HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-19, Page 5WINGHAM
1s a Hlgh•grado Comrporohtl School.
Three Commies r
Commercial Stenography TolographY
Write CEO, BPO'1'TON, I'rlpcltntl.
n During Recent Months the S
$ con, Torten AND A1,100141= STD. $
has received TNN, 211ETan0, Tw1ENTY
and own PUTT Ilmea an many emits
for Stenographers, Bookkeepers, oto.,
as It had Students graduating during
the same months, 00020012±1010±00.ies offered were from 240 a mouth to
81280 per =min. This clearly MM.
galea the best. Scheel for 20002 hien
and woolen to patronize- Eater now.
Magnificent catalogue free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
L`sS-15�'S$P5t:iF F CM
Suecessor 10 1)r. J. A, MoNBlightoil
Itrueael9, Mainly
Graduate of Polyclinic Post Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, NoYork
Member of College of Physicians mud Sur•
goons of Ontario.
OIIloe and resideuea same as formerly ix: -
copied by Dr. MoNaughtou.
Diseases of women a specialty.
'Phone No. al.
lY ala.
ant F.B. QtlOTT, Bruns
2 2• Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Of
Ace at Grocery, Turnborry street, Bronson.
].1 ARMS FOR SAaNED has LE goo HEFarn woo
sale sad to rent, easy terms, in 'rowuehlpt
of Morrie and Grey. 2 8. 80021 . swoon
C. O. F.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.29, 0.0.1.,
Brueeela, meets in their Lodge Room,
Biook, on the and and last Tueatlave of
ouch month, at 80'olocll. Visiting -brethren
always welcome. A
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
• NEB, will sell for better prices, to
better men in less time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Heron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
0a1 always be arranged at this oibo0 or by
psreona1 application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for
at the oftloe of '100 Pose, Brussels. 22381
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet.
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die-
easee of dongoatleated animals .in a coronet,
(Mt manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fovar. Calle
promptly attended to. Office and infirmary
-Four doors North of bridge, Toroberry et.,
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
8uo0000or to G. F. Blair. 011lee over Stan-
dard Bunk, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro.
polltall stook.
• Barrister, Solioltor, ,Oonveyaneer,
Notary Publio, deo, OISoo-StoWart'c 131ook
1 door North of Ooutral Rotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. Pttog22o0T,E. O. Bram. It, 0, BAYS
Ofaoes-Those formerlyc occupied by Messrs
OatnnGonnialOrt, GN1Am0.
Graduate of ' the Royal College of Dental
Graduate f of Ontario and
University. Ooiaveee
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
IIThis email advortlo0ment retro•
86010 ono of the largest and beet Bus,
1Mote Colleges in Canada. No School
3 lo the Dominion duos more for its
010400381 than We do, To our know•
11 lodge not One of our graduates i0 nm
employed, We got far more appilea•
None tltan'wo 0338 meet. You may 5
enter at any time,
C±0T R rite for Our free Catalogue, '
11 Prineinnis, U'f
Still in the bnoinoso handling Pampa of
all lints, both iron or wood.
The Marvel Windmill, one of the boat
makes, is handled by tn.
Water 'Peeks of various 01yee made to
order, Repairs promptly attended to
and at roaaonable prices.
12R -Orders loft at 'Pun Po0T, BnnsemLs,
will have our prompt attention.
Rlis1rxt:t .,env It
.48 8. vNOlDA.
Tax Oolieotor Walter Hamilton ie an
the war path.
A. M. Little lett for Kingston where be
will rename his studies at Qneou'e.
hire, MoLeen, of Blyth, 30 spending a
few weeks visiting bel daughter, Mrs.
MoVioar, at the manse.
A Loam OPTION campaign ie to be
carried on in Biala township and the
Connell will be petitioned in respect to ie.
Jae. Abbott, stage driver, is entirely
recovered from an attack of typhoid fever.
Hie daughter Eleanor is also getting over
ao atla0k of ibo same dieeaee.
The new 0, 0. F. Hall was formally
dedicated on Wednesday evening of last
week. The atteudanee wan fairly large
there being a number of visiting brethren
Wm. Holman has a two year old oar•
nage mare, aired by Oliver Wiikea that
hen oaptored 16 first prizes and three
eweepetakoe for the beet mare in her
class, also 0aplured the honors al the
rltratford Horne Show in a class of 18
pn0g1 oa013p84no0. filRt ioptihzreee n year lolodrd Salm•
e class of I6 ; also 8 firsts and 2 eeoonds
at other fairs.
(, o(lerlolt.
About 40 ele0trio light metres hove
been placed in private houses the past
week. •
The annual meeting of the Goderioh
branch of the Lord's Day Allianoe was
held on Wednesday afternoon.
An action against M. A. Pigott & 0o.
for having their men work On Snndttye
was entered by the Lord's Day Alliance.
Alex. Saunders, manager of the Gods.
riob Organ Go., wee agoio elected to the
executive board of the Canadian Mann.
featurers' Aasooiation.
The protest against the election of
M. G. Cameron 0e member of the
Legislature for Wein Huron was die•
missed ted
at ()epode node Han.
L. 0. L. No. 182 decided to celebrate
the Gunpowder Plot by tendering an
oyster [topper and entertainment in
their owu hall on Mouday evening
November 6th.
Dr, J. b. Turnbull has returned from
British Columbia and raonmed Iiia
praotioe. He brought home Dome very
fine apples, three of them shown in G.
M. Elltott'e window weighing 3 lbs., ,7}
on., the largest being 1 Ib., 3 oze.
Quite a number of children of school
age have been and are employed by
oitizeoe, end to stop this the School
Board has directed its officers to en.
(orae the Troenoy Act, and we that those
employing euoh children are deals with
wording to law, so it will ,bo well if
parents and employers keep in line with
the., School Aol.
The glory and entiefaotion of beautiful
womanhood won be known only to those
possessing the unlimited advantages of
health. No wean woman eau be happy
or enj )ythalf the pleasures of lite. Pallid
cheeks, woken eyes, exhaneted uervee, alt
tell of a terrible !Atoggle to keep up,
What the weak woman needs ie Ferro
zone ; it renews, restores and' vitalizes
instantly -its a "woman's remedy;'-
that'e why.
Ferrozone makes women strong, plump
and healthful beoauseit contains lots of
nutriment, the kind that forme muscle,
sinew, bone and nerve. Vitalizing blood
courage through the body, making delight.
ful color, happy spirits, true womanly
etrenglh. Fifty Dente bays a box of
Ferrozone in any drag store.
The town band intend putting on a
minetr01 show in Drayton ou Thanks-
giving Day.
Work i0 being pushed along rapidly
at the Campbell block which Mr. Bohin-
bein r00entty paroba0ed.
Thos. Kay baa returned home from
New Ontario, where he has been with
the Bolton oarveytug.party for the poet
two menthe.
Christ Oburoh ettrplieed choir drove
over to Atwood on Monday evening
and asoieted in the harvest thanksgiving
sorvioes leo St. Albau'o oharoh,
A emelt blaze occurred at the gats
works on Sunday motni0g of lain week,
the root being Ignited by apatite trona the
hood. A fire alarm wail sounded and the
brigade qulokly responded, but their ser.
vines were not needed, as the fire had
been extinguished by s stream from a
small pomp at the works.
A telegram from Roobeeter, N. H„
from Alex, Buzzard on 'Puesday, an.
nounoed that the mare Pearl Tipping
had woo in the 2,15 race that
plane, malting a mile in 2.10,
on a half mile track, Tbia
makes Rix coueeoutive Wine for the mare
shoe she was taken oyer to the other aide
to 000e.
O. Zilliax, late proprietor of the
Queen's Hotel, and family, left law( week
for Toronto, where they will reside,
Previono to their departure Mr, Zilliax
was presented within' easy 011 air of polish.
ed oak and leather upholstered. The
presentation was made on Tuesday even.
ing at the . Queen's, in tbo; presence Of a
large gathering of Mr, Zflliax'e friends,
Mayor Watson presiding, All present
expressed their appreciation of Mr. Zir.
liax'e qualities toe a lan4lotd and wished
him and 1330 estimable wife and family
many happy years enjoyment of city life,
Mr. Zill3ax has puroitaeed a oommodioao
residence on College etroet, where he
purposes living retired on hie tomforttble
oompateno0. Bis boya, Will. and Ohne.
are tasting pooitb0ns in the oily, the for. ,1111,,
mot now having a position as typewriter
30 au inenranoe office.
W 0. x .-
Rov, Mr, Qaterhout and °there wire in
Teeewator last week ttttundlug the ills.
triol meeting and tunnel D•oiriot ER•
worth League Convention.
Ata meeting of the Indio of the
Methodist °huruh a bullet!' Aid was
organized. The following are the
oflioevo : -President, Mro, (Bev,) ()Bier.
bout ; Vloe Pres., Mrs. Brown ; Secre-
tory, Mrs. Thos. Walker ; 'Trete., Biro.
T. Hemphill.
F. Y. Vahan had a visit from A. P.
Westervelt, director of the live stook
bran0h of the Ont. Dap, of Agrionitnre,
Mr. Weetervelt'o vioit was for the par.
pose of obtaining for the department r0•
formation regarding the rearing of
pigeons and the shipping and marketing
of squabs.
Dr, M. A V. Armstrong has gone
The chopper in Fordwiah Flour Mill
is now roe by steam 0s the water in the
pond is too low.
The pupils of our pnhlio school nap.
Lured five out of elx prizes in penman•
ship at the Howiok Fall Fair.
The plank walk leading to the Orange
Hall has been torn up. The hill will be
out down and a gravel walk will lake the
place of the plank.
A series of 0vmug0lfetio 0erv1oe0 was
opened in the Methodist ohuroh on
Toeaday of lent week. Evangelist Grigg,
of London, is in oharge.
Rev. T. H. Farr, B, A„ the new rooter
of Gerrie pariah has taken oharge of the
seri/idea in Trinity ohuroh and made a
favorable impreestou.
Eli Barrie tvho hoe been stopping with
hie brother at Port Huron, Mich., for the
past eighteen menthe, was received at
Huron House of Betago, Clinton.
If your child comes in from play mongh.
ing or evidences of Grippe, Bore Throat,
or Wellness of any kind, get our bottle of
Nerviline. Rub the sheet and nook with
Newil' a, and giveinternal doses of ten
t° e
drape of Nerviline in eweoteued water
every two hours. This will prevent any
serious trouble. No liniment or pain re.
Bever equals Polaon'e Nerviline, whlah
haw been the great family remedy in
Canada for the past fifty years. Try a
25o. bottle of Nerviline.
R, Willie & Son are having the interior
of their store repainted otherwise bright.
ened up.
Mrs. Harry Christmas, of St. Thome,
ie at present visiting her enter, Mre. J.
W. Duncan.
Mies Alice Smith, formerly head
milliner at Pickard',, has gone to visit
t Perry, Panto.her sister iny,
Dr, and Mrs. Cooper are upending a
couple of weeks renewing old acquaint•
ancea is Sinharn anil v y.
Frank Murphy who has been working
for John Habkirk left for the Soo. He id•
tends to spend the Winter there.
The attendance in the Collegiate this
year is very satiefaolory, being a ooneid•
arable in080a08 on that of last year.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth-
odist ohuroh are making arrangements
for their annual supper on the evening
of Thanksgiving Day, Oct. 26th.
A large amount of sugar beets are be.
log shipped from the local etatiou this
week to Berlin. There will be 20 or 80
oars to go from here %hie Beason.
The football game which WWI to have
been played between the Seuforth Col,
legiate Institute and Clinton has been
postponed indefinitely. The new
regulations whioh state that in future all
football games shall be home and home
for the Hough Cup accounts for the
Thos. Mania and family have moved
to Stratford.
The public school board is improving
the gr000de by planting oboioe faros.
The Clinton Knitting 00, secured its
oharter from the Ontario Government
last week.
A telephone has been pat into the Ex-
press ofioe. This will be of great public
Goo. Davie has rented Dr. Blaokall's
former office on Immo Street, and will
nee it ne an implement wareroom.
Fred Forrester, eon of D, A. Forrester,
who has been employed with the Canadian
Atlantio Railway at Depot Harbor, ie
home on a visit.
The Ladies MCI Sooietiea bas ge0erone.
ly daoided to install electric: lights in
Wesley 0hurab Parsonage, providing the
coat does not exacted A oertain figure.
W, Graham, who i0 looking after the
interests of the Berlin Sugar Beet Fao
tory, compote to ship at least fitly oar
loads from Clinton, one hundred from
Exeter and varying quantities from other
pointe in the oonuty.
F i Y nit
we have the most exclu.
sive lines on sale. Good
practical Furniture at
very low prices.
15 per cent, of.
Moore Bros.
Furniture Men.
Good Linea Low Priced
Mise Bthelind Howson, daughter of
Rev. W. G. Howson, formerly of Clinton,
ie tatting a oourae In nursing in the
Western Hospital, Toronto, preparatory
to miaaion work in China.
D. L. Molntyre, who boos been foreman
for the Jaokeou Manufeeturing Co. for
tome time, bee aweptod n position with
the Johnston Manufaotaring Oo., of Tor.
onto, and will probably take charge of
one of their brannh factorise.
A few days since A. T. Cooper retooled
a dollar bill in a letter. It was wrapped
up in a sheet of note paper on which was
written the words "Yours not mine."
There a o e' nal re or date r ex.
wag Ig n , 0
planation beyond these words, mod while
he is glad to get the dollar, he has no
idea what it is for. -
You oonidn't be otherwise with snob a
dietreeeirg malady, Well, for one dollar
spent on "Oatarrhozone" you can be
thoroughly oared. Foolish to delay, be.
canoe aetbma steadily grows worse. Get
Oatarthozone to day and aura yourself ;
it's pleasant to not, very simple, and
guaranteed. Prescribed by thoneande of
doctors and need by the people of nine
natiooe-Oerta±sly Oaearrhozone mast be
good ; it hasn't failed yet, no matter how
chronic the wee.
8. M. Sanders has pnrobaeed the old
pork peaking house from F. Wood.
Messrs. Sweet & Bawden have nom•
plated the new walk from the Main•sl.
chnroh to the river,
Anniversary oervioee will be held in
the Presbyterian ohuroh on Sunday
and Monday, 002, 22nd and 28rd.
Fred MoPheraoo, while playing at the
eobool, fell and split one of his knee.
cape, which will lay him np for some
The town oonoail and Charles B.
Beell made n verbal agreement regard.
ing the electric, lights, by which Mr.
Snell is to be given a ten year trnuobieo
at the expiration of ebe present term in
awe he parebaaee a 150 horsepower en-
gine, installs new aro lights on the tureen
and otherwise improves the plant so
se to give a first °lase light.
The Advooate of last week ,aye
Thio week Bees another of our beet
known and moat highly reepeo/ed reel
dente paw from thio life and woes the
dark stream that separates tui from
eternity. We rater co the death of
Wm. Hawkehaw, who died on Tuesday
morning last about eleven o'olook. The
deoeased bae been in failing health for
Rome time, the oommenoement of which
may bo jnetly attributed to an m3108100 -
ate aooident that befell him some three
years ago by Lalling into the cellar at the
Commeroinl House sustaining anolr in-
juries to his opine and otherwise that he
never thoroughly recovered. On Moto.
day lain he suffered a stroke of paraly.
Die and despite the best medical aid
and tender mare at the hands of the
immediate friends, he never rallied,
remaining in an nn0onea1one state till
death pot an end to his suffering. Mr,
Hawkehaw was born in Toronto town.
chip, county of York, in the year 1888.
For the greater part of his life he was
engaged in the hotel baeinees and by
hie varied experience wale ane of the
most widely known men in Western
Ontario, having conducted beton in
Exeter, Blyth, Wingham, Seafortb,
Parkhill, Loudon and St. Marge. A
little over a year ago be retired from
At Old i']•1Cesr
°fir a mxt
Although Shoes have advanced great-
ly in price we pluoed our orders eo early
that we secured all our Pall and Winter
goods so we am give you the old prices
altitonglt so many are forded to ask the
advanoe. Remember we nail no advance
and still continue to give 5 per cent, off
to all cash purohasers. Full stook of the
Newest and Beet in Shoos.
Harness Department
In our Harness Department will be
toned Rubber Rugs, Pinola and Wool
Rugs, Blankets, Trunks and Valises,
Robes, &o.
1''Oomfortable Dwelling for sale cheap.
buoineao owing to failing health and
with hie wife lived privately, lie was
a roan of excitable temperament but
was while t„Itrted and tree, He was
po00000ad «f a kindly diopoeition and
pia hoopitob u nature won for him
hoots of Iriend0 who will learn with
deep regret of his demise, Mr, Hawk.
,haw was a Maned' Oonoervative and
was a member of the &toaonie,, Oddfel•
Iowa, Workmen and Orange Sooietiee,
the latter of whiob he ranked in the
high degrees, being a member of the
Black Knights, Deceased woe twine
married and besides a sorrowing wid.
dow he leaves one sou and two dangh.
tore -W. J. and Mies Joan of Souris,
Man„ and Mrs, Shosenberg of London.
The funeral took plaoe to the Exeter
cemetery from bin late residence Friday
at 5 o'clock,
Quite eaey to sore it with Pntnam'e
Cora Extraotor. Oaly takes twentytoor
boar, -no pain -dead Imre cure. Try
Putnam', ; its far the best.
1110e -raw.
Souoor, Rmao0T,-The standing of the
pupils of 8. 5, No. 10, for the menthe of
August and September are given below.
Names appear in order of merit :-Clues
V -Ernest Shaw, Alioe Ooombee, Sr.
IV-Willle King, Frank Shaw, Hank
Anderson. Jr. IV -Mary Forrest, Alias
Thornton, Lizzie Breokeuridge, Bella
Robb. Sr, II-Ferue Eokmier, Arthur
Shaw, Agnes Miller, Jennie Moffatt. Jr.
III-Jenois Anderson, Aima Bing. Sr.
II -Annie Breckenridge, Visits Chortle,
John Moue, Syloo Ooombee. Pt. II -
John Hodge, Walter Messer, Harvey
Outt, Theresa Robb. Ft. 1 -George
Moffatt, Hazel Goombee, Maggie Brecken-
ridge, Maggie Richardson, Grace Curtis,
Mary Milier, Alex. Shaw. Regular at.
tendanue is urged, me promotion examine.
tiooe cower at Xmas., and work will be
pnehod till then.
3008 T. BTftla1AN,
Wingham Rifle Team moored a ermine
at the matches in Go ah
Principal Musgrove has been re.engaged
at the same Balary in Wingbem wheel.
The question of the eetabliohment of a
High eoboal in Wiogbam ie being die
John Brennan, a former well known
reeideot of Wingham died at his home in
Coen, VanStone 3s getting along nicely,
and is able to be out a little. It is toped
that with oars, he will soon enjoy 38ie
usual good health.
A Targe number of teams are at work
on the G. T. R. property, levelling the
gr000de preparatory to laying of new
tracks and erection of new buildings.
Bev. H. S. Boyle, M. A., 13. D„ amid.
ant reator of Ohriet ohuroh Cathedral at
Montreal, bae been appointed rector of
81. Paul's ohuroh in Wingham by the
Bishop of Enron.
On Monday evening of last week, a
oomplimeutary dinner was tendered the
oftioere and members of Wingham La -
wane Club, at the King Edward hotel,
by the proprietor, W. J, Orr.
Henry ()lark, of B0. Louie, formerly
of Wingham, and a member of Ooart
Maitland, 0, 0. F. No. 25, reoeived
revere injuries recently by falling
through a culvert. Ae he is 60 years of
age, the injuries affeot him the more
SUDDEN MATS -Moot startling sadden
was the eammo00 of death that came to
Mrs. Robert Carrie, on Tdeeday even•
ing of last week. She was eabjeot to
ooeasianal attaoks of heart trouble, but
for some time book had appeared in good
health, and on the day of her death woe
perhaps more bright and cheerful than
uwasl. In the evening she visited a
friend at Mrs. Kreee'e, and later in the
evening she oalled on a eiok neighbor.
After returning to her home, without any
apparent warning, she was seized with
an attaok of heart failure, and est she
wall felling, wee naught in her hue•
band's arms and in a few momenta
her spirit bad taken its flight. Her
maiden name am Ano Lioklater,
She was born in the pariah of Direay,
Orkney, Bootland, on May 3rd, 1884,
and hence was in her 72nd year. Bin
name to East Wawanoeh with ber
parents in 1855, and ou July 26, 1856,
was united in marriage to her now
bereft hneband. For about 47 years
they resided on conceal= 14, East
Wawanoeh, sharing euoh other's joys
and eorro010, noting well their parts
3o the development of a -home and
rearing of a respeoted family. About
two years ago, they left the term and
moved into Wingham. Mre. Currie was
n devoted mother, a faithful wife and a
kind neighbor. Her oharaoler wee most
exemplary, and the Christian virtues oho
possessed were evidenced throughout a
uonafetent life. She was a member
of the Congregational church and en
adherent of Wingham Baptist oharoh.
She leaves her aged partner to finish
his journey in loneliness, oleo . 7
eons and a daughter. The eons are,
John T., Robert, W. J., Andrew and
David of Eaet Wawanoeb, James H.
and George, of British Ooiomble; one
other eon, James, paeeed way some
years ago, One daughter remind,
Mrs. John Wilson of Wingham. All
feel keenly the stroke that has de.
privad them of a loving mother. The
funeral took plaoe on Friday afternoon
to Bluevale 0tmeterp.
John Morrow was fatally ornebed be-
tween two railway oars at Owen Sound.
A wonderful strike of oil and gee is
reported from Manitowaofng, Manitoulin
OWE Baos.
Have placed in stock a
fine assortment of late
Songs, Waltzes
and Two-steps
All sold at k price
25O nAC13
mesto , : n
The undersigned desire to call the attention of the
public to the fact that they have bought the stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Choes,
Clothing, &o,, from Walter Innes
and are now in possession and ready to attend to the
wants of all the old customers and many new ones.
Stock will be kept up-to-date and sold at reasonable
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Goods at
Highest Market Price.
has much pleasure in tender-
ingto the Ladies
her thanks
for their compliments, pur-
chases and orders in connec-
tion with the Millinery
Q. choice stock will always be kept
and although the very latest styles the
rices will be within easy Y reach.
All who have not called are cordial-
ly invited.
Successor to Misses Roche d Haycroft.
�•��.d4s,4:s'.dv45. wb��mawara®.d�Xb�l.vR'>�t
When in en
Come t® Us
Trade at Our Store
Never take unnecessary chances if you do not
want to suffer a loss.
A store you know -a store all this community knows -a store
that shows you the greatest assortinent-a store that is famous for
dependable qualities -a store that always quotes the lowest possible
prices -a store that means to do the fair and square thing at all
times and under all circumstances.
We sell good goods at right prices and nothing else at any
Large stock of Dueber Hampden, Elgin,
Waltham and Swiss Watches.
lR-If your Watch is not giving you eatisfaotion bring it
to me, I will guarantee to repair it or no charge.
3qLts and
If you are thinking of buying a Fall Suit or Overcoat
we will make it worth your while to call and see our
new line of Scotch and English Tweeds and plain and
fancy Worsteds. The most Stylish and Serviceable
goods that can be bought.
Our Overcoats of Fancy Tweeds, Beavers, Mel -
tons and Cheviots are also on the move and are sell-
ing fast.
We have a large stock of Fancy Pantings. Tho
price we know will make you buy.
we have for Little Mone
Call in and we will be Glad to show you what
Dodds &1��