HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-19, Page 6.- s It Religion The ev(u•.-Peter Perhaps tynuz ictus s°0; ), with Thera (ttitudp .ain 'volution Ind- save (bout )reale a 1] 10110my, to find Instead .ng the stars, anon mm's with lp cinder. )arwin science (peculation, he same. ;hose No4v ;1011 3ible C=ord authority :hunch, :he :ention :hat Chattered. .lig eyes then logmas ieved nvltipldcation It terve :hes kion. :ism; ion1115,8 Ion ,estlmony. hat nor° Then Jo to toctrine vith cries? 10 11105 abater ]revised devoted of acid 74-66 vhdcll 1}e months he ]��(ft�j Weed Ol the Lord i. 2.i. the words writer votes Mathias of to -day: decay Thou who changest 111L'. has 1100 a Chan toward all things to religion, has unveiled- i e yet it is tho sanio simply 00,150d It. The universe up into chaos f o rho ltoemaic We simply that in reality CA of sitting on adoration of itself aid. homage, P and revolution light; and heat the worship of Sirnllarly, has changed and history and the facts It is only facts which Change scene lamest is being taken is being destroyed to elan and undermined; the sacraments, ministry, no longer Sled 101011nre all authority for They look t0 the days NO HIGHER CRITICISM, there was no questioning of religion, their theologies tables. would be simple that those clays aro part of an There has always there have always "All is vanity of spirit," is only Trio difference skc deism and P apparent. what must be religious mined assert more vigorous) of inspiration, more definiteness If th.. 0 is nothing surer, the votes and weaker, .1 (� ffi T_ Ever the Men L9$C�� May fS fIa� __.._.. Same ��n�� /'y�1j'9 [��l .J .1.1 - - ? v away clays tmgttc'st.ioning L have dot aro -clay, engaged alio prayer, this. 1Vby, alien to your upon some of Soma unnlistalcahlo beteg, that with any of earth, unci alta, "O, 'Thou with 100": that disioi('1', except. in communion ds the founded°n Utlr deepest no phimeophe it no no liible, Because of expression. As one briefly the y THE ?,(AIN the Bible faith but blossomed of one New apal:o from holy Spirit. generation, e•mftted vera moved. is of value rule of an actual of flesh and Much we call our own because respond and feed encs nourish. heart wahout oP inspiration, method of to do with the 0011510UR part of sir one gee at It shoves that we are and thought say "fake remains." in man made. Faith is witness to growth spiritual rows 011 gtaeght truth it contains. the Lord y(�t 1''iay'(�lf+ LL' r-�-, Il entirely, of some sol in and Because nature you lclo'etl? '10(0 finds of from some 10)111, religion no it are of Bible, TRUTH dill not we have Crone TOstnmint good, As their them to us, faith religious blood a1PI'1 to o1 11 the compilation the being testimony in in of away We encouraged planes. all endureth % I''�� �. �����aj, a Foe even simple faith mend can never time, asst- P worship, la now Vetl ri1•e of some- that has 1)y some hauls, 1'0. blit fact ut part o1ynut' n° snttsfy ag the transitoey its depths who 011111" 3t ]lunger of no su trn;etc°"Cf 41itlt (;oci, of your tell• NO seiCI1CC, can sheee would be church, no is there all possible, Yes, these forms procrde this just men- it, Inut h0P WI' 'or, being moved their nature habits u to he moral, And what they not A9 an and practice, oxpeienry like O11C 0401) and our own relig- it. Much we because it a. goo:! straight aid of an y ... has Bible's power life. That hails the to cert- our highest time with the the ages. \\'u the Bible say the faith Bible passe_ by its from louver Faith the enduritlg So this forever. p (��rleraj ' 1FORESTRY UUIILVbL!t�I'JL .+� WILL BE HELD IN OTTAWA IN TANUARY',TEXT, — A, Great Deal of Practical Good Nay be Expected From the Deliberations, The anu0un1s11unit .,f a Canallal) Forestay Convention buying the sup- port of Ile :Dominion and Provincial Gov`er0110118 to hu held hl t)ltitwa 11 Jc ill- 0}t the loth, title este I It LI • ary, 19011, is an important one for the .1109i otuinim], for the fo'es11 are ea0 of her best lessees and ane thing that VPlll )r . and ,9' • - '• a every c•onsldet•- value r. clown nit i noon. Finding the trees growing It1 nmtodts on the GOrest later., little attention was 1;'It-en t{1 the fact. that they are living rntitias and grow ncc0r11in;• to 1t1ws 401(1!1 nine he as- certain: 4 and by the control of which their development may be 1•ceenlaied. 1 1)0 is have been class- ell' with aline 111', '111° 111000 thee was taken away, the less, it was cpusiderc•tl, would or could be left. The tract •that where trcos grew •an(1 nourishrd they could grow again was I]nl. (11( 1( ht af, Ash 1•°51111 the forests were cut or burnt hem good end poor land alike and t:h1r° are tlnouglz041t Canada large traces of lend prielneMg nothing which plight. have been producing valuable forests, and which may still be, dt only proper means• are taken to that end. 111e value of forest products tor 1901, according to the last cera- sus, was $51,000,000 Sart provincial governments which control their own g lands derive large rev=enues from their forests. Strike out the item of forest revenues from the 7rov in- 1 tial buc1C:•cts and the largo amounts thus raises} must be provided bydl- sect taxation in some other form, TTT1'' PUBLIC INTP:RrS'.l'. in the question of forest preserves- tion is therefore great. It 1011 b0 interesting' to sketch the bistro, o the forestry mtvtl Y y ment which is thus reaching such au important stage in its develop- 1)1Ont. The question was agitated for many years by Sir Henri Jo] Y de LotlpiniCro, Aar. William Little and others, and in 1882 a Forest Con cess was convened in Montreal representing the United States and Canada to consider the subject and duviso means of dettcoci with it. There was a lar attendance of leading men fromgt"Ue United States g1 and Canada and daring the two or three days clathe/Miens a number of valuable papers were rear} and in the discussions a great cleat of in- totrsiin'• Suet useful mtarmation was 6 brought. mut, 7710 results were somewhat ephemeral, however, as, although the proceedings were '11 reported in the newspapers and con - 81dcrable public interest was aroused the pressure of necessity was not felt in rho same way' as it is at the present tune and •no sustained effort was made to Beep the matte before the public. At this convention, however, the American Forest Con- geese was organized which body met late in the cite o[ Quahec in 18;)2, The most far-reaching result of this ce 15.0 on was the adoption of the fire ranging system, wretch has dorso so much to preserve the forests of Canada and which was un( oubt- eery a direct result of the stimulus given to the interest ill the •subjoCt. This system was first adopted 171 Ontario in SRR, and the other pro- vinces have been Otte Lifter another following this example. The con- cention was Ch1' 1 Ore tar from fruit -broad less and 11 the salting 0f Umber from fire which the fire rangers have ac- conplished can be credited. in any way to that convention it certainly has more than justified to the pea- plc. of Canada the calling of it to- ctltm. The rltfiernt, gnvennunks cos t' ed to work tom their forest ad minis- teration on indieadual lines, but in only one province, Ontario, was there A SPECIAL 01`IrIC'P appointed to ]Hake the invostlga- tions of this question his particular sphere of work. This Branch 11as done splendid work under the charge of Mr, Southwoeth. In 1.899 a Supe•lnteedent of Forestry for the Dominion was appointed, and short- ly afterwards Mr. Stewart, the Sup- crintencdent, called a meeting at Ot- taws to consider the Organization of a Canadian Forestry ASso°ration, Th.is.(t950Clat1011 I1AB held 113CCt11 s g each year and has published a great many valuable reports and papers, Tt has been steadily keeping the question of the f01'(.91R before the q 1)ub}ic and that it has done 'to in a wise and practical way is esidene0 by the !Act'. that it has the support of 11(110 whose ]'14011 tin the forest is personal as well as of a largo nnanbex who arc interested from the pubis° eel such) Among its sup- PoCers arc, such Meeting hunbeinen as •f. IL. Rooth, Icon. 10. C. Inde welds Hiram Robinson, IT. M. Prue; leading• business suet like. D. MthlCOli, G. fan 0l if L11 Manager of elle eenadrot 11 ••(1 r. le- edwa n, In, Y;1'ha Walker, General Manager Of the Picnic 01 Commerce, and many l,llie•s; It di 0(1011111118 elir. 010 Principal of the Unirorsdt, of Tee 1 Y canto and of LZIIPf It's University, The persevering work of the As- sod:at-ion }las brought the aubject.to the paint where the redoret Venni- meat 1111.1 (hon •elk -it a tVl9e g policy to call together a Dominion (1011- ventio1 to wreathe -3 the sth.lcet, Repl•es0)1 0(1ves will be called from the Provincial Governments, the Lute lawmen '8 Assoc Mt] ens, 130 aerie of 'trade. tiniversiteis. and Agricul- Lural Colleges, lealelte.8' 1nst.itt)tes and other orgollealions. The main divisions in which the sub.(cct w111 be. (0418),) rucl will In elude the National 'l11(3'1est, in the Forest, the T101at don9 of the Forest end tho Lumber, 1.'ulp and other In- clustl•e1a of the COunti;y, 1''oreetry in Rotation to Agrinnitalr(. the intro- tin. (•1111 of le:meet.s- 011 ]later 3", 018 end Irrigation, li(•prpdul:ti(?n of the I'"n1 1. A11 (.hem aro Vi1a1 china- lions. •they are among tho most icui)1•t:lei that er, befol'e the! public for soh; in Fat tC'•dEly, Forestry I; x- prrls in i tune ate�, LOOKING 7U CANADA ns one of the world's great, standbys for the leather 10,11/ply of the future; the. lathed ,talo: Is leeling' the },inert of Llecreasing supplies and is Shady drawing largely an Canada to ntnl:0 lumbermen realize lip the deficit; the value the lncrettsutg value of their• held- • in g.9; the ov°ten11nts a t rielate the. of thelarge fore8t b Id significance" �'t] 5 !aide get in their• 1'eveilUes; the egl•l('ullur •1st0 see drone (1(01ly lbe 13ml:cati00 d dire Yellin of °reels and and 1 L f c I' to(liole; and the ectihvays and other indusU•l1s feel the increasing difficulty of obtahling the eupplies they „le ha. 'At mutton tho ]]Ciel was 11g \1n..binc r to January la• t it. a nary last u,ude clear that. the .tutted F�tatcs consider the at111111un a Bravo One in so far ns their country Is cart- cctllyd, President Ttooeevelt, who addressed the ('nn•'1088 rondo rho follow ia g statement -• 6 the present rale of forest• '1°-y strucilot is allowed to continue, with nothing to unset. it, a timber famine in the fnl.ur•! Is inrvetable, Fire. wasteful and ru i ., diva forme or luntbaohlg, ai.d tho h'gttbmate us0, intron Logrthcr, are destroying our 11 141 h res0ure0S far utoro rapidly than they are being replaced. It is only as the producing end commer- tial interests of the country come to realize that they need to have trees growing up in the forest no loss than they need the product of 1 the trees cut down, that Ivo may hopo to see the permanent los P' Per- It,y of both safely secured.:' InresUy •is, i:lur0fore, a subject °ration shouldbe the iven Uoniniotntl11) order that we may if ppssihlo hold our comment p0s11)011 Thu roreslry Convention is therefore a timely move, and that it is so appreciated is shown by the Inct that it has the SUpp01't Of His (1 ell Excellency t.110 (i 01=- error General and tont net only the Premier Of the Dominion, buff. Mr. R. L•. Barden, the Lender 0f the 0p- Position, •are taking an active inter- est. In its success, 4- .ug.$ lee.§eestHet,reriaaeleeelee see 1 • �+ c pe p a J4 �°� �+qi�p a ILII llt.J�€li1( 1y a lee fe+ `449ilfel•40)1>"'4•44`� 1 SILI;C1'IEL :RECIPES. Selfplo •ping lemon plc line n creep pin plate with rich (:rust and P IIL dots. of but ]lel r1UMt. Now Crated made- and j tilling 1. lemon, rind juice of 1 lenun, o13u eup 1 ing teampeons flour, ono cup milk. Nate' beat, wititeB of two eit'gs Vt"..Y still and mix into your filling very 14 00 Y, I)llt i1011 t' A71d allgat• to- ether as this prevents lumping, ellen g I r 1 acrd the ((]ilk and slit thoot111Y• y eggs and al.ir a gain. Add yolks of e 6 Acid lemon rincl and yolks the last t.11ine before your whites, As 50014 as whites are thorou1 bly mixed In put in oven immediately, Do notwith open ov=en door for twenty minutes. Be carehil not t• hav0 010)1 too hot. Balm ono hour, When done the frosting sbtrue ile '41r'y 11110 grained and Very light, Grandmtth4T s Lemon P}o.-01113 lemon, chapped half cup sugar, half cup molasses, halt cup water, 1 egg, 0110 common cracker finely pounded, squeeze lemon before chopping. Mex ane} bake with two crusts. , Peanut Cake. -Cream together four tablespoons of butter end one P of sugar, thou beat in the whipped yolk of one egg, then add little by little alternately 1$ cups flour, gifted with ll teaspoons of baking powder and i cupful milli. Lastly fold in a cup of finely chopped peanuts and the stiff] beaten white of the eg yg' Bake in a loaf orcin small -Li11s. U 1 Boston Fruit \iatere. Three -q a tors cup sugar, one-third cup of but- ter, two eggs, one tablespoon of water, half 'teaspoon soda, one lea- spoon cream ta1.1101, little nutmeg. ]Calf teaspoon Cinnamon, one aril a hall cups flour, quarter cu) of rail- ins, quarte p currants, three- quarters cup walnuts. Drop from P mii1411081in rnocleratepa4=e ,orb bake i one sheet, s readin it over the tan p g' i about one inch ht thickness. Use a coffee cup in 1neasurhr6, 0.1111 a good, round measur° of the suj;ar and butter•. Usu the seeded raisers.by Cut them once with a knife, 7 often use them. Instead of currants. Use the little whole raisins. The war- nuts should not be cut very fere. 11?roma Snuco.-One cu sugar, gar, half cup of but tee, one egg beaten Iight, one lemon (juice and rated riled half cup of boiling wale•. Put: in d3 basin and steam. Lemon Creast Sauce, -One pint 111114, when it boils add one tea- spoon flour, tour allures of su,'ar, ti > three. well beaten yolks of eggs. Re- suave flora. Ore and, add grated rind and juice o[ one tenon. Stir well and serve in sauce tureeel. Delicious Pudding Sauce. --To four large spoons of (Inc white sugar put two of butter, one of flora and stir together, add the beaten whitr, of an egg. Then pour into the bowl a gill of boiling evater and stir very fast, flavor ane} serve, a elly Cance, -Three eggs, one -hall cup sugar, one Cup of flour, butter size of egg, one even teaspoon bale- let powder. Bake in el] tin, When g 1 , y °old spread with fruit jelly. phis is also nice for strawberry °eke. Bread and Jam Fritters. for and jaln fritters, first the bat- ter must be made, Put Pour ounces of Hour and a quarter of a teaspoon- fel 11 salt into a basin, Break the egg into the middle of it, and with then a wooden spoor work in the Apar riers add half a gill of milk, stirring it well in; next beat the hatter well till the surface is covered with bubbles, and lasts addIon Yg enough milk to make up the quern- tity of one gel. Cut the broad and butter into neat pieces and spread them over with jam (any kind with- out stones). Have ready a pan of frying fat. When a bluish smoke messes from it dip soma of the br°tt(1 and jam into the hatter, then drop them Into the frying fat and fry 1110111 LI pretty golden brown. 'Then drain them w01) on kitchen paper.•, (141st them over with .powdered augur, Servo 1110111 heape(1 upon a lace paper egg is perfects fresh that etwRLu'es ;'Ur}3 eomplt'te 'Aweless, for every 11(Illr'el(Lp(1''a LCilel•1(i11CC! will 1)aV0 taught the vara l ime inrluilci l le the term "puck(d eggs," ('cab Apple In 1'11.-l'rnh rylphs make tve(•!Is•nt tilling f n• otos. Stew the apples, raid Prcas thlwugh a col- Ander to remove the shills, '11x0 rap, thee - ores should be covered before thee- are shaved, Slveeten the nnPlee and Sake 111 two crusts, or with one crust and frost. yr instead of treat- ing emenkle the top thickly wills sugar after the plc" is balled. if 11(1 U l with- ttva crusts , iflik ranagol h0 meet to flexor the pia, if ]ik110d. 01)8 by •• clelcacy i8 macre lt'onn removing from largo red variety. Fill the Corel me - !ties With seeded raisins, add a little water and slake soil, :le desired. Cover with the whites Of two eggs beaten stiffly. T have discover"rl that many nun despise this "svap- sett" toppoing to ((1141 1', h'or apple Charlotte, bettor a leap pudding With, inciIt, 4villh buttered slices of 1110 bread or 1 (4.011) rolls, core the te•ust trimmed off; Parc, core, anti slice tact apples to ell it, sprinkling mole laye.t 101 11 sugar 011(1 a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg, dot- ting the surface with hits Of (idle'. Add a very little hot Crater and cover with the buttered bread 0r roll, 1'ut a tin cover over, surd long enough to cools the apples; re- curve cover anti brown lightly. Serve trot, with sugar and cream. Kiee henwnre -It is better when purchasing kitchenware to get the best grade of enamel in the pots and Palls, 1L is leas• like], toiron y chip than the cheaper, it is easily kept clean and looks well taken it is dean, is not subject to the same drawback as brass, and 15 lighter than iron, and touch cleaner than tin. To maize a novel !neat -ball stew, season a pound of hamburg steals to taste and roll Into tiny Balla about the sire of 0 walnut. 13oi1 slowly an hour, and then add a third of a cup of rice, The treat balls keep 111011• shape, and make a delicious 1 stew. T g 6 not to be U1clarvaluedasl an tide of diet, for its energy-pr°clueing pro- P°rtirs are well known, t,.ere is tile tie doubt but that, els n nation, w0 eat tar too muoh sweet siert. ,Lean_ ing out of the question the foolish and digestion -destroying habit of candy eating, we lvaSte tons of sugar 6"O( yearly over -sweetening our food- witness t1' sugar in the bottom 01 the cups at almost ally meal, \Ve deluge our porridge (unless we hap- Pen to be Scotch),our fruit, our that tips, delicatetflavor of the stood is lost. This is all slitter waste, and it is for the lunne-1111 sr, in the in- 1crests of both her pocketbook rind the health Uf her constituency, 1.0 lead them back fate the paths o1 partial abstinence, Let the tea and coffee be less mad, encourage the eatllg •of porridge •without •a think lase of sugar, IeL the fruit never coati long atter the sugar is added, as muoh of its sweetening properties is thereby lost. �" �` , BOY C� NO OFFICE I� + �J !Sill �-•-- 11}13 ALSO INHERITS . FORTUNE, Clerk in Lawyer's (Mil York Hears of Acees Title, Yestordny an office I. and even hell) Is with w hl or six dollars n tt'eel ' John eldwar41, of Cte solo heir of the late and Ulu iii' JOlill Who ]]]tree LL (1111 This is the sLwy 0 (fart y y, office boy at No. Now York, sto'y goes further, tolls Cella vI tt time when if3 ye lived !n Maine and was 1 mother that 101TIU day ]1 oail y and it o to a pa (tt the humble }tone the ! pied from the 1t(01( of eve country from Wales., A seem0d Lo tho boy, thous }night boa knlgllt in Wall he became fifteen, ho so to the family and carte le to make hie awn fortune. 1INl)S BOY I1Lilt A7 It Was in the °Alco of 11110 that he Obt01110l 111a there he worked until or when the lawyer tubo has in for him for wcoks g humbly carrying manuser. office, So little difference tete and the prospect of ado opulence made in John M' until he received permissi to his home he sill] o1)030(1 the commands of tor. WHAT 11,rtALL I DO M John McGarr f8 of ht.e age, and has lived, since Maine home three years his uncle, at No. 60\1 Ea New York. 1110 fortune hereto(' is estimated at .1 $500,000. To a quiet, self -contain Youth who has been colla small wage the nequisil}o1 is overwhelming. "What shall do with i "TL's a 41/011ng u• P 1. question whelms me, though T dot there wee ever a boy on i did not dream of beingtil of as much money as ti have, and who hadn't. places to Put it. course, 14vi11 see a[ 1,110 tvorki. Who i that seen New 'Yolk' and ell it and Imore or n�lillepossessor 1 who bwou for himself what it is a about.? EAGER TU HELP O. "'hen think of the fun 00111fe8 for (Icing good. own little- section of the seemed to nu, boy thougl call mo, that I would so everybody 11110 11110(15 only make them get along in ' which isn't so easy after Sir John is a studious ; few tendencies of the. bo period, and, as aptly ext tho man he has sewed ws years, his hall million w sj)ellt In a ICN years t0.1 and the trifles which boys usual] consider so bulls Y 1 The late Sir John Tr ono of the best-known r Cardiff, the famous shippi: Tree, York and -other wes Itis fortune was made h business, and was e: a vast sunt by the peep] who affectionately spiels John." CROWN EXPECTED L The borne to which the John will retire is a w Welsh city of more than thousand popple, to all 01 'Edwards fortune is known It was supposed, would re Crown, as no heir teas lt; time, The lawyers Iron Maine tonnes'the fortunate office inheritance have been se. him in this comrtry for w Tho name of Sir Joh sloes not appeal' in 'Pit age. ' endureth for of the Trish the deepest reit_ y not abide g' In mental that per- The doctrine at dt a new world. old world; we our opinions (11(l not with the down- system el as• awoke one day ity tb0 COI]') a 'atrium, receive the sun null.. n d in re-; 3 , anposs(ble, besought the and was cozetent one little buena though Chatlls oxen's views ,ii of all human of life remain the opinions of and differ. that their rnli-i4vords away; that the as God's its position of that the the creeds, hold the at-,,spake of men and faith itself is back with long• when there was of the when men be- as they did the truth to ob-'theory never existed; ideal imagine- been ekePti- been goes• and vexa- one Ancient to -day is questionings (1 8 q the attitude of to -da'? Sinl 'v 3 Y n • the old to proclaim the old forme- better, must grow until finally it -shall die the supp")sI(1 and tho tt !n. return, bly to r iR0 reading thing been imposed seine church b cLtuso 10117. 11111108 vv n nature, affinity things 1(01(8 ,not, abide the soul ,for it I 'Phis , IUII, �i •g !no criticism, it, Without worship• fortes I inevitable. . consider .c 1., that fouedatian tlon-.d, f"31 n by this 1111• ;thou ht ,Ro •tlgcy ' infallible but as IOP 111x11 own. make :lays natures can enjoy 'Wally 'ta the I The ;'nothing to nourish jiutegral .liblo as 'Bien, • , aspirations Hest life do not and faith that is hie. !ran}. to higher 'feeds and divine word of T NEEDLE HARING IN ENGLAND -- Trade has Been Staxted and Lost Several Times. Tho history of making needles in England 1s a curious one, far tho art ti has 41 0a`100 to8 11100 110 rig( e, mes osL f 013o 1111 }is}7. 440 of s e e 1 en o O lei lfal'Y• Needles were Zest made in Ir. ng- land at that time it a negro from 3' Spain, who sot up n shop and foe a time prospered of his trade. At hes death it was found that he had the trade tit no one, and the English had to go abroad for their needles until 15ti5, when a German artisan taught a few mechanics the mnnne' of Cheer making, The trade soot flied put again for some reason, and not until 1G1i0 was it revived by a foreign workman, 4°110 °onduc!te:7 Itis operations on so ]apg0 a scale that there was 110 of the secrot of longer any f• till' tll0er matlufacture behlg lost. }`hes was the first. time that the method- of makin • them was not 6 shrouded in secrecy, and soon the Illauufactm'° •of needles because an imptrtant industry, the Whitechapel needles becoming famous the world over. Thele are 11011 several centres, in addition to the London quarter q where the needle industry nourishes, Birmingham 010110 producing as many needles in a day as ih0 orginal yvork- man macre in hie lifetime. • gggg-���� THE INTERNATIONAL 'eesson Temple. I,PISSON Note. -These esso'n are Intervening the principal vibes and others, aravan 3aI4olonia the urnin+•b is 37 servants oral of there rad women," 115008. ham 8,156 6,720 35 camols, est tiling 1 of the choosing 011100 by emoted soma 10 seventh ambled in 'Instituted ohovah he beginning 10 rebuilding o simple non and ar and try, Y, longer 0711 of the ur lesson vents accompanying foundation Vere 10, char riests, Cad, "The Their apparel riest,9 consisted Fixed, 280 Mg coat ne linen; tale coloi:a ire the Holy 11 their mem. Excel. . 15), •Sans of le assignment Mete t0 1 the cymbals 1 Asaph, it.h 1 (Sheol. 1.I, They reliably, I lnterprelrtt10n, phonal sing ing;alterente tell oilier. l: '7-10: specially hilted': 1.110wirlige, !mens early e111lssihle iib 1`egar1-t0 la' hpvr"jt'Was eleee 1',.. S. S. Jtrf.t3,�L! — OCT, 22. IV. Rebuildingthe Golden 1 Cor. 3. WORD Word based on Version. Events largely to men families, priests, who accompantied of ,returning to Jerusalem. number of stated as and maids, 19,607 persons. were 200 that This company' beasts wero asses and 245 necessary caravan at and establishing the returning months. month the Jerusalem "all the that were pf the of the a matter. prepared stones lite vas two 101000 building could g story begins of the 1 LESSON LESSON LESSON, Test, 17. STUDIES. Studies for this the text n1 the -Chapter 2 Is an enumeration and heads of Levites the exiles from In rzra 2, Israelites re- 42,860 plus 7,- making a Of this "singing men is, professional took with of burden, of 736 horses, nudes. The after the a -rely- Jerusalem was of exiles. •this At last in peoplo rens- and at once set feasts of consecrated." actual work of temple was not Cedars of Lab- were news- 3 -ears and two 1.110 actual be begun. g with the the layin • of temple. g is, these Ret the rnanuacl^iPts dense of the 811or't breaches 0f ane linen; a also matte of woven of the in the veil he- a cap of linen. wore nothing g 27-39; Josh, 1(11111111-•I•"or inatrmneitai by 7lavid and to the sons C.'hrnn. 25, 1 1 5 sad 135. R. 1.0 a110tatel'- the tradition- refers in an- two choirs -rued) ill respons• tp psalms 118 1111;, were suite(? Our 110wever, eon- mimic slakes it 3prefsence authoritatively music,was used ,shouter 1tn0rvo , his invdu1- kindness Israel" not a but rattler used at the well-known itself lased. fulfillment 10, 11, 1.2. Old first house fees to been destroyed one years later could seen the \y1 t P extreme parat.ive being erected in its 13. Could the O'hotit the weeping marked inauguration upon the I5 hand, 0t11 r' terse and Benjamin ing just series 2. Since king of the son rib. To had revolted Babylonia, tared and city, called doll," new city, roundin with captives tants., sattlod which d1scet1anis hall intermarried of Jews w were a) to the le- to that the colonists the fact 131)11, descant would them, •1. Weakened We Of Nerve, hindered prise in 5: 111(11) to. frustrate fat' pay, before. the prises and nsth•m. aeries volauseil 01 Tian, tomo.] Cyrus and fo(1(11111` Ito reign "T'111 d0ntcu ' want when etemo 11118 endureth forever toward -These words are probably quotation from tate psalms, a liturgical response sacred festivals, upon which psalm, Psa. 136, was This 00080 is a marked cef the prophecy, .Ter. 83. which (ampere. men that had seen the -The "first hottest" re- Solomon's temple, which had in 58<i B. C. Hft - 1 before. 'Even sixteen years tile - Prophet Haggai (2. 8) still a eat to some who Bad pp minter temple. with a loud voice -In' their sorrow hrc•01100 of the come insignificance of the house to the former temple glory, not discern the noise of of joy from the noise of of the people -A mostg difference of effect which the of the buil'd'ing had younger people. on the one Pi 1 and the older people, on the I. The 0(1019a1•11'1 of J'udale The Samaritans live to the north, called adver- by anticipation. the clays of Esar-hadelon, Assyria-Fester-haddon was and 411cees8Or of Semlache- the Year 677 13. C. Sidon from the 0ltiho'ity of but was promptly cap- n destroyed: and another "The City of Asar-harl- was built in Ito place. This together with the sur- • country, was colonized front F}am and Baby- P P and of these captives n,.a(1y as far 5on111 as t.hr. region 6 we know as feamaria, The of these 0110nist5, who with the r'ennant Stell dwelling in ChD country, nix. raw, adhering pertly ed g P religion of the Jews and art- of the land from which had come. 130cansr, of that they were. net Jews of the. 10(111 e(1 ,' I(8 have nothing to do wenn g the fends 0f the pep -g Judah -Put 0hsta0108 in their 'linen in their enter- eei:l', manner 104Rlhle. V T eunese..lore Against them their pilt'pose--11°11 who, markt false repres0111at.(0ns 11111 00111,1001 the 111 g p wink of the .revs at Jer- inner' of Persia -Not In he with "Darius till''41,'.(11m1" i. :;1. Tha 1,111g' hetrh re- t0 was the third 1'111°7' after the renteimizer of (81(0 of tJhe '1 (4(tn empire, l 11.0111. 522 to 54.8 13, 0, a d T SENTENCE SERMONS. Half-hearted service is always 110019. Feat' vice most when she wears the veil. Yoe- may know a man by the Yping friends he drops. Steely souls aro not troubled with doubt -dam )s. F There's e tack somewhere for ever y pneumatic saint. P4To creed that is worth. publishing can be put into type. Without the seise of stewardship culture becomes a curse. No Ivan is going to buy your piety if your peanuts are ancient. The slumber of one saint is no ex -umber (use tot• true sloth of another. `.'he best way to bear your dross is to share another's cares. The only things that are estab- 1is11e1 are those that ilev°1• stand still. When 0. man has religion 14 his heart be will not need it on his hal:- band. - The lightweight man always thinks that, his buoyancy i8 duo to ]lis wings. elle only version of the bible au- thorizec} by heaven is the one On two toot. The devil mattes a lot of people iic_ liove that ]tis 1 11)11101 ie their think- jag' Most sten have less trouble in for- or- getting their follies than in fore- going' them. 11,ey "'1'h ken •dpm °0100," Don't1 y g and tion block the era°]c with your O(11 0lla. N° slave is more Securely bound than 110 who 't11(140 he is free to serve hiulself alono. ft's better to have a little sense of the practical. in mildest titan the g l]]]est eppreciation oe Jia Poetic as- Preis alone. t ^-¢----- t T.IY WILL T I U\VL,R. ne as acquI. that: young Sprig- gins 5,haC(lvh'CQ •CU71RIf1Cl'nl1U wester during the two Yeats of my absence from town," "Yes; and :11'9 all the result of S11Cer will power," '"Will pourer? You surprise me. I 1 newel' suspected him of having the least particle of it en his ]Marie -up." "(To didn't; it was the will power o/ his lata la1neted1 111)01e." •-•'—"4' - 0 GOVERNOR OF GIBRALTAR.gradually; General Forestier -Walker, who Succeeded Sir George White. g Gen,• Sir Frederick Forestior-\Valk• er, who has just. been appointed t., tho Governorship of Gibraltar, is o man not only of great wetilth•, but likewise of much force of character, When he wee formerly at the Cape of Good ITope years ego as military secretary to Sir Bartle Free°, the Governor-General of South Africa, h,: tendered his resignation 011 two se- paste occasions rather than teke any part in the policy that seemed like yielding to the Boers, and was only with difficulty persuaded to re main. 'lits wile, too, prior to her marriage was a Miss 11055, one of the fr lent beauties OP the T,onda11 season., possesses as much nerve as her gal- 7ant husband, and whet the latter comrnan(led the tlet p5 fa c ypt she eat not only all Uab o and Alexan dria., hut evert thepooplc fn honodet, (100100Witig ire 111tu 1adyer fight, foGre1)1011 rete whose 'Mebane' t Wile ttietlile '4 5, r or 1100 U•One•al-m Gyp ai'ntrv' 'PI ildspute was Illy settled by the mediation rind arbitration 01 the late Duke of Cambridge, UNDER THE IJ1ICRC _ Tea Leaver; Betray the I Dead Insects. A 7311 artist adjusted a di t r0 5000 and asked a frits through. • ""\Vhy,"" exclaimed the looks ]flee a railway wtetl You rico looking at the jlewit)ilroivthe sliclOterpillar," (mid hando re in its plae°,> "This looks like a battle the tyl•0. ":Lt is 0111 tha remains a sing, (Lada ray," came 1 In answer to further int botanist statoll that tin were taken from an ordv' Of tea. Tea," he said, bushes, eo leaves. are p }land. Imagine y0ursel rosebush after 1'O9ebtlsllt mita of their leaves. dative pickers wort( pl°k V many as bundle 1 of loaves a eny-a bundle 1 • a man. plant the "NON, ibC } a t ib hundred insects, and the 1)11bo doesn't pause to bre leaf or to R'n5(1 it, for ho Wo say, by Pi°e° work, "Tho picked leaves St's charcoal fires. They sterile heat, arc} the insect: inn them change to (111st.. Looks, to tho ordinary 04) fragments. 1311t under the it 1.001`8, CIS Stolt roseate insect railway wreck or a 110(14.111 `� ...._,¢--._....-. A LASS AND A TeA0 A letugg1118*"That least . Int Metal 11midrf, is awfully • he?" Briggs - •;430 ha3 a lac of 1.1111(1'' 111uggins-"A lael( of rue, Ten blvwp;;; end someoneo • was =• stet rt lee of 1110(1(,1 FTOUSLFfOLD HINTS. Shortening made of halt lard and half rendered beef dripping is su- Porno' as well as cheaper than whole all of one kind. 04lds and enrds of nater strainccaw be 11111ouohit( (11000 �i g _ 1°f se -cloth, of hould always which 1• liberal hand I Y sb kept hand, and when Codd the Cat retnoverl from the water, 114(8 as well as 1110 first mentioned is good for pia crust and cookies, and even for delicate cakes' if user] with half butter'. To :Keep le P 1180. -It scorns ('(.1100 late ill the senate,. to he preserving eggs, but as they will be higher be- fora they are Lowe' a good method may b0 worth intsnvi'nF'. This in 110 l esrsay, but ..tile Mode of procedure of a Toronto woman who dale's that In I ebruary if elle boils an egg so Preserved awl a freshly -laid one she 00111/01 tell the difference. J110 1(eep8 1)01110;0, eo perhaps has a bot'- tar chance than the average horse- , 6' keenere th ring. August and Sep- tembel' as span as the eggs are )sought in those which. have. perfect- ly clean shells are :sheared with basil butter and packed its salt, ' this -packer claims that an egg with a soiled Shell, no matter how well cicanad OTL,,,,,e `d8, simile never be used for keeping; also that the eggR should by packet( the day they are sato, and that. !lie bettor used must• be of prune q 1111144' It is to the al100(ioll of thee° Octane, rather than -(0 any virtue in the salt they aro pa°ked in, that she ltttribut°8 (u her 1nv•ying ante unusual su0(ess, 1 is Ch1 scaling of the entree of L1}o x11011 Stith rt mire &ease ' 111(0 the They set -That of the building Some auaient priests stood." -The of 42)made with sleeves a girdle, g that were Place; felt 11)8)'. ;3. 5; 39, • Asaph wit'.h g of the Lashes specially compare 1 1.6, 4, sang one as has been this ing in which phrases Serb lar,; :107: 118 to such rendering. ,Tetelsll to spears what: 1•end4rc+d, 14 ("11 il. rue+ 1VORLl1'S Ol'DT':ST ltlPh'3l,l:q. xSwit•Lerlan(d is cieetl•a.ting the anal- var8ary 0f its inaugcusation (Insley a Federal Government, whieb. stamps the 00untt,y as 010 0111191 Re mblie nl 1 the (10.1(1. Tho St4i5R 1 onfedol•atiotl had its origin. in a league composed foe p111110001 of defence by the mel hr' cantons 0f Uri Sch4v z of t10 three i, 291 and Untel•wal111 S° fat' )00 a5 1 As ypats event on other cantons juin- ad he Confederation, so to of the latest brant, Lhe (7antons of Genova, talar, and Neuchatel. — e MOSL1':1) GTete VES • A 11,10510ln grave 111 =1'171' (0, when 6 1 (7 it. is •y 'egg 0aco it has poen f1 le 1, never }reopened on any account. With a view to r1InOT1e the faintest chance of ro{ng thea defile L11a ea --1s it let ui )rC'4 Lren 0n ave• 41(00 1'n«n11• dlatcly eft:rr rho burial g1htis enticing g 114011• cel11(111118 1•4.8emb}0 for- 1' psLs' ---a-*4.-- (7111110*Whet lure you genrnbling eborrt? few': want the uart.h?" Otis- trxlnnr•--"140. not in- the 811trnr,", 16NCOURAGIED TO SING, A.t the work,) of a Wal'rfntan, IEng- land, firm of soap -maker's the girl employes ate etic00rag041 to fling part- serge 4011110 at work, Tito object is to relieve the m0notolry. In filo de- partlnen.ts that Pemba more than thine? gheeand -have not noisy machinery, they aro ene0ura.god to slug clueing the last, iron' of work In the Morning and 114 the afternoon, sure you would be cool le the c,1 simmer, dilly." "Well, I to bans(, Agnes, but you have seen the way I kept my I called on your lathe'," Or. 0110 sp1" W" SIR' LARGE :e in New siou to 0y, contend trag•e of '(yo to -clay Sia diet', Wales. fortune of few wer's f John dfa• :.789 b'u'e•th though an 1 ar-old John old by lee U might be ace Instead anllly molt- ing to this fat' try it h, until bo 18, 80, when CI good -hyo 1 New York WORN:. the maga- chance, anti Thursday, been looks ound -him tat: in the prosperity ration 000 .0arry time on to re- obedienlle his su0Or• 7ITIT ort years of lenyiug his ago. with gle avenue. ho leas fn. 100}000 or' d, retiring nt with e of wealth L?" said he It 0081'- t't suppose. !oath who e p0550ss00 nay say f ( thousand teething Of it who has holds for ;)1 wealth- ldn't know 11 for and 'HERS. lite opeor- 7evon It ms city it 11x9 it they may like to help a little to the world, 3)' ,, youth, with y of the 70088011 by )11 for throe 111 not be cigarettes of his agi pensable, (wards wag esidents of ng point to tern ports. 3 the ship. Ideated at of Wales, e of "Sir STATI7. future Sir ell known a hundred whom the and which vert to tbo sown for a who in - boy of hie arobing for. .eks . n 1ldward8 rko's Peer• r05ouce of ]li0at0 mic- a to (1003) ' tyro, "it remains .of Latlist; and put anoth- teeth," said of a sloth, fee answer. 1tui3'ies the specimens try packet grows en 1110110d by f stripping mile after fast. They 10 potutds igge• than pray 01 a pdckor In eft off each w00ke, as Med 0n :I under the v00 among :'his (lists e, lilies leaf microscope ed, like en pigmy bat- (1AY. liar 84101.1, jch, isn't rupees, my es? Well 01(1 ase Ito 1"