HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-21, Page 5PALL YAMS'. Palmerston Sept. 20-27 Listowel .,.Sept, 20-27 Ripley,, Sept, 26-27 Nort v 11 eetnru, Godericll.,,,,;Sept 20-27 6uyAolll Sept, 28-29 Hopt. 28-29 Hopt. 28-29 Out, 8--4 Worsham Ifarrieton Atwood I)u'I n qi ON Omt 4-6 Suet Huron, Brugeels.,,,.,,,0at, 5-6 Coale Oat 7 Duok annOn MythO Oct,12-11 n, 111-.11 6'-�iG=r�d�t=�(:-271•, t�:�'u.'•veT"`�t�,,sc"-=8tQ Two Remarkable Records 3 Made t 6Y Popular r Diol r 1 ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONTT., Den, YQNeN AND ALaxANDatn S'1'8. g The atteudauce at the opouhlg of our 2)031 Term waa PM TIMES as 'rout. as that of a year ago. Last month we had " 1 11tN Torus se em many a cali Y e for book• ooudfi keepers, stenographers, undoubtedly ehe. es weo • progressiveness ssi This nod oubte(s Mar.,that is f bile best Reheat ' to patronize. Enter Do v. Magnificent oat4loguo free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prmoipal. �I \J q �t)r..J' nF tJ _-MEDICAL CARDS. DR. R. A. BURNS— SueceMee to Dr. J. A. 11eNnughton Brussels, (JIIII11•Jo Graduate of Polyolinio Poet Graduate Rehool of Medicine and Surgery, Now York Member of Oollege of Fhyaioiaus and Sur - pone of Ontario. Wino anal residence same as formerly ac- cented by Dr. MoNetu;htou, Diseases of womou a specialty. 'Phone No. 2t. BUSINESS CARDS. ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PEE _LYJ.. omit, F.R. SCOTT, Brussels, \AT H, MoCRAOKEN— nae at Grocery of Marriage hrosselat 1.4-1ARMS FOR SALE—TILE UN nnnaroNoD has several good Farms for gale and to rent, easy terms, in Township, of Morris and Grey,. F 8. S0OT'I',Brueeele C. O. i . Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0. 0, F., Bruaeels, meets ie thoir Lodge Room Bias - hill Block, an the and and last Tuesdays of mien mouth, a48 o'clook. Vieitiugg brethren always 1001000)0, JAS. BURGESS, 0.1t. A, E. MELLISH, R, 8. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM; INOn1AN02, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS, vo S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • sus, will sell for better prices, -to bettor mon, in lees Ume and loos ebargee than any other Auctioneer in East Hurou or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders can always be arranged at this Moe or by personal application, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged fon at the office of Tac Poste, Brueoole, 2241 VETERINARY., G A. CUNNINGHANI— • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet. erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated animate , to a oompet- ont manner, Partleular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Favor, Oats promptly attended to, Onloe and Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, Teruberry et., JJruoeele, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD— • Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta, Summer to G. F. Blair. 011loe over Stan- dard Sank, Brunets, Solicitor for Metro- politan !lank, WM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, 8o11oitor, !Conveyancer, Notary Public, R0. Uffioe—Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Standard Bank, pROUDFOOT, HAYS r4) BLAIR— BARRISTERS, SOLIOITf(RS, NOTARIES PUBLIC', 10TO, W. PRo)Dp0OT, K. 0, - R, .0. HAYS G. F. BLAIO. OJ0oa6—Those formerly 0ooupied by Alessi% Cameron & Holt, 00p8A100, ONTARIO,. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEILD. l/EN'1'ItlT Graduate of the Royal OollOka Of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Pirot.olaes Honor Graduate of Toronto University, ofioo next to Brewet•'o Photograph Gallery, BRU8810L8. CENTRAL �q STRATFORD, ONT. The largest Business and Short-�p hand Sehoo iu Western. Ontario, Our bQ • <Mimeos aro thorough i and sed i L ' s n Teachingie done b ns )tri tn- Y 1 • 9� in 6118 bomlhionatruetore, otos, ie no better aohool 11 Va 9b' A1.L GRADUATES 110001414 1'08. li 1,1 IT10N8. ,I9utor NOW, �Write for our freo (iOtalOgao, .D 10LLIUI"r & AIOLAOHLAN, Ar Prineitaalo, II =iat lb=cit-e'i !all -ffi lfo`3 Ei W/NGHAM imenneofola (Or sumo time. She le College xq ry wafering from filo 060031, but has Ili/ Business ess ( ;o l e. 0a 1,npru Vad Iind i(1 100(11lu nNGi14', 11,104 I0 4),r M FiP4ii3 Voi W t uw 660114(44 tba4 she (1311 0(3(111 ha fu 180800red, till p }p4t d p -. _ _.�..--••---..+.+.,.,,.. t ;emir will hive itis rea,iAPP n f •eat of .""".. . . "...:: "^^`^- -: is 1 tr ir't'H oP greu4 praoUn)'1 valor. h�e °�,r �dt�e it ',sin,Ir•o u ,,a•� •r) ,.ow,l op,111 .yF- u• °' rr � .ce.t-�. .ra'47.E°,,,�: -�sr .zrJfx: ,,.y 1 • PAREN't'01,YOUN(i MEN, YOUNG WOMEN, of BookkeepE I1P ing, Mllartleuud ,iiidl l yliewii6• /�9 21.1 Inv/ea- eetl it tor anemias 1ividee every day to the year. There Is too 06)10111(0 tb0 BRIIIS24NT, fm• prove t110 pro80(14 and yeti enure in the future, Muter NOW, and secure a thorough training in. either of our departments, that will novo the business avenues 01100008fnlly for you. Perms and further Information oheerlolly ktyuu 4y culling et Writing, 6100. ni,P " o1 r), N. 1iN01NALn poi, al[ Prualuvu4, na, 12 years te0ohing experouuo. ts.rx.ct letns_ 'V1Io 9rrlrar- The Carey Shod 0d., of 'reroute, has ,1f i l p v dad the Ratline stook in town. Geo, elaeou bee pnrohaae(1 a new fold ingorgan fur use 111 0otklge meetings. 1tub1. MoXay caught a blank bast, 18O ;081100 long lend 5>l 4O0h00 broad tutu weighing about 4 ',mottle. bin08 Marjorie .11, Fisher bus bean re. engaged us teacher at the Lower Twee sellout with au 1110rtae9 of eat Dr. Bothnia reoeived word of the death of his wife, at Plano, Algoma. The 110oease(1 lad was a remittent Y of t u[ Wiuuhuw e (1600 eu Ctl ago. y F The Mieees Little, Tata of Bruaaels Rud Toronto, have opened a new etuuk of Millinery fu the store next to the post. °Moe, formerly oaaapied by H. Park, Tile receipts of the Firemen for the Labor Day demonstration were a little over $700, and the expenses about 0500, 90 4ha4 the b'Iremens' feud is 100reu80(1 by about 0200. Geo. E. King's valuable colt died ou T38sday evening of last week. Mr. Km;: le au admirer of good horoos and tide was a favorite one, Bence the lone is wore keenly felt. Til0 animal wag praoIioally sold for $850, had she lived.The notorteue - b sen it trouble again,- Ou complaint Alex. Kelly, she wa0 charged with in droent conduit and lodged iu the look.up. On Sunday some person or person, broke the look in the door and set her free. leh0 was, lhowev811, ,captured by Oonetable Phippeu, and 00 Monday we, eentanued to six 10001118 in the GOunty jail by Police Magistrate Murton. It3eIo r a—vce. WELD/NO BELL).—A very interesting MD t00k place 011 Wednesday 8th inst. at the hove of Jno, and Mrs. Soandret6, near Belgrave. It wee the marriage of their only daughter, @lies Lillie Muy, to W. J. Oole, an estimable young man of the neighborhood. The young lady, too, eujoye a wide popularity and ie deserved- ly esteemed. The uumeroue trod mutt. ly presents showed the great esteem )e w1110h the young people were bold. The display of wedding preemie skated the remark, "Young married people now be- gin where their parents left oil." TLe ueremouy was performed 101 high noon by Rev. J. Edmoude, rentor of Blyth and Belgrave, iu the pr0enoe of a large number of invited guests, The writer has beau naked to describe the dress, but he cannot, How can 0. man describe mob things ? Suffice to say it was lovely 1 radiant I beautiful I The tables were eprettd in the dining room and they were worth eeetng. Everything that 8ould d07fght the moat faetidioue palate was there, We are AM the guests thoroughly enjoyed tbemeelves tbat day. Rev. Mr. Edmonds 401181ed the bride and groom in a fe10 feliaitone words end Rev, J. J. Hestia foilowrd in a eiuoere speech, blended with wit and humor, After the customary tributes of viae and old ehoee bad been paid the bride and groom de- parted:amid emilee and were and good wishes to spend the honeymoon in Owen Sound, Toronto end elsewhere. On their return they will settle down on a aloe, uoey farm near Baigrave. 'Obey }owe the good wishes of the whole oom1000117 for their future happiuess iu all of which THE POST joins. THOSE 4NN4IY181+ RLA4LCIIIIAl/5. Esteru0l applioatioue will never re move pimples or blaoeheada. Only by stimulating oireulation and purifying the blood can it be done. For quick, sure release from these poets use Ferrozono ie drives all humors from the blood melees the skin Ileoltby and tones ap the system, With the pure, nutritious blood made by Ferrozan° We impoeeible to suf. ter from any ekin dinettes. You'll have a smooth deligbtfnl actin, healthy oolor and beautiful aomplexion by tieing Ferrozone end you'll feel immensely better as well, Fifty aerate buys a box containing fifty ob000late coated tablets at any drug store, .4,4loCUW et. Listowel Foll Fair will be bel(; in the driving perk, the dates bring Tuesday and Wedneeday,Sept. 26th and 2701, Walter Broe. 11av0 removed their dry goodeapd general store from the Camp. bell blook to the Thornpeou otore on the wrest, M, Sahinbein hae bet -un the work of rebuilding and refitting the Campbell block, which he lately purohased, Ban• ford Bros, have the comma in hand. Mise Mo2erZie of the Publio Solhoo! teaobing et8(f into beau awarded a e(.hul0rebip at the Macdonald I00114ute at Guelph, and will leave tp take 10 course in that institution. B. F. and Mrs, Brook returned to town loot week, after theirtwomonths' trip to the Old Coulltry. During their, ettty abroad they visited the principal cities of England and Scotland, and spent some titne 30 the Fl1ghl8nd0, also talc. hog 8 trip to Ireland and another to Pat is, While falling a drive on Wednesday afternoon of lost week, Mrs. Paul, wife of R. S, Paul of the Grand Central, and Mise Lillian 21oKay, dining (Dom girl, met with an 1nfortbnate. 800ide0t, When about a mile Wed of the town the htee r o M , Paul's fine r drivar, b eonm e frightened ata (ow and a litter of i on the roadway, and euidenly 10beelod around, overturning the buggy and upset. ting the ledteu'(nto the ditch, and atone baiat( 60 town at a runaway pace. Upon hurrying out to the some of the aeofde1t &Ire, Paul Wall 'found to have reoefvedr 10Mb braises but was not of eerionaly in jured, Miss McKay dill not maps so well, and was badly shunned, remaining 1r,•, Ilya app a nu „ F th'iso prinutplea to farm E�y �✓� r § route, led - der tiro" rt1 Y• 1and c tl inti I he oar • � Management, .030. u la i4 01 t r lent , k breeding, ' of cattle, bootee, obeep, swine, .and 1 0"el l p"nitry. Thu bafidiug of otablee and borne, the oouetruotion of piek0rise, 8beep polio and poultry houses will be amply treated, The problernd of the fruit farmer and market gardener, dor. 104 and bar+ltexper will alae be damned from time to time. In addition to the foreplay, a BOY aeries e of art' tales or road melting, beautifying the country, im proving rural life, eta, .will be pub'iehed, .Many stook farms will be (leited and described, .Faunxre' eanv0(:tieneand ag• rieultural asecouatf000 will bo reported. T 130 108 ' s16dfLir [ a and opportunities alvaltfnai the aettier in the newer deo• thine of Canada will be amplified, In brief, molting will be lift undone 1913)011 will melte the Agrieuitural Department of The Weekly Globe a11d Canada 1''armer even more valuable an•1 more popular than it ie today, County Model School Students, Twenty live student, are in a44endun0e at (Jodi -Holt Model Sohool• The esudente 1 1 as r o led n • • to — i Alae M. Tutt r t k GOdO• rfalr ; Loretta Griffin, 1C.lu4afl ; Theo (Inrb!olh, Da8htvo0d ; Wilhalmfnn Roth. erford, Bt, (miens ; Cora 0, Roberta, Dungannon I Lilian . McLean, Kinulfl; I1Ieetior Funa4on, Btratford ; Margaret 0, Clarke, c , Ht. Melena ; Lew01n11d 1'ich bourne, Goderiob itlurgaret Troy, Whiteohnroh ; Edith Sparic8, Bayfield ; Bolen M, Sparks, B'ake ; Etta Petrie, Brnoefiold ; Jean Oantelou, Godorioh ;, LP/Dunlop, Goderiob ; Elizabeth Muth. seined, Burnet Leigh, 1S: (t0nac: Mary Fnhglaad, Auburn ; 1.1, Clifford Pnu11, Bluevnlo ; WiIlfnm MuGregor', Laurier ; Geo. P. Keys, BI81,a ; Ray mond Redmond, Westfield ; E Hnwtlyd Darnin Crewe : Anglin Uhlebolm, Gude. rioh, 'There are Ihirty.lhreealudena at Clin- ton Model School, the Ott baiug as loo Iowa Glrla — Florence Armarong, Ethel OOmeron, Jei111 Carl)og, Jeeaie Uuldwell, Ida Cornish, Alice 'Magni!, Tome Devito Ethel Ferguson, Mary Per. Simon, a Jes'+i a Garrick, G(rn k o Effie Bunter, E er lith Jsnki 30, Margaret Mclewau, Mary 01oArter, Vnu1 Media, .1e11u Moir, 'Tame Boss, (lame Stater, Mattie Stewart, Beagle Somerville, Boye—J, W. Ansley, H, D. Afuluy, Ed. Badonr, Lome Cant. elm, Russell Henry, Oliver Little, 4W 111. J, Linklater, A. E. MoOavin, A. McKenzie, 0. A, MCDou831, B. L. Pen - found, J. E. Somerville and J. W. Turner, CORN I3 GEAR. The Mee of time and oomfort caused by a corn makes it clear to keep. Better io• vest in Putuam's Oorn Extraotor and I more that corn. Potuam'o is painless and dote in twen1y.fonr hours ; u+e no other than "Putnam's." Morris Council Meeting. The Oounail oast according to adjobrir: meth in the Gummi! Boom, on Sept 11th. 11lambent all present, Reeve in the chair: Minrace of last meeting read and passed. 30110 Parrot appeared be- fore the Coonoil requealing tbob his property be withdrawn from B. S. No, f and annexed to Union S. S, No. 12, Elullett and Morrie. Atter coneiderfne the matter it was moved by Mr. Shaw, and eeoonded by Mr. Kelly that this 00110011 take kc uo action,. Carried. AO octants were ordered to be paid ao follows for gravel :-1. Smith, 0408; Joo, Barr, $1.92; J,:Smith, ar„ 03.86; Joo, Soolt, $16 31; E. McMillan, $8.781 J. Feign - hereon, 02.28; D. Agar, $8 66; R. John. sten, 08.82 ; A, Shaw, 07 00: Geo. Arm. atroug, 04,20 ; Jno. Mooney, $6 24 ;• W. 'Taylor,. $5 31 ID. Jewitt, 03 90; Jas, Crinlcehauk, 0490; A. Pollock, $648; Geo. Kerr, 02 94; W. Il, Knox, $6.62; Emote Crich, 0176; E. Laundety, 780. G. T. R. Co. Freight, 35u. ; A. Campbell, u0e of eoreper 50o.; W. J. Heuderoon, use of earaper 75o.; 0. MaoGuire, aseiobauoe on deviation road, 03.40; W. J. Geddes, lumber, $525; S. T. Plum, repairing grader, $6.90; ]3, Al000lc, work and cement tile, $28.00 ; P. Tarr, oemeut �J 14 ., t '.,-rlaultpral aeiu,)cr• trod Ilu ; y � / 01. n 4 n, li4 ! r 1 PR/ p yin' PLEASEO°f � /V P, F Flat(', Fra 1101 at TO HAVE YOU CAUL AND SPL Oirlt New and Up-to-date Assortment of Ready-to-wear Hats. Curve, whether to 101,1( or Inly, tl i6 chef• u111,r0 silo ing goods is considered pleasure. tri W 11 R. 0. Davies & Co ETH EL. 0375 D. Breckenridge, drawing tile, $•d 211. E. Irvine, putting in oolverls, $7507 Trea•ne0r Hallett, 021101141(40(8 00 H. Boundary, 55110; A. Kelly, repair. ing oolvorts, e8,50 ;3 M. Healy, cleaning award (limb, 05 00 ; El. !rear, gravelling, $8.00 ; Geo. Bowoo, file, 01.00 ; J. Snell, rtpeiringdi2ch,0800; E, Liviugotone, lumber, 0025; G. Readman, repalriug culvert, 0400; W. McCall, repairing 111134 on W. B , 05921 0; W. Sellers, non gravel r- ing roadway, $4.00; T. Code, expe0ees re Ferroud drain and Bodmin bridge, $5.00. On notion of 'Taylor and ilio 011001100n, By-law No. 8, 1905, was duly read and passed. On motion of Shaw and Taylor, Connell then adjourned to meet again on Out, 16113 next. W. CLAm0, Ulerk. '1 he Practical Farmer's Education. Farming is now recognized as a pro- feseiuu demanding Baieoti$o knowledge and teohniool skill, and the farmer who would keep abre3ec with the times takes as many papers bearing on his proles. Bi0,1 a9 he 0x11 find time to read, He kuowe that wide reeding ie essential to hie emcees. lie also knows that the egriou'tural preen is one of the moto. powerful agenoie0 to day in improving 10ethode of farm practice, 14 is a strong faotor in disseminating informs tion, ideas and euegretione relating to mient11io and praotiaal agriculture. Thousands of the beet farmers in Can. ado read The Weakly Globe and Can ads, Farmer, which, fa addition to being a great fa1011y newspaper, is efeeutiel ly farmer'3 borne , and gives more special agricultural information than many-papere devoted exclusively to this one eubjeot. It is edited by an agrf• cultural epecialiet, a graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College and the University of 'Toronto, who fa alee° a fle, $2500; J. Davis, drawing gravel, I praotloal fanner. Dnriug the oomine 1 00 ; M. Niobil u4biu i & , P k n oalverte, year The Weekly Globe and Canada • BY-LAW NO. 2, 1905 OF THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS 1; 4' HER1;AS the Corporation of 1 Village of 13(ussel5 are dash• 0f exempting from taxation upon the cundittons and in the mutter herein- after set out, a building 40x50 feet, two story, built of brick or cement and n accordance with the Fire Limit B law, said building to be built on the South West corner of Village t number toy, together with said part f said Lot occupied by said building. Said building to be erected during the year 1905 by Robert Thomson, oft e Village of Brussels, merchant, and o be used by him as a ould storage ises and for the storage of ice for con - htercial purposes or the supplying f col.! by other means eo that it will a first-class cold storage plant.) Be It therefore enacted by the Mun- icipal Council of the Village of Brus- sels, under told by authority of tl Municipal Act : That subject to t* conditions hereinafter mentioned th said building, tvheu erected and use as a cold storage in•enifses and th land occupied by said building being part of the South West corner of L 105 in the Paid Village of Brussels shall bo exempt from all Nluuicip taxation unless for school taxes mr not to apply as ao exemption as to th business tax by the said Robert Thom- son or his successor. Said exemption to be tot. ten years from the first da of January, 1906. The conditions on Which saidexemp lion is granted are that the said Rober Tihot0e0li shall erect during the yens the nus tl • iu w i By h Lo h h t prem. be s na the a e Lot ai a d e i Y Robert 1905 ou the South West corner of Village Lot number 005 in the said Village of Brussels, a first•elass bulld- ing 40750 feet two stories in height, in accordance with the Fire Limit By- law and fatted so that be can keep ice at all times when required forcalumer• Mal purposes, or other properly equip- ped (told storage plaint when ice )s not used and will marry on busluess at all times du' the said premises during the term of ten years from the Virg day of puninty, 1906. That he will carry on elle business of purchasing butter, eggs, fowl and oth- er perishable geode., paying cash there- for, as shall require to be kept le a cold premises stn 1E1 0 ' n g 1 and also for the storage of such goods for other parties that may require it ou being paid a fair charge for such storage and as (fat!'IOWs , the capacity of the premises will In case the building should bo de- stroyed by Lire so that the stud Robert T110nisOn et' his 2611100SS04' could not run the business the exemption shall 00110nue in force until a r'easouablo 1 time has elapsed so that lie could re• build ; failing to rebuild ni such rect- . an time ot• the not carrying on the business called for, the exemption shall cease and the taxes for the toren inn rent year shall be divided proportion- ately according to the time run or not run as the case may be, This By-law shall take effect on the First day of January, 1905, and shall run for ten years from such state. The votes of the electors entitled to vote on said By-law shall be taken thereon at the following time and places, that is to say :-061 Monday, the 25th day of September, A. D. 1905, commencing at the. hoer of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of five in the afternoon of the same day, In polling division No, One at Leclkie's block, Jas. T. Ross, Deputy Returning Officer ; in polling division No. Two, in tho Council Room, R. K. Ross, Deputy Returning Officer; in polling division No, Three, at the residence of George 13irt, Peter Scott, Deputy Returning Officer. On Monday, the (801 day of Septem- ber, 1905, the Reeve of the said Village shall attend at the Council Chamber at 'Pen O'elocic in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places afuresnid, and at the sntnmiug tip of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested i1 promoting or opposing the passing of the said By-law respectively, The Cleric of the Council of the said Village of Bruosele shall attend at the Council Chamber in the Town Hail at ten o'clock iu the forenoon on Tues- day, the twent51-sixth day of Septem • bet-, 1905, to sum up the number of vot00 for and against the said By-law. Road in open Council this 5th day of September, 1905, the First and Second time and 0nbmttted to the ratepayers as required by Statute for their assent, TAKE NOTICE; That the Above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consideration 1111d which will bo filially passed by the Council of the Municipality in the event of the assent of the doctors being obtained thereto after one 0100111 from the first publica- tion in 'Punt B1tu000LS POST, tb0 date of which first pnblfoatlou Was the Seventh day o1 September, 1905, and that the votes of the electors of the salol'Muniioipnlity will be taken hereon on the du an - d at the hour tour an(1 places therein fixed, I. S. S001"1", , CTl $f, WHAT CAUSES SNORING y MAD asleep pe o le t Rt more bruttnrniFh Ibe mouth lnntead of the noslrilo wnioh are choked with ea0arrh. ,That ue0 "Oalarrb0zoue" before retiring and you'll quickly Y our0 d19 snoring habit. abdt k B de dtro ,, Y vu h ' F the (ulnae of o¢tarrh and healing the membranes, G•rturrhvzune m11(ee u oomp'ete cure nr r:v. ry case ; it olesea the uu8tr11s, elope the diech0rge unci prevents dropping in the throat in a few minntoo. Nothing so pleasant or certain to uare snoring, catarrh or eolde as Oltlarr'hOL2o0 —that's worth remembering. 41 oatmastera Meet. The 00000Otin' k postmasters of the h .London inapeutornt0, which ouvere all of Western Ontario, were in soesion day of lest week in Sherwood Ball, Lon- don. The meeting was opened by Jae, Scott, P. M. of (Matto, who is president of the Aesoeiauion, Amore those present were the post masters of London South, Rammed, Norwich, Teeswater, Brneeele, Clinton, likrm)burg, Wingham, ()ruffian Eoel, Ilarriston, Sparta, 'Murton, Glen Rae, Blyth, &tummy, 13arwfoh, B,uevaie, Br0emear, Gerrie and Ottervillo. The financial report showed the Aeaooiatton to be in good 0tundiog. The worst of the year has been taken up largely with the matter of 'organlza• tion, The exequtive, in their report, were able to show it membership of 125, double what it was a year ago. This, however, W08 not Oon0idered eat)efaotory, in view of the feet that there 1000 over 300 a0(•oentfug-1]doee in the inspectorate. The oliioeo being widely aceotered, makes the work of organization dd3) -nit and ex- pensive, It was decided to pruoeed with the taek of strengthening the orgauiza- tiou and by interesting postmasters in the parte of the Dominion to the Beet, to secure their co operation end sympathy in attaining the aims of the Association, 1u furtherance of this plan, members are to °mutes in their reopective lo. 01111 ee to obtaln recruits. The 1000 tion of the folding and labeling of nerve. papers was folly disouoeed. The uncut. )1001.10 feeling wee that the grievance Orieiug from the neglect of newspaper men wee a 000400e one. A strong ream ntio)) was adopted asking that the P. 0. Department at Ottawa &fine the duties [ newspaper publfahere with respect to ol1ofugns. and labelling their publi as ti The matter of mailing ]fats for the s0 of 106431 tioere received 0oneideration, 1'be opinion prevailing wee that post. Amalfi oalfi demand $1.00 per humred names of patrons of au office. The exeoutive was ohorged with the eponetbility of choosing the thine and antler of haying before the Bovernmeut Ottawa the claim of postmasters for e redress of grievances in conjunction th editor ase0ofations the, °shout the ominion. A pr(fitable haif•honr woe devoted to e social dfao(198,oa of. postal bueinees nuttily, The newly elected t ilioero are ;— President.— Thomas Farrow, Brus• e, 'rivet Vloe Preedent,— Jae, Suitt, 4,600, Hewed Vioe Preeideut,--H, S. Moore, rwiobta, Secrery Treasurer,—Robb, Paxton, 6011011 e. sectaivo Committee;—D, F. Baohun• London Jnution ; E. Rioharda, Mel. rue ; D. McGuire, Tilsonburg, u el re m at 111 10i D th 4(e cel 011 No 02 ADE bon AN OLD RAILWAY DISPUTE RECALLED. The Listowel Banner of last week republishes the fallowing from iia fee11e of July 2nd, 1874, iu regard to the rnflway Zine butt -mai Pelmer06011 and Kincardine, first ;mown aa the Sonthern Exieuoiou of the Welliugto11 Grey di Bruoe Railway, 10hioh was opelated by the Grout Western: "On Thursday afternoon of last week. the president, it number of the direolore, the ohief engineer, Bud some other °Bleeds of .the G. W, R. and W.'G, & 13. Ms tool( a trip over the Southern Extension on an inepeoting tour. The load bed all through was in very good order, The oondiclon of the Southern Extenoion WOO s, matter of pleasant 0nrprie0 to the party, The tails had been laid to the lake last Fall and the rood had been ex posed to the etgrtne of rain and snow of All Winter, yet the train movodiovor filet the rate of about 1108uty Ove miles an hour. They found at the var)0nestations on' their lino immense quantities of lumber, square timber cud grain await. Mg shipment es Boon as the 11oa will he open for Waffle. No less than twenty, five million feat of lumber is piled up at Newry, Listowel and Hentryn 4(4110ns. To move tide lumber it wmeld require 8,126 Dare, or about 250 train load), This. will give some idea of, the amonnt of tandem this road will have todo while opened, but when will that blessed day arrive ? Eoha animate, 0, when 1 bra yet there i0 no ollfoial reepon08," I4 wee late to the veer 1874 before this road wag opened. A member of the Stratford ' B ean0n staff rem Om baro going k from Palmerston to Luolthota in Ootibor, but on 110oont14 of Borne dispute with the oontrac1or0, Heudri0:31 0o,, of ttamiltot,, in regard toSlat portion between Mato- t as -1_12-12:1.1-i L J t,,a -i FALL MANTLES U 'li d b We have just rooeivec7 a 0eemrd shipment of New Fall Mantles which ti 9 slakes our gook 00inp10te in all the new el 'les. Below w styles and prices which w y e mention a few 71 1 e con6ider extra good value :— Ca _ i Luniae' Frieze Coats, fly front, 32 inches long, with belt effect at back, all q v_. wool kersry, email 0030r0d Luttous, lined throughout, colors blank, & d'o Oxford 1)11(1 navy, at $6 4'1,Ladies' Bblclt Beav8r Coats 82 inches long, fiy front, tritnmed on front, as back and era's, with fancy braid, email covered hut0oa0, mercerized or ;t liniug, lit 07.50. ,1, InldibN' Dvnblo Brew -led 2001181, 87 441011ee long, made o brownI Ji' tweed neatly r g f mixed t unmet. 11 vii self e I�jy If i;6rappiug uud velvet piping, shirred o- 1 xL'evuv, 616,0;4( far.ry 6u6t(vs, ae 0]0. d 1 Imd)ra• 1 ovuft (.,,113 Gulls, 1l(llp1ret otyle, 12 in elms long, fly' front, new i"" v f.l0• ' ,,ft ' t rota 1 01Gr• I Goa til' lid' ( ]Co ' ill 1 1 1171 l ed with feat a tl and ' half i7 u, 1W'e fee\Vii and bl'owu, at >pl.�..SU. N strapping, ' f Wo 141x0 alww 14 great rnugu of arbor Jackets and Coats, from 630 to 42 Qq� qc 111,1100 long, £roar Ok,aU to $111, d t dis-1ry•+�, 31 a 9 41=oio^ ¢j- If� ¢ y We two doing a large trade in Dress Goode this season, several Hues have been sold out already and have been repented. Dur stock is now fu Oa ltua' ,b ou + If . uw autPti eetle' 0 Dress G oads r(,1 we have thorn. 1.3 We pay18c. fur Eggs f,bH and is(1, fere Butter, a:11, s.Y 4)=31 ,,,,,,,),,,,..,law 10841d:,dF444,,r?±±� r`- / .a ,40844,:fr, •.d�..,r n. ,71:02 .�c. 1-a �•�4o,J1.•o�llovJw��e ,,. �fe1t''wy e,++a tvei and Kincardine, the company ra fused to tette it over, end the road WOO not yet in operation. He had to take stage from Mitchell to Goderiob, and emveyonoee frt. Goderiob to Luoknow, The emotion betwosn Palmerston and Listowel was built by W. G. and D. D. Hay, the latter presentrsgietar of Perth. After the road was opened came 1110 Winter of 1874-5, whose 800w w110 deepest and cold 00vereet of any Winter in Ontario for sixty years except that 1908-4, and the Palmerston - Kincardine line bad to be abaudoued for several weeks. 99tOIr3,/N113 9)041 OF ('ONsTlt'ATION. No condition 01111008 so many fuourable dieeasee as oo0etipation. It 1101 only W1U/14 9 V' vltzes prevents the kidneys from eliminating the poiaonou0 WOetea, bat anuses anemia, stomach trouble and indigestion. Wiry won't you ass Dr. Hamiltou'e Pills and get oared ? This excellent medicine re• etorae normal Thousands say ao. Your system will be r] pure and olefin, you'll be freo from head. 2 5 C- :jf A C : auheo, no more sour stomach — 10 short you'll have jovial 'Title and perfect good health. Dr, llamilton'e Pills are sold everywhere, 25o, a box, Get the genuine. MI -OE Bus, Have placed iu stock a fine assortment of late American and Two-steps bowel action m one night. All sold at price Doo scold Your boys and girls because their shoes don't stand the strain. Maybe they were not good ones. inspect our line of school boots nd shoes. r and tear—good, soles, strongly a Made to stand the wea stout leather, flexible stitched, good appe Moderate in price. Lasting quality. Here are a few of Drices 1— Girls' Shoes, 80c to $1,25 A nice assortment of Shoes Prices. arance. our many convincing Boys' Shoes, 75c to $1.50 for Ladies and Gents at Lowest -Oonnfot'table rooms to let over store ; Very 00nvenieu4. L • R I C 1Y F A • r„ ool J. 2N '2'1=ZAI3-R-1 lossioitteswesieesiotolietei J. T. Y tlf 00 D Proprietor of the Excelsior Knitting Mills, 13ruseols is prepared to pay 26 cents per pound, trade for r any quantity of good Wool delivered at his Mills. Splen- did stock of choice goods consisting of '.tweeds, Flan- nels, I('ln.unelettes, Cotton Shiotiugs, Cottonndos, tion, brought in from the best Mills, and Blankets, Yarns and Sheetings male in our own Mills of choice stook, to give in exchange for Wool. Islow is the time to market your Wool, Strictly Fair y Dealing our Principle. 1 'Come and see its beforei on elsewhere. g (� 80W. •"li'IL'1)'e,41,'la'11,41 al'llr'1e4,e1 n E:xce$sicar o Knitting Minis ,]R,USS..1...(tLS'r