HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-10-5, Page 14e i 1 MINN Vol. 34. No. 13 .101 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903 New Advertisements. Looal—Mise Kelly. For sale—D, Milne, Thanks—Mre. Mo'li.inlny. Cow for sale—S. Haggard. Millinery—Mre. MoKinlay, Mtlinery—Misers Habkirk. Attaaiou sale—Howard Hall. Fall Fair Speoial—Jus. Fox. Baking Powder—F. R, Smith. Show oases tar sale—THE Pone. A grand eueoese—Mise Strachan. Waltham Watohes—H. L. Jaokeon. Apples wanted—John Cunningham, Ratios to Oreditore—Morphy & Oar. thew. 3111xshrLCit Stew. Monorieli. Boson REPoiT.—Following is the re. port of S. B. No. 9 Grey for the month of September. The names of the papile in the varioue classes arrlirnged in order of merit. Sr. IV—Alex. Bann, Winnie MoNangbt, Maggie Mann, Ella Bray. Sr. III—Walker Noble, dna MoN an hh , Alex. Speiran, Pearl Harrison, Mel bourne Bray, Alice McKay. Jr. III— Jeenie Mann, Gran Schnook, Dave Tarr. Sr. II—Olanoy Flood, Beth MoNaaght, Bert; Snelling, Olive Brown. Jr, II— Lily Harrison, Benda MoQaarrie, Har• vey Noble, Emily Smith, Fred, Hodge, Lanra Speiran, . Harold Liviogetoue. Pt, I—Lottie MoKay, Noble Saline/1k, May Livingston, Average attendance ter the month, 46. ALoouvA MaNeuauT, Teaober, VV roxecer. R. Barrie made a shipment of sheep on Tuesday. Robert Miller le in Goderieh tbie week on Lohman. Mn. 0. 0. Stewart visited Brueeele friends last week, Editor Palmer had a bneineee trip to Moleswortb on Friday. Mrs, R. Miller to spending a few weeks with relative? in Toronto. Wm. Rutherford left for Montreal ou Monday to spend a few 'tendert. John Brawn, of Toronto, spent several days under the parental roof. John Brelhanerjudged the poultry at Mildmay Fall Show last week. Mre. R. Fox returned to Bennis last Wednesday, atter a visit here with old friends. .Rev. L. Perrio 000apied the pulpit in Victoria Hall, Jumeetowo, on Sunday evening, D. and Mre. Hepburn, of Wingham, spent Sunday with W. M. and Mre. Robinson. Willie Perrin wheeled from Kin ardine W o on Friday and spent over Sunday with hie parents. 13., Mre. Jenkins end little daughter, of Wingbnm, visited with Mre. Jae. Paulin on Batnrday. Rev. L. Perrin preached the prepare. tory sermon in the Presbyterian church Friday afternoon. (CIO (IIIIID p WALTi1AM Every WALTHAM Watch move- ment is guaranteed by the manu- facturers against any defect fa material or construction. This guarantee is without time limit, and holds good the world over.. 1210001000 WALTHAM WATCHES now in use ^� We have a large assortment of -L [.L.Jackson WALTRAM Watches in Gold, Gold Filled, Silver and Nickel Cases. HIGH GRADE GOODS AT CLOSE PRICES. JEWELLER. MILLINE 191 To the Front as Usual Our Reputation for Taste in Mil- linery grows with the years and our Hats enjoy a prestige to -day that places these in the front rank. Styles to suit all at .Prices to suit all Pockets. tv'6,4d'bM,'ed11011, llrle114011'e Misses flab kirk acxx cxx:cxxxx 0 xxxxxxxxxxS'�, 1,4 MCKINNON & Co. i�m,pp, BLIYT E 4 GREAT PREPARATIONS ARE DEINfi MADE FOB THE BLYTH FALL FAIR which will be held on October 106h and 11th. The managers aro sparing neither time nor expense to make it the beet fair ever held in Huron county. Our Mammoth Cash Store always does a large business on Fair Day, and his year we have made greater repparations than ever bo show our Errands from a distance the ad antagof doing their trading in Blyth where they clan get first plass goods at prices like these ;— Ladies' Cloth Coats, in all the !Meet designs, from $3.50 to $15—Lad- in' Astrachan Jaokele, in close glossy ourl, from $25 to $45—Ladies' Greenland Beal Jaokets, from $80 to $45—Ladies' Eleotrio and Near Seal Jackets, from $27.60 to $50—Men's Fur Lined Coate, with Japanese mink Galloway, Fur oats in Iberian dog,Ga w $40—Men's I1 0 B oiler at 80 and 40 y, o s $ $ brown land blaok calf and cub bear, at $12,50, $18, $20, $25 and $80--Meu'e Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves, ab 50o, 75o, $1 and $1,50—Men's Fine Baav- er Overcoats, at $6, $7.50 ani 910—Stanfield's Unohrinkable Underwear, et 91, $1.25 and $1,85—Men's Fleeced Shiite and Drawers, good value at 60a, for 60o—Ladies' Furs, in huffs, Oaperines, Stoles and Sento, in ooney, oppoesum, sable, Texas mfnkand rook Martin, from $1.25 to $15—Ladies' Frenoll Kid Gloves, Fowne's and Pewney'O make, at 75o, $1 and $1,26— Ladies' Golf Jaokote, in blank and oolors, ab $145, $1.75, $2 and 92,75. When you dome to Blyth Fair make this store your headquarters, m n see our 1 b e t •bigestab is 1s alk through out r rn eaud parcels, w ou , leave w g Y P P "n this lino. � great display Of New Dress Goods—we take the lead 1 Exam- ine our great display of Furs, walk through our large Millinery parlors, Dee all 0110new creations it1 the latest Styles in Paris and New York Millin- ery. A walk through our Mantle department will be very interesting" We show all the latest etyleo. Yeti need not spend a went except you want to. a'llaxoWlso'LL'lx:rxuxx til* ... teelamnaro.za. m`.Jamx amy xxsi Mrs, Flwing, of Teeawater, is the guest of her daughter, Mre, Geo. Allan, Minn Ada, and Maadie Noone have returned from a two months' visit to Thessalon, Charles Sanderson left for Hamilton on Saturday where he hen bought it grocery business. Rev, Mr. Tarr, the new rector of the Episcopal oharoh, will occupy his pulpit here next Sunday afternoon, Mise Jennie Miller lett for Toronto on Monday where she has secured a position as bookkeeper in the Children's hoopital, 3631 aught.. Duff and Stewart are patting to a new cement dam at tho mill. Mies Nellie Biokle, of Hamilton, is visiting frieude in the village. Mies Olive sod Frank Scott are re• covering from their regent illness. Walter Patterson and family have re. moved to Wingham. Joseph Pugh will occupy the house -vacated by Mr, Patter - eon. Rev. Dr. R. P. Malley, of Toronto, will aonduot the annual Thauk•offeriug notion in Bluevule and Eadies negro. getion next Sabbath morning and after. noon, Gr a v. Township Council on Monday 16th. S. R. Orerar lett for the School of Sojourn, Toronto,laet Saturday. Mrs, Da M • Hollinger, of Mitchell a r.H g pent Sunday with Jno. and Mre. Holliuger, 9th oon. Quite a number of Grey township papile are attending the publio Sohool at Brussels. Miss Lizzie and Emmis Hollinger, of Loudon, are spending their holidays under the parental roof, Ot11 con. An 8th oon. home is going to have a new housekeeper shortly but as Bandy don't want it mentioned we will not give it away. An ensilage cutter that was being aper. ated at James Knight's, 12th con„ made a bad smash the other day bat fortunate• ly no one was hurt. Alex. MODoneld and his son Willie, 4th oon., have been quite ill with bad attacks of Summer Complaint bat are making favorable progress now. The Dement work for the Mitchell bridge, 12th eon., was allotted to Nagle & Looby, of Mitobell, @ $3.15 per cubic toot and will be done at once. Old bridge will not be taken down until new piers are ready. Total amount of taxes on the roll for 1905 is $92,209 118. ibis is $813 lees than last year. Oolleotore Kreuter and Bishop will (1ommenoo work on Nov. let. There 10 not much trouble with Grey 'township taxpayers in the payment of tithes and this year will nee the balk of the money paid by December 15th. Saloon Rennet—The following is the report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 2, Grey, for the month of e tember be names in order t merit. B t o P Sr,I lees—Mar Stewart Richard . zG Y unnin ham. Jr. III .lass—Wilber U g 0 Turnbull, (Janie Stewart, May Oliver, John Ooeio, Iva Harris,. So, II Oran,— Jennie Oliver. Jr. II Class—Millie Casio. Part II Claes—Alex, Stewart. Sr. Pt. I Claes—Leslie Oliver and Jno. Canninghnm, Jr. Part I Olaes—John Stewart and Ina Stehle. The star, at- tached to any pupil's name, indicates the ebeenae of that pupil during part of the examinations. R. MaNent, Tenaher. AROEIE LAMONT DIMMED. — Although a cumber of people knew Arohie Lamont, an old and well known resident of the 7th oon., was seriously i11, the report of hie demise on Friday about noon Dame ae quite a surprise to the community. For about a month previous be hod been poorly, appondioilis being the ailment. Mr, Lamont first saw the light of day in Argyleehire, coming to Ellie new land in 1852. A short time was agent in Piotter. ing when hie father's family moved into Grey in 1858 being among the pioneers. 200 aoree of land was taken up, the one owned by Mr. Lamont and the farm West recently sold. to Richard Armstrong by. Hugh Lamont, a brother of demand. Mr. Lamont bought the McDougall farm Ent of his lot and consequently had a fine 200 acres. He was a good farmer. Mre, Lamont predeoeueed her husband and Kate, a daughter, paeeed away last October. Four none survive viz., John, Allan and Charlie in Grey and Archie at Moosejaw, N. W. T. There ie one daugh• ter, Mies Mary, who lives at home. The eabjoot of this notice was a brother to Malcolm and Hugh Lamont, of Gray,and twin brother of Mre, Simon Grant, of Brussels, and a cousin to Jno., Angus and Donald Lamont. He wee a member of the Pres. byterian ahar011 at Bthol end aloe belong. ed to the A. 0. U. W and 8. 0. 8. at Brunetti, Mr, Lamont was a grant lover of a gun and for yeare, Meng witb Johu Blehop, had tont a few weeks deer hunt. ing in Muskoka, The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and was vary large- ly attended, many desiring to pay this hese tribute of reopen to an honorable man, Rev. D B. McRae took the ser. vino and interment was made in the family plot in Brueeele cemetory, Y7rot.rr brook. A. Reymaun and grandson were away to Logan visiting the former's brother. io•Iaw, Alex, Campbell. Last Sabbath afternoon Eli Smith took the service iu the Methodist church, The pastor will preaoh next Sand0y.l Onio,—Atter an extended illneee, borne with Christian fortitude, Mrs, Donald McDougall, a worthy resident of Mile locality, bade good-bye to earthly con earns on T'hareday evening of last week at 8.20 o'olook. Cancer of the etomeob was the clause of death. She was a native of Salherlandohire, Sootland, and same to Canada when 14 years of age, living in 'l'nolteremith township, Her maiden name was Janelark. U After heCma [- ridge to her now bereft partner in 1860 they moved to Walton where they rend. ed for 20 years before removing to Oran. brook 12 years ago. Ten ohildren were born to them 0e followe :—Mre. Joseph Love, McKillop ; Mre. R. McLeod, Wal. ton ; Mre. A. McLeod, Washington Ter. ; Mrs. J. D. Hrnohley, Constance; Mts. Hugh Ramsay, Walton, deceased ; Mre. Wm, Bmalldon,. Grey ; Mre. Inman, California ; Alex., of 8t. Tbomoe, Ont. Wm , deoeaeed; and Dan. in Washington Ter, Mre. John Ballantyne, of this 1100110y, is a sister to Mre. MoDoagall, and D. Clark, of Egmoudvllle, a brother. Hugh W. McKay, 9th on, Grey, is a ocneiu. Deoeu0ed woe a fine, big hearted woman who was always ready to do a good turn for everybody and who was beloved by a wide airole of friends. Mr. MoDoagall and family will be eympothiz- ed with. Rev. D. 13. McRae, her pastor, oonduoted a suitable service at the tuner, al on Monday afternoon. Interment was made at Brunets oemetery. —r— anemic ytown. Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter, gave a good disoonres last Suadoy night, Eddie Bryane was at Seaforth in obsrgo,,nf the emallpox patient and oou- sequeutly in quarantine. Be will eater) next week to college to oomplete hie medi. cal course. We wish him enooese. Jae. B. Innis was here from Moorefield aesieting in oloeing up stocktaking. The Innis family left here for thele new home at Moorefield on Thursday carrying with tbem many good wishes for their happi. nese and prosperity. Geo. Ianes, who has been employed at the tinemithingat Fordwiab, was here and left for Moore• field also. MATRIMONIAL.— edn edi, Y evening of last week the comfortable home of Jae. and Mrs, Lynn, of Howiok towaobip, formerly of Jamestown looality, was a scene of very pieasurable 0o0ivity, the event being the marriage of their thumb - ter, Mies Mary, to Wm. Brown, of the Dame townebip. The oeremony was per. formed at 5 o'olook under a large ever. green arab trimmed with asters, in the - proteins ot 185 gaeste, by Rev. A. B. Dobson, Presbyterian minister of Ford. wiab. Bride wee given away by ber father, Mrs. Litt, of Gorrie, pinged the Wedding Maroh in fine etylo. The bride looked epleudid in a costume of Japanese taffeta white silk, trimmed with ohoioe lane. The bridal veil was fastened with lilies of the valley and maiden's ferns, She carried a beautiful boquet of Dream roses. Mies Lizzie Lynn, Dieter to the bride, was bridesmaid and looked very neat iu a dress of Pereiee lawn, and on. ried a bogaet of pink ropes. Ooug[atula• tions over, a eumptuoa0 repast was eery ed in Mre. Lynn's best style. The wed. ding gifts were numerous, useful and valuable and bespoke the popularity of the privaipele. Groom's gift to the bride was a gold'ahain set with pearls and to the bridesmaid an opal ring. A moat enjoyable evening wag spent in reoftation, Bong, music, and andel converge. The wedding tour was to Lansing, Miobigan, and on return Mr. and Mre. Brown will take up housekeeping on the groom's fine farm ou Oen. 10, Howiok, where they will under favorable anap;uee, commence life in their own home with the very best wiebee 01 11. large oiroie of friends for a happy and prooperoue life. Mr. and Mre, Lynn made first elan hoot and hostess and everybody had a most enjoyable time. `azwitimv'A�OitR asIcQriiR' mr..4iQy6r,:c:a�4ti'�lySi'�44:'31m3l MRS. VI'KILAY has much pleasure in tender- ing her thanks to theLadi Ladies se for their compliments, pur- chases ar- cha sand orders in connac- �' tion with . the Millinery 0 ening. A choice stock will always be kept and although the very latest styles the prices will be within easy reach. • Allnot called �, who have cale are cordial- ly invited • Successor to Misses Rno11e ct Hayoroft. vui' b�.�.�d�S. „>_ .b. .�'� alvei,'�'';yd_ .b%iaJS_ M51_ Ag_triA W. H. K:ERR. Prop Thie week W. E. Bryan arrived home fromthe North where with 9 otbere he spent five mouths patrolling the Mieeies. anga Forest reserve of 720 Square miles, Algoma, The work is largely done by canoe as far es the travelling le oonoeru ed. There were fortunately no fires of 00000gaence, The headquarters of 1110, Bryane was at Aubrey Falls. These falls are 165 feet high and vary fine The Miselesauge river has a current of fibont 8 mine an hoar in some plane so is an ideal spot for travolliug in a canoe down stream. It emptiee at Day Mills. Ooan0ry is rooky but in some seotions splendid pine le to be found and minerals A0011 as copper iron and gold are seen, It was an enjoyable outing and W. E looks lie if he had a good time. He add ed 12 pounds to his weight and is in good fettle to taokle his finer year at 'Toronto Mediad College to whioh planebe will go next Monday, He le a good student, Leadbtarv. A very end accident happened to Ed. Davideoo, eon of Thee, Davidson, 120h line, on Wednesday of last week, While handling a gun loaded with shot, it was put off, the shot going through the right hand. He is at present in Dr, Guon's Hospital, tit al Clinton,andp og r r lug as well ae eau be expected. sae• kiltal. Connell meeting here on the 16th inst. A number from here attended the tonere' of the tate Arohie - Lamont last Sunday atter000n. J. M. Davies is home from the West and is ooneiderably improved in health we are pleased to state. Rev. Mr. Armstrong presohed a very interesting dieooaree last Baulky even ing to the young people on Samuel. A choir of Minden lead the singing and did it well. The auction sale of farm stook, im piements &a. at R. Dilworth's will -take place on Thursday afternoon of next week. Mr, Dilworth and family will remove t0 the Northwest. Last Sabbath evening R, 0, Daviee sang a solo in the Methodist ohurob Brunie and on Monday evening he and Mies Alioe Davin gave a deet in the same ohuroh that greatly pleased for people. en the Western Fair London, J. K. Brown, proprietor of Ethel ahem Watery, captured 5th prize ou cheese. He was awarded a Bronze Medal for oheeee at. Toronto Fair, mooring 94a• pointe. The footory is doing well and "Jaok" le all right. Wal ton. Harvest Home eervioe was held in St. George's ohnrah last Sabbath. The ohuroh being tastefully decorated and a large congregation was present. The s0orament of the Lords Sapper will be diepeneed in Duff's ohuroh on Sabbath first. Preparatory eervioe will take lace onSaturday at 2 80 . on. and P p will be conducted by Rev. W. M. A., of Binevale.y R J. bleat, Anniversary eervioee will be held in Duff's church on the 151h, and 16th of October. The Sabbath services will be oonduoted by Rev, D. Perris, of Wing - barn. Fuller intimation will be given tent week. Servioe in the Methodist church next Sunday at 7 p.m. The pastor will preaoh a Fluent sermon, entitled. "A Harvest of Weeds." There will be special music by the choir. After next Sunday the serviette will be held morning and evening alternately. The Letgee will meet every Sunday night 00 venal. Rev. David Forrest, a former well known and highly esteemed pastor of Duff's ohuroh here, who has been a reef dent of Toronto for some time, bee mom ed to Newmarket. Mr, Forrest's throat is soma better but not right yet. Mre. Forrest has not been very well bat is much better. Daweie is attending High Bahool at Newmarket. This le a smart growing town 80 ranee North of Toronto, with G. T. R. and trolley lines cannot. lug it with the airy. A Harvest Home, earring as a reopen• ing, was held in the Methodist ohuroh on Sunday and Monday. The edifice having been brought to the parsonage lent Fall, has this Summer been under going repairs and improvements, nob as Dement basement, steps, re.plastering, new ohimoeye, re -papering, rearrange. went of pulpit, and oboir platform, eto, This week the members of the aongre. elation have been busy preparing and decorating and the efteot felly repaid the efforts, the ohnrah on Sunday presenting a beautiful interior. Rev. S. Anderson, of Blyth, preached in the morning at 11 o'olook from the text "Our Father Who art in Heaven," a moat effective sermon. In the afternoon at 8.00 o'clock, Rev. Dr. Roes, of Brunie, preached a moving diaaanree on The Vision on Mt. Stela, and in the evening, Rev. Anderson, minuted by Rev, A. MacNab, took the eervioe, oontinning hie theme of the morning by using the text "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." Special music by the choir a0 all eervioee, solos being rendered b y Mre R. 8. Baker, and Mies Allis Dundee. Although the con gregation of this ohurob is small, the ohuroh was oomfortably filled in the morning and afternoon services, and crowded in the evening, and all responded liberally to the special thank.ofterin . n g U Monday da eveninganother bumper hones woe in attendance for the supper, whioh wag served in the new basement, which would amply repay it0 eon even it it were peed for nothing alae. After mapper Rev. R. S. Baker, the paebor, to whose personal efforts mean of the eu00e00 of this large. undertaking hi due, preeidod at the pro. gram part of the entertainment, which wag of such high order se is seldomheard Bard at country entertalnmeutp. Among those taking part were, H. L. and Mre. Jack. eon, of Brunets, in violin and organ inetruineutale, Misses Helen Beattie, of Seaforth, Mies Alice Dundee and Mre. R. Balt 0 S. or iu mole. Mees Ada Beattie, , of Seaforth, in Elooutiouory numbers, Revde. Anderson and Mao1 ab in enter. t010133l Wrong,. and the o1{oit in an. theme. Token ae a whole, the aongre. getion of this eburob may oongratnlate themselves that their enlhuslaetio efforts to improve the ooudition has ea for beau amply rewarded. Morrow. Aaotion sales are livening up. Reeve Oode is Intending to retire from AtrmiO3. A roadster yearling belonging to Evans Bros., broke a hind leg in jumping over a gate from the lane into a field. An effort is being made to save the oolt'e life. Juo. and Mrs. Oaeemore, of Morrie, lost their infant daughter, Elizabeth Rebeooa after a brief illness. She wee an iotereeting ohild in her seventh year, and the home leen benne of the vaoant chair, and for the child that is gone, The Petoskey (Mich.,) Evening News of Sept. 19th speaks of a farmer resident of thio locality :—Rev. J. E. Maunders left last evening to attend oollege in (Mingo, after a very enooesofnl year as pastor of Graoe M. E. church. Be will be missed by a large oirole of friends. Somme BEPouT.—Following ie the re. port of S. S. No, 8, Morrie, for Aagaet and September. Claes IV—Selena Wheeler, Maggie Miahie, Dna Watson, Agnee Knight, Alex. Conon. Olaes III—Mary Speir, Florence Shedden, Lillian Watson, Maggie Oonnon, Wesley Shedden, May Little. Br. II—Riobard Al000k, Bile Clark. Jr. II—Fannie A1• nook, Kenzie Sherrie, Hazel Niobol, Myrtle Wheeler, James Niobol, Aggie Bradshaw, Harold Kerney, Wm, Con• non. Pt. II—Maggie Speir. Br. Pt. I— Elsie Oonnon, Willie Clark, Ernest Miahie, Andrew N:obol, Rene' Brad. thaw, Gladys MoNeil. Jr. Pt. I—Bar. barn, Bradebaw, Rena Ciokey, (equal.) Beet 0pe11ere in monthly spelling matches. Claes IV—Maggie Miobie, Olean III—Lillian Watson. Br. II— Riohard Al000k, MIvere L, Kean, Teacher. HARVEST Hotis.—The Harvest Home anniversary eervioee of the Ebenezer ohurob, Bluevale airooit, 2o0 ooa, Morrie will be held on Sunday and Monday Ootober 8th and 9th, Rev. Albert E. Jones, of Belgrave, will preaoh on Sun- day at 2.80 and 7 00 p. m. Special maeio will be rendered by the oboir. On Monday evening a grand snored 000000t will be given in the oharoh, aonei'eting of solos, daete, °boraoes and instrumental maeio, also readings recitations and speeches. The following talent hoe been secured W. A. Grewar and H. L. Jaokeoo, Mies In., itboNaoghton, Mise Jean McLenablin and Mre. H. L Jackson Misuses Jessie and Elsie Btraohan, Mies M. Taylor, D. Strachan, L. Rattan & Oo., Mice Chisholm, Mr. Jones, Mise R. Moses, Rev. A. E. Jones and othere. W. H. Kerr, of Brueeele, will 0000py the chair. Oonoert aommenoes at 8 o'olook. UIIURCHH CIII.MI:S. Lastand Y S a Rev. Mr. Janes of Mill• bank,took v' the serving in t S . John's aharb, Brueeele. Rev. Mr. Lnng.Ford eapplied at Millbank. Rev. 0. W. Ban• dere, of Lnoknow, will officiate next Sum day at the Harvest Home Thanksgiving At the preparatory service to the Communion in Melville oharoh Rev. Dr, McLean, of Blyth, preached a very prac- tical dieooaree last Saturday afternoon to a good congregation, The pastor offioist. ed on Sunday. A number of new mem• bare were received. A onion meeting in the interests of the Lord's Day Altisaoe will the held tin St. John's church, Braeeels, on Thursday, 19th Inst„ at 8 o'elook, when an address will be given by Rev. Mr. Shearer, the well known Secretary, of Toronto. 13 Gerry is President of the Brussels branoh, At the annual Rally Day eervioe in the Methodist Sabbath School lamb Banduy afternoon the following enjoyable pro• gram was presented • — Selection by Orobeetra ; Hymn and prayer ; solo, Edna Speiran ; reading, Carre Mo. Oraokeu . solo by Mies 0. Hingeton with chorus by !wheel ; roll oall of the Manes and enplane ; male chorus ; address by Rev. Mr. Molamne, of Listowel ; solo, Frank Lowe ; Hymn ; diemieeal. The monthly Mieeionary collection was $6 48, whioh makes the total about $40.00 for 7 months phis $28.00 presented to Bert, Lott a month ago. A neatly deoarated ohurob, large oon gregetions, good maeio, two splendid discourses and fine weather oondaced to make last Sabbath's Harvest Home Au. nivere0ry in the Methodist ohnrah here;& splendid suaoess, Rev. D. N. Matinee, of Listowel, was in the pulpit and dem. onetrated the Truth with elognenoe and vigor. The morning text was an unoeaol one from Ezekiel 3;15, "I eat where they eat and remained there among them 7 days," but from 1t. was demonstrated many praotioal lessons that will not soon be forgotten. The choir sang an anthem entitled "A Song of Thanksgiving." At the evening 0ervi0e .the fine Sabbath School Orohoetra lend the praiee, also giving two volontarlee, "The New Birth" was the theme dwelt on by the preaohee in which he showed how reason. able and natural the doctrine a u was and oloeed by ten urgent appeal to aoceptthis grateful submission to Jesus Marin, Mise Kate McKinley, ot Beneath, gang "The Land of Dreams" in excellent voioe ; 0, U. Davies, of Ethel, rendered a very pleasing Bolo "Heaven i0 my Home," and the choir's ohoioe of anthema was , u "0 1 Give hanks. The col t' G v T e leo tuna were good and the day thoroughly enjoy. ed by all who partioipated. KNox Onnees.—Unique interest is given to the opening of Knox College thio year by the addition of the installation ceremonies, when Profeeeor MoLaren will be iudaobed into prinoipleship and Professor H, A. A. Kennedy, D, So„ of Scotland, and Profaner Kiipetriok, from Manitoba olle e Winnipeg, will form. ally join the proteosional etaff of the col. lege,' An bhie marks an important period in the history of Knox, the pont.graduate oonferenoe hen been gnbjoiaed. Begin. ning on Monday, Ootober 2, at 8 p, m„ the eymposiam, •'The MinistersLibrary," woe disouosed by Rev Dr. Milligan, Rev, J. A. ItileoBonald and Prof. 11. A. A. llonnocly, At 8 p. m, Prof, 3, 0,, 1Yio• Lenaan illustrated the sabjoot ot "Radium," and; Mr. Wm. Houeton spoke on Teunyearee "Iu Memoriam." Rev, Jos, Borland and Rev, H. J. Prit chard on Tuesday morning and after. noon spoke on the "Early /Urea. tivee of Geneeie," with a dismission fol. lowing. In the evening Prof. A. Shout dwelt on the popular theme, "Lawson and Hie Oritioo." On Wednesday after. noon at 8 o'dlook the installation 'of the new professore will take place fn Bioor Street Preobytorian Church, and in 1110 evening at the earns place the college was formally opened. liev, Prof. Kit. patriok detveriog his lnaugurel tenure. "The Early Epistle of Paul" are to be 010030sed on Tbureday morning et Knox College by Revs. J. A. Watson and S. I. Martin. In tbo afternoon Rev. Hugh Matheson will speak on "The Ethics of 8obsoriptiuu", with dieoaesion after. wards, followed by the business meeti0g of the Alumni Annotation. In the even. in Prof. James Ballantyne is to treat on the "Foreign Influences on Jobn Knox", and Prof. A. 11. Young will speak of the Sfetine Chapel. On Fri day, the closing day, "Hero Stories of the Hebrews" are to be expounded by Revs. J. W. McNamara and H, L. Barob and iu e afternoon Rev. J. W. Oanninth gham is to leoture on the Gospel of Paul. Rev. Dr. Rosa, of Melville - churn, Brueeele, is in attendance at the interesting exeraiee0. The EPNaaTn LEAGUES'CONVENTION. — ih0 niuth annual Couvontiou of the Epworth Leagues of Wingham Di0triot will be held in Teeawater on Oct. 11th and 12111. The following is the program,—Wednes- day evening a0 7.30 o'olook—Song service in charge of the choir; devotional exeroieee, Rev. E. W. Edwards, B.D., Tiverton ; words of welcome by the Preelden0, Rev. M. J. Wilson, B A., Teeawater ; solo, Miss M. Staples i ad- dress, Rev. R, Millyard, Luoknow ; duet, Mre, Hie000ke and Mre. Mann ; address, "The Wittman of the Sunday Sohool on the Nation's future," Rev. Dr. Gandy, Wingham ; anthem by the choir ; an. noaooements and oclleotion ; closing exercises. Thursday mornin—Sunrise prayer meeting, Rev. W. A. Smith, B.D., Aahfleld ; devotional exercises, Rev. S. V. R. Pentland, Salem ; eleotion of Bneiness Committee of five members ; "The re. sponsibility of the League in evangelistic work," D. 0. Taylor, Lnoknow ; dismis- sion ; "Our Epworth Leagues and Mica alone," Miss E, L. Lloyd, Wingham ; "The Sabbath Schools and Missions," S. W. Caldwell, Kinlough ; disouaeion ; reports of Seoretary•Treaoarer and Business Committee ; aunonnoements and clueing, '1hureday afternoun — De. notional matinees, Rev. T. W.Blatohford, B.A., Ripley ; "Ohrietiao Stewardship;' Rev. `Jas. Hauer, B.D., Fordwioh ; "Our Jnnios League Work," Mre. (Rev. r. W. Oosene, Brueeele ; di0aneoion • "The Future of the Sommer School," lix•Pres- ident K. J.;Beaton, Port Stanley ; duet Rev, and Mre. $unser, Fotdwiahrba Young 1 Man Problem n Rev. E. F. Arm- strong, B.D., Ethel ; discussion ; Round Table Oonfereooe on League Work, in charge of W. H. Kerr, Brussels ; an. norneemeute, collection and closing. Thursday evening—Song service lead by Ohuroh oboir ; opening exercises, Rev. J. H. Ooterhout, B.D., Wroxeter ; intro. duction of President elect ; anthem by the oboir ; address, "The need of a For. ward Evangetietio Movement at Home and Abtoad," Rev. K. J. Beaton, Port Stanley ; duet, Rev. and Mre. Reeser ; address, "The Holy Spirit in His relation to Epworth Leaguere," Rev. T. W. Cos. ens, Braasele; solo, Mies Minnie Btaplee; resolutions and ooneotion ; duet, Mrs. Hie000ke and Mre. Mann ; praise, prayer end testimony exeroise, in charge of Rev. Dr. Gandy. The following ere the offi. oars t—Hon.•Preo., Rev, J. R. Gandy, D.D., Wingham; Pres., Rev. M. J. Wil - eon, B.A., 'Teeawater ; let Vioe, Mies Mary Feirbain; Teeawater ; 2nd Viae, W. 0. Thompson, Toronto ; 8rd Vioe, S. J. Oonrtioe, B.A., Kiuoardiue ; 4th Viae, Mrs, (Rev.) Geo. Baker, Blnevale ; 5th Visa, Mre. Harvey Ham, Luolcnow ; See.. Treas., W. El. Kerr, Brunets ; Rep, to Gen., Rev. J. W. Holmes, Bleneim. ENSILAGE CUTTING, GOOD WORK DONE. During the past week Jno, E. Bailey, of Wyoming, agent for the Bell & Son Ensilage Cutter, of St. George, was here and a ten was made at nutting corn and filling bbe silo of Alex. MaLauohlin, lj• miles No rth of Brussels, on Monday with A 1 results. The following teotimou. isle give proof of the work done :— Messes. B. BELL 0 SON t . or, 0 1., Manafaot8turereGeogef Ensilage Cutters: DEAR Sies,—This le to certify that the No. 60 Fly wheel Ensilage Cutter ordered by Mr, Wm, Bird, of Brueeele, through your looal agent, Mr. Neil B. MoLaoah, lin, bee been thoroughly tested by us. The machine worked well in every reepeot and we find it all you 010im, viz •—It rens easy, d eleven. ante feet an leve . in 0n 001t en good as n g p Y g o Loy other machine. It looks to be well built end finely finished. Signed by Alex, MoLauohliu, owner et silo ; Lewis Cole, Engineer ; Eli Smith, helper ; - Harry Stewart, helper , bel • Dan, Mnl,auohif❑ helper'i Alex, Stewart, helper; Benson Wheeler, helper 1 Fred. Cardiff, helper. Brunets, Oot, 2, 1905. Wrens. B. Bacon 0 Son 1 Dun Sin.—We planed et your agent's disposal our 18 hp. engine to drive Mr. Wm, Birds No. 60 Ensilage Cutter, The worked aohine r ked well and book only 91 Denude of seam to drive it oomple0e. Signed Cons Bum.T htaghee. r Any further fntortnation cloaked may be obtainedn, from theonodglbnetleloom agentwlt , No . Sare. MOLaue1ilin, Braasele, or cminquiry from tbe above menilonen well know