HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-19, Page 37
g.. viti,,i.le• et"tei,.1,.,silvl trete luteol. , IT'S IN Tzrz BLOOD,
. • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Drive Out
Rheumatic Poison.
Rheumatism is rooted In the blood
-any doctor will toll you that.
'• Nothing can euro it that does not
'i"f''f`eeltof-d+i'YttoNo1eeef•li'fi+ Y i te: roach the blood, It is a foolish
RULES MR auNSl1MPT1VES, !waste of limo and money to try to
Nevet glee or stay in a hot of cure t'heuivatism with linitnents,
P IpoulLicns or anything else that only
e]osn room, goes shin deep, Rubbing lotions in
Keep at least one window open in to tho skin nilly belps the puintui
your bedroom. !poison to circlilalmore ore freely, `Phe
Have a roost to yoiirsolf, if pos-'one euro, and the only cure fur rhe
Bible; If not, bo sure to have your matism is to drive the aria acid out
own bed, of your blood with Dr. 11'flliiuns'
avoid draught,v, dampness, dust or rink 1']lle, They actually make new
smoke; dust and smote aro worse blood, and the new blood mimeos Get
for you than ruin and snow. fho poisonous acids, loosens the alif-
When indoors remain in the seam- fened, aching joints, cures the rhea
est and best ventilated room—prefer- matisnt and makes the sufferer feel
ably without carpet, better in many other ways. fibs. Jos.
Don't wear chest -protectors.
Keep your filet dry and warm.
Go to bed early and sleep at least
Porron, Les l+)botdeinonts, Que,, says:
—"I suffered from rheumatism in n.
chronic form for nearly. twenty-five
eight hours year's. I spent much money in lini-
1f you have to work. take &very meats and medicines, but without
chance to rest that you can avail, until I began the use of Dr.
Take half an hour's rest on the Williams' Pink Pills. Sotno times 1
bell before and after tho principal was so stiff I could hardly move.
mauls. The trouble seemed to bo growing
Avoid eating when bodily or neon- worse, ancl finally seemed to effect my
tally tired, or when in a state of heart, as I used to have pains in the
nervous excitement. region of the heart, and sometimes
Eat plenty of good and wholesome
smothering sensation. I grew so
food. Besides your regular meals, weak, and suffered so notch that 1
take a quart of milk daily, from began to consider my case hopeless,
three to six fresh eggs, and plenty and then one day a little pamphlet,
of butter and sugar. telling of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills,
fell into my hands, and I learned
Keep your teeth in good condition;
use a toothbrush.after every meal that they would cora rheumatism. T
Do not smoke, and do not drink Sent for a supply, andin about three
liquor, wine or beer, except by weeks found they were helping me.
q Tho trouble which affected my heart
special permission. soon disappeared, and gradually the
pains left me and I -could go about
with more freedom than I had done
for years. I still take the pills occa-
sionally, as I now know it is wise
to keep my blood in good condition."
It is because Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills . actually make naw blood that
they cure such troubles as rheuma-
tism, anaemia, indigestion, kidney
troubles, backaches, headaches and
sidoaches, neuralgia, orysipelas, and
the special ailments that burden the
lives of so many women and growing
girls. But only the genuine pills can
do this, and those always have the
full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Palo People 'on the wrapper around
every box. Sold by all medicine
dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50, by
writing Tho Dr, Williams A'Iedicine
Co., Brockville, Oat.
Drink plenty of good pure water
between meals.
If you aro too ill to come to the
clinic, send word. Improvement
does not mean cure; therefore con-
tinue to come to the clinic as long
as you are directed to do so.
Do not talk to any one about
your disease except your physician
and 0111.50.
Do not kiss any one upon the
Shave your beard or wear it close-
ly clipped.
In the treatment of your disease,
fresh air, good food and a proper
mode of life aro more important
than medicine.
Stay in the open air as long as
yell can—if the,
in the park,
woods or fields.
Do not be afraid of cold.
Bo hopeful and cheerful, for your
disease can he cured, although 1t
will take some time.
Carefully obey your physician's in-
The Japanese aro allowed to bo
among the very strongest people on
earth, They are strong mentally
and physically, and yet practically
they eat no meat at all. The diet
which enables them to develop such
hardy frames and ewell-balanced
and keen brains consistsalmost
wholly of rice, steamed or boiled.
while the better -to-do add to this
Spartan fare fish, eggs, vegetables
and fruit. For beverages they use
weals tea without sugar or mill:,
and pure water, elcohalle'stimu-
lants being but rarely indulged in.
Water is imbibed in what we should
consider prodigious quantities—to an
Englishman, indeed, the drinking of
so much water would be regarded es
madness, The aver age Japanese in-
dividual swallows about a gallon
daily in divided closes.
The Japanese recognize the bene-
fleial effect of flushing ih:e eystcm
through the medium of the kidneys,
and they also cleanse the exterior of
their bodies to an extent undreamed
of in Europe or in Arnorie u
Another—and perhaps this is the
usage on which the Japanese lay
the greatest stress—is that deep, ha-
bitual, forcible inhalation of fresh
air is an essential for the acquisi-
tion of strength, and this method is
sedulously practised until be becomes
a part of their nature,
According to a celebrated health
export, bleached almonds give the
higher nerve or brain : and muscle
food, and whoever wishes to keep
her brain -power rap would do went°
include them in her daily bill of
faro. Juicy fruits give •the same in
loss proportion, and aro oaten by all
those whose living depends on their
clear -headedness. Apples supply the
brain with rest. Prunes afford proof
against nervousness, but aro not
muscle -feeding. They should be
avoided by those who suffer from
the liver, But it has been proved
that fruits do not have the same
effect upon everybody. Some people
have never been able to eat apples
without suffering the agony of indi-
gestion; to others strtlWb'orrios are
like poison,
One must give proper attention to
their dress. That is, clothe them-
selves according to the weather.
In some climes where the weather
is fickle it is hard to resp prepared
for the sudden changrs. A reliable
thermometer 10 necessary to a well -
regulated living roma.
If people are in a natural state of
health they should find 68 degrees
comfortable and healthful, Those
who are moving about and aro ace
tivo aro not in a position to judge
for the inactive, Ono may be over
heated While tine other is not suffici-
ently warm.
The thermometer should always
hang in the coolest spot in the
The Mayor of Vornats, Servia's
chief wate•ing•pletee, finding Lia regu-
lations against ladies' trailing skirts
of no avail, posted, guardians at oath
entrance to the park, with the order
tO nneasuro tho length of every skinrf
whose wearer desired to enter, and
to close the gates on thorn Whets°
ellhrts Were not :tin, off the ground,
'rho guardians fared so badly, hoiv-
ever, that the order has been 3rescind-
There is a grimily humorous anec-
dote of the dying Yorkshireman who
asked his daughter for 0 01100 of the
ham she had just removed from the
stove, .and was refused on the ground
that "Ram's not for thou; hate's.,
for t' funeral." It may be capped
by one found in "Pages Front a
Country Diary," a book of sketches
of English country life.
A curate went one day to visit an
aged parishioner, a small fanner,
Whose enol was daily expected. Find-
ing him rather bettor on this oc-
casion, and propped up in bed, he
proposed to road a chapter of the
Bible to him. The sick man grate-
fully agreed, but paid scant atten-
ttertion to the discourse, because he
was constantly fumbling under his
pillow •for some form of edible which
he mumbled with evident satisfac-
tion between his toothless gums.
At last the curate stopped reading,
and asked him what ho was doing.
The old man smiled slyly.
"Why," he said, in a triumphant
whisper, "they bak't some spoonge
biscuits agoan moy vuneral, an' hid
'em in the coopboard, but they don't
know as 'ow I wound 'em, and—"
with a senile chuckle of delight —
"when I be gone, an' they come to
juke for 'em, they wun't vaind none
on 'em left!"
"One could hardly believe the
change Baby's Own Tablets have
wrought in any child," says Mrs.
Angus Morrison, Port Caldwell, Ont,
"Re suffered terribly while teething,
vomited his food and was weak and
puny, Ono box of Baby'sOwn Tab-
lets made him a changed child, They
eased the pain of teething, strength-
ened his stomach, and he is now a
big, healthy child, growing lively
and never sick a dey." Tho expor-
loneo of Mrs. Morrison is that of
thousands of other mothers who have
found health for their little ones and
comfort for themselves in the use of
Baby's Own Tablets. Mothers need
not be afraid of 'this medicine, it is
guaranteed not to Contain an atone
of opiate or strong' drug;: They
could not harm a child of any ago,
and they are good for them at all
ages. Ask your druggist for Baby's
Own Tablots or send 25 cents to the
Dr, Williams Medicine' Go,, Brock-
ville, Ont , and gat them by mail.
A. smart Californian farmer has
made a' remarkable success in a
branch of poultry -farming which is
not only novel, but which ho claims
is doling a, good deal to increase and
improve the poultry -keeping of the
country. As a branch of his poultry -
fanning ho announced some time ago
that he Was willing to hire out good
laying hens to any would-be p011111y-
keope•s; and 00 great was 'the de-
mand that very shortly he clef:Med to
devote himself entirely to this busi-
ness, He began in earnest last year,
and title season he had 10,000 young
hens for loauding, and ho hopes 11$st
year to have 50,000 hens. His me-
thod of business is to charge throe
cents (73c1,) for each dozen eggs laid
by the hone lent out, When a lien is
non-productive. So far as the busi-
ness has gone it haft been found that
each hen on the average lays 160
eggs a year, the money return for
the hire being 'just 1's, 61d, All the
hens are white Leghorns.
Wool—"Dr, Eindoo Is an export ox-
pogt." Van Felt --"What is that?"
Wool=e'Shotee that the expert on
the other side le \talleitig through his
Tight a Battle Roya 1 at the
King's Palace.
The 'man-eater," a name given to
a dangerous Rorer in ltucl,yerd I(ip-
ling's tale of "The Walking Itele-
gate," revolved salutary and deserv-
ed treatment al, the bands, or rather
the hoofs, of his fellow beasts; hit
the horse of which Mr. Knight. on
writes In "Private Life of an IblMt-
ern Eing" had never experienced a
impeder power, and therefore his
ferocity was untempered by fear.
I was driving in rt buggy with a
friend through one of the finest of
l:,ucknow's streets, of the way to the
palace, when we suddenly noticed the
deserted condition of that part of
the city. No inhabitant -wa.e to bo
seen in eny direction. "Some exe-
cution," we whispered.
Just then we came upon the body
of a woman which looked as if it
had been trampled to death o1 the
pavement. On we went. No citizen
was hi eight, and the houses every-
where were closed. The next thing
we saw was tho figure of a youth,
lying dead upon the road. On the
top of a neighboring house I spied
ono of the king's troopers, intently
looking up the road.
"What is the matter?" I called,
"The mean -eater is loose, Wallah!
he has turned. Look out for your
safety, sahibs. Ile is wild to -day."
. I had heard of the fierce animal
owned by the troopers.
"Ile is coming! Take care!" shout-
ed the man.
Farr ahead we could see the brute,
a largo bay horse, coming toward
us. He caught sight of the vehicle,
and rushed forward to attack. Wo
turned rapidly round, and our horse,
almost unmanagable from terror,
flew over the road.
Away we went in a mad gallop to-
ward an enclosure with iron gates.
As we sped we could hoar the furi-
ous clatter of hoofs growing nearer
and nearer. We gained the gates;
my companion leaped from the bug-
gy and closed them. The monster
rushed up and stood looking savage-
ly, his nostrils distended, his glar-
ing eyeballs as ferocious as any
wild beast's.
He saw that he was foiled, turned,
kicked the iron bars, and made for
an archway, where a party of troop-
ers was awaiting him. They skil-
fully noosed the brute, muzzled him,
and led him away.
That evening I mentioned the inci-
dent to the Icing.
"I have often heard of the man-
eater. He must be a furious beast."
"More savage than a tiger, your
"A tiger! Good! He shall fight
a tiger. We will see what impres-
sion 1lurrhea will make on hire."
Burrhea was a favorite tiger, and
had never been allowed to enter a
contest ht which ho could not con-
quer. The next day we all assem-
bled in a courtyard to see the light.
Tho man-eater was standing in a
great enclosure made by bamboo
rails. Burrltea's cage was brought,
and the beautiful creature was lot
Tho man-eater Axed his eyes on the
tiger, lowered his head, and waited.
The tiger bounded with rapidity and
landed on the horse's haunches. Up
went the iron heels, and Burrhea lay
After this the tiger was more cau-
tious. Round and round the enclo-
sure he went with catlike tread, Por
fully ten minutes he kept up the
march, then, quick as lightning,
sprang. The man-eater was ready,
and clucked his head low. Burrhea
leaped to his back, and in an in-
stant those terrible iron heels were
lashing up and down.
The tiger was thrown helplessly to
the ground, and lay with broken
jaw, crying out with pain. The king
gave a signal, the door of the cage
was opened, and the poor; defeated
Burrhea' rushed in and buried him-
self in the farthest corner. The man-
eater stood erect and triumphant.
The age of a horse cannot always
be told by looking at its teeth. After
the eighth year the horse has no
more new teeth, so that this method
is useless for a horde which is morn
than eight years old. As soon es the
set of tooth is complete, however, a
wrinkle begins to appear on the edge
of the loWm' eyelid and another wrin-
kle ie added each year, so that to
get at the age of a horse more then
eight years old you must count the
teeth ph,s the wrinkles.
Dilatory Lover—My income is Sinai]
and :perhaps it is cruel for m0 to
take you from ,your father's roof.
The Girl—But I don't live on the
Marige—"I've got a letter from
Frame in India." Ethel—"011, how
delightful!" Madge—"Well, I'm not
SO sure about that. ITe tells me
that ho has shot a tiger, a.nd if he
can shoot another one be will get a
pair of slippers made for me out Of
the shins."
Any gossip can. say mean things,
batt it t:alces a good cook to turn
out; a first-class roost.
Strong Statement by Mrs. Jas,
Iiughes of Morley, Ont.—She's
Strong and Healthy Once More.
Morley, Ont., Oct. 7.—bMpeciai).—
What Dodd's i(idney Pills are doing
for the suffering women of Canada
will never be fully known, It is
only when some courageous woman
breaks the secrecy that covers wo-
man and her troubles that a passing
glimpse of their great work Is given.
For this reason a statement made
by Mrs. Jas, Hughes, of this plivm,
is of more than passing interest.
"I was a groat suhToter for four
years,'• says Mrs. Hughes, "I was
treated by five doctors and a speci-
alist from the U. S. I tried nearly
every kind of medicine I could hear
of, but none seemed to do 1110 any
"I was in bed for nearly three
years. I had pains bt my spinal
column, in my head, over my eyes,
across my back and through my left
side. I took fourteen boxes of
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and now I am
strong and able to do a good day's
work, thanks to Dodd's Kidney
Goes Via Lackawanna Railroad
Thursday, October 12th.
The .annual Harvest Homme Excur-
sion of the Lackawanna to New
York will take place Thursday, Oct.
12th. Tickets good for return with-
in ten days will be sold at all sta-
tions in New York at one fare plus
one dollar for the round trip. New
York is at its best in mid-October.
The theatrical and opera seasons are
in full force. The. trade display is
new and bright. The mountains are
filled with color and there is just
the right crispness in the air, Be-
sides the usual attractions in New
York, the following special features
may be noted for the benefit of pat-
rons of tbis excursion. The sensa-
tionaI Vanderbilt Challenge Cup
Auto Race; the Physical Culture
Show, and games; tho Wine and
Liquor Dealers' Exposition; Inter-
national Foot Bali games. Arrange
to go and see the nearest Lackawan-
na agent for time of trains and re-
servations. If not convenient, write,
wire or 'phone Fred P. Fox, D.P.A.,
BulTalo. N. Y.
Mabel—"Where does Madge get her
good looks from, her father or her
mother?" Edythe—"From her fa-
ther. Flo keeps a chemist's shop."
When Irheumattsm doubles a man
up physician and sufferer allke. lose
heart and often despair of a cure, but
here's the exception. Wm. Pegg, of
Norwood, Ont., says:— "I was nearly
doubled up with. rheumatism. I got
three bottles of South American Rheu-
matic Cure and they cured me. It's
the quickest acting medicine I ever
saw." -1s
Mother—"Your schoolmaster can't
be such a mean man as you make
out. I notice his son has all the toys
ho can possibly want." "Why, those
are what his father takes away .from
the other boys!
Lighten Woman's Workl—Tie Bis-
sell Carpet Sweeper is without ques-
tion the greatest labor-saving ma-
chine of the age, as it has relieved
woman of ono of the hardest tasks
she has to perform.
Sweeping is no longer dreaded by
the woman possessing a Bissell
Sweeper, as it not only reduces the
labor of sweeping, but it saves
'backaches, brightens and preserves
the carpets, prevents the dust and
dangerous carpet germs from float-
ing about the room and settling up-
on the furniture and draperies or
froln filling the lungs of the opera-
tor, thus making the task of sweep-
ing a pleasure. In the matter of
economy alone, no houseicooper can
afford to be without a Bissell, as
one will outlast forty brooms, Every
Bieaell Sweeper is guaranteed,
He—"Is lie a well -Informed man?"
She --"I should say so. His wife
tells him everything."
0010 OF Han 100!01,1 old time remedies for all
skin affectionssuch aceems, Ringworm, Noah'.head and simis'E
lar affections Is Weaver's Testes
It is an ointment that has brought roLie1 to
The most hirsute man in the World
is not to be found in the "greatest
show on earth." Ile is a French-
man, and is content to live as a
mouldor in the ironworks of Montlu-
con, earning his livelihood by labor,
though often tempted by large offers
to make an exhibition of himself. Nis
nano is Louis Coulon, and he is
seventy-nine years of ago, but makes
it a point of pride, after moulding
for sixty-seven yco1's, to refuse a re-
tiring pension before he is eighty,
He is only a little man, but his
beard is lift. tin. long, and is
crowned by a moustache 60111, Iron.
tip to tip. When Conlon is at work
he rolls up his beard and tucks it
under his shirt. Thera Is something
of heredity about his case. IIis father
had a beard reaahleg to his knees,
and two of his groat-unclos, sippers
in the army of Jourdan, had enor-
mous beards,
Blobbs-"There seems to be a
strange affinity between et colored
man and a chicken." 8101bs; "Natur-
a11,V, One is descended fr'oin Ilam
alit the other from eggs."
Ree -"After a11, Society is a great
bore, don't yeti know." She (sigh-
liig)+,••"Yet-'some people's seelotyr"
Shirt waists. and dainty
linen are made delightfully
clean and fresh with Sun-
light Soap. 5B
Doctor—"Tho indications aro that,
you have throat trouble."
Patient—"You bet 1 have. Three
of my daughters are taking singing
Lifebuoy Soap — disinfectant — is
strongly recommended by the medical
profession as a safeguard against in-
fectious discuses. 22
"Has Bixton Hutch faith in homeo-
pathy?" "I should say so. Last
summer when he had an attack of
hay fever he metrril d a grass widow."
A LITTLE 110110018 the best of all diet, yet it
will nut make none and muscle but "l errovlm"
will. Try it. All drug and general stored. Si
She—"Here is a wonderful thing.
They're actually growing potatoes
and tomatoes on the same plant."
He --"Nothing so wonderful about
that. Cabbage and cigars have bong
been grown that way!"
No one need fear ;holes or any sum-
mer complaint if they base a bottle of
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dyse,ttory Cordial
ready for use. It corrects all looseness
of the bowels promptly and causes a
healthy and nate rel action. This is a
medicine adapted for the young and
old, rich and poor and is rapidly be-
coming the most popular medicine for
cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market,
Tess—"Percy Vero was telling me
that 11e still hopes to have the luck
to win you." Jess—"Well, Percy
will tend that it takes more than
luck to win me. I'm no raffle."
Eyes anal Nose ran Water. —C. G.
Archer, of Brewer, Maine, says: "I
have had Catarrh for several years.
Water would run (corn my eyes and
nose for days ar, a thne. About tour
months ago I was induced to try Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and since
using the wonderful remedy I have not
had an attack. It relieves in ton
minutes," 50 cents. -17
"I'm sorry, but I can't pay your
bill to -day." "It has been running
a long time, sir." "All the more
reason, then," was the bland reply,
"that it should be given a rest."
An Mild to Bilious IIcatlacha.
oue1nss, which !s caused by ex0:Ksivo
bile in the stomach, has a ma1^rad ef-
fect upon the nerves, and often rr aui-
fests itself .by severe headache. 'Phis 1s
the most distressing headache ono can
have. There .arc hcatlaehee from cu1t1, widow, I hear." Braggr —' s !hat's
from fever, and from other causes, but,.
the most excruciating of all is Lite nib- just like him. Too lazy to do any
oUs headache. Parmelee's Vegetable of the courting."
Pills will cure it—cure it almost lntmed-
'lately. It will disappear as soon as
the Pills operate. '!here is 1Jtints
surer in tho treatment of 01(101is head-
At the beginning of the present
year there were 587,105 utiles of
railroad in the world, of which 270,-
386 Were in America, 187,77.6 in
Europe, 46,502 in. Asia. 15,640 in
Africa and 16,702 in Australia. Of
European mileage 0oo0m'any leads
with 84,000, in retold numbers, fol-
lowed by Russia with 88,000; France
26,000; Austria-Hungary, 24,000;
the United Kingdoms, 22,000; Italy,
10,000; Spain, 8,000; Sweden and Dobson—"In the account of that
Norway, 7,000. In Europe the ter- wedding yesterday they speak about
erage cost of railroad constauction the 'blushing bride.' I wish to good-
s estimated at 5107,577 per mile, 'nese they would invent a new phrase
and in the remainder of the world or two." Mrs, Dobson—"Well, dear,
550,680. The total value of the when you think of the sort of men
railway&, of the World is $48,000,- girls have to marry nowadays, you
000,000the I uropean roads being cannot wonder at them blushing."
estimated at $22,000,000,000. The
estimate for rolling stock 15 150,000 A Medicine Chest In Itself.—Only the
100o1nptines, 225,000 passenger well-to-do ett.n afford to 0080055 a medi-
cine chest, but Dr, Thomas' 1]clectrie
coaches and 8,000,000 freight ears. 011, which Is a medicine chest in itsell
By America is meant tate United being a remedy for rheumatism, rumba
States, Canada and South and Cen-
tral America. The Unitted States
has 208,000 miles of road besides
k rraraA� �a+ts•�" rrammt��oyr,ynaSmr, ,
PIE . D I , ��E
Without ever drinking
'Rtrord •'.00F'f«'4"-ti0100 58 an'or•" , i;I,r�r;T - :e.;..
Tea is to die Without knowing the fill joy of LIVING. Why miss the
Tli1CTION of sipping a hot cup of this FRAGRANT, REFRESHING
driSAnk 7SF
Cana-3- CO not op Y,': es, sash '.70eroa. TO)Lee.cf. 3lati.113,'11,c,mrz.'s,m MSc,__
Miics Through
great Nortliwcst
The Northern Pacific operates railway lines in Wisconsin,
Minnesota, North Ilakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington
and Oregon—seven states in which are wonderful oppor-
tunities fur energetic men. Soil, climate, transportation
facilities unexcelled. Land is cheap. Northern Pacifio ser-
vice—trw±ns—equipment—time—track—aro unexcelled.
See the West via the Great
Trans -continental highway
Zor her r' Pacific mil l ja
A. M. CLELAND, General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn.
Ask C. W. Mott, General Emigration Agent, St. Paul,
Minn., about business opportunities, cheap land, the won-
derful irrigated districts and low rates for settlers. Special
literature, rates and information from the General Passer). -
ger Agent, or Wm. G. Mason, District Passenger Agent,
215 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y.
The Chicago and North Western
Ry. will sell low one way second-
class settlers tickets daily from
Sept. 15th to Oct. 31st, 1905, to
points in Utah, Montana, Nevada,
Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Califor-
nia. and 131.111011 0011011bia. hate from
Toronto to Vancouver, Victoria,
New Westminster, 11. C., Seattle,
Wash., or Portland, Ore., $42.2.5; to
San Francisco or Los Angeles, Cal.,
$4.4.00. Correspondingly low rates
from all points In Canada. Choice
of routes. Best of service. For full
particulars and folders write to B.
11. Bonnett, General Agent, 2 East
King St., Toronto, Ont.
Briggs—"Tomkins is engaged to a
Corns cause !MMtotetable pain. 1Ie,lo-
way's Corn Cure removes the trouble
Try it, and see what amount of pain
"It's funny that you should he so
tall. Your brother, the artist, is
short, isn't he?" He (absently)—
''Yes, usually."
Heart ratter in half an hour. — A
lady in New York State writing of her
euro by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the
Heart, says: "1 feel like one brought
bulk from the dead, so great was my
suffering front heart trouble and so
almost miraculous my recovery
through the agency of this powerful
treatment. I owe my life to it." -19
The biggest rope ever used for
haulage purposes has just been made
for a district subway in Glasgow. It
is seven miles long, 41 inches in cir-
cumference and weighs nearly 60
tons It has been made in one tin -
joined anti unepliced length of patent
crucible steel. When in place it
will form a complete circle around
Glasgow, crossing the Clyde in its
course, and will run at a speed of
fifteen miles an hour.
"Good," He Says, "But Comfort
"Food that fits is bettor than a
gold mine," says a grateful man,
"Before I commenced 10 use Grape -
Nuts food 110 111111 on earth over had
a woven infliction from catarrh of
the stomach than I had for years,
"I could eat nothing but the very
lightest food anti 0.9011 that gave me
great distress,
"1 went through the catalogue of
prepared foods but feund them all
(except Grape -.Nuts) more 00 1088 ill -
digestible, grurrat.ing gas in the
stomach (which in. turn produced
headaele and various other paths
and aches), and otherwise unavail-
able for my 1180.
"Grape -Nuts fond I have found
easily digested and assimilated, and
it has re110teed my health and vigor
and made mea well man again. The
catarrh of the n1061000 hos disep-
prarecl entirely With all its attend-
ant ilia, 1.11101118 to Grape -Nuts,
Which now Is ray almost sole food.
I Want no other," Name given by
Pristina 00„ Battle Creels, 1ktieh.
Ten deys' trial tells the story,
There's a 110000.
go, sore threat, colds, coughs, catarrh,
asthma and a potent healer for wo1111115,
cuts, bruises, sprains, 001., is within
the roach of the poorest owing to its
cheapness. It should be in every house,
Prospective Purchaser—"What in-
nducement do you offer if I should' buy
a deg?" Canine Dealer—"Why, lady
if you buy a dog I'll learn you how
to whistle so that you can call him."
A FMB SPAT:ATOO in -80 grass, so does an
'inflammation in the throat grow doom into the
lungs. Don] promptly with a o,ld es with a are,
and when your begin to Dough use Allen's Lung.
Judge—"It seems to me I've seen
you before." Prisoner—"You have,
my lord. I used to give your rlaugh-
to singing lessons.' Judge—"Twen-
udge— Twenty years."
They Are Not Violent in Action. --
Some persons, when they wish to
elettllae the stomach, resort 10 llpsom
and other purgative salts. These are
speedy h' their action, but servo no per.
111itnent gond. Their use produces in-
cipient chills, and 11 ppersisted In they
injure the stomach. Nor do they act
upon the intestines in a belehcial was
l'armelee's Vegetable Pills answer all
purposes inthis respect, and have no
The smallest bird in the world is
Pionkland Herd Yeerkshhss
Good breeding stock (all ages) for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fergus, Ont,
Youth or young man who has bad experience
in a printing office. Apply in writing to
ST1y11' W.113058100
Se Church Bk, Toronto.
DO you want to sell sour farm? If so, send us
a description of it and lowest price. We will list
it In our next farm Bulletin whioll will be issued
soon. If we sell we charge Bulletin, and one.half per
cont. oommission. If we do not sell we male no
Do you want to hay a Farm? Before doing so,
write us for our Pawn BUltetfn. 'There are tam-.
dreds of Paras to choose from. We can satisfy
you and save you money besides.
CLE RUT�H10R1010DDq,b RILSITT, Hamilton
OLE 'tu � t N'tws°9�, WALLOR
Ilan be deo. perfectly by our Fronoh Proems. Try te
55171sa AMERICAN nr1i)0 co.
11100000M„ TORONTO, OTTAWA a 60011320
LADIES' e a e
Practical Every day Lessens en
For 75c. post paid.
Bos 425 Chatham, Ont
Mac—Why is a self-made man al-
ways so proud of his job?
Lew—Because he can't see himself
as others see him.
That Cutting !told that arises from the
stomach and almost strangles, is
canned by fermentation of the food in
the stomach. It is a foretaste of in-
digestion and dyspepsia. Take one of
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets im-
mediately after eating, and it will pre-
vent thin distress and aid digestion.
80 in a box, 85 cents. -16
"I suppose," said the landlady
scornfully, "you think you are smart
to lock up everything before you
leave your room?" "I had not
thought anything about it," ropli 1d
her lodger; "but now that ,Yon men-
tion it perhaps I was."
The superiority of Atet0or Graves'
Wenn lCxtormineto is shown by its
good effects on the lhlldren. Purchase
a bottle and give it a trial.
Husband (during the honcynioon)—
"I was awfully nervous when I pro-
posed to you. I was afraid you
wouldn't accept me." Otte—"And I
was awfully nervous for weeks before
you proposed. I was afraid you
1,10 SU119TITIITIt for "'Phe D .t L Menthol
)Platter, although some uneornpulous dealers may
517theiels, Re0Rmlmendedby doctors, hospitals,
Alorgy and eworybody, for stiffness, pluorley, oto,
Little Pauline, after questioning her
aunt as to who had made their house
and being informed that Jinn Welch
had done so, replied;
"Why, :Millie, God made our 1101150,
God made our front room and our
hall and our kitchen, but palm made
de roof." (flee father is a t111lner.)
said to be the pniaro rnoera, or fly ( - -- --
bird, of Cuba. It is of the hum-
ming -bird family, but far smatter
than airy of its kindred, The only
pair that have been known to live
in captivity were exhibited In Now
York. These tidy birds fly With
such incredible swiftness that it Is
practically (mposs9,1e to catch them,
but a laborer happened to find this
pair in the nest while they still were
fledglings, and ryas able to socnro
thou by covering them over, neat
acid all, with a bottomless cage Un-
til they Were old enough to be sopss
arratel from their palr,
Pod with
looney diluted with Wat%r, they pois-
ed themselves over the dish oh vtW
boating wingse while they thrust
their long bills into the ,focal
Dear M Cher
Your little ones are a eonstan1 care in
Fall and Winter weather. They will
catch cold, Do you know about Shiloh's
Cousmnption Cure, 1110 Lung Tonic, and
what it hes done Far to many? It is said
to bo !hc only tetiablc remedy Fat alt
discuses of the air pessagee In children,
Ids absolutely harmiess and pleasant to
take. Itis guaranteed to cute or your money
it returned, Tho price is 25e per bottler
and all dealers in medicine cell 114
This remedy should he in _ovary household,
6siw n 3703 ti'•'•V Y,