HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-26, Page 6UNHAPPIEST 0 )1\ hall beim sent. in from the farm o th daY before, ttad even Grandmother, flesh from 1 he old hotnoodead, King Solomon's Iliethod of Enjoying ilidself Was Erroneous. .A despatch from lirookiOn, N. Y souks to live in the fears -which mai- says: Roy. Dr, Nawoil Dwight Halle ly moons the favor—of God and preachod front tho following text: ke01,8 3118 tIOT1111111.11,11110 41tH 1.1111 1 110 V81,I1YnI vanilits: all is vanity.— soul poseose triumphant. Inoue and Ecelesinstea, i., 9. overflowing joy. Pone ao[T. and koop his command- Tim closing words of tho foregoing 1111l 15, for this is tho aloile duty of paragraph 000 among tho tritost 1s1- i11a1.—Ecelesittstes, xil., 10. (emotes of the n)ockien preachor. These are the opening and closing Ilut thoy oecil to he ropoatoil over words of oini of the most romarkablo and oeor again to the aeiacy dis- books of the Old Tint anoint, - The appointed, dejectod inoltittolos of - book is not only melon:holy,' but plonsatre seekers of our day. As old oleo pessimiethe written by the Froissart said, wo tale our ploa- Wealthitist, weest. loan ef anchod sores too sadly, aye, 1.'0 ignorant - times. Without taking the time to ly, Not work, not relighm, 10.1 011• review tho history of King Solomon, joyment Is tho busitmes of tho hour. .tho acknowledged author of 11,,,,e That 11111111 or it le frivolous and worcle, wo may say that pioffiably harmful waken little illiTeretwo (511" 310 man was ever more rosevably eir- plo tvil1 be frivolously and pernici- cumstrinood for testing tho power of ouster happy rathor than not 30' otent earthly things to cookie hoe. po 1 all. If hoopla -se easnot be pitiess on the soul. 0. ;Mood in a wholeeome and hotli- ne had gteat wealth, 130811300, 011. way it will be gought in waye potter, learning, fatim—all those that things ordinarily regarilocl 0,41 In- INJURE AND DEMORALIZE, sontial to happinoes. Nod yet lie And this passion for happiness Is a (kismet:es himself as tho unhappioot 1 (10(1 cooatiol instinct, It exists juet of mortals, The world came to los truly in tho bosom of the ascot to him with its last, and ho kaew and as in the hoscon of Goo so-called apin'eciated too what was best in .man of pleasure. that which ho Naught, and yet her But the wav in which happiness 39 cried "I; an 1 ly 1" fooncl—that is the question. Oat, Nor are we to underefend that the moo, as a worldling, rinds it. in things to which ho gavo laiinsoli with "agreoalele sentiments rind seinsa- such passionato devotion were z11 tions;'' (loather, as a patriot, in [ly- improper or uselose. Some of them. ing for hie country; another; as a wero highly itopropor, but others, in 1(1003 yr, at Gm horning stalio, in ids their own place, were of great witness for the truth. But do not IMPORTANCE AND VALUE, these men illustrato kir us the great Psvcholog,iicial fart that human hap - To bo rich, to be learnodto bo ;dress vaelos according to the MOST - powerful, nem in themselves anibi- ont stages in the evolot ion of thy t ions not to be ignored. Ilk cosset soul? Differing in their voncopti0119 for happinees in iisolf was not to bo cif happiness, thoy are one m this, despised. 1 -Tis paesion for pleasure that happiness is ossontially a good. was wholly legitimate. lint the prig- The intim-moos is in the kind of hap- ! elide or method of its gratification piness and tho kind of good. was erroneous; consequen'lly he was Thy trouble with Solomon and all cloomod to disappointmont. other 111021 who havo sought happi- Solomon failed to realize that hap- ness as he did has been thoir failure 1311113,..5 is c, thing of the soul, and j to tinter this clearer. tipper 1.0g1 on, that the soul is infinitely grciator 3 whero all lower pleasuris are 8111111 - than any or all of the things of tho 'matte] Into Mahn., diviner Intone, world, and carries a potency of Other men have been strippoil of seomingly infinite devolopment. 'at- every outer good, of every comfort ward tho end of his chin:ken:id and of the body and or every enjoyitiont embittered career he rootlet:al his of tho Senses, but they have enterod mistake and matte the discovery that into joys so millions so traiiscetid- the spiritual transcends the inateri- int. that all other pleasures lxicanto al; that only as the human soul insignificant in comparison. S. Two nlivo 1.1.11S by it-111ot is.I hy tho bowl or reetervoir 113 91.1.905 11 and 12 we nee told that thomo trees had emit a. fruit -bearing iihranch" 19113011 "emptied itself" (that is, dolivored its oil) by means a golden tubo into the oil -bowl ot tho candlestick. The polot of the, vision is that 1110 candlestick gave s light, and ties in turn sup LE'S'ellYNT WORD STUDIES, pliod by a continual and inoxhausti- Note—Theso 1Vorcl Studies ace basel blo flow of oil without tho assistanco• on the text of tho Revised Version. of any human agency, had the work of rebuilding the tent- , priding angel 131113105508 his 80)3)01110The Times of Zechariah.—Ilarcily Knoivost thou not—The inlet.- plo at Jerusalem begun than a ser- at the inability of tho prophet to loos eheck was encountered. Thu, intorpret the Ision without assist - Samaritans, the liortherit neighbors •ance, of the Ilebrews in Judea, had re- O. In this verso begins tho inlor- (3)(C91t10,1 to be allowed to participate pretation of tht, 1153011, whioh had in tho rebuilding of the temple 00 11,8011 granted unto 'Zechariah tho tho plea "we seek your Clod, as 00.propliet as a 108:83333e of encoutiago- do.But Goer request was petunia- moot 1121311 Zerubbnbel, saying, Not Golly inroad bt the Jeoe. Love- by might, nor by power, but by 0117 upon the Samaritans goolinained 3111 Spirit, ealth Jehovah of hosts—that tho Persian comet and mad8 refire- is, the work tool rtaken and superin- sentations throwing discredit and ed with &light. A loio w frze 01 varti netting '(1105 laekod around the leo( 3(11)) of tho wall, 1001111333' an ('5803. 112(1 /ton 3000(4100(3(3mini to hold 1'01'(141(1111($.T11180 ('t'45'11011181 1110 39(111o 111030 full height of 01'3331'foot, tho 111151.8 well [AMA book to show tho 'pillow oar, making a chorinino; ambit -rioting. Oter ph, 111•84 hay 1(1(11(1(3 in 01.,,iNcti was fas- tome], tho (into; width 11.0 it 1110033 alod by bitterswool (3001' (3),' doors; the 5(1(01'suggeettil tho 110,y loft of a barn. leat'll chair 13 a,: 1.01111d 31( 'the back with a tall 03)013111of 'Corti 11.1 With 1.1111o0118, 111:11 80111 isols 10 guard the DOM.'. '111,' table woo 1'09,'l'01(99131) 8110110: 3'10111, 01•01. 301(1011 br itte- [wool trailod its way, in and M 't among tho India china toonotin hollowtid out hold the bowl of ot rye:m(110moms for tho center- Pi.'Cl', and 51,0111 tome wore convetitod 3)1(1 odd 01311(31,: :Mutts. with Hilts ((111)1'slime, to givo thom a (1(131111'touch am" 11,,, lieht shine forth. tato in 111,i m1,1.1100:1 MDT our fondle' Jowly was 1191.1, 1311.1 Wh,11 all , W1.1 111., 1.311.+3.8 (((((34' 110 "a (4,13(1, I 413." 'rho 33(24)1,' holm* wag 14;10 11 by 1(11)1(38(11,135 121111,33tho play, of dainty lamp idiocies and giving a quaint offoct. In Gm bay window straw was put down upon the floor: a hug,' pumplsin far ot ilta-k held the 31(1333(11,0030111,11 hold (8313)1331)1 hr (11:11(110, 11)33313 5of vornstalks rose at oithor , ride of this Window retreat, 11(1(1 at tho 1)3(3(30 doorways and up the 13(8. 01331118 01 tho banisters of tho Moir - 'way Om same idea was courted 01(3. In tho 301(13(030 cow corner an armchair '('(38 13100011, and 11,71'0 sot 011r invalid 1)1(131100-31hootciss of jharteist 111110—to W('1('01)18 her guests. Dur mono may surprise some lip - i 0-1111le hostess. llere it wets: Dains- t turlioy sandwiches, Get, tiny pump - ;kin tarts nod apples. the 0114(1I nroplaco thore was nitwit popping ' Icons anti Dm rustic almost:doge or 1 the city rooms made all yob, the Thanksgiving day (('11a novelty and success. THE S. S, LESSOlk IST.T.ERN.A.TIONAL LESSON, OCT. 29. Lesson V. Power Through God's Spirit. Golden Text, Zech, 4.6. t solep81)8131030(1 upon Zorubbabed he )a ui was to he anis 1 carried on and 1011(13101011 .11(31 in the 1 tiolaboreos at '1(81)531111(31 with a view strength of thoso engaged in it, but 1) -to stop tho work. (1301018 'MN n'' I by Jehovah himself. longer on tho throne, and his Munn- 7. Who art thou, () great motto- 11 'Hate gaTe ('1.°1 1° ih° re -1 tain berme Vertibbabol?—.A. otountain I presentotioos of the Samaritans and prohibited the 801111(11(33! 10)1 of t00 1»f difficulty end hindrithee, interior - wogs. 1t. „.as 1101 till 1)01100 ow 001 11,1133 111113 the work in hand, is s rlyetospis ascended the throito I1t1h1 10. 11 that the work was pormittod to go 3 Thmt shalt botome a plain—Every 8 Tga (Hay sag sem ma., 111111,10in/tint and hincirtmeo elnill Im about fifteen 3104115. 11 „La, at toiolentirely retooled, reitieral thou that Zeehatiell, as Moo' Rohg forth tho top stone with his contemporary, 1 fagga , goo. shout ings—'1'h1s lop 3Com' ropros nits phosied. Zochariith in the atoms or tho n fiishing u toch given to She von13 t - —+. FORESTRY CONVENTION. The Premier Names Jan. 10, 11, a.n.d 12, 1900, as the Date. To the public of the Dominion of Canada: (1101131131 possesses one of the largyet areas of virgin forest of ally country 3)1 the world and is ranked F by Foam - peon exports Cyst, or among the first, ol 30 11013011.33311 sources of the 300(1(15 timber supply for the future. Tho preseta-ation of Om streams in peromial and conetant flow, which is largely controlled by the (or - ('518 on tho watersheds, will have tin important influence on tho industrial and agricultural development of Gm PuininiOn. Tho expansion of our electrical and mechanical industries will be regulated to a great extent y 480104', tins the grottiest source of power in all countrios, and some of cow (1194181)1 districts aro clo- pendent 031 (('01331311011 to onsuro tho success; of agricultural operations. In all the older provinceshe tclear- ing of gm soil has been carried to such an extont that Gm ill effects on the water supply and on agriculture nre 114'4111Y markiel, while on the (‚('09. pia/1 /es the 110(111 03 sheiteting treos for houses 1171(1 1101118 18 50)13 35- y felt by the settlors. Tho (` A 113, most; notion of tho Transcontinontal ltailway, and of other railways, through our 110011)52(1()rested distrirtm and tho consequout owning of those) districts to gonoral raffle, 18111 litereitlie the danger from Ire which hos 3)10011(131 bcon a most (1(9(1 agent of destruction. These conditIone are not 31038; they (1331) (0020 time to time roceiveilpubl le attention, nod during the S0883911 U83 11090(1 P311.1111 Meat 011111001votl the ((1(11)100(033 of a 801105211,10(1 foe the 1000 thorough discussion of the 0018,I 111080(010 horaby call a public Con - 01131011 30 meet in the City of M- own. on the 10t11, I 11 11 and 1.2th of (31)3(0)', 11)1)33, tinder the auspices of 10 Canadian Forestry Associt( on, „teetotal). sointnecl onthe peoPle to .plotecl work. The woric shall ished amid great rejoicing. I IR, Ily Way (.1 fort Ivor 3n3 ('0(10010- 13(11) of the Iiision the 1,1/883133e of j thy vision 19 repoated 1 clefioito :worth; by tin, angel. This socond jtueesngti 15 10111f1inv1l in verso 8 anti the following vol.808. Thn Molds of Zortilibebol . . 8111111 also finish It—Jehovah clennito- les ('0)13 ('31(9 tho promise to %comb - Imhof that his work shall he 51(8121,8- ((113,17• , 11(135 (imp e- t ion of the work shrill lot hom liti tho 'proof that ,Litiovali or hoste hunt sort toe aim angel) unto you (tho ; 3)1(13)1103! ; 1 O. l'ho Of the work had boon a tiny of small things, the te"- . 80111 108 Of 111;333e fingered in 1111 none: hying apparent ly ((((1115231(3) 11' (11 tho (((((1('1'(1114 (n',', mid 1hr positivo hindonneos comparativgly great. But since, tluiso sovon . . . 010 131111S of It 0 3.1.111 , wI,1111 1.11(1 II) 0 1113 (In through tho whole earth, poraele rote behold 1111 things, and io Iso 111,;:l.e,Ptroclguri('ws''ill0rvetfilt118111.:0 te9)90aroksipile181"14;1: ptesamie to ltholor it? once mote arise" and emitting! thi work, and Zerubbabel, the prinue 1 r governor, 33119 .r (minas tIm high priost gladly rosponeled, leading' tho people, uho at nest ehowtsi 0. genetni apathei and disumlination to undertake thy work again, in the tindeavor. Further obstacles iv,.re ,phieett in the way of tho workers; by the sotetip of Syria nod other Persdan officers; WM prolor the leadership of faithful prophets ood others, aoil 441131 tho firm row - port of Darius the Icing. the wool; 13718 contitiood, and in four yews' time, hi the Moth year of Darius, tho • temple was; completed. ‚30358 Ihe prophecies of Zechote fah, ono 10' which we aro to study itt to -day's lesson, are litf liege of Daniel and Ezekiel nod Saint .rolgi In his apocalypse, 09011 larg•ely In tho form of symbolical visions, which foot most lio kept in 'Mod In the erprot tion oe the prophecies, 1 chapter 4 is given, tilts fifth oi a sorbs, or visions, Gut explanatioo to the , vision itoolf 'being found -in Ibo eon- - text. Thu wholii chapter should lie end. '(ho angel that talked With me— • 3)1i5 2 3, "Anil behold a mon 131111 e.1 The so851)1(1on mentioned in '/0333, etionsuring lino in his hand." Note • th0 shrill/011,y to the eistion af 1111'o- 11113-3 tlesielk. 40. Waked ow—Zechariah. Zighavisth woo tho 8011 of Berochinh, the %On 01' 111130, a r,roplust nointionod in Noh 1 19. 4, olio woe ono of the chid priiate that Avoid up with Zerobbn-; lel 3.0 Jerusalem, that ref 11111211 With him frOla captivity. Zothartoll ei3)115011, Lay hitt gramlfallow, woe a prusit as won f18 prophet. e. van:le:dial( ell of g0b-1,44(0e; by, I mpsit and,' in resign like ho ('1) 1111(353 itie 0(1333 33331131 plated 311j the taheenaolo having soven hums thigoon, Tho looms Ivero noppItod. with oil 11.001 11 boat or rosorvoirj pinto cl abova them from whieh 31(1' oil 18014 oonVoyort Misr fluon iso moans, Or 500011 pipee to Ottch of 5h0'1:amps, ; A TIM NES(1 !VINO DA 1"I`E.e. D offs beeause mother was ill 11101 Wo had 0(13' Thanksgi 3(3)33 day In i 340111 ineatool of going to Drawl- . 1110 1 ingie hone If was (liana- j euggosil ion thrit Hwy rem.: 1 10 (o ;along tho day With 118. (.8 11111- ther'6 111111,11,1,M 'WON iitiv / ening, sool ("1)1:10 'Too and hio family ! toregiti to .131,, 311114440, 1'0 3913 011 sot 113/111 0 plan ft likes,: 111 stirpri,q1 for nioll'or 011 that an31. rhanliggit ing day dawn chow end b8i331.1, and in the morning. I told mother we woro going to givo 'llankerrivieg day fen ia hoe 11011,0' that a rterttoon, Tho Mots' woe denerittel foo 0111. 01911 family illimor anfl did eievigive for tho 11.11.94no1n 1111 well. A wagon -load of farm products id to this convontion are specially 0 3tombers of the Senate and House of l'ottutions, Lieutenant -Governors of the Prot-- inces. Members of Logislative Councils and Logislativo Aseemblies of the Moos. Dominion ond Provincial Forest, (Uncials. Sloinhois of the CV anadian oliestry Association, . 1 [preset( ta yes of Lumbermon'S ASso014.11 101133, lipprosentotives of Boards of Trado. Ropresentativee 10linivorsities. lepresentot itais of Agriculturtil (Mt- ge.. RePresentatives of Farmers' Instil- ,tutris. Itepreseittatives of Jlallway fiom- panies, ilepreeontetiers of the Canadian !Mining Its:Mole. Ropineentat lois of tho Canadian 'Society of Civil Eligiimers. 1 i epiggenta t 'Yoe of ASSOC] atiOnS (,1 onild F 117 Q31 Or I Ropresentritives of Melt and Como lAssociations and all others who Itoko an 10381851 in Foresthg. An invitalion 18 0180 0810111100 to -1.110 1111 '0(4(3 of Forestry of the United !Stoles, the Anterican looreetry As- sociation ntol the State Forestry 31,011113 (38 and Associations to send ro; prosonlativos to this Convention. VI (LURID LAURI:Ell, Ottawn, 9.183 .August, 1003. 'Ille sidiericts it) be consirlored at tho (110i1',5 i1 will be disoossed undue the following divi1i011s:- 1 . Tho inn and tho Foaest. 9. 1",)3'941 ('3,' in rolafion to Agrielli- Dom tool irrigation, 11. Tho ieorost and the Lumber and Pulp ((Must ogee 11. Tho Mention of Our t'oreets to wor indostrieto 'Railways; Water Powors; 31111ing; 1111(111ing 711rathis; Wood 'Working Mionufactoree. ti, Sehodific Forestry and Forestay EduOrt LI on: t'l.44.1.44,1144401.44-bianksi.triisfst 'r it should be remembered that th0 water for this purpose should be only triPid. cool 111000 should he 1411111011011 Pe to wet the brisaloe, but not tho !molt of the Unisex. 'Pho brushes; 8110111(1 thon ho 1,11131,i worn In several T teatime, mid Ise 131138(18(1 with (litho cold water. To Mend 'Pablo Linem—AlWays thin Wiwi() stooling' it to the 1411511. 13(183.8II 3(3800 Of s1111 paper over 1111 11010 011 the right 1,11J0, 10111 111011 darn vory corofully on the wrong. The darn should roach half an loch boeonti tho toar on all sides and the ceossin33 must be vory (wally anti ac- curatoly dope. 131 is really more sat 181131'1 ory 3-0 11101111 01080 (11)11101 1/1401'1, they roach the 11018 stage, and lakes fat. Ives limo. 11 Is a good a- pion to keep the pieces of Ihnin loft, ie 0401' after ovening otT tho cloth, ail tho revolted threads two 1,11e miry ie thing for mending W1111. IC- 1,a101(11'Y 11Int..--To polish collars d- and eon's yoli need a poupor polishing to 11'00, ono with a moulded eurrium a- 13 -0144,1-14+44,0WH44444444 BELIWTED PrIS. For sugar kleeoe, heat tho alillee of two ogles Motion as for frosting; 11110 01 Mix well and drop on balloted Lin in small calms. .13tI3o in a moclora t 0 001111 until lighly browned. To make muffins quiteily: 'PO 0110 teacupful of sour itronin add one te opoonful each of nocla nod sett, ot egg, and dour enough to make somewhat. nt lint t or. 11(3330 tl 030138 WeIl greased and 1101, 131 1 gale halm In a bot oven to a at bro 31, etomo milk can ta! the place of (ream by adding a te spoonful of buttor. 311101 amount mottos a doeen muffins; moth is wanthd, incroase the ammo. of (etch ingreditat oqually. Grape .3oico—G131pe juica is thought one of the moet healthful beveragos, 1101 only tor 1ln inediCinal (3151111(111, but too tho yourishment it affords. There is 110 031111. drink llort can compare with it. In delloacy and re- flesh/ilea, and nono that can I inoro easily obtained, for, by lit troublo, ono ran supply thole hoes bob]. If bought, it is an 050011513 luxury, out when made at homo, is vory inexpensive, and wben on tiled, it proves to be the sort thing that Is a Joy forever. To mal it, first pick the grapos from th bunch on Gm 931105, which is into rosier than handling' tho fruit twic and also aivos the Melon' the belief of tho open. air. Wash and Mos the grapes, put in a granite kettl don't allow tho Plitt., to touch 1.11 as it discolors it. Last until tl juice flows, then strain through houve cloth; unbleached muslin good; add as touch water as there juice, and to every quart of thie cupful of sugar. Bring to boil, ea oe bottle, and you 11119e Et drink f for the gods. Anti one which WI 110911. came the hand to Leonid° u the heart to ache. Good Savoury Pie—One pound ox liver, four pounds potatoos, one lb. floor, one-fourth pound lard, pepper, salt, onion, and baking powder. Mode: Cut the liver in small pieces, also the onions; pare the potatoes very thin; eut in slices, and put thorn in an agate pm dish in layors, with pepper and salt; when all in, add loathe till three parts full. Covoto Take flour, lard a teaspoonful of baking powdor, and a saltspoonful o salt; mix well; add cold water t, mako a paste; roll out and COVer faced with E11001. 10011 each 0011114' (((1- 131 11 11! 10 dry. ley it on a board covored With 0110 1.1111131118S of cotton only, Ruh ovor wale 8, aiottii rag squoreod out te cold moor, and Iron quickly with your polishing Won, pressing fiord. The iron should 101 modern I My hot. It butter hoe to bo softened it is wasteful to set it on thy stove or in the oven, 331,1110 01 the butter is sum to run to oil, which row (:4.9(:4.91(1)41l 11150 to eat. When the oil hardens 1'" again its Dolor,' 113(3) 3)1.00 ('1111(1110(1:0 and deteriorated. Moisl hint het - 11 ter than dry heal, if the butter must col of co th • Almost every lamp wants boiling , occasionally when tho light burns i0t (1301130, and no 83111(111011 to oil or 11 wick will makes any cliiterenco. 'rake Q, this lamp apnea 0010000 tho wick, and then boil both burner and wick in hot water 111 which has mn li a throw ti Homo washing soda.. Witten ;0 every part 11014 boon thoroughly clean - is ed and as thoroughly driest, put in the wick, -trim it, fill the lamp with 0 oil and tho ligh1 will ho 1(11138531, It 11111." stains now lo. removed from. bo softenod by artificial means, BO set tho Mote with the butter Over a basin of hot witty!' • while goodw s ith m leon and salt. Cover tho slain with line salt, 813)3806(1 1110 10111011-jUiCe. 011 it, and rub between the hands. A (4080)3(1application will ho necessary when tho 11313 is obstinate 111 washing liniVies, it is hest to have a wide-mouthed jug half tilled with water, so that the bladt's only aro covered. lf the. handles aro plac- ed in water they quickly become dis- colored and frequentle come 011'. In the latter event they can be )o'1111521by filliitg the hole in the handl() with F011,11011_0 resin, and replacing tho ) blade, tho shaft of which hue beim 0. heated to rednoss. When cold the blade -will be found firmly Mead. Savory Dutch Die—Four pounds of potatoes, led herring, one pound !lour, one-fourth pound of dripping 1)03)1)01', 81331, baking powder. ‚('10511, P3100, 011(1 co herring in warm water, (1011 divid foto flakes; put the eliced potat oe and herring into on nreate pio dish voIl 3(1380(1 with a little popper 0.113 One ounce of dripping. If the _herr (ng is not salt, add a little salt; cover, and bake for two 1103118 00900: 111 ix the !lent' and three 111(0805of dripping with a teaspoonful of baking 3)049(301' (31111a sa)tspoon of salt; 11101m a stin' paste with cold water. roll out to tho size or pie dish awl cover. Serve hot. Rice Pudding—A. good rice pudding doeor s not call foggs. An excellent, one is made of livo cupfuls of rich milk, one email cupful of uncooked rice, well 19118110(1 and picked 0001';ono 3113)3)11 ((13 raisitis, washed and stoned; one cupful of sugar, a scant teaspoonful of salt and half a grat- ed num teg, or any flavor that may 110 preferred. Let the pudding bake slowly for two hours, until the grains of lice have fully 33480110(1 out and each one rests 111 a 10002.1y 1220(33. ..1 • 0 Indian pudding that requires no 03433518 made os follows: Scald one pint of milk, add two limping tablespoonfuls of Indian moat to half a cupful 01 milk, and when all the lumps are stirred out, thin with a 0.113)11(1 1311(1 a half of cold ntilk; add a tablespoon - fol of butter and a. small cupful of molasses, and pour 111 the pint of scalded mills, add half teaspoonful of salt and stir welt. Bake the pod - rung an mow; then pour in einothor pint of cold milk and lot it 1)131(1?slowly for throe or four hours long- er, or until •f. is nS dark as a. black ginger cake. Serve it hot with (Teem.n AEnglish -reciper an foeeonomical pudding, says: Bake any roonains of bread a golden brown and crush Gunn to a Woo powder while hot. Of tiles° tako four 0)353.011, two ounces of brown sugar or golden syrup, lavo ouncos of, raisins or dried cherriee, half a pint of milk and the salmi of boiling water, together with half a teaspoon of allspico. Pour the boiling water on tho c0001135, stir well, and lot thk eta :mauntil mufti then mix in all tho other ingoodionts and Pour the mixture into rt dish plentifully rubbed with Mateo (13'well clarieled dripping, rind bake for twenty to Monty -flee minutoe. WASHING FINE LlaIEN. As to 11010 fine 1111111 8110111d be 393380 • (3(1 and guarded, a large linen manu- racturer givos soma excellent Mots, advises the best of washing' 50(93)33'10 begin 11 (111. BOOTS 31111 of alkali - cliscoloe 110031. It 18 bettor to wring Boon by hoot, or at least Iowa the roller of the wringer fairly loose. Be sure that tho rinsing process is thor- ough. A great improvement irt 3101034 up linen is this stock: Dissolve one ounco of gum 0,13)1110 in half a pint of warm water, add 0110 tablespoon- ful of the solution to a qt, of 3913130water, wring ou1 the liven in the 111173- ture. .A. point in the care of towele: Admonish the 1(1148(11(13)30 members of tho lamely rawer to wipe a. 107,03' 011 a towel. 'Iho damage clone often does not 8110(8at tho time, but is apparent after 1110 towel is washed. SOME HOUSEHOLD WRINKLES, A candle way he made to fit any candlestick if it Imo dippe1(1 into very hot water. This softens the Wax anti it may then 1313 0138(134 pushed into a candlestick which othorwiso would be too small, and it will be neatly and firmly held. 11 you wish to stiek anything and hove 110 gilts'. in tho house, try the following rec(pe: Take 311)1(111 3)33183 of cold potato which has boon boiled, and rub it 'up and down on a Mom of paper with ('0113' 103301'S for 3111003floc minutes. It will become the r right (10(18183)1(830, and stick at; well El (35 the strongest glue,. A few 93)00-1(1(18 of a borax solo. Hot added to tho hot soapy water 1 10 which silver glaea and china are e leashed 'tern geee those aaticlos adeli- (M)mi Inntre, It may be also one' t Moped foe cleaniug hairbefficiaci, 101' the proportimi Of throe or four 1 epoontuls to a quart of Water, ani): 1 BRIEAD geoNomics. H a, loaf glees very dry from some unavoldablo reason it may be soak- ed in Water and re -baked. The steam generated 111 the loaf will mako it 'like now broad. Milk acts in the flame Way and gives the re -baked loaf a sweeter, morn cakedike taste. A. new loaf can be broken apart and its interior piffled out Mtn rough pieces. ny baking these until they '1 1 accomplished, and the 'delicious "pull- ed" bread, Moo wite cheese or bolter for supper, «sults. This is good for 1119E313318. New Mead is not economi- cal to use. If a lomi loaf inust be cut, a hot knife doeo it more neatly than a void one. In cutting any loaf the Flint 0110Uld be to go straight acrolis, CATS AS 100011. In Northam Italy tho ca32 is a favorito artiolo of food, even though people, ate forbitidon by law front partalcing of the animal. Indood, cats ore fattened and grown for the markot with great caro, and the Italians belliwo that they far stir- posS rabbits in gooey good quality. The method of cooking the animal Is to roaet 11in ttn oven until brown, with onione, garlic, parsley, bay leaf, red wine, and sumo fra- grant herbs other than those men- tlonod, - OLD WORK HORSE. Teacher (to )1mallost boy in c1aar4) —What Well-knowfl althnal suppiles you with food and clothing? Smallest Boy (after somo thoug(1t.) —My father. An old Seared% gravedigger 311E18 '01)101183100ted With ono day at (3 fun- eral for making a serious overt:barge or digging a, grave. "111011, yo see, lti,” field the olcl man, in oxpIona- 1011, Onaki»ei a motion With ide thumb towarde Gm grave, "hira and no had a bit 0' 33 tirt two or three Mare eyno 00700 a bran teateb. X tilt hint, an I'Vo no'Ver bean ablo O gut the money out, o' him yet. Now,' :Meta X to myself, 'this is my 33831 1,11313010, and I'd better tale v I It No monarch in Europe W01.138 1413,11- 52'1111,11 111, few bo ('150810111. 131 n- the morning, winter and simmer, '3' and goes to his white -tiled. 11331(18410111I); for his bath, cairn. which lot sips a 18,00r) of conga brewed by the 173110(1.31" 20 bated(:331p3', or nior coffee -maker, and thole with 11, (Monello botween his lips Ini goos strafold to Ids desk. He works till , \Own he adjourns for prayers; then 11101'0 COMO 1111d fill en- troe, an 111)1)1' '14 siesta, and Work again till [1100e1', which is 81301 011 Itt four In the aft ortolan. During these hours he signs some hundreds of doc- uments, for, in addition to govern- in33 affairs at Mono, ho is practically HIS OWN FOIDOICIN MINISTER. Tho Sultan Is elderly afraid of tho clarknesS, and 11 costs; ltha 8900 per night to have his bedroom guarded. This sum is split 113) between th0 eight generals entrusted alth the 1900k 11(1(1 their supeemumeraries. Two generals take tho long watch every 'night outside his door, and re- ceive) $200 apiece for it; peneath 111001 le a colonel who is paid $150 a night, and a guard receiving small- er amounts. 1111 they have to do to earn thoir princely salatios is to (('1311133 ttp and (103011 the 501,1 1,101' with theft e1705 011 the boautirul Natio-1- O 300011 door mlaid with mother -of- ., Pearl which took an expert two. years to hilay. Friday is this groat iloy (it the ' Vililiz Palace, Inc It1 is on this day s that tho Sultan goes to I/U1,1 10 3008- 811(3) at the mosque, and this is th8 ✓ only opportunity his subjects have of o seeing him. About a dovon Prmins O rido in front 0 t 101 1811110 1101140S, 13)1(1 110 follows in a brougham with the Grand "Vizier, while bobind fob low several meant horses, saddled, but without riclore, and ready for the monarch to mount ehould rave 1m ride home, flS he often does, _ the procoseion passing between 11. , guard Of janissarios a thousand t stroog. Tho Sultan is not a great eater, for he kIlIs 1118 appetite w 1 th the number of cigarettes ho smokes, He takes his moats whorever he happen04 to be, and they aro prepared in the Imporiol kitchen, situated to the right of the main entrance to the Palace. 'Phis kitchen might almos31 bo called a fortress, for it has sovEnxiGgs 4s - crrILDimws PL4.yr2,LLows, 8101110 Great Nen - Who Enjoyed 71. Rom? With the Little The pretty story that Is told by a newslittper eurresponclon1 of is.Ing Edwor11 being snapshotted by the queen wh 110 "play Eng al, horses" with three of his grandchitdron 1'0- (11311(38 ono of loony another ;covet, 111 01101.111 who has also Josue a romp with thu child ten. A delightful etory is tolcl of 1.110 fourth lionry of 1,1.01110, Who 39118 130851 01111181y fond of the -13111,: ones and was never happier thon When playing games with them. One day when 110 was trotting round the room 11'11'11 (1,1118111(1198 lattit1:11141'n"ic:cels INtv, 1011 (1111311111'11)1113.1101110e111)11.ttlir)111.1t; urging Min on to gallop in 11(113(113)1) 01 a horse, an Ambassador sudden cmtcreci and surprised hill Royal fat ily in •tho nutlet of [hob. playthin risiug, Moulted, "Dave you child.," l'Ambassarleur?" "1"ost, Sire," WI 3110 1111539er. "In 'that 01180," 801(1 1,1 111011111.111, os ho dropped int his line( In Cleorgo 111, Wen 0901' a prime fav o- rite with eh II (trim , an I thought nothing of Lvepi1111: greet Court 0111- ci3118 and M3)31410)5 of State waiting. 31.1111,1 1i 3)13,111-011011 3111.3) his game, "laughing as loudly (31111 romping as 11)01(11,1' as the youngest of his little playinutos." 01180 at toast he too was caught by a pompous Ambassa- dor, 3.01812311133 on all loons and toy- ing 1 o 11(01033311 ono of his ehlidren from the 130('d ('30)311 SP1it 011 his 1131811;n1)r did he pause In his "bucli-lump- ing" efforts, in 115.131(1 cf the grave looks of the Ambassador, 1(11(33pur- ple cool convulsed with 1113(1.111101', he 50301. the small rider sprawling on tlm 1,10 110(10101)3139118 110911. tottery of play- ing with his lielovod little boy, tho infant King of Boom, and stories are told of how Ito would keen his Mar shals betting and fuming while 11 made grimaces in front of a 1113(0(1)301131 3118 (11131(3 (33 his moos, 012311(1the 13113) 0)1(3 into peals of (1011331110laughter. At breakfast, we 3011011'3o would take the child on hi logies, dip his lingo's in the (301(011saco and daub his ((1110 with it; the child' governoss scolded, the Empero laughed, and the child, alwttys pleas cid, seemed to 3 aeo delight in th rough 5(3108.485 of Ids father." KINGS IN THE NURSERY isegeageet, • THE SULTAN OF TURKEY TEE NEOST LONELV 3101331s133131IN ET.IR0PI1, He Is a Very Ilard Worker—Risea at Vour O'clock 111 3110 has generally been cm accepted fact that the prineipal trail in' tho 011(11181,11' of the Sultan of Turkey is cowardice, but the wondorful 111(13111310he ash WI ed when recently an at- tempt Wes Slade upon hlk Igo must give tho Impression that he 3)088/88014 u 10004) corage than ho ie geocrally creditor' telth, As a youth ho 3901100111143.001113 lo ('08111.('08111.8811188,lossess, and if 110 (1011' 81181)011B 011 thono 39110 101210110m' him It In 0(1 ly 1(08,11193, the lonely life 110 leads, 011101181one:M33 11) 110 0110 11 those who briog 1118 food for clays logothee, has made him dread Ids own shadow. (Maul, whilo tho Dauphin, whip lunnl, climbed on his back, 'I PROCII,lelD WIT] 333.013T. QUEEN VICTORIA, until her hueband's death, whicl changed the wholo curront of heir life used to spend at least an hour a clay 1.0103)1n31 with 1101. 81111dren and slow ing their games. Ono day, in 11358 when Lord Palmerston called a Buckingham Polace to (3811001100 his defeat over the Conspiracy 11111 and to hand 10 113) restignotion, he Wal; kept waiting quite a quarter of an hour for his interview with the Queen, lalinn at last sho appeared, noshing and moiling, it WaS willi a pretty apology that she had Leen playing charades with the children and she "simply couldn't get owner earlier, though she had toiocl so Queen Alexandra, Imo, ris is well knoon, lee always been a great lover of a. romp, and 30120 110901' too busy leo ioin her cl•Mciren their gams. Inflow!, amono' the prettiest MoLogroplis in her album are 3190, 11 One of which she is carrying ono of her 111.13) daughters on her baelc. while Prince George is driving hoe 391311 a pair of reins and a formidable whip; in the other she is standing, bat in hand, at the wicket white her grandson, Prince Edward, is In the act of howling, Royal reaords abound with similar stories of great elovoroigns as the playrellows of children—from Agesi- laus, who was- once found by a Mond • BIDING ON a STICK for tho amusement of his iittlo son, to 1110 present Shah, who, a tow woeks ago, spent a couple of happy hours plaeing in the Bois de Boulo- gne with crowds of little ones who called him "Uncle Shah," LO the en- joyment of nursemaids and the evi- dent horror of tho onlooking mem- bers of his suite. Nor are. Kings the only groat 1c° - pia who love to Unbend and forget their dignity in the company of chil- then. Whon Lore' Chancellor Eldon woe once surprised by a boothor judgo in tho stet of cloncing rOurid hiS ditung-room to the 11111810 Of a tin whistle playod by a ilve-year-old grandson, 111E1 greeting was, "AID my dear fellow, you don't know what a history it is to ploy the fool" and, to giro but ono instance out of 111(10' (1r0118, when a groat lord called to sympathizo with Mr. gladstone shortly after his defeat in 1888, ha surprised the veteran statesman trot- ting round the dining -table with one of his grandchildren, holding tho reins and shouting, "Whoa, morel" —London Tit -Bits. HORSES 0.13' SABLE ISLAND. A recent Visitor to Sable Island, a storm -swept 31131of sandy land lying about 3.00 miles eastward or No't'Scotia, deocribes Oct presont con- dition of its celebrated droves of wild horses, the aucestors of which aro supposed to have come from a weeolted Spanish fillip, perhaps; as early on the 16111 century, • Some- thing 1085 than 200 of theeo ponies al% 110W living, although .25 years ago they Were estimated to number 500 or 000. To the regret of natur- alistic, Pomo of them havO boon citiossod with modern horses. About two-thirds of the entire namber aro puro brocl. They boor a striking likeness to the horses reproSented 041 the Parthenon frieze, and to the nolv exterminated tarpon hovers of Tor - tory, All colors, exempt gray, aao four,' among them, bot thostuot is the most woman, with a dark streak on tito back, A cramp in his banic $tecoutit 3131cp8 Many a f011ee 0111, of tile awful. AN ARMOR-PLATE'D 110031 and is fitted with locOs 'which cart only bo openod 133, one mon. As each courso is prepared it is placed on a envoi dish, which is sealed with red wax by the .Kelardad, tho official re- sponsible for his Sovoreign's food, and then a black velvet coger is placed over tho dish to keep it warm. Scores of people from tho kitehoo fol- low the meal in procession into the Imperial chamber, the seals tieing brolcen in the Sultan's presence, and often the Kolardjhi is requested to taste some particular ditch. Tho cost of the Sultan's food does not exceed $5,000 a year, for it is mostly enthees and boiled eggs, but to feed the thousand membere 01 Ma household and pay all domestic ex- penses costs $70,000 a week. But as tho Stilton's 111001110 is $10,000,000 ts year this is not exorbitant. Thu few hours' leisure the Sultan takes every day is spent in various ways. Ho is pas.eionately fond of re- volver -shooting, and it is doubtful if thero is a. better sho± with this weap- on in Europoe A trusty mulatto who 31180111p1301e8 MM., a man of enormous strength called Hassan l'asha, thoows glase balls in tho ato for the Sultan to shoot at. Then Abdul Handel is very food of 01111333119. Ho has over 3200 horses; in his stables; ono of them, a magnificent Crealll. Aralb, wan the gift of Um Czar, lie has, an aviary in which he sponde womb time, and a window of deer which ho frequently 108 brought to his apartmonts. The Sultan is it'Otiy fond of music: wild likes to play the piano, though Ile possesses but poor talont as a. inOsician. His favorite -music consists or airs from "Il Trovatore," which he can play from memory, but he DISLIKES CLASSICAL MUSICS mad will riot have it played at the Yildis. There is, of coueso, theatro at tho palace, for the Sultan it; viwy fond of the drama, but no light is allowed in the auditorium whon romances are being given, the play- ers performing to an audience of which they see nothing., Abdul will coon) in when tho peoformance hate 31e341111 and eit in some, obscure cornet and chink raki, a form of bitters. Tho Sultan roods a good deal, latt his tasto in litoraturo is curious. Ho will toy& road anything but 'lotion of the otioet siensattonal order. 3 -To loves Femme) literature, and has road all the novoln of Oaboriau seeoral tiniest ovor, and he prefors to read to himself rather thou be rend to. 10 spito of hie lovo for fiction ho hoe found Limo 1.0 learn to :meek rive languages perfectly 811110 be came to tho throlie, for ELS ft youth ho now imagined that he would becomo Sul- tan, cool so ifiel not study. It was only oiler he had deolined the Crown sevelial times that he allowod himself to 3m invosted with Gm Swore of Osman who'll 1138 brothor's homey had been proved. He has alwaes hatoil sovereignty, Lint oe "0(01' )s.1 is headstrong 0)113 effierageinm and a nclaicter diplomaesr,