HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-7, Page 60-0-0-0 -0-0-0-0-00-000-04:3-000.0,e>00 YOUNG FOLKS JUST A BOY'S DOG. No, siren, that dog won't bite; Not a bit o' danger! What's his breed! Shure I don't know; jest a 'boy's dog,' stranger. No St. I3ernard—yet last year, Time the snow was deepest, Dragged ce little shaver home Where the hill was steepest. Aint't a bulldog, all the same, 'Twouldn't do to scoff him. Fastened on a tramp ono time— Couldn't pry him off him. Not a pointed—jest the same, When it all is over, Ain't a bettor critter round Startin' ell, the plover. Sell him? Say, there ain't his price, Not hi all the nation! Jest a 'boy's dog'; that's his breed— Finest in creation. (MOOSE A LIFE VOCATION. There comes a time when every growing boy must face the question: What shall I do for a life work? It is an important question, one that is as important to the parents as to the child. It is one that must be faced squarely and answered wise- ly. And yet there are many who shirk and turn away, trying to avoid a direct answer, leaving the solution to what they hope will be a happy chalice. Then there are sons who leave the solution entirely to their parents; and there are parents who leave it all to the sons. Each should consider the matter with diligence and frankness and come to a determination agreeable to both. In considering the problem it will be well to remember several things. In the first place all real success must be founded in the economic principal of becoming a producing member of the great industrial scheme. There is no room in the world for a drone. Everybody must produce something The man who produces what is most needed and most wanted receives zhel largest rewards. As a general rule it is wise to try to produce something of which the supply is scant. In any case, it is prudent to avoid those occupations in which there is already a surplus of the product. For instance, the world is not crying for Lawyers, doc- tors, preachers, or accountants. The so-called professions are overcrowd- ed. There is a large surplus stock of legal advice on the market; also medical advice and of bookkeeping. Consequently the rewards are dimin- ishing. The kind of man that is most plen- tiful in the market is the one who knows no business in particular and wants something in which he can wear good clothes while at work. Tho man most in demand and least plentiful is the one who has had ac- tual experience with some occupation which soils the hands and the clothes and who, at the sante time, has the capacity for planning and directing. A railway manager who has tramp- ed the ties ancl built a trestle, a book publisher who has set type; a lumber dealer who has served as a lumber jack; a contractor who has "measured in" and "checked out"— in a word, the man most in demand and hardest to find is the one who has learned some dine of business from the basement to the 'front of- fice." The men who want to learn a business from the top down are plentiful This is a great industrial era. There aro opportunities for all. Every tan or twenty years the great indus- trial army must be recruited anew. The time has passed when it was not "respectable" to be anything but a "professional man." Science and learning have become the handmaid- ens of the industrial arts. To -day anything is honorable that is done well. Produce something give something to the world, and ihe world will pour its blessing into your lap. 8 200 YEARS IN ONE HOUSE. A cottage tenanted without a break for nearly 200 years by a local fam- ily named Rushton, a reprceeetative of which (Mr. Thomas Rushton) is a colliery manager for tho Earl of Ellesmere was demolished the other clay at Walkden, near Manchester, tho site being required for a new Primi- tive Methodist Chapel. In the early part of last century the cottage, curiously enough, served as a preach- ing place for local Wesleyan Metho- dists and handloom weaving was also carried on in it; it also served as an alehouse in the eighteenth century. THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY. The English language—according to a German statistician who has made a study of the comparative wealth of languages—heads the list with the enormous vocabulary of 260,000 words. German comes next with 50,000 words; then Italian, with 75,000; French, with 130,b00; Turkish. with 22,500; and Spanish, with 20,000. The following note roughed a schoolmaster from a le y's father, in- forming him of the came: of his son's ebsonee from scho .1 the previous clay. .It neurally cause6 some mere raiment and, judging Ir. nt the way he signs the epistle, it in no way flatters him, 'l'he note rein as fol- iates; "Plefase, elcserse '1- numy not being at school yestr'ru:ptr .s he was kept at home to wash—his father," vfrst Shopwalker "Poor old 3 r '3 has completely E Jou lout his r]moat l' re „ m afratcl he tubil lase his job," Second Shoptalk 0 -"Non.- 00tees; lie's. to be transferred to tax complaint dephrtmentl" SICKLY CHILDREN. More children die during the hot Weather months than at any other season of the year, Their vitality is then at its lowest ebb, and an attach of diarrhoea, cholera itfantumt or stomach trouble may prove fatal in a few hours. For this reason no beano in which there aro young oliil- dren should bo without a box of Baby's Own Tablets, which promptly BIG REVIEW BY THE KNIG TO BE HELD IN EDINBURG-I-I, SCOTLAND. His Majesty Wi11 Inspect 40,000 Troops on September 18th. Thu announcement that his Ma- jesty all stomach and bowel tronblea, jesty the !King is to hold a rnvlew of n the Tablets are oto a well volunteers in Edinburgh on Septenl- 1! d they will pr givenevent these cel- bet' 18, has created Intense salisitac- ,ments and keep the little one well beantion all over Scotland, It has long t and strong.Mrs. Joseph T. Pigeon, okno ha that exeLorrting lrimseif I' �' Cranston has been nxertitg hulnsrlf Bryson, Q.ue., says: "My little one to the utmost in order to get his was attacked with colic and chant- Majesty to hold n review Dan 30010- oea, and I found Baby's Own Tablets thing like the scale which Quern Vie - so satisfactory that I would not now toric held in Augest, 1881, when al - he without them in the house."These most 40,000 volunteers were on pa - Tablets not Duly eure summer troll- rade from every bles, bat all tho minor ailments that part of Scotland. afflict infants and young children. The arrangements are in the hands They contain no opiate or harmful of the unilitatllilas' y head -quart -NT in drug, and may be given with equal Scotland, who now occupy spacious safety to the new born baby or well offices in the palatial buildings of the "Scotsman," ARRANGEMENTS ON FOOT, clover It Is believed that the military Tablets" and the four-leaft u er authorities ie Scutland have already with child's head on each leaf is put themselves in connection with found on the wrapper around eac31 the War .011E0 with a view of ante.- 'As you value your child's life twining what allowance is to be do not be persuaded to take a sub- trade toward the expenses of the vol- stitute for Baby's Own Tablets—the unteers who may cavo to the review one medicine that makes children well from a distance. as soon es da - and keeps them well. Said by all finite information has been obtained druggists, or you can get them by upon this point no time will be lost f11 00010100 lent fug wi ill commanders of corps throughout the country. Edinburgh is sure to make at good contribution to the gathering, for it will -he the desire of the brigades of which Lord Provost Cranston is so popular a commander to turn out in such nuullie•s as will demonstrate to A strikingsermon "TheSinof his Majesty how admirably he has se t on on r interpreted the feeling of the volun- Hazard," was delivered a fete San- tears of the capital. All over Scot - grown child. There are imitations of this medicine and mothers should see that the words "Baby's Own mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. 'Williams' Medicine 0,e., Brockville, Ont. THE EVILS OF GAMBLING. An Appeal to King to Use His Influence Against It. days ago at the City Temple, Lon- don, liiwgland, by the Rev. R. J. Campbell. The preacher speko of the unhealthy the day will be observed as a geu•r- desire to gamble which too often nc- al holiday. This well mean et influx companiecl our national sports end even our indoor pastimes.The sin of people to the capital on a scale of hazard was, in his opinion, one of which will help to make up for tate the most outstanding of our nation- lack of visitors recently complained al vices, and one which every serious- of. The various railways twill un - minded patriot must feel tensa doubtcd1 offer tempting fau:ilities menace to the well-being of the conn -I which trill insure an Immense at tend- munity and to our Imperial destiny. ancc of snectaturs. It will provide, The gambling evil had penetrated to too, another cif the too rare 0ppor- the highest grades of our social life. {Amities which people from every to our commercial life, and to our • Part of Scotland linve of testifying sports, but the most regrettable fee- how 1 ocular his Majesty is among tura of all was the way in. which his Scoitieh suh,iects, the desire for gambling had spread HELP VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT, to the lower classes, among whom The review will also limit to infuse the 'copper book -maker" and the now life into tine wc1'uttem, infuse small moneylender had firmly estab- molt, which in Scotland, as in some Balled themselves, regard to gambling in society, Parts of Evolved, has rather sniffer- WithMr. Campbell could only say that if ed in popularity within recent years half the stories which were told as the reeult of what, tightly or about the sums of money lost and won wrongly, is regarded as • the want at "bridge" among the upper classes of genuine practical interest on the were true, they formed a very eiil part of the war office. It is not portent for the furure of the race. It yet known whether the Queen is 10 was only fair to say that there was nt'coospany the King, but if his Ma- to -day a healthier feeling among tilt: 1 _ -ti 15 accomponiod by his royal highest grades of society than exist- ctns0rt, this will clay lend additi5n- ed in the eighteenth century, for in- al eclat to what lute every prospect stance, when statesmen of the high- of beim,: a memorable nccesian i0 est rank gambled away their •entive Scottish history. Unfortunately the fortune. Still, it was to the upper ]est review took place on what was classes of society that the country 0110 of the wettest cloys on record. naturally looked for an example, and But he the weather what it may this it was to be regretted that the sin time, there is no doubt but there will of hazard was nnaulfest ad in s0 be plenty of ee iesiarsm on the oc- casion of the Kia1r's visit, and it will. not be surprising if the muster of volunteers at the t•evh'w exceeds even the great gathering which manyphases of activity which were mlarched past Queen Victoria in not ordinarily described as gambling, 1881. but which partook of that characte, AFFAIR 15 IN GOOD 1TAXTOS. and which were certainly examples of Genarr»1 Sir 1'. Tur'h.ee• is not the the sin of hazard. Speculation in man to leave n»ytlting violent, that ninny of its forms was merely a de- Is calculated ad to eu::.11 0 the sncress of sire on the part of sore person or the lculaI and enc.+ he returns to Persons to get rich quickly.- 'This desire was in itself essenti;tlly it h1,au.ryaarter5 in I'.dmntit,f_:n from his Uet,r of the Scottish tobuetecrs Ito thus• because, it added bumpy, t0 t;bunt' will be lost in peehi..g forward the wealth of the community' but the needful arrangements. land the same feeling is believed to prevail. curd there is general expecta- tion that lbroughout the country marked a manner in connection with the game of "bridge," AN APPEAL TO Tihin NINt . In our commercial life there were merely acquired for one Mau what might he looked upon as belonging to other people. With all respect, continued the pes- ter, he desired to adcl a word con- cerning the influence which Mi_ht 1.e exercised by the Xing. 1 -lis Majesty was touch 'loved by his people; 11e had proved himself worthy of the postion, and had rightly earned fol' himself the title of "the peacemaker of the world." If the King would exert his great influence in separating gambling from sport, and in dis- countenncing what was essentially evil, and encouraging whnt was es- sentially good, a very much more healthy impulse might bo given to tho sports of the nation. PAVEMENT OF SKULLS, Owandu, a town in Africa, con- tains between 10,000 and 15,000 in- habitants, and is surrounded by a palisade of poles, the top of every pole being crowned by a human skull. There are six gates, and the approach to each is laid with a pavement of human skulls, the tops being the only parts that show above -ground. More than 2,000 BEMUSES OF FAMOUS NAVIES, The "1.0.10011 Dire, tory' shows that .10-11n Bunyan is a gegen-groe'r; John Milton keep., 0 chandler's shop; eoarta-hu31.1"r, and a watchmaker each beast of the name of 1 111'am Shak'ept•are; while Charles Ilicicens is a Peeler idaker. WRONG SORT. Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes and Bread May be Against You for a Time. A change to the night kind of food can lift 0110 from a side bad. A lady in Weldon, 111., says: "I.,ast spring I became bed -fast with severe stomach trouble a.ccom- pauied by sick headnrhe. I got worse and worse until 'f became so low I could scarcely retain any food at all, although 1 tried every kind. I had -become completely discour- aged, had given up all hope and thought l: was doomed to starve to death, till ono day my husband try - skulls aro used in the pavement ing to Ilei something I could retain, leading up to each gate. The pave- brought home some Grape -Nuts, ment is of snowy whiteness, polished to the smoothness of ivory by the "To my surprise the food agreed with me, digested perfectly, and daily passage of hundreds of naked without distress. I began to gain feet, strength at once, my flesh (Which had 1:,een- flabby) grew firmer, my health unproved in every way and every day, and in a vary low weeks .1 gained 20 pounds tit weight, 7 lilted Crape -Mats so well that for 4, months 7 ate no other food, and al- ways felt as well satisfied after eat- ing as if I had sat down to a fine --- r --`-,^- WANTS A HUNDRED MILLION. Lord Kitchener has asked 8100,- 000,000 100;000,000 for the erection of barracks and military centres alorng the In- dian frontier. The Indian army exists, he says, only to repel a Iln;,- sian invasiat, and is not a police ba 71 j1tl no return of the miserable force to preserve British suprcnacyl " among the natives in India. There..- sink stomach nor of the headaches, fore, ho proposes to change alto- I (hat. I nw'd to have when I ate gothm' the system on which i:hc,othen food. T am now a well Wo - runny has been prepared for mobil matt, doing all my' awn wog: ngaun, anon. and real at lira is worth living. "Grape -Nuts fond Iles been a god- send 10 any family; 11', surely saved "'haat do yott think of our new my life and my two little boys have oil painting?" asked Mfrs, Newrirh. thriven on it: wonrlorfttlly," Name "Will answered Mr, Nowriah It given by 1oftum Co., Rattle Creek, seems good enough front the front Minh. but if you turn it round and look at the other side I must say the ma- terial saves kind a' cheap, There's a renson. Get the little hook, "Tho Ptoacl to Weliville," in each pkg. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR WOMEN DAME BRADETTE CURED OF ALL PIER PAINS BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, Suffered for Years Before She Found Quick Relief in the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. St. ]lose do 11ogele, Teutisemtta Co., Rue., Aug. 21—tSpecial).—Suf- fering t('omea till over Canada will Peed with feelings of Interest and re- lief the experience of Dams' Amedoe ilradetto of this place. "1t gives into pleasure to he able to tell," says Dame ilradotte, "that I am cured of all the ills I suffered for a number of years. I found in Dodd's ISidncy Pills quick relief from all my pains, I only had to tako one !lox to bring back my health, and In five months J. have had no return of my trouble," Thnse troubles known only to 110- tnen always spring from disordered Kidneys. 'rhe female argnns are en- tirely .dependent on the Kidneys, Dosd's Kidney Pills never fall to rape the Kidneys. That is why they always bring health, strength and cheerfulness to weak, rue -down, suf- fering women AUNTY GLEN'S CURE. How the Old Lady Got Rid of a Dreadful Headache. Tommy Ponteroy's pneumonia led to a discussion at the scwitlg-club between an advocate of mustard plasters and n believer in cold -water applications. "What a variety of cures there are," recanted Miss Everett, pleas- antly, with a meaning leak at the others. "Yesterday I heard of the 'laughing cure'!" "Indeed!" The minister's wife hastened to help in steering cnnver- sat101l away from the belligerents. "You've kept yourself so young, Mrs. Olein, you nest have something interesting to contribute on cur, s," l The old lady thus addressed was a recent comer, hat it was gradual- ly dawning on the community that they had a saint among them—one of the unobtrusive, happy, healthy hind. Children 11010 already calling her "Aunty Glen." "Do yon believe in mustard?" de- manded the determined advocate. "For those that it benefits, yes," said Mrs. Olen, gently. "But tell us how you have kept l well," hastily interposer! ]hiss Ever- ett. ".1 don't mind telling, but T guess you'll think it's n funny hind of cln'e," Mrs. Glen replied, with a smile, "Once, years ago, I had a dreadful headmeho. I hadn't slept l a wink the night before—I was grieving about a friend that hadni't 11.0100 ane right. - "1 was Net brooding away, going over and over in my mind what I'd stay to Mehl Label Ilocord some day, When I saw that a lig grudge was growing right up inside of me, 'Nov,' said I to myself, 's'pose Me- lrittihel llecoril 010 really do 11, is that a reason Wiry you should grow a grudge?' "so r set right about forgiving her as hard as I could, and pretty soon I just loved Mehitabel Rceo'd, no matter what she'd done." The needles wore motionless. The speaker, although flushing uncler the gaze of In1n,V eyes, continued: "Anel when I'rl thoroughly for- g'iveu 110111tahel—why, my headache 'fres gone, nett T felt nice all over. It set.. me to thinking. After that, whenever 1' had an echo or pain, I prau'tised going away by myself and forgiving some one. Ie worked won- derfully." "J)Id yon always lave some one," asked the minister's wife, softly, "to prnetis; on?" "Deay me, no!" said Aunty Clea. "Ev,:rybody's always treat- ed m0 so Mee, T ran out of folks to forgive long ego." "IL'ov did you matinge your 'euro' than" "O?h, along about the same time I ran out of aches and pains, too. I haven't lost a flay in heel in forty- five years." There was a pause. Miss Everett, with shining eyes, broke the silence: "Ladies, I move a vote of thanks to—to dear Aunty ('glen, for a bit of very deep and very dear philoso- phy. And I move, also, that we adopt her cure and practise it — with mustard plaster or without, as each one likes." LAW AND Tun QTJEEN, The legal position of Queen Alex- andra is very curious, So far' as her private business is concerned, she is not regarded by the laws and cus- toms or England as a married wo- man at all.. She is the only woman in Groat Britain who does not come !Within the scope of the Married Wo- man's I'rope'ty Act, The idea of the law is that affairs of State con- sume all the time of the icing, anti, therefore, no responsibility Tor the Queen's private business- rests upon him. If the ,Queen contracted debts in her husllaad's name, ha would not be responsible for then as any other husband would, The King cannot be sued for debt, hitt tho Q,ueon can be, Should the !Ging die, some au- thorities hold that the Queen could not 01111(y again, in case she wished to do so, without the special license and commission of the King's sue- CCaN01', There xtre only three national holi- days in Japan. .Taal .at P lary 1 is one then and t birthday o 01 1 he ]t la f the y reigning n Emperor, In t >t November 'ird .is n anoilur, Ilut February lit t h is the greatest of the three dates, for it 1s the anniversary of the coronation of the first Emperor Jhnmu, Results from common soaps; eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. 1£3.I1;EIGJCES EXPEIMS 4.I1 rot the (orfalran l:nr A PROSPEROUS SOCIETY. How the Independent Order of Foresters Inas Grown, Tho Supremo Court of the Indepen- dent Order of Foresters held its triennial session. at Atlantic City, New ,Jersey, recently. The reports submitted at this meeting show the society to be a wonderfully prosper- ous one. An Independent Finance Committee investigated all tho secur- ities, et c., alnd reported that they found the business affairs of the or - clot, managed in a thoroughly busi- ness manner, the investments safely and wisely made, and that no losses had been incurred during all the years of the order's history. The order's accumulated funds have in- creased in the last three years $3,- 272,845,51-. The or'der's position is growing better every year, for instance, the increase in accumulated assets during the last two years, 100:3-4, was 34.34 per cent., while the increase in insurance at risk during, the sumo period was only 6.97 per Cott. The order has increas- ed its accumulated funis silsee the last meeting of the Suprone Court more rapidly than it increased in any equal time previously. During the 318 working clays of the year the order pays out $8,892,89 per day, and each day puts away a surplus of $3,907. The order's accumulated funds now amount to Over $9,000,- 000, and these, the committee re- torts, are all well and safely invest- ed. Tho society has added 11,000 members net for each ,year of the Pest triennial period. No changes ve•o mode in the rates, the Supreme Chief hanger contending that the 'Mee of the order at the present time were ample. All the Supremo Executive were re- elected, with Ron. Dr. Oronhyatol.ha at their lead. It should be added that the death rate of the order is low, indeed much lower than it was cone :veers ago, and the average age of the membership is only thirty- seven. The medical work seems, tlterefo'e, to be well and carefully lone. As a fraternal society - the Tndepcnden t Order of Foresters cer- tainly has het n a wonderful rilCCess, cul sonleLhfug of its financial strength may - bo understood from he fact that the reports show that t Inas already ('Hough in its treasury to pay all probable cleath claims for about five years without collecting any-Kerallns froul any one of its members,—Toronto Globe, August 1.5. BAD FOOD WHOLESALE. Tens of It Destroyed Monthly in the Metropolis. It. appears .from the monthly re- port of the medical officer of health 'or the city of London, England, that in tho fou' weeks dealt with 110 less than 810 tons of anent were con- temned as unfit for human fool, of which 145 tons were imported frozen -modem. Of the whole, 1308 tons are described as "putrid." The total number of sateen's Lunde was 8;106, and in more than 1,000 cases snlcs- nen were the first: to call attention to the quality of the food. Other produce intended for human con- sumption. oosunaption, but seized and condemned during the four weeks. included:— One and a half tons of st.rawber- rias, Ono and a half tons of damsons. One and a half tons of fruit and peas. One ton or more of blackberries and plums. On one day the inspectors seized 1,200 tins of pines, infixed fruits, sal- mon, lobster, and sardines, and on another 1,400 tins of condensed milk, Use the safe, pleasant end effectual worm hiller, Mother (craves' Worm 'ex- terminator; nothing- equals it, Procure a bottle and take it home. "It is a positive delight to meet a man you feel you can trust," re- marked the individual with 'he high forehead, "Oh, 1 don't know! I prefer a man who pays cash," re- plied the mal who kept tho grocer's shop. Meeker—Say, old chap, I'm in beastly bad hack; need money badly and haven't the least idea where I can got it. l:iaxter—Well, I'm glad to hear that --I thought perhaps you had an idea you could touch me for it. "It must be awful," remarked a gushing young girl, ''!lover to have a chance 10 marry." "Yes; but not nearly so beet as to have had a chance and let it sl.lpl" said the lady of uncertain age. LAC WHOTE aro not more dip'crent Ulan tho old fashioned bulk or package tens, and the Carefully Crown 'l'horoug!1ly Cured and Properly Packed .g -p7 raxr' `rte+'': .=7D Zs For sale by all live grocers. tv 7 Lr.µµ. 11 A A telegrapher Darns from $540.00 to $1800.00 a year. no you? If not, let us qualify you to do so. Our free telegraph book explains everything. Write fox it to -day. B. w. SOMMERS, Principal. DOMINION 80110010f TE1E RRPNY sAdelulde St. L'0 t, Toronto, Ont. Montiou Lille paper. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, July, August and September the Chicago and North Western Pty, will sell from Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to San hrancisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Ore. (Lewis Clarke Excursion), Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very IoW rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of rotates, hest of train ser- vice, favorable stopovers end liberal return limits, Rates, folders and fall 1nfcrelation can he obtained from 13, 7t, Bennett, General Agent, 2 'East Xing St., Toronto, Ont. 31 3)ISC RACEFUI, 'DEFICIENCIES. It is a disgrace— To half do things. To be lax, indolent, indifferent, Nut to develop your possibilities. To do poor, slipshod, blotched work. 1'o give bad example to young people. To have crude, brutish, repulsive manners. To live a half-life when a whole life is possible. Not to be scrupulously clean in person and surroundings. To ac'nnowlodge a fault and make 110 effort to overcome it. To be ungrateful to friends and to those who have helped tis. '1'o go through life a pygmy w)ten. Nature intended you for a giant. To kick over the ladder upon which WO have climbed to our posi- tion. 'l'o be grossly ignorant of the cus- toms and usages of good society. She—"Yen any you aro devoted to art: What is tho particular art that you love best?" IID—"Thou art.' They art. Om etully Prepared. -Pills which dissipate themselves In the stom- ach cannot he expected to have mull;, effect upon the inteslinen, and to over- come costiveness the medicine adminis- tered mutat influence the action of these canals. Parmelee's Vegetable P111s aro so :natio, mole: the supervision of ex- perts, that the •substance in them in- tended to operate on the intestines is retarded to tuition until they pass through aha stoma., to the bowels. ANTIIROPOMIIITRIC SURVI11Y. "In my opinion," said tho Duke of Devonshire, "the report of the can- mess1on has not received from the public all the attention it deserves." Ile suggested a systematic anthropo- metric survey. Speaking for the Government, Lord Lansdowne gave the assurance that the report, should not be pigeon- holed and forgotten, 13u,further en- quiry and investigation wwere neces- sary before e great many at tho re- commendations could be taken up. A Small 1'111, but Powerful,—They that Judge of the powers of a pill by Its size, would consider Parl11elee's Vegetable Pills to bo lacking. It is a IltIle wonder among pills, What -it lacks 1n sire it makes up 1n poi en. The remedies which 1t carries are ptit up In these small doses, because they aero so powerful hart only small doses are required. Thu full strength of the extracts Is secured In this form and do their work thoioughly. REMARKABLE BOOK, The Prince de Llgno is the fortu- nate possessor of perhaps the most curious book in the world. It is neither ,printed nor written. The letters- of the book are all cut out of vellum and pasted on blue paper. The book is as easy to road as if printed from the boiclest type, Alt the characters are opt out with ma'vellous precision and untiernliter, and this dexterous piece of handi- craft must -have required a groat amount of titno, labor and patience by the author. The volume hears the title "Tho Dook of all Passions of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with characters not composed of alis tna- te'ial." It is said that in 1.640 the Garman Emparo•, Rudolph II., offer- ed the enorm008 sen of 11,000 du- cats for this wonderful, but yet curi- ous, work of art:. Whet mattes the history of the boort more peculiar is the fact that the English arms are inscribed upoli it, although the book is supposed never to have been in England, ' RiNG IT IN, "Ite mane quite alittle speech when he proposed last night," con- fided [felon, blushingly. "Sort of a ringing speech, I pre- sume?" laughed Katherine, noticing the glitter on her chum's -hand, MAILS BY SICV-11;0CTCPIP, Perhaps the most unusual way of v gin r made is that nolo !ted for Belie 1 k f the islands of the '1.'on- one o a the alb 'e group In e f'a f v, tvh t'o the danger of approaching ins'hoe, ren- ders it 0t.eonnary 1,+1' Ila 1115.,1 Meant., (!r to 5)510 a Sky-i'Io el I11 ". , (:.t.man, A' keeps -'ALiC 31VA41tYlIODY-- 17151;0 tee psbens or pet8 s1oull so 800 at once and got the hest practice Information1tt',and latest nears abou poultry and pct Steel( keeping, every hark 1f not satisfied. Agents wanted, month for the next 10 -months, tlibney Address, I'oilitry News, Owen Sound, Superfluous Nah' Permanently Remo While traveling In Mexico 1 discover- ed a drug which removes hair trent face, arms, neck, or any part of the body blatantly and permanently s$' will send to any one afflicted without any expense but a postage stamp. Don't judge my treatment by uneuoeoss fel attempts of others, 1 have suffered. for yeai'd with ill is agitation and ntiW my 11fe's work is to !help others fro1n this humiliating trouble, My trem- meta is easy and accomplished at home, and 1 will forfeit, 5500 1f It fails 1,0 remove hair. Don't suffer longe'. 11e• lief is now yours for the asking. Write now lest you forget my address. 1/01t0Tf10 ISLA 118, 1815 North 8ix- teeltll Street, Philadelphia, Pa, � ARM AT AlUliall-, ALµi"r"1'A. '1 2598 acres -2y ninon north 91 Ualgo.ry; 3 miles from Airdrie railway,. depot; convenient to church, school., stores, etc.; epicndidly situated; 111 511 - licent 110,v; first-class soil; good water sgpply; up-to-date improvements; well- built house of eight rooms, fitted with ate modern conveniences and drainage system; stable, cattle sheds, bugexq shad, workshop, corrals, etc.; gooqd fences, all new and substantial; will ,1,e 50111 as a going concern, with stoe , crops, machinery, tools and house fy - nishings• this farm is all plowable, and is especially adapted forrowing hard fall wheat and for mixed farming. ISBI particulars on .application to Gray Bros., Aardric, Alla. CLEANING LADIES ... WALK1Ma OR OUTING SUITS Oen bo done perfectly by oar French Proem. Try 10 aelrlse AMERICAN 0Y0)N0 03, t1ONTRLN, TORONTO, OTTAWA A QIIEn1)0 MU SI'TY. Pearl—"I hear that Jeanette and Harry were about the softest couple that were ever married in this town." Ruby—"I sholld say so. Why, they were so soft 1lint. their friends boiled the rice before they threw it at them." Very ninny persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might havo been saved If proper remedies hall been used. If attached do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. 11. Kellogg's -Dysentery Cordial,. the modielno that never falls to effect a cure. Those who have used 1t say it acts promptly, and thoroughly. subdues the pain and disease. James—"When I'm 01111ng I never know what to do with my hands and feet?" Jhns—"0110' your hand to the girl, and use your feet to got away from hew father." Have you tried llolloWay's Corn Cure? It tuts no equal for removing these troublesome coccreeences as matny More teetlllud Who have tried It, "is that a birthmark elf your friend's forehead?" "No; that's a laundry mark," "A laundry mark. Ilow odd?" "Not so very, His wife hit him with a fiat -iron." Laver's Y-% (Wise I1ead) disinfect+ ant Soap Powder dusted In the hath, softens the water and disin, tecta, bfavis—"Anel so you aro going to marry :Ferdinand atter 'all. You've chosen hint out of all the legions of suitors you used to have?" Avis— "Yes, he was the only one who pro- posed, and I decided that a Irerdin- antt was worth two in tho hush."• It le an Officer of tile •LaW 01 ,VOLU h; —When caller) 1n to attend a disterb- ance it nearch05 out the 11101155g-plae0•of palit, and fine ,s (, v:u•dinn of 1110 (10000, bays"hands span ft and say0, 'I a19'ewb yO(1.' Resistance is unclose, as the law of health inrilo1On n ono Lance of perpetu- al banishment on pain, and Dr, Tom- as' Cleetriu Oil was originated to so - 1010o that sentence. Mrs, Casey—An' wot he ye gait' to inake of yci• boy, Mike?" Mrs, O'Toole—Well, we intincled film for a hocicarricr, like his pa, but pito bye's aim was so good at MUM.' scabs w.d bricks while the last strike teas dl', that now Titn is goin' to have hint trail for a hall player. 1 ewe- .89 , 1U1 fHf 31838' Whoaspfurhg Cough The children seem to catch whooping cough eaelly in the summer Wino when it is always so in11011 harder to get rel of. Shiloh's Consurn 4llrtion Cur Th.:en, 1vd11 cure them gttioltly. 'there is no ihmrleus drug in it and 16 is pleasant to take. At l s too cud bottle; ,,,rddru ists2a , tB1.alnlett 1 CS , , gpyppry 101.- ps.�mxn..mr ISSU7G '10, 04-04 t: