HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-26, Page 4_...rvarswr+rtwr .- .+wr ores ,Ottic iirttochi gust TZ.rURS o rt 1', OCT, 26, 1906, PLAN AND SCOPE OF LEWIS & CLARK FAIR. The Lewis anti Clark Centennial Ex- position and Oriental Fair is the Bret altercations' Exposition tinder the patronage of the Uoited States Govern• meat ever held West of .tbe Rooky mocutsins. It demonebratee the marvel- lous progress of Western Atnerioa and shows the possibilities for trade develop. went in the Orient. Although not so large as some former iSapoeilione the Oenteunial is a World's Fele in every nose reflecting the progress of all partioipitating Nations, and partioalarly of Western Amerioa. It ie unlike its predeoeseore in that it aombiuee with its broad scope the idea of aompaotnsee witbout crowding .in the laying out of the grounds and baildinge. All ie perfection or at least the nearest approach therbo ever achieved by an Exposition. This is an Exposition in process. Not merely the products of human ingennity are shown but there are exhibited first the raw material and then step by step the method of bandling them and the prooeesee by wbioh they are changed from their natural abate iu• to things of weirdness end beauty. The Exposition occupies 406 acres of the most beantilnl and picturesque site ever used for eaob a purpose. A natural lake, 220 acne in extent, the largest body of water ever enclosed within no Exposition fence, tabes bbe plane of the .'grand basins" of former World's Fairs. '0050 TBE FAIR 001,11IEMOIREATES, Thin World's Fair oelsbrates the 100tb nnuiverear [ the d' over of the ex piorntion of of the Oregon county by ea expedition, commanded by Captains Meriuwether Lewis and William Clark and planned by President Jefferson. The Oregon county which comprised what are now the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and parts of Montana and adjoining was the only Requisition of territory made by the United States ibrougb discovery. The exploration of Lewis and Clark gave the United States a coast line on the Pacific Ooean and added a vast and riots territory to the national dominain. The sentiment wbioh inspired the people of the Paoifio Northwest in the preparation of the Exposition ie one in whin every American has shared. Where the savage dwelt a few decodes ago are now the cultivated farms and the fionriehfog allies of a progressive people. The growth of the Old Oregon county in the past fifty years bas been remark able. From a population of 13,594 in 1850 it now numbers 1,700,000. Portland is the principal city of the Nortrweet oo0at and has a population of 140,000. It holds commercial intercourse with the whole word, its obief exports being lumber, flour end grain. The name of the "Rose City" has been given to Portland because of the vast number of beautiful roses that bloom all the year. The olimate is mild on ancient of the warm anrreote of the Pacific] ocean Mild Winters and 000l Summers are the role. It is equipped with a complete system of eleatria railways], 163 miles iu length, extending to every part of the pity. ESPO5I0100 BITE. Nestlingat the base ofthe low range of bills surrounding Portland on the gentle elopes overlooking Guild's lake and the Witliamette river, with an uoobstrsotsu view ot 65 miles, wbioh embraces] four snowcapped mountain peaks, inoladine Ms. Rood and Mt. Se. Helens, the World's Fair sits presents te picture. One may sit on a root garden and while dining drink in the sonny of real snow peak. of mountains that rival the Alpe in grandeur. Of the gross area of the site, 28 aores are ou the mainland and 60 aoree Nem a peninsula extending out .into Gdfld's lake, whieb is separated from the Wllliamette river;by a narrow strip of land. ts, _.„ :a•911r Le ®11� „ THE PALACES. All the main exhibit palaces are in the style of the Spanish Renaissance except one. The Forestry building is of a true American type, being built of hugh loge in their virgin erste, Arming the timber resources of the Paaffio ooaet, In its eonetruotion two miles of five and six foot dr logs, eight miles of poles and tone of stakes and cedar shisglee were used. It is 206 ft. in length by 102 ft. in width and height 70 ft. One of the largest loge oontaine enough timber to build a one story oottage 40x40 ft. The main group of exhibit plane consist of eight structures which oocupy the ground bordering on the Guild's lake and form nearly a straight line with their short sides teeing the weber, these buildings are -Forestry, Orients, exhibits, Bargpean Agriculture, Liberal Arts, Mines sud Metallurgy, Fine Arts and Machinery, Eleotrioity and Trane. portation, The auditorium, where mnsioal oonosrts, conventions and con greaser are held are also of this group. Around these structures on the enter edgecluster the State, Territorial and other natter pavilions. The main gate way to the grounds is an ornate colon. mete ' Matthew. The Adreiuietration Building flanks one end of the entrance sod the fire Department station is on the other. The central features are Colombia Court and Lakeview Terrane whish aro elaborately embslllehed. The court 000515te of two wide avenues be town which are sunken gardens. In the antra of the garden is a heroic bronze entice of Saosjawea theIndian women who guided Lewis and Claris aoroen the Continent. Passing through Columbia Court one owns to a parapet at the head of Lakeview Terrace. From here a mommandiog view of the grounds and Saha may be had. From aha parapet broad stops flanked on eaob side by massive balustrades supporting statuary and urns of flowere lead down to the beat landing on the shore of the lake and the beginning of the esplanade wbioh is n promenade rustling more than half a mile around the water front. What nature has left undone man batt a000tnplisbed. Upoo,the slopes leading down to the lake are terraced gardenia end the open epees between' the build - 'ego are enriched with flowers, foatlbaine and statuary. Up to last month twonty thodeand roses bloomed in a toric garden onthebiflsideoverlooking. the 'expeti. Mental gardenia where all the different I.iniie of orope raised in the Paotda Ngrsbwea. are grunting bide by aide. The twenty of the night new surpasses all expectations. In the creation of the night pioturee every builder's art has its there, The fountains, ;dente, flowers and trees all Mita eh a new beauty under the eieotrin glow of more than a hundred thousand bulbs, while the plane is aooenbusted by the pierofng rays of eearohlighte trona the towers ot the principal buildings. On the bottom of the lake along each side of the Bridge of Natione, electric, bulbs Mooed in sir and water tight reoeptaotee illuminate the water and enable the visitors to see Bah ewimmtte aboob. Almost every Nsbion of the world is represented by some comprehensive dip. play. The United States government exhibit is °endued En doe baildfuge, lo• Wed on the peninsula in the centre of Goild'e Leke. Besides the main build• Eng there ere the Territorial, Irrigation and Fisheries Buildings and the Lite saving eta tion. The Post OMfioe Department operates the Exposition postofiiae and the labor saving dsvioes in daily use. Methods of heodliu mail in Alaska, Port Ri°o and the Philippines are shown and an interesting display from the Deed Letter Odin. A oompreheusive Philippine display is mule under the euperv,eiou of the Fear Department. Every island in the Arobipelego is represented. Native via leen of men, women and obildreu ot the wild tribes of the islands are a feature of the exhibit, ']`here are 800 natives tuoludiog the head hinting, dog•eating fegorobas, the fighting Moron, the Negritos and the gentle oivilized 'Pisan• yam). THE TRAIL. The "Trail" is the name of the street of oonoeseions. One took in the Mid- way or Pike at former fairs. It is "Hit the Trail" at Lewis and Clark. The name bas a historical algal -licence in Lewisnd with the trail Lewis connection w a Oink "hit" a century ago on their ex- pedition to the Beatfia. MemIo. The ].land coneerts given by the most famous bands in the world have beau deity features of the Expoaitioo. The Royal Hawaain Band, Eilery, Innes, Literati, Dierki, and the De Oaprio all hews played engagements during the Expositiou. There bave also been organ recitals and choral concerts in the auditorium wbioh Beets 2500 persona. The organ in this building ie n three register fifty stop instrument and is the largest on the coast. The Exp eitiou has been open to the publio on Sundays from morning until 11 o'olook at night end a feature of the Sunday program was a aeries of educational and religious institutes held in the auditorium. The fair, which opened on June lot, closed on bbe 14th of Oot. After that date an edinisaion of ten or fifteen note will be offered the publio until exhibits are removed. Muob more could be said oonneruing this grand Exposition bat far fear I have already taken up too much space I must woolen by eayino yon who have not visited this wondertal (toiletry certainly missed a great deal by not taking advantage of the cheap rates to Ohs "Fair," the last "Great world's Fair" of the "West." ANNIE BELDEN, Portland, Oregon, U. 8. A. TILE ARCI4F5EN0 OF TILE AGE. Not war. more deadly than ever thio modern butchery -but Catarrh wbiab leads to ooueamption and annually ktlle more than famine end war combined. The doctors sow sueoesstally fight catarrh with a remedy that never foils-"Caterrb• ozone," it'd death to every type of oatarrb. It destroys every root anti branch of the dimes so bbotonghly that a relapse need never be feared. If troubled with colds, easel or throat oatarrb, or subject to bronchitis or asthma use Oatarrhozone and you'll be cured forever. O'rey Council Meeting. The leanoil met pursuant to order iu the Towoahip Bali, Ethel, on Monday, Oot. 16th, et 10 a, m., the Reeve in the uteir and other members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and passed, Moved by Wm. Fraser, seconded by Jno. Brown that a By-law be prepared eppcioting Dunoau Johnston Ioapemtor on the Claris drain, said drain to be clean• ed nab and pat in good working order. Carried. A commanioation was received from Jae. Hanna, complaining that the Hanna municipal drain was not completed with• in the time allowed to the oontraobore, Men are at work on said drain and it is expeobed that the work will be frilly nom• plated this anew. Moved by Jobo Grant, mended by no. Brown that the Council adjourn for two boars to examine the Fork's bridge abut. manta, Carried. At 2 p, 50. Ooanoil reassembled par. anent to adjournment and general Wee nese was proceeded with, On motion of Brown Reminded by Fraser the fallowing adsonnte were ordered to be paid R. M"Taggart on °outraotHoward mum, drain $ 160 00 D. M'Taggart on oontraot Mo. Lean....man, drain 120 00 Ferris Baines on kloDouald man. drat!) 150 00 Wm, Stevenson o0 (Jox 5000. drain 460 00 Rath, Jaoku) on Balfour mut, druid 160 00 Jas. Bownrii,n, farm bridge ton Lamont rand. drain W. S. MaICerobee, insurance cm township hall Bi. Clerk, grading and gravelling S. ab, 3, Con. 18.. Jae. M°Nair, repairing Wean 8. R, 4, Con, 18 Wm. Blake jr., onlvert S. R. 1, Moan Doll, repairing culvert 8. R. 1, Oon. 6 Geo, herr, inspeotitg gravelling Grey & Morris bdy Wm. Riley, inepeeting gravellitlg Grey & Morris bdy Geo. herr, gravel Grey &'Morrie bdy ...••• Andrew Pollock, gravel Jno, Coughlin, gravelling on Wallace bdy., Grey's share, Henry Felker, onlvert Wallaoe bdy,r Grey's abate John Oookhlin, repairing road, Wallace bdy, Grey's share Henry Smith, drawing gravel WRllaee bay'., Grey's abort 16 00 2 00 20 96 1 50 4 60 2 66 1 25 1 26 2 00 7 92 12 00 1 68 1 60 50 P9, p � F M.LOTHROP " tll'_ARNIE_*>' iptiotu.'ar woEo et.raareoolq 51 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALEI The Angel of the Crimea In her home in the West End of London, passing the days of the late Autumn of her life in an invalid chair, lives a white-haired, sweet-faced, kindly -voiced noble woman, whom the world knows as Florence Nightingale. Born in 1820 in Florence, Italy, the daughter of a wealthy Englishman, un- der his lovinC tutorship she mastered the classics and literature, became good musician and learned several languages. She had a genius for helpfulness, a consecration to humanity that found expression in sweet ministrations of love and care of the sick and suffering. In nursing she saw a noble career for women and in 1849 went to a Protes- tant school for nurses, on the Rhine. On her return to England she as- sumed management of a sanitarium for invalid governesses. In 1854 Eng- land was roused to a white heat of indignation by the revelations of the hor- rors of the hospital service of the Crimea. Government incompetency, imbe- cile red tape, rascally dishonor and criminal neglect in treating the sick and wounded soldiers made mere war itself a paradise of mercy by contrast. Dante's Inferno seemed a mild bit of imagination in the face of the real hor- rors at Scutari, with four miles of beds huddled fu one three-story house. Florence Nightingale volunteered to lead a band of women to transform the hospitals in the name of humanily and in November. 1854, with thirty- eight nurses she reached Scutari, tier magic touch brought order out of chaos; the sunshine, sweetness and clothing peace of woman's work filled the rooms; the ghastly mortality was reduced to a minimum; soldiers wounded and dying kissed the shadow of the angel of the Crimea as It fell across their counterpanes or reverently touched the hem of her garment as she passed near them. Often for twerty hours at a stretch she stood giving her orders -the noble leader of her little army of peace; and her kindness, wisdom, sweetness. energy,•influence and inspiration seemed inexhaustible. For two years she kept up the fireht and with health impaired returned to England, shunning all publicity. The f50,000 testimonial tendered her by the people, she refused, but finally accepted to found a training school for nurses. By penny subscriptions the soldiers secured enough to erect a statue to her memory, but this, too, she rejected. Fnr nearly fifty years she has been an invalid, and yet this "Grand Old Woman of England," at the age of eighty-five is still serene, sweet, helpful and contented, with a name that will be hallowed as long es the British army and tho British nation shall endure. Rulered occsrdlsr to Act of the 1'..rilameol of Cnundu, In the rear tsar, Is. W, 0. Mock, et the Deportment of Agrloultura. Jas, McNeish, repairing road an 8. R. 6, Oon. 1 60 John Heigtbine, drain Lot 26, Con. 8 60 40 John Heighbiae, culvert Lot 27, Con. 8 2 00 Jobe Heighbine, orating bruit 8 R. 6, Oon, 3 8 50 Riob. Oardiff, gentling at Lots 3 re 4, Oon. 6 71 00 Thos. Stevenson, gravel24 24 Joo. Gaynor, digging township portion Peet & Greig award., 88 00 W, Pollard, culvert Lot 19, Con 6 5 50 W. Riley, gravelling Grey & Mor• ria bdy 60 00 S. S. Cole & Hemsworth, bal. of o'nt't Forks' bridge abutments 1251 40 S. S. Dole & Hemsworth, tem. porary bridge Lot 82, Oon. 7, . 8 00 Ed. Collis, inspection of Forks' bridge abniments ,. 21 00 Wm. Jaaklio, 2 farm bridges on 6th Oon, drain 20 00 Ed. Collis, Calvert Grey & Elms bdy., Grey's abare 1 60 Robs, Bowes, gravelling on Elam bdy., Grey's share 4 60 Angus McKay, drain Lot 27, Oon. 17 66 20 Angne McKay, onlverb on Grey & Logan bdy 6 00 P. Tarr, bridge at Lot 25, Oon 18 18 50 P. Tarr, culvert 8. R. 6, Con. 17 18 50 Jno. Robertson, cutting brash 8. R. 6, Con. 16 8 90 P. Tarr, onlvert S. R. 6, Con. 16 6 40 P, Tarr, cement pipe 14 87 Batman McKay, filling approaob• es S. R. 6, Oon. 17 8 75 Geo. Snelling, drain outlet Lot 38, Coo. 17 10 00 Jam. Robertson, drawing timber 2 50 Henry & 'hoe. Alsook, balance aontraot Hislop drsin 54 00 Henry & Thom, Al000k, extras and cleaning Hislop drain..,. 90 00 Moved, seconded and parried that the O0000il do now adjourn to meet on Mon. day, the 20th day of November at 10 a. m. JOHN 111oINTOsH, Olerk. The Growing of Rape, Upwards of torty.five thousand aures of land were used for growing rape in Ontario in 1906. It is a crop easy of ooltivation, abundant in growth, sad rich in fattening properties. Owing to tis broad, spreading leaves, rape bas a wondertal power of smothering out weeds and letting one of the beet Drops obtainable for cleaning the laud. No lees than eleven varieties of raps have been grown in the experimental grounds of the Oubario Agricultural College in each of the past three years, In 1905, the yields varied from 4 to 21 tons pee acre, the tightest yielder being the German variety, and the heaviest ate Large Seeded Umbrella rape. In the average of three pane experiments, the Large Seeded Common, Largs Seeded 'Umbrella, Bnokbee's wonderinl Dwarf Bonanza, Dwarf Eames, and Dwarf 'Pio• torts varieties have given the greatest yields of green crop per sore. The Defeat Essex ie one of the most reliable varieties. The German Summer (Bird Seed Rape) ehonld never be sown for agriohltaral sWoos, as it seeds the same season as own, thus furniebidg a poor orop for feeding and introducing a plant which di6lnolt to eradinate. This point sboald be oartfally ebserved, se serious trouble has sometimes resulted from bowing large arena of this variety.y,r The most suitable soils for rape 'are fairly moist loame, rich in vegetable matter. Land should be prepared for rape similar to that for root arope. Soils deficient in vegetable matter ehonld re- ceive a coating of stable manure. A dressing of eighty pounds ot nitrate of aoda per pore when the rape was about two Mabee high inoreaeed the yield of the crop about two tone per gore in the avenue results of the co-operative ex• perimrnte aonduoled over Ontario for a period of nos years. About the mouth of Jane, large. plump seed eboald be sown at the rate of one and onehalf pounds per acre in rows about thirty inches apart and to a depth of onehalf to one inob, A. tborough stirring of the first two inohee of the gronsd between the rows every ten days or so increases the growth of the rape wonderfoily. Flat cultivation is generally preferable. • Rape makes an axaellent late Sommer and Autumn pasture crop for fattening oattle, ebeep and lambs. In one season, upwards of 600 lambs were pastured and fattened on the Experimental Farm at Guelph, It is gtown regn'arly as one of the orope in the short rotation. When rape is pastured by bogs there is more waste than when pastern by sheep. Several varieties of rape were led to milob °owe and all prodooed a taint in the milk, .there being but little differ. ewe between the varieties in this respect. Animal's ehonld never be turned on rape when hungry or when the rape is wet or treated, There is not mmol don. ger of animals bloating if they are turned gradually at tint, allowing fres aoeese to an old grass field, and furnished with plenty of salt. There is praotioally nothing gained by feeding grain to. animals when on rape. Lambs gain in weight from eight to twelve pounds per month on rape alone. It rape is out and placed in piles in the field, it will remain in good condition several weeks, Venally it can be hauled to the stable and fed to cattle, sheep and pima until Chrielmos time with excellent satisfaction. PLIYSIOALLY L[IIitIIBTEIt. Lacking in aourage-out of joint with everything-soaroely on speaking terms with even fair health. Stroh low spirits are pitiable, 'Your brute is legged, vitality so exhausted your constitution is well olgil ruined. What you need is Ferrozone, that great vitalizer and num• Live tanio. Ile by making flash and blood, by infusing' iron and oxygen into the system that Ferrozone helps ; it re- pairs weak spots, huddle new lite into wora•ont organa -makes you feel like new, Ferrozone lithe age trona the old and imparts resilience and buoyancy to the depressed, Be manly, ruddyoolored, -oast anile weakness and enter the happy life that comae from using Ferro. zone, Fifty dente buys a boa in any drug store, Mr. Stephen Tobin, ex -Mayor of binli• fax, died at Moatreal. While drawing a pail- of water Mrs. Oranenu of Brighton fell into the weil Mad was drowned. A oonferenoe of Canadian Boards of Trade is being called bo meet in Montreal next Seatingtc prepare resolutions for the imperial Congress to be held at tendon, Aireeeselealee ea Notice to -Creditors. FI EI)EIiS FOB SAL1L-4-OS, emcee bas about 40 choles Peellers, from 1040 to 1250 lbs, ateb, moat of about 5. year-olds, for stile, OI11FORT'AI3LF, IHOUSJ'7 AND wore ef land, eligibly looted, for solo, Fruit trans, cistern, sonar, neo . ou the Promises, Pm further inlormatlon ss to puce, tome, ,iia., applyy to atRB. J. 1i, BMr1'11, Braesele, WOR SALE -14 6000 'YOUNG Indenter Noma, 4 two -shear Rams, 1 Shearling 111,50 and 2 Rntn Lambs. Algia 5 young Bl,arb Num Bulls and 0 number of Cows and Heifers. A11 ars of the beet breed- ing mid A 1qunlity, Will he sold at lowest prloes and easy terms tib early buyers. o im l Ethel. of n tentJn elle Yd In the matter the OBta n , late of the Srillage of Bynsaels, in the County of Baron, widow, deceased. Notion is hereby givei,pursuaut to Nevis. s,t Flalates of Ontario, 1897, 5:1,0p 129,See, 88, that all creditors and others baring any claims against the estate of the said Juno Heard, widow, who died on or about the 29,11 guirei,n(11m fol 5ethePf etat11A.11 sofNoare gbnr, 11105 50 ean,1 by peal, prrps.ld, or deliver to I A li M'+,neun d u' the Village of HruesNs, to cueCounts..I llalum, Nolioltor lm• Jane tltbahen, Admiuiseratrlx of the estate, ude itien ttltmeus1udmpouhe lull pm Montero their claims, the statement of their ,so oats and the nature of the s000ri flee (If M51) bold by lhenl,su Aud bsets further that After the sa-d last mentioned date the said Adminia• trial Is will proceed to distribute the Resets of, the 0teatissd amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the althea of which she shallthen have notice and diet the said Administrabrix will not he )labia for the aseet%or any part thereof, Uu any person or persons 0f whose claims nutlet} Shell not have beep received by ber ab the time of snob distribution. Dated at Brussels this 10th day of -Oat., A, 1), 10011, A, 13, MACDONALD, 14.8 Sullener for Adminlstratrlx, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Archibald Lamont, late of the Township of Grey, iu the County of Huron, farm- er, deceased. NOlioe 15 hereby given ,pursuant to Revis- ed Statutes of Ontario,]897, Chap, 120, Sec, 88, (II NI all creditors and others bsYing arty claims against the estate 01 the amid Archi- bald Lamont, farmer, who died on Ont bout the 20110 day of September, A.D. 1000, are re - attired. on or before the 16th day ofNovara. her, 190G, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to A. B. Macdonald, of the Village of Brua- seta,in the County of Huron, Solicitor for Pi lay S. Boott, Administrator of the estate. their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the lull particulars of their claims, the statement of their est - counts and the nature of the seanrlbieaif 5515) bnld by them. Anti notice is furthergives that after the said last mentioned date te bis salO Ad mina• crater will proceed to distribute the assets ot the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the olaime of which he shall thee have notion and that the said Administrator will nob be liable for the smote, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of Whose claims notice shall not have boon received by him at the time of snob distribution, Dated at Brussels this 10th day 01 October A. 0, 1005. A, 13, MACDONALD, 14.8 Solioltor for Admiu istrator, Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of John Sav- age, late of the Township. of Grey, in the Comity of Huron, farmer, de- based, Notice ie hereby given, nnranant to the Statutes in that behalf that ail creditors and others bevies claims (taaies8 the estate of the said deceased, who died at Grey Township, in the County of Huron, ou or about the 22nd day of August, 1005, are re. gnired on orbefore the 28th day of October, next, 1905, to deliver to Messrs Morpby Oarthew at Listowel 0,0 , tbs. solicitors for the nod ereigued, the adminisbrabrlx of the said deceased, a statement 10 witting of their names, addresses and deeorinttons with full partieutare of their claims and of the security Of any) hold by thew, and that atter the said lust mentioned date Ulu said ndmiuistrabrix may art coed to distribute the estate Of the said deceased having re- gard only to the claims of wbioh she may have uotioe, and that she will not be liable forth° proceeds of the estate so distributed to any porton of whose claim she had not notice at the time ofsuch distribution. Dated at Listowel this 88th day of Bop. comber, A.D., 1006. BAUAHJANE SAYA0111, By MO1iPEY & OAn'P10PvW, 18.4 Her Solicitors. Notice to Creditors Iii the matter of the estate of John Ma- • One, late of the Tillage of Brussels, in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Revis- ed statutes of Ontarlo,1897, Chap, 129, that all ored,tors and others having claims against the estate of the late John McCrae, vho died on or about the Nth day et;Ooto- her, 10055 are required on or before the 0551 day of November, wont, to (tend by post pre. paid, to John P. lisOrae, 8ruesele post Arline one of the Exeoubors of the Will of two said deceased, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their wombs and the nature of their securities (it any) held by them. And further bake notice that after said last mentioned date the Mxeoubnys will pro- ceed to distribute the aeeote of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, mules regent only to the claims of which nodes shalt than have boon given, and that the said lt'xoeutore will net be liable for the said assets or any par it th°reef to say per- son of whose claims uotioe shall nut have boon reueived by them at the time of Buell distribution. Dated at Goderloh this 18th day of Octo- ber, A, ranee PROUDPOOT, HAYS esnLAIR, Solicitors for D. 13 MoOrse, john F. Mc- Crea, Angus Lamont and Geo. P. Blair Executors, IMPORTANT NOTICES THREE NEW 00UNTER JL Show Oases for sale, ea oho feet long. walnut frames and double think glass. Ap- p ly to THE PosW, B ru seals. •1..j'OE SAL''. -TELE PROPER - WE upon wbioh the flober Oarriage Ftwtory steed' also the standing walls and 50,000 brick Por further partioolare apply to JOHN 00BER, Brussels. Also a rubber Wad Plano, hex buggy iu good repair, near- • ly-new, for sale. • ARM FOR SALE OR TO Rent, containing 100 aurae, being Lot 8, Con, 2, Grey, There is a bank barn and comfortable Melt boom on the premieos. Farm Is well watered and there is good orchard, Convenient tosohool aid church. Pot further particulate apply on rho WOW' lase, JOS. 0o0h1I3185, 144f Jamoebown P, 0. WARM TO PENT,.BEING LOT L 28, 0 ouoeseion 5, Morrie, know o as the Jas, Sharp bomeetond Wilt rant for s or 5 years. There aro 100 [w•es, well watered and 111 fair good order. Stone stabling and m•kit house. Part of rent can go on ND - movements. Terms easy, made known on application to the proprietor on the farm. 15 1418. A, SHARP, B7ussels P.O, GOOD FARM FOR SALE OR to rent, -The undersigned offers for sale 00 adroe of land, being Solite 8 Lot 84, Con. 14, Grey. There ars 80 aoree Cleared' tram° house with good collar and tranid stable Large apple and pear orchard and a number of small fruits. Good olav latus, o0nveblant to °Much and sohooi. Will also dispose of implsmetts and stock with farm. 11 property is nut salt] before Nov. IGtb, the farm will bo rented, Lir further partien- lare, as to pries], torus tko„ apply on the, premtseb or Menerle4f 11,0. 16.4+' MRS, MARY Ar p intros. 1.41ABJVL FOR SALE, BEING Let 0,Qom 8, prey, halon Oo., coo - Wining 1Co amus. About 07 acres ;demon, balance bush. (ll.nitor(I,bie house, banit barn, wiudmIil, gond orchard 1 nude well Mooed and in good heart• 7 i, ilea from Brussels, Po,setsion count be given tat of Meru h, next. Pall: pluw11lg le done and 0 furan of f all wheat in, Per further partie- u'a.rs apply on Opo primitive to MISS. JOHN OtclilNhO'N , or Brussels P, 0, 12.51 SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Nntioo is hereby given that the Iiet of otic for sale for Taxes line been preps"ed. Was published in tun Ontario Gazette in the lessee of that paper' doling the month of Sonnet, 1000, and is being tell !Mimi weekly in the Advocate new•epeprr in the Village of Mxeter. oo0,loS tit said list eau he had on application to Mils office. Sulo will take plass on Tuesday, November 1401,1900, at the Court Reuse in the Pewit of Godorloh, at 2 o'clock p, in, Monty Treasurer's Oflloe, Godertoh, 001• 10Eh, 1900. WM. FAOL\I135, 0o, Treasurer. OMFORTABLE RE 1'W V and 2 xurox of laud tot Bala on walnut street, ]trowels, llrlult house, gond ebahle, bardrd and colt water, til. Property in gond shape, ImmadinGc lames, Mon nun bo gluon. Trot' further partmalure apply on rh,. 1lrolnlsos. Will also sell two gum Jersey (30 W8, ,'tt them; brad, JO0, JOHN N0liggzi18, 52•tt Proprietor, Brussels. 11ARM FOR SALE, CONTAIN - Ina 110 mores, being Ni Lot 10 Don 0, and si Lnt 00, 0011. G Nutria township, Un, Huron, The huts will 56 nob, separately ,,r together to 0,111 purchaser, There le 0 frame house, frame barn, urahurd, ,bei Property is 03 miles trona Iirnseols and In a 1100 num. u:u olty, Per prise, tonne aid further bur- ueululsapply on the premises, or addruas Presorts P.O. 741 111ILS. M. li1gLLIN8'1'ON, NIINEFARM FOR SALtuBE, Lob L tug 1 1C, Grey, hang 1501>9051, &S of erDlvit cru tru cleared and bal- ance ubance to hardwe, d been. Flame houxa, wool bank barn. °hard, 055., on promises wi h 41.11111189.1104 of eerlag water. Plano is well Mooed ; is in good oomllli"n and no waste land G ndlos front 010110r Brussels or. Wal- ton. For further parblonlarn apply au the premises or if by latter to tranbrook P. 0, NEIL DIINOANSON, 7 tt Proprietor. '1T'ARM FOR SALE, BEING North half of Lot 12'Oonoe i on 9 Morella con intim 300 aoros,sited ou the gravel rad males West of Brussels and four miles from Re) 55and,11. There are 80 acres cleared, drained 15 good state of cultivation, at present seeded to groan. Tbn rom,dning 20 acres aro covered with good timber, There Is it good ,trams house wttn stout) collar, :good frame barn with stone stabling underneath and au abund- auoe of good water. Thane le 0 (thumb and u 1'osbalauo wditto ball a nails and a sabaol within three quarters of a mile, Per fur- ther particulars apply to hIt8. B. WILLIS:, lioasall P. 0. 12.4a MIL I YAaIYtS�I ymD To the Front as Usual ietolesfq,ehete Pbmsee ehiliah', Our Reputation for Taste in Mil- linery grows with the year's and Oat' Etats enjoy cc prestige to -day that places them in the front rank. Styles to suit all at Prises to suit all .Pockets. IueV'teli'Ii 1U'I,'Gi9li tu'I,AIe'1,a1 Misses ab kirk A Direct Importation of Dinner Sets for Sale much Below Regular Price -1T- Geo.� n� n C T � s® s Special Bargains in To clear out the balance of stock; of Farmers' Medium Hzed Wagons, 2 and 3 inch tires, 4pecial Reduced Prices will be.offered as the room is needed for our large display of' GRAND NEW CUTTERS Which everybody should watch out for, Wd. F II. s f 4 r' • • A"