HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-14, Page 1•
Vol. 84, No. 10
W. H, KERR, Prop
New Advertisements.
Local -G. E. King.
Locale—Dr. Ovens.
Lime -D. A. Lowry.
For sale—John Other.
Spoons—H. L. Ja0kso0,
Rammer Ioet—Tne Pose.
Cow for aa,e—T. Nebel%
Looal—Jobn Ounniogbam.
Pianos tuned—Hoare Broe.
Shingles—Watton Saw Mill.
Don't Soold—I. 0. Rlobarda.
Reopening—Ferguson & Rose.
Fall mantles—MoKinnon & Go.
Canadian Express—J. W. Kerney.
Fall Clothing—Dodds & Habkirk.
Sewing Maolliues—Fletcher Sperling,
Mistrirt Ntirse
Cl rLILb>•0ok.
lids. Kaiser and danghker, of Mount
Forest, were visitors at A. J. M. Helm's.
Athol MoQaarrie took a ran to Lomb.
ton Go. and spent a week with relatives
at Alvineton,
Willie Cameron went to Beafortb late
week, where he will attend the Seatorth
Ooilegiate. We wish him enooeea.
Are you going to take
advantage of our "Big
Value in T's ?" Come
at an early date and
get a sample of our
Special Values. We
think we can give you
a closer price on a
Ten Pound. Package
of aT" than you can
get from the so-called
"Tea Pedlar "
R. C. Davies & Co„
We are pleased to tee that our villager,
Jag. Humor, is getting about once more
but is oompehed to nee orutohee until his
broken ankle bone knits together which
we hope wont ,he long,
Dr. Ovens, 111, D., Surgeon, Oculist,
Speoialiat. Diseaote of the Eye, Ear end
Nose treated and glasses fitted properly.
Will be at Smith's Drug Store, Prnseele,
on Townley, Sept. l9ib, boars, 8 a. m. to
1,80 p, m,
Rev. D. B. McRae enjoyed a holiday
visit in the Qneen'a Oity hat week. Dr,
Tom MoRae is now filling n position as
house enrgeon in St. Michael's Hospital
in Toronto and ie well pleased with his
experiences. •
Daniel Clark, of Egmondville, was
visiting hie sister, Mrs. D. McDougall,
We are sorry to nay the latter keep
very poorly, Mr. Clark is a aouein to
Hugh W. hlnKay, 9th oon., Grey, upon
whom be called also.
NVro7xe to r.
Willie Perrin left for Kinoordine on
W. Al, Robinson visited Meaghem
friends on Sunday.
Dr. Brawn and J. Brawn vioited
Tottenbam one day last week.
James Skutt, of IIowiok, lett for a trip
to Mooeomin, Soak„ on Tueeday.
Sam. Barlow and man have returned
and will finish the cement walks ab once.
Mre. R, Gibeou left for a visit with
friends at Toronto and Klelnbarg }net
S ndarean returned from the
N. W. T. where babel spent the teat four
The A. F. and A, M. Lodge entertain•
ed a number1
o theirtai '
g brethren v Ito br sea on
Monday evening.
Misses Georgie and Beatrice Howe
spent a few days late week with Mre, A.
Sondereon in Howiok,
Warden Miller was in Goderioh this
week attending a meeting of the Warden's
Oommittaa chiefly in reference to the end
death of a young lady biayoliet riding
into a river and getting drowned.
by experienced Tuner,
late of Nordheimer's.
Work guaranteed.
Moore Bros.,
Mens' Suits
made to Order
Dress -making
Neatly Done
Our Grand Reopening takes place on Friday
morning when we will have on display the Largest,
Newest and most Exclusive line of goods ever placed
on sale in Brussels. We are determined to make
this event a memorable one to the people of this
vicinity and we ask one and all to call and share in
the splendid values we have reserved for this event.
Handsome Dress Goods
Pleasing to the eye, at prices
that will astonish you..
Mantles Trimmings Curtains
and all the good things necessary to
make the Housewife happy.
Everything in Mens' Wear
High QualitiesPrices Q Low l'' aces
The monthly meeting of W. 111. S. of
the Presbyterian oburoh wag held al the
home at Mrs. W. S. MaKernher las
Thursday afternoon,
A nreetiag for the organization of the
Westminster Guild will be held after
the weekly prayer meeting to the Presby
teem basement Wednesday evening.
Our liveryman, A. Paulin, deserves
groat credit for hie enterprise in proper
ing from Simooa the finest looking bee in
this eeo;ion of the oonntry. It is a
VPetI ton.
Dr. Ovens, M, D., Surgeon, Oou'iet,
Spooialiet. Diemen of the Eye, Enr end
Nese treated and Oases fitted properly.
Will be at Smith's Drag Store, Brussels,
on Tuneday, Sept. 191b, hours, 8 a. m, to
1,80 p, m.
A good number from here took in the
Toronto Exhibition. -
Samuel Stitt will go Wast soon with e
large stook of honey.
David MoOotobeon went West on
Tuesday. He bee a son and daughter in
that aouutry,
Findlay McIntosh bas bought a new
Bell engine, 18 bores power. No second
glace stuff will suit, I'iodlay.
Samuel-Haokwell, M. D', of Detroit,
is spending a abort vacation under the
parental root, Re will return to Detroit
by Rochester to visit friends
A garden
party in the interest t ot the
Preebyteriane of Bethel will be held al the
borne of Findley MoIntoeb, about three
miles East of here, on Friday evening
Sept. 16th. Nothing is being left undone
on the
part0om i
of the m tEee in charge,
thatadd to c
the o mf
oro and enter
tainment of the crowd, and if favored by
fine weather it should be a successful
event. Tea will be served from 8 until
8. Broadhagen Braes Band has been;en•
gaged. A fine program is being prepared
oonaieting of instrumental mnai0 on bag.
pipes, violin, cornet and organ • voael
mueio by several distinguished eoloiete ;
quartettes from different aboire. Ad
dreeeee by Rev. A. McNabb, Rev, Mr.
Baker and B. B. Gunn, M. P. Dont for.
get the date. All will be made welcome.
Ii:tte els
Towuebip (toenail will be held here
oext Monday.
Mine Eva.Imlay is visiting friends in
Sealorth this week.
Mies Jennie Reid, of Detroit is visit.
ing Mies Nellie Laird.
Mies Anetin visited friends in Bone.
eels Saturday and Sunday.
Mre. Baneald received a ooneignment
of beautiful foreatura this week,
Rev. Mr. Armstrong was vieiting in
Toronto Iamb week for a few days.
Carl McAllister, of Cockburn Island,
is visiting old Mende here this week.
Our mill received a oar of coal and a
oar of Manitoba wheat last Saturday.
Mre. August Eakmier, of Wallace, is
veiling friends in Ethel and vioinity.
Si. and Mrs. Bassett, of Lietowol, were
vieitore at Alex. and Mre. Lemont's last
Mrs. ay. I. M. Henry and Master Arthur
are visiting Mende in London and 86
Women's Institute meeting on Thurs.
day of next week at the home of Mre.
Jno. King.
Cecil Eakmier ie laid up with Typhoid
Fever, but we hope he will soon be
around again.
Mr. and Mre. Dresser, of England, are
on a visit to the latter's parents, I. and
Mre. Gill here.
Mita Annie Bateman has returned
home from a pleasant vieit with friends
on the 503 line, Morrie, • -
Mre. 0. Bernath and. Mre. Tom.
Davidson are visiting friends in London
and St. Thomas this week,
Misses Belle and Pearl Dark, who have
been visiting Mieese Bentrioe and Pearl
Bateman„have returned home.
We weloomaMise Helen Barr, bank to
otir midet again after spending the Sum.
mar with her uncle iu Walbnoe,
Mies Emma; Imlay, who ban been on
the tisk liar for the past week or more,
ie now enjoying good health agate.
Robert McKelvey inteode to start•
farming again, He is now 00 the look -
o01 for a good plum and we hope he does
not go far away,
The bridge is oloned again this week
for enteral days owing to a new
Dement floor being pat on. Anthony
Backer, foreman for A, Hill & Go.,
Mitchell, is doing the job.
Dr. Ovens, M, D„ Surgeon, Onnlist,
Specialist. AL
of the Eye, Ear
and Nose treated and glasses fitted prop.
arty. Will be at Smith's Drug Store,
Breunele, Tuesday, Sept. 19th, hours, 8
a. m. to 1.80 p. m.
Tom Hall, jr., of Montreal, veiled his
grandparents 11. and Mre. Ransom, thie
week for a few days, Their daughter,
Mre. Davidson and three children who
ban been visiting there for the past two
menthe, returned to Montreal the.
Mrs. J. Al Davies and Mre. (Dr.)
rogation went to Greed Forks, North
Dakota, last Wad.neoday t0 aee Mr.
Davies, who is seriously ill at hie son's
there. Mr. Davies went West some time
ago on a visit and hook 111 and the family
were notified by wire on Tuesday night
Sewing Machines
Fletcher Spl slug
hail the local Agency for the
Singel Sewing Machine, Tie
keeps Machines and Repairs al-
ways on hand. If you need any-
thing in this line call on him,
Residence, Church et., ,Brussels.
late but we aro pleased to state that since
they arrived lie bag taken a tarn for the
better and latest reports nay he le ire
proving fast.
Heaven' RODE ANNoVgnoAnY.—The
Ethel Methodist Ohara: will hold Ito
Harvest Boma Anniversary next Sun•
day, Sept. 17th, liev, D. N. MR/amnia
of Lietowol, will preach morning acid
evening, The onngregation is rr,gneeted
to give a liberal offarine mato the Lord.
No Tea Meeting or Entertainment will
be held at this time,
:vI oa-raw.
Township Connell was held on Monday
of this week. -
Mies Minnie Walker, 6th line, ie visit•
ing her uncia and aunt at Tnpperville,
On t.
Quite a bomber of Morrieitee are at
London this week attending the West.
ern Fair.
robe Manning, 2th line, has not been
enjoying very good health of late but we
hops be will goon be ae well ae ever.
Mre. CNet. Smitb, of Toronto, who was
vieiting her eon I6tb con., retnrned to
the Queen city laet week. Mre. (Rev.)
MnDougall, of Oregon, was also bere on
a holiday vteit. Tbey are well pleased
with the States.
W. W. Revington and wife, of Leann,
were f vieitore with the Moen family,
2nd line, lest week. Mr. Revington has
attained considerably celebrity as a poet,
writing over hnon
the de plume ka of
He can repeat hie
by the yard.
A short time ago Wm. Oakley, who
lives in Grey township, opposite hie
Morris farm, had three ebeep worried by
prowling doge. e. The tbeep bane died.
Mr, a
, O kle id
Oakley ease the can ea Dame from
Brueeele be is informed and he ie looking
to the owcere for redemption,
The anotiee sale at Luther Pepper'e,
tad von„ on August 2901, was quite a
eucoeee despite the boey time and all be
desired to sell went at fairly good ptioee.
R. Gamest; was the Reatinneer and stay
ed with the job iu good etyle, Mr. Pep.
per will proepeot ]n the West with Stoke.
Loon as a centre.
A Public Examination will be held in
S. S. No. 10, on Friday, Sept. 22nd, In.
the teething a grand Concert will be held
and an an excellent program 18 being
given, no one ehonld mise it. Mies Mo-
Kinley of Brueeele, and. Mise Winnie
MaGuire, as well as Mr. Richardson, will
give special sole; and reoitatione. Talent
from surrounding towns, templed with
beet tonal talent. Keep that night pleat.
For further information eeo the bills.
MAoe,oroNIAL:— The daily Toronto
Globe, of Aug. 5th refers to the noptiale
of a former resident of this township in
the person of Robb. Smillie, B. A., eon
of Joseph Smillie, lot. line:— "A. very
pretty wedding took plane on Wednesday
afternoon et the residence of I. J. Gould,
ex M Pd M G Id, II
an re. oa xbridge,
when their fourth daughter, Rebeeon
Ethel, was united in marriage to Robert
Smillie, B. A. of Dawson City, Yuko°,
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. J. R. Fraser of Chalmers Preeby
tartan Church tinder an area of Ilewere
and evergreen; in the drawing room.
Only the immediate friends of the bride
and groom were present, Mr. and Mre.
Smillie left for a abort. visit to Western
Ontario pointe, and will leave Uxbridge
about Aug. 15th to take op their rapid -
thee in Dawson City, where Mr. Smillie
is eoienoe miteter in the high wheel."
The many friends of Mr, Smillie will be a
unit in extending hearty congratulations
tg him and his bride. Mr. Smillie ie well
pleased with his position and now that
be will have a home of bis own he will be
more ooay than aver.
Belo rave.
1Tntended for Last amok.]
Bodmin bridge is being pulled ahead
Quito n few took in the Exhibition at
the Qoeen Oity.
J. Roberteoo, of your town, spent Ban•
day on the 7th line.
Mies Tilly Wilkineon apont a few days
with Palmerston friende,
Quite n few attended the Cole and
and Soandrett wedding.
Mre. 1. B. Sbretton is slowly reouver.
ing from her recent illness.
Bodmin Lime Works have burned 15
kilns this season and will continue to
burn tilt late We .Fall,
Wm. Prnotor wears a broad smile now
that won't rub off. It is a young daugh-
ter that has Dome to shay.
Wm. Jaokeon, the veteran of Morrie,
won first prize at Wingbam on Labor
Day, being the oldest man there,
Mita Annie and Waddle Proctor have
returned from Palmerston where tbey
were visiting their brother, John, foe a
A. W, Nicholson returned to raeume
bis position et Palmerston after spending
bin holidays at Dia home, the Bodmin
Lime Works,
A nambor of our young men took in
the exouraion to Man. ria Saturday of last
week, Among tbom were Shaw Broe ,
0. Bell and W. J. Pettit, and Mien R.
Bell, all of Balgrave.
Quite an interesting debate took plane
Sunday evening in Belgtrave when two
young moo went to Des tie one girl,
Botb olaim that they bad a pleasant time
bot one lost hie buggy in tie glee and the
other tont hie heart to the girl. That's
right boys, "A feint heart never won a
fair lady."
WEnnteet—A very pleasant event took
place at the borne of J. and Mre. Clam.
0oy, Beet Wawanoeb, on Tuesday of laet
week, at the hone of noon, (Western time)
when David Chamney wee united in
marriage to moo Roealena, youngest
daughter of the late James and Mre,
Sarah Perdue, Rev. J. Edmonds, of
Blyth and Belgravo, performed the
ceremony, 0caording to the, beautiful
form of the Chnrth of England, Mr.
Jne, Robinson was the "trend of the
bridegroom," and Miee Martha Rae of
Morris, enpported the bride, Only
the immediate trionde and relatives of
the dontraoting• partite were present
and they made good company, Ib
wee one of the moot enjoyable wed.
dings it ,hag been the peivilege Df the
rector to attend and he has attended
many. The wedding repaet wee all that
could be desired, and the permute wae
va•Dable, as well as useful. The areas of
the bride woo perlect and "ail went
m•rry ata a marring° bell." The de
pasture of the bride and groom wee
the signal for the neual ealutotion of rioe
and old elippere, and 000aaioned moeh
laughter, however, they got safely away
and will spend their honeymoon in Tor-
onto and adjacent parte. When they
return, they will settle near the old home,
where they were 'born. They have the
good wishes of the entire community for
their future happiness.
D. L. Beechen is vieiting ander the
home roof.
John AloAllieter took the aervioes in
the Hall here last Sunday evening.
Damen McDonald is getting things in
abape to seenme charge of the baeinoea
purobaeed from Walter Innes wbiob will
pate over on Oct, 1st.
Haevaat Rome eervioea will be bald at
Johnstone Oburoh nextBebbath followed
by a tea meeting on Monday evening at
wbiob agood program will be presented.
Peter MoDonald and men are busy thie
week putting the root on George Eck
merle new shop. Mr. MaDouald has
ale; a gang at Wm. Fraser's veneering
tie residence with oemeat.
Dr. Oveae, M. D., Surgeon, Ooali•t,
Specialist. t. Diee
otthe Ey,
Eye, Enr and
Noma treated and glossae fitted properly,
Will be at Smith's Drag Store, Brunetti,
"n Tuesday, Sept. 19th, hours, 8 a. m. to
1 80 p. m.
NaTzoE —Ata
avePa arobsed a large
ea H•
eraletor•b '
g uemee
e in
Moorefield, 1
will require all available money. All
indebted win greatly oblige by squaring
off temente an or before Sept, 80th.
After that date aaoounte will be banded
into other hands for oolleotion,
WALTEn INNas, Jamentown,
A few of Mre. Iunee' warm lady friends
were invited to meet her at the home of
Dineen Taylor, on Fridey of last week
where a most enjoyable eoaial time was
spent. The former was presented with
a choice floor rug and a jardinere stand.
The reoiptent appreaiatee very moot the
tangablea evidences of old friendships..
Leet Mania), Jamee Iunee left for
Moorefield where hie father has par.
phased a larger business than be had
here and the intention ie to take Jim in.
to partnership. He will get into the
ways of the store and meet the custom-
ers in the time intervening between now
and Oot, let when they get paeaeseion,
Jim le a fine young man and hae a
smart, shrewd idea of what oonetitntee
good business. Fraser McDonald, who
will be emaciated in the store with hie
brother, ie pioking tip pointers in the
shop now and will .matte a amass of it.
Wedding on the tapir. 12th will sup.
ply the bride.
Tha township Deanotl will meet next
Monday at Ethel
Wm. Cook will try late fortune in New
Liskeard, Now Ontario.
Robe. and Mre. McDonald entertained
a few of their friends on a recent evening
Jno. Mel'aggart is visiting relatives
end friends in Elgin po.and also baking
in the Fair at London.
Russell Wheeler, who was employed in
a Stratford upholstering factory, has
taken a situation in Toronto.
A baby daughter was born to J. G. and
Mre. Turnbull last Sunday but only lived
a abort time we are sorry to hear.
Mine Marion MoKay is learning the
millinery with Misses Meehan, Brno -
eels. Marion will make a clever milliner.
John Orerar and his sister, Mies Mery,
took in the eights of the Toronto Fair
last week, Mies Attie Ferguson also at.
tended the Fair.
W. A. Shaw, formerly of Gray, son of
Aogne Shaw, who recently disposed of
his hotel in Brandon, Manitoba, hae
purchased "The Strand" hotel at Van-
oouver, B. 0., and is now in poeseenion,
Mre. Robt. Coons and Mies Ella left
Fridny morning for a two weeks' visit in
Bay Oity, Michigan. They found the
friends all well. The buildings in the
Steam are not like those in Canada. The
U. S. is a great deal behind Ontario.
The Dorn in Michigan is about 12 feet
high while in Grey it le 14 feet high. '
The farm of the late Petrick Blake,
int 6, eon, 18, containing 100 sores, bee
been sold to George Brown, of Brussels,
owing to the removal of the family to
Minneapolis. William Blake and Mies
Lizzie left on Tuesday morning a000m.
panyieg Joseph Blake, of Pembina,
Wteoonein, and Mre, Hanson, of Min.
neapolie, the two latter being here attend.
ng the funeral of the late Patrick Blake.
We with the young folks mucosae in their
ew home, Miss Blake wishes to return
hanks to old neighbors and trends for
lad rouble. wordeand deed; in their time of
Hamm Hoata,—Instead of the canal
ea.meeting and enterteinmeot in von•
eaten with tbe Sabbath serviette ae a
cane of ratting money, Rosie appoint.
went adopted the Thauk•offering method
net Sunday which proved very aatistao
.ry. The pastor preached morning and
veniog, The morning eubjeot wall "The
aura Life" and the evening "Leather;
rom Mount Nebo,' The oongregatioe
esponded very liberally to the appeal for
Thenk.afforing and planed upon the
late °vet $40.00. Tbie method will gain
and in the future the wisdom of ire
doptioo will be shown by ebill larger
Its as a Thank offering to the Lord for
is loving Providence,
tlgxon Maven Hoath,• --A very encases.
1 Emmett Home Anniversary wag held
Unica Appointment, Ethel circuit.
verythieg Woe favorable to nn enjoyable
me on the Sabbath and Monday even -
g, Sept.8rd and 4th, Rev. 3. 13, Oster.
otat, B, A„ .13, D., of Wroxeter, preached
0 profitable and inspiring sermons to
ry large 0ongeegatione Sunday morning
d evening, The tea•meetiog and tan,
rtainment on Monday e00niog were
ry largely attended front all the the.
Muting oonntry. The ladies of the
ogregntinn deserve great credit for the
ay they decorated the ahurob and pre'
pared co bountiful a repaet. The pro-
gram in the nberah watt well rendered by'
the nhoroh Choir, Mies Species, Miae
MoNnugle, and Rev. H. Carry. Rev. R.
Hobbit presented acme emulating thoaghto
full of wit and wisdom. Tha pr000ade
Sunday and Monday amounted to $116,
Will be Running by March let,
Gnatpll and Goderteb Line to be eminent
by tiant bate.
1The Guelph and Goderioh Railway
will be in operation by Meath let, 1906,"
said an official of the C. P. P. to the
Guelph Gerald last Friday morning.
"'The weak all along the line is being
prosecuted with all possible haste;" he
eontiouod, "and grading will beoompleted
by the enol of September."
"The laying of rails will be started in
a month's time and will be parried on
from the Guelph end. Wbeo the Grand
River is reached the new bridge will have
to be built, the piers of which are already
oonatruoted. This will require a month
to complete, and a similar period will be
eentintheonr t
o Rt urs i nof
0 abrid e over
the t
Donee o a river. v The Ma'tls d
1 n
river and Blyth creek will also have to be
epanned, but the piers for tba bridge
work are already standing in most in.
steeooe."" There will have to be a live.
liar haste t
net e a on thea has beenyet, ak
ever,i trains f ane are running
byMarch t
Onthe c
Ones Winter weather este in program
will be very Blow.
Somebody asked TEE Post what
about tbe proposed electric rail.
way running from Brueeele to Bea -
forth as the first link 2 Wall the report
of the 0. P. 11. Engineer, wee gent in
atter a trip bad beau taken over the rotate
and last weep we received the following
note, which had been gent to Barrister
M. G. Cameron, ltf. P. P., of Goderioh,
who has always taken a deep interest in
proposais to bring the municipalities of
old Heron closer together;—
M. G. Cameron,
Goderfclt, Ont.'
DEAR SIR ;—I have yours of July 19th,
and am rather favorably impreeed with
the proposition for the oo0etruotion of an
electric Hue betweeeo Brussels and Sea -
forth, and have no doubt that, as soon as
tbe eleotria power tbat is now about to be
generated at Niagara Falle, ie distributed
through the oonntry, that this line will
be built and operated, Just ata 0000 as
the Eleotr]oa1 Oampaniee are in a pos.
itioo to distribute the power and give us
rates, ea that we will be in a position to
make oomparfsone, I will then take the
matter up again, .Yours Truly,
Manager of Construction 0. P. R.
Toronto, July 31e, 1905.
Mre. Mitchell, Mill street, is visiting in
Fletcher Spading is attending the Lon-
don Fair.
Mre. Wm, Jewett is visiting relatives
at Rinbnrn,
Mise Jane Kelly was visiting in Lon-
don this week.
Poetmaeter Farrow was away to Lon-
don for a few holidaye.
Mrs. Speak, 0f Toronto, is visiting ter
motber, Mrs, Jno. Wynn.
Mre, Wilson, of Gorrie, is visiting rela-
tives in Brueeele and Grahamville.
Mre. D. 0. Ross was holidaying with
roletivea in Toronto during the cast week.
Mr. Melts, of Chicago, is visiting at
Thos, Neweome'a, Queen street, for a few
Roger Deadman left on Monday for
Woodstock where he will proaeonte his
P. D. McKinnon, of Winnipeg, was in
town for a flying visit, with the accent on
the "flying."
Joe. Lott was away for a week calling
on relatives and old friends in Port Hope,
'Whitby and locality.
'Aliases Mabel and Edith Adams, of
Ford:viola, were renewing old friendships
in Brussels for a few days.
Rev, R. A. Gregory, prinoipel of West-
minster College,'' otanto, was a Visitor
at Melville manse last week,
Mrs. George Lowry, Primmer, street,
and Mrs. W. Somers, 131111 street, havo
been on the sick list bat are better again,
Misses Hattie Downing and Mabel
Zimmer left for Toronto last Monday
where they are attending the Normal
Mrs. J. Longfoot, of Stratford, is a
visitor et Geo. Edwards. F. Longfoot,
of the same pity, who was also here, has
returned home.
We are sorry to hear that Archie, eon
0f A.T. Currie f illwith r
a ata let fever
at the home of Dig grandparents, Sea -
forth, but we hope be will soon be 0. Ir.
Edward Lowry and eon Edgar are in
London this weak. The former is assist-
ing his brother who ie caterer at the
Springbaok Park in 0cameti81 n with that
Bart, Gerry, of Wingltam, wee in town
over Sunday. It is hinted but you
can't always believe all you hear e0 we
woo't say anything more about it just
Mre. Robert Forrest and son, Arobie,
Of Brantford, are vieitore with the for -
mere sister, Mrs, Geo. Lowry, 101r,
Forrest bee gone to Manitoba on a trip
which will occupy about three months.
Meg. Will. Afnlay washers this week at-
tending to the ehippiog of their furniture
to Toronto, leaving on Thursday morn-
ing. Mr. Aiulay has purchased a beetle
0n Beatrice street and will move into it.
Dr. P. 1Nnodonald, of Wingham, wee
in St, 'Thomas, attending the funeral of
en older brother, who had died in that
(qty. Deceased wan formerly a lawyer
in British Oolumbie, but banes haat ow-
ing to tailing health, -
Mrs. Alf, Sandere, of Bay City, and
Mra, lame Lake, of Ethel, were visiting
with Mrs. E. Speiran on Wednesday,
Robert Leatherdale and wife, of Cold,.
water, Si0Ooe Co., are visitors a1 B.
Leatberdala's, Mr. Leatitordale was . a
former reeident of Brueeele and .served
his apprentioeship it his brother's store
and workshop here. They are welcome
Last Spring Walter F. Scott, of New
Lieheard, Northern Ontario, forsook
bachelorhood and became a member of
the beuediotine army. ate he did not
blow a trumpet or seed es a pound of
wedding cake some time elapsed before
TIE PoaT booeme aware that he bed
"committed" matrimony. Mr. Scott
was a former member of TEE PO8T alaff
and we hope ho and Me good lady may
have a smooth voyage over tba matri-.
monial ata.
tHI.IbCt1tHint -ti.
There will be service in the Catholic
church, Brussels, next Sunday at 10.80 a.
Revile. Mesers, Kerr, of Torrnto, are
assisting Rev, A. K. Birks, B, A., Sea -
forth, in a aeries of epeoial services.
Mies Jean Habkirk and Dr. Rose ere
taking part in the Young People's Con
vention to be held next Tuesday in Wing -
Maitland Presbytery and the Young
Society of Presbytery t
m et Vin ham on Tuesday of next
At the Epworth League service last
Sabbath evening J. T. Wood gave a
practical and pointed Temperance
dr as.
ad e
Mies Minnie McNaughton hae been
asked to prepare a paper for the London
Oonferenoe Epworth League Convention
to be held in London.
Thursday of this week the Special
Committee of the London Conference
Methodist oharoh met in London at
10.80 a, m. W. H. Kerr, who is a
member, attended.
"Tha world wide mission of the
church" was the pastor's theme last Sab-
bath morning in Melville church and in
the evening the text was "The Master is
come and oalleth for thee."
Last Sabbath morning Rev. T. W.
Cosene spoke on "The fruits of the
Spirit." The evening text was "Be not
deceived, God ie not mocked for whatso-
ever a man soweth that shall he also
Yonne PoOPLE'e SooraTY,—The annual
meeting of the Young People's Society of
Maitland Presbytery will converse in St.
Andrew'e church, Winghae, next Taee-
day. Rev, J. J. Hattie is President and
Rev. G. M. Dann, Cor. Secretary. The
program is an interesting one as follows
Afternoon Session—Organ Prelude, Mrs,
Hattie; 2.80—OpeningExero]ses: Psalm
Selection 72, Prayer, Rev, D, Perrie ;
aeleotion by choir ; address by President ;
"The Value of Youth," Walter Burgess ;
disouseion, led by Dr. Murray ; sing two
verses Hymn 238 (old tune) ; "The worth
of the 0. E.,"" Jean Habkirk ; discussion,
led by Rev. Jno. Burnett ; sing three -
verve Hymu 278 ; "The Joy of Service,"
Maggie MaKague ; discussion, led by Rev.
L. Perrin • aeleotion by oboir ; "The 0.
E. Pledge," Rev. W. H. Geddes, Ailsa
Craig ; offering ; organ selection, Mrs.
Hague ; intimations ; Hymn 219 ; bane-
diotion. Evening Seaeion — Organ Pre-
lude, Miss ,Shark ; 7 p. m. — Opening
Exercises : Hymn 90, prayer, Ray. D.
MoKerrol ; selection by choir ; reading of
minutes ; Treasurer's Report ; election
of ofBaers ; Hymn 262 ; address, Rev. R.
G. MoBetb, Paris ; offering ; organ setae,
tion, Mies Shark; selection by choir ;
"How van Nye improve our next Convec-
tion," Rev. Dr. Ross, Brueeele ; discus-
sion ; Hymn 239 ; benediction. A nnm-
bar from Melville church Society, Brue-
sele, purpose attending.
The following letter from the Secret-
ary 0f the Ontario Lord's Day Alliance,
Toronto, speaks for itself :—
fir. H. Derr, Bog ,
Brussels, Ont.
DEAR BEDTIME KERR,—On return to my
officio to -clay I find your note and list of
names, whistle a000mpauied the money
order for 630.00, the annual contribution
rom the Brussels Branch of the Lord's
Day Alliance to the general work of this
rganization, Yon already have received
receipt from 0. J. Coop, M. D., our - -
Treaenrer, but I feel I must add my own
arsenal appreciation and assure you that
very member of the Provincial Exeou-
ive is delighted with the liberal contri-
ution from Brueeele. I wish you would
all our friends in other towns how you
o it, for I em ooustrained to believe that
any other please, if the acme oarefnl
ed jndieions efforts were made, would
aim much larger amounts than they do,
cid thus enable the Ajlianee to pay r,ff
I1 her iedeb0edueea. Yon will be glad to
now that our work throughout the whole
onntry bo very encouraging. Of comae,
tie le the time of year when inroads men
e Lord's Day are made by ex0mgiooa,
o -Dios, and many other forms of pleas-
re, but on the other hand the alertness
ith which our friends are r etohibg
sae matters, guided by the oouuset of
o Secretaries tend committees of the
lianoe, is resulting iu larger victories
✓ the Weekly Rest Day than ever '
fore, We look forward with aonfldonce
the text session of Parliament or Leg -
attire for better legislation on this all
portant question, Kindly assure our
ends in Brussels, and communicate
r appreciation of their liberal mantel•
tion, With personal well wiaboe . to
u and yours, Yonra faitbfnlly,'
'.I', ALnnaT MooaE,.-See,
A !'iso at Stapler destroyed' sever 1
Tha Allan turbine,• Victorian 0118
Doveafully floated
•Cao new Mti0ietry of Saokatohewr
ve boeu sworn in,
Edward Carvin, of Zarieh, was Kill .1 '
London nn the railway,
Martin Xurie wan run over by a tr art.
St%atreed, and probably fatally in.
itolart Martlty, of Louden, Ont. arm.
incl tofcidu by drawling under a mov.