HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-14, Page 8L�KO'IL^fi* Yhl:h Y,iamrous,w.mH,wwvm ewsuwtwm,tncM,waoo,nvoma. SCHOOL SUPPLIES NEW SCRIBBLERS, EXERCISE BOOKS, NOTE I300KS in a great variety of Covers. BOUND SLATES, LEAD PENCILS, SCHOOL BOXES, too. 7111 Put .1c Scho 1 B;1 oks Also a full line of HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS All those that will be used for the School Year 1905.06. Any new Book that is required we supply on short notice. Blotters given away. 4 DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 90UTREBN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Braesele Station, North and South, as GOING SonTa GoINO Nona. Mail.........,.. 7:05 a.m 1 Mixed ...... &40 a,m a.80I Mail ..... .I:58 p.m Express 3:02p.m l Expreee ...... 8:51 post rDxitI Rebn items. A ohiel's amang ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. Cool evenings, Joos FROST is getting ready for basi• nese. A. 0. U. W. will meet Friday evening of this week. 25 OENT8 gets Tan POST to January let 1906. Now is the time to enbeoribe. JNO. Tim is in charge of His Majeety's mail to Wroxeter this week as Mr. Lowry is holidaying. Menton tams are on the program at the rare course quite frequently. Some of the equines are developing considerable 11g0.11 EDNA AND ELSIn, danghiere of James Cooper, recently of Brussels, took the prize on Labor Day in Wineham, in the twin competition. W. W. MABTes'e fine new re816900e, Flora etreet, ie up and the root on and the brink veneering will follow at once, It will be a very nosy home and in a good location. TRAMS have been a long way behind their sehednle during the past week owing to the rush to and from Toronto Fair. They will probably Sesame their normal condition now. Dn. Ovjns, M. D., Surgeon, Omonlist, Speoialiet, Diseases of Eye, Ear and Noes treated and glasses fitted properly. Will be at Sm it b s Drag Store, Brussels', on Ta@oday.Sept,t9tH, Hoare 8 a. m. to 1.80 p. m. Da, BUTLER, Speoialiet, will be at the American Hotel, Brneeele, on Thursday, Oot, 5th, and Thursday Deo. 7th, when he will be pleased to have persona de• siring his professional skill or advise oall and see him. Tan oement work on the new building pat up as a ohopping mill by Tbaell Bros. was fioipbed Wedneeday noon, For the sake of uniformity with the ad- jacent bnildiog the front will be of white brick. The root will be put on and maobinery installed forthwith. DleouesroN of the Thomson Oold Stor. age By-law ebows that the property owners appear well eatiefied that it should pass. Every person entitled to vote should make up hie mind to record it, however, on Monday, 25th inst., and en. ooarage Counoillor Thomson in his read- iness to promote the interests of Brae. Bele and community. Taos. A. Rewards, with most vinare thanks to the people of Brunets and the surrounding country for past patronage, 0nn5anoe8 with regret that in order to farther pursue his studies in maeic, be will leave Brussels next Spring. Any, wishing to take advantage of hie in. etraolions while he remains should make application pp at their earliest aoovenienoe. Those preparing for the mid -Winter examinations should resume their 8tndiee at onoa. To Ton PEOPLE or BRuesnre AND sun. ROuworno CODNTRY,-I beg t0 notify you that ae the transfer of the Canadian Expreee business has been made from Wm. Henry to myself that the office of the Same will be at my ebop. A11 goods for shipment via Canadian I would ask you to kindly leave earns at my shop for billing and not at station. Expreee parcels will be delivered to any part of the town and all heavy parcels of ship. meat I will call foe at your place. l91oney Orders carefully attended to. Yours reepeettally, J. W. Ramos, Telephone No. 5. Soma SHEEP, -Daring the past week James Donaldson and wife of Miles Oity, Montana, were the gneste of Joe. and Mrs. Donaldson, Braesele, The gentle. men are brothers, It ie 20 years einoe Mr. Donaldson went Weet. He is in the ebeep ranching business and along with two other brothers they own 88,000 ebeep. They bad from 9,000 to 10,000 lambs this year and their clip of wool will aggregate 250,000 pounds, which will at 20 to 26 cents per Ib, make a neat little acooant. Mr. and Mee, Donaldson were as far East Se Maine and started the return journey from Brussels thio week. SETTrzn,-Wedneeday of this week the Warden's Committe met in Goderiob to Mulder the threatened legal suit of Mr. Young, over the lose of hie daughter. She Was riding a bioyole at Port Albert, and losing oontrol of the wheel it dashed li through the railing of the bridge and Mies Young Was unfortunately drowned. The father asked $8000 damegee and later came down to 9800. Theoommittee eettled at 9460 rather than go into an Ex. pensive law suit. There were petiole opiateau as to the liability of the Co, in the sad case bat the peobabilitfee are had the ease gone to court Mr, Young Would have tinned a verdict for poeei ly a larger amount tbantbat awarded by the Ward. en's Committee, to eay nothieg about the Ode that Would be inoarred win or loge, EesT HunoN Fall Fair Oot. 5 and 6. Get a prize list cud arrange an exhibit. Smoot Beano did not meet on Friday evening as there was not a quorum. Somebody will have to wake up. Fear, Fair Directors meet on Saturday afternoon of title week at 2 p. m. in the Oonnail Chamber. All should attend. THE damage done to the front of Geo. L. tealker'e livery barn by the fire last May wits repaired during the past week, A Lamm squabble, resulting from a horse trade was ventilated before Reeve Hendereou and J. Leckie, J. P,, on Tuee day evening in the Town Hall. Caee was diemiesed, eaob to pay their own 00Bte. JOE HUNTER writes from Brandon, Man„ stating that he was having an en joyable time and after a visit with rele. tithe was heading for Saskatoon. He wished to be remembered to all old friends. Tan Guelph Mercury of last week says -Master Herbert Brothere, of the Guelph Boeineee Oollege, has eeonred an appointment on the tffioe staff of the Raymond Manafaolaring Go., Ltd., of ihie eity. OinT,-John Norton, second eon of the late Rev. Wm. Norton, of Brussels, died at New York, on Ang. let of heart failure. He wae buried at Meant Pleasant came. Ler)), Toronto. Funeral service was held in church at New Y•irk. AT the last Oonooil meeting P. J. Mo• Donald wae awarded the contract for the new eement sidewalks to be put down in Brussels at 10o per egaare foot, The other tender wae put in by Geo. Barkley whose figure was 11}o. Work will be done title Fall. Tnoe, MoLenanrna, Brneeele has vet Tuesday, Sept. 26th, as the date of his clearing sale of well bred horses, rigs, reeidenoe, lots, eta. Sale will take plane at Mr. MoLanohlin'e premises, Torn. berry etreet, North. Auctioneer Soott will wield the hammer. PROPERTIES SOLD, -R. Berry bas Bold his house and lota 0 Mill street to J. W. Somers of town, for the sum of $800.- Abram rook, of Grey, who recently Bold his farm has parohaeed the residence of Thomas MoLaoahlin, Tnrnberry etreet, North, paying 9810 for it. It is a 0000. fortable home. MEDALS. -The Silver and Bronze Medals offered by Ryrie Bros., the well. known jewellers of Diamond Hall, Toronto, for East Huron Fall Fair throe to band last week. First mentioned will be given as a sysoial prize for beet ball any age or oleos on exhibition, and the bronze medal goes as o epeoial for the beet 10 pound@ of table batter, The medale may be seen at Tun Pon Pub. tithing House, A OAR or HONEY, -This week G. A. Deadman, of Brneeele, who has attained ooneiderable prominence as a beekeeper and breeder of Jerseys, shipped a oar of honey to Winnipeg. He went Weet on Tuesday to arrange for the disposal of the 0oneigomeot of eweete. Mr. Dead- man makes this an annual affair and as a oousegnenee goes into the business on an extensive scale. We hope be will find the shipment a soiree of profit ae a great deal of work is entailed before it is marketed. JAox PEPPER, writing THE POST from Dolomite, Manitoba says "I saw with b regret that � BrueSeleFoot•ball boyo loot the cap tbie year after a pluaky fight, hat hope they wilt regain their loot laurels next season. There is a great grain Drop here this Fall and they are Just Starting to thresh it. Find enoloeed 91 for THE Pen. I always litre to get it as there ie always something of in• Wrest to mein it." Mr, Pepper was one of the old bine betake in Brussels team and aided in winning many a match. CONTINDATION SCHOOL GRANTS. -We give below the reserve grant for doing Oon. tiouabioo work and also the amounts of the grants from the Legislature and the County Donnell. LEGISLATIVE COMITY GRAN0 GRANT Brueeele 9200 $ Wingham 200 400 Blyth 100 200 Wroxeter 26 60 No. 7 Huwiok 26 20 '' 9 Tnokeremith 25 60 " 11 Grey 15 80 " 17 Howiok 15 80 " 8 Hallett 15 80 " 8 Hallett 15 80 " 6 MoKillop 15 80 1i 5 Morrie 16 80 5 Tuokeremith 15 80 $680 91860 BUTTER ago ODEnen.-W. W. Barrie, of Brueeele Factory,bhipped 100 boxes of areaway butter to Montreal last Friday. It brought 21 cents per pound. Monday of this week the Aug, make of obeese Nom the game factory was sent to Mon. treal, for eblpment to London, England, The price wag 119 Dente, Prioee have kept up well this season and as a Gonee- quenoe the farmers ehonld be happy even if the pueohaeer may drop hie lip when he has to pub up the prioe. Those of a8 who bate t0 buy know fall well that 21 oenta worth of butter does not go a very long dietanoe in feeding a family when it of the Clydeedale variety, Its length of dope le eomewbab prolonged Bien un. lege it walks off itself. The latter ie not the kind Brnasels taotory borne net how ever. tandard Bank of Canada £SSt7.A,:ES.,=1anaC3E D 1M72 SURPLUS, 011 RESERVE PUND ..... 1,000,000 TOTAL ASSETS OVER 18,000,000 General J3attkinl: nun itnegat0 Tt'airaimetocl — SAVINGS BAtN'K0YO'— Acm•ued Interest is added to aeoounte every eix 1months and bootees prlualpal. Joint Deposit Accounts -A SPROIAL OONVANIENGB in 008 in our Savings De. pertinent is the "Joint Deposit" uoeouat. Money May be deposited or withdrawn by either of the two members of the household. T1tie system is a great eonven• 10nce to many residing in town, but more particularly so to farmers, as In the latter case whether manor wife comes to town either eau attend to the Banking. An- other feature of the system to that in ease of the death of either party the money eau be withdrawn by the survivor without 0081, We will toll you mom about our methods if you will kindly sailor write, Married Women and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without thein. terventtou of any person. SALE NOTES OASHSD, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE -KEEPING only for whiob no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oaretol and courteous attention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, &caem. A. RAYBURN, of Cranbrook, an old 8 experienced hand al the pump busine ie ready to attend to all ueooseary pairs in good etyle. Leave word al T PoeT Or drop him a card, NEW TELEPHONE Orrldn,-I* ie of tereat to note that a um telephone floe has been opened by the Bell Te phone Company at Walton, end tit that village eau now be reaohed by be phone. Militia orders announced were as f lows : - 22nd Brnoe Regiment - be provisional lieutenant, Sergt, Bore Parker. 88rd Huron Regiment, Maj D. Holmes is permitted to resign h commission. Masan. WILTON & GILLEePIE reoeiv three oars of coal this week and they ba been buoy distributing it to varices oust mere. There was never anything li the quantity of coal burned in Brune that will be need daring the Doming Wi tar. Fax, Fern CONCERT,- For this ve popular entertainment the ever weloom Jae. Fax, of Toronto, has been nears Mise Mozie Booth, a fine soprano, of 011 same city : Mise Jeanie Irylug, a high oommeuded elocutionist of Hamiltu nod Mies Mabel McDonald, a Souto dancer of Wingham, will also be her The date ie Friday, Out. 8:h. THIRD GLASS TEACHER'S CEI0TIProATOB, At the las: meeting of the Board at .Ex aminere for the Oouoty of Baron, i was resolved that those teaohere wit have Junior Leaving or Sr. Leaving nun professional Certifioatee may have thei Third Olaee professional certificates' re Hewed for a term of three years, on re paeeiog the Model Sobool examination GED. BAInn, Secy. OBITDARY.-Last week Tan POST re ferred to the deoeeee of Rev, Dr. Mar isoo, of Toronto, a nephew of Peter Fer gone, of Brussels. The tollowin sketch will be read with interest :-Dr R. G. Murieon, Lecturer in Orient Iangaagee in Uuivereity Oollege, died e his residence, in Oxford etreet, Toronto Monday morning of last week, after a labor i11ne8e induced by a viruent attack o typhoid fever. Be was iu the prime o life and of exoeplional bodily strength having previously never known illnee in any form. Rev. Roes George Mar Non, M. A. Ph.D.,of the 'University r ' e sit of Toronto and B.D. of Enos Oollege was born thirty.nine ye0re ago in Mint law, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and one to this country at the age of 16, etartin life in Canada in a very humble way i Glengarry, Ont. He pat himself e00088s fully through the High School, the Uni vereity and the Theologionl College. He graduated from Toronto University in 1898, and from Knox College in 1894, after taking a remarkably high stand in hie Manes in both institutions. His de. gree of Dr. of Philoeoby was award. ed by Toronto University in 1902. In 1896 he was appointed lecturer in Ori. ental languages, and at once became pop. ular ae a teacher end member of the staff. Besides hie work in the languages and literature of his epeoialty, he de. voted btmeelf latterly to Bible teaching in English, baying founded last session a course of inetrnotiou in that subject, from which important result's in ani. vereity Bible study are jaetty expected. He had also for eeverel years conducted Bible Wanes among the medioal eta. dente. Dr. Marine was unwearied in laboring to promote the moral and re. ligione welfare of the students, and hie brief profeeeional career has been made memorable by hie unvarying kindoees and geniality and byh' g y is inteoee desire to be helpful to every one. He had al ready attained a high 90811100 as a soholar and beaober. Hie hand•booke on the hietary of Babylonia and Egypt are widely need. He wae especially ac. oompliehed in Oriental archaeology and in folklore. In early Scottish Cboroh history and in the history of Liturgies he was an authority. He was =oh in demand as a university local lecturer up- on the eableots of his department. Dr, Morison ie survived by Mrs. Moine and two young ebildren. The funeral aervloee were held on Wednesday at half -peat two in St. Andrew's Church, King etreet, Toronto, in whiob be was an elder and a devoted worker, Interment was made in Mount Plangent cemetery, Mr. Fergaeon attended the funeral. ud fie, re - an in• of• le. at le- ol. To 00 Or is ed ve a- Ile le 0. ry 6. ly n, 0. • • • • • • • • • • • 0 8 Oriente, Y a Business Locals. Linin. -Jaen arrived, a oar of Guelph lime. D. A. Lower. PANT1IARER wanted at once. Apply to D..0. Rose. Timm year old Heifer well bred, for sale. Apply to JNe, 1081iNeT, grocer Brussels, OOMPOR'ranxn dwelling rooms to let over my store, Boit water. Peseeseion can be given at once, I, 0, 11100A0ns. HAMMER lost between Mre. MoiOin. lay's millinery store and Dr, Buena' office, Mill street, Finder will oblige by leaving it at Tin POST. Coonon'Anro dwelling and 9 acres of labd 1 ehoioo Nolte different varieties 7 for sale or rent, poeeession given Sept, let. I, 0, Biplanne, Bataan APPLE EVAron&TOR.-On and after the 14bh inst. Brothels Evaporator will be open for the pnrobase and receipt of apples, A number of glebe wanted to work in the factory, JNe, Op18NINGHAM, Puma BuTTan.-We Will pay 260, per pound for the beet tab or box batter every two weeks, Mra. Wm, Taylor. Wblteeharob, won laeteonteet, 8 0.11. KIN°, Wingham, SAwe.-We giro you saws easy to work and easy to pay for. Your courage will improve when you nee oar saws, If you have slow, bard working saws do not de- lay but Dome right away and have them toned to your fancy. T. MoGRnnon, Mill St., Brussels. ITEER. SKIN WAS VELUM. "I bad only to try Dr. Hamilton's Pills to appreoiate their merit" writes Mies Annie 13, Bryce, of Woodstock. My 0yetem wee oat of order. My blood was weak and thin. I had a nasty, murky oomplexion. My akin was bard and dry. The first box of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills madea oomplete change. I Nit better at onoa. Healthy ocler mane into my face. In about three weeks I wag mored." Dr, Hamilton's PIlle effeot an easy ours. Try these good pills, 25o. per box, or•five boxes for 91,00, at all dealers, What About the County 'Valuators P Dada Mn. En1Ton.-Thera is quite a talk about the Co. Valuators and some eauuoa understood about it. Can you give as any iuforrottalon through the col. name of Trut Poe and tell ue how about the taxes. Xoure Truly, AN ENQDDin&, Morris, Sept, 9th. NOTE BY EnoTon,-Ae soma of the rate- payers in ehfe County 80000 to be under the impression that the present valuation being made by those appointed by By-law of the County Oounoil, under Statute, may effect them prejudicially as to taxes, it may be well to state for the information of such, that it will in no way effect them ae to local rates, being purely for equali- zation purposes. In the past, the equali- zation, or fixed enure on which the sew oral municipalities pay the County tax, has been arrived at from the Assessment Roils and the local knowledge of mem- bers of the Oounty Council at the June session of that body and this system has been a bone of contention for many years, reealtiugin two appeals to the County Judge daring the present year. Honoe the appointment of County valuators. The present valuation when completed will remain a as the basis ofeqali equalization on for five years or 10 years, in ossa the Council is satisfied at the end of the first period. Of course the Go, Counoli will have to ratify what the valuators do be- fore it becomes law, Thos. Robinson fell off a wagon near Tweed, wae run over and killed. P. Noppen, an immigrant from Rol. laud hanged himself at Winnipeg. 0. W. Grose, of Edmonton, wag sworn in as At;trocyGenetal of Alberta. Jamas Wiutbrope, of Gaineboro', Sask., wan gored to death by a bull. Temperance people in Brant county pa5are organizing for a local option cam• gn, Two thousand harvesters from Quebec and the Ottawa Valley arrived at winni•. peg. Alexander Emmerson, e, oolored man, died at Hammond's Plains, N. S., aged 112 years. The contraot for dredging the harbor of St. John, N. B., has been awarded to G. T. Mayes. Attempts to float the Allan liner Vic- torian have been deterred until wind and tide are more favorable, The Booth fishing elation on Oat Island wae swept into Lake Superior during a storm. No lives were lost. Joahua Hardy, of Carleton 'minty, fell od a harvesters' excursion train near Mattawn and WAS killed, The old E. & P. oar shops at Kingston were burned. They were owned by the 0. P. It., and the lose ie about $50,000. f]oRST. BBonvno,-Iu Blyth, on Aaguet 26th, to Mr. and Mee. A. E, Bradwin, a eon. OnoN1N•-In Morrie, on Aaguet 21st, to Mr. and Mre, Arthur Cronin, a daughter, GALLOP. - In Elmo, on Aug, 17th, to Mr, and Etre, Thos, Gallop, a daugb• ter. HoattEe,-In Atwood, on Aug. 17th, to Mr, and Mrv, 0. Holmes, a eon. MonalooN,-In Silver Ooruere, on Aug. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Morri• eon, a daughter, Pon'sEB.-In Atwood, oh Aug, 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Porter, a daughter, PooTEn,-In Blyth, on July 20th, to Mr, and Mee. John Potter, a 'daughter, TnaMPeoN.-In Hallett, on Aug. 19th, to Mr, and Mre. David Thompson, a Son. TonnntuLo.-In Grey, ou September 1011], to Mr. and Dire, J. G, Turnbull, a daughter, 21=,,27. MunleoN,-On Monday, September, 4, at 121 Oxford sheet, Toronto, Rev. Roes George Morison, Ph.D.' lea three in Oriental languages, Uni. vanity College, Toronto, aged thirty-nine years, TUngnarr.-In Grey, on Sept. 10th, the infant daughter of 1. G. and Mrs, Turnbull, .A.•O'01TZ01S 05.00.7.,01. TUESDAY SRPT, 26TH.-Oleoring out tale of wall bred borne, rigs, 100160noe, lots, oto., Turnborry, Street, twine's. Sale at 2 o'olook, Thou, MoLaaohlio, Prop., F. 8, Scott, Anna, Pinsonn, Sion. 26. -Farm dock at Lot 8, eon, S4, MOKillop. Sale unreserved t 0118 o'cloek, Patriot( Ryan, prop,, hos, Brown, RUO, POLl1M BANK Rubbery CAPITAL -Paid Up 91,0000000 RESERVE FUND - 91,000,000 REV. R, H, WARDEN, D, D.DetestersProvident, 8, J. MOORA, Vice -President, TH05, 0RADe1AW, 0.00, me 0078010 Mn, W, MORTItmn CLAIM, 0,0, D. 0, THOMBON, 00, 0, JOON ,mase a00H HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO W, D. ROSS - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Bold. Farmers' Notes Disooanted, alt T igs Mum BEradffeil f NT Interest al HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on a51 same of 61 and upwards A. E. MELLISH, Manager. OEM FALL FAIRS. Teeswater Palmerston Listowel Ripley Northwestern, Goderieb Bayfield Wingham Harrieton Atwood Luoknow Bost Huron, Brueeele Gerrie Duogaunon Gust ph Walkerton Blyth Sept. 22-28 Sept, 26-27 Sept. 26-27 Sept. 26-27 Sept 26-27 Sept. 28-29 ....Sept. 28-29 Sept. 28-29 Oot. 8-4 Oat. 4-6 Oot. 5-6 Oot. 7 Oot. 12-18 Sept. 12-14 Sept. 14-15 Oot. 10-11 BRt..rma in_.S 1,6A -^v SiExeS, Fall Wheat 70 71 Barley 85 87 Peas 60 61 Oats 26 27 Butter, tube and ,elle17 18 Eggs per dozen 16 17 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Flour, per bbl 8 80 6 00 Hoge, Live 5 80 5 80 Wool 28 28 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Potatoes per bus 50 60 Applee (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. :OW FOR SALE. - WILL l calve about last of November. 10 3 T. NICHOLLS, Brussels. �R]ANTED. - A CAPABLE V ►► Housekeeper, No washing. Small family. Highestwagee paid. Apply at onoa to MRS. M. D, Mel'AGGART, Clinton. 2 OTRAYED ON THE PREM - L7 Tem of the undersigned, Si Lot 24, Oon, 0, Morrie, a year old spotted steer. Owner in requested to prove property, pay aspen - see and take him away. 0.4 THOS, BROWN. NOTICE. -ALL PARTIES IN- DEBTED to the firm of Stewart & Lo i w ok will please call and settle at o0 lac owingto dissolution Stewrt 05111 ootiof thea business. W. F. STEWART & LOWIO)i, ISS RATE MoKINLAY- ton, of Detroit, inl e preparocal ed music give rs. inetror- uc- tion in vocal rouge and alas violin. Terms on application, COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND v 15 acres of land in Braesele South. to rent, Poeaesslon could be given. about. Oot. 15011. For further partioulare applyon the promi008, or it by letter to BrueeelP. O. 7 -Et MISS MITCHELL. .OR SALE. -THE PROPER— TY upon which the Oobo1• Carriage Factory atood' also the standing walls and 50,000 brick. For further particulars apply to JOHN 00BER, Btoeeele, Also a rubber tired piano box buggy in good repair, near- ly new, for sale. Meeting of Directors. A meeting of the Direatore of East Huron anti Grey Branch Agricultural Booietiee will be held in the Connell Chamber, Brun- aele, on Saturday, 161)1 inet., eommeneingR at 2 p, 01, sharp. As important ;bneloees is to be traneaoted a large attendance is asked for, JAS. FERGUSON, Pree. W. H. HERE, Bee. 1 1ARM FOR SALE, COMPOS- ED ei 100 sores, more or leer, Ab Nt Lot 18, Oona 7, Morrie, co.0. a Huron,0oAbout IS acmesGood br cleared t, 1, 10 Weare of good bush, Good break house, bank baro, hardw house 28060 feet.; al dorsa l g otos orchard. Plen- ty water and fairly good flutes. 8 fromfur- therBruasele and 88 from Blyth. For fur- ther particulars ao to prime, berme, &o„ ap- ply on the premises, or if by :letter to Sue. ehive P. 0. THOMAS RU88ELL, 0-tf Proprietor, .ARM FOR SALE -87 ACRES being the South part of Lot 1 in the 205 0000000ton of the Townebip of Turn - berry. The farm is situated on a good gra- vel road, two miles from Wroxeter and about one quarter of amite from school house, The toil is a riot' clay loam. About 70 00tee aro cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Pram barn 08a06 with addl- tione and atone stables under. Frame dwelling house 10024 and 12x24, Good bear- ing orchard, Pot berme apply to WILLIAM DOUGLAS, Wroxobor P. O. 0.4 t R')Y> s. Our Studio is Upato- (late Special attention given to Summer Visitors whom we will be pleased to have call On Us. We make a Specialty of Out -door Viewing, Homes, Groups, &c. H1R11 BflJEWER Re ll eedar S ing1es Just received, a car of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles XXX and XXXX Turnings and Jointings for sale for kindling. Also a supply of short Slabs. Walton, Saw. Mill Sterling Silver S`x N S If you contemplate buying Ster- ling Silver Spoons now is your opportunity. We have just put in stook some of the finest goods made. Five patterns in 1 dos, or 7e doz. lots. Come and see them and get our close prices, they will please you. EL. Jackson LEADING JEWELER P. 8. -All watch repairing done thor- oughly and satisfaction guaranteed. Rubber When you buy Rubber get it, Yeti get part Something oleo in many of the Rubber Goode sold, Our Rub.. bar Goods are bought direct of the manutaoturore and we piok the tnan- ufltoEurere carefully. These goods are fresh, the quality is assured and the prices are the lowest at which goods of the quality oan be Sold, SYRINGES, HOT WATER BOTTLES, SICK -ROOM & NURSERY SUPPLIES -AT- F' 4 X' S DRUG- STORE THE Larmour School of Teles raphr- STRATFc The new vat= of training to service, under testSinceJannury ice 9,0000 entirely tttoeesoeeofol, Write for pa ppplet which gives full particulars, teetlmen- NW from pupils now employed ,by the G. T, R„ &a, ROB T. LARMOUR, 0d Prinoipal and Proprietor. OOZE BRos. Have placed in stock a fine assortment of late American Songs, 'W'altzes and Two-steps All sold at z price 25 C_ JACH FALL AND WINTER1 ilitS and Overcoats .,u an„'10401,,poltetel'tataehetar If you are thinking of buying a Fall Suit or Overcoat we will make it worth your while to call and see our new line of Scotch and English Tweeds and plain and fancy Worsteds. The most Stylish and Serviceable goods that can be bought. Our Overcoats of Fancy Twet 1,1, Shavers, Mel. tons and Cheviots are also on the move aud are sell- ing fast. We have a large stock of Fancy Pantinge. The price we know witl make you buy. Cali in. and we will be Glad to show you what we have for Little Money. ds abkirk po,z'f scop, Your boys and girls because their shoes don't stand the strain. Maybe they were not good ones. Inspect our line of school boots and shoes. Made to stand the wear and tear --good, stout leather, flexible soles, strongly stitched, good appearance. Moderate in price. Lasting quality. Here are a few of our many convincing prices:— Girls' Shoes, 80c to 11,25 Boys' Shoes, 75c to $1.50 A nice assortment of Shoes.for Ladies and Gents at Lowest Prices. : "Comfortable rooms to lot over store I very oDbvenient, LC. R I C A R ID S.