HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-26, Page 1Vol. 34. No, 16 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER New Advertisements, Apples—R, Thomsou, Overeottte--Alex, B,raohan, Auction eale—Rub,. Scarlett. Grain ohopping.TThuell Bate. No Question about it—Juts, Fox, Ladies' Coats—McKinnon ek Go. Ladies' Watches—H. L, Jeakeon. Notice to oreditors—A. B. Macdonald, Suite and Overooate—E. O. Danford tk Son,; ii)zstr;ixt tletoL. W 1'024 etor . Mrs. James Paulin is on the sink list. Robert Miller ie in New Ontario at present, Mae. W. Sanders visited Gerrie friends last week. A number of new books have been added to the Free Library. Mre. Ropier and daughter, Maggie, returned from Wiartou on Saturday, Reuben Wendt, of Mildmay, spent Sunday with hie brotherJ. R. Wendt. Ed. Dalmage and family left for Tor. onto teat week where they will make their home. A great many from here attended the funeral of Mre. D. Gathers in Gorrie Saturday afternoon. The annual Harvest Thanksgiving 'melee will be held in the Episcopal cburoh next Sunday afternoon. 8. M. Robinson, of robe Dominion Bank, Wingham visited at his home here last week before leaving for Brampton, where he hoe been promoted, FULL RANGE —oF— Boots and Shoes Readymade Clothing Dry Goods and Groceries. A. Choice Stock at the FOSTOFFICE Cranbrook STORE, CALL AND SEE US. A.J. M. Helm John Rae left for Bolton on Monday where he willbe employed ae uesistant at the 0, P, R. station, T, G. Hemphill hoe moved into hie reeidenoe on Howiok street, reoeutly oo• copied by N, J. Robinson. J. and Mrs. Griffith, of Ilowlok, gave a farewell party for their eon Sam, ou Fri• day eveuing, who is leaviugtor tbe Weet shortly. TEMPIIIANOn CoarauiNON.—A meeting of Temperanue workers from the town. amps of Turnberry and Howiok and the village of Wroxeter wee held in the Presbyterian ohuroh, Wroxeter, on Mon. day, Oat. 28rd. A representative of the Dominion Alliauoa wan present and ex plaiued the object of the meeting and the neoeeeity of taking advaueed stops for the euppreneion of internperanoe, After giving the matter full noneideretion it wee decided to form a brunch of the Alliance for the municipalities represent• ed and to at ouoe lunnob a Local Option campaign. C,:urr les. Ontx,—A deep gloom wee out over the village and eommunity on Thursday of last week by the death cf Mre. David Gathers, only daughter of R. and Mre. Palmer, of Salem. She had been it patient eofferer from a complication of dieeaeee for some menthe peat and in spite of loving and tender nursing and the beet medical ekill,ahe gradwtlly sank until death gave her release. While she lived with her parents ab Salem she was a member of the Methodist ohuroh and an motive worker in the League and ohoir. Pour years ago ebe wee married to David Oathere, of tbie village. By her Ohristieu obaraoter and her kind and eunny diepoeition she won Abe esteem aud triendebip of all her aogoaiutaoeee. When we sea one called away, an she was at the age of 24 yrare, with what torte it speaks to Fee, "Be ye also ready, for in an hour that ye think not the Son of Man o'rneth." Her funeral, wbioh took Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. 0 CO BLOW VALUE s ASV Only a few words about your Fall Overcoat and at the same time tell you how to save several Dollars—Dol- lars Saved are Dollars Earned, Well, we have about vera at that are going to be sold away below aelual value. To see and hear the price means you take the Coat. Much lower in price than you expected and the best bargain you have ever been offered. KThey may not last long but you have first choice. t,. _. t'v NEW FALL WUTEF ,N At Old Prloes. Although Shoed have advanced great- ly in price we placed our orders so early that we scoured all our Fall and Winter goods so wo can give you the old prima altlaough eo many are famed to ask the Matinee. Remember we ask 00 advance and still continue to give 5 per cent, off to all bash purohaeore. Full stook of the Newest and Beet in Shoda. Harness Department In our 'Harness Deparlreut Will be found Rubber Rugs, Plush mud Wool Rugs, Blankets, Trunke and Valises, Rubes, &u. CM—Comfortable Dwelling for sale oheapp, a. 'les a. Shit+ plane oe Saturday, was very Iergely at tended, The ❑ t servbe wee conducted b I Y Rev, U, P, Wells, 13, D„ aeststad by Bev, J. H. Oaterhuut and was in the Metho. diet church whiob was filled to over. flowing. She leaves behind a Meehand, two small ohildren, tether Stud muther and three brothere. The sympathy of the entire Community goee ont to the mourners in this their day of bereave. meet, Crease r t) wk. Rev. R. P. Cameron nailed at teletivee here feet week. Oraobrook Beef ring will bold its annual meeting on Monday evening of next week, BOth 'net., for the purpose of winding up the bueiueee 01 the present year and malting arraugemente for next 0000011. - W 8,1 tort. A few from Walton totality were in atteudaeoe et the Temperance Conference at Braseele on Tueeday after. noon of 'hie- week. Leoat,.—The following deoieione were given at Osgoode Hall Torouto, recently —Township of MoKillop v, Pigeon,— Judgment (oral), upon appeal byplaintiffs from odder of local Judge at Goduriob dated October 2nd, dismissing plaiutiti'e motion for further partioulare. Appeal diemleeed. Coats to defendant in any event. This order to be executed with. out prejudice to 0 new application upon turthur material W. E. Middleton for plalntiffe, H. E. Rote for defendant.—Re Simplon and Trustees of School Seotioo, No 11 Morrie Towuehip—J. Dioltineon, Goderiob, for Minieter of Education, appealed from judgment of junior judge et County ()Duet of Huron, dated 24th of Jane, 1905 in favor of plaintiffs for 11,5584 and ooete in an motion brought by school teacher to reopver wages. It was contend. ed that the only breach of agreement alleged by plaiutiff woe that the two menthe' notice 0f diumieeel was oral in, atead of written, and that Quoit only gave her a right to nominal damagee, M. G. Cameron, K. 0., for plaintiff, oprosed appeal. Dismissed with conte, Silver Wedding.—On waduee d ay even, ing, October 11th, a large number of in. vited termite aeeembied at the commodious reeidenoe of Alex, and Mre. Gardiner, McKillop, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of their marriage day. After a somptuoue repast in which every person preeeut played web their part, the Meet to the boat and hasten was given by Rev, Dr. Marsh, M. A., of Hamilton, and Rev, A, McNab, M.A., Walton. To thio the host responded in a few well chosen words. A pleasant evening was efberwarde spent in Bong and story. The mueioal part of the program was attended to by Miee Dora Kinney and Miee Annie Ferguson and all went merry as the marriage belle which chimed a quarter of a century ago. The worthy o00ple were tbe reoipienbs of it well assorted array of ooetly preeente, but the ones which will be most highly prized by them was a couple of elegant and wetly Morrie chairs, preaeuted to them by the members of the family as a token of the respect and esteem in whiob the parents ere held by those who, though gone ant from beneath the old root tree, are not forgetful of peat kiudueeeee of childhood yeare. At an early hour the oompany left for their several homes atter wiehtog Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner many yeare of happinese elill to Dome. Dolma WsoDINO.—Oa Wednesday, Out. 11th, at 8 p. m,, a double wedding service was solemnized in the Point Douglas Preebyteriao oburab, Winnipeg, by the pastor, Rev. Donald Munroe, when Mies Hannah Ingram, and Miee Minnie Bennett, both of Walton, joined haude and hearts in matrimonial al. Banned with W. J. Hawthorne, of Was. GRAM CHOPPiNG The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming uomrnnuity that they are now ready to do all•kiuds of Grain Chopping jnd Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended. to. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. Ladies' Matches. and Chains Just received solve of the newest productions in Watches and (Jbtiins of the highest quality. If yorie Watch was got from us you have no regrets. We stand back of the goods we sell and handle the best quality. We invite your inspection. H. L. Jackson LISADlta SIi1WPtLLBB, 26, 1908 W. H. KER.R. Pro kada, Manitoba, and Samuel MoBpaddeo, Boiese aim v It wee a pretty but quiet event, the young !adipo having Bonotram their homes to Winnipeg to meet their betrothed. The brides were very eeetly attlred, the former in oreatn brocaded luetre, trimmed with Waitron over lane, and the latter in cream netting trimmed with pearl wavelet chiffon, After the ceremony the ocmpany drove to the Bey. rumor Hotel, where they bad tea, While is' the oity Mr, and Mee, lfoBpadden were guests of the Brunswick House. They left by the eerly train for Kiilar- ney, where they visited friends and weal o their home at Buiesevain where they were tendered a hearty reoeptton. ttSr. and Mre, Hawthorne, put np at the Seymour. They toured the pity on 'l'hureday and left on Friday far Dolor. aine, After a ehort welt with the groom's parents they drove to Waehade where they make their home. The many „Id friends of the interested praise wish them tetany happy, prosperous yeare In the West Fend will be glad to see them bank here on occasional visite to relativee .Fed friends. kiOlara.ve. Rev. J. J. Hestia will preach a Thanks. giving Batmen on Thursday morning at 10 BO a'olook. Mre. James B. Stratton hae been very ill dnrfug the peat eveek and her preseut oonditiou preeagee alarm to her relatives.. Bpeuial evangelietl° eervfnee are being uonduoted in the Methodist ohuroh here. The pastor, Rev. A. E. Janes, was assisted last week by Rev, Mr. Wileou, of Teee• water. Leet Sunday Rev. Mr. Hardy, of Lista. wel, occupied the palplt of the Presby terian ohuroh here morning and evening nod gave two fine airmane. Tire mora• ing Sermon was on the gocdoeee of God and the evening discourse referred to the New Life. Special maeie was rendered by the oboir. The entertainment on Monday evening, under the auspiuee of the young people of the ocngregation, was a marked en00eee, the fioanial preemie being aver $88.00. A choice, varied and Bell balanced program was presented aa, follows ;-. ()peeing selection by the ohoir ; prayer ; welcoming words by the pastor, Rev. J. J. Retitle ; B010, Mr. Cook, of Clinton ; male quartette from Weetfield ; solo, Mies Chienolm, of Windham ; ad. dreee, Rev. A. E.(Jonee, Belgrave ; duet, Mee.re. Henry and Wightmen ; addreee, W. H. Kerr, Brussels ; solo, Mr. Cook ; solo, Mies Ohishulm ; address, Rev. Mr. Hardy, of Lietowel ; male quartette ; adjournment t0 basement for refreeb• menta ; solo, Mr, °Dirk ; male quartette ; vote of thanks solo, Miee Chisholm ; anthem by 'choir ; llenediotion by Rev. Mr. Janes. The soloists did themselves credit ; the Male Quartette was a pleas. ant variation and the choir did their part nobly. Addreeeee were pointed and praotioal and the chairman and aeoom• palliate performed their reepeotive parte moat ecoepte.bly. All enjoyed a good time. Dtite9. Two weddings on for next week and more to follow shortly. A shooting match wee held here Mon day wbioh wan attended by a largoorowd of our local sports. Several Ethelitee attended the Tem peranoe Conference in Brussels on Tbee. day afternoon of tbie week. The farmers are now ehipping their sugar beets. Six or seven oars were loaded at the station ,hie week. The Home makers' ohoir in the Metho• diet cburoh last Sunday night was a Madded euooeev, eurpaeeing all (there in tinging if not in numbers. Two rigs tried t0 dotheimpoeeible last Saturday evening, viz., to pave one an- other on our narrow bridge. Reault, a twisted axle and a job for one of our blitokemithe, The Trusteed of our eobool have re. engaged Miee Shannon ire Priuoipal for next year' at an advance of $16,00 oil her former salary. Mies Shannon is an A 1 Member and we are all pleased to know that we will have her with tie for another year. We have not beard ae yet who her muds -taut is to be. ADDRESS AND PnaenNTaxtoN.—Tneeday evening of last week a farewell party for R. and Mrs. Dilworth and eon was given at the home of M. Henry, of Ethel. A large number of old friends and aoquaiut- an0ee eerembled to eapree8 their regret at the departure of euah well known reei- dente ani, good wished for the future. This they did in a vary tangible form by the presentation of an elegant Silver Service. The young people presented Remelt Dilworth with a beaulitul ebav• log set. Andreae was as followe,— To R. Dibwortlt and Family ;— Ms with pieaeure that we reoall to- night your long sojourn among us. Yon bave seen our ueigbborhood'o early hie. tory and development to Ito eplendid and prosperous position. Yon have interest- ed yourself In the progress that hae been made, manifesting that true oilizenehip that always has at heart the welfare of the oonutry. We will remember you not only for your interest it our cottony but for your genial and eunny ways. You have ever ntanifeeted that spirit o1 friendship that makes life a p)eaeure by throwing open your hospitable home to those social gathetiuge wbioh bind the hearts of the people in close flee of friend, ship. While we think of your position among se ae one of the benefactors of those earlier days we are glad to realize that your youthful enthusieem had noir abated and that you are following the motto of the wise man, "Young man go Went," In your seeking a new home in the far West thus severing the elm Hee of friendship we have deep feeliuge of Borrow, We regret deeply the loos of your own presence and also that of your esteemed partner in life, who has eo lovingly and faithfully shared your joys and eorrowe, and your eon wbo will aver hold a warm place in the hearts of our young people. We will trust for a re unioo before many yeare to moan the happy days of yore, 18 however, we will not be privileged to reunite here we trust wo will all meet in that Greater Country where all eorrowe 00000 and shadows flet, les+ts6 !S The undersigned will pay 800. per cwt, for any tmentity of good, hand piolrel Winter ripples delivered at my ahup. Applee met t be of a good eize for varieties and properly matured and colored, Every precaution should be taken is' handling eo that they will not be bruised as bruised frail fa only lit for evaporating purposes and will have to be boaght et a reduction. omson away. We, your old friends and neigh bore, wish to express in this tangible way oar eineere appreoietion of your friend. .hip in the past and our good wiebeej for your future happiueee. R, PnaesoN, [digued] T. VonnaN, J. PaAnson, R, Bean, • The reply wttd typical of the recipient, It woe short, full of gratitude, and re. niprooated the good wishes expreeeed for himself and family. A floe time was enjoyed end Mr. and Mre. Henry were voted A 1 In the best and berthas business. We all wish the Delworthe the beet of ..000060. GrO:v. A few weddiage are ou the program. Damao 'Johnston's new house is near- ly completed and the girls are wondering who 7 etre. Matthew Stewart is spending Chankegiviug holidaye with friends near Guelph. Dao. Steles while hunting on Monday afternoon eeuured a flue fax and seven rabbits. Municipal affairs are very quiet. Some day there are a few 005100010 for Donnell Board seats, Damian McNabb had returned to the 14th non. of Grey ae be intends working his fatbet'e farm next year, Several &notion sales ere still on the list iu Grey, the dated appearing in the Sale notices in this ieeue of Twa POST. David Ritchie, 18th coo., arrived home ,hie week from a trip to the North. vest. He may eventually become a eat. tier in the Weet. Tse POST extends congratulations to R. F. and Mre. Moore, of Sonrie, Mao,, to the arrival of a ecu, The happy par. ente were former residents of tats town. ship, Mre. Moore being formerly Miss Jeerte Toltec, 16th coo. Teesdale Whitfield, Geo. 8peiran and Matthew Stewart, of the sturdy yeo- manry of Grey township, are bank from a holiday outing to the Great West. They saw many old friends of former days and are eatiefind ae to the great possibilities of that laud. The 60 acre farm of' Thomas Johnston, non. 18, ,vee sold at the recent sootier} dale to Philip James, of Turnberry, for the dam 01$2,800 and possession will be elven on Marcia Set. Mr. Johnston had been a resident of Grey for about 25 years and will likely continue to make hie horns here ae be had a sou, Ooonoillor Duncan Johnston, and a daughter, Mre, George McTaggart, 16th coo. Mrs. Johnston died several yeare ago. Morriss. Mise Susie Manning ie vieiting in Stratford. The Bodmin new steel bridge will soon be oomlpeted. Mies Priscilla Manning, who had been visiting relativee and friends in Mark - dale, Floebertoo, and Mount Forest for the past four months, returned to bet borne here on Mooday. We are sorry to hear tbet on Thateday evening of last week Mre, John Spelt., 411 line, bad the misfortune to fall from e tense ebe was climbing over and broke one of her arms near the wriet and will be oompelled to take undesired holidays; On the first day of Brussels Fall Pair Mre. Wm. Wilkineoo, 4th line, bad the misfortune to ipjare her right knee in the "Palace" by her foot going through be. tween planks in the floor. The knee wee dielooated and hae (aueed her ooneider• able pain since but we hope she will soon be able t0 be about a6 usual. Owing to the intention of Reeve Code to retire from Whets at the alone of tale year a lively rime ie expected for the Reeve's chair, Oounoiliore Shaw and Taylor are said to be is' the field already And are canvassing for the coveted honor. There will be several new candidates for Oonneatlore also. !Aide Mand Bryane, daughter of Wm. Bryabe, who had one of her limbs injured eorne time ago, and from which recovery wee not nearly ae good as desired, went to Toronto a fete weeks ago for en oper. etion. The limb was broken and meet and although Buffeting a good deal at times the patient is making favorable program but will not be able to get home for a while yet. Her many friends wieh ber a speedy oonvaleeoenoe and oomplete restoration, Jno, andFeank Lowe, who have spent the paet S iminer in trying their bands at farming on their arrival from England at the farme of Jno, ' Mooney and he. Sharp and /no. Manning, 6th line, respectively, left this week for Winnipeg where Frank had encored a eituation in a publishing haute. They are worthy young men whose oonduot while here wee most exemplary and we will be pleas- ed to hear of them doing well. Both boye are induetrione and anxious to learn Oauadian ways, This week Jae, Sharp, rented the homestead farm, whlcb he purchased a year ago from hie father, 5t11 jibe, to Dan, Denman, of Bruetele, who had taken a 8 year lease and gete p000eesion next month, Mr. Denman ebould do well on it ire he is a hard worker, Mr, Sharp Will hold an adotion Bale of farm etook, implemente, deo., In the near future and wilt return t d r e to o Toted °, Ohio, where b will follow his old job t of eleetrieal eug;neering in whiob be is an expert holding en authorized oertifieate for the eame. He found farming a trifle Blow after the more active and more seamier. ative calling preceding his homeoomiug. Jim ie gaits a !metier. Morris Council Meeting. The °annuli met according to adjourn mens in the Council Room, Morrie, at Out. 1011,. Merebere all present, the Reeve is' the chair. Mioutee of last making read and eoatflrmed. Moven oy Mr, Selly, eroonded by Mr. Mu. Cutobeou that Councillors Shaw and Baylor be inatra0ted to ittepeat the road opposite lint 7, 2nd Oou. lice, respecting obetraotione ecoid to be in the river, Carried. On complaint of Geo, Arm strong reepeutiag stagnant water oil roadway at Lot 4, Oou. 6, it was moved by Mr. Shaw, eeoonded by Mr. Baylor that the Clerk be intimated to uotity the Towoeh.p Engineer request. ting him to have the Cronin Award in said locality parried into effect at once, Carried, Oa motion of Taylor and Kelly the !reeve end Treasurer were in. etraaled to borrow $1800,00 for ourreut expenditure. Amounts were ordered to be paid as follows :—For gravel.— Geo. Jaoksob $ 8 64 John Oolclough 7 Ou George Pea000k 5 88 J. Smith jr 6 72 Wm. Kearney 4 69 J. 13, Kearney 6 28 Afton Speir, gravelling on (antra aide line 80 00 3, W, Oruikehaok, guard fame7 76 .tae, Garter, hauliug gravel 19 72 T. Healy, ditch 2 00 J. A. McLean, gravelling on W B 145 68 H. Fear, gravelling on 7th tine68 00 d, Selly, inspecting 4 50 Seleotore of Jurors, each 4 00 Geo. Coombe, graveiling on N. 13 25 00 Wm. Breokeuridge, gravelling on N. B 13 50 A. Hughes, repairing bridge.,8 50 Jae. Peewee, repairing culverts., 8 65 A, Oantelon, digging diced). 10 80'. Wm. Thornton, tile and work on Award drain 26 20 Jae. Gibeoo,repairiug road 2 00 D. Jewitt, damages, hauling gravel 50 Jae. Taylor, material and work at Belgrave 20 20 Wm. Bates, oulvert 1 00 R. Niohol, d€Soh and ouivert7 00 John Manning, repairing culvert 4 00 P. Tarr, oerneut rite 8 68 R, Yoaill, gravelling, inepeoting and repairing convert 18 26 T. Clark, hauling material and repairing bridges 7 00 I A. Nioboleon, inepeotiug cement work 88 50 0. Barber, pt. payment for abut. meets 1000 00 R. B. Al000k, ditch and culvert,8 00 Thos. Blank, iuepeoting on W. B. 10 50 The Council then adjourned to meet again on the 10th November next, W. CDans, Clerk. People We Know. Klee Downey is visiting at Chatham. Warden Miller ie away to New Ontario on a trip. Edward Speira0 was in Goderieh over Sunday vieiting hie coo. Will. Mart is home from Calgary for e vibe under the parental roof. Mre. Barbara Strachan will make her home with Mre. (aurae) Thompson. Martin and Ward -Farrow were visitors at Postmaster Farrow'e over Sunday. Inepeeter Robb had gone to Kingston to visit his brother who has been serfoae- ly ill. • Mre. A. Somere has been on the eiok list bat is improving we are pleased to elate. Misses Ritchie and Robertson are enjoying Tbankegiviug holiday with Toronto friends. S. Somme, wife and eon, Fergus, and Mies Somers, of Sealant', were visitors in Bracelets this week. The Wroxeter Star says:—Mies Wilton, of Braedele, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Emmet a few days this week. Mre. J. Leckie and ber mother, Mre. Jae. Oliver, are spending Thaukegiving with old friends in Deludes town, Mies Siuola€r, of Brneoele, is visiting Mre. John Anderson and Wee Misses Maggie and Orral McKee, of Gorrie, ilire. S. Shoemaker, of Berlin, road calling on her dieter, Mre. J, J. Wilton, whose health is not improving ae fast ae her friends would like, Jno, nod Mrs, Carter are home from an extended visit in Owen Sound, Their daughter, !tire, Perris Beirnee, of Grey township, is in very poor health. Mies Maggie Scott, who arrived here last week from Edinburgh, Scotland, was 10 days on the Atlantic, Ocean was very rough for three days and nearly every- body sick. The good ehip "Sicilian" plowed the waters nobly, however, end landed her hundreds of passengere at Montreal in due course, Mre. John Wynn left last week for Toronto aaotmpenying her daughter, Mrs, F. J. Solieak, and will emend the Winter in the Queen city. - Mr, Sebeak has purohaeed a oomtortable home, 148 Farubam ave,, wbioh they have taken poseeeeiou of. We wish them many happy yeare In their new home. This week Time. and Mrs. Pepper re moved from Brussels to Hensall where they purpose making their home for the fatur0. They resided in that locality before buying afarm adjttoeot to Brus- eels Whioh they Bold last year end have lived in town until ehi0 weak. Mr, and Mra. Pepper will meet many old frieade at Hensen, David B. Moore has leased the W, P, Soots house, corner Turnberry and Wil- liam streets' for the Winter, so as to be near ohuroh, Owing to defective eye eight the dietanoe 10 hie oomfortablo home, Turnberry street Booth, inter. fared with his getting to the services. 7 Misa.e uta n a rheumatism en also prevents. s r p her from getting to (thumb, being unable • to walk the long dietauuu at rimae, We hope both will improve in health. 111U1l1;11 U111Ui'31. A aeries of Evougeifotle servioee will oornmeuoe early In November in Bruseele Motoodfet ahurah. Thaukagiviog service at 10 30 a. m. in Melville ohuroh ou'l:buredey ul tbie The pastor will preaub. Loot Sunday .itev. Mr. Ooeeue preached Ulan the subject "Otirtet't preet•000 in the storm,"at the morning eervaoe in .the Methuttrat ahurob hate sod in the evening - tba rt, me wile "Tate Sbekivab." Next Sabbath wilt be Conuexioual Day 10 the Methodietchurches at Oraubrook and Bruesele, $120 ie asked for and special euveiopee have been prepared for tee ocoaeiou. Thie plan worked suooese. fully last year. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church, 13rueeele, have out only paid the interest 0s' the i'areuuage debt amounting to 540, but reduced the prirteipal by 5100. Thie makes the pereouage mortgage 5700 now, with goon praepeets of furtbur reduo• Ware,. The Loudon Cunferenee Epworth League Couveutlou will be held in the Ftret Methodist ohuruu on Nov. 8th and 9th. Mies Minnie McNaughton, of Broeeele, who ie 4th Vtoe President, hoe a toles, "How we make the Social moo into a success." W. H. Kerr is aeeigued the very matter of Taut autjeot, "How to finance the Summer Scheele." The program to be preaeuted is a good one. Last Sabbath was the 26th aouiversary of the pastorate of Rev. Dr. hoes in Mel. v1110:haroh and as es his 008tom be dealt with the tvorlt of the Ultrtetian minieter. tae text at the morning service wee :— "Take bead to the ministry wbioh thou hast received ice the Lo -1, that thou ful, lit it," Col. 4:17. Ho,eaid every miuistry to be rnghtty fulfilled moat be (1) An evangeltoal ministry, by constantly and noutidoutlyprotlaimiug to the people the Jimeutiel truths of the Gospel ; (2) An educative ministry, by endeavoring to ,heti!i into the mindeand hearts of men the great teaomnge contained in the Holy Sur;ptoreu ; (8) Au elevating and uplifting ministry, by briugiog to bear epos' men'e ;ivee )irauteoal, helpful and traneforming principles of the Uttriotran faith ; (4) A quickening and ineptriug mittietry by ,eekiug to implant is' the souls of men the etimulatiug and energising motives whiob abound in the revealed Word, The evening text was "Au interpreter, one among a thousand," the sermon set, ring forth some of the real qualities of en ideal expositor of snored Truth, ADDITIONAL LOCAL. THE loot crescent put advertised for in Oast week'e Posy bad been returned to its owner. Advertising of the right kind PRP. p Dtt. OVENS, M. D., Surgeon, Oooaliet speeiahea, Diseases of Eye, Bar and Nose treated and glossae fitted properly. tVill be at Smith's Drug Store, Bruosele, en Tuesday, Nov. 14:u. Hoare 8 a, m. to 1,80 p. m. Bnuotnna MARBLE Woaxs shipped two fine monuments to Stratford this week Joe 0 Bontnaoaurd granite and the other Stanstead. S. 0. Wileou went to the Cassia city to overate the erection. Lain Monday Dickson Bros„ who handle both horses tend cattle in large uumbere, ehipptd two loads of cattle from here, detained for Manchester, England. They were a ahoiaa bnaoh and ahoald mak, the ehippere some money. 1(3000 Three—Henry !McLean, of SIauaah,. North Dakota, formerly of Srnseele, in rsmittitrg hie enbecriptton to TEE POST, eeye ;—Wu have had good trope and a prosperous year in this part of Dakota, a great many miles of G. N. R.13. railway lines have been built. All former Bruueelitesare doing well. Donald McIntosh has just completed a palatial residence on hie beautiful farm near Hannah. Tunenax of lent weals George William Watlaee, only eon of Finlay Molutoeh, 4th eau., McKillop, died of inflommttiun of the bowels, after a brief illness, aged 4 years. The funeral took plate on Thum. lay to Maitland Bank cemetery. Mre. NI Qin cosh is a sister to Reeve Henderson, of Brussels. The latter attended the funeral. Much sympathy ie felt foe the parents in the death,of their bright little boy. Tateretaxou CoNrtanarton,—As per amlonneemet16 a Onttfereette on the present Ternperauoe eituation tette held to the Tows' Hall !Here on Tuesday when repreeeutativee trona Grey, Morris and Sruseelo aseemb€ed in goodly tnumbere. Thur. Strachan wits appatutetd ahteirmon of the meeting and W. 11;, Kerr Seem - tory. After prayer by Rev, kir, Burnett, of Moleoworth, the object of the meeting was stated and A. T. Couper, of 0110101 , the repreeeutntive of the Dominion Alliance, was celled upon who spoke at tettgtbltpen the question of Local Option :end the result of the full and free disoue• Mon was the organization of a brauoh of theAlliauee, Theoffiosre were rte bol lows :—Preeident, Tboe, Straonau ; Viae Pres., Dir Smith ; Seo..Treea., G. A, Deadman. Vide Presidents were alto named and preliminary arrangements made tor tbe bolding of organization ineetinge in the three mnntaipalitiee to - eee about the oir0ulation o6 Nitioue to be presented to the reepeba. • Clouneile, Meaning foe Grey will be heldl.,axt Mon- day, at Baud, aotntnenciug. at 2 p, ret end for Morris at Suuebine on Tumidity Afternoon. Sbort adeireesee were givtel by the minietere and a number of 'the laymen present after whiob the meeting.' was diemieeed by prayer by Bev, 131r. Armstrong, of Ethel, Campaigns' will Moo be carried on in Elms, Howiok, • Turnberry and East Wawanoeb towu ehips talo Fall, Publics meetfnge 111 dieonee the quoetion will be arranged oe exon as the Domicile deal with the petitions, Mr. Cooper, who le .Very entbustaebie in the work, went from here to London to attend the Provincial Sabbath Sehool Convention mad will then go to Lambton County,