HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-21, Page 41u1 IVa Sib. 10.51
ittliSalt r..S,C+PT,-21, 19O$.
Letter Frani 'Switzerland,
Dann A•foitnmrros,—I am seated in a
betel looking out upon orieal the,rmcet
beautiful lapse I eVUr saw, With the roar
of the " aleseba0k." a 5 00000 Swiee
meads, or rather.- a euaoeseion of
nae0atlee in my eerie It is right outside
Oar windowsand robust tile Boone le
beautiful, the roar is deafening. We
ebout to each other at the tope of oar
voioea to make ourselves heard and it ie
very aomioal, X' think, if I remember
rightly, I left you at $traaeburg in my
ias4letter,so W8613611 proceedfront there,
We Went from $traseborg to Rauh/Lunn
on the Rhine to a hotel overlooking
the 'Palle' of the Rhine," whioh is ion
eidered one of the most magnificent
fells in Europe, though but an infant
when compared to the lordly Niagara.
The nest day we gat a carrlage to drive
to the old untie or sobloe0, built home
500 years ago right beeido the falls,
From the hotels foot petit couneuled by
ferry boats with the castle, will lead you
there in twenty initiates, bat the folk
preferred driving apd the 500018r (our
porter) told them we could drive there
in halt an hour and Ree the town besides,
ao off we went, 11.0 the end of half au
hour we bad barely left the old town
with its narrow streets babied and no
place was the uaetle to be seen, eo we
drove no, up hill, down dale, admiring
the landscape of nurse, but ae l,lro, R.
Bays, "When I set out for a cantle I want
e.oaatio," and at the end of one and a
quarter hours we drew Ap at the gates
of the one time stately home of a sturdy
German baron. The rooms today eon
lain coats of mail, implements of war,
and many other things of interest, and
wherever you go you nod something for
sale at exorbitant prices. We got a fine
view of the Fella and its volume is much
more impressive than when viewed from
the betel, bat we 000ld not stay long for
We had already anuroaohed upon our
dinner hour. On our way batt we atop.
pod to buy a trunk strep and the
Atuerioon paid American prices. It ie
fanny to see bow the European "soaks"
the Auierioau to his purchases. If I
were the American I dare say it would
not be so funny, but I'm not had the
Humorous Bide to very evident to me,
The olerk will feign ignorance of Eng.
liah and with au aspre8sive shrug and
uplifted eyebrowe gaps, "8 femme Meie
sear" and throw out his bands as if to
say "I'm eiviug it to you at that," So it
is everywhere. At the hotel the other
evening we paid 10 francs -02 00—for a
scrap of ohtakeu for Edith. 20o. for one
peach, and upon tatting our much with
as the other day on the train we pate
15o. for each e,ludevieb. rant to return to
our tr,p. We left Neuhaaseo for
Luoerue, "Ganeta0ce, Genova and
Lucerne" of my school days and width 1
bad never dreamed of eeetug. We atop
pad at Zuciub for a short tune and got a
fine view of the lake. The railway rune
right through the park that skirts
the shore and the traveller sees it to an
advantage. We arrived at Lucerne at
4 p. m. being 5 houre on the way, Un•
fortunately, although e14r. R. had tele-
graphed ahead for rooms five days be.
fore, we were unable to secure a view of
the moentai0 or lake from tier rooms.
here we bed oar first bad luck ae far as
weather is oouoerned, for it rained all
day clearing bat little towards evening.
Nest day it was °toady, mat a monntaiu
o tut ri g hteeein in
o d b0. Been a we W
a nl g
the townand a quaint old town it ie.
We went to see the famous "Lion,"
'carved out of solid rook, to commemorate
the famous Swiss Guard who died to
save the Bourbon Lily in 1792. So there
belies with his paw stretched over the
Hater -de die, and a broken arrow 'in hie
side—the Hoc alone is 21 inches long.
Nest day broke beautifully clear and we
got a row boat and floated about the
lake for an boor or two in the morning
and in the altetuoon took the lignite
railway up to ane of the observation
towers. The view here was magoifioent,
far to the West is Mt. Regi some 5,000
feet above the Lowe, while in the right
towered Pilatus. The horizon between
these two lords of Laoeroe is occupied
by conntleee mountain peaks, some dim
and far off, others nearer and covered
with dark green forest, while here and
there nun be seen peaks wavered with
snow. The lake below ie ae calm as u
pine of glace, and varies in oot0r from e
light yehowieh green to the deep green,
made darker in places by shadows of the
mountafne. Ooming down from the
tower we made one way to the wheat and
engaged an electric) launch for the rest of
the day. We left the noise of the city
behind, and we ell leaned beak in oqr
seats and enjoyed it to the 5(00000.
"Isn't this fine 7" said Mrs. le. "Someday
I hope to own a chateau along the shore
and make it a quiet resting place for me
and my friends in Bummer, and when
you are old and broken down from your
More we will bring you here. and tints
you real." "Well" I said "I'll be ooh.
tent it you'll only aeedre me that I
won't be broken down Wanted for labor
before the labor cornea." The hotel at
• Leanne was an iimmense affair. It bas
three dining rooms, eaob seating about
800 people, It's perfectly marvellous
the number of people who have money
tough to spend in this wap and also
what an ordioarylooktng crowd they
bre. We left yeeterday and came over
the Bement Alpe to Brtenz and took a
steamer from Brioni to this hotel. The
trip hers snrpasoae anything we have yet
been, the Rhine is nothing beetde it, it is
simply magnlfioent, Peak after pane
asueude 00 to heaven, the clouds resting
on them lu part, while far in the dis-
tance rise the snow.eapped' peaks of the
Wetterborn, below nee the fatale valley
of the Aare, dotted with house whioh
seem heti/lecke from when we look
down upon them, and here and there the
blue watete of a little lelte sparkle in the
8unehine. Just note they are illominatr
ug the Pelle of Gloeabadlf and 11 looks
liken pronto from Fairyland. But I
moat go to D0aamlaad for we are oft to
(morrow far Interlaken, whioh lion be.
tween lakee redone; and Tbnn,
voted with spittle and hoe, anti no fence
aoruerb tV rent i0, either.
We ntey return to America vooner than
walk intended, will let yott know.
Sours toothily,
51 Aux 1,0. FINnLAO SS.
Switzerland, on 1m lie tutees, Angina 4111,
Vote for the Cold Stor-
age By -Law.
text Jlogday is Palling Oily,
All property owners have a vote on the
Bylaw and will record their opinion by
ballot at nue of the tlirte polling places—
Leckie'e bloat( where A. Cum:eye/ office
was ; the Quunoil Chamber i or Geo,
Birt'e reaidenoe,
Begot form will be as follows Rud a
plainly marded X opposite the opinieu to
be expreoeed is all that is nacaeeDry :—
Iu the exemp'e given above the voter
says he is favorable to the exemption ae,
we believe, alt progressive oitizene should
be. Pall open from 9 a. m, to 5 p.
Vote early and advise your neighbor to
de the same.
I hope you ata all well. This ie a
baantitnl chantry to visit, but X would
not sere to make ony living hero, It and
the Rhine valley are the great081 object,
loeeons on indaetry and frugality I have
ever :nen, and when yon get tired .of
I3aroa hills, j08t imagine you see them
piled one en top of the other nod
Sabbath, Sep`ember, 10001, was styled
"Bert. Lott day" iu the Methodist Sob
bath School, owing to the foot that Bert,
was intemiiug to leave town on the 27th
for Brantford where lie will take a course
at the 10 011010 fur the Bind.
It was previonely auuuuuoed that the
aoelectiou would be a special one to be
presented to the outgoing pupil ;
special program was prepared as well
for the 000asio0, aid it good time spent.
0016s Minnie MoNaaghrou gave an in.
tereeting akettb of the Iestitute, whioh
was 000, mpauied by a piet0re of this
line inutitutiou, A tetter wee read from
Mrs. W. 11 Salter, u0t0 of Toronto, who
was a former teacher of the Masa it,
which Beet, ie a eohaler, expreseiug kind
words for his diligensa, wiehfug many
0,00d thinee In him and eclatueing a dol-
lar as a more tangible proof of her in•
tercet, "13th's troubles" was the title
of a recitation gives by Bert. Lott after
whioh the classes entered upon rho study
of the lesson for tae day.
On r8 eaBem011ng iu the school room
as mldreee wan read by Postmaster Far
row and Frank Garry presented the aunt
of 828.00 to Bert. The address wee a=101
DIouu Bxar.—The oiiloere, tesohera and
echelon of the Bruesele Methodist dab
bath &boot desire before you leen us
to go to the Brantford 1netlt0te to es
press our love and good wishes to you,
sud for your welfare in the future, and
for ibis purpose our aoboof has ohoaeu
this Sabbath, Sept. 10th as the Bert.
Lott Sabbath, and a000rding to a pre-
vious announcement have taken tip u
special oolleatiun wi1-t0h amounts to
82800. This amount is trifling nom.
p on,
aced with all our either/ for y good t
In one Sunday BObaaI you havea been a
model boy and scholar ; you have ehowu
muoh diligeooe and study in preparing
yuan lees0oe • your puuotoality and
toga tar attendance are worthy of
imitation by many of us, and by your
diligence and peteevere0°e you have
merited oar reep000. The feeling
of tfiie Sabbath Sohool toward
you le much akin to that of a
tudther'e in whose family there is one
who has slime weakneee, may be it weak
side 0r a Meme limb. When she baa to
leave home, her taut request to the others
is about this out', and her first suquiry
oa her return ie about the same. This
is our feeling towards yen and God has
given ns this comforting promiee "Ae
one whom hie mother oomtorteth 90
will I o°nifort you." Our lova and
sympathy go with you and and we wilt
often enquire how you are progreseing
and nothing will please os more than to
hear you are doing well at Brantford.
You are going to an Institution where
yon will be well taken ears of ;
whose teachers aro all specialiste, ata
ander whose oare and training y00 will
be placed iu the beet ooudition for learn
ins some branch of work whioh you are
beet adapted. Your edunatioaal wants
will be well attended to end any latent
talent you may be possessed of will
be brought out and made to condom to
your temporal and best welfare, It is
not for us to say what these talents
may be, or what they may become, boo
under God'e blessing weoao ealety say you
will succeed. We will 100k forward toyoar
periodical visite to your home
in Brueeele, and ,will be pleased
t0 hear you give Oa an a00onnt
of your progreea at the Inetitu-
Hon, Ana [IOW, dear Bert ;do not get die
oouraged at trifles, but be courageous end
determined by God's help and blessing
to suoased, Be kind and courteous to
your teachers and fellow students.
Kindness begets kindness and pays well,
the return being more than 100 p. o.
Remember too the many noble men and
women who, baviug beeo deprived of
their eight, have risen to pewee end
emineooe, Bead the history of their
lives and labors, and let this encourage
you, and may Heaven's ohoioeet blessing
rest upon yea now and always is our
wish and prayer. Stetted on behalf of
the Brasssle Methodist Stinday 8choot.
W. H, Bata,
Brneeele, Sept. 10th, 1006.
The recipient made a very neat reply
for a 14 your old boy, in whioh be said
that heooneidered he was the great gain.
er by hie pawtnal attendance artd the
eareful etndy of the. Soriptnres, He ex.
pretend hie sttfptiee at the genetosity
of the eohool and Weald try to show by
hie actions for the time to come that the
eonfid,00e wa8 not mieplaood, Every-
body had been,kind to him and he would
never forget Brussels Methodist Sabbath
Solwol, He stated that he was not much
of a nubile opealtar 00 wunld oonaliido
by it temperen010 recitation "Shall I fiver
be a drunkard?" and he intended by the
11Y.J'ANNie. m LornizQ#y_.
Obato. 40 y'lllott S Pry 140100
The Inventor of the Automatic Gun
The man, who has invented more deadly instruments of war than any;
other Inventor in the world's history is Sir Hiram S. Maxim, an American,
who left his native country about twenty years ago in a burst of indignation
at the lack of recognition of his genius shown by this government at Wash-
ington. Lord Salisbury said of him; "He has prevented more mem from dying
of old age than any other man who ever lived."
This mechanical genius who has added to the horrors of war was the
son of a wood turner in Maine, where he was born in 1840. Re "began life,"
he says, "with a common school education and a jack knife." He shelved
more shill in handling the knife than the education, and the mechanical turn,
of his mind soon becoming evident, he was apprenticed when he was fourteen(
to a carriage builder. After., four years of this service he studied metal
working and before he was twenty-one was foreman in a machine shop pre-
paratory to a better position in the extensive works of his uncle.
In 1873 he took up the problem of his famous automatic gun, which was
not perfected until eleven years later. The, inspiration of this invention of
destruction came from the kick of an old musket ho was using; it was so
severe a kick that it threw him over and bruised his cheek. When the stars
that he then saw faded away, it occurred to his bright mind that the energy of
the recoil might be caught and utilized 'to reload, the rifle, and the result of
his experiments was the Masini automatic machine gun, a death -dealing affair
that murders humanity in war at the rate of three thousand shots a minute.
This is but one of his many improvements in ordnance and explosives. In
1877 his attention was turned to electricity, and some of the earliest electric
lights in America were invented by him.
In 1883 he took up his permanent residence in England, and became a.
British subject and was knighted by Queen Victoria four years ago. The/
latest invention of Sir Hiram, who, it is said, has never failed to solve any
problem be has attempted, is an airship that really does fly—so many of the
recent airships, though beautiful in theory, have failed in this one par-
ticular. The persistence of Sir HIram is shown by bis carrying the flying
machine problem througli thirteen years of his busy life, daring a large part
of which time he has been a member of the firm of Vickers' Sons & Maxim.
which employs 14,000 men.
mama wording to Act of the Nrrilamontof Canada, in theyear 10,31,byw,C.Meek, et thenotkernoout of dgrtoultero,
help of God and hoped every boy in the
eohool, would eo sot their part that they
would live temperate lives. He wished
the school the beet of 0000000 and would
not be benkward in speaking a good word
for it at Brantford or wherever else he
might go.
Mica Oarrie Singetou sang a very
appropriate solo and after 8ingrag and
prayer the aeeaior was Rona udeo , the
orchestra contributing a choice fn8tru•
mental seleotiou after the diemiseal bell
Bert. ie a well behaved lad, pee/tested
of a long headedness that will aid him
greatly fu overooming the disability of
blindness. We expeot he wi I do well
at the Iuetitale and thereby enure the
neo058ary qualifioatiou to enable him to
earn his own livelihood. Mrs. Juo. Lott,
hie grandmother, with whom Bert. lives,
was in atteudauoe at the school and
publicly expreeeed her thanks for the
Wildness shown her boy.
Fair at Brussels, Tbaraday and Friday
Oot. 5 & 0.
It will be a hummer.
Splendid prize liet,
Program of attractions sure to please.
Piper Mo0onald will blow the pipes
and hie daughter Mies Idabel will show
how Hiebland dancing is done,
The fancy drilla and club ewioging
oompetilione by school children will be
a taking card. Some of the eohools are
hard at praotioe. Thera are three
vine in each competition.
Gat a prize Hat.
There will likely be 6 or 8 starters in
the green speeding event and probably a
dozen in the 2.50 event.
Farmers with Taney drivers should get
their eye on the Standard bauk special.
A, E. llellish'e epeeist for applee is
makitlg more than one person moan their
Did you ever attend a Full Fair
it ssls There fa
always a
nowt i Brne ?
Oo 7
jam full tunit with the anent au the
jam. 'the program this year will be a
dandy. at your seat reserved early.
Oa II at Tam Neer au.l 'see the Silver
and Brune, ru.•drue presented by the
Ryrle Brod., of Diamond Hall, Toronto.
The Silver one goes to the beet bull at the
Fair end the Bronze to the maker of the
best 10 pounds o1 table butter on exhibit.
Wiugbam's fine Cornet Bend will
supply the mueio•.I program on Friday
afternoon at the Fair sad it will be a
good one.
Farmers will have a good ohauoa of
helping their eons by getting them to
talie part in the aompetitlon of judging
young cattle on Friday at 1 p. m. Theta
are three prizes and n0 entrance fee,
except ab the gate,
Lspert Judges wilt attend the Fair end
make awards as fellows 1—Beavy Borne,
T. B. Reed, of Lieu's Head ; Light
Horses, P. S. Lawrasoo, of Preston ;
Beef (tattle and Sheep, W. R. Elliott,
Guelph ; Dairy Oattle and Swine, R. S.
Stevenson, Anoaster. The judges for the
other departmentabave been chosen with
the usual oars. "Fair Play" is the motto
of East Baron Directors.
IIOW 'r0 431008 TOU'rIL&C1114.
Any robing tooth can ba relieved in•
atantly with Narviline. Fill the cavity
with batting dipped in Nervilins and rub
UitS and Overe Sts
a,. m'u; lr,'t,'I,,v,rw't; ort; trari,rtnt
If you are thinking of buying a Fall Suit or Overcoat
we will malfo it worth your while to call and see our
new line of Scotch and English Tweeds and piton and
fancy Worsteds. The moat Stylish and Serviceable
goods that can be bought.
Our Overcoats of Fancy Tweeds, Beavers, T1It'1-
tons and Cheviots are also on the moVe and are sell -
in fast.
We have a large stock of Fancy Pantitlgs. .The
price we know will make you buy.
Call in and we will be Glad to show you what
we have for Little Money
' a
= e* Lateeteteetetetere.
the game with Nevelli+te ales, 15 tli8 /toe
le //wallet and Bore battle the painful parte
with Nerviline and onver with a flannel.
This can't fail la nen Nervilint kiile the
pale Outright and prevent') it from return.
fug. Btrouger,r}uiolser, more satiefnat ry
Watt troy other Itnlnteut, Polemte Norvil.
One hat beim the largest seller for nearly
fifty years ; try it yourself.
Fai'tneft°' Institute Meetings,
The following ie n ltet ur the supple•
Inelliary and reenter met tinge of the
Farmers' Institute 10 lured Co :--
COt?rLlt9nterAaY 512l021tin8,
Monate, Ftruster8' Ball, E. I.r..Nov, 21
dant etowu, 'trattoria Hall, 11. 11 22
11'ordwioh, New Gall, E, Horne 28
M0leetw0rt11, East Muton 24
Ethel,'Towu )Tall, least Huron 25
Walton, East Huron
Hartook, School house, Last Iturou.,25
Winthrop " " ..29
St. Columbian 11 " .,80
Holmesville, Wileon'a Hall, W,11 , Deo 1
Oarlow, Township hall, W. H... , 0
Londesboro', Bruo&e Hall, W. 11., 4
Winghom,'1'own Hall, W. H 5
St. Helene, Weet Huron 0
Kiutail, MoDooald'e Hall, W. H 7
I00001h111 btHmrl0a8,
Duugannou, Agrionl. Hall, W. I1,..Jan, 0
Blyth, Iudn3 033 Hell, W. Ilurou 8
Brost/els, Town Hall, E. Huron 9
(Ionia, Town Hall, 10, Hurou......... 10
The, above lint should be °tipped out for
future refereuoe.
nF3.1000 10 the 11:00 of Stewart ,e
Lowick will please call and settle at 00.0e
owing to dissolution of partnership, W. P.
Stewart win continue the hualnose.
SALE. — The uudereigned offers his
deelreble property in Graham's Survey for
Rale, °ante n ae 81 um, with a good brick
house and frame Imre on it. Par further
pat 'Woolen apply on the promises,
511f SAMUEL 3UGGA101), Weenie.
and 9 aurae of laud for sale on Walnut
street, Brussels. Brick house, good stable,
Bard a0d not 'water, small oreburd, ao.
Property In good shape. Immediat8 p00988.
atom sea be given. For further iart,oulurs
apply on the premises, Will else loll two
good Jersey 0ows, ono a thorn' bred.
JOHN Nuk10NZilr4,
12.01 Proprietor, Brussels,
Ito 100 //area, being 144 Lot 10, Cou. 5,
and Si Los 20, Uon. 5, inerts tamable, Co.
Heron, The lots will be sold separately or
together to suit purchaser. There is a frame
house, frame bare, orchard, &e. Property
is ey/ miles 100)0 Brasserie and la a 11118 0001.
moony, l''oi' price, terms and iurther par -
emulate apply on the premises, or address
R:010,1e P, 0.
3.tt tate. M. Ii16LLINGTUN,
lug Ant 12, Uou. I.e. Grey, oounliciug
100 nixes, 85 of which are °leered amu bal-
ance in hardwood hush. Frame house, new
bank barn. orchard,&o. on premises with
abuudanoe of spring water, Plc°° is well.
:need ; 18 in good condition and no waste
laud. 5 mites Irma either Brussels or Wal-
ton. Por further partienlare apply oa the
premisos or if bSEIL ASINOANSON P U,
7.01 Proprietor.
En or 100 acres, mare or less, being Ni
Lob 12, (Jon. 7, lMforrie, 00, of Huron, About
Good brick House Sb back here of
2800 feet ; 24 scree of choice orchard. Plan•
ty of water and fairly good fences. 0 milds
from Brussels and 04
Irom BIyth,
particularsata e to prize, terms, &
he aremteor if by , letter to Sun.
shine 0.0, THOMAS RUSSELL,
9•tf Proprietor.
A being the South part of Lot 1 in We
2001 Concession of the Township of Turn.
berry. The farm is situated on a good gra-
vel road, two mhee from Wroxeter and
about nuc quarter of atmtle from eehool
house. The soil is a rich play loam. About
70 acres are cleared and iu a good state of
cultivation, Pram barn 50x50 with addl.
tions end stole stables uutler. .Frame
dwelling Louse 16220 and 12x24, Good bear-
fhgolahard, per terms apply to WILLIAM
DOUGLAS, Wroxeter P. 0. 0.4
Still in the business handling Pampa of
all kinds, both iron or wood.
The Marvel Windmill, one of the hest
makes, is handled by us.
Water Tanks of various sign made to
order. Repairs promptly attended to
and at reasonable prices,
orders left at THE Posr, Bnusoopo,
will have our prompt attention,
211101P MAKER, CRAN131100K
eta Studio is
Special (attention given to
Summer Visitors whom we
will be pleased to have call
011 118.
We make a Specialty
of Out -door Viewing,
Homes, Groupe, &c
tk H.R. WWER
Med,al% at
The following is a representa-
tion or the Silver and 13rat1zo
5Ot'dals offered by IIV11IL
131106., Jewellers, of (he wall
Mic0n Diamond Flail, 'Torotto,
to he awarded at hast Ilnron
Fall Foie on October 5103 and
The Silver Medal will go OR a
Special Y/ize for the beet hull,
any agape ulnas; and the Bronze
ane will be given fur the frost 10
pomide of table baiter.
Appropriate inseriplions will
be put on the inverse tide r
Medal by the Arm offering them.
lvfedttla may be seen at the
nfli.ce of the Societe/1y. Tun
1'oex Publi,hiug Iluusa, Dem-
�l fa-
w .lyiifl ( r It } t'4r,✓
ai V
'it frit r 011)11
t) ,Llatll1111
A Direct Importation
of Dinner Sets
for Sale much Below
Regular Price
eo Thomson's
Special Bargains in
To clear out the balance of stock ()I' Farmers'
Medium ttnized Wagons, 94 (old 3 inch tires,
Special Reduced Prices will be offered as the
room is needed for our large display of
Which everybody should watch out for
has commenced operations and is
now open for the purchase and lte-
ceipt of Apples, paying
Seventeen Gents per Bag
A number of Girls wanted to work
in the k'aotory.