HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-21, Page 8POLY TI '
Get rid of the Flies and secure comfort for yourself by get-
ting a package of Fly Pads 01' ROMS '1'anglefoot. They will
free your home of the pest iu a very Short time.
Fly Pads at 10c and 5c per package.
Tanglefoot, 4 sheets for 5o.
TT6e our pure Spices. you will find them to give the best
of satisfaction. We also keep a large assortment of Corks
for Pickle Bottles and Catsup Bottles, also Sealing Wax,
Trains team Brussels Station, North
and South, se follows;
Mall 1:05 a.m I Mixed 8:40 a.m
Mixed.........11:25 a,mM... ail ... 1'88 p.m
Express 8:02p,m I Express 8:51 p,m
Turd gebas Pins,
A. ehiel'e among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
Dass are rapidly shortening.
REAn Tar•. P
oaT ad vextisementm,
Last Sunday's raiu was a delightful
T. MaLAnoaLIN's auction sale next
Tuesday afternoon.
25 CENTS gets Trn,PosT to Janaary 1st
1906. Now ie the time to sabeeribe.
EAST HURON Fall Fair Oot. 5 and 8.
Get a prize list and arrange an exhibit.
Bruaeele Evaporator is busy, 11 you
have apples to sell call at the faotory.
Oxon Buos. have a goat and a oars in
whish to drive it. Fan is on the pro.
THE Gerrie Vidette has bad another
birthday and grows better with lemma
ing years.
Doman disposed of bis roadster
to Duncan eloDonald, of Jamestown, and
purchased another from Geo. Muldoon.
THE nasal sittings of the 4111 Division
court tae been ranoelled for tbis quarter
owing to the uneettled condition of
ibe officiary.
TEE frost of Wednesday night of Iaet
week wee quite a pinober. Ioe formed
on veseele oonbaining water out doors in
different plaoe5.
LAST week Co, Attorney Seeger, of
Goderioh. was here installing H. R.
Brewer into the 4111 Division Court Clerk-
ship and Thos. Newsom as Bailiff,
THE Fall Faire in this motion opened
on Thursday at Seatortb, W. H.
McCracken entered on his annual sem•
paign with a big range of mote, vegetables
MILLINERY openioge in town on Friday
and Saturday of next week, 29th and
80th iaete, Look up the annoa0oemente
of the three stores and be sure and at.
Suvoan, dead muskrats were 'found in
the drain that crosses from Turnberry
across Prinoeee to Albert street. Ronald
MoNeughton ran across one that was
very rant alive.
A FINE horse abed 48 feet long bas been
completed at the Queen's Hoteleffordiog_
largely increased a000mmodatioo. H.
James is having one emoted at the rear
of the American Hotel this week.
FALL FAIR CONOEItT,- For thie very
popular eotertaioment the ever welcome
Jas. Fax, of Toronto, has been secured.
Mies Mazie Booth, a floe soprano, of the
game oily ; Mies Jeoeie Irving, a highly
commended elocutionist of Hamilton,
and Mies Mabel McDonald, a Boutob
dancer of Wingham, will oleo be dere.
The date is Friday, Oot. 6th. Plan of
the Hall at Fox's drug store. Secure
yone mate early.
Vomits on the Thomson Oald Storage
By-law next !Monday. Bead the By
law o0 page live of thio week's edition of
THE PoeT, and be prepared to dismiss the
situation and record year vote favorably
on the 27511. Polling places will be at the
office lately vacated by A, Ooneley, the
Connell chamber, and Geo. Birt'e reg.
idenoe. The Deputy Returning Where
will be Jae. T. Rose, R. IL Roes and P.
Soott. Poll will be open from 9 a. m. to
6 p. no. Vote early.
TROUBLE AHEAD -Owing to repeated
impudent and undeetred vieite to the
borne of Wm. and Mts. Oakley, in wbioh
property has been injured and perform.
8noe8 oarried on not very creditable to
the youths engaged in it, the names
of at least three parties are emoted and
if Oonfimatory evidence oan be moored
they will wieb they had minded their
own business. This is the 20th oentury
and a supposed oivilized community. A
private detective may complete the
DON'T forget that next Timidity after-
noon hi the date of Thos, MoLaaahlin'e
auotlon eale of well bred horses, vehielee,
park lots, oto., Tarnberry street North.
In his list de lite Weil bred trotting stat.
11012 "Monbare," No. 11868, who at three
years old trotted a mile in 2.11# with a
great autimeaion of sons end daagbters
whose names are familiar to the turf.
"ttlonbere" is a dandy. "Royal Park"
an imported Olydeedale etallloo, 4 years
old, will also be offered for eale. There
will likely be a large attendanoe: JI'. S.
will be the auctioneer.
To Tee PEOPLE or Bunnies Mrn. SUR`
ECUNDING GosNTRY� I beg to notify yon
that as the transfer of the Canadian
Exprees baefneee hag been made from
Wm. Honey to myself that the office of
the mane will be at my ebop, Goods for
shipment via Oanediab Go, I would sett
you to kindly leave mime at my shop
for billing and not at station, Expreas
Panels will be delivered to any part of
the town and ell heavy panels of ship.
meat I will gall for at your plane.
Money Orders oarefnlly attended to.
Yours respeobfally, J. W. EEpgEv,
Telephone No, 5, P. S, -Don't took me
to Call for baggage that work is done by
Gto. Mafdoad. 3. W. It,
Vote for the By • law next Monday.
Tan weeds along some of the streets
ebonld be out and burned, and a general
tidying done before Fall Feir day.
Wosonax Fall Fair on Wednesday and
Tbursday of next week, Tug POST
oakum -sledges oomplimeotary ticket.
:Visa JEAN MCLAnouLIN Will fill the im•
portant part of pianist and a0oompauiet
at Atwood Fall Fair Concert On the even.
tog of Oot, 4th.
Reeve HENDnuso8,a Pacing mare pre•
aeuted him with a fine horse foal from
"Moobars," Thos. MoLauchlin's speedy
stallion, last week.
THE Pon eubeeription list is moving
rip. Are you a reenter eobsoriber or a
regular borrower 2 26 mots will esoore
it to Jan, 1st 1906.
Sone talk of organizing a Cboral
Society in Braaeele fur the coming Wio•
ter. The idea appears to meet with
favor by a goodly number,
Junott DOYLE will hold a court for the
purpose of aorreoting Brussels voters'
List for 1005 in the Town Zell on Friday,
Oat. Oth at 10 a. m. There are some 40
LAST week the Kincardine Reporter
mune to band enlarged and improved.
It is wawa 7 ooiamn'paper. It shows Bro.
Hunter is determined to make it a credit
to the town. We wish him good look.
Da, Ovens, M. D., Surgeon, Oooalist
Specialist, Diseases of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and glasses fitted properly.
Will be at Smith's Drag Store, Bruaeele,
on Tuesday, Oat. 17th. Hours 8 a, m.
to 1.80 p. m.
DR. BDThaa, epeoialiet, will be al the
American Hotel, Breese's, on Thursday,
Ooh 6811, and Thursday Deo. 702, when
he will be pleased bo have persons de
siring hie professional skill or, advice,
oall and see him.
MONDAY morning Harry Mooney
()limbed a ladder to oil a pally in the
knitting factory. The ladder Blipped
and the occupant came to the floor in a
harry. We are pleased to state that his
injures vete not very serious.
MEDALS. -The Silver and Bronze
Medals offered by Eyrie Brae., the Well.
known jewellers of Diamond ..Hall,
Toronto, for East Huron 6'all Fair came
to band last week. 9iret mentioned
will be given ea a 450101 prize for best
ball any age or Claes on exhibition, and
the bronze medal goes as a special for
the best 10 poande of table hatter. The
medeie may be Been at THE Rosa Pub.
lishing House.
Taos, A. Hawxlos, with most sincere
thanks to the people of Bromide and the
enrroundiug aonntry for past patronage,
announces with regret that in order to
further pursue bis etudiee in music, be
will leave Broseele next Spring, Any
wiehing to take advantage of hie in.
sbruobions while be remains should make
application at their earliest coovenieoae.
Those preparing for the mid -Winter
examinations should resume their studies
at 0005.
LAST Monday forenoon a partridge
filew through the window in the Drese•
making department of Alex. Straoban's
store, breaking the glass, and wee cap,
tared alive by Mrs. Geo. Shiele. This
1e rather sat Of the ooetomery order but
pueeibly the poor bird beard that the
local sports were getting ready to go a
gunning and knew it would have to come
to town anyhow end preferred to come
alive than as a "deader." Wise part.
PALL FAIa DrnnomoRe.-Toe beet at
tended meeting of Ball Fair Dlreotore
for many a year wee held on Saturday
afternoon in the Council chamber, Bros.
sale. Ont of a possible 24 members, one
of whom is in Idabo, 20 were present,
Judges were aeleoted for elasaee not filled
by the government appointed experts. It
was agreed to engage the Wingham
Braes Band for the Fair. Committees
wore appointed for various duties,
Three large rings are being arranged for
judging the ligbt and heavy horses and
cattle. No one will be allowed in these
wire enoloe0ree excepting the exhibitors,
one direotor and the Judge. Arrange.
menta were made to keep the traok clear
of spectators and those who tie -raid in in.
trading where they are not wanted will
be removed from the park. The various
oompetltioos in sport and epeoial at•
tractions will be pushed along so as to
prevent unneoeeeary delay. Every Dir.
eotor testa that with good weather East
Huron will have the bast Fall Fair on
regard, The dales are Out. 5 and 6.
Proceedings will oonolnde with the meat
big concert on Friday night for wbioh A
1 talent is engaged.
ANNlvanatax,--The annual Harvest
Home anniversary of the Methodist
oburob, Brussels, will take place on
Sunday and Monday, Oot. let and 2nd.
Rev. D. N. MOCannue, of Diatoms!, a fine
pt'saober, Will ocoupy the pulpit on Stub.
batb and take part in the Rally Day pro-
gram ofthe Sabbath school, At the even.
ing meriting the S, 8. Orobeetea will lead
the praise eervioe and the choir will be nun
eteted by Mies Kate MoKiuley, of town,
and It 0, Davies, of Ethel, who will
oontribute Bolos, Special aolleations
will be taken for the Trost Feud. After
the usual good eapper, Mobday evening a
very oholae program will be presented in
the auditorium ill wbioh snob well known
talent as Mies Mollinley, Mtee Nora
Holmes, Mise Vinle Uardiff, Mr, Davies
and Rev. Mr. hloOamue win take part
in song. Rev. Megere, Langford, of
St. John's oharoh, Brussels ; Rev, E. F.
Aemetrong, 13, A,, of Ethel;and Kiev.
Par. IyloOamue Will be the epeaker5,
Standard Bark of Canada
=sea..,A,osiTa2saamai9 16'72
snac UR, QR RESERVE FUND 8 1,000.000
.A Goners -el 11ddardate1w 13toatjlleaEa 'rivet Matt stttacl
Acerued. Interest is added to aeeoonte every six' mouths and become° prillolpel,
Joint Deposit Aeeouuts-A BPECIAL OONVENIlt&CE m nue in our Ravines De -
pertinent 1a the "'Joint Deposit" aoeuunt, Money Rlay be deposited or withdrawn
by either of the two members of the household., This eyetom is a great ounveo.
niece to many residing in town, but more partloul&rly 0o to farmers, as in too latter
case whether man or wife comes t0 town either oat) attend to the Banking, An-
other feature 0f the system is that in ease of the death of either party the looney
eau be withdrawn by the survivor without coat, We Will toll you mono about our
metbode if you will kindly pall or writ°,
ltlru'e'led YYernen oral loners may make and withdraw depoalte without the ie.
terve:mon et any person,
only for whiob no charge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will reoetve oar oarefnl end courteous attention.
These anniversary DOOa8i008 are always
full of interest and this one will be no
exception. Trustee Board to asking for
at least $85.00.
ARS YOU A FORESTER 2 If 80 you are
epeuially requested to attend Court
Princess Alexandria next Tuesday even•
ing that being the regular session of the
Oourl. Tell your neighbor.
Bowden are working in Naoioipalitlee
ooutiguous to Bruaeele this week and are
malting good progress by hard work and
the favor of good weather and roads.
MILrINEoy.-Mies E. B. Little, former.
iy of Brussels, baa opened a millinery
eters in Wingbam, next door to the poet
d'loe, and will hold the Fall Opening
on Tuesday of next week, and will be
pleased to have the ladies 0atl.
J. G. Banana, Treaearer of the Sobool
Board, has received a obegne from the
Proviaoial Treasurer for $200 in oon
ae0tien with Continuation (glass work and
one for $400 from the Go. Tr -nearer. The
Board will ask for $2,000 from the town
this year to enable them to matt their
engag0mente, Expenditure is Drawling
up notwithstanding the Dare of the
Board. 'There ie a large attendanoe of
pupils this eeesion with a good quota
from the neighboring schools.
Business Locals.
BALANOn of fly Mite at cost.
P,uxiAxER wanted at ouoe. Apply to
D. 0. Rose.
Con[YoRTABLE dwelling rooms to let over
my more, soft water. Poeeeeeion oan Ise
given at once. I, 0. RICHARDS.
WANTED. -By & young lady One Or two
rooms (with or witboub board) in e
gaiet home. Apply Box 4, BEreenns
Haman lost between Um. MoKin-
lay'e millinery store and Dr. Burne'
office, Mill street. Finder will oblige by
leaving it at Tan Poe
llueIOAL.-Mies Griffin, of Wingham,
bas resumed her regular weekly vocal
elms in Brussels, nee , a nd is at Mrs. I{err'B,
Joon street, every Toeeday.
PRIZE BUTTER.- We Will pay 25o.
per pound for the beet tub or box butter
every two weeks. Mrs. Wm, Taylor.
Whitechurch, won last contest.
SAwe.-We give yea saws easy to work
and easy to pay for. Your courage will
improve when you nee oar saws.' If you
have slow, hard working Bowe do not de.
lay but come right away and have them
toned to your fanny. T. MoGa000i,
.11i11 St., Brussels.
Being in the neighborhood of St.
Thomas a short time ago, I took ad-
vantage of the annual Band exoursion to
the Falls, $1.60 return. It was a fine time
of the year, I was among fine people and
everything was inviting. The day was
beautiful, the crowd large and varied
from green rusticity to gentlemen and
earth's most charming creatures. Sotne
had neat leech baskets and others some-
thing in biscuit boxes tied with binder -
twine, but more perhaps less economical
or free from children depended on pro-
visions ahead. I had seen the Valle be-
fore Mace coming book from Australia,
but that "Masterpiece of Wetness" don't
fail to attract a second time or charm
again and again,
In Australia I was asked acetas of
tinea about this far famed, everlasting,
raping, dashing, foamiug, splashing,
wildly grand and furiously mad awfulness
of water, Once I was told I was like the
Soot0hman who had been gatekeeper at
the font of some great mountain out-
look amid the heather bills for thirty
yeare. A traveller asked him about the
grandeur above and having got the most
correct and pleasing information, said
"No doubt you have been up often to
be so well posted." "Weal no" said the
man on duty "ye see I am aye here and
could goo o p any time, while folk frae a
distance like you Dome on purpose to
gang up."
The exonreion was on the M. O. R,
line and tiokete good for two daye, but
perhaps not one third abayed for the
second day as there was about seven
hours after arriviug at "Queen Victoria
Park," oppo5ite the Fruits, before the first
return brain. A good deal can be seen in
seven hours in this fast ago by wide
awake people where every facility is
offered by bus, bask, carriage or oar in
the bands of experts, anxious to matte
every dollar they oan out of the sight-
seers from far and near, Who knows
when such a wonderful irregularity in
Nature began to attract vision 2 Who
knows whet the redman thought of the
rainbow or the mist 7 Who was the
first white beholder 2 The Falls need no
desoription from mer many know of the
gigantic oleotrioal Works going on to
utilize some of the immense power eo
long going to waete. Among other
improvements, one of 4anada'9 best
hotels is going up at this end of the
S08pebsion bridge, the toll over whiob is
ten Conte for each foot passenger. close
to the American end fe the much talked
of museum, The one Side rivals the
other in pointe of intereet, bub as all
along the borindery between the two
chantries the biggest towns and the meet
stir are on the American Side, An
elootrio oar rime 00 13,uffalo every fifteen
or twenty minutes, so for 250. one can
be in that pity of tittles in an hour, It is
wonderful how much oan be seen in a
short time, and for no great outlay of
money. Buffalo is always interesting
and up-to-date. The streets are fine,
the buildings grand, the bustle immense
end the vivacity and iotellegeut boldnese
of the people pleasing, In olden tinges w8
heti to look out for horse oars, then move
faster out of the way of electric ones, bet
note, automobiles shooting here, there
and everywhere, make one almost afraid
to move. Auto liveries are as common
as stores 10 Bcudeole gad one e1111 take in
the sights ou auto oars going the rounds
foe 60 coots. The gardens, the race
course, the stook yards and some of the
large Notaries are worth seeing. Some
of the stores and hotels are floe and the
Star and Took theatres are not aurpass-
The "Gold Dollar" saloon, where
$8,000 in gold bas boon ihleid in the
floor and bar, is among the •attractive
noveltioo, anti Canal etreet for wicked-
ness has no equal this side of Chicago.
It attracts too, and shows glow music bad
those is in often professedly good human
Returning to the halls many look for
some outdo tuenento of which a w, t,der
fol supply 15 to be found.
Dodging the (M4011113 is so common
one is led to wonder if this violotiou of
the law is a esu. All elasem try it and
only feel sorry if oinrght. Amid this we
only get a glimpse of what night be Sean
and pleasant times and things pees ton
soon. The Niagara Falis trip is over and
I ant home for a holid,.y and rest,
The County of Huron is slower than
Niagara Falls or Buffalo bat its progress
is substantial and sure. It is noted for
its land and stock, and game one said
abbe intelligence of its people under the
ioflnenoe of Tam Posse."
Yours treaty,
Walton Sept. 1602, 1906,
An unknown man was killed on the
railway near Port Rope.
N. A. Batchelor, of Montreal, killed
bimeelf by an overdose of morphine.
Four new track records, one of them
the beet in Canada, were made at Wood.
bine on Saturday.
There was 266,000 bushels of wbeat
marketed at 0. P. R. pointe on Saturday.
The balk of the grain was received iu
Arthur J. Wadhem was put off a Win
nipeg street ear while -drunk, and fell,
sustaining injari,e tbet resulted in his
OLAnRE-ENOI.raR-11 the Parsonage,
Lthe;, ou Sept, 18, by Rev. D. F.
Armstrong, B. D., Mr. Richard
Clarke, of Elma township, to Mise
Cecilia Engler, of Grey township.
LooioEa-VosT.-In Detroit on Sept,
I2111, by Rev. Mr. Mookridge, Mies
Jeanie Adelia Vogt, formerly of
Wroxeter, to Mr, George Lori.
mer, of Detroit,
MCCALL,-In Morrie, on Sept. 1711,
Alex, MoGail, in his 72nd year.
.Eivc'x'soJ.v s.A.x,osa
TDEsbaY 5E1T. 26000.-Oleering out
Bale of well bred horeea, rigs, residence,
iota, etc., Turnberry, Street, Brunets.
Sale at 2 o'clock. Thou. MoLaaohlin,
Prop., F. 8. Scott, Auot.
Tneentx, Bann. 26. -Farm stock at Lot
88, oon, 14, MoKillop. Sale unreserved
at one o'olook. Patrick Ryan, prop.,
Tboe. Brown, Cao.
WEnNEenoY, Ocr. 78. -Farm Stook. N.
a Lot 11, Coe, 7, Morrie. Sale ab 1
o'clock, Howard Hall prop. F. S. Soobt
THE .---
Larri9,o1.r School
of Telegraphy
The now eyetem of braining toe railway
service, under teat a1005 January last, 1105
phlst whin irgivee full purtlealnro, e0801lmen•
{ala:rout pupils Dow employed by tato G. 1'.
It &o.
0 4 Principal and Proptfebor.
Red cedar
Just received, a ear of B. C.
Red Cedar Shingles XXX
and XXXX
fritraldngs and Jointi.ngs
for sale for kindling. Also
a supply of short Slabs.
Walton Sawi�,l
CAPITAL -Paid ftp 81,000,000
RESERVE 1OJND - 51,000,000
11187. 11. II, WARDEN, D. D., Directors 187. 8, MOORS,
Po'oaldent, Vioo•Presidonb,
Turns, 11RAD5UAW, F LA, 1105 0000005 eta. IV, MORTIn1Ent OLAMI, R.O. D. 0, TtOtreON, R, 0,
Dralte Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Disooanted.
° taste,, AtIMC AVAI'RW SN'T
Intermit at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES( allowed on all same of 51 and upwards
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
MR 7.flas 10.s FQ.A.ICK:Ers,
Fall Wheat 70 72
Barley B6 40
Pena. 60 61
Oats 27 28
Butter, tube and rolls,.,17 18
Eggs per dozen 17 18
Hay per ton 6 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 8 80 6 00
Hogs, Live 6 75 5 75
Wool 28 28
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Potatoes per bus 40 40
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25
ninon Cows, four and six yenta old, to
Calve in Spring. 4.1eo three Spring oalves,
Apple to J. W. MORRISON, Walton.
{ acre of land, eligibly located, for
sale. Fruit trees, cistern, cellar, &o.. on the
premises. Por further iuformabton as to
price, terms &a, apply to
MRS, J. R, SMITH, Brussels,
mon of an Execution issued out of Mx e
Fourth Divieiou Court to the County of
Huron, end to mo directed, against the
goods and ohabtels of Geo. Grubber at the
suit of Gaynor Iva, Graeber, I have seized
and taken in eseontiou :-I Roan Horse, 1
rubber tired Buggy, 10 00178,1 grey Heifer,
3 Steers, 1 yearling Bull, 0 your old Pottle•
Calves, East and West glows of Hayrtand
eAlof f6which LlSeedproperty {iwill be sold
on Saturday, the 80111 day of oSeptember,
1005 at t y
the hour of 1 o'clock is the after-
Dated this 20th day of September, 1005,
T. 10. NE WSOM, Bailiff,
Nottoe is hereby given, to at a Court will
be held pursuant to the Ontario Vetoes'
Gists Act, by Hie Honor, the Judea of the
County court of,the County of Huron, at
the Oounoil Obambor, in the Village of
Brussels, on Friday, the ot11 day of October,
1006, at the hour of 10 reelect:, a.m., to hear
and determine the several complaints of
errors and o 015510n sin the Vetere' List of
the munioipa:ity of Bruaeele, for1005, All
erilo0e having t
required ng Una nese at the court and
plaee.to attend at the said time and
Dated this 10001 day of September, 1005.
F. S. SCO'T'T,
Clerk of Brussels.
l •calve about last of November,
10 8 T. NIOHOLLB, Br0eeels_
Notice le bcrebv given that a Court will
be held pursuant to the (Miliaria Voters'
Lists Aol, by His Honor, the Judge of the
County Towneliip of
t,4IlageHo Ethel,
an the 4th day of October, 1005, at tbo.hour
o110 o'clock, a. m„.to .hoar and determine
the several ermplalots of errors and Oma&
sl055 fn 0110 V atom' List of the muniolpdllty
of Grey, for ,1005. All persons having beef -
nese at the Court are required to attend at
the said time and place.
Dated this 10111 day of September,i005,
Clerk of Grey.
A Word
To Well
We have many tbinge to sell beeidee I,
quinine and ail suoh bitter things.
Don't thick we are moat happy whorl
you are Mak, Of course if you mint
bo sick we should like to sell you
your Mediodues and fill your Pre-
ecriptiona, but we have a thousand
and ono thinge that you need besides
Mediate°. come in and see what we
have for the comfort and convenience
of the well-
A pupil 10 v00a1 music of Mre Nor.
tion in YD, cull woos prepared
alai the ivioltu. l 'germs
on appiicati.'u
TY upon which the Col,er carriage
Factory stood' also the standing wails and
50,000 brick. icor 1urtb or partioulare apply
to JOHN OOBER, Brussels. Also arubber
tired piano box buggy in good repair, near-
ly now, for sale,
"'Misses M�
S �abkXr
&att.= Millinery Display
Sept. 29th' and 30th
To which they invite the Ladies of
Brussels and vicinity.
Everything that .holds Popular Favor
will be found at the Show Room
They Invite Your Inspection
Men's Fine
Results are the
Strongest Convincers
Our advertisements only begin in the • newspapers, the strongest part of
them is in their fulfilment ; in giving values that force recognition as genuine
bargains, that win appreciation and instil confidenoe.
We do not buy a lot of worthless trash just to see how we can quote
pricers in the newspapers but everlastingly use our might to sell reliable, satis-
factory merchandise at lower prices than elsewhere.
Facts are what Count, not Promises.
The substantial test of time has proved our reliability and that there is
no such store for results as this -a truth that spreads every day.
-25 only Ladies' German made Jackets in
colors Fawn, Tweed Mixtures and Black
26 inches long, tight fitting, worth 5 00,
6.00 and 7.00, Clearing at ..... $2.00
-1000 yards of Mill Ends, Flannelettes, in
lengths from 2i• to 11 yards, worth reg-
ular 5, 6 and 9c, Clearing at,...,.,.,
4, 5 & 7 cts.
-90 pail's Men's Ileavy, Dark, Striped Wool
• Pants, worth $2.50, Clearing at.., 1.25.
-10 dozen pairs Men's Heavy Wool Sox,
regular 20c per pairs, Special
2 pairs for 25c
lit 80c.
50 pairs Heavy Flannelette Blankets,
white or grey, pink or blue border, med-
ium size, soft, fine quality, special at
per pair .80
Tit 95c.
Good Quality Flannelette Blankets,
large size, grey or oream, pink •'r blue
borders, worth at least $1,15, Special
at per pair .95
-15 e11d8 French Flannel, worth regular
50o, Clearing price .25
-27 inch Japan Taffetta, in black, ivory,
White, brown or blue, our regular SOc.
value, at per yard .40
rguson .4* Ro.ss
The Leading Ladies' and Men's Outfitters
Garfield Block