HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-7, Page 8SCHOOL
**"..tetettaaae."0-"akeetineeteeeetteeic weetweeteatieteenitettereeetiereetweite*
SUj)PLIES Standard Bank of Canada
tie great variety of Co'VeYS.
Pi11 Pu
lic School
Also a full line of
An those that will be Used for the School Year 1905-06.
Any new Book that le required we supply ou short nOtiee.
Blotters given away.
Trains leave Brunets Station, North
and South, as followe :
001110 SMITH Going NORTH,
Mail 7:05 mm I Mined BOO am
Mixed....,....11:26 a.n I Mall ,..... .1:38 p.m
Express 9:02 p.m I Express 8:51p.m
Total Etta Items,
A chiel's anaang ye talk' ratite,
An' bath he'll prent it.
COLD weather.
THE Pose gives the nem.
Arearnexem your strayed and straying
Ion CREAM Will soon be supplanted by
the festive oyster.
Co. MODEL Sanoom opened at Clinton
and Goderich on Tuesday.
THE oement addition to the Stratton
block wilreoon be oOmpleted.
25 twice gete TBE Pon to January let
1906. Now is the time to SObScribe.
TUE Wner fever has been at a high
point of temperature during the past two
ts,Ir is said a wedding in which Brussels
Is Interested is near at band. The
cage" le ready.
Ocimmason Tamison sold 1388 brown
roadster to lateen MoMann, of Ses.forth,
et a good Satire.
OWING to a Wound on his bend by a
rusty nail Jno. Meadow e has been taking
undesired bolidaye.
LABOR Day passed by very quietly in
town. Quite a few took advantage ot
the IOW railway fares.
Tan Fire Limit By-law is being en-
forced and ot couple of contemplated
small frame buildings shut off from con.
Tan apple orop will be light in thie
motion this year eat far its first quality
fruit is concerned. Buyer° are looking
it up now.
Tan Western Fair at London opens
on Friday of this wed; and will oontinue
until the 16th int. A. number from
ibis locality will attend.
Tann is abundance of salt on sale at
Brussels Salt Works to supply tbe looal
demand and foreman Gordon Mooney ie
ready to attend to ati customers.
D. BUTLER, spernalist, will be at the
Amerioan Hotel, Brussels, on Tharedity,
Oat. 5th, and Thursday Deo. 781a, when
be will be pleased to have persona de.
airing hie profeesional Mull or advice
call and see him.
LAST week our newsy neighbor, the
Wingbam Advance, entered upon its 88rd
year and was never more vigorone. By
way of emphasizing the event a new
gasoline engine was installed to run the
prams. We are planned to see these
eIgne of prosperity and wish the Advance
AOMIDENT.-While operating a heading
jointer at Ament's stave mill, Seaforth,
on Tuesday of last week, A. Bishop, of
Brume's, had the misfortune to allow his
right hand to some into contact with the
knife. A portion of hie thumb was
severed and a oonple of fingers badly
Samna Minetrel Troupe asked for
Brussels Town Hall for Fall Fair night
Intending to give an entertainment but
ag East Huron Fall Fair Direotore bed
ft engaged for the urinal annual Oonoert
the date was not open. A 1 talent ie be•
Ing neared for the Oonoert, the only
trouble is the Hall is too email.
Nnw CHOKING IBILL.-Thtlell Bros.
have let the contract for the erection of
a cement bonding 20x40 feet, 25 feet
high, immediately South of the Eleotrio
Light power bones which will he utilized
ith a mill for chopping and grinding grain.
Power will be supplied from the engine
if the eiecitrio light plant. Geo. Barkley
And gaff oommenoed work on the build.
fag last Monday morning and will have
the walls completed In the course of a
Taos. A. Reverusg, with moat oilmen
thanks to the people of Brussels and the
surrounding count*, for past patronage,
SAMMONS with regret that in order M
further pursue hie studies in music, he
will letve Brussels next Speing, Any
wishing to take advantage of his in.
/amnions while he ramming should make
application at their earliest ooevenientie.
Those preparing for the mid;Winter
examinatione should teatime their studies
al onee.
AT Wont -Last week 3. Lecki'
e of
Bettesele, J, 13ewden, of Exeter, and J'no,
Clox, of Goderiola township, commenced
their dense as valuators et the County of
Hamm The first mentioned gentleman
is the oh alnican. The work will (Jemmy
throe or four months, report to be pre.
'stinted at Dtmember mission of the Co,
Connell, which will be held In Brussels.
Hentiell and locality wee the starting
point for the trio. The work will be well
done es all three aye level headed men
with considerable experlenoe, Mr. Leckie
leaving (entitled ep tbat Mem of work for
yearg and at a great deal better pay than
la8.00 per day: In Medea oottotitie the
work done by valtiatore Stood RS the
*tele of artalizetiori for 10 or Mom yettes
kVA whore theft on many changes in
101.0411101140 OW Is probably too long,
BAST ELMION Fuel Fair Prize list will
bo eut item week.
Smoot, Board will meet on Friday
evening of this week.
A CEMENT walk has been pat down at
Mre. Walter Smith's residence.
Else Hneo Fall Fair Oot. 5 aud 6.
Get a prize list and arrange an exhibit,
TEE Mnial large number from Bele lo-
cality attended the Toronto Fair during
the past week.
Filen McCntenczn and Geo. Biehop
are away to Pinkerton where they have
a painting oontract.
Tan cement basement for Thoe. New-
some's new brick residence on King
Street, bas been completed.
Amelia Braseelitee who were in Tor
onto during the past week were D. E wan,
D. 0. Ross'Will, Leatherdale, Welter
Lowry aud J. T. Wood,
WOREmEN Were busy putting a Beene
foundation under the resideine of Mre.
Walter Smith, Albert street. Other lab
provemente will also be made.
WATCH OtIt for Fall business al:1130E100e.
Merits in THE POST. It pays to read the
tot vertitements as many a dollar may be
saved in e. year by catching the special
Out; Wilbee, who hae been employed
at Seaforth in the Ament Newry, bad
the nail torn off one of hie fiogere lo the
jointer and was compelled to take bola.
days for a while.
A.. &TISANE, of Oranbrook, an old and
experienced liana at the pump businese,
is ready to attend to all uemesary re.
pairs in good style. Leave word ea Tan
PoST or drop bim a wird.
Go. VALUATOR LECKIE wee home for
Sunday, returning to Olintou on Monday
to reenme work. Lest week tbe valve
atare were in Hearten, Stanley and Tie.),
field localities pnehing their work.
PRESIDENT DAFF of Bluevale, and
Secretary Rem, of Brunets, of Eaet
Heron Liberal Aesociation, attended a
meeting of the Provincial Assoolation 135
Toronto on Wednesday of this week.
Mematesne.-alre. McKinley hae en.
gaged the envins of blise Moffatt, ol
Toronto, to &mist alias aloKialay in the
millinery business, Mies Moffatt mane
Inghly recommended as a trimmer with
a wide city experience.
OuTINCITLLOR STIinviRT has had the house
opposite the mill veneered with 08Ment.
Metallic inning% were put in and the
place will be very easy when everything
is completed. W. H. end Mrs. Stewart
will take up their residenee there.
Tonne was a large turn out at the
depot IBM Saturday morning to say
Good bye to tbe 50 and more pereoes off
to the Weet. The probabilities are the
majority of them will return atter en.
joying a few menthe working and visit -
THOS. Malationms. Brussels has set
Tnesclay, Sept. 2603, as the date of his
clearing tulle of well bred borne, riga,
residence, tote, no. Sale will take place
at Mr. MoLauoblin's premises, Turn.
berry street, Noetb. Auctioneer Scott
will wield the hammer.
Bolcom reopened in town on Tnesday
morning, the only change on the teaoh•
ing staff being Miss Jessie Robertson, of
Goderioh, who snot:meths Miee Ethel
Scott. The young lady Games very bigb.
ly recommended and THE POST wishes
her Kamm in her work.
D/RECTORS of both Eaet Huron and
Grey Branch Agricultural 13051881e8 are
asked to meet on Saturday afternoon of
next week, 16th inst., ea 2 ci elook sharp,
to complete arrangements for the ooming
East Enron Fall Fair, to be bald on
Thursday and Friday, Om, 5th and 6th.
It you're a director be on hand.
WE know a party in Brussels who has
been waiting very calmly for several
nights with a abet gun loaded with salt
to cot in the ottpaaity 01 9. reception com-
mittee for plum and apple tree 10809.576.
ere. If you prefer sugar indeed of salt
with your fruit boys you had better give
street a wide berth.
Naw Daoeaouasao So.-Meeses,
Ferguson and Ross have engaged the
serviette of Miss Eastman to take charge
of their Dressmaking department and tbe
shop will be open about Sept. 18th. Miee
Eastman has had praotical experlenoe in
the best shops in Chicago aud Detroit
and will be well able to eater to the
wishes of the ladies in this locality.
Three or four pawing girls wanted.
Applioants are asked to call at the store,
DMOVRD TO TORONTO. -After a residence
in Bruseele for over 50 years Wm. Ain
lay and wife removed to Toronto laet
Saturday, where the former will take a
position in a fototoey. He has beet fore.
man in the Ament planing mill and
sash and door factory for many years,
and prior to that followed °entreating,
both Jointly and eeparately, so tbat he
hae had a wide experience in the variate
departments of Ms trade. Mr. Ainlaytie
of an inventive turn and will have
larger field for its development in the
city, By his teamed Brunets A, 0. U.
W. Lodge leen he head Ober this term.
Roy /Motet, tattled behind his father
and mother for a abort time to overeat
the shipping of the boneeholci effects so
that they ;night go direct fo the house
aeonred in the Queen city. He hag been
quite an Intereeted worker in the Young
Peopleei Sottiety of St, John's (thumb.
The Malley family take with them to
their new home the heerty good wilting
of meaty old friende who were sorry to
eee them Move from town after so long a
SURPLUS, 011 RESERVE 1PTIND $ 1,000,400
TOTAL 8808130 0$1131t
A. Geneva* lars.tticing: X3uslueseta Cler ette tett etead
SAVINGS E3 A 111 KS" -
Accrued Intermit is added to n000ttuts every ofx menthe and beeomes prinoipal.
Joint Deposit Aaaounts-A SPEOTAL OONYENIENCE in use in our Savings Do -
pertinent 10 the '.tont Deposit" account, litonCY may be depoetted or wttlalre,wn
by either of the two members of the hounhold. Thle system ie a groat conven-
Iowa to many residing to town, bub more pars mainly 00 00 farn3ore, as iu the latter
case Whether man or wife 001000 80 town either can attend to the Nanking. An-
other feature of the 8)08855 14 that in mice of Eno death of either patty the money
8170 100 withdrawn by the aurvivor without non. We Match you mitre about our
108111060 11 you will kindly unit or write.
Married Women and minors may make and withdraw deposits 'without the In.
tervenoon ot any persOn.
ouly for which no °barge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive one careful and caurteoue attention.
Tan Town Band hoe lost another play•
er in the going away of J. Leslie Kerr
to Winnipeg. It appears to be a itiffi
oolt matter to melte the supply equal
the demand.
Dn. OVENS, B. D., Sergeon, °oculist,
Speoialiet, Diseases of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and glasses fitted property.
Will be at Smith's Drug Store, Bruesets,
on Tneeday, Sept. 19.h. Hours 8 a, m.
to 130 p. M.
LAST Monday Peter Ferguson,
Queen Street, Brussels, received a
telegram apprising him of the sad
570755 05 the death of :his nephew, Dr.
Murison, of Toronto. The deceased
gentleman was lecturer on Oriental
languages iu tbe University.
To Tistatau,-Last Saturday morn-
ing R. Mainprize, Mrs. Mainprize and
two cluldren left Brussels for Tisdale,
N. W. T., where they purpose making
their home, Mr. Mainprize took a car
of necessaries with him. He built a
house on his farm when he was West
last Spring so he will have a home to
move into. We hope tbey will do
well and mine back when they have
made their pile. They Carey with
them the good wishes of a large circle
of friends.
past week or so quite a lively business
hots been done in cattle shipping From
Brussels. Messrs. Schwartzebild &
Sulzburger, of New Yorkjcity, shipped
6 ears to that city for export. It is
said they are buying no car loads iu
Canada. A. C. Datnes sent ens of
cattle and a car of lambs Eastward,
three cars of the former going to
Montreal. A car of cattle was forward-
ed to Montreal by W. I. Dickson and
two cars were sent to the same point
by J. Clegg. Barr & Black shipped a
ear of cattle to Toronto and a double
deck of lambs to the same city. Geo.
Best loaded a double deck of lambs for
Black Rock and a car of hogs for Pal-
FoR. THE W EST. -The following Is a
list of people ticketed to the West by
T. Farrow, C. P. R. agent, Bressels,
on last Saturday's excursion: - Roy
Thompson. Wm. Savage, Sam. Dunn,
G. Colclough, Alex, Armstrong,
Harvey Betchanan, Sam. Lamont, Jno.
Huether, R. D. McGavin, Miss M.
Walker, Mrs, Broadfoot, Jno. Shiels,
Miss Agnes McNair, David A, McNair,
Jos. Hunter, Neil D. McNair, Miss
Violet Mason, Richard Mitchell, Percy
Mitchell, Jno. Mitchell, Thos. Brown,
Geo, Routledge, P, ter Routledge,
Speir, Wm, Henderson, T. C. McDon-
ald, David Ritchie, Peter Ritchie,. W.
G. Holmes, Wm. Mason, Wm. Mc-
Donald, Fletcber Roe, Geo. William-
son, W. Forrest, Jno, Hogg, Albert
Fox, Miss McMann,
PASSED AWAY. -We are very sorry
to bear of the sudden demise of Mrs.
Ed, Levis, of Holmesviile, which sad
event took place on Friday morning of
last week. Heart failure was the
cause. Mrs. Levis had been subject to
weak spells for a time but Tbursday
was enjoying apparently good health.
Deceased leaves her busband and
seven children to mourn her demise.
She was a daughter of John Hill,
Brussels, and well and favorably
known to many in this locality. Fun-
eral took place to Clinton cemetery
Sunday afternoon, Rev, F. Swann
conducting the service. Mr. Hill, W.
Denbow and Mrs, S. Carter attended
the burial. The bereaved will share
deeply In the sympathy of many
PRETTY WEDDING. -At r0.30 o'clock
a. m. on Wednesday of this week St.
John's church was filled by persons
anxious to Witness the tying of the
matrimonial bow between Charles R.
Perkins, of St, Thomas, and Miss
Ethel, third daughter of Angus and
Mrs. Campbell, of Brussels. The
Wedding March was welt played by '1'.
A. Hawkins and during the rendering
the principals and attendants took
their places for the important eyent,
Miss Nellie Campbell, sister of the
bride, and. Miss Myrtle Perking, sister
to the groom, were bridesmaids ; EL
Stilson, the groomsman ; Little Miss
Margery Campbell flower girI; and
Master Bobs Campbell page, forming
a more than:usual.pretty party. Cere-
mony was , performed by Rev, MT.
Lang -Ford, the bride being given
away by her father. She looked
charming in a becoming white
silk gown with chiffon and net
trimming. Miss Campbell bridesmaid,
wore white Persian lawn with white
chiffon hat; Miss Perkins, white mus-
lin with pale blue trimmingand white
chiffon bat. The flower girl was
sweet in white silk. After the cere-
mony and congratulattons a ninall'
arranged lunch was served at "Shady
Noole." the brides parental home, Mill
Street, after wbich a short program
of songs, instrumental music and
games was indulged iti ithtil the 3
p, m. train took Mr. and Mrs. Perkins
away on a bridat trip to petroit . The
chtirch ed house were ;lordly de
corated for the occasion. Presents
useful, numerous and valuable were
presented to the bride. The grooms
gift to the bride was a gold
watch and to the laridesmaids
he presented gold rings with
rubies set in pearls. The happy
couple will melte their borne in St.
Thomas and commence married life
with tbe hearty good wishes of a large
circle of friends,
ABOUT too passengers were ticketed
to Toronto from Brussels since tbe Fir
'rue Knitting factory took a holiday
last week, but resumed operations this
'aim stable belonging to Inspector
Robb has been painted and looks as
trim as many a dwelling.
A CHICAGO subscriber writes "We
do not like to miss a copy of THE Poto
as it is like a message from home,"
TUESDAY of next week, Sept, nth,
is the date of the next visit to Brussels
of Dr. Ovaus. the London eye special-
A PERFORMING bear and two lazy Lub-
bers were 10 town the other day. The
bear was the best booking 5010381 110 the
THERE WAS quite a routing out of
bed by a number of townsfolk Wed-
nesday morning ot last week to see the
Alas. A. Roraima and Miss Myrtle
were visiting at London during the
past week. Tho latter is prolonging
her stay.
ALEX. STRACHAN 18 which he will
light his Dry Goods store instead of
defog electric light.
busy moving to their new stores in
the Garfield Block on Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week and will soon
be nicely settled in their commodious
to the Miss Campbell residence on
Queen street vacated last week by D.
A. Lowry who took possession of
his comfortable new residence on the
same street. W. and Mrs. Gillespie
will move into the Halliday house,
King street, it is said.
DISSOLUTION. - Tbe partnership
existing between Messrs. Stewart &
Lowick for the past two years as mil-
lers, &c., in the National Mills, Brus-
sels, has been dissolved by mutual
consent. Business will be continued
by Mr. Stewart. We have not heard
as to where Mr, Lowick intends locat-
MARRIED. -Last Saturday Wm.
Oakley and Mrs. Prudence Smale,
both of Brussels, were married in Tor-
onto and are batik to town. Some peo-
ple, who should:have bad better sense,
may get into trouble eater a charivari
following the return t the principals.
fkPITAL-Paill xp 81,000,000
ItESEItVE FUND • • $1,000,000
Peendent. Viee-Preald ant,
Tlfoil, BRAD011aW, 5.0.3, 008 roman MIL W. erowattna coenie, mo. D, 15. 31103100N, X, 0.
JoHN ImieTnnoOlt
W, D, ROSS - - GStinliaL MANUMIT
Amite Bought and Sold, Farmer& Notes Dimoutted.
gammas ?waltz Par EMMY?
Intermit et RICHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all eume of DI and upwards
A. E. MELLISE, Manager.
READ the Thomson exemption By-
law on page 8 of this issue. Voting
will take place upon it on Monday esth
CROWDED OUT. -Owing to the ac-
cumulation of local and District mat-
ter, oa account of last week's holiday,
a large number of itetns are crowded
out until next issue.
BACK Foote THE WEST: -After an
enjoyable visit of nearly two months,
Norman Smitb arrived back from tbe
West list Monday. He was as far as
Regina but put in a good share of his
time with the family of John E.
Smith, at Brandon. Mr. Smith is an
uncle and a former well known resi-
dent of Brussels.
HYMENEAL.- The Toronto Star of
Wednesday evening says :-"A very
quiet wedding took place Tuesday
afternoon at the Baptist church parson-
age, Toronto Junction, at 3 o'clock,
when Miss Emma L. King, of Brits -
sets, was married to Allen E. Hersey,
of the first mentioned town. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. J. W.
Cowan, pastor of Annette street Bap-
tist church. The couple were unat-
tended, The bride who was given
away by her uncle, Wm. Lappage,
wits attired in a dress of fawn eolienne
and wore a hat to match. After the
ceremony a wedding supper was serv-
ed at 24 Victoria street, and on the
evening train the young couple left for
Brussels, where they will spend a
couple of weeks before taking up
their residence in town." The bride
is a sister to Mrs. John Bateman, of
Business Locals.
PANTLIARER wanted at ono% Apply to
D. 0. Ross.
Tanen year old Heifer well bred, for
sale. Apply to JNO. Enterer, grocer,
COMFORTABLE dwelling rooms, to let over
my store, soft water. Permeation can be
given at ones, I. C. BIORARDS.
COMFORTABLE dwelling and acres of
lead ; choice fruite different varieties ;
for sale or rent, posseeeion given Sept.
let. I. 0. BIOPIABDa,
PRISE BUTTER. -Wit Will pay 25o. for
the best package of butter we reoeive
during two weelse, eommenning Aug.
28th. Geo. E. Ewe, Wingbam.
BY-LAW NO. 2, 1905
1,17 HEREAS the Corporation of the
VI' Village of Brussels are desirous
of exempting from taxation upon the
condittons and iu the manner herein-
after set out, a building 4ox5o feet, two
story, built of brick or cement and in
accordance with the Fire Limit By
law, said building to be built on the
South West corner of Village Lot
number 125, together with said part of
said Lot occupied by said building.
Said building to be erected during the
year reos by Robert Thomson, of the
Village of Brussels, merchant, and to
be used by him as a cold storage prem-
ises and for the storage of ice for com-
mercial porposes or the supplying of
cold by other means so that it will be
a first-class cold storage planta
Be it therefore enacted by the Mun-
icipal Counoil of the Village of Bras -
sets, under and by authority of the
Municipal Act : That subject to the
conditions hereinafter mentioned the
said building, when erected and used
as a cold storage premiees, and the
laud occupied by said building being
part of the South West corner ot Lot
105 in the said Village of Brussels,
shall be exempt from all Municipal
taxation unless for school taxes and
not to apply as an exemption as to the
business tax by the said Robert Thom -
eon or his successor, Said exemption
to be for ten years from the first day
of January, 0905.
The conditions on which said exemp-
tion is granted are that the said Rolaert
Thomson shall erect during the year
nes on the South West corner of
Village Lot number ros in the said
Village of Brussels, a first-class build -
log 40350 feet two stories in beigbt, in
Accordance with the Fire Limit By-
law and fitted so that he can keep ice
at all times when required for commer-
cial purposes, or other properly equip-
ped cold storage plant when ice is not
geed and will ;carry on business at all
tittles in the said premises diming tbe
term of ten years from the Firet day of
January, 1966,;
That he will carry on the business pf
purchasing butter, eggs, fowl and otb-
er perishable goods, paving cash there-
for, as shrill require to be kept in a
gold storage premises and also for the
sPoroged spell goods for other parties
that may repuira it pp being paid a
fair charge for such storage mid as
far as the capacity of the premises will
In cage tbe building should be de-
etroyed by fere so that the said Robert
Thomson Or hie suopessor eould not
rub the business the exemption shall
000810111e iil force MAI a reeve:1010
time has elapsed so that he could re-
build ; failing to rebuild in such rea-
sonable time or the not carrying on the
business called for, the exemption shall
cease and the taxes for the then cur-
rent year shall be divided proportion-
ntely according to the time run or not
run as the case may be,
This By-law shall take effect on the
First day of January, no6, and shall
run for ten years from such date.
The votes of the electors entitled to
vote ou said By-law shall be taken
thereon at the following time and
places, tbat is to say :-On Monday,
the 2stla day of September, A. D. note,
commencing at the hour of nine o'clock
in the;forenoon and continuing until
the hour of five in the afternoon of the
same day. In polling division No.
One a Leckie's block, Jas. T. Ross,
Deputy Returning Officer; 60 polling
division No, Two, in the Council
ROOD3, R. IC, Ross, Deputy Returning
Officer ; in polling divisiop.No, Three,
at the residence of George Birt, Peter
Scott, Deputy Returning Officer,
On Monday, the e8t83 day of Septema
ber, nos, the Reeve of the said Village
shall attend at the Council Chamber at
Ten o'clock in the forenoon to appoint
persons to attend in the various polling
places athaesaid, and al the summing
up of the votes by the Clerk cna behalf
of the persons interested in promoting
or opposing the passing of the said
By-law respectively,
The Clerk of the Council of the said
Village of Brussels slain attend at the
Council Chamber in the Town Hall at
ten o'clock in the forenoon On Tues-
day, the twenty-sixtb day of Septem
ber, 1905, to sum up tbe number of
votes for and against the said By-law.
Read in open Council this sth day of
September, nos, the First and Second
time and submitted to the ratepayers
88 required by Statute for their assent,
That the above is a true copy of a
proposed Byelaw which has been teketi
into consideration and which will be
finallypassed by the Coancil of the
Municipality iu 1115 parent of tlie oseent
of the electors being obtaindd thereto
after one month from the first peblica-
don in THE Banssms POST, tbe date
of which 11058 publication was the
feventh day of September, nos, and
that the votes of the electors of the
said Municipality will be talon boreal
on the clays and Eit tho houe and pieces
therein fixed.
Aramnsota-At Oranbrook, an August
9113, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alder.
eon, a daughter.
MACFARLANE.-In Bramele on August
25th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mao.
Farlane, a daughter.
Porn. -In Wroxeter, on Monday, Aug.
28t13, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pope, a
PATTERSON-LI Grey, on Ang, 288h, to
Mr. aud Mrs, Wm. Patterson, a
BERBEY-K1110.-At Toronto Junction,
on Tueaday Sept. 5th, by Rev.
Gowan, of Annetta Bt. Baptist
°hunt), Miee Emma L. King, young.
eat daughter of Wm, King, Brute
eels to Mr. Allan U. Hersey.
OARLEY-SMALE.-In Toronto, on Sept.
2nd, by liev.L. B.Bates,Mr. William
Oakley, to Mrs. Prudence Smale,
both of Bennetts.
Ptomain - CAMPBELL. - In St. John's
oburoh, Bruesels, on Sept. 6111, by
Rev, Mr, Laing Ford, Mr, Charles
R. Perkins, of St. Timm's, to Mise
Ethel Campbell, daughter of Mr,
and Mee. Angus Campbell, Bruseele.
Bratice.-Io Grey, on Sept. let, Patrick
Blake, in hie 67th year.
DOCHET.-In Morris, on Ang. 26113, the
infant daughter of Hagh and Eliza
I/enema aged 8 days.
-eaten CMMOMS
TUESDAY SEPT. 26e11.-Glearing ont
sale of well bred borne, rigs, residence,
tote, eto., Tarnberry, Street, Brueeeis,
Sale at 2 o'clock. Thos. MoLanehlin,
Prop., F. S. Soott, Anot.
Fall Wheat 68 72
Barley 86 88
Peas 60 61.
Oate 25 26
Butter, tube and rolls16 17
Egge per dozen 16 17
Hay per ton 5 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 6 60 6 60
Hoge, Live 6 00 6 25
Wool 23 28
When yon buy Rubber get it. 'You
gat pert something else in many of
the Rubber Goods sold. Oar Rab-
bet Goods are bought direct of the
manufacturers and we piels the roan-
ufaoturere carefully. These geode
are fresh, the quality is assured and
the prices are the meet at Mehl
goods of the quality On be sold.
Housekeeper. No washing. Small
family. Highest 'wages pail. Apply atone.
15 11198. M D. Me VAGGART, Clinton, 0
I0 e of the undersignad,68 LOt te, Oen.
13, lineris, a yam. old Befitted neer. Owner
is r+guested to prove property, pay eXpen.
080 and take him atvay.
DEXITND 80 the firm of Stewart &
Lewin will please call and settle at orae
owing to dissolution ot partnership. W. 3'.
Stewart will continuo the business.
STEWART & Lowrox.
Meeting of Directors.
A meeting of the Directors of East Huron
atii Grey Brunch Agricultural Sordeties
will be bold in the Council Chamber, Drug.
eele, on Saturday, 10117 1810., commencing .48
2 p. m . sharp. As important Om kit10813 1, 10
be transacted a large attendance is asked
for. JAS. FERGUSON, Pres,
75, 55, KERR, Sea.
A- En of 300 tiaras, 10708 or Inn, being NI
1008 18, Oen 7, Store's, 00. 05 Huron. About
75 aore8 cleared with 10 acres of good bath.
Hood brick bone, bank barn, straw house
MSS foot ; 21 mires of choice orchard. Plen-
ty of water and fairly good fences. 6 MIloS
from Brunel& and 68 from Blyth. For fur.
time particular. as to price. terms &a. an -
ply on the promises, 05 15 by letter to8nn'
0.01 Proprietor.
L. beim; the South at of Lot 1 in the
2ed Concession of the Township of Taro.
berry. The farm is situated on a goad art -
vel road, two milee from Wenner and
about one (patter of a mile from school
house. The soil is & rich clay loam. About
7U coma aro cleared and in a good state of
cultivation. Pram barn Wise° with addl.
Cone and stone Enables under. Frame
dwelling house 16x20 and MM. Good bear-
ing mallard. For teems apply to WILLIAM
DOUGLAS, Wroxeter P. 0. • 0.1
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