. q.8 Ladies' Greenland Seal Coate, very special at $80 and 586, d t yyg QQQ-14 d -u 4 �b I Just a Word with You and it's about Your allN'. to tr' i. I tlty :$ ,oat We won't waste words We are Sole Agents for what are admitted the Finest Ready-to-wear Garments ever offered in Canada, the 207`H CEN- TURY Brand of Men's Fine Tailored Garments Don't confuse these Clothes with the Ready-made stuff. They are different and better in every respect, and the very kind of Clothes you are looking for. They are being worn by Dressy Men all over Canada. They solve the Clothes problem for the man who wants Stylish Clothes at a reasonable price. We're ready when you are. u. T. 4 tiE 4•: ry Tho only Exclusive Clothing and Furnishing House in Brussels. etote'404em r