HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-26, Page 70+0.1,040+04-0+04040+0+0+ 4 0 • 'e el Illeilouso 4 6▪ 4-0+04-0+04-0+040+04-0404. Ho came down tho road walking 'with a slow. Intl/has slop, as if nit invIsibla wore bound on his Soot, EN wife, looltIng from 1ho window, was struck hy his in 14 (lotting glimpse sho 15141(4 Wi 1.11 eyos suddenly illuminator!, that. Wit. 11010 was vowing oh!. agg, 1,1 fa', thomo stooping shouldors, that. look or diromitragoinont, wort( W1101IY i1 il(s hos blithe, choory husband. William Forbes did not, as usual, antor hi8 1101.1811 by the trout door. Ile wont round to the back, and stood al 1 he 11.0(1 or tho lane, look- your job, did I not?" ing down and waiting for Lilo hirmi "Yos," ho answered, "dottiest wife, man, Silas Boum W110 wits driving you did." homo tho cows, Tho 1(tt.lo delay gate (\h'8, Forbes her opportunity, PARTIES IN JAPAN'. "Molly," sho said, "not ono word to your rather to -night about your, Is Party Government in That new suit," Country a Farce? "13Mt mothor," remonstrated twen- Tho peach treaty having become tY-Yoarsold Melly, who had sot her the football or Japcsonso tloliIiCal 10(0(1 on a lowly India silk with rt parties, it would bo intorosting 10 hlouso trimned with laco and om- point out exactly- ohne they stand brnidory, and a jacket besides, how and for what they stand, but this is can I go to Aunt Phoebe's unless I Nary almolot, Thor, arc oil 1, thole got moo now clothes? Now can I, two principal parties around which mother?" rovolvo a numbor of porsonnd groups "I don't know. dear, I only 1010)8 stoking prom 140101 and spoils whoa you inust not bother papa this oVen- the opportunity presents. Tho pro- ing. I mono 1.1„ Not a single hint, grossite patty 18 loci by Count Oku- Molly. And you, jack, don't ask 1)114, ,,1110 sage of washed," who, it your fo ho. for a ocnt."19 11(1)10011e01.1, will oppose the "All right, mother," answored Jack, putting ills Latin roador on Ian shelf and taking (loon his al- gebra. Mr. Forbos onmo in, As his wirn met him cluerfolly, taking his hat from his lintal, and drawing roV01.11.11 easy chair, ho sm1101, but wanly. In Ittenty-lion years of inartiago, ho bad not failed to answor the chat- lengo 01 1108 smile with his own oo- sponsivo brighlmoss, Dot latterly, dearly as they toted outs another, an(1 complete as was their mutual comprehension, Ellen Forbes was awarn that William was keeping somothing back from her; thal ho was not wholly at his ease, that thorn was a distress of soino sort tugging at his tranquility. fah° re- solved to lind out what it might bo. When dinner 110.114 mow, the good plain dialog that was so appetizing and wholesome foo a Hied man, who daily enrrind a cold threhoon from home to the store, Molly 011(1 Jack W13))(. o tho Christian Endeavor mooting, and their parents ')Vero loft notokablo talent, for buying 111111 9011- 118 W51 1 EIS raising prodine, this}, woold havo lost all they inve4d10th Hero sho proofs' herself cm oxainplo of whin; Et woman 0011 110 1111011 511)3 14) allowod to eider an open door of Emportomity. Ynt (ho oxporimont Was not all 10318, for the ontdoor life and 1414'r)' 15 1111010 fl, 0018 7111111 pliyal- cally of Mrs Forbes, who had la -on shut In most of his mature yoass, ((omit for ((((1 (11)18, which lovolood obsonco fro111 long railway rides, 0 ig 11 143 in 1'111 (01410(4, 8)111 110)014- 1411k 171,15',11 1114T lo hotels, Ono (loy Ills Forbes alcoved a U4,- 101% 1 1. 3141(1 from. a 171151170S8 11011170 In town, rind (Moroi blot a positain superior to 11(9 former ono, ball 1)1 emolumont and honor, At Dui ond of tho totter thole 3(409 11118 annonco, 'Wo want a Christian man, ono who respects and Iceopm tbo Sabbath, a37 W0 (10 011 VS01 V5.8. ' ":1 told you, William, the hand of Providence 5508 in it, when you lost 0/011./. 1"Wi11," said Ellon suddenly, '`what troubles you? is anything wrong?" "Nothing tocropt. that W11151 this month ends, I 811911 logo my job." She ((might her breath la surprise and diamay. "Why, Will," she exclaimed, "you'vo boon with Rite Kildaro since you wore a lad." "Yrs, (hat 114 truo." "Of 03101 do 1 hoy complain? Whn have you dont, amiss?" Tim wifit's 1.ono WEIS indignant. Tier oyes 9118(1- '70(1. Slio know that For husband lout soloed his employers faithfully, that, ho lied no1 stinted any labov nor satsum'd any scowler]. "It is of what 1 cannot do they Complain, Nellie, Sinec old man Rico Mod, and Mr. Kildaro senior retiroci, tho younger men intvo come into powor, with 110W methods, and too slow for 1110111. They want nut to go on thn road as T always have, two or thron times a year, but thoy insist that I must travel. on Sunday, and I hate declined," "Cortainly you coulcl not go back 00 '(10(1)' 11100811, trample tie Fourth Commandment under Foot and tray, 1 on tii& Lora's (lay. You did porfect- ly right to stand lip on your tiro - long convictions, ancl I'm proud of you. Noor mind about scouring an- other office. Thero's work, eriough right bora on this bit of a gardell and farm," 'l'm no farmor, (Alen," 'T 001. I was raised on a farm. Wo'll lot Silas go. ITo can fliol work without any troublo. Wo'vo a little sa1'o(1, a 111.110 morn, Will, than you know about, for I'vo always been putting by somothltig for a rainy day. Wo'll all pull together, anti boner() you'll Iffici there's inoney in garclon stall and chlekons and eggs. Wa'r0 7100r enough a flan maritot, 'Why, William Fortes. Lim wholo thing 8113011 130101.0 1113, eyes, a vision of prospority, 1 0111 thankful those young Inen don't: want you, and thankful lot tho reason. There would bo no blessing if you wont against principle," Tho young pimple, camn gaily in from their mooting to rincl their ra- ther rind in.othor chatting as eagerly as if they Were children planning for a plenio, "You two are real loom's, aron't you?" said Molly, as slio Rinsed tham goad -night. ''Icovors1 why, YeS,'' said hor mother. "'riot's what makes our 110010 SO 11(1(111 11(1310, WO are very hal/Py Molly, and 110 aro going to be happier." Molly did not got hor dainty Emit that Egerton, Ina sibs looked like an openiiig mei) in her old ono nicely made over, and. So thought young Louis Pavia], who bad long covottly atimirod her, but 140(1 foaled to talco on 131111811r the rosponsibilily of Mar - Ewing a girl brought Up in tho groat omnfort and history which Mr. !Forbes, by good managarnont, o1 (('03'41 providod for hoe holm, A olinme roinark of big 518(01°1), that Molly Forbes 11511 ".1001.0 roonrimy (Mout her Own most clocitind Louis, that a poor rooms nom might vonturn to kelt 1101* for his llro port- lier, Mid ma Molly had Mod him from School-daya, lovo Wag all 0053/ caticco of tho troaty. ()Imam is bill or figh OM EL Oita mite numb in tho hands of"a pot i t. Ron opponent has blowo 111111 physically to piecos, but no1 abated ono jot the uncomprona ising mauls) and texture of his opin- ions, For a docade his cry has boon "Russia in the far East must bo de- stroyed," ond cruel must have bah his awakening whin apprisod that by tiso treaty signori on Amorioan soil Russia is only crippled. The most powerful party, and the one most numerously represented in the diet, in tho constitutionnl party created and really led by tho Mar- quis Ito, though the actual dotios of leadership are apparently left to Marquis Sarotij1 or aomo 01.11011 young and usoful man. This porta, the soi-yu-kai, swoars by 'Ma consti- tution, which is perhaps the , most inefrootivo instrument that was over &wised as a. palladium of popular rights, Marquis fto, who is said to have drawn up the instrument with his own. Italica (hose as Itis model the sham constitution which Bis- marck conforred upon 41 ('(1100113', and in putting the provisions of this do- cument into Japanese ho loft out or weakened those whIch would soon Lo alfoct in however slight measure the supremacy of tho mon- archial principlo. We aro orton btformod by Japan - 0941 statesmen that theirs is a con- stitutional country and that the power of WO 11, rosorved to the poopto ancl is an inalionablo tight. Thy do not add. In:moven, that the present omporor has distnisseri throo or four parliaments that woro not pliant lo 1314 Will, and that up to Lh prosont ho bas (loan so with 1111- ptiffity—not that this wEtve of radi- calism is not inoroasing 10 violent° and may, in opt:a/log.0 peace which falls so far short of japaneso destro as to ho pronounced ignoble, actu- ally got control or 1110 ship of state, to tho confusion of tho peacemakers and the quiet of STITS EASTERN' WORLD. After all is said, party govornmont in Japan is, a farco, or rather a sham, and the older statesmen who secured. tho confidonco of the mika- do in thn stormy days of thn revolts- Hon and .rostoration of 13(38 rule the country an unguestionably as over did Grecian oligarchy or that cotorio of Russian grand dukes or 18111111 WO hear so Much and know so little. Ito, Yamagala, Tnouyo, Matsukate. and ITyashi, tho ambEts- saclor in London, aro the' names of those prIvy and most potent coun- cilors, root in the namo of Um em- peror they 1,111414 tho empire. These statesmen mons or loss in their party allillations, brit they ono nod all belong to tho Satsuma, .tho Cho - Shin or ono of th7 smalloe affiliated clans of southorn Japan which plae- od tho oroperor on 111 throne a gen- orhtion ago and have moimpoliacal 118 attention and his confidonco over sinco. TI has boen thought by many that ono of no most potent caoses of tho Russian 111),1* was tho nocessity which thn southern clansmen bolt of con- solidating thoir powor, instood of consccratiiig it by tho succossful leadership of a popular war, While tho constitutional rights of the /Tam/nests prwl° 4140 purely illusory and tho restraints opon (.ho power of Um omporor ale inolicetivo, still tho peoplo of ,Tapan have boon cba- (missing these mattors for the last (Ivo yoars, and in such 44, 10(1(1 as suggested to tho loaders of Cm clans the dosirability of changing tho sobs loot. /1 is a meat joy for tho ,T- 3141130413) (10 to 1100 1141), their beloved lana has] Roomed 313(1 position or EL world power, hot they know batter than nnyonn rise at what 11 terrific rost tho position has been attatood. Tho mon of 80I1103na and or Cho -Shim who for a, hundrod gotinrations hate beet tang1111, os were our Indians. that 11E10 iS 1110 only worthy pursuit of num, socurn 1110 honors, the pon- 51.0318 0711-1 1,110 &coral ions which soma Nom vial ory, but it ia tho poor riro grotto's of 113(4 paddy Acids who simply lhe human rood for pow- der and pay tho 3ax05., "Your honor," said the attornoy, "this ainn's insanity takes the form of a' bettor. trial avoryone moils to step 'forward, rol3 .tle W011 t, even mo, Willialn 3(13)1'1)p14triod It 1.380180° his 4101113501,10apprciooli him:" "Mnsa »math of 111(14110111' forming> but 110 he 1108 104 50 crazy after '(4(15 (101 not tt shining suCCeas bis, owned the ',Court, in a Ju'dicial whiff- Xr 11 11 Wife had not developed a ro- por, HE IS A MAN OF MYSTERY 181)0 his bora- to save his IlfoNand thora WW1 )10 billarross, o 'C4"1-1+1k-H"k+41".4' 4731"114.which was atlow ebb. , nFROMBONNIESOTLAND Thu mun rallicol, and in a feay w fls A limit sTitTING NATultle, GEROME NAS--pftEN SILENT it was (TOMEI that lits would livo FOR FORTY YEARS. lie filloko 11, little to the fishorfolla It Etoomol 45/81 0111 1,10.1.t 110 not only but. ass n„shi„g of hhuneif 0(4,,' u411(1'r.,1 ood 3,11,4 Frontli 1 lot I aim aullennoss, only the retssalonsit, -4 a .NOTES OF INTEREST FROX I -ash lora IIER BANES Arl) BRAES. round by Pfshermen on Nova, a wook or (104)0 (0' 14001 11101,151 1'80111 81gb5' Netli: 1,1 11151/1/01101 01111 1./11155/1 in (.110 elare of a faintla of 010 811- Ing1', Tho palost, ronowod (118 01 101111011f 0101 now that tho first roar had wor MI many villaisors vis(tor) his los aido and tried. to hold convormatio with hInt. But She 110111015/1 17114 1541158a (0 11 1 14 (.0 any' one, and fit Scotia, Shore With Both Legs Amputated. Walling in anomie-, lar death, RS he has walled for forty-four years, it mysterious man sits in a lit 1:10 cola tago 14,1, Motaglino, Nova Scotia, Ills coining to tho littio villago that Iles on tho throe of St. Mary's bay, a laud lociail body of water soparated from. the Bay of Fundy by a 1104k Or land soninty milts tong and film miles wide, was a mystery. His loug stay ill a mystery. This mail has not 83101(0(3 to any ono for forty 310515. Yot it Is lcnown the he can spotlit. For forty years tho vlilagora have puzzlod over his Motility, For forty Yeal'H they have. endeavoied to broalc down tho har- rier of silence. Ho is aow appar- ently moro than seventy years of age, A. Novoinbor aftornocm, forty- four yours ago, saw EL V05801, 1811 101 L1'0411.4i011 has was a gunboat, enter 1.118 bay 0)141 S14 1.88 1110 511010, 'rho curl om ty of tho fishorawn was arrooloa, but fog was shutting down, an(1 night soon doopening tho dark- ness, no ono could find out whether Iho vessel anchorol or not. When morning dawned Moro Was no ship to be soon, It, Was frosty weather, and none or tho fishor folk cooed to put MY in tho bay until tho day was woll advanced and tho sun had warmed the air. Some. limo luring tho day n fisherman drew noar Suncly e01'e, WhIC11 18 a (loop 111 - let. 001085 from Motaghan, bo- twoon. 1110 bluffs. With his mind 11 ilocl 11(1 11 romembrance of the strango visitor of Om night before, tho fisherman had his eyes sharponol for anything unusual along Ulu coast. 7/111 110 5111p 100711041 up in that harbor. Only, on tho shelving beach, lie saw A CURIOUS DA.Ttli: OILIECT, With some foar 110 pulled his clory close enough to see that 1,110 (Mice!: was14 man, 111111610(1 into a curious posit ion. Tho fisherman pulled closer to the ;hare, and then fun a moment his boast stoocl still. 'Pho shapolosa ob- ject was, ho thought, a marl 5 hotly, a hulk without logs. Tho fishorman departed in haste, but toward (Well- ing ho found a. loath to roturn with lion and investigate the object, As the Frenclinion drew neer the bank thy heaod tho low snooping or tho creature on shore, and made haste to go to 111s asaislance, ily 1110 look of his garments bo had eon an ollicer on 1110 war vowel, but both his legs went gore above the !moos, either shot away in action or amputated by a surgeon's knife. The 'wounds had been dressed in, a skill- ful 01011011'. • Tho man was clad, as the story goes, In officeo's uniform, and by his sido 110,5 a bottle or water ancl (1, package of soft biscuit. When they went to roan's ns- sistanco they found hirn help. loss with cold, too (41111113 (0 Sneak 011 111080. ro.sponso to quostions he made only low moans, so thoy 1 carried 111111 to their boat and pull. od for hone. 111 a cot the strong() man was made as connortablo as 1 he could be 0(1(1 14180)1 stimulants to restore 111111, 'Tho fishermen tried to got him to talk., but 1.110 man only maancd and tuned his head. 0.381131.Wondoring and afraid tho man wd oul,t die, the fishermen put across the bay to tho village. lining Catholics, they wont at onco to tho viliago priest and told hint 31110111 strange. story. The priest awl tbo village doctor went back across the bay to render aid to the strange man. When they reached tho fishiirman's house they found the man quiet and apparently suffering less than 31111130 ho was found, Tlao doctor looked at his wounds and declared thorn skilfully dressed, though both legs wero tak- en 01T above the knees.. Byskilful questionint g hmn o a was induced by tho priest to toll his 11(4)11(1, 38111011 110 said Was 001.0mo or Jerotue. Some say 110 gavo his last name ataboney. 1To said ho. 11418 a Catholic. Thu priest tried to got from hint a statement of how he canto to bo in such spolom to 1(11)),but also Et/gilt-ill words. Arrollior son of Mrs. I 'l(111''10(, tolio 81 lia.Y111g fol,' the prnatimod in Halifx a, cu ono t ut on 31,,' loam anti ;1 I told Moro 110(0(1 to toll of tile truth I- 111(41 110)1 1,0111(11.111 guost, thirty. ally, 33,111,11 lin was 11,1.31)41 ('(1 by 1'")1)151(1)3, ques(lons, ho 1(441,',v(1 WS t01 M011 LOI'S away and oven struck a them savagely. Ho 11144)401 to 13 1(1)111,10 to unclorstand anything Hat was said to him, and maths strong 91,11(191,11(1(3(4,N, tnot5 (1001(10(1 hy 1110 authorities of tho tow)) to humor 1141(1 until h got ready to talk again of his owl:1 will. But this ha notes did. ME seven years he lived with 1110 fam- ily in which he had been placed, and then, as Only 11e(113 going away, Lhor 111)41 1311111 of moving him to tho poor 1101150.But it was not to the pourhoun that tho unfortuortto Gomm° was 1 go. Tho family argued amen themselves that ho was a gentleman or had boon, arid to send him tier would bleak his spirit. Tho fatally of .1(10113)3) Comeau took ‚111)1 unfortunate 111, and has kept him ever S11110. There hate been many linguists to visit hint at the farmhouse at (11011- °'l'), Digby county, six miles along tho shove road front tho 11lown is a scholarly Italian barb,r in the littlewn villago, who is said to sign% solanguages, but ho 1108 never hit on any words to winch 411 8110)1 Occronto will rospond. 'rhos is an Arabian shopkoopor at the 841)(1(171, and Owfle PO many poor Iris in tho romoto districts who spool flo1'15) yPitrli. C158011/5 111(1) iloyor (((1(10(1(1) any 011''0411(')' 418 the Comeau family in all Glow somas, though it ix bola -tool Ito 1111 4108010d W11/1 W118 said to him 11,4 W botIPV Pa to be a Catholic, land smoothies ho was soon to pray. Ho would make t117 sign of the cross t ho 710808 aceepted tho rosary for q 0 g Ins prityver. Nor would lo( road the p-ayer book, nor any Whig book , or paper. Soma voars ago ho would. go out .on the j;roll paid sit 111 the sunshine: on a (110(18)3,111 clay. But for (14(1(4(1 than fifteen ('('(311.4 110 had refused to ko beyond the door. llo sits all day by tho 5(08,', 0)1131 tak- ing a nap for an hour after Manor, In tho nigh140)130111110140)13011111031t 140)1140)13011111031 :r 000ms (14.1bo talking to 111,101.1!, 1)01 le is so sensitive to 1101808 that he divines the approach of a person and grows(d1ott, l'IllrnLa Afa in 11(21V Orionis communi- cated with tho Common at, one 111110, living hoard of thoir 818(101 from (t travoller. Sevl'1'0 1 totters woro toreloingerl, in whirl) 11105,, peo- ple, told of having lost a brothor who ran away to sea nt tho ago of twolvo or fourteen. But they wore vonvinood that this could not be thoir )'010113'1' becauso of his ago, and Cloy 110V01' 1101110 on. "You ran 5")) that ho is a 4110,11 of intolligetwo beyond the 0701(110,''a said tho young privst, "011/1 Whal- n 0(40)' (8 the ants... (If Inn silonoo, it. is - Inot 11(401,' 1h4. it if) inalsility to tell. h 1[c, would have 1014000(1 03111 lonatia)1e ' before this. Ile is slim 1 110003)50he 11(1(11(1)3 t4) be S11(111 1, 111)11110 olio can break down a 1,•8111 ninth an his." SOMALI CHIEF'S WONDER.. Think England is Very Great, but do not Like Climate. Tho 1 too principal Somal i chiofs, who aro at present in London, Enia- Aand, and guests of the English Gov- ernment 38011011411011(131 Interviewed by a reportor in Heir native tongue at Cm Crystal Palate, Groat was thoir surprise at hear- ing a. white. 11100 spook their langu- age, and their joy was unbounded. A torrent of quotations was show- ered 071 the roproaentative, 'who 5)1111- 111)11,5'a.skod those physically splendid men to "speak ono at 0 11100." T10)re eras thon an altercation as to who was to begin tho convorsa- Hon: but t1115 was soon settled by the Med oilier, 11,110 commanded sil- icate hy a haughty warn of his hand. " m Salaaalikuni," said this state - 1 ly man, and on (1011033.1(1)1 the conven- tional answne. "A I iltum salaam," immediately 1(11(11(41(0(1 0)11 with the Gaelic, Thole 15 a strong (1113'l'4'1481011 (111413, C,orome s Mat nano] is Illahonoy, and that ho is an Irishman, but, he will not rospond to any language, lin it aronch, Italian, Spanish, Gorman or English, Ito has lapsed into a 8(1(1)100 that is never broken except in anger at being molested, when ho s.reams itt gibborish that is (4101 ably mere INARTICULA.TE1 SOTiNDS. Tha villagh ers ave forgotten what sort of uniform be W01.0 When f011/111 of what, rank he appeared to ho or what not ion bo might lily° hatted from Shoe wort) no papers nor trinkets on the man, and till) 3)01"' 80)134 who found him aro (1041(1hav)> moved awny. An American recently wont to see Chm omysterious man, At tho door a, ploasant-facod elderly woman 11.3)- 0(101011,She spolco Isrenoh. Sho relied d a aughter'who rocked a 101130 In (1 low, old-fashioned 171)0(11111cradle by occasionally touching it. with boo too. She was making 0 laco cm a frame. Sho called to sone one 015(1, and a comply young wo- rm canto front 11 far room. She admitted. 101 C11051'111113', and 110 walk- ed into a kitchen scrupulously clean su1 simple in furnishing. At first tho visitor did not un- derstand, but suddenly 110 80.07 tilo ioor unfortunate. He was seated on the floor hy 1110 cook stove, and, though tho day was warm, 110 scann- ed huddling there for warmth, Ilo 111111 (3(�d in a looso jacket and ionisers of homespun, his wasted lands resting on bis knoo, Iia gate c1, startled loo14 upward, and (lam loopped 1115 eyes, nor woulcl ho (1(1 ham again. Nis while hats was brushed back from a high forehead; ho W0157 la 1811110 mustacha and a board of while was cut otos° to a point on his chin 10 the 'French fashion. Timm) was a delicacy and refinement, an intelligence and son- sitivenoss, about hiO3 that made it difficult to remain 111 his presenco as a spectator of his misfortuno. The viaitor had brought him some tobacco and candy, at the suggos- tion. of a French boy, who said ho occasionally took theso articles. But loaning' over tho poor man and tl- clieSaing hint gently and offering these small presonts elicilea 110 sign, licavevor, of human intolligonon. 1110(3 blushod. Tho crimson tido rose from bis neck and flooded his face. Tho visitor drew back, and would have stoppod a son of Um house, who approached and spoke to thn poor nem, crowding tho gifts on his attention. At this .11010010 cried out in a strange, unearthly scream, and violently pushed and bent the hands oxlended to him. But In this ges- ture nod cry of repulsion against tho A STRA.NGE PLIGHT. The. roan ro(usod to respond to questioning, Ho grow irritablo when pressed, and finally turners his lead away. Ho Roomed to think he was about to dim as, inched, the priest thoughts But as nothing provailod over tho man's silence, Um priest loft hira in the hands of the doctor, PI3A01.0 MAYNOT DE WOOLLY A POINT irrtox vin CZAR'S 013' following questions, at the same limo kconly watching the reprosenta- tiro. Pointing to the vast crowd, he sa11(1 11)T1 ayna yoj yun fookall itscer" ("Whole thoso countless number of people come (roni?") On being 101(1 that London was Et very large place, and tho spot in- clicatod was but () hundrod-thou- sandth part, 110 gazod around and murmured: "011011 hu q . Allah A kba.r, " ("God is g0011. 0101 is )1reat.") On bring asked his opiniov of England, he said: "Qad sirna 1113,1 la- ath-thcLl'all bi auzmuti inkullorra In kunna al howa matitgivayyara jid- clon,'' which, being literally trans- lated, means. "England is very groat, very powerful, and two 0141 much impressed. hut," (wit(1 a gri- mace) "your ellnatto is exceedingly changeable." RELICS OF ANCIENT OFFEIR Rhodesian Ruins Nat Site Where Solomon Got C -old. If the conolusions as to tho origin and history of the mysterious ruins in 3.1110dosia put 1)0(0(0 the British association at Buluwayo by Randall MacIver aro corroct, they aro not re- lics of ancioat Ophir, and wo mus sotilt chewier° for the region whence Xing Solomon, proctorial his stores o gold anti precious stones. arta Macrae,- wont to illtocioula last Apr11, motor the ausPices of tho as- sociation 01111 the Rhodes trustees, and examine11 minutely tho ruins of Nickerk's farm. (sixteon miles north of Insanga), Khaml, DI110 Ohio, Unatall, insiza and Zim- babwe. After careful invc stigation. he has decided that norm of tho oulns 141 Southoon 111101)40143 is older thao tho fifteenth or sixteenth century, and that thoy aro the handiwor'S or African nativos of tho nooro or no geoid taco traler tho dvitioity known by tho collect -NM name of MO1101110- tapn. base of theso ronelustons was turned on the following ilato, Tho Ininclings aro essentially ot a nativo kind or typo co0110011 to -day; nearly alt retain sorao original wood en stakes embedded in tho there is no trace of inscriptions 011 any of tho ruina; stono and iron ina phonons wovo found togotholo neither tho buildings nor the artielos round show traces or early oriental or Etna oponn »Outman finally, tho disrovory of j)10005 of 1(1110 and whito Nankin china nod other articles or modiotal manufartalro of tho lowost parts of the 1011111113 loll proves 1 hat such 00111111 0114 ien Wore the object of 13411'- 340' berme 4140 buildings worts (gaoled. Mr, Macilver 111)117(1111 144 that tie ruins were originally fortified places, usually inelosing a kopje hum 111 1.h form of a rough ellipso following mainly 1110 contour or .010 sorrountl- ocitintr,y. 'rho so-called slave pits cbosrrlbcd Lao!) t 0 tcl vt1.1(.17(1,111rn gos,ii.otit:gerieri )i0000ss' round which coneentric circles of walls woro 1Te—"TTer hair is like -sunshine " $110—"Ves; it's brighter some days 17 What Is Going an. in the IIielt- ,,q: ; lands and Lowlands of 4. 't Auld. $;31 )tia, 4: 11 i fits. 4. „..., h it,(;?,,i,,,,,,,!,,:,,,,.(,,tr.licli(.1t.i::(igillv..(:,ii1.1111,ciiiri,1,ft:T.tif. i,r,,,a,Inf,t,:::. 4-(11"1"1"1"4"1";444-17caolsial 414744 Th,:llgt.,1111:11:.-1,1',A1,,1(4.11:111011.1(7ulgi(8.11 111111;),11-11el:S44i.11 night, ouch tho result. of out lug raw - 111118Solii, I444,' velbrOillerion Of the 1.,10.14 An) tO 'rho .nako Plehmond and tiordon 1:umizi""4,410 I....14114"d 1,1118 sea" is to 14)4"') 41(1 visits at (Jordon Gastio stm- during 313,' 1j4' (1 row wo(71/8 from tho A8 lhe grant. iimnn m1111°111-4'8 Pan' sai,,co of woo, ami from /alms dioted, the Didion V.1141 I. 01' '4110 thor of Connaught. coss of Wales hos calmed 01311)1011'. '31110 "London Ouzo( to" announces The Princess of Wales herself has placed lavish orders for beautiful 1.01 1041.0S, 11)3)1 though in the main 010 has rortatincol faithful to tho palo blues and 11101) 1'03( that she wears at: Immo, arilliStIS to be W0,841 (ea ear- ()oonial occasitms and for visits to OIL: Indian prinoos aro reported to be of groat magnalconco. British silks and clot 118 have boon chosen, but t /to ern ro /158108 Will suggest the luxurious coloring of tho Rust, and, will, indeed, 1;o the keynote to tho Winter fashioos for those who 1'0- Inallt at home. Of (mosso, most of the drosses im- ported froin lho East, with their bi- zarre coloringn and wealth of preci- ous stones, aro only suitable for evening wear. Bare old lace. care- fully (Isnot to match tho gown it trans, is an Indian importatiOn, and lho J'1114-stutided taco Which promis- or( to bo so popular for (Evonia)1 (Irossos is another 11s1 ')i notion. Soft embroitioted gauze glistening with gold Ilasuo sugoosto the samo trend of fashion. (]old tissue 18 tea ing applied to gowns for day as troll as eveoing wear. Indian silk, cot Empire fashion, and trimmed with bands of wonder- ful Indinn embroidery, will be used for evening cloaks, while the now cb,Ieopu,s,os aro of Indian embroidered l'oo gowns are boing made from Indian designs, and of the most °f- leetly° 1s the Jinja:, that has been evolved by Hoary Holiday, of the Healthy and Artistic Dress Crusade, It is mach) of Indian silk, WW1 LIMY - that General Lord E itchomw has boon appointed to (1111 honorary (1311' 01(1.1031 of tho dth Vohinloor Battal- ion, tho Royal Soots (L,othian I(ogi. moot). Dr. Hoary, one or tho bostoknown medical gentle/1= in 14141 Kenmay district of Abordoonahire, bas Men meson:oil with a choma for 1110 and a plow of allter-p11111 suitably lose/Sled Mr. John D. Mellott, 11T.A., has bcon appoifited to a mastership in Glasgow Academy. Ifir. .T. Ble- Beth, who had a distinguished aca- demical comer, is a son of Mr. Me - Beth, .8 chool-nmstmr, Falr, Inver - 110641. boing towed from Duncloo to South Shiolcis by' tho Ronown the tog Excelsior foundorod off May Island, going clown in 113 fathom]: of 111(4 0)', ler crow had a 11 ar nitY escape front drowning. 'rho loishooy Board for Scotland re- port thut from 1st Julio to August tho total of herring landed wart 3sa11,0112 erans, ns compared with 1,0017,880 C111.1114 f01. 1.107 00rr0- 7,poncling poriod of !oat year. Lord Ronald Su t !'111n 111.1 Cower, the uncle of t110 Buko or Stilhorlancl, has just onlobtaloct his sixtioth birth- day. '(1314 Lordship is a many-sided man, on author, a sculptor, and a 14000 judgn of art bric-a-brac. Tho monument to be cleated as a tribute to tile gallon try of Lord Lovat and his corps of Scots during critioal time in 1114 nation's his- tory is now in courso of erection in tho centre of tho Squaro of Boauly. The work or esesting 010 Pinsn nl Eng angel sleeves and Indian ein. the North Esplanade, Lerwick, for Welders(' 011 1175 shoulders. tho Ilenr fish market is 710W '1,110 lace scarf worn passod over Pushed forward, so that it is expect- the crown and fastened beneath tho 031 by 11118 time noxt sear w"Tk chin WW1 a sparkling jewel is also shout)! be well towards coinplotion. an Eastern innovation. Five 11011 jOillt stock companioa In striking contrast to 1110 rage were registered in Scotland last an Easton/ colorings coal rich cm - week, wall a total capital or 8131,- broiclorics to be worn at home, tbo 500, making 187 companies with an outfits orclOrod for India are in the aggregate 11113)11 01 of X(7,735,8'2'7, registered since the boginning of the most dolicato colorings. Silk, muslin, white cambric and year. suede cloth in cream, white, chain - The post office are inviting tenders pave color, palest "fruit. red," and for tho conveyance of Iffitors, news - the nosiest turquoiEto bluo havo beim papers, 'parcels and all othor post14,7.1 chosen, and 110 show -room of the packets by motor van botwoon Edi - fasbionablo modiste just now is sugs burgh and Airdrie, and Coatbridges also for Cilasgow via gestive of the h_olght of summer, services beta -von Ilatagato and Ed- inburgh and I3athgate. and Glasgow, 11011. TIDO, FALL 131171111. 1303 3) ways. P.m and dainty aro tho things of W11011"14' "Paralle"s 11(11 th° 10"a rt, bride. Nothing can be too nice; whaling companies engagod on tho no pains can be sparod to prooMO west skin of Shetland continuo to the "nowest thing" in this and 1110,1. 111001with good success. During the, co,e is au kka. The bride., of past 'weak -Loom ty whales woro curse, has her chest of linen—such brought ashoro at different stations. hordes of snowy lovoline.ss! Sim has Owing 11" a' 11 Waranaa as to plans, her embroidered pieces, her drawn. tho girt of £16,000 by Mr. J 1S.. work and her fine hemstitching. Caird for a, physical lahorn.tory at „ What could bo more approprlato College, Dundee, than designs of clover—and four - is understood, bo withdrawn uilloss loafed at that? Supposo, when sho agreement is come to botareen tho is "at home" next slimmer, after partite. Moy Ifall, Inverness, the seat of (01' 01' tmt,rizploao_f, joys, Whether it won) sho gives Lt luncheon, The Mackintosh, whore the Prince or Out como sonic( bats of loveliness Wales has been spending a week be - from that linen chest, and her brand - fore going to Aborgeldie, is of his - new polished table is spread with torte intorest as tho spot where centro cloth, doilies and napkins all Prince Charles Stuart sought ming° cdosignial in clover. A bunch of pink after his defeat at Culloden in clover nods gracefully In tho cornsoi, 1746. A46brass hanclsthinpetition open to and wreaths of clover bloom. trail off from it to Um comers of the Scotland was Veld at Kirkcaldy re- tabla, Little sprays of white 010800 cently. Thor° :Wore 111110 entries, and , 1p ace. Tha bride eh - tan prize monoy totalled .2,1 02, thole "am 0,31111 tortains ender most auspielouS cam - being besides, cup for tho .host ditions, surely. Ono mono grotty idea is to hay° band. Tho Foltou 1(1111 combination carried oft tito first priza for tho see - von), * succession, asioacalso her 'bon bun dishes, comportier, etc., 1I°P1-(ctidcs band. coming next. rind Clyde- ' of Austrian. glass, the designs of which aro colored clover blossoiroi, baAnt.11 tho01301(1(1(10Town Council it This is a, waro than can ha procured in any of the stores, if the brido was agreed by a largo majority to does not alrouly possess same pion - proceed with tho schorno of widening Union bridge In Union. street by the f addition of grunito masonos, giving an extra width of 20 feet to the thoroughfare. Tho burgh surveyor estimated tho cost widoning tho brialgo in granite at $17,000, and 1,110 17051; 01 all alternative schorno4114 iton girders cm 1.17,000. MOTOR CARS AS BOOTS, Swiss Inventor Turns Out Fast Footwear. A clever voting onginner 11013 S8C- ceor1041, says the Bathe NachrIchten, in manufacturing a pair ot motor boots. The new Invention, which has boon triod with the greatest, success, con. sists of a Pair of stout boots, each of 38111011 is nothing more or loss than Mittiaturo mot:maces mounted ca four wheels of nholit a foot in dia- meter. Tim 1.10o foot work quito in. depontlently of each othor, and shoold ono motor boot brook down 111(4 othor will carry 1110 traveller nlong with - 01.4 (11144011 ty. Tho motor boots 0110 excoptionnlly light, compact, tool strong, working by patrol on a new plan, which the inventor loops socrot. It 15 claimed thnt an ordinary pecloslaian enn travel all day over avorage country roods at Et pare of twelve milos 1,111 10018 w11 (101131 easter» loncing the toast fatigue. Tie motor loads ran lie start ol stopped In an instant by a spring attached to tho bolt of the traveller. doesn't :teeth to 13.3 getting. rich at poult..y raising." 1111 - ton --"No; but ho angst his bens hatos talcori 10 OM Ing 131811' eggs, 411d be 1018 1101078 that Lboy'll W=11108011- thall 0 theta ." (31111P 01'1 illg . os of it in her horde of wedding treasures. NEW TJESE OP ',Ikon SHAWL, Tho old lace shawl is something well worth hunting up right 11011, for whether it is of Chantilly, thread, or Spanish lace It can be put to many uses in tho now fashion& Nov that thn overskirt is coming into fashion again, a lace 811011( 1)15.31 bo usiol effectively for this purpose, draped over a skirt of Ratio or soflj silk, if the shawl is partially worn, and there is not enomsh of it to uso in this Way, 1110 best pieces can bo made into 11. fichu, which may glare Just ibo quaint, captivating tooth neotical to all evoning bodice, And then lace medallions aro in the holght of fashion, and the 811011'1, for thst1 matter, may ho cut up into separate 11101118 (31141 111111 1110(1 pv1'- 11008 Willl a MI 10 111 71.1110g or piping of 31 1111011, and tool 118 a trimming, for (141 ovonlog gown, 0141 br000loffi me also much in doniand 11115 scat. son. Tho girls aro oiling 1111'!u 4)5 101 11 011S 10 1'1111 their 11014, frOC145, tons arc( soon 011 many of floc new sloovos, and they also trim—that Is, the little ones do—many of the lat- est. collars, White -cloth coats for evening aro braided With designs in W17 110•Silk 80111ache, l'he most (harming little coateli of Wu 'MI*0 shOwn, with Or without tfleeVeS. A black -Into robe, spangled with sequins in alittunn-leaf colorings, is gorgeous, New stockings of blark 441114. aro sirawn with a few stay little twigs embroidered red and green),