HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-21, Page 1New Advertisements.
Notice—F. S. Soott.
Laaal—Mien Griffin.
Rings—H. L. Jackson,
Looal—Jno. Donaldson,
Fly Time—F. R. Smith.
Notion—John MoIntosh.
Vs are Saved—Moore Bene,
Do you wielt—Mine Streohan.
Bailiff's Bale—T. F. Newnan.
Wanted -Box 4, Bnusenne Pon.
A Word to Well People—Jae. box.
House for Bele—Mre, J. R. Smith,
For Sale—J. W. Morrieon, Walton..
Autumn Millinery — Misses Habkirk.
Millinery Opening—Mre. McKinlay.
Regatta, the Strongest Oonvinoere —
Fergatten & Rose.
1istrict dos,
Meagre. Duff & Stewart will rebuild the
mill dam.
The post office will be transferred to
the Messer store as Joseph Leech resign
ed the poetmaeterabip and Mr. Messer
has been appointed.
Are you going to take
advantage of our ''Big
Value in T's ?" Come
at an early date and
get a sample of our
Special Values. We
think we can give you
a closer price on a
Ten Pound Package
of "T" than you can
get from the so-called
"Tea Pedlar."
R. C. Davies & Co.
Clifford Pugh le attending the Model
Sobool al Goderiob, He ebould make e
good teener,
A number from this legality attended
the Tea meeting at Johnetoo'e ohuroh
Int Monday evening.
What's the matter with the Blnevale
telephone cervine being extended by mak
ing it a brant) of Wingbam or Brueoele ao
tee to give us a wider and more useful
Qoitea few from bore are keeping
Oot, 8th reserved for East Huron Fall
Fair In Brneeele, There will be exhibit
ore from this neighborhood and prize
winners too most likely.
ataxia esCovvn.
Mica Lizzie Hall is visiting at dlrs.
Geo. Eultmier'e for some time.
Rev. Mr. West, of Blnevale, preached
in the Hall last Sabbath evening.
The turnip crop around here ie turning
oat a failure. A bug attune the planta.
A wedding on the 3rd of Gray in the
near future, if we may credit reports.
Mrs. A. D. MoOoet:. and anger Rob.
are vieiting at John Straoban'e for two
or three weeks.
Don't forget the concert in the eobool
house 1} mites Weet of Jamestown Fri-
day evening. The program will be first
glace and the mond! go to local school
purposes. It will be well worth attend.
9s Are
In Furniture
we have the most exclu-
sive lines on Bale. Good
practical Furniture. at
very low prices.
15 per cent. off
Moore Bros.
- Furniture Men.
(1ood•Lines Low Priced
A`4 ^len aeratek'talisl krona oil ai'r'9MAWar'trcmagala'ritssi 2
rA 6'11
Mrs. McKinlay
• Invites the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity to k
her Show
Rooms on
Sept. 29th and 30th
When her Fall Exhibit' of the most Fashionable
Goods will be made. MISS MOFFATT, of To- •
ionto, has been engaged to take charge cis Trimmer i
• and comes very highly recommended.
®r 'qy riV 4 Ier,�l MV..d0J
ssb4Db�sUvrvlb . 0 _b�. d A_ 0
If so accept the Invitation
extended by
Miss Strachan
to visit her Millinery
Show Boom on
Sept. 29 & 30
Choice Goods of the .latest
and Neatest Design ti
Moderate Prices,
Welcome will be accord-
ed to Everybody.
W. H,KERR, Prop
Several of the young people from thio
looality attended the Oonveution at Wing -
ham on Tuesday afternoon.
Thureday evening of this week e tare.
well 000ial to Welter and airs, Innes and
family will be tendered in 'Vittoria ball.
Cold watohee will be presented and a big
time put io.
A very onooesefnl Harvest Home muni•
vereary was held et Johaeton'a ohuroh
Int Sunday and Monday. Rev, Mr.
Oeterhout, of Wroxetor, preaohed tiptop
dieooursee and the program Monday
eveniug was moat excellent, The dnau-
one wore in keeping with everything glee.
W n.1 tont.
Rev. R. S. Baker was in Clinton on
Tuesday on Dietriot numb work.
Rev. A. MaoNab, M. A„ Oink of Pro.
bytery, was at Wingbam on Tueeduy
attending a union.
Ed. Bennett has aaaepted a position at,
clerk in Wm. Neale eture, Ed. is the
right man for the pleoe and we expect
him to do wall.
The attrition sale of horses and stook at
Patrick Ryan'e, Weot of Walton, will
take plane next Tneeday afteruoou. He
hae a lot of good stuff,
Our videos barber, P. McTaggart, has
added a chair and several flxturee to hie
shop. Peter does a good bueineee and
we are pleased to see lam prosper.
Thanksgiving aervioee will be held in
St. George'o ohuroh hero on Sunday,
Rev. J.
lat, at 3 o'uiook p. m. W.
Oa. v
will oonduel
nae teeter of Millbank,
Jo ,
the services,
A meeting o2the Triune Board of the
Methodist ohuroh was held on Monday
evening at the Parsonage, at whioh fur.
in the aileron woe,
improvements her
daoided o0 whioh toil} be carried out at
HARVEST Hotro,—The harvest home
eermoue in aonneotion with the Metho
diet ohorob here will be preaohed by
Rev. S. Anderson, of Blyth, at 11 a. m.
and 7.30 p. m., and Rev, Dr. Rose, of
Braesele, at 3 o'olook, on Sabbath On.
let. Speoial amok offering will be taken
in aid of the important improvements
in the ohuroh. Extra mualo by the
choir. Monday evening supper will be
served in the new baeemeut from 6 to
8 o'olook, alter which a choice and var-
led program will be rendered by the fol-
lowing talent :—Mines Beattie, of Sea.
teeth, in solos and elocution; H. L. Jaok-
son, violinist ; W. A. Grewar, trombone
eoloiet; J• G. Joon, tenor soloist; and
Mica Jean MoL enabllo, of Brneeele; Mre.
(Rev.) Baker, Mise Alioe Duudae : violin
trios, etc. Addressee by Rev. A. Mo -
Nab, M. A., and Rev. S. Audereon.
With snob an array of talent an A 1
program le aura to be presented.
W r.'oxet.er.
George Laokie spent last week in Lon.
John Brawn has purchased a drug
bnaineee in Toronto.
Mica M. Howe spent a few days with
friends in Teeewater.
Mre. T. F. Miller is the greet of
friende in Molesworth.
The brink work on tbe new Town Hall
was commenced on Tneeday,
Mrs. 0. Smith and Mise T. Rae spent
Saturday of last week in Brussels.
and Mi Powell
e. J. aae E. P w
1r Hter p
spent Monday with Wingbam Moods.
Rev. Gx
Geo. Baker,of Blnevale, e o
ed aervioee with Rev..1. . O
ehoat on
J. J. and Mre, Martin, of New
Jersey, are vieiting relatives iu this
Miee Nellie Black returned to London
last week where she will resnme her
stating at Bohn'.
Large ehipmente of cattle were made
from here this week by John Hamilton
and Robert Herrie.
T. and Mrs. Hemphill returned on
Saturday from a visit with friende in
Hansa and London.
Rev. 1. Perrin will preach a sermon.
for children next Sunday 0000l0g in the
Presbyterian Ohnroh.
B. H. Towneend, a former editor of
the Star, and Mts. Townsend,nsend,
of Gode-
rob, spent a few days Iaet week with
friends here.
Diamond Rims!,
Gem Rings
Wedding Rings
Engagement Rings
Our prices are close. We
buy direct from the manufactur-
er. We have the Largest and
most Up-to-date stock of Rings
in the County. See them and
be convinced.
Z.L. Jackson
Sin er
Sewing Machines
Mleeno Letieha end Ada Morrison re-
turned on Satordny from a mouth's
visit in Troherle, Man,
A Mr. Linda, of ilerrieton has par.
nand the butnber heathen here whioi,
will be ooudn0ted by Ural Topfer,
W, C. Currie, It. Match and 0.
Stewart attended the Windham ve. Mt.
retreat lacrosse mutat) in M6 Forget on
W. Caudell, who line hod olearge of the
Gordo Pariah for the last four muntbs,
will pre.toh his farowe•l d'ermon next
Sunday afternoon,
The annual' meeting of the Bible
Suoisty will be held in the Methodiet
Church next Sunday evouing at 7 &Wlools,
The resident miuietere will give eddreet-
Fletcher Sparlit.gg
ealt.no'. - ..
Eaat Huron Fair at Rrneaelson There.
day and Friday, Ont. 5 and 6.
Mise Rebeaoa Spence ie home from an
enjoyable visit with Toronto friends.
Next Ooonoil meetiug will be held on
Monday Oot. 16th, at the Toivuehlp Hull.
Wm, and biro. Puttered, of Listowel,
visited the former'a Muter, Mre, Mo•
Ceuley, uu . Saturday.
J. M. Davies is reg•,vering from hie re•
ant illness and le expected to be able to
come home next week.
Mies Nellie Laird, wne in Winghom,
Tneeday a0 a delegate to the Obriatiun
Endeavor convention held there.
Wm. and Mre. Biotite, and W. A. and
afortb werevie'lore
Mise 1 roemaD, of Se t
at F. F. Freeman's Inst Saturday and
Ethel public eohool pegile are' praotio•
ing a fancy drill and intend 'entering the
oom1e t
t ti ion at Brunets Fair on Friday
Oat. 6th.
Tenders will be opened for the clement
abotmente of the Mitobell bridge, 12th
eon„ on Wedneeday, 27th inst.. at 7 p.m.,
in the Olerk'a aaBoe, here.
Mies Olive Rayuard ie now taking
vocal leaeona at Brut/Bele from' Miee
Griffin, of Wingbatn. We wish Ler
0000000 in tho maim' art.
Mise Jennie Reid, who has been visit.
mg Miee Nellie Laird, left for her home
in Detroit Thursday morning leaving n
young man hare very lonely.
The bridge is open for traffic) again,
excepting for engines and they will be al-
lowed to pane ire a few days 00 soon c)0
the cement flooring gate well hardened.
Rev, and Mre. Armstrong and baby are
vieiting with relatives and friende at
Windsor, Detroit and other pointe.
Robt, McKay will supply the pulpite of
the Methodist °hurahee.
Among Etbelites who visited the
Western Fair net week were Joo. and
Mee, MoIubceh, Rout. and Mee, MOKel,,
vey, Mre. T. Davidson and ohild, C.
Bernath and wife and L.Lougewny.
Mies F. Sample, of Brneeele, who has
been nursing Mre. N. MoOauley through
her natant Amass, has returned home but
will ooutinae to nurse her patient for a
short time at least, at Miee Sample's
David and Noble Milne, Chris. L''clt
tinier and Robert McDonald from Ethel
and locality attended the meeting of
Direotore of East Harou and Grey
Brauch Agricultural Societies last Satur-
day afternoon at Brunets.
This week N. A. Milne was at Gode-
riohaea juror, He will be away for
several days doing
expert judge work at
a unmbnr of Northern Ontario Fain,
Mr. Milne is oredited with doing hie work
well. He is Vioe Preeident of East
Huron Agricultural Society.
Mrs. Newton MoCanley, who under.
went a very serious but auooesefnl oper-
ation a short time ago. has been removed
to Brussels where she will receive treat
meat from the doctor who preformed the
operation. Mrs. Mo0auley is doing well
and will wa hope conn be r ea ed to
perfect health.
Last Sabbath the Harvest Home
services In the Methodist church turned
ant very ettoaesefully -despite the down•
pour of rain. Rev. Mr. Mo0amne, of
Listowel, was in the pulpit and gave two
grand dieooursee. The thank.offering
placed upon the plates in lien of the
eteuol tea meeting amounted to $66 00.
Had tin day been fine the total would
have been 9100.00. The congregation
and pastor are to be oongratulated,
bas the local Agency for the
Singer Sewing Machine, He
keeps Machines end Repairs al-
ways on band. If you need any-
thing in this line call on him,
Residence, Church st., Brussels.
Miee Maggie Muzeil hae gone to Tor.
onto where she will spend some time.
Brunets Pair is being talked up in
good etyle and if the weather is good
Grey will be represented by a bigger
attendauoe than ever,
Arch. MoDeoa'd, 90) oon., was to visit-
or in London during the past week. Ele
may taste a trip to California this Fall.
cud spend the Whiter there.
Judge's Voters' List court will be
held at Ethel for Grey Township ou
Wednesday, Oot. 4th at 10 o'olook.
There are 20 appeals eutered.
Mre. Wm. Armstrong, 911 oon„ Boo-
oeeded iu seaming two and prizes for
buttes at London Fair. She is bard to
beat either at home or abroad.
Some of our farmers will enter for the
turnip and mangle competition in ..sou•
notion with East Huron Agrioultnrel
Society. The prizes are very good and
ae there are three of them in eaolt glace
there is plenty of room,
Eli Smith aultl a flue six year old mare
well known by the Dame of "Blossom"
to W. J. Dickson, of Walton, for the
handsome sum of 9228, Fruit will be a
good prioe this season when a man can
afford to pay 9226 00 for a Bloeeom.
The outran for the now steel bridge,
known ae Mitoltell'e, 12111 000,, was lot
last Monday to Hill, & Oot, of Mitobell,
for the eum of $2,080. Tbie done not in-
clude Dement abutments. The length
of the bridge will be 120 feat over all.
Work will bo dole ibis Nall.
HOIn oome. — Last Monday afternoon
1f.ev. Mr, Arm0troeg, of Ethel, tied the
matrimonial knot betweau Richard
Olerlie, of 'Mote township, end Mtn
Oeoilia Bogler, of Ogle township. The
oeremoty was performed at the parson.
age, Ethel. lloth Me. and 14Iee. Dinka
nee web known and many geed wieheo
will a000mpany them to their home In
L. and Mra. Starts and eon, of Toronto,
were vititore et Mee. Menden Smith's.
Mee. Stark le a daughter of Mre. Smith's.
Reeve Livingetou and Oonnoillor
Fraser will meet a municipal delegation
from Howiok township on Saturday
afternoon of title week to deal with the
North Hteh.p Mmnioipal drain.
MArmmmniAi, —The wedding of Mien
Jeannette L. Mointoeh, daughter of
David and Mra. Mclutoeb, to Dr. Wil-
liam Turnbull, 141. D., 0, M„ of Winni-
peg wee a happy event wltioh tools plane
at the home of the bride'e parents on
Oambria at., Stratford, at 4 o'olook,
Wedneeday afternoon. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. B. Martin in the
presence of a few relatives and intirnuu
friends. The bride was beamingly
gowned in aream silk brooade trimm.d
with va'eeoienneelace and wee uuatteod
ed, The parlor where the ceremony
took plane was 6aetetally decorated with
palma and asters, listen, too, form-
ed the decorations of the tables to
whish the oompany eat down after
the oeremony. Dr, and Mrs, Turnbull
left on the evening train for Owen
Sound, where they took the lake route
to their future borne in Winnipeg,
The bride's going away dress was a suit
of green cloth with pheasant breast toque
in green to match, Guests were present
from Montreal, Toronto, Chatham, Bros
eels and Georgetown. Dr. Turnbull is a
ton of Andrew and Mra. Turnbull, of the
15th on., and the nameroae relatives
and a be o many Irian will n'
d unit in ex
tending hearty congratulations to him
and hie bride.
Ora I.
What about the Telephooe line to
Orenbrook 7
Mies Mina McRae is visiting her slater
in Brneeele.
Tneeday Rev. D. 13. McRae eltended
the meeting of Maitland Preebytery at
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr.
Oeterhoot, of Wroxeter, will preach in
the Methodist churn ]fere.
Allan and Mre. Oemeron, Miee Steele,
Geo. Smalldon and family and Mra.
Eisner were visiting at London and St.
Tbotnaa during the past week,
Our pnblio school bas a large attend•
twee and our teacher, Mise Lizzie Mo -
Kay, will no doubt find her hands fall in
doing theworkof the oombined depart.
John Jackson took in the Western
Fair last week.
The 0o. valuatore were touring Morrie
on Wednesday. '
Brneeele Fair Thursday and Friday
Oot. 5 and 6, Don't miss it.
Township Deenoil minutes may be
read on another page of THE PosT,
Mies Jessie Deacon. of Toronto, is a
visitor with Mre, S. Walker, Gab line.
A Morrie young lady will become a
resident of Broeaele it le said ere long.
William Skelton, of this township, and
Willem Jackson, of Blyth, are away on
a boliday trip to the West. They will
visit relativee and friends.
Morrie farmers will make a bustle for
the apeoial prize offered for the beat hell
sore of turnips and maugolde, if the fly
nee not fluieb them before judging time.
Geo. and Mre. Jackson, 6th line, ex
expect to leave for a holiday trip to
Detroit, Ypsilanti, Northville and other
pointe. They go on the Winton)
A large oompaoy, numbering about
100, assembled at the residence of Jae,
Speir last Friday evening and celebrated
the china wedding of the boat and
beaten. All enjoyed themselves in
firet•alaee style and left behind them
many flue evidences of their regard for
Mr. and Mre. Speir iu the way of choke
ohine. We hope they will live to cele-
brate the golden anniversary.
Ebenzer Ohuroh aooiver0ary sermons
will be preaohed on Sabbath, Oot. 8th,
at 2.30 and 7 p, m. On Monday evening
following a muslin.' and literary enter -
u d y
tainment will be held. Instrumental
selections will be given by H. L. Jaokeon
and W.A. Grewar, of Brussels; Miee
!Minnie MoNeoghton, of the same pleas
will give recitations; Donguld Straoban
will sing and others are expeoted to take
part. Addreeees will also be given.
A Wowing EsoxnoNT PASSED AME.—
An old and highly esteemed resident of
the 7eh line, in the person of Alexander
MoOall, passed that bourne from wbeuoe
no traveller returns last Sabbath mom
fug about 8 30 o'olook. For the past 14
months he bad been bedfast, obiefly
through a fall in whish the right thigh
was broken. Of late he had a few weak
epelle, He was conscious to the last.
Deceased was born 00. Armagh, Ireland,
and Damn to this country when a child
with bis mother who was a widow.
After living in Perth Oo. for a time be
came into Morrie in the early days of
Battlement and took up the farm oppo•
site tbe one on which be died, althongb
owning both. Over 40 years ago Mr.
MoOnll was united in marriage to Mies
Elizabeth Daily, of Newmarket. who
proved ft true helpmate and with 6 Bone
and 4 daughters survives iter husband,
The cotta ere :—Geo. E , of Ethel ; Alex.
L, druggist, of Chatham ; Thos. C., of
Morrie; Sam. 13., of Toronto; J. Situp•
son, on the homeetead ; and W. 3, of
Wingham. Daughters are Mre. Geo,
Bpefran, of the 14th oon. of Grey; Mabel
mud Maggie ab home; end Bella fu Chat -
hang. The ettbjeot of this notice wne an
indnetrioue, thrifty man, a good neigh.
bur, an indulgent father and a kind
tinebaud. He wee held in high esteem
by all Who knew him. The funeral tools
plaoe on Tneeday afternoon. Heat Dr.
lion, of Melville Preebyterian Ohuroh,
of whin deoeaeed was a faithful mem.
bar, oondnotiiig an appropriate eorvioe.
Six eons bora the remains of their father
to its last earthly reining plane in Brae.
ERA cemetery. Mre. elo0el} and family
will be a0oorded 011100!0 eympatby in
their bereavement. The family with to
rutted their 01n0ere thankv for the kind
nose of many friende and the present.
Mien of beantifnl floral wreathe,
Cold Storage By -Law.
IttI700Y 11WNSIt 00000» sllrh0W1 yr.
The submission of a Bylaw by the
Council of Bennie, granting exemption
of texee to Robert Thomson, of tbie
plane, on a gold etorege building and
plant, to be; erected on Lot 105, Minato
an the corner of Turnberry and Market
streets, at a oast of about 64,000, will
come before the property owners ou Mon•
day of 'text week for en expression of
their opinion by the ballot.
It is a matter of no email importance
to our town that tbie By-law should be
sustained by a good majority as it means
the permanent location of a modern
neoeaalty t0 every enterprising place, and
with the animated rivalry exieling be
tween villages and towns euob advantage
gained means much for the future.
Tbie is not a bonne as ao money 1e paid
to Mr, Thomson. About 98 00 a year ie
collected on the lot upon wbioh he pro.
posse to build and his tnoreaeed share of
eohool tax and Business tax will poeeibiy
quadruple the amount now reoeived from
the vaeant premieee, The sewer and
eidewalk taxes will have 6o be paid by Mr.
Thomeon ae no Conuoil no exempt these.
It the By law unties arrangements
will oommeuoe at onoe to erect a two
story cement baildiog with the most
modern ooldPP Y
d n enrage apparatus. An e
' Is
sore to that part of the village will he
removed and at the expiration of 10
years the regular quota of taxes will' be
paid. With nob a building' will oome
of labor 0.9tb employment
'I d n and var.
a icklin will be oarxte o
ions other forme of work with the np-to-
date faoilitiee poeoeeeed.
By oold storage the poseibllities of
better market are aseored as the risks of
oarrying over perishable produce or fruit
are largely obviated. This will not only
benefit Mr. Thomson but the whole com-
munity as persona requiring the nee of
oold storage will have the privilege of the
tome at a moderate charge.
Since tbie que0tiou of cold storage
tine none np other plane have approaob
,•d councillor Thomeon with a view of
inducing him to remove from Bruaeele
but he desiree to continue to do bnoineee
if the property owners will allow
by carrying the Bylaw next Monday that
they too ben faith in our tidy little
town. Mr. Thomson is no fakir nor
swindler who comes hunting for special
privileges bot a tried, trained, energetic
booinecs man who has eetnbliehed a
trade well worthy of hearty aommende
lion, Hta possible removal from Brae -
se's would mean a serious lose to many
There is a total of 270 owners o0 the
Vetere' List but out of this number 44
are absent, leaviog 226 poesible votes.
The ipw ie stringent on the passing of by.
laws and demands that at least two
thlyde of the pollable vote be recorded.
'Tbie means that 180 owners moat record
their vote favorably to put beyond a
peradventure the carrying of the Bylaw
granting the reads -don of taxes and
thereby 000001ng the greatly to -be desired
utility. Unmarried ladies and widows
with the necessary property goeliSoation
t the entitled to vote on B•law next 9
Monday. It should carry with a tidy
dere the mat
'n t but tbe wayto ensure moJ rl y
ter is to talk favorably of the plan and
vote as per the diagram given herewith.
Dire. ',natio and Mrs. Strachan vioited
with friends in Wroxeter lest wee's,
W. Clark bas taken a situation at
Drumbo and went to it this week.
Mien Ham}Itou, of Wet:aster, was the
guest al Mre. Alex. Straoheen this weels.
Mre. Geo. MoNiebol wed Mrs, Wrn.
Backer returned Int week after speeding
a few days at 1110 Tomato Exhibitmn.
Mre. Williamson, of Walton, woe visit.
ing her daughter, Mre. Geo. Walker this
Mies Maggie Brown is visiting rein•
tivee in Winnipeg and other Western
R. D. Cardiff and R. 3. McLeoohlin
were holidaying in Toronto and other
Mre, I. 0. Richards has been on the
aiok list but we hope she will soon be as
hearty ae ever.
Mre, Alred Lowry and Hanel] were
visiting et London and Ingersoll during
the pact week.
Mre. Rues Stabbe and daughter Fannie,
leave on Saturday for Grand Rapids,
Mich„ for a visit,
Jno., D' pb. and Norman Ocher have
gone to Guelph where they have positions
iu a Carriage Faotory.
Mre. Craig and Miss Bessie, of Winnni•
peg are guests at Melville Mame, Mra,
Oraig ie Rev. Dr. Rose' sister.
Toa. and Mra. Maxwell are awey on a
'holiday visit with relatives and old
friende for a few weeke in the East.
Wm. Henderson, of McKillop, has
been visiting at hie sonar, Reeve Header.
eon. The visitor is past 83 years of
Mre. J. J. Gllpin will vial at the On-
tario street Methodist Parsonage, Ciin•
ton, Her brother, Rev, W. E. Kerr, i0
the pastor.
Jno. Williamson and Geo, More have
gone to Detroit to eeek their fortune.
They went on the Exonroion from Sin•
oardinelaat Thursday.
Mre. Robertson and daughter, Mies
Jeanie, of Toronto, have been visiting
Mre. T. Walker, of Broseels, and other
friende in this looality.
Hugh R Elliott has ootnbiaed bneiuees
and pleasure iu a trip to Oinainnatti
this week. He was anoompanied by W.
P. Telford, M. P. P., of Owen Sound,
Mre. J. T. Wood and eon left thie week
for Hihobley, DeKalt 00,, 111., fora visit.
rhe former's enter resides there and has
been to poor health and Mre. Wood has
gone to ase her.
Mre. James Stratton is at Belgrave
waiting on her daughter-in-law, Mre. J.
B. Stratton, who oontin0es very poorly
despite all that medical attendants and
eoores of kind friends oan do to aid her.
0.11. and Mrs. Bartliff of Clinton,
formerly of Brunets, announce the
engagement of their eldest daughter,
Lyra E. A„ to G. W. Pinner, of Clinton,
oldest son of W. Pinner, of Marmora,
Mre. Wilson and children are visiting
S. and Mre. Crawford, the former's
grandparents. Mra. Wilson lives in
Fort William and is a daughter of George
Mooney of Indian Head, formerly of this
We bad a pleasant call from a former
resident iu the portion of J. V. Smith,
who is now i0 business in Neepawa.
Man., i0 the gents' outfitting bnoineee.
He ie a brother of Jno. Smith, 16th sou.
of Grey.
Mies Ida Williams is renewing old
was for
his in Bruaeele. he w
friende S
Bevorttl weeks iu a hospital in Toronto
whets she was sa000eefully treated fur
her disabled limb to the greet eatietaotion
of her many friende.
Last week Mrs. F. J. Baines and her
sister, Mre. E. Sherritt, of Victoria, B. 0„
were vieiting Blyth friende. The ladies
will take a trip to Jamestown, N. Y ,
where they will visit their father sed
brolhere for a mouth.
THE PoeT was favored on Wedneeday
with a call from Rev, W. J. Brandon, a
tormer junior Methodist minister at.
Brussels some years since. The passing
years deal very kindly with biro. He is
now stationed 5 miles from Woodatook.
Mre. T. Hayoroft arrived home Wed-
needay of last week from an extended
visit with relatives and old friende in
Winnipeg and the West. Miae Mabel
has taken a position in the Eaton store
in Winnipeg awl Min Mary Roche also.
Ooan, W. F. VanStone, of Wingham,
tortmerly of Brussels was taken eerionely
ill while in Toronto, and ens taken to the
Hospital, where he paned through an
operation on the Sud inst. He le in a
private ward of the hospital and ie reoeiv
ing every poseible attention. Up to Wed•
oeeday morning all a000ante received of
his oonditiou were favorable, mad his
many friende in town and country hope
for hie speedy recovery.
People We Talk About.
Mre, Wm. Jewitt is vieiting in Mitch.
W. 0, Smith was at Stratford last
Mrs. Stemming is home from her trip
to Manitoba.
A. J. and Mre. Lowick were at Ford.
wish lest Friday.
Mies Olaea Simmons is vieiting with
Wroxeter relatives.
Mra. 13. Gerry goes to visit her sister
m Cleveland on Friday.
Joo, and Mre. Fergneon were in Toron•
to for a few dnye last week.
Miee Bella Henderson has been boli•
daytog with relatives in Moliiilop.
Miee Joeie Buobanan was renewing old
friendships at Luoknow and vicinity.
Min Laura Spence, of Ethel, was a
visitor with Mies Mand (,)Darin for a few
Maki), Shrader and ohildren, of Hen•
over, aro visitors at W. H. McOraaken'e.
Mies Mabel Colvin left last Friday far''.
Orediton where abe holds a millinery
Mre. F. H. Gray and children, of
Stouffville, are visiting with Mra. Alex.
Mn. D. 3'. MoPberoon and Mies Jean
McEbereon, of Clinton, are gneete of Mre.
Leckie, Kelvin Grove.
Miee Dolly Boeker was at London and
Dombaeter for a few day). She vieitad
at the latter plane over Sunday with Rev.
3, Holmen and family, formerly of Brus•
Miee Lenin MoOraoken, of Cleveland,
ie a vieitdr at W. H. Moans:ken'e, She
is a daughter of Edward Mo0raokeo,
formerly of Brussels.
Mi00 Nina Rogers, of Mount Forest,
i) 'dotting at her home in Bruaeele for e
few weeks. Mount Fattest appears to he
agreeing well tvitb her,
Mie. A, Lindsay is away to the
hospital for treatment at Toronto. We
hope she will )oon be fully restored,
Mines Sadie and Bella are visiting
relatives in East Wawanoeh.
Among those who visited London last
week were Wtu, sed Mrs. Tneebull, Wel.
ter Lowry, RobertDArlr, Frank Stratton
jr., Jae, Ballantyne and W. cloth.
Dr. Frank Lambie it here this weep
having eetnrned from a trip t0 the Old
Country. He will leave ehortly for Ilia
home at Midland, Miobigan, where be
iias a lnerative veterinary preetioe,
Cnl}KC(I tlllIlubIl.
Rally Day serviette in the Methodist
Sabbath School on Oat. let at 2.30 p. m,
Obildreu'e Day special eervioe next
Sabbath afternoon iu Melville eburoh
Sabbath School.
A number of young people from Mel-
ville ohuroh attended the convention ab
Wingbam on Tneeday.
Rev. Dr. Rose spoke last Sabbath
morning on "A true viaton of God," and
at the mining service hie enbjeot wen
r'Two men and the'riavionr."
Rev. Dr, Ross wee unable to attend
Maitland Presbytery owing to having
uherge of the funeral of the late Alex.
McCall, of Morrie last Tuesday,
Next Sabbath Rev, J. 11. Oetencout,
B, D, of Wroxeter, will ocoopy-the pulpit
of the Methodist ohuroh,-Brunets, Rev.
Mr. Donne will take aueivereary serving
at Belmore, on Wroxeter olronit.
Sabbath morning the pastor of the
Methodist oburob prenohad from the 1, xt
"Awake then that eleepet," and in 11.0
evening the well known words of the
23rd Psalm "Thingb I walk thronph lba-
valley of the ahadew of death, eta." twos
the foundation of a oomforting die000r•e,
At Melville Obnroh evouing serviette en
the pant two Sabbaths Miea Jeanie It n.
enter), B. A„ A. T, 0. M., of Toron+,',
oontributed Bolos that were vary bill, y
appreoiated by the ocngregation. Site
is a daughter of the late Hoyt Dr, Robert-
son, Stiporintoadent of Missions in Ole
North Weet .