HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-5, Page 5Don't Tie Up Your Brains That ETERNAL SOMETHING which separates the tuonpssful trot Ir.,,n filo uu• eneeessful lea HUSINI099 EDUCATION 711 anon tubo forges invincibly ahead le the loan who enjoys it, largo o,dary, Yr n should be one of seek mon, Pre• pert for It by attending Ulu WINGlk BUSIN1rSS COLLEGE Throe Coin'000 •— Commerelal, Tolegra• pity and StenograpilY. A postal will brlug you full Intormatiou. 0130, SrowooN, N. lilloNALD FLI000UO11, President, 1''ri1111 pith 12 years teaching experience. .--T ,e feline -erc t i i,r Two Remarkable Records i Made by t (Popularnlu r ELLIOTT 'i1 TORONTO, ONT. It Con YONou AND AI l00ANDlta BTB. qTho attendance at the opening 01 our Pall Term was PIVD MI 30 as groat I'f as that of a year ago. Last month we 1y11 had TNN Tltfn0 es unsay mills for book- keopors, etouographore, ata., as we could 1111. This undoubtedly indicates progressiveness and/shows that this is the best school to pntro:dee. Biter nog. Mugnifloont eate.lo¢uo free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. �c3S1::5- �e_5$$I tFiEF fi3 MEDICAL CARDS. T)R. R. A. BUTtNS— Sueeessor to lir. J. A. 3leNlul 1II0n Brussels, Ontario (graduate of Polyclinic Peet Graduate School of Medicine and Surgery, Now York Member of College of Pbysioians and Sur - goons of Ontario. Office and residence same lie formerly o0 - minted by Dr. ilcNaughtou, Dlsouoes of women a specialty. 'Phone No, 11. BUSINESS CARDS. jr\fTONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PIR LII.L cent. P.R. 80011, Brussels. -xAT 11. MoCRAOIiEN— ...eTIe�.. V • Issuer of Marriage Licensee. 01- d eco as Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels, w •hear) C. O. F. Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, O. O. V., Brussels, moots in their Lodge Room, Blas - b111 Block, ou the dud and last Tuesdays of each mouth, et8 o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAB. BURGESS, 0, R. A. E. AMELLI S H, it. S. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI 1880130808, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 1.41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• •�{ • son, will Boll for bettor prices, to better men, in lose time and lees chargee than any other A002100eer in East Huron or bo won't obarge anything, Dates and orders nun always be arranged at this office or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme movable. Soles arranged for at the office of Tun Thom, Brussels. 2221 VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor 0 +ad am of to troutrio Vet - all dIn- erinary College, e prepared casae of domesticated animals ,in a wowed - eat manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Foyer. Calle promptly attended to. (taloa and Infirmary Four doors North of bridge, Tnroberry st„ Bruoeele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B.MACDONALD— Rarrlotor, Solicitor, Notary, Eto, r Stan- dnrd Bank Brussels. SoliicitOr for ce OMetr0- politan Bask. YV•M. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, 1Conveyan•er, 1 doorVllorth of Central Hoteltowart's Block Solicitor for the Standard Bank. PROM) F0OT, HAYS ak BLAIR— BARRISTERSS SO 1 InPR8, ',matins w. PnOtlDir00T, R. C. R. 0, 1(000 G, F. BLAIR. Offices—Those formerly ey Role ied by 2100000 CantCommon, ON•r0nro, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. DEN'I'IST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Flrot•oltte Ileum Graduate of Toronto University. Otil00 next to Brewer's Photograph canary, BRU88EL8. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. 4T The largest Business. mud 8bor1- 32 hand Bohool in Western Ontario, Out Ti coutton are thorough and praotiaal, 11 Teaching is done by experioneed etruotere Thorn is no batter School iu the Dominion. f, 17 ALL G12ADUATra8 8E0U1(92 PCB, V'f Qj 1r10138, .Ental NOW, - ha wrlto for our free Catalogue, 90LLIOTT k k1oLA0RLAN, Prinoipale, PUMPS TANKS and WINDMILLS hMA Still in the heel twee handling Pumps of all hinds, both iron or wood. The Marvel Windmill, ono of the best maim, to handled by us. Water Tanite of varlou0 sizes mule to order, Repairs promptly attoudod to and at reasonable prices, I''rJ''Oriler81eft at Tint Poet', Boueolor,0, will have our prompt attention, A. RAYMANN PUMP MAKER, CRANIIRo0K 19txi.ct .Rom W i 000r2i it rat . Dnring a high wind the emokeataok et the Union Factory fell with a oreah, oan0in9 quite n Beare. . W. H. and hire. Bele purpose moving to Toronto and Mr. Bele t0 offering hie house and lob on Catharine street for sale. Wm. J. Plenty, formerly of the South• ampton Benson, bee purchased a paper in Brigden, Ontario, and tools possession on October 2nd, Thee, Bell and T. A. Mille were a deputatiou to oonfer with the Bishop of Huron regarding the appointment of a rooter for St. Penn's. John Kerr was elected to the Presidency of the Epworth League rendered vacant by the absence of J. W.Aneloy, Mies M. 'Iibbe was eleoted Missionary Viee•Preoi• dont, and dies Molly Hammond, Sea. rotary. Mre. Jae. Davey passed away on Friday Sept. 22nd. at the borne of her daughter, Mrs. M. Lamont, Fran0ee street. The deoeaeed lady had reached the ripe ego of 79. Interment took place in Chieelburet cemetery on Saturday. 'Phe Hunter Bridge ,b Boiler Co. have eigoed the uoutract for the building of the standpipe and work ou the foundation has been oommeneed. The company is bound to beim the work oompletod by the 15th of December. Masers. Armatrong aid Lewis are making good progress in the b,ying of the new water mains, out• entering the iamb -r of delays for want et material, The laying of the pipee hae been completed on Pattrioh, Oatbariue and John 01reete. A ICAO BRUISE. Often oaumoa a good dual of trouble. The best aura is a prompt applioation of Norviline which instantly stops the pain, preven10 80011009, removes all blankness cud di000lerotion. Nerviline is antieep• tie—prevents blood poisoning. No liniment ell etroug, so penetrating, so swift to destroy pain. You mise a lot of comfort by riot rising Poison's Nerviline. For nearly fifty yeore it hae been the °tenderd family liniment of Canada. List() w e1. R, R. Gamey, M. P. P., opened the Fair here. Knox Church will hold anniversary services on Sunday, Oct. 15th, when the Rev. Dr. Gaggle, of Dunn Ave. Presby• terian ohurob, Parkdale, will preach. Mies Edith Mermen, daughter of J. A. Halsted, Monet Foreot, was married on Wednesday of last week to Geo. J. Reid, manager of the Sovereign Bank at Mt, Forest. The apple Drop fo thio section will be a light one 11110 year. Many orobarde are almost bare of fruit, and those that had even half a orop were badly thin• oed out by galea. R. G. Roberti], Clerk of Wallace, had a narrow escape from being seriously injur• ed. Ii driving out of town one of the wheels came off, overturning hie rig and throwing him into tbe ditch. The horse waofrightened by the upset and got away, smashing the thefts of the buggy. It was etopped at the third line and brought back. Mr. Roberta wee cut on the hand, but not otherwise injured. The out was off the wheel whish caused the accident. Jae, Dovideou's frame dwelling house on'onion street was set on fire from the gasoline stove, which is said to have exploded. The boildiog was quickly ablaze, and the oocopanto only had time to get out a portion of the furniture. rho timely arrival of the Fire Brigade, however, saved the building, the fire be- ing extioguiebed before it had gained much headway. There was no mem... twee. Mre. Davideon'e band and arm were severely burned by the blaze caused by the gasoline, and Fireman A. 0. Bioh- er had a bad gash 001 just below the eye by the axe which he was nein9 near the root glancing book. Fortunately the eye escaped injury, 1-.31v l:l.. Rev, Father Hanlon is the new pastor of the Rumen Catholi0 oburohoe at Blyth and Clinton. Thos. E. Jones hoe returned from England, where he spent two months visiting the manes of his boyhood days, g9Mise J. B. Kirkby, who is leaving Blyth for Rainy River, wee the recipient of an Epworth League pin and a well worded address by the memboro of the Epworth League of Blyth Methodist obnroh. Blyth lodge, No, 145, A. 0. U. W., attended divine service in Trinity church on Friday evening 22nd ult. Brethren were aleo prevent from Belgrave, Clinton and other lodger, in the neighborhood, The sermon was preaohed by Rev. Bro. Edmonds. C. L. Shoemaoher, a former lmndlord of the Queen's hotel in this village, died at his residence in Parkhill on the 7111 ult. For eome weeks the deceased bad been confined to his bed with a severe attnok of fever, When pneumonia cot in. He suffered much pilin in the last few Jaye of his life and all that the beet medical skill and nursing could do was done for him, but to no avail. lie was juat in the prime of life, having reaohed the age of 42 years 11 menthe and 99 days, and was a big etroig man In hie day. He was born in Hay townohlp, where the early days of hie childhood were spent. A happy event took plane in St. Miohael'e obnroh at 9.80 o'clock on Mon• day morning Sept, 251h. Itwae the oo• Garden of the marriage of Wm. Belly, of Morrie, and Mike Nellie MaLanghlin, of Blyth. The ceremony wan performed by 0111.11,0195.111111.101 Rev, Father Mullen and th0 obnr(11 woe tvoll filled with 0peoltturs. John Me Leu'111•u brother the Lein:1111u, Otho 0f o hello, aesielad the groom, and !Hies Eva Bull wue eridoe maid. Tho bride Melted very pretty dressed in cream grope de chane. At the olooe of the marriage oorernouy the newly married ooulelo and 9100010 drove to Ilbe home of the bride's mother, where a wedding br 010(002 wee served, actor which they drove to 1110 home of the groom's father in Morrie and then 10 their own home, 21111111 the groom par chatted a shoo time ago from John Netbary, 1"011 2IIlLAN(1NILY WOMEN 1 Oan't even eieep—restless clay cad night—brooding over imagined trouble all the time, The Mimosa isn't in the brain, but in the blood tvhioh le thin and innutritious. Do the right thing now. andyou'll be cored quickly. Just tante Ferrozone;it turns everything you eat into nourishment, ooneequeutly, blood aontaining lore of iron and oxygen 10 fanned, Ferrozone realise fleet], muscle, nerve—etrengtbenein 11 week, aurae very quickly, You'll live louger, feel brighter, be free from melancholy if you use Ferrozoue. Fifty °ante buys a box of this good tonic (fifty ohnoulpte coated tablets In every box) at all dealers, 1¢.LW ()()01. St. Albans ohurob will hold special Hemet home services on Sunday, Oat. 8th. Elma Cheeee Company shipped 420 boxes of September ohoeee to Hodgson Bros„ Montreal. Fred. Switzer, gravel road, lost a valu- able cow. The animal choked while eating an apple. Mies Belle Patton left for Winchester, where she will spend a few months with bar sister, Mrs. O. H. Fullerton, Samuel Watson is um Bole proprietor of the Atwood Livery, he having purchas- ed the interest of Nesbitt Hamilton. J• eeph Mielhausen, former proprietor of Elena House, has rented a hotel in Durham and will take poseeseiou in a few months. Robe. Riohmoad is busily engaged in doing the brick work on the new drug and Bank building in Monkton. Jae. Strutbors has the oarponter 000treat. Lemuel Pelton 13ae sold his house on Main St. formerly occupied by Mrs. MOBain, to Frank Donnie who has die posed of hie property ou King St., East, to Thos. Abel. Mr, Abel taken poesee• Mon in Nov. A publio meeting will be held in the Baplietehuroh ou Friday evening, Got. 6th, for the purpose of organizing the temperance foram to take Ration towards 0eouring the adoption of a looal option law in this towmhip. Jahn Bell, Main:St. met with quite a severe accident on Wednesday noon of last week. Mr, Dell hae been taking the boards off hie verandah preparatory to raising and under building. He stood upon' the roof of the verandah prying up the boards, when suddenly the boards broke and Mr, Bell was thrown to the ground. His fall was partially broken by his body striking a emending which broke, thus preoenting him from striking the ground with too great foroe. Some of hie ribe are broken and be re• oeived a severe shaking which at his age caused him to suffer somewhat. The Direetoro of the Elma Chem and Butter Manufacturing Company had quite a difficult task ahead of them Tues. Coy of last week whet] they were palled upon to ohoeee a siceeeeor to W. D. Ire Saved BY BTJYING FROM In Furniture we have the most exclu- sive lines on sale, Good practical Furniture at very lots prices. 15 per cont. off FOR CASH BUYERS. Moore Bros. Furniture Men. Good Lined Low Priced Angus. There were 15 applicants for the poeitioo, many of them men of 000eider- able Bn00ere in their nailing. Atter mnoh careful consideration the position was awarded to Robt. A. Thompson, oheeee maker of the Norwich Junction Cheeee and Butter Go. Mr. Tbompeon hae had shoat 12 or 15 years experioneo ae cheese and better maker and hae been 7 yearn with the Norwich Jaootion Co. Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland met in St. Andrew's church, Wingbam, on Tuesday, September 19113, at 10 a. m., with the Moderator, Rev. J. J. Haeli0, in the chair. Messrs. Miller and Chisholm were appointed to audit the Treasurer's books and report at the December meet. ing. Standing Committees were appoint. ed for the ensuing year ae follows :— Fineries, Dr. Roes, Rev. D. B. McRae and their elders • Augmentation, Reeds. D. Perrie, W. J. Went and their elders ; Home Mleaione, Revde. W. J. west, J. Barnett, J. Radford mad their elders and Dr. Murray ; Sabbath Schools, Reeds. D. T. L. MoKerroll, B. M. Smith and their eiders and Inspector W. I Chisholm ; Church Life and Work, Revde. G. M, Dano, F. J. Maxwell, J. McFarlane and their elders ; examination of etudente, Revde. D. Perrie, D. B. McRae, L. Per. rio and their elders ; etatistioe, Revde. A. MaoNab, D. B. McRae, L. Perrin and their elders ; Youjlg People's Societies, Revde, J. J. Matte, W. 3, Went, A. Mao. Nab and their elders t Aged and Infirm Minister's Fund, Revde. F. A. Maolden• nan, A. MacNab, L. Perrin end their elders. It wee agreed, on motion of Mr. West, .bat a Foreign Mission Committee be added to the list of Standing Commit- tees, and that the Committee for the en• ening year be Revde. J. J. Hestia, Dr. Roes, W. J. West and their eldere. The first named in enoh of the Committees is rsessNewnwPsrotwarfesevarsowordawo READY For Fall and Winter Business We are now ready to fill all your require- ments for the Fall and Winter seasons. Our business has grown by selling good goods and selling them right. Comparison is the only true test of value—we court it on every line we sell. We aim to Please For the best advertisement we can have is a well satisfied customer. We look to the fut- ure its well as the present—our prices must be right. Dress Goods A cordial invitation extended to the Ladies to have a look through our Dress Goods Depart- ment where you will find all the new and de- sirable materials and shades. Dress=making Our Dress -making Department is giving the best of satisfaction, Everything made up in the latest City styles and best Workmanship. We bicl for your business on the merits of our Merchandise and the lowness of our price. Oolober Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand. One' of the Sheets free to those who call for them. t Strachan convener, Mr, Weel gave notice of ills intention to in ve At the December meet t t `i t i It g that f^' a 1t ing Committees be ap• pointed 01 tile December meeting ineteed of at the 9,10'1•111bor one, An addrees woe given by ltov, Robert Laird, Pinion. Mal Agent of Queen's Univeroity re the reining of halt a million dollars for the endowment et the Univeroity, Various memboro of Presbytery afterwardo spoke on the subject, and it was agreed Hutt Meyers. Perris, Perrin, and Lnopeoter Chisholm be a committee to tot in con. junction with Mr, Laird and the 0.0 oembly'e Committee with a view to the raising of lune amount, P0rmi00ion was granted Weiere. Perrie and Dunn to moderate in oldie a0 mon a0 the Tees water congregation, and the St. Helen's and East Ashfield oharge are respect- ively reedy, Mr. Dunn reported re the supply of Bt. Helena, and East Ashfield, and state d that be had had considerable difficulty regarding probationers who wrote demanding permission to preach on dater, that had been Otherwise provided for, This permission be had felt himself ander the uiroumetanoee bound to refuer, Dr. Murry likewise reported his pert in this matter ae re presenting the probationers Oommittee. Atter eoneidoraltoo the Presbytery ap proved the oondeet of Mr. Demi, Moe ere. Burnett and Radford were appointed members of the Executive of the Young People's Presbyterial Association. Mr, McNabb reported that on the eoggeetion of certain memberslof Presbytery at the evening meeting of the W. F. M. S. Presbyterial in May last he moved the following motion, which wan ascended by Mr, McLeod, and parried by the vote of the members of Presbytery preeenl; That the Presbytery express its gratitude to God for the work, wbiob, by tbe stir- ringe of Hie love, He has enabled the Maitland Presbyterial Women's Foreign Missionary Society to perform during the past twenty one years. We rejoice in the growing anaemia that attends the efforts put forth, and in the sustained .11erest manifest in the various auxil- liarieo during the peat year. We hope, and believe that what hae been ac- complished in the past is but a prophecy of still greater things that are to come, We commend every member of this Presbyterial to the rich grace of God, and to (be gnidaaoe of Hie Spirit, and wonld remind them each and all of the promise of the Master, that nothing done in Hie name and for His sake shall fail of abundant reward, The Olerk was in• otrneted to engross this motion in the minutes, and urenemit a oopy of it to the Women's Presbyterial Sooiety. As the Young People's Preebyterial Convention was to take pleas in the Church where the Presbytery were in 0000100, and the hoar for the convention had arrived, it wee agreed that 'Commiesionere to the General Assembly be asked to report their diligence at the next regular meet- ing. It was agreed the next regular meeting take plane in Wingham on the third Tuesday in December, at 10 a. m. ANDnxw MAeNAo, Presbytery Clerk. Walteo, Sept. 25113. Grey Council Meeting. The O000eil met pnr0uaut to order in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Monday, Sept. 18th, at 10 a. m. Reeve in the chair, and other members preeenl. Min. utee of last meeting were read and ap. proved. The following tenders were received for the Mitchell Bridge super• etruotare :— James A. Vance with tamarack flooring $2575 00 If the Council would furnish flooring 2425 00 Kincardine Bridge Company complete 2175 00 Stratford Bridge Co., tamaraok flooring 2497 00 Stratford Bridge Co., cement flooring 2897 00 Sarnia Bridge Company, hem• look flooring 1835 00 Sarnia Bridge Company, cement flooring 2350 00 Mitchell Bridge Compsny, tom• amok flooring to be completed in November 2050 00 Moved by Wm. Fraser, seconded by John Grant, that the tender of the Mitchell Bridge Oompany be accepted. Carried. Moved by John Brown, seconded by Demme Johnston, that the Clerk ask for tenders, for Gement abutments for the Mitchell bridte, Tenders will be opeced on Wednesday, September 27th, at 6 p. ne. at the Olerk'e office, Ethel. On motion of Grant, eeoouded by Fraser, the following accounts were ordered to be paid:— Wm. Denbow on eontraot gravel- ling Grey and Morrie Bdy$25 00 Robert Ellie, digging Award drain, 101113, non. 14 28 00 Charles Pollard, gravel and shovelling gravel 11 65 John McEwan, gravel 12 80 Samuel Burke, gravelling S. R. 1, con. 1 Wm, Hamilton, placing gravel on White's bridge Peter Tarr, cement pipes, Bdy. Grey and MoKillop Peter Tarr, cement pipee, lot 27, con, 8 R. Frame's, drawing limber and repairing road, Bdy. Grey and Logan D. K. Livingston, repairing cul- vert and timber, B. R, 6, eon. 15 2 75 Edward Collie, railing on onlvert Bdy Grey and Elmo 4 00 R. McAllister, tile for onlvert S. R. 1, con, 3 2 00 Angie Carmichael, aessieting Engineer on McLean Mun. drain 3 00 S. S. Cole, approach Ethel bridge 34 00 W. S. Forrest, farm bridge, Lamont Mun. fdrmin Morrie16 00 Timothy Nolan, tile and drain, lot 4, ecu. 16 - 3 50 Arthur Smith, repairing road at lots 5 and 6, eon. 6 6 75 Jae. Brown, balance of °entreat Ethel bridge approaoh 25 00 Jno. Rain, cinders for Oran• brook bridge 4 50 Jae. A, MeLanohlin, removing fenoe, lot 11, 0011. 12 4 00 George Clark, gravel 12 96 Jae. Ferguson, gravel 31 10 W. Annett, onlvert, Grey a0d Elmo b'dy 5 00 S. S. Cole, plank, and repairing bridges, S. R, 6, oan. 1 13 86 Peter Tarr, drawing timber, B R. 6, eon°, 16 and 17 8 00 Peter Tarr, gravel 2 24 43 00 4 80 89 00 7 00 1 50 3, W. Livingston, drawing tiro bee 0 00 Enaao Orioh, broken plow, 11001 work on b'dy. Grey and Mor- t i 7 00 Chas. (Jaen, laying oemeet pipee lot, 16, b'dy. Grey and Me• Killop 2 00 Jae, H, Cololongh grtvol,.,.,,4 02 Andrew Hielop, on contract Lamont Mun , drain.,,,,,..,. 1600 00 Moved, seconded tied parried that the Council do now adjourn to meet 00 Oot. 16th, JOAN MCINTOen, Clerk. WEAi0IN(1 AWAY '1'01111 1.110(18, Yee and your strength too. Stop coughing and get rid of that catarrh. The one remedy is "'Oelarrhozone" which goes to the diteaeed tieeuee along with air you breathe; it een,t fail to reach the tease of the trouble. Ito bound to kill the germs, and as for healing ap the sore please, nothing can surpass Catarrh ozone. It you don't get instant relief and ultimate euro you will ak least get back your money for Oatarrhozone is guaranteed to mire oatarrh in any part of the system. You run no risk—therefore tide Oatarrhozoue—at our expense if not ealiefied. 20(119 A1)1211 80 El' t 1'01't'l eita7'1V, Fifty years ago 1 uluam'u Corn 19x• lraotor was introduced. Its solo 11108b0su enormous, The reason is that "Put. cam's is the only, painless and sure afire for earns, warts and bunions." Doubtless you have proved phis yermeelf, Red eedar Shingles Just received, a oar of B. C. Rea Cedar Shingles XXX and XXXX Turnings mid Jointings for sale for kindling. Also a supply of short Slabs. Walton Saar Mill When in Doubt Como to Us r� p Trade at Our Store Never take unnecessary chances if you clo not want to suffer a loss. A store you know—a store all this community knows—a store that shows you the greatest assortment—a store that is famous for dependable qualities—a store that always quotes the lowest possible prices—a store that means to do the fair and square thing at all times and under all circumstances. We sell good goods at right prices and nothing else at any pries. Large stock of Dueber Hampden, Elgin, Waltham and Swiss Watches. Ia"If your Watch is not giving you satisfaction bring it to me, I will guarantee to repair it or no charge. J. G. JONES IBE LEADING JEWELER, %oq't Sc.h l d Your boys and girls because their shoes don't stand the strain. Maybe they were not good ones. Inspect our line of school boots and shoes. Made to stand the wear and tear—good, stout leather, flexible soles, strongly stitched, good appearance. Moderate in price. Lasting quality. Here are a few of our many convincing prices:— Girls' Shoes, 80c to $1.25 Boys' Shoes, 75c to $1.50 A nice assortment of Shoes for Ladies and Gents at Lowest Prices. (''Comfortable rooms to let over store 1 very convenient. I.C. RICHARDS. FALL AND WINTER suits and Overcoats ver ats If you are thinking of buying a Fall Suit or Overcoat we will make it worth your while to call and see our new line of Scotch and English Tweeds and plain and fancy Worsteds. The most Stylish and Serviceable goods that can be bought. Our Overcoats of Fancy Tweeds, Beavers, Mel - tons and Cheviots are also on the move and. are sell- ing fast. We have a large stock of Fancy Pantings. The price we know will make you buy. Call in and we will be Glad to show you what 'we have for Little Money. hIV Wh/trM Dodds & Habkirk