HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-14, Page 5t -:-11 =it=it" B SS *7-1- e�0,'
TWO Remarkable Records 1
Jlado by t the Popular
AND Anexarma
The utte raae at the ononiu
our )all Tewas r R. Me nilRroti,
that bfa year ilea Last month we
lied Tax ¢runs as men o lie for b1ck.
coupes, s This
uu hunt ata. lb we
could OII. Tbbs andoBlows il iudlolo to
Inehost robot and ebrpoze. thigh'
11V host a0hp01 to patronize. Bitter
uov. Mag uifoent cotal'u'uo free.
'11' Prmol lel,
��23� P�Q3-i�r�
l�i� $_r
Friiii-ai� riFe ...X41c5i2ela2ft5faIrte
And when up send him or
her to
Torun shone April 11t1i, 1904
Two Courses—
1 and Shorthand.
om olein
for College Journal.
A.1... Ata1NTYltT, Manager,
DI..1. A. BURNS—
N iteleessor to I)r. J. A. McNaughton
Rruesota, Onttriu
Graduate of Polyoliulc Post Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, New York
Member al College of Phyelolaus and Sur-
geons of Ontario.
Ofllae and residence) same as formerly 00•
copied by Dr.ktoNaughton, 'Plume No. 21,
Dioeasoe of women a apeoleity.
lY.l cent, F.B. SOUT'r, 8russole.
• Issuer of Marriage Linen,. Di
lice at Grocery, Turuberry 141001, )11.1. 016
001i0000E0 has several good Farms io,
talo and to root, cosy terms, In 'Pownehip.
of Morris and Grey, F R. SOOT':. Brueeme
C. 0. F.
Court Priuoees Alexandria, No.21, 0.0. F.,
lirusealt, meets In their Lodge Rooms, Hlue-
hill lilock, an the 2nd and last Tneodays of
each month, ate o'uloolr. Witting brethren
always welcome. . JAS. BT.IIMESS, 0. R.
a. 10. MELLISH, R. 0.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
i • HER, will 5011 for butter prices, to
better men In lose time and lues charges
than any other Auctioneer in Fast Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at thio office or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable, Sales arranged for
at tbo office of 1'8E PooT, Brussels, 2260
• Honor Grndaace of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College. is prepared to treat all dto•
eases of domesticated animate do a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary neutlotry and Milk Fever. Galls
promptly attended to. 011loe and Infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, Tm'nborry et.,
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Tete.
Suceas0or to G, F. Blair. OJBae over Stan-
dard Sauk, Brunetti. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Sauk,
• Barrioter, Solicitor, •Oouveyaneer,
Notary Public, deo, Ofiloo—S thwart's Block
1 door North of Oeutral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
W. PRe0DliaOT, 1h 0. 11.. O. HAYS
el, F. RLA111,
Caicos—Those formerly occupied by Milian
Oiuherou dt Nom,
G00RR100, 01TARIo,
DR. R. P. FEiLD.
Graduate of the Royal Oollege of Oontal
S urgeons of Ontario end Blrot•alaee Honer
G raduate of Toronto t)uiverelty, OiBOt
n ext to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
i� Tho
1.4g et Business and Short- E
n.t bond School in Western Onta012. 00r
('FF coarses aro thorough andpraotleal.Vf
.P-Tonobfag to done by exo4eileteod 111. J,D
etrnotors. Thorp le no bettor Sobool q,,
In the Dominion Li
IT40 S, Enter NOW.
0 Nrito for our freoUatalog11o. It ELLIOTT dt Mbt,A011LAN, d9
Business College
.11.411a •., ..r
WAKE UP to the feat that a keowlod'e I
of Rooklreeping,: Shorthand and Tynowrl'a.
lei; 30 an 09019/11011 for 0000000 ni life.
A0 tel invuntmeut it p[tya a dlyldond
every day 111 the 0001',
There [e ,no t ,o 11110 bile PRESENT, 1m.
prove the mount and you assurein the
Enter NOW, and serum a thorough training
iu either of our departments, that wil
Pave filo business avenues sueceesfully
100 You.
Terme and further information cheerfully
given iu • :into
!,. v by cull 1, or writing,
0110, BTorrox, N. Rx01IlALn Preerrona0,
President, Principal.
12 years teaching oxporionoo.
Touring Through Germany,
Dean Evzwroxz.—I wrote lent from
Bru000le I believe, and here I am at
tloidleburg. We left Weasels the day
after the celebration end by the way, Sir
Hugh Reid, who wail an invited gout of
King Leopold'e aolebrution was telling
us that the Prieue'e little son, of wham I
wrote you stood for two Inure between
father and grandfather at the reception
that afternoon, I enjoyed Brussels very
much indeed. Did I write you about
our visit to Waterloo 7 I have forgot1eu.
At any rate we went and viewed all that
remains of that famous battlefield. A
large muuud 165 feet high, on top of
wbioh 'Daudet a lion, oast from the
oanuon captured by the British, oom
memorates the death of the brave fellows
who fell. tbere. From the top of the
mound oan be seen farm home where
Were fought battles of Mt. Si. Jean, L
Belle Alibanee, Hangomort and La
HayeSainte. Oar guide showed as all
over the place and took especial pains in
pointing out the fact that the Frenob
never entered the North gate of Hango.
mart Farm where the British were
stationed but at the South gate R,beld
by a few allies. To -day grain waves ripe
over the seem of oarnage of 90. years ago,
and cattle graze on the mound. At the
foot of the mound peasants stand offer•
ick for sale everything yon oan think of,
We had a delightful drive through the
Forest and stopped at the museum, and
Osumi' which was need ase hospital for
the wouudsd. We eaw the bed in whicl,
the Duke slept the night of June 18tb,
1815. From Brussels we came to Aix.la
Chapelle the borne of Uharlemague of
historic Tome, and found a modern up.
to -date pity, little t, indicate that it had
been founded by the Romans nearly 1900
years ago. We went to the oalbedral
and eaw all the reline of past ages that
were to be seen, the Dapper pulpit inlaid
with precious atones, the gift of Henry
II, the old fashioned oaudelabr" of year
1135, fitted np with eleotria .bulbs 1 and
Oharlomagne'e chair of State, We also
visited their town hall in whioh the
Emperors were crowned np to year 1535,
and here we saw some very fine paint.
ings too.
From Aix we acme to Cologne stop-
ping over night at Hotel Du Nord. Next
morni0g we took a cab and drove to the
cathedral, a most magnificent buildiug,
the outside adorned by nnmeronebeanbi•
tut statues. The windows on one side
data bank to year 1500 I believe and are
marvels of richness and beauty. The
ooloring is exquioit. The people come
in and say their prayers, market baskets
in their houde, and go ou about their
work while the tooriet steps softly about
finding it difficult to realize that this is
the everyday life of the people we see.
We drove about the oity in the after•
noon and eaw remnants of fortifloatione
rieing rugged and bare, for the Englioh
ivy does not cover these ruing as i0 dose
in England, and walls °rumbled and
broken no longer needed as defences con•
verted into beantiful terraoee and
gardens. We left Oologne by boat Wed•
needay morning 8.45 o'olook passing
through the old fashioned "bridge of
boats," Beyond Cologne on the right
bank of the Rhine rises the ruins of
Draobenburg 908 feet above the Rbise
while across from 11 Mande the fantastic
arch built by Roland the paladin of
Charlemagne, end below in ite shadows
lie the old oonveut in whioh his sweet.
heart took refuge supposing her lover
bad fallen during the Crusades. On hie
return he built the castle on the hillside
and watobed her flitting about in the
convent grounds below. One morning be
missed her, the next morning a little
group of nuns prnoeeded slowly to the
ohurobyard and Roland watching them
knew that he need rennin no longer
there, heated to war end fell ea Ronass.
vallee. We arrived at Oobienz et junc-
tion of Moselle and Rhine about 8 o'clock
and entrance to this old Roman aity—
Oonfluentee— 1: very imposing indeed.
From Ooblenz onward the eo°nery is
perleotly beautiful, the tall ':fountains,
the gide of which are covered with grape
vines, the grand old oaetlee, come in
mine, puma fairly preserved, the light
and ebadow over changing, the little
white welled towns sleeping peaoefully
at the baee of the majestic Mile, the
Rhine dotted with plensnre boats and
bargee, winding its tor:nous way and it is
very tortuous, bendng so soddenly at
times that you oan not toll whioh way to
turn—Al! I have ever read of it gives no
adequate idea of its beauty. At the
old castle of Schomberg the famous
Marshall Schomberg who fell at the
Battle of the Boyne was born, and the
°netts walla are broken and only pie0es
remain etanding of a building onoe the
home and birthplace 01 generations of
warriors tbo whole race of whiob is now
exti0ot. Passing onward we call to.
the "Lorelei," the :cope told of in
fairy (dories where the eirene lured the
flehernan to death to the cruel rapids be
low. The Germane on board etarled to
sing "The Watch on the Rhine" and we
all eat and listened, until Borne one said
"There in the Mope -'Power," and soit
was on a little ielond in the Rhine, We
soot) reached Biogen and had dinner in
true German (tyle on the terraoe. It ie
a very beautiful town 'tie true, but the
moequitoeo kept 0e awake all night and
we stili bear innumerable Iremes of their
visit. Next morning we tools train to
Frankfort.ou,t-lain, had dinner there
and a drive ',bout the town and then
mime on to Heidlebarg, the quaiet(et
old town we have yet seen. Our hotel le
away up on the mountain side and you
look down.n on the ruined uaetle and
the Tong long rows of 11311t5 id the oily
below, , while tiro stone bridge(' With
their teener: at each end case shadows on
the water. From University club rooms
the woad of mesio ie borne Upward on
them r• to
ova uf, breeze and all about you le
0011, it name bard to realize that long
ago the city teethed with knights in
armour and chub of shield and helmet
rang out heavily all day long, and at
eventide do th m cid mottle capita nlodt the
trinrnpltaot Louie X1V of 3301105, We
went all over the cootie next day from
"turret to foundation stone," even to the
kitobon whore we eaw the immense are
pla0n to whioh the whole ox wee roasted,
the great wine vats one of which
49,000 gallons, the bake oven wblofl moo,
011005 15 or 18 feet Rome': and 300ny
other marvels. Part of the Round
Town was blown right out in it hogh
mase ofn
m eoaary, befog eo strong that ib
fell in one solid lamp into the moat below.
The wall meaeuree 21 foot in thioknose,
while the diameter of the tower ie 95
feet, We go to Strasburg to morrow
nod from thenoe to Switzerland. Now
I moat oloee—Love to all.
Yours affectionately,
Boidlebnrg, July 27113, 1905.
Every Duator in this town tried his
beet to relieve Mrs. J, Withom of Aeth
roe', 11000 e0000eded. "For years", she
Mates, "I was a dreadful sufferer I oath
ing gave relief. At times I found it
nooesenry to have all the doors and
windows open to get my breath. When
in despair I heard of "O'ttarrhozone."
I used it and now am perfratly oared."
Tie proves beyond doubt that any Daae
of asthma is curable with Oaturrh000ue
No remedy so pleasant, none so absolute-
ly oertain to thoroughly mire; try
"Oatarrhozoue" yourself ; its guaranteed.
(j. x -ON'.
[Inioudoil roraest week.]
Mien Bella MoMillao, of Hamilton,
has been visiting at Thoo, Strsohan'e.
Mies Hislop is away on a visit to the
West going on the Harvest Excursion.
Miss Mabel Bennett, of Walton, was
vioiting her aunt, Mre. Jae. D. McNair,
Con, 18.
Mies Florence MoKay. of St, Mary's,
who was visiting at Monorieff has return.
ed home,
Mies Annie MoKay, 9th oon., has been
visiting her aunt, Mre. James MoKay, of
Mre. Ohne, Love visited friends in
Fergus this week, aocompanied by her
mother, Mrs, Bremner,
Eli 830itb, Ernest Rozell, and Chester
Armstrong, were taking its the Toronto
Fair during the pant week.
Albert Fox, Jno, Shiele and Neil D.
McNair were among those whn went
West on the Excursion of Sept. 2nd.
Alton and Mrs, Wheeler, of Detroit,
are visiting relatives in Grey and Morrie
taweehips. They came by boat to God.
Thos. Davidson, 12111 con,, took in
the Exhibition at Toronto this week.
He also called on relatives and friends
while there.
Archie MoNair and Maloolm D. Mo
Taggart left Friday Aug. 25th on the
Harvest Exoureion to Manitoba. They
were tickets d to Melita.
David Ritchie, Samuel Lamont, and
Grorge Ooombee, are away to the Weet
on last week's Exanreion. The former
is intereeted in land at Saskatoon.
New and
U p -to -date
Assortment of
Ready-to-wear Hats.
Como, whether to look or to
buy, to it store 00 here 11130W-
iug goods id considered It
°,. 0. Davies 84 Co.
A number of people from tbis vloinity
were nuking in tbo Toronto Exhibition.
George Michel, and John Buttrey were
among them.
There was a miaoenetruotiou in the
publishing of the tax rates for Grey town
ship for this year. They are as follows:
—00..0014 301110 ; townrbip, .0052 301110 ;
general School, .0008 mills,
Mies Obrietfoa Buttrey, who boa spent
the peat season at home, leaves on Mon•
day Sep. 111h, for Paisley, where she will
take charge of S. Bellaohey's Dreesmak.
ing department. Snooeas Mien Buttrey.
This week D. McDonald, who attended
eohool at Brussels and rumored his teach.
er'9 oertifioate hae gone to the Model
School and will be ready tp inetroot the
young ideal at the opening of eahool 1906.
Weare pleased to report that Mies
Hazel Rozell, gib con., who was seriously
II with doable pneumonia and threatened
typboid fever, is making favorable prog•
reae, and wilt soon be oonvalesoeut we
James MoKay, of Monkton, formerly
of M000reifl, and his eon Geo. McKay, of
Logan, went Went on the Harvest
Exoureion. Mr. McKay has two eons fu
Aeeiniboia who have been there for the
past ten years. They have taken op
homesteade there.
Ex Councillor, James McDonald left
last Saturday on the Excursion. He
has a homestead out at Saskatoon and
goes ap to do the 000000ary settler's
duties. Mr. McDonald -will not likely re.
move to the West but the farm will be
taken over by hie sone.
A very tidy and well arranged cement
driving .house, and hen house, 24 0;57 feet
has been built for Lake Speiran, 14th
con. P. J. MODonald had the °entreat
and did a good job and the hands tbiok
Mr. Specials's an A 1 place to put up at,
East HuronFall Fair
Thursday and Friday, October 5th 86 6th
GREEN RACE—trot or pace ; hobbles barred ; open to horses that never com-
peted for public money in a witted of speed. $25.00, 915.00, $10,00.
2.50 RAGE—Trot tie pace ; hobbles barred. $25.00, $15.00, $10.00.
FOOT RACE, d mile, boys undo: 18 years. 1st, $2.00 ; and, 91.00 ; 8rd, 760 ;
4th, 250.
BOYS' RACE, under 14 yearn, 100 yards. tat, 75o ; and, 500 ; 8rd, 25o ; 4th, 25o.
130Y8' RACE, under 10 years, 50 yards. 1st, 500 ; and, 250 ; 8rd, 25o.
GIRLS' RAGE, under 8 years, 60 yards. 1st, 50o ; 2nd, 25o ; 8rd, 25c.
OBSTACLE RACE, 200 yards, fo• boys under 18 years. let, 91.00 ; 2nd, 75o ;
8rd, 50o ; 4th, 25.
FAT WOMAN'S RA0E, 50 yards, contestants must weigh at least 200 lbs, lot,
$2.00 2nd, 91,00 ; 3rd, 500.
DRILL•—For the beet Drilled Squad of 16 Pupils from any Sobool, let, 93,00 ;
203, $2.00 ; 8rd, $1.00.
CLUB SWINGING.—For the Bost Exhibition of Club Swinging of not less than
12 Pupils from any School. 1st, $8.00 ; 2nd, $2.00 ; 8rd, $1.00.
RYRIE BROS., the wall known "Diamond Hall" Jewellers, of Toronto, generous-
ly donate a line Silver Modal, valued at $26,00, for tho beet bull on the ground,
any age or olase.
—The same firm also offers a choice Bronze Medal, valued ab $10.00, for the best
10 pounds of table batter, salted for neo.
The Standard Bank offers 95.00 for best Roadster, horse or mare, owned aud driven
by a farmer. Style and speed to be taken into consideration. 1st, 98.00 ;
and, 92.00,
Downing Bros. offer $.1.00 for best pair of White Wyandottes hatched from eggs .
puroltased from them.
Jae. Ballentyne offers $1.00 for best pair of Buff Wyandotte': hatched from eggs
purchased from him.
Jno. Wright offers a selected eettiug of oa'gs for the bust pair of Buff Orpington,
hatched from eggs purchased froth bun.
W. H. Kerr will give Teta POST for a year for the boat Lvvn loaves of home made
bread ; Tun Poeofor a year for the best 6 pounds of butter, both a'tiolns to
beoome hie property,
W. Fl. Mo0racken offers to perahasers of seer] from hits as follows :-5 Swede
Turnips, 1st, 50o ; 20d, 25o ; 5 Long Red Mengels, let, 50o ; 2nd, 25e ; 5
Yellow Giant I"termediate Mangele, 1st, 500 ; and, 250.
Oil Painting, Original Sketch, not less thou 10x20 in„ from spot teeleeted by the
Secretary, to be limited by m. fes and bouude. Intending oompetitore may get
full iufoemation from the Secretary. 151, 98.00 ; 2nd, 92.00.
Four prizes will be awarded by 11110 Sooiety to boys and girls under 16 years of age
who can 100300 the fare 04 number of varieties of apples on exhibition at the
Fair. 101, $1.60 ; 2nd, $1,00 ; 8r01, 750 ; 4111 50o. Competition takes please
at 9.80 p. m. on the first afternoon of Fair. No entranoe fee, Former prize
winners barred.
Best half more of Mongols, 1st, $2.50, donated by Goo. Thomson ; 2811, $1.50 by W,
11. Mc0raoheu ; 8rd, $1.00, Thera meet be four entries or no oompetition.
Entrance foe of 50o. to be made at the time of making entries. Rnttiee to bo
math' before Show :lay and prizes to be awarded not later titan Oot, 21.
Best half 'tore of turnips, 1st, $2.50, donated by Goo, Thomson ; 2nd, $1,10 ; 3rd,
91,00. Must bo four entries or no competition, Eutranee fee of 50o. to be
made at the there of making outride. Entries to be made before Show day and
prizes to be awarded not later than Oct. 21.
A, E, Mellish, of the Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, will give three prizes, Viz. 1st,
$8.0021d, $2.00 ; 3rd, 91.00, for the tbt'oe host collections of Winter apples
The following prizes will be offered to boys 10 years hart under foe best judging of
2 year olds or yearlings in exhibit of tlioro' bred cattle on grounds. Judging
to be done at 1 p, m. gimp on Friday, • No entrance fee. Jet, -90,00 ; and,
91,50; 8rd, $1.00. Competitors moot hand in limos to Sonrotary before 30 a.
Me, Sperlan hue a line farm a"1 id ode
of ' 110 0 d residents who ban prongerod by
iu'iui'ry •'ud thrift.
N fah le 11, the young man wllorn Chief
llurdwiutt, u[ Listowel, brought baolr
from Bern", obarged with stealing 3. F.
Lawraeon'e bioyel() several weeks ago,
wee given a hearing before Magistrate
Terbune, and was sentenced to two
months in Stratford jai. The young
man is scarcely a000nutable for bin
a tions, bot it wae thought inaaroer•
ation fok a short time might onre his
penchant for appropriating other people's
TUE I001 Nltt 11IIG III.AUtCi
Is au irritable condition of the nerves
paused by sold. Relief comes quickly
from Nerviline, the great pain reliever
of to day. "I conulder Nerviline a
00410001 remedy for neuralgia," writes
Mre. E. G. Harris of Baltimore, "But
I never worry it Nerviline is in the
house, A few 'spp'featione never yet
failed to (rill the pain. I cin also re.
commend Nerviline for stiffness, thee -
mations and musoalar pains," In use
nearly fifty years; try Nervilieo your -
(J I'Ii.00 1)i'()plc.
[Intended for last week.]
Mre. (Dr.) Turnbull and baby have
returned to Goderlob, after a mouth's
visit at the form0r'e home.
Mre. Wm. Huetber, a former resident
of this plane, is spandiog it few weeks
with retativee and frisuda in our vil
Among those who took in the emer-
sion to the Weet were Jno. and Mre.
McNabb, Sam. Duerr, Will, Forrest,
David and Min Aggie MnNair, Juo.
Heather, Will. and J. 0. MoDonald,
Mot -rim.
[Intended for last week
The home of Juo. Kelly, 6rb line, is
being enlarged and improved.
Chris. and Mre. Kiehl°, of Heepeler,
were weloome visitors for the Labor Day
holiday et Wm. Mbohle's 6-h line.
- Mies Gracie Ferguson, who has been
holidaying at Niagara Falls, returned
home aocompanied by her friend, Mrs,
A. Gray.
Samuel Walker, er„ mat with an ac.
oident reaeutly in which he had et shake
ap and a few broken ribs but be ie get.
ting all right again we are pleased to
Monday of title week Luther Pepper,
formerly of 2nd line, left Biuevale for
Saskatoon, N. W. T. He took a 00.0 .f
Battlers' effects with him. We hope he
will prosper.
We are sorry to report the illness of
Mise Kelly, 8th line. She etepped on a
nail which penetrated her foot from
wbioh she Buffered a good deal. We
hope she will moon be all right.
Mies Gertie Noble, of Toronto, who
hae been visiting her cousin, Mies Katie
Graeby, returned to the Queen oily, Mies
Graeby going with her and will have the
pleasure of attending the Fxhibition der
ng her stay in the city.
Ward Oaldbiok wee among the looms
seekers to the West. He hue the Sas-
katoon district in view. This appears
to be a favorite spot for Morrieites as it
is said Joe Bowman took up a home-
etead and bought a gaerter 'motion and
Wm. Turvey did likewiee. They will
commence operations next Spring.
Last week Everett Walker, 6th line,
left for a visit with relatives at Topper.
villa before returning to school at Dnt.
ton where he is preparing for his let
olaes teaohere' esrtifloate. He is a
clever youth and will do web. BUM.
Walker, jr., who bas ]been clerking at
Tapp:rville with hie uuole, hae gone to
Ooyley, N. W. T., where hie father le
r 0011103, and will see the country. He
hae a poeition in a store in Oayley.
Souebine Methodist 8. S. held a pie.
nip in F. Martin's, woods on Friday
afternoon Aug. 25th. It was a very
sociable and informal affair, pastor, par-
ents, friends, ueigbboro, and acquaintan-
ces all joining heartily in the amuse•
menta and the making of a pleasant
time for the young people. The
swinge kept buoy, football for the
eenior boye and foot races i nwhiah the
little girls and boye ran well, and
married men and 13030000' 00000 wherein
fleetness of foot was not lacking. The
prizes awarded were °rengte and oonfeo
tionery. Au abnodant repast wee served
accompanied by lemonade and ice cream.
After partaking of which the swinge were
again ocoupied and the company enjoyed
hearing a ooup'e of vocal eeleotions by the
pupils of S. S. No. 8, under the direat!on
of their teaober, Mise Kerr. As the sun
began to lower in the West headsets and
other pia•nie articles were gathered ap
and all returned to their homes well
pleooed with the afternoon's outing. Such
gatheri0ge should be more frequent for
the social benefit of both young and old.
airs. lsuunallidgle, of Moncton. N. 13..
Sends an Open Letter to
All Suflerers.
Most women are tired when they
wake op. Housework drags along with
great diffioalty. Nervoueneee is always
present, beadaohes seldom depart, tears
are ever ready to flow.
But there is a euro, a true epeuifie for
women's ills that restored a prominent
lady in Moncton, Mm. Daigle, whu tells
the following experience :
"About a year ago 1 had a serious
eiehnoee, Bort of a general breakup.
My digestion failed entirely sed I wag
able to eat but very little. I took vio-
lent stomach pains and suffered terribly
from hradaoheo. My dotter said it
was "nerve exhattetiou" and I might
never be well. My tronblee Ircreseed,
for as I grow weaker I became eubjeot
to neuralgia and rheumatism. steep
flunlly foreoolr me and I almost lost
how'. Different medicines didn't help.
Dootors couldn't do me any good. I
was dosperete when I heard of Ferro-
Ferro -
zone. The first box annviuoed ma it
was just what I 'seeded. It toned by
my otomaoh, Rave me a sp etdid appe•
tete and then my recovery seemed
envier. Ferroznne inereaged my weight
eevetal pounds, hae teetered my nerves,
given mo a good color and strength
onoh ae I never had before. For the
weak end afokly I can truthfully re.
commend Ferrozone," (Signed) Emma
RPMEMBEItS No there stimulant
or aloobo.lo commotion sen Unite 1110 Waco
of the nerve and blood nourishment
contained in Permute. This true
tonto always door what is 01aitned for
t'. Y"m cal": awe ,^-7111:r.rz'�.'!K; e1•tit.447. " ._r.'i'I.-ei1' C;:.Y'.rrf':reikW�l T4
d'J,7t+w+:y�1^'Lw,N� dam=' e u� ,p't5� 21G'
g..y d' �'li o K I NON Ct o
A -c
We have just received a second shipment of New Fall Mantles v to
make(' our stook complete iu all the new styles, Below we mention
a few
stylee and prices wltfuh we soualder extra good value
Ladles Frieze floats, fly ,rant;, 811 inches long, vvith bolt effect 116 book, all -Q
wooIkureaY. smalla]1 covered
ad buttery:, lin d throughout,
colors black
Oxford and uavy,at 95.
Deities' Black Beaver Coate, 32 inches long, fly front, trimmed on front,
back and cuffs, with fancy braid, small covered battens, mercerized
lining, al 97,00,
Ladies' Deublo Breasted Jacket, 37 inohco long, mado of brown mixed
tweed, neatly trimmed with self etrapplug aad velvet piping, shirred
leeve0, small fa"oy buttons, at 910.
Ladies' ('overt (doth Cottle, Empire style, 12 inches long, fly front, now
fano), shirred sleeves and yoke, trimmed with pleats and self strapping,
More fawn aid brown, at $12.50.
We oleo show a groat range of other Jackets and Coate, from 80 to 42
inches long, from $8.50 to $16.
�,L't+e7i. �:
We are doing a bag, trade in Dreee Goods this season, several lines
Nam been sold out already and have been repeated. Our stook 111 now in
splendid shape. If you want Priestley's Dress Goods we have them,
We pay 18c. for Eggs and 18c. for Butter,
Xalbr. a v sa-,-�ou+.:,aa..e+�o n Q .;'cx."*74 ..45=—+i:742c °cat:.. •.
it. Reel everywh!re to -50o. boxes or
01x for 92.50. By :nail from N. O. Pol
son 8t Co„ Harford, Conn., U. S. A ,
and Kingston, Our,
After 14 voare RN chief instructor of
Sir I0aac Pitmm:a Shorthand and
%ouch 'typewriting iu the Western
Ontario Shorthand and Business
Academy of the Olty of Loudon,
has been engaged by the
Still inthe business handling Pumps of S11ottal .Business Col -
all kinds, both irou or wood. 11
The Marvel Windmill, one of the best lege, t� js15t istotri elf
We can guarantee all our worthy
graduate Stenographers lucrative
makes, is handled by us.
Water Tanks of various sizes made to
order. Repairs promptly attouded to
and at reasonable prices.
ra-Orders left at THE POST, I3nuosxas.
will have our prompt attention.
Write or call.
Phone 79
_INT al .LZ H
hNe'Id'Id'LMr4Al'tr 04040'1'9
Proprietor of the Excelsior Knitting Mills, Brussels, is
prepared to pay 26 cents per pound, trade, for any
quantity of good Wool delivered at his Mills. Splen-
did stock of choice goods consisting of Tweeds, Flan-
nels, Flannelettes, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades, &c.,
brought in from the best Mills, and . Blankets, Yarns
and Sheetinge made in our own Mills of choice stock,
to give in exchange for Wool. Now is the time to
market your Wool.
Strictly Fair Dealing our Principle.
8:'Coms and see us before going elsewhere.
J. T
•� T004 ,', (a) Knitting Mills