HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-19, Page 4SiOn'Oessesseenssieteel="1,0113.11BOS
(Zutsstio psis
TIIM51)41, 00'1.19,1905.
IN the demise of Sir Henry Irving, the
famoue English tragedian, the world
tom a most worthy and notable Men.
He died quitaudealy last Friday night
after givii,g L.1.18 of his notable perfottan•
nes, Sir Beery was about 70 years of
age and wee known the world round,
Soren of oar newspaper brethren do oe
proud when they °ethane, holue bolus,
from our Editorial columns without
ever thinking of oredit, We are delighted
lo know that they ooueider our notes
worthy of reprodnotion and its easier on
themselves also. Verily the scissors are
Mightier than the pen,
TEMPHIGIVIIIG DAY for the Dominion
of Canada will be observed on Thursday
of next week. There ie little room for
(tethers in this land, possibly never lees
in the history of °amide,. If you dou't
believe it get a sliest of paper and jot
down the things for whiob you ebould be
thankful taking in national, religious,
personal, eta., blessing's and "It will sur-
prise you what the Lord bas done."
Sze Wm, Idormen's retirement from
hie onerous position as Postmaster
General in whiob he has met with snob
wonderful ettmeee, is a cause of ow small
regret to many. The Dominion of
Canada received noteworthy promineaoe
throughout the Eropire over the phenorn.
anal work done by St William and hie
naree wee a tower of strength to the
Government. It ie not many man who
emu change definite and inadegnate
serrioe to large surplusee and immense-
ly improved and extended faailitiee, as
did the retiring P. M. G. Mr. Aylee.
worth, who will mooched bim, ie a wide
awake Barrister who will no doubt prove
a worthy enooessor bat is of coarse lack.
ing in the broad experience of his prods.
oessor in the meantime.
THE Looal Option Conference held in
Toronto last week decided to push the
submission of Local Option By laws in
as many nennioipelitiee as poeeible in
Ontario, Help will be given by the
Dominion Alliance in the way of infor.
matiou or the securing of outside speak-
ers on applioatIon to F, S. Spence, Tor-
onto. Some lively times are promised in
the Local Option campaigns and seeing
that the license law is better obeerved
and enforced. Temperance) workers are
urged to apprise the various Lieense In•
specters of violations and then see that
then officials do their duty in bringing
the law breakers to time. The law as
it relatee to Belling liquor and tobaoeo to
minors is a dead letter, comparatively, in
some plaoee and there ie aid to be
plenty of room to obtain convictions.
Fern fighte, now cooled boxing boats,
to round off the rough enters, are not
in it with a real up to date Rugby foot-
ball match. Down East they play the
game in its mast "strenuous" style and
as a result policemen attend and when
murder is feared tho peelers stop the
game. Shame on so clotted eport when
it degenerates into e etruggle In which
brats tome is more essential than athletic
skill. For a oommon atemalt a 0260
will be arrested and Sned $1.00 or upwards
and mete bub under the guise of neighs',
football, or laorosse the most ruffianly
and aggravated aseault may be engaged
in and the law takee little or no cog-
nizance of it. The various Associations
will belie to wake up at their
annual meetings and frame laws to
govern these page or hangman Radcliffe
Will have a job with soma of them, In -
Mead of a referee Bending a profeesional
thug to the "fenoe" be should be
emit to ruminate over hie conduct in a
quiet jail for 6 menthe,
IT ie not all gold that glitters even with
Premiers of Governments, Jnst now a
number of mum:dons politicians are
after Premier Whitney because he hasn't
boatload more Liberal offieus holders and
867 11 be doesn't get a 80088 00 him that
be will hear from the ballot box next
eleotioo. If he atmedes to the
wish of the office grabbers and the "Mean
sweep" Belled for is put into effect some
think the Domiuion Government should
foiloiv suit and ask employese of Con.
eervative type, who have not heretofore
been moleebed, to vaoate their offioee.
Should this wideepread ousting of
worthy ofiloials be pat into vogue it will
030108 40 very cinpletteant for many people
and set the heather on fire for red hot
elution oonteete when the dates roll
round. We don't find pattionlar fanti if
offensive pattiettne are removed but to
put competent servants out of office
merely to give the philm to some vigorous
kloker is opening P. door not easily °lased
and onionlated to give a bad cold to many
a politician. A great many silly things
are done in politioe.
Mt bevel bat one oarise—disenaed
kidneys, whiob m800134 ettrengtbened be.
fore backache oat be mired. Why not
tee Dr. Hamilton's Pills 7 They More
the Manage gulch, make them drone
and able to filter dieease—hreeditg poigons
from the blood. At mode yon feel better,
etrongee, brighe, Kidney health is
anaranteed to every user of Dr. Hamil.
tortie illo, Get a 26e. box from your
artiggist, and refuse submittitee.
:Presbytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
Winghern Sept. 66113 to dispose of a oall
from fie Andrew's church, Brantford, to
Rev, F. J. 'Maxwell, o/ Ripley. Oum.
missionere from the Presbytery of Paris,
and from the Brantford oongregation
Were preeent, all Were ,leo Oommiesioners
from Knox cherub, Ripley, end Rape
ehureh Bereie. The letter (lOrnaliettiorters
bore nueuirnons testimouy to the good
work done by kir. Maxwell eines be
settled in their mitiet, five yearago,
and expressed the earneet hope that he
might etill 00881000 to exercise hie min•
ietry emote them. AN witiorniesioeers
haviug beau heard, Mr, Maxwell stated
that hard ae he foetid lt to do he thought
it his duty to amiept the °all. It was
thee moved by Dr, blorrey se000ded by
Mr, West, and earried, that it onanimoue
call having been addressed by the oon•
gregation of St. Andrew's church, Brant-
ford to Rev. F, Maxwell, of Knox
ohuroh, Ripley, and Knox °March, Berate,
that trite eon having been sustained by the
Presbytery of Paris as a regular Gospel
°all, and transmitted with all neoeeeary
documents ; that we, having heard all
parties concerned, agree with rentatanoe,
to release Ma. Maxwell from hie present
charge, and to translate him to the oare
at the Preebytery of Parisi, whiob release
shall take effect on the 12th day of
October next. In doing so we would re.
oord oar appreoiation of Mr. Maxwell
pereonally, and of the eminent work
doue by him in hie present charge. He
has been faithful end ooneeientious in the
perforinanoe of hie pastoral duties ; be
nes beau studious and painsotking in his
pulpit preparation ; and be has brought
to bear upon eh hie work great natural
ability, energy, and enthusiasm, so that
abundant oiliness has orowned hie labours.
As a Presbyter, be has been faithful in
attendance al meetings of thie Court,
and hoe ever beau ready to perform all
hie Presbyterial duties, We regret his
$sparation from ea. We wish him God.
ipeed in his new charge, and we have
every confidenee that with undivided
heart, and cmosemeted persica% he will
oontieue to eerve the Master, and that
his future labours shell be crowned with
yet more oonspienees 0000000. Dr.
Murray was appointed Moderator of the
eessions during the vacancy. Thie
completed be business, and the meeting
was ceased. Kr. Maxwell has been oall.
ed to other °barges in the pa00 where
larger salary was offered him, but to his
orectit be it said, he refused, and remain-
ed where he believed duty indicated he
should. He goes now because he believes
it his duty to go. The beet wishes of all
who know him, and bis work, will go
with him. ANDREW INIAON111,
Clerk of the Presbytery of Maitland.
Another Interesting Letter ;Front Mies
M. it. rindlitter.
Dan BOMB EMIL—This is rather a
gloomy day, with proepeate of immediate
rain, oonsegnently things are rather dull
and I have a few minutes of spare time
in which to finish 037 letter writing. I
think I laet wrote of our arrival in Dijon.
Franoe, from Geneva. It is a quaint
old town, very French, and we had not
the comfort of having English speaking
melds, or waiters, bub we managed to
get along pretty well. I forgot to men.
Lion that ail through Francis the beds
are made by men ae well as women. It
yen say "maid" be will point to himself
and pcoased to make your bed. I
told turn to remove the fat round bolster
from �y bed, he took It and p0018 in a
corner and said "Amairaottitie no 088-
00 g000" I said "No, no good to as."
Then he pointed energetically to the
windows and tratisom and said "Amair
:mine" and with AO expreseive gesture
to indicate "open" signified that we
diced open windows. I said "Oui.
end he laughed and shook his bead. Tbe
trip from D jon to Pavia was charming.
The valley of the Moue lay below cm
and aloe off we could see the rugged
outline of the Voges Mae. The oldie
here were like the ruiue of old °settee
no onriously regnlar they are in ontline.
It Wee a beautiful day, the atmosphere
was areae and entirely free from haze
and the old Frenob chateaus stood out
very dietinotly indeed against the blue
hy. The country ae we drew near to
Paris became more level and X never
saw ito much grain out and stacked in
oircidar stacks, smolt thatched with straw,
80038 were oovered with canvass instead,
but as tar 08 700 could see these (Amok')
formed Ousters of 10 or 12 in number,
with here and there a steep roofed brick
village surrounded by:a brick wall above
which roee the tower of a little Ostholio
°Minh, grey and weather beaten 'tie
irne, but always there. Tbe roofs are
moss oovered and the whole appearance
of the place speaks of °enteritis which
[lave long 01008 putted away. Ortee in a
while you see a spick and span up•to•
date house, but it looks so notoriously
out of place. We arrived in Paris about
12.80 having left Dijon about 10,16
50 tbie was dear beautiful Paria. I
could hardly believe it 1 We drove
along the banks ot the Seine river, BEM
the Hotel de V,lle where Robeepierr's
gang operated their infernal eohemes in
this Pleas de l'Hotel de Ville the
Houguenote were hanged in 1612 and to
71018 Palace they bronght Louis XV/
from Versaillee when be tried to mope
their olutolies. OEs an island in the
river thee the Notre Dome Oatbodral
rather short and wet looking. after the
vaporing eummite of Westminister and
Straesbarg. To our lett rose the glitter,
ing dome of the Rotel 'dee. InVaL
idee—Napoleon'a tomb —and to our right
the beautiful Louvre. The Garden of
the Talleriee 000300 next, with its foun.
taine and statuee, and beyond this
Place de Concorde, with its 8 *Minot&
representing 8 towns of France, with
Straesberg draped it blank since the
German won it and it was here 0138
guillotine held sway where the beattlful
Marie Antionette Met her life and her
nodose hosioand Louie XV/. Beyond
ahretahes the Champ d'Elyeees with lie
beantiful treee and crowded with oar.
Magee. The Arch of Tritialph Hee be.
foto ne, built to oomMemorate
sante viotories, and beyond the Champ
d' Etyma; is ooutinued 68 the "Avenue
of tbe Grand Army" which leade 10 the
Shia d'Bonlogne.
At the Arch eve tithed off to the Ree
De Preeboorg and drove up to oar hotel
—Maromies. Thio 18 a floe hotel. They
only rent rooms in ;mites of 4 Or 6 netts
and the serviee ie exceedingly good,
better tbau we got anywhere, We were
in Perin 8 civil altogether. It seemed
utterly impotieible that this could have
been the Beet of the bloodthlrety mob of
1182 and 1870. We had many pleagarit
drives here, one of which took 98 to the
Tomb of Napoleon—hie body reels in a
magnilioeut Saroophegue beneath the
golden dome, and the heading ie never
free from visitors who mime to look
down upon the monurneot of 8 03001
Nebo atone so uear to unmaking the
geography of Europe. I went to the
Loovre one day and came home
in the underground railway all myself.
Mra.B. would soereely believe it when
I told her but I did it just the same and
repeated the seine experiment next day
with good reeulte. We left Para& Aug.
21st and took train or Oittale, the ato
dent °hide! of Ragland until lost by
Queen Mary. Arriving in Calaie we
took tbe boat to Dover reaohiog there iu
at hour, Dover le beautiful hideed,
and we all remarked bow nine it was to
bear the English tongue onoe more.
There is no land like Eugland. I think
1 would know 18 11 I were brought there
blindfolded, her green trees and rocking
fields of yellow grain, her little ming
Mustering harolete, are all her own,
Dear old grimy, sooty London came in
view about 5 80 p. m. and we were &moo
at the "Savoy" where we found a good
dinner awaiting as. love London, I
don't know why, Paria ia 03008 bearti•
fel by far, but Loudon with her crowded
Strand, Ploadilly, etc., her low fiat
buildings 801138 bow or other stirs my
heart strings as nothing else oan do. It
may be patriotic plus ao intimate know
ledge of its Unary, but I certainly love
old Loudon on the Thames. I went to
the Tower of London, I saw the "(Bowe
Jewels," the piece where all the behead•
lege took plaiie, the Nook mod axe. and
oh, °onetime other thinge. The big.
stalwart polioemen are a feature in
themselves, tall, straight, broad shoul-
dered fellows, who aro walking enoyelo.
pes Bee, as far as a knowledge 01 8135 obey
goes, and who never fail to answer any
question courteously and explicitly.
t3cloh a difference oompared with the
police of New York, Philadelphia and
Beaton, who eeeno to think it ie their
duty to give as little information cm pos.
silts and in the gruffest possible man
oer. The London officer is the most
courteoue public officer I have ever
We left London Aug. 26013, for South-
ampton, and took boat there for New
York arriving there Sept. 2nd. Slone
Men I have been very limy getting ready
to go to Boston and am now hard at
work ready to seize my kit night or day
when the call imams. I enjoy it very
much thus far at any rate. Now 1 moo
Mose and go to dinner.
Yours lovingly
Boston, Sept. 17, 1905
KEEP 1'08TElt.
The supreme imporhanoe of abeo-
lately aciourate and np.to date market
reports is appreciated by all Mama of
people who wish to buy or sell. In this
respeot the information given by The
Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer is
eminently satiefamory. The oommer-
Mal page contains the very latest and
most reliable information available. It
be especially prepared for the use of
the farmers, and /thousands transact
their business upon the basis of the in -
1000260100 given. This feature alone
mekee this great newspaper abeolutely
necessary to its readers who are in
active bueiness, and ie one of the rem.
sone why so meny people bane taken
The Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer
for years without a break. It is in•
dispensable to their business moons.
Gr or rle.
Mrs. Al. Prootor, of Newmarket was
the guest of friends here.
John Bowyer disposed of his property
where the slaughter house stands to Robt.
Mutoh and he re -sold it together with
his fine brick reeidenee where he now
(aides to Rhode & Son's.
John Evans we.trtrinaming up some pop.
ler treee at his reeidenoe and notioed that
tbe growth sinee laet May, when they
were het trimmed wee exceedingly large
end upon measuring a limb found it to
be 9 feet 3 inches long, which be positive.
ly declared all grew since May.
A meeting to organize a hockey club
was held in the Vidette offioe and was
well attended by the young people. The
following is a list of the °fetters eleoted
for the year :—Bon, Pres., H. V.
Holmee, T Andrew, W. G. Strong;
Pregident, 0, H. McFarlane 1 Vice Pree.
ident, R. H. Toung ; Secretary, 0. L.
Body ; Treasurer, J. E. Greer ; Manager,
W. J. Sharpin,
The Remick Agricultural Society's
annual Fell exhibition held here on Satin.
day 7013 inet wee without dotilot One beet
end most nueoessful one ever held by the
Sooiety. From early in the morning tili
long after dinner the people were swarm.
ing into the village until over 8000 were
here. A000rdiug to the gate receipte 10 18
estimated that over 8500 paid acinsission
Brussols Evaporator
On aud after Oot. Ooh I will pay
from 26 to 28 cents per OWL dor any
quantity of Winter applea. No small
apples will be tattoo,
Jno. Cunningham
to the grounde, at 10 and 15 oente. And
when we consider that every member got
a member's tioket and one admission
which is equal to two admissions
there was over 8000 on the grounds.
Gabe reoeiple were 6261.50.
Notwithstanding the rain and oold
weather our Fall Fnir was a 8000880,
Dr. N. J. Tait and R. J. Alli, of
Ingersoll, were among the visitors to
Blyth Fair.
Mre. 3. B. Taylor left for Bellevue,
Nebraska, to rieit her sister, Mrs.
eeWro. Jackson returned on Tuesday
evening of last week from an enjoyable
trip to the West.
Mrs. Robert W. Kelly and daughter,
of Albert Canyon, British Oolumbia,
are visiting at the homee of Robert
181iI,e and Mre. Robert Rally.
Mrs. Frank Moser, of Buffalo, wee
'tailed home by the death of bar father,
Mr. Nioblie, who was found dead kneel-
ing by the side of his bed on the 68800.
day morning previous.
St. Paul's Church is organizing a Young
People's Sooieby.
Mrs. James Bontbron returned home
from Detroit, where she has beau vieiting
friends for some weeks.
Geo. Joynt bee purchased the Haman
evaporator from Mr. Molly who two years
ago bought it from Mr. Ilerriog.
GBO. 303,13PB nears "Ithey Maok" won
two &eta in the speeding contests at
Kirkton Fair. He also drove Long, John
which won a third.
W. Stoneman's little boy, Charlie, ie
laid up with an attack of typhoid. This
is the emend oasis of this di.eacie 00
Heneall in 11,years.
The oatoh basins for the drain are
being put in. They are of cement, very
etrongly built and ample in size to Derry
off the surface water. The tope are to be
covered with grating.
3. Schafer has diepoeed of hie meat
market to G. 0. Petty, who is again doing
business at tbe old stand. Mr. &hater
is taking over tbe hotel bushman of the
late, Me. Shoemaker, near Park Hill.
Mrs. John Latta who removed to Lon.
don, some few years ago, departed this
life in the Victoria Hospital last week.
She had been vieiting her eon at Chieel•
huret where ehe became seriously ill and
returned to London, going immediately
to 1118 hospital.
A pupil in vocal mule of Mrs, Nor-
ton, of Detroit, is prepared to give Mame-
Mon in vocal 8011988 084 the violin. Terms
on application.
show 011/1011 for sale, entili 6 feet long,
walnut frames and double thick glass. Ap-
ply to Tan PosT, Brussels.
Rent, containing 100 acres, being Lot
8, Con, 2, Gray. There is a bank bare and
nomfortable brick holm on the premises
Farm in WO watered and there bo,, good
mob ard . Convenient to school and church.
For further particulars apply on the prom-
isee. JOS, 00000e618,
14-tf Jamestown 7,0.
31 NATOd 88T001/, INFO:BURNT& ‘140.—F. a,
Soott, suottnneer, has been instructed by the
ondersigoed Administrator of the estate of
the late David Moffa(t, deceased, to 8011 117
Public Auction at Lots 40 & 50. Oov. 1, Turn -
berry, 121 n,Iles East of Aluevale), on TUG&
day, October 24th, at 1 eialook, the followieg
rateable property, vie :-1 horse rhinie 9
years, 1 Mare rising 7 years, 1 bores rising 0
yemrs, 1 mare rising 4 years, 1411y 010180 2
yeare, 800,8 supposed in calf, 1 farrow eow.
4beifere rising ? years, 8 steers Mania 9
y ears, 2 heifers tieing 1 year, 4 spring °elves
1 brood vow due to farrow Jan nith, 8 pip
9 months old, 8 ewes, 1 ram 1 binder, 1
Deering mower, 1 millty rake, 1 Bead drill,
itwin plow, 2 single views, 1 set harrows,
1 disci borrow, 1 unifier. 1 wagon, 1 'elegy, 1
set hi htleiehe nearly 0880 ,1 cutter, 1. fan-
ning 03417,1 turnip Milner, 1 platform sondes,
cep., 2100 , and tool grimier, about
880788 thruips 125 hue, barley, 160 bus oats
and spells mixed, 80 tons hay, 0 sugar ket
tleso umber of bee Mee brutes and other
artieles, Terms—All stuns of 86 00 and un-
der emelt ; over that gamma 12 menthe'
credit will be given on fareishing approved ,
1,801 notee 5 per tient. oft for oath on credit
amounts. 'Grain and bay to he moth J.
ROBB. administrator ; F. 9, liciorr, atm,
Our Millinery Opening
A Gran
OUR Best Thanks are return,
ed to the Ladies for their
patronage at our Opening.
A splendicl stock of the most
Fashionable Millinery is ready
and will be sold at Reasonable
Call and see before placing
your order.
Notice to Oreditors,
In the matter of the °data of Jano Heard,
late of the Village of Breese's, in the
County or uuron, widow, doothrood.
000110 818 bereby givethourneuk to heels.
ed 3 tatutee of Ontarle, 1897, Claim. 190, Bee,
88, Butt all °welters and othere haVIng 8800
endive nen that the estate of the mild Jane
Ifetird, %shinty, Nebo died on or about the
20111 day of September, 4,10.1000, are re.
(eared, em Or l'ef re 8110 180,183' 01 04000821100,
1005, to 810,17 by post, 90-01,890-01,814,to
esid, or deliver
A. 11 Mnottonahl, 01 the Village of Bretwele.
171 the Comity of 11 MOIL Holielior for Jane
/101111111strutrIx of Elie estate,
their Christian end sureamos, eddr000ee
and deteriptions, the full partionlars of
their thain20. the statement of their acesunte
and the nature of the securities 111 any) held
by theM,
And entitle's further given that eller the
said l,1a1 mentioned date the said Admittlir
trati 03 WM armload to distribnto the assets
of; the deem' sod 803 00001 the partit, entitled
thereto, haying room only ID the olefins of
which she shall then have notice cud that
the said AdministratriX will not be liable
for the sante or any part thereof. to Ally
person or persons of whose claims notice
shall not have been received by her at the
tine of such diatribubion.
Dated at Brussels thle lOtla day of Oet.,
A. 0, 1905.
144 Solicitor for Adnainistratrix.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the imitate of Archibald
Lamont, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron, farm-
er, deceased.
Notice le hereby given, pursuant to Ron's-
eel Statutes of On tarlo.1897, Man. 129, See.
98, that all creditors and others baying ROY
olal,,,e againet the estate of the said Arabi.
bald Lamont, farmer, wbo died on or about
1888 2803 day of September, A. D. 1905, are re-
quired, ou or before tbe 15th day o !Nevem-
Ler. 1900, 00 880(1 by post, prepaid, or deliver
to .4.10, Macdonald, of tbe Village of Brun-
sele,in the ()minty of Huron' Solicitor for
Fielay S. Scott, Administratorof the estate.
their Christian and surnames, addresaes
and descriptione, tbe full partiaulare of
their claims, the stattemeut of their 089.
0088)80 and the nature of the theuritiesilf
6011 1,010 by them.
And notice ia further given that after the
said last mentioned ,late the said Adminis-
trator will proceed to distribute the assets
at the deceased amougst the parties au titled
thereto, bovine regard only to the Mai= 01
width he shall then have notice and that
the said Administrator will not be liable
for the assets, or any part thereof, to any
persou or persona of whose claims notice
than not have been received by him at tbe
time of meth distribution.
Dated at Brunch' 40108 10013 day of October
A. D. 1905.
144 Solicitor for Adininietrator.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of John Sav-
age, late of the Township of Grey, in
the County of Huron, farmer, de-
Notice is bereby given, pursuant to the
Statutes in tbat behalf that all creditors
and others having claims against the estate
of the said dethased, who died at Grey
Township, in the County of Huron, on or
about the 22nd day of August, 1906, ere re-
quired on or before the 5803 dity of °Mabel:,
next, 1005, to deliver to MOM'S. h10113117
Oartbew at L IS towel P.O., the eolicitors for
the undersigned, the adminletratrix of the
said deceased, a statement in writing of
their names, addresses and deseriptious
with full p %Mowers of their claims and of
the seourite (if any) held by them, and that
after the said last mentioned date the said
adnalnistratrIx may proceed to distribute
080 estate 01 0818 said deceased having re-
gard only to the olaints of which she may
have 003108, 018(1 that she will not be liable
for the proceeds of the 00 tate so distributed
to any person of whose claim she had not
=Mee at the time of such 'distribution.
Dated at Listowel this 58th day lof Sep.
tember, A.D., 1905.
88880 .78010 %Wass,
isre eter 13011010700.
1. 08000 lihiows,ffnremil six years old,:i.eNiig.ATothVelpri g ealv.
Appio to. W.11ORED3O,Walten.
1.! CLEGG has about 40 choice Feeders,
from 1000 to 1250 lbs, each, most of them 2 -
year -olds, for sale.
strayed on the 903801088 0! the under -
Mimed, Lot 10, 000,8, Grey, .some time ago.
alio owner 08 0(98900004 to prove property.
pay expenses wee take her away.
12 L. FRAIN.
1 Leicester 61W00, 4 two -shear HMS, 1
Shearling Ram end 2 Rana Lambs. Also 8
youtig Short Elora Bulls and a number of
Cows and Heifers, All ere of the best breed.
ing and A. 1 quality, Will be aold at lowest
prices and easy terms to early buyers,
D. 91IGN10, Etbel,
.x Lot 5, Con. 8, Grey, Huron Co., con-
taining 100 mores. About 97 acres cleated,
balms. bueb. Comfortable bowie, bank
bare, windmill, good orchard; farm well
feted and hi good boort' 2 miles from
P.ruseels. Potseseion could be given hit of
March, next. Fall: plowleg is done and 9
nom Of 7080 8013800 in. For further partic-
ulars apply on the preMieee to 80618. 100010
MoEINNON , or Breathitt P. O. 1240
and 2 acres of laud for 0010 00 Wallin*
street, Brussels. Brick house, good stable,
hard acid soft water, email oreherd, &o,
Property in gond shape, I0380:010e posses -
pion oan 110 given. For further particulate'
apply on the premises. W111 ,,leo tell two
good Jersey ()owe, one a them' bred.
JOBE tioBENEflil,
80.11 Proprietor, Bruesols.
ING 100 acres, beteg Nei Lot 19, 000. 8,
and SI 0,08 00, (100. 3, Mollie township, Co.
Baron. The lots will be told separately or
together to suit purtheeer. There is a frame'
been, Nemo barn, orehard, &a. Property
is tlf milem from Bruseele and to 6 0080 0080. For price, terms and further par.
tionlars apply on the premises, or address
13"70-800888 j?' 91108,00. KELLINOTON.
A- Mg Lot 12, Con, 14, Grey, antidotes
10000908, 86 of which aro cleared and bal-
ance in hardwood both. Flame hena, new
bank barn, orabard,ko., on premises with
abundanee of spring water. Plate lo well
Homed ; le in goocl condition and 00 waste
5 miloe from either Brtishele or Wal.
100. roe further plettoolars amity on the
premises or 11 by letteeto Oranbrook 7.0.
7.11 PrOprieter,
o 8, on. 7, ort Fr, I Co. of Huron. A 000
70 00000 88800810 with 10 0,00-68 of good htula.
(400,1 brielt bait; barn, etraw house
281c66 feet ; acme ef thole(' orchard.
Of water anti fairly good foneee, 6 Mitch
from leruseels and 64 from Blyth ref /or-
ther particulars as to mice, terms dro. ap-
pty ou the premises. Or if by 'Mar to 'Wm -
0.61 Proprietor,
En of 100 (three, more or low, bailie NI
X,E10 b
Stracha n WoeTHOMAS acssmt.,
NJ 1 nom af land, eligibly legated, for
eels. Fruit trees, cistern, cellar, tea on the
promises. For further leforniatien tie 90
mice, terms, tee,, oPely to
111118. J. 11, OW 0H, P1038010.
L Ty upon 80)11883 the Ocher Carriage
FeetorY tood ; also the standleg walla and
50,000 brick For further partlaulare apply
10 .101010 CODER, lireasels, Also a rubber
tired piano box buggy ln good repair, near-
ly new, for WO.
A,' North half of 1/0B Mil, floneettelon
morrin, containing let 00008aitnntad no the
gravel road 44 I/11100 WOOG Of Brile sole and
four miloti Sum Belgreve. There are 80
acme °leered, drained and 10 gond etate of
cuittration, at present seeded to grave.
Tito reinalniug 20 emit are 'moored with
good timber, There le a good Mateo bonito
wItO atoll° cellar, good frame bare with
etone stabliust nederneath and an Abend-
mle of good water. Thera la a church and.
o postonlog within hult a mile and o sehletef
within thea.gnertes of * sethe. For fur-
ther partioulars apply tolditE, B. 811111,,LIN.
Hensel' r. O. 10.0
Every WALTHAM Watch move-
ment Is guaranteed by the menu,
lecturers against any defect to
material or construction. This
guarantee is without time limit,
end holds good the world over.
now in use
We have a large assortment of H.L.Jackson
WALTHAM Watches in Gold, Gold
Filled, Silver and Nickel Cases.
To the Front as Usual
Oar _Reputation for Taste in Mil-
linery grows with the years and
our Hats enjoy a prestige to -day
that places them in th,e front rank.
Styles to suit all at Prices to suit
all Pockets.
waieleuietetssieesssoits tie
Misses flabkirk
A Direct Importation
of Dinner Sets
for Sale much Below
Regular Price
Geo. Thomson's 1
Special Bargains in.
To clear out the balance of stock of Farmers'
Medium Hoed Wagons, 21 and 3 inch tires,
Special Reduced Prices will be offered as the
room is needed for our large display of
Which everybody should watch out for.
4 13-