The Brussels Post, 1905-10-26, Page 3:.d.,:1/:•14,1•41,4s.t Y�','tCsst's i plc;„,:1 s:ufls HEALT• 4, 0'0444”,1•,,,�e4o �1 „�c,�1,�c,�, �Ilbf�atANYe„N '✓'�' ACUTE, INDIGESTION, Acute indigestion may result from nuuly causes, hitt When it follows immediately upon a holiday feast, it is usually a trlhutublo to ov0rdts- l.entiolu of the stomach, aggravated, perhaps, by the presence of such indigestible things as 1 miry and pmol pudding. It ocean; n. litho oftener in children, but In them 11 Is rar.ly s0 80I'ious in its 0onse- quehres au it is in adults, for nnu- sen 124 more readily induced and more promptly yielded to, and as soon 118 the stouuuill brut got rid of ins bur- den, the trouble in at all emcl. Al adult, on the Miler hand, struggles against the feeling of oppression, and often inlensiecs IL while slekirnr to relieve It by taking titillutlutlug pot lone. In ntany caees the first Indication of the disturbance is loss of censei- ottseess or a violent convulsion r11- sw0hlIng an eplleptic seizure. (-orne- tiuu'q, indeed, it 18 difficult to dis- tingtdsh the attack from one of heart failure 00 an apoplexy, fur both these conditions 1401' favored by overindulgence, A distinction Ls important, however, for neglect: of apps• fiia'te U'eatment in either con- dition -may favor a fatal termina- tion. The old advice to quit a meal be - tore a feeling of Aatloly has hem ob- tained Is still good; ono should cease at least before a sense of discomfort has been produced, and room should always bo allowed for the secretion of the gastric Pike, which in an adult often amounts to nearly a quart. When the walls of the stom- ach have been distended to their ut- most capacity by food, the addition of so much fluid would seem of itself enotigh to induce the attack; or if the distention prevents the secretion of the fluid, as it does normal mus- cular movements, the process of di- gestion is delayed, the food is re- tained too long in the stomach, it undergoes abnormal decomposition, inflammation is induced, and this ex- tending to the small intestine may load to more protracted illness, In the treatment of acute indiges- tion, the production of nausea should be favored. When vomiting occurs, it should not be checked un- til Cho stomach has been relieved- of its burden. If it dors not occur spontaneously, it should generally be induced, If uneousdousn9ss or a convulsion has supervened, a physician must be called 1611110111 delay, for it may bo necessary to administer an emetic suttee taneonsly. Following this, a laxative is gen- erally given and the diet for a few days is limited to easily digestible, unirrltating food. Milk, of course, is the safest form of nourishment, except for those with whom it does sot agree, and the addition to it of a little Bone -water of Vichy will of- ten remove all objection. TIOW TO SIT AT W01IK: 1 parent limpet. One day a filen( who calker 10 see me, brought m some 111•, -Williams' fink Pills, an asked me to take there. I dill re and after a couple of weeks I foun lily appetite improving, and too UM as tt sign that tate pills w00 11014)!ng me, and I got another sup ply. 111 a few weeks more the Chang i11 my a.ppaarance and condition tea marvellous, and friends who (bolero in to sen 1110, Ihardly thought 1 w( the sante person. It was not roue longer 1)41111 I Was completely cured 111 fact felt better than I have den for years before. I am, therefore very happy to make known to al ailing women the fact that they ea fled new health through the use o Dr. Williams' Pink fills." Mrs. Turt:ott's experience with this medicine is the same as thousands of others. Dr, Williams' Pink Bilis are the greatest euro for the ailments due to poor blood. A11 the weak- ness of anaemia; all the distress of indigestion; all the pans and aches of neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma- tism; all the misery and ill -health that women soler from time to time, come from bad blood. And Dr. Williams' Pink P1118 cure these troubles, because they actually melte new, rich, health -giving blood. They don't act upon the bowels, they don't bother with more syrnploms;.they go right to the root of the trouble and cure it through the blood. lint you must get tho genuine -substitutes and imitations never cured anyone. Seo that the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 4,2r Pale People" Is print- ed on the Wrapper around the box. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere, or sent by 01a1T at ,50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Ilrock- Villo, Ont. f - ICING AND AN ACROBAT. His Majesty's Kind Remembrance of a Circus Veteran. An acrobat's life is a hard one, and few live to a great age. Henry Johnson, of Grantham, England, is an exception, for lie wee born on Christmas morning in 1808, and in a few months will complete his ninety-ninth year. Only last week this fact was brought to the know- ledge of the Icing by the vicar of Spittlegate, Grantham, who has re- ceived the following reply from Buck- hrgllam Palace: Dear Sir, -I have had the honor of submitting your letter to the Xing, together with the enclosure which accompanied it. I am com- manded by his Majesty to thank yon for having brought the case of Henry Johnson to his notice, and he will will be glad if you will con- gratulate hint from the King, on having attained s0 great an age, together with the expression of his Majesty's hope that Johnson will yet live for many y0ars to C01110.- Yours faithfully, KNOLLYS. After being eight years with Bang- er's Circus, Johnson. went into part- nership with a celebrated Chinese juggler, Mullaiba, and together they travelled the country. In. 1880 they were summoned to Buckingham Pal- ace to perform before King WilliamIV., who was evidently. much otter- tnined, for he gave them each L50 and royal license to perform in any market -place or town. Johnson also appeared before the tl late ueen Victoria and For mother, the Ductless of Kent, and whoa the King was Prince of Wales, ho gave a perfornlanco at Sandringham, COFFEE NURALGIA. Leaves When You quit and Use Post. SUFFERING WO111I1 . Find Health and Strength in Dr. Williams Pink Pills. "T consider lir, Williams' Pinta Pills a most, marvellous medicine," says Airs. Louis Tureen, (1(GG Pap- inean fared, Montreal,"'They re- stored m0 to health and strength, whim was in a most 1101101085 60n- ((111011, and almost despaired of re - covey. My trouble began a low years ago, when I passed through severe illness, from which 1 slid not regain my accuetom41(l health and 5lrenglh, though I had the very lies of corn and treatment., .I seemed grow weaker every clay. I wits pal and had no appetite could hardly go about, and found nt lif0 almost abu'11011, it seemar1 a dough lay blood had turned to wa lar, and my n(rVCS seemed completol shattered. 111 the time I was uncle medical treatment, but with no al) BRITISH POTATO BLIGHT. Plague Affects Many of Best Dis- tricts in England. The potato blight, which has rang- ed immense losses to growers in the fen district of England, Juts now hate itself evident ill other parts of the country. 10 addition to the 1housend8 of acres svhieh have been affected 111 Lilt coloshire, 11nnt1ndonsllh'e and ('an•,- 1r1dge5hire, but chiefly around 11ani- sey I'Wnts, it is now reported that the diseme is devastating the 6101(s L 111 13er l:shire and lluckhrg'hamshiro, •# o grower roar Maidstone w'ho had rt O most promising crop of about ten , tons 10 113(1 acre, has found the y blight in every root he has examined. 8 Although it is too early as yet to - determinewhetherthe consenter will y suffer to any CnnSide•abl0 extent, 0w'- O ing to the ilutneeso quantities of - foreign potatoes available for the 1 1 nglish unrke1, the (lisas(00 'Which o (1141 growers have 8111fered bus over - r1 taken EtWor'a1 of the defilers at Co- ran o - rano Uanion, d In the Win(Idor and Slough lc' .11018 within the Inst few dugs farm - O ers were offering. what appeared to - be thoroughly sound potatoes at e ' a 1011, upon condition that the pota- s'toes were to be given to pigs. 1 Througho,lt llorks and 13116048 there WO. • will be a rush to sell 0.8 soon as it h is learned that the disease has ap- , 1 peered in the ;;lough and Windsor o, clistrlcts. Some of the best seeding tellers in the world urn grown in the 1' two counties. At heading there are n' 110ed grouuris famous not only f throughout trent Britain, but also in the Colonies. In North Devon the potato blight is ,causing considerable loss. 011 many farms inoro than half of the crop is affected, and in the districts where the soil is clayey it will not pay to harvest the few that are not diseased. The Irish potato crop, however, is fulfilling all expectations, and pro- mises to yield abundantly, except in a few districts where recent rains have injured it. The blight has also made its appearance in several dis- tricts, but in the majority of places the crop 18 110te So matured as to bo well able to resist the disease. Sit quite bacic in your chair, the body loose above the waist, then the bending a little forward when writ- ing is not Injurious; for reading or needlework it is not necessary, This pose will soon be found far less fa- tiguing than the "bunching" up and stooping forward, and the improve- ment in shape and carriage of the figure will approximate the dignified bearing of our great-grandmothers, who were all trained to sit in this tray. IL is net for a moment sug- gested that ono should over lounge," sitnply that a sitting p0- siliou for any length of time should be on the foregoing lines. TO SECURE PROPER REST. 15 only women could relax they would rest more in ten minutes than in hours of so-called resting with tense muscles. Often, after lying down for an hour, a women wi11 got up saying that she feels more tired than before. No wonder; her 1111150108 were unrelaxed. Rest wi110- out relaxation 10 impossible. Let rho bed, couch, or chap' bear the whole weight of the body. Imagine that you have not the power to 1111 a limb. Loosen the tension both or miller and body, and in tt short Limo you will feel renewed strength. At the first indication of diph- theria in the ,throat of a child make the roans close; talco a tin cep and pour into an equal quantity of tar and turpentine; then hold the cup over a 1140 So a8 to fill trio room with the fumes. The patient, in in- haling the fumes, will cough and spit sup the membraneous matter and $ho diphtheria will pass off. T110 runes of the tar and turpentine les- sen the trouble in tho throat, and thus afford the relief that has baffled 1 the Biedl of Physicians to give. If a child is injured or stunned by a fall or a blow, take him at (.lino to :the open air. Lay him flat on his back, the Mail slightly higher than the body. ' Put cold water o• ice about tho'head and prepare a hot. mustard bath fox the feet, .1f the ( Child remains lin a Stupor it may be necessary to apply waren water o to the body. Tho same treatment a Should be given to an adult, though t it 411(1 be more heroic. 1 -4 1313181 CASTOII OIL PLANT. (1 w a a 1 11 A lady who uttc0nscleully drifted into nervous prostration brought on by coffee, says: 'I leave been a coffee drinker all my life, end used it regularly, throe Limos a day, "A year .1' two ago I became sub- ject to nervous neuralgia, attacks of nerVOUS headache and general no'V- ou8 prostration which not only in- capacitated me for doing my house- work, but frequently made it neces- sary for mo to remain in a dark •oom for two or three days at a time-• "I employed several good doctors, one after the other, but nano of them was able to give Inc penman- eat relief. "Flight mouths age a friend sug- gested that perhaps coffee was the muse of my troubles and that I try' Postum Food Coffee and give up the let lchnd, I am glad I tools her .dviec, for my health, has been en- irely restored, I have no more neuralgia, nor have I had one soli- al'y headache in all these eight 110nlh8. .No more of my days are wasted in solitary confinement to a ark room. I do ell my owe work ith ease. '3'he flesh that I lost urin " the years of m nervous a e suspros- ration, ro. - y y 5 h p r i a has come back to u at o n mo during 1rh g t'q 'lion Months, a1 1 C tl i, o f and I tun once more happy, healthy Vronall, I enclose list of (0111es of friends who can Mich for the. 10(1111 of the State - unit," Name given by roam. Co., atilo Creole, Mich. There's a reason. Ten (lays' trial leaving o11' condo an(i rising 1"eatusn 18 stllllelelt, All No bird, beast, or crooning thing 1011 t0ue11 a castor oil plant. It seems to be rank P o ison to all ani- mals, nim ls, Even agoat Will stare before biting 011 a leaf, and a horse will sniff at I1 And mine 11p his upper lip as though it had the host detestable odor on the fete of the earth. Le- casts will pass if; by, 1110000 they inay eat every other green thing in sight, anti there is 110 surer way to drive moles a1v(1y from a 1aWit than to plant a fel ea0t01' boallS here and dere. BABY'S SLEEP, Ono of the first signs that some- thing is wrong with an infant is dis- turbed sleep. Usually the trouble is with the stomach 01' bowels. If your little ono is cross and restless do not give it an opiate or "soothing" mod - I icino of any kind. All these things aro deadly pcison, and the sleep they give is unhealthy, unnatural and in- jurious. Your baby will .sloop and Int you sleep if you treat it proper- ly. In Baby's Own Tablets there is not an atom of poisonous "sleepy stuff," and yet by 'their beneficent, healthy tetian they give refreshing sleep. They remove the cause, and the result is henithy, refreshing, life- giving sleep from which the little 0210 ata0100ns bright and well. Mrs. S. T. Douglas, Petitcodiac, 17.I3„ says: "My baby was troubled with consti- pation, was restless anduneasy and dict not sleep well at nights. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and the change they made was wonderful. They regulated the bowels and he now sleeps well at night." If your dealer does not keep the Tablets send 28 cents to the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brookville, Ont, tad a box will bo sent you by mail postpaid. PIGS DIE BY HUNDREDS. Strange Scourge in Midland Dis- tricts in England. Pigs aro dying in (hundreds in the Cambridgeshire, England, fens from a now and mysterious disease hither- to unknown in Fatgland. In the parish of Ohatteris between 800 and 4:00 pigs have died in three weeks, and the infected area is ex- tending itself with marvelous rapid- ity in every direction. One of the greatest suffers is a Young. farmer named Heading, who has on several occasions had to bury fat swine a score at a time. A great pit is made, and the pigs are thrown in and covered with mould dug from a grave in readiness for the next batch. Dozens of cottagers have lost their only pig, and altogether the parish is in a panic. So terribly swift is the disease that the veterinary sur- geons aro helpless..The swine be- gone drowsy, in a short time they are a mass of purple spots, and death usually occurs the following flay. Tho inspector of the board of avi- culture on 0110 111511 found nineteen large pigs, worth at; Gs each, dead at a farmhouse, and three days later, at the imam place, there were fifteen more carcases. The 'chemise is variously known as erysipelas-nithough it hes nothing in 00111111011 With 1111111011 erysfp0las, except, the reddening of the skin - swine typhus, and 5t. Anthony's ileo. It is (10nnrlol in tlormaaly, where the board of health estimates the yearly loss from it at L225,000, but how it canto to England Is at pre- sent a mystery, The disease is terribly contagious, and the germ is carried in the air, as well as by the clothes of attendants, by food, water, chains, drugs, and oven eats and flies, It differs essen- tially from the old swine fever, CQLORSID WOOD. 'A. considerable industry has recent- ly been developed in Sweden on the basis of an invention mane by Jos- eph Phi8101', an Auslrlan, whereby coloring matter is 401•(10(1 11140 fresh - out wood. It takes the place of the sap, and givee to the wood a bri111 a11t Color,which does not fade o after the vend hes become s cason0(i. I ircil, beech, alder, simple, elm, and basswood aro the varieties most Suc- cagsrully treated, The dye can lie forced through letgtihs of wood as groat es ].lift. When season011 and polished, the colored wood presents a 110x0111,11 Appearenee, and Is huge., ly nosed for plaiting 'n1,1110100, end al- so fol' the fitting of Ships and tram - ears, RESCUED FROM THE DEADLY CLUTCHES ONE MORE CURE OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, Mr. Theodore Young, of Smith's Falls was Beyond the Doctor's Aid -Now loo's Well and Strong, Smith's I'a1Is, Ont„ Oct, 10 - (Special). -Mr, Theodore Young, a well-known- eitisen of tlis5 place, 114 one of tho ninny Canadians who have been rescued from the clutches of the much dreaded Bright's Disease by lhrcitl's Nidecy fills. "low two years," says Mr. Young, In relating his experience, "1 was 0.11114110(1 with Bright's Disease, The doctors told me 1 could get no re- lief My urine was Very dark and I loft considerable blood, making 1(141 so weak I could scarcely stand. T also 115^(1 many medicines without getting relief. "Ilcari1g of wonderful cures by Dodd's Kidney fills led me to try them, and after using the Best box J found great 1'(111.1. After using Lour boxes I was able to go to work, which I had been unable to do fol' some time. T 1.0000 -mend Dorld's Kidney Pills to all who are afflicted as I was." Dodd's Kidney Pills always, cure Bright's Disease, the most advanced stage of Kidney Disease. Row 11111(11 more easily will they cure the (1(10- 11r stages of Kidney Disease. RUSSIA'S GREAT OIL CITY BAKU IS MADE UP OF KANY NATIONALITIES. Formerly An 01d Tartar City - Sound of Machinery is Heard Everywhere. "Banca has been called the Jo- hannesburg of Russia," says a traveller. "If this 11100118 a con- glomeration of many nationalities attracted by the riches of the soil, then Baku has been well named, for it would not be difficult to find in this strange city a representative of almost every race of Europe and Asia. Tartars and Persians, united by the bond of a common religion, form the majority of the population and supply the greater part of the labor. A sprinkling of Russians hold oflleial positions and a few are found as clerks In the ()Incus of num- erous o11 companies, for all books have to be kept, according to law, in the Russian language. The rest of tho population is made up of many nationalities. In appearance Balcu, with its flat -roofed houses, is Asiatic; only here and there the• ponderous barrack -like buildings, covered with sloping sheet -iron painted green, and tho orthodox ca- thedral, with Its gilded cupola, pro claim the Russian dominion. Viewed Iron. the Caspian, Banal is built on sloping ground in the shape of nn irregular crescent, round an inlet of the son, formed by the Junction of the Apsheron peninsula with the mainland. MANY OIL PRODUCTS. "In what is called Blaoktown aro situated the hundred -odd refineries to which the oil is brought in pipes from Balakhany, or in barges from Bibi-Ibibat, across the bay. Here, too, are accumulated the vast stores of oil in covered reservoirs called ambars. Day and night the thud of tho refining machinery 110Ver ceases; day and night benzine, kerosene, ostaki and lubricating oils are pre- pared for the markets of the world. BJacktown adjoins lltku proper, the modern portion of which is compos- ed °Oman tenement houses, standing in narrow and not too clean streets, In the centre i5 the old welled Tar- tar city, intersected by winding al- leys with curious, fat -roofed, win- (IOwICS8 houses. TARTAR SEOP icrarII1IS. "Here the Tartar merchants spread. their 1Vare8 011 the pavement in front of their shops, spending the day in moving a number of colored beads 11p and down a string, or in hag- gling over the price of the articles they aro only too eager to eels. Close up against the southern wall a park has been laid out. It con- tains the only vegetation for miles around, and 1108 been constructed anti alatetained uncles the greatest difficulties, for the soil is barren and unsuitable. Hero each evening, in peaceful times, the qualit.•y of Baku gather to discuss scandal and to eve he latest vagaries of Armenian wo• men's costumes, "Not far away the road from lin: ku drops into rho valley of bat, the the most proli110 oil field in the world. The first thing that strikes one is the small of petroleum in the air -a mixture of kerosene and tar, and decidedly pleasant. The next thing One 310111008 is the innumerable derricks, like wooden giraffes, dot- ted all over the valley. Tho sound of machinery is heard everywhere no the work of boring new wells and bailing the completed ones pro- coeds.'' * "Now, lot's soo. about this nor- trait van're to make of ;Iny wife," said hi twitch, "}Crttler-colors rub out, easy, don't they?" "011, yes," re- plied I)'Auber; "it most ba in oil-" }}Alt n minute, to i Ju,t m 1 the 0 r A e ltea(1til n lci a1 cc in oil and the d re .ss in wat0r-color. Thee it'll ha easy' to brims it up to dale ovary Limo the St 110 61101'170," If the Tr 1g a' 141 ai. n is prudent he. will Wait . till his troops twin a game from (.110 I1,0Ltentois before se'lonsly rtt- t0nlpl.iilg to change the men of Europe, SCA is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Follow directions. f •,i MENU W Y OF S lSi3 F1RS'T.-Difdbe article to be washed to a Iib of lukewarm water, draw it out on a w•ushbuard and rob the map 'lightly over it. lie ;particular not '01 w 000ptn6 t -er,Ike roll it in a tightroll, lay in the tub under the w•ot.r, and go 011 (ire same way until all (I15pierce have the tr a a lbet' on, and we 'hent eo ower for i soh O 0 C One lapse n 1 o I 4rto let the s.yr- itt E fT,-Alt its 51re- R\T,- Inc e• the 'Misty out o n the board, holly oulonn wadi board, and the dirt will drop ora; lam am garment in- state cut to get at the seams, but den't use any more seep; don't sctdd-or hon *mato piece, and deet truth through 1weOsds. If the wafer gds too dirtyy, poor a Hato out and add fresh, if n dense isSenl to wash, rub some mon: PAP on [t, 1)11(1 (1i( �14vi the -Ogre beck into (4)0 sod S re fenvidirtuto& LrT LY comic's Telt R i iG, which rs to be done In lukewarm water, Ming special care to all the dirty suds ,atPay, than wring out and lung up tacky. PorWoolens and flan- neis•preceeA as Idllows: - Shake the arucics fruit Pram dust. Cut a tablet of 64INL1011T SOAP jnto th0165gs,pour into a r,, ix1 Ib • fnewsteranOwlddc into lather. 1(110(1 feet lukewarm, work- n ides in the lather without tub- bier. 6f/Ileere out nifty hater w``shout twisligs andrinsoO,oroughlyin two relays oflukerarin water. Settee:item water Without twatine and hang In the open Lir. 1"fhe most delicate ycon colors may be nofe.y 111th"' wsy. the SSon- 711 -Cc r eenri Vii'• r; $50000 REWARD will1401)01(1 proves that Sunlight/ Soap con- tains any tn;luriona ghumidels or any form of adulteration. Your Money Refunded by the ;iloit100 born -Munn you buy Samlight :Soap if Amu and any canto for complaint. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO :y: SO IT IS. It is the girl who marries a rough diamond who often gets the most real diamonds to wear. WIC C.T.A.Ihtthat "Thi D k L" Menthol Plaster will uu,e Lumbago, Backache, Sciatica or Neural- gls Pants quicker than any ether plaster. Ito- uomm0udacl by everybody. ' 501110 people scent to think happi- ness is inherited, and they sit around waitin' for A0niethia' they earl only get by WOrl(in'. reroute buy Mother Graves' Worm lextcrndnator because the know it is a sate medi(hle for their utifldroa and an effectual expeller of worms. Most of our time is spent in get- ting' used to the things we didn't export. South American Iri'Jtiney Coro is the only kidney treatment the tuns proven equal to correct It rho cells that aro Likely to burnt these physical regula- tors, hundreds of testi al tats to prove the curative merits of this liquid kidney sp0110') h, cases of Bright's dis- ease, diabetes, irritation of tho Mad- der, iia Minnati on, dropsical tendency. Don't delay. -22 `r ON TIIE SAFE "Tho hotel is so crowded, sir, that the best we can do is to put you in the same room with the pro- prietor'." "That will be all right; just put my valuables h1 tho safe." 311000111 leg Mora Than a rurgative,- 1'o purge is the only effect at many spills now ml the market, Par.nrelee's Vegetable Pills are mora than a purge - Jive. They strengthen the stonm.th, where ether pills weaken It. They 5188,1,80 ties blood by regulating the Irv. or and kidneys, and they t,thnulato where other pill compounds depress No- tlnng of an injurious hawse, used for merely purgative powers, enters Into their composition.` UNAVOIDABLE. "Tone}•, why is it: that you are alw•oys fighting w.(th litho Willie Iluskirk?" "'Gauge ho can't run, es fast as she, '11' I can lick him." The reason folks can't take a love story for their guide is that it gen- orally ends just before 1110 trouble begins. mil's Know Good Tea Until you've tried It's FRESH, NATURAL FRAGRANCE pleases the most critical, and will be a REVELATION TO YOU, ONLY ONE BEST TeA. ©LIE RIBBON'S OT. TRY THE HED LABEL., srlr1.'l 1;s Low 81A114 'WEST, MotnkdasDI Herd Yorkshires The Chfongo 01111 North Weetern ITy will sell low one way second- class settlers tickets daily from Sept. 1(0111 to Oct 11Ist, 11105, to points Jn Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, ('nli[nr- Me. and British ('olumbia. Itate from !Toronto to Vancouver, Victoria, N'ov WoAnlinst.er, B t „ Seattle, Wash., or 7'orlland, Ore 542.25; to San Francisco or Los Aug.4e+, Cal„ L xre,pending'ly low rates from MI./tulles in Canada. Choice of routes. 11;•=:f. of service. For 41111 particulars mid folder's write to 11, IL Bennett, (general 4141111, 2 East King S1., Toronto, (hit. "Your father is certainly the po- litest man T know." "What slakes you say that?" "ire's prleuding' that he's cured of his dyspepsia in order that: he s11a11 not hurt Ills doctor's feelings," Piles Cured to 3 to 8 nixhts. - Ono application gives relief. Ar. Agnow's Ointment is a b0011 fol' Itching Piles, or Blind, Bleeding files• It relieves quickly and permanently. In skin erup- tions it stands without 8, rival, Thou- sands of testis onials if you want evi- dence. (11 carts, -25 A man naturally shrinks from a ceremonious wedding. No man relished finding out how mere h0 is, and still less does he relish having it published to the world Where can I got 80111e of Ifnlloway's Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy and I wish some more of it for my friends. 8o writes Mr. J. 16. IS- r -owe, Chicago. "I manage to Keep my boarders longer than you do," said the first landlady. "Oh, I don't know," re- joined the other. "You keep them so thin that they look longer than they really urn " SCALD HEAD is a disgusting and obstinate dinouso, frequent In children. Treatment: per• foci eloun)i; os8 anti ra guaoruua ap neatiau of weaver' Cerate. Mothers ala bo grid to learn this, Wife -"Was that man ever a farm- ' er?" Husband -"No." Wife -"1111t he's always telking'ahout the delights of living in the country." husband -"Exactly. That's what shows ho never was a farmer." For tha Overworked, -what are the causes of despondency and melancholy? A. d(sordered liver is one cause and a ' prime one. A disordered liver means a disordered stomach, and a disordered stomach means disturbance of tho nerv- ous system. This brings the 0114015 body into 801Jeutiml and the victim :eels side all 01;01.. Parmelee's Vogetablo Pills are a recognised renmdy in this t.tato andrelief will follow their use. A father going into his stable one day found his little son, with a slate and pencil in his hand, astrklo 0110 of the horses. "Why, Harry," 11e exclaimed, "what are you do- ing?" "Writing a composition," was the reply. "Well, why don't you write it in the house?" asked the father, "Because," answered the little fellow, "the master told me to write a composition on a horse." To Starve Is a Fallacy, -The dic- tum to stop eating because you have indigestion has 10ng since been explod- ed. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tab- lets introduced a now aro, in the treat. mein of ston,ndi troubles. It has proved that one may eat his 1111 of anything 01111 everything he relishes, anti one tall4t taken after the meal will aid the stomach in doing its work. 00 in a box, 55 cents. -21 A colored philosopher says there is less luck in a rabbit's toot than there is in a chicken's foot -provid- ing the rest of the fowl is attached. Sunlight Soap is bettor than other soaps, but is beet when need in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions, Willie-"1lfiA, eon people leave Perla of themselves in different plac- es?" Ma -"No; don't be ridiculous." }}r{]sic- Well, Mr..7iggs said he was going to tine 'Tyrol for his lungs. WEAR WATICItk BLOOD causes much trouble. That tired Jeclinp and many inoro 8 •mptonl0 . nlhily in its wake, Try h'ar•rovim," it is the b ' o mate m rut gismo t r iku I strum and well. All Y g druggists Noll it. WOMEN FOOTPADS IN ;PARIS. Do Not Limit Attentions to Own Sex, But Rob Men. A largo number of female foot- pads, whose thefts are accompanied by violent assaults, havet.appearacl recently in tho police courts of Paris, Franco. TI1o11e W0(11011 do 1101 confine their attentions to their own sex, 11.1:an also have boon attacked and robbed, Two audacious robberies were com- mitted in the Boulevard Dineen the other night. Ono of tho victims teas a lady's maid named Jeanne Politer, aged 22. Two young w0111011 stop- ped ler and ordered her to turn out her pockets. One of them dealt For a violent Moly on the mouth, and then she was held (town on the groans' by both, Her watch atclz andp urs a Were taken andt she was 1eCt inadoor- way ooh d - way atter being kicked and other- wise roughly handled. In the 041110r case Juliette Bro- thertl, a milliner, Wag also attacked lay taro women, ilei• cries for help, 'however,brought ht b g a number of po- llee to the scene, anis the girl's M sailants, two 7011101 named Dupe -re awl LaeOrse, both Aged 20„ wore are rester],. Good breeding stock (all ages) for sale at rea80115.1111, prices. JAME'.S WILSON & SONS, Fergus, Ont_ �ARPET DYE! N . 0u18 amunroR• 9'Itk is n specialty with Cha BRITISH AMERIOAN DYEING 00r 80018 particulars uy port and wo ,Ire sure to 0Niafy 0-ddr0oo box 188, Montreal eraotloal Every day tenons on FARM ACCOUNTS ror 70o, post sold. FARM PUB, HOUSE, Box 4711, Mahan), Oat BASTED° & CO., 7711.ng East, Toronto, FUR MANUFACTURERS L1,110s' and Misses' liar and Fur•lined Guata mlp jackets. l:rerylhing in Furs. Send catalog. We buy Raw pure and 8800(051 Send for Price List, Wife (reading) -"This magazine says that handsome men are prover- bially disagreeable " Husband - "But, my dear, I'm sure I try my best to be pleasant at all times." It Will Prolong Life. -De Soto, the Spaniard, last his life in elle wilds of I•Rorida, whither he wont for .the ppur• pose of diseovo•ing tho 105aulary T'ount0in of perpottiu] yyouth," said to exist in that then unlcnown country. wide Dr, Thomas' Ecloctric oil not perpetuate youth, it will remove the bodily pains which make the young old before their time and harass tho aged into untimely graves. Airs. Prune -"I ain't seen your hired girl of late." Mrs. Pebbles- "No, the poor girl is gone. She tried to boil one of Hiram's cellu- loid collars and it exploded and we ain't seen her since." 1101 141(IE11G TER IIII VEB with opium you may stop a cough but the inflammation goes from had to worse. Allen's Lung Balsam, containing 110 opium, goes to the root of the .trouble and cares deep-serttod affections of throat and lungs. Nell -"But are you sure her com- plexion's genuine?" Belle -"Posi- tive. I saw the box; on the lid it said, 'None genuine without our signature,' and there was the sig- nature right enough." Beath or tummy seemed the only al. ternative for a well-known and highly respected Indy of 1Vinglrarn, Ont., who had travelled over two continents in n vain search for a cure for nervous de- bility and dyspepsia. A friend recom- mended South American Narvino. One bottle helped, six bottles cured,and her ow'n written testimony closes with these words: "It has saved my Bro."- 20 "Father," said an inquiring youth, "when a hen sits on an egg Tor three weeks and 1t don't hatch, is the egg spoiled?" "As an article of diet, my 8011, it is henceforth a failure; but for political purposes it has its uses." Cholera 1,101114110, erampe and -kindred complaints annually make their ap- pearane0 at the mune time as the hot weather, green fruit, cucumbers, melons, ata, and many penwns are debarred from eating these tempting things, but they meed not abstain if they have Dr, J. 1'. Jtollagg's Dysentery Cordial and take ufew crops in water. 1tcures the cramps and 01,01440. In a remarkable. manner and Is sure to check every dis- turbance of the bowels. Young Mother -"Now, I3arold, whom do you love most, papa o1• ole?" Little Harold -"Papa," Young Mother -"But yesterday ,you said you loved 2110 most." Little Harold -"Yes; but I've thought it over since and decided that WO ashen must stick together," Faith You cannot be expected to have faith 10 Shilolis Consumption Clue, 41,0 J -tine Tonic, as n cure ler Cold,, Coughs and all diteae00 of the air p00agcs 3f you have not u loci it Wo have faith in it, and to convince you that it will cure you we guarantee it. if il,doeen't euro you it coos rou nothing. If it docs it colts you 250. That feu. Try 0t today. Sha1oh hot cured many !boutmndaet the crag obstinate teen and we Matta hetilato to gay that it will cute any Cold, Cough :Throat orL5n¢ trouble, If we did not Believe tiro we would not gum nalto it ebtolutoly ns we do. Shiloh has had an unbroken neord of 00110( for thirty yenta, It has stood every ponitle testwithout fail,,. heel that proof of its aurodvc prope,18, Fuahot Proof is found fn Ilydmnny tct6mbninlsof those alto have tried Shiloh and been cured. Mn. Arable Taylor, Amph, 1'a„ writes's-'• "'i li! Louie of Shiloh', Conium ;oCu,, j�Q 11 of n Cur glad had terrible ,hard two children end the Aad e. terribla. cough. 1 Sage than n 40 ,em YQ b over Ibis 1 5100 y l ,1 ut lin et a ba e C r y ¢ Y¢ q bet tall • ant deeding a+ , (1,o d ildr when lin 1 0l C bag ¢ Y a wen• t 1 W,,,d hit to the allsWren when shay \vent to lel, and they endo all niQ t. It riled z .them graphicly. I molt ehtwe keep It in the lraus0, Goa SrtitILO 21c. whir 0101an1 0 ,wherev0r, inedieine, it;eotift: ZS5U8 Noy, 112 0 Ott