HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-7, Page 5Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th, ELLIOTT AdaIS• TORONTO, ONT. g Don, Totten AND ALBUM= STs. q8� Ono of the largest and best coin ram- R: dal schools in the Dominion, All of our graduates are absolutely aura of scouring Lb t ons . Strong stuff of touhors,modora auses • epto did very equipment, strident magnificent eutlefled, write for our maguldaout otiLatogn0. Addroel1— W, J, ELLIOTT, Prinolpel. c ii".� $ i'ri,Zai TRAIN UP A CHILD And when up soul him or her to L/STOWEL • A 'form °pons April 1144, 1904 Twa oouxseo— Commeroialand Shorthand. Send for College Journal. p� A. L. MoINTYRE,, �/Mau ago r..�\C cY=. gket li?ecat MEDICAL CARDS, DR. R. A. BURNS— _ Successor to Dm J. A. McNaughton ,Brussels, Ontario Graduate of Polyolinio Pod Graduate School of Medicine and Surgery, New York Member of 0011ege of Phyeiolane and Sur• geode of Ontario. Offoo and residence some aa formerly oc- cupied c- ° ➢[90022000 of women a specialty. No, 21, BUSINESS CARDS, ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER lbl cent, F.0, SCOTT, MINORS. NA7H. MoORACKEN— • Issuer of Marriage Licensee. Ol• doeat Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. 111ARMB FOR SALE—TH E UN nBnaroNRa hae several good ,arms 101. sale and G100. easy thrum, soonTT Bru 0018 C. 0. F. Court Priueeee Alexandria, No. 24,0.0. F., Brussels meets in their Lodge Room, Blas - hill Block, on the zud and last Tuesdays of each month, at8 o'clock. Vieltiug brethren always Welcome. AAPl. OOIILLISH, UBGESS. R. S. M• MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI INO1RANen, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, WINGHAIVI Buoinees College PARENTS, YOUNG MISS, YOCNO WOMEN, WA21 17P to the foot that a knowledge of Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewrit- ing is an equipment for encoose In life, Ao an investment it pay0 a dividend every day in the year, There le Ino time like the PRESENT. Im- prove the pr000ut and you assure in the future, Enter NOW, an deono a thorough h tral nin gg will o either of 012 dermal= aveues a, thatw pave the business uvonuoe euuoeaefully for you. Tondo and further information eheorlully giver, by °aillug or wrlblog, 6120, 8POTTON, 14. BnOfNAL1 PLBTOmnR, President, lrinelpal. 12 years teething experieuee. AUCTIONEERS. i0txx.ct sgebos. ForelwiCh. The cheese for the first ha!f of Aug. net was shipped, 11o. being the price reoeived, Geo. Wilson, who has been working in the Flour Mill eiuoe Mr, Hamilton took possession of it, bee seoured a lucrative position in Listowel as seoond miller with the Meyers Milling Co. On Friday evening in the Epworth League Rev, Jae. Hussar delivered an address on "The Life of Women in India" dealing with intently, obildbood, ooartahip. marriage, and old age". The monthly collection woe taken in the interests of the Forward Movement". 1-1 S. SCOiTTPASil °Ar NPAUCTIONetter prices, - . better myon in less time and leas charges than e won't ebnoge anything. other Auctioneer Esin teeennduor dema re canea always ys be arranged at this office or by ROBT. H. GARNISS BLVEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. galea arranged for at the office of Tan Poem, Brueeele, 22tf VETERINARY. George Brown, Grey township, deliver• ed to W. 0.11Idd at Listowel a live year old draft gelding that woo opo of the finest horses of hie ohms 11141 has ever been raised in this eeotion. Ile wee a finely formed horse, sound in every re. Bard and brougbt the handsome prioo of $290. .H.,ttlrtow eel. An Old Boys' Association will be held here next Bummer. The Kindergarten of the Pablia School will be held in the morning. Tenders for the new cement aide• walks were let to Adam and Andrew Gabel at 10 oents per agaare foot. J. A. and Mrs. Halstead, of Mount Forest, annonnae the engagement or:their daughter, Edith M., to George J. Reid, Monet Forest. The wedding will take place in ()Weber. The departure from town of J. D. Horn, head miller for The Meyers Mill. ing & Elevators, Limited, io mnob re• gretted by his many friends. Mr. Horn hae aooepted a position with the Hedley - Shaw Milling 00., whose bead oMo°e are in Toronto, with mills at Thorold, St. Catharines and other pointe. 1101Y TO BILL A COLD. No easier or more pleaoaut way than to inhale "Catarrhozone"—it stops the cold instantly, clears the noetrile end ante out the phlegm. Try Oatarrhozone yourself. GA. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all Ma- ssed of domeetloated animals (in a oompet- ant manner. Parti0alar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. Calle andIufirmar -Four domeptly attended North of bridge,to.° Turubetry et,, Brueeele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ASB. biAODONALD— 1010, Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, eaoeee0or 10 G. F. Blair. Ot11oe 0000 Stan- dard Sunk. Brussels. Solicitor Ior Metro- politan Batik. WM. SINCLAIR— • bile,Barrister, O0lee—St wart Blooli Notary Pnbllo, 1 door North of 0eStral Hot004 B Solicitor for the Standard Bank, ptIOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRI8TDR8, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, EMO. R U• Have W. Pn000sroom,GG. F• BLAIR. Offices—Those former y occuHolpied by Meads CommonGOD1B101, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY LeLLUb olr y. [Intended for loot week,] Harvest le a thing of the poet in this neighborhood. Alex. Gardiner is some better again We are pleaoed to state. Porter and Llyod Dennis Sandaled with friends in Dublin. Several from bare will go West this Fall on the Harvest Bxoueion. John O'Connor and wife, of Dublin, visited blonde in tbie part on Sunday. Peter Robinson has porobaeed "Flying Sid," a etylioh driving horse from Jae. Rea. Mies Mabel Davidson, who has been visiting in Seaforth for two weeks, ie home. Peter Gardiner hid hie boggy ex• changed, an old one being lett in its piece in Brussels the day of the roots. It was no mistake. Samuel MoPhereon ie improving hie dwelling by building a new kitoben and ve0eeriog the house, Thee, Newsome, of Brunetti, does the frame work, It is reported ibat John Orow)ord will sell hie property in Manitoba and take over his fathers farm on the 14th line, We would welcome John book again. John and Mrs. Dundee are home from Toronto, where be was having an opera- tion performed on 11)8 eyes. Mies Alioe Derides, who has been laid up fora long time with a broken leg, is around again WO are glad to state. Walton. [Intended for last week.] Mrs. Wm. Beet ie visiting iriende in Walton this week. Mr. Young assisted by Mr. Webb, both of Seatortb, took the serviette on Walton circuit of Methodist church the last two Sundays. Rev. A. W. and Mies Dever paid a fly ing visit to Walton on Monday. Rev, Dever was a former pastor of Walton Methodist oharoh and their many friends were glad to see them. Word received from Rev. R. S, Baker, who with Mrs. Baker is visiting relatives in Wyoming, states that ha le just re- oovering from a severe though short bit- gees, and expecte to be with his 0ongre• gation again on Sept. 10th. The illustrated stories, song(' and mov ing picture entertainment given by Messrs. Robineon and Ooroteh in Duff's chetah last Thursday was the beet of its kind ever given here. The pictures were excellent and exceptionally distinct, and Rev. Mr. Robinson au singer and reader delighted hie audience. Mise Aggie McDonald also sang a solo during the entertainment. DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of • the Royal College of Dental Surgeon°.of Ontario and tPlret.olase Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next ti Brewer PhotoBRUSSELS. Gallen', ===11,14t3c4t,:si=3„.as d1JJ%�'j/�////�J� CEPSTRAL 9'1 RATFORD. ONT. Tho bargeet Buoinoso and Short - 11.1 PF courses aro, thorough r andE prnoEioal Le 4f Teaching to done by oxporloucod in - VD etrudtere, 'Whore is no bettor School in the Dominlou. El U ITI NLB,GII3Mntr NOw,SEOV1tE 1208• a El' *rite for our free data1°811e, elft t 'BLLIO1'12 4 MOLAO LAN, d9 Prinoipale, iii 3L,3' THAT PALO, TIRED 4111110. She is in moiety, in bushing, at home, everywhere you sae her, bat always worn and fatigued. She hasn't beard of Ferro zone or she would be perfectly well, How quickly it strengthens—what an appetite it gives—What a glow it brings to pallid °beaks! The nutriment eon• Woad in Ferrozone pots strength into anybody. Laughing eyes, rosy lips, bright gelok movements all tell of the vitality of Ferrozone. Thousands of at - Emotive happy women use Ferrozone— Why not you? A box of fifty ob000iate coated tablets ooete flfby Dente at any drag store, .A.twoott. A. M. Sweeten was at St. Catharines attending the meeting of the I. 0. F. High Court. Little Eunice Knox ie now a 'sufferer from an attaok of fever. It is thought to be of a mild type. ?high Riol.mond lost a valuable horse last week by having its leg broken. 31 is the third horse Mr. Riohmond hoe loot this year. V. Ioerger, of Listowel, bee leased hie hotel property in Atwood, the Elma House, to a Mr. Grundenbnrg, of Strat- ford, wbo take° immediate poeseesion. The anniversary services of the Bap. ties Church, Mural], Atwood, will be held in the oharoh here on Sunday, Sept. 10tb, when Rev. Mr. Bunt, of Spring - ford, will preach at 8 p. m. and 7 p. m. On Monday evening following the For. oigu Mieeionary meeting will be held. A. C. Robertson, of Reston, eon of J. G. Robertson, Atwood, was recently presented with an appreciative addreee and a handsomely engraved Waltham gold watch, beautifully ineoribed on the inside. The inotdent was paused by Albart's leavieg for Brandon, Man., and the presentation wag a joint one of the Sabbath Sobool, town end community. 431yoh. J. E. Moser and W. E. Oampbell have returned to Winnipeg. Blyth end Lnoknow baseball teams met in the letter village on Tuesday of !net week and Blyth won by a more of 22 to 18. Mies Kirkby hae resigned from the Marling staff of Blyth public oohool. The reeignatioo will take effect on Oo• tober 1st. The toast tax rate will be 18 mills on the dollar with 5% added if not paid be- fore Deo. 16111. Samuel Westlake will be Oolleotor. T. H. and Mre. Aebbnry, of Oakville, have been spending a week in the village, renewing old;friendo, who were glad to meet him again. While here Mr. Aeh• bury disposed of his 80•aore farm in Morrie, adjoining Blyth, to Robert Wigbtman, of Beet Wawanosh. The prioe paid wee $4,800. Eighteen people left Blyth station on Friday morning, Aug. 25th for Western Oanada points. Among those who left were Harvey and Mrs. Longman, John F. Nivine, J. 0. Rose, David Taylor, W. Logan, Adam Owning, John Dingwall, Robert Stalker, George O'Conner, Albert Taylor, Amble Campbell. Joseph Lawson and Frank Stalker. The majority of them have gone West for the purpose of helping with the great harvest. Molesworth. The briokloyere are bully at Jno. White's new house and have it well on the way. Stewart Broa, have invented a sheaf loader which promises to be a great su0- nese. They tested it the other day at Geo. Elliott'°. Mrs. David Bowe underwent an open. ation for the removal of a owner and is doing nicely, We hope to hear of bet speedy recovery. Mr, Putney has improved the house be recently purobaeed by having it clap. boarded.. When he gets it painted he will have a fine reeideuoe. Samuel Sangster intends thoroughly overheating hie etableo and making them up•to•date, He ham purehaeed 40 barrels of raiment to complete the work. Joseph McDonald and George Brown attended the sale of imported draft fillies held by W. D. Flat in Hamilton. They mob bought filly, two and three years old, which will make a valuable addition to their breedieg stook. They are pure bred Clydesdale stook, registered. What might have boon a aeriona Roof. dent 000urred while Mrs. T. McDonald and two boye were out driving, whon one of the wheels Dame off the baggy, amusing the horse to ran away, The comments all jumped out °soaping without any rodeos injury, baa the rig woo badly damaged. alk Are you going to take advantageof "Big our Value in T's ?" Come at an early date and get a sample of our Special Values. We think we can give you a closer price on a Ten Pound Package of "T" than you can get from the so-called "Tea Pedlar " 110 0. Davies iSt13 WCo. ETH E L. Nioholeoo bee not yet decided what he will do but may build another dwelling. Mae. L. Treaoy met with an aooident, and Estrange to say, it was after she had retired to rest. She had 000asion to reach oat of bed for something, and being nearer to the edge than she thought, else fell to the floor, with the result that her caller bone was broken. Uufortonstely, she MS alone but she managed to get to the door and willed for help. Some per - eon passing by aroused the neighbors and a physician was summoned. W inaham. September 28 and 29 are the dates of Wiugbam Fell Fair. Rev. W. Lowe will close his inaam- benoy of St. Paul's by Barvoot Thanks- giving services, on Sunday, Sept. 17. John R. Clark will leoture in the Methodist church on Monday evening, Sept. 11111, on "To and fro in London." R. H. Crowder is having a change made in the interior of the etore be 000apiee. The elevated floor at the rear of the store is being placed on a level with the front floor. Rev. Wm. Lowe, rector of Bt. Paul's Anglioen Church, Wingham, wbo has been appointed rentor of St. Matthews' Church, London, was on Friday evening presented by L. 0. L. No. 794 with a in of the Orange Grandne. He ie the s Lodge of Ontario West, Wm. Niohoieon, oontraotor, sold hie residence on the Biaevale road to Walter Patterson, fireman at the Union Fnrni• tare factory. Mr. Pntter0on will get poeseeeioo in the near Inters, and move his family from Blaevale bare. Mr. The Sabbath School pio-nio at Sur,. shine In Mr. Martin's woods, Friday Aug, 26+h, was a deoidea onooeoe The' dry wee Ilan and about 1.80 p, In, over 126 of the ehi'dren and friends of tbe Sabbath School aeoembled. Foot ball,j ra000, game, swinging and elegies were heartily pertiuipated in and enjoyed after which 10e 0002111, lemonade, oalse, pie and oandwinb were freely served. Bvnryone seemed to enjoy to the fullest extents the afternoon's outing in the woods. The memos of the 000asion was largely due to the efforts of the enberprieiog Superio• Janet Hood, nt les tendent, M $1,000 REWARD Per TAM or incurable conetlpallon. Toa person who can't be oured of constipation by Dr. Hamilton's Pille, the above reward will bo paid. No int bbartio medioine giver] each lasting eatie• (notion or effeote snob marvellous cures as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Relief 1mme• diately follows for headaohe, biliooenese end 01Om0Oh disorder°, No griping pains, no burning oeooatiouo, nothing but the most pleasant relief attends the use of Dr, Hamilton's Pills—others not so good. Prioe 26o. a box at all dealers THIS I0EDICEI'E IS BREATHED. That's why it ie sure to Dore Oatarrh. You see it goes direot to the Bonne of the disease,—its healing vapor repairs the damage caused by catarrhal Milani. motion. "Oetarrhozone" olwaye owes becouse it goes into those tiny cells and paeeagee that ordinary remedies oan't reach, goes where the disease aotnally is. Impossible for "Oatarrhozons" to fail as any doctor will tell you. Don't be misled into thinking there is anything so good as Oetarrhozone,—nee it and you'll soon say goodbye to catarrh. Perth County, Bzansnnu P10NBB0 DBA -.—The loath took plane at 5 o'olook Sunday morning at Toronto of William Bnbobiogs, one of the pionoera of Blanebard. The deceased gentleman who bad reached the ago of 66, had the misfortune to lose hie wife and three daagbtere in the 0onr0e of three years and for Rome time bad been otaying at the residence of his BOO in-law, Jae. MoOraoken, where he passed away. Mr. Hutchings wee a member of the Blan• shard Oonnoil for over re dozen years and was Reeve of Blanchard for two years. Ha leaver] throe daughters and one son— namely, Mre• James MoOraoksn, Dire. William Godson, Mise Florence Hntoh• ing° and George Hatchings. The funeral took plane at St. Marys on Tuesday. i3elgrave. Mies Ella Owens, who has recently been seriously ill, io, we are pleased to etate, recovering rapidly. The home of Will. Praetor, 41b line, Morrie, has been made happy by the arrival of a little daughter. Mrs, T. Soandrett and her mother, Mrs. Abraham Proctor, are enjoying a trip to Brampton and Toronto. Rev. A. E. Jones was spending aoonple of days in Bt. Catharines last week as High Court delegate for 0onrt Wingbam Independent Order of Forester°. The thoughtful, earnest and inspiring sermons, given by Rev, M. J. Wilson, B. A., of Teeswater, Sabbath, Aug. 27th, were maoh appreciated by the people of the Belgrave oirooit. There was a good turn out to the anniversary sermon to the 0. 0. F. here on Sunday, Aug. 27111. Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingbam, was the preacher and gave a very suitable dimmer/ie. Rev.. Mr. Hartley, of Oolobeeter, Essex Go., has been appointed by the Bishop to take obarge of the English churches at Blytb, Belgrave and Auburn, The salary will be $800 and a rectory. Rev. Mr. Edmonds goes to Leamington, Essex 00. Brink obnroh Epworth League had a good time Wednesday evening, Aug. 23rd. The program was given by Wingham Epworth League after which a eooial time was enjoyed and light refreshments served. The chief feature of the even• hug's entertainment wee a very inetrnot- ivo addreee given by Dr.. Towler, of Wingham, on his trip to California. Belgrave is undergoing ooneiderable improvement this Summer. Dao, Geddes is building a fine, large Dement block house and Mr. Taylor is building for Mr. Brooke a neat, brick dwelling. Mr. Watson has recently emoted a good oemeut stable and ooneiderohle cement sidewalk bee been laid while most of the houses that needed it have been recently repainted. When this work has been oompioted and the necessary litter from building operations has all bean cleared away, Belgrave will be a village to be proud of on a000not of its neat and attractive appearance and it 10 to be hop- ed that the long felt need of a publio school will be met in the near future. asimismosmoimemeszerzsmummatimusemommormraimasmeameszn A Direct Importation of Dinner Sets for Sale much Below Regular Price Ge «1' rl► Tho son's 'Jeff 1121. 1 St&.sRC 3U2SUEM1WEEK52' ZIMS17 Summer Races at Brussels, The annual meeting of the Brussels Turf Association was held on August 28rd and 24th under the moot favorable aoopioee, large entries, hotly molested Mod and splendid weather. The first day's summary : 2,35 trot or paoe— Dr. 0., Dr. Riddell, Orange villa Little Harry, Oodmore & Archi- bald, Seaforth ....8 Molly W., Ohae. Mabee, Tilleon•8 burg Little Ferguson, T. Smith, Strat- ford� 2.291, 2.241, 2.241. pp/+ zp�y�ryN•�,I,ocp;rJ P ae nc inal-� w x(� oa,,. u a p� �) gt�e�'�tar,e+FstJWCnV�"lYt,�K:oti J[�a'_ J -'n9 JiJti":.otd'�U lt� Kf�'lltr'•'+uw'�°ifL ,. L�:"i�� �irsr��a. �I 1 1 8 2 2 4 5 6 1q6p d'S 2 24 class— Marjory Wilkes, W. H. McLean] 1 1 Luoknow Happy Dreamer, John Henry, 2 2 Toronto Ernie Wilkes, H. Hartwell, Bar -2 8 3 rig 2.234. 2.231, 2.24. 2.19 oleos, unfi0iehed— Gertie Hunter, E. M. Stewart? 1 1 Guelph Darkey Hal, W. Herod, Gnelph1 3 2 Tom Appleby, Thos. Porter, 8 4 3 Stratford Wm. 0„ John McDowell, Tor. 6 5 b onto John Nolan, I. Stanley, Paieley,.4 2 4 Col. Bunter, T. Mnrdook, Hen -2 8 6 eat Buena Vista, Dr. G. Stevens ,6 7 dr Brantford C INNON &CGI: .131_1=I-1 1pp 14 MILLINERY This week we make our first grand display of NEW FALL MILLIN- ERY in all the latest New York and Paris s1 las in Ladies' Droste Hate, te , Ready -Eo -wear and eating Hats. roaEhors, Wiggs, Plumes, Flowers, Rib- bons, Veilinge and all the latest Novelties in Trimmings, also all t11e new - eat shapes fn Untrimmed Hats, wlliell will bo trimmed to order on short notice by experienced milliners. Mies Hood, who le well and favorably known as an expert in the art of Millinery, is again in clump of this departmeal. Sihe waited the prin- cipal fashion centres and oopiod the last creations in Hate, Etc„ as shown in Paris and Now York. A cordial invitation is extended to all to Dome at any time and view the finest stook of Millinery we ever ebowed. NEW FURS 1.4 This week we haus received our New Fars in Ladies' Jackets, Caper- _e Ines, Gaffe, Boarfe, Boas and Muffs. Now is the time to soleot your Furs while the stook le at its best, and as the evenings are getting cool you. will require something etylidh in Fur Neckwear. NEW MANTLES Our New Mantles aro bore and open for inepeotion. We show some -g exclusive styles this °°aeon. We make a specialty of Minims' and Child- - ren'e Coate fn cloth and white bearskin. , Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. gram; bad a fairly good orowd consider- ing the busy eeaeon of the year and after meeting all expenses will have a tidy balaooe to carry over to another year. UMPS TANKS and WINDMILLS SAVV Still in the business handling Pumps of all kinds, both iron or wood. The Marvel Windmill, one of the best makes, is handled by no. Water Tanks of variono sizes made to order. Repairs promptly a1teuded to and at reasonable prices. tOrdero left at Tao POST, BRna0BL0. will have our prompt attention. The seoond day's racing was first - oleos, the fields large and the orowd good. Summary :- 2.19 °laae— Gertie Hunter W. 0 6 5 5 2 John Nolan 4 5 5 24 6 4 4 Cot. Hunter 8 4 3 5 Tom Appleby 1 3 2 6 Darkey Hall Time 2.20, 2.18, 2.20, 2 19. 2.40 trot— 1 1 1 Bison 2 2 2 Baroness 3 4 2 Lady Minto 4 3 4 Queen O Jennie Wilkes de Dau Bare de Time -2,32, 2 80, 2,81. The 4i furlong running race had four entries and was warmly contested. Re- enit was au follows :— Rathlin, W. Norlbgraves Tor -1 2 1 onto Peroentnm, Fred. Maher, Tor. 2 1 2 onto Pillion, J. J. Dowling, Toronto -3 8 All Souls, V. Sorimger, River- dale 2,28 paoe— 1 1 1 Dr. 0 1 7 2 Little Pete 4 2 2 Little Dick 44 M 5 aguire 6 6 5 Nellie Gray 8 6 6 Ernie Hunter 2 4 Mo6 Molly W 8 8 dr7 Hattie Ferguson Time -2,24, 2.281, 2,281 The o0loore of the [immolation are well pleased with the remelt of abs two days' sport. They put up a good pro. A. RAYMANN PUMP MAKER, CRANBROOK Our Studio is E3pcto=date DO YOU KNOW ? r of Sir as 14 leame otrs Pitman''s Shorthand chief °and Touch Typewriting in the Western Ontario Shorthand rod Beldam Academy of the City of Loudon, MISS MO'PHY has been engaged by the Spotton iiii.silless Col- lege, Listowel, We can guarantee all our worthy graduate Stenographers lucrative 001t1000. OPENS SEPTEMBER 4TH Write or call. PhOnb 70 GEO. 8POTTON, Prinofpal. Special attention given to. Summer Visitors whom we will be pleased to have call on us. We make a Specialty of Out -door Viewing, Homed, Groups, &c. H. BREWER 2N 2' A. JO tl'IaIL010.1,"bdb"..Siet,9r'lo'tot J. T. WOOD Proprietor of the Excelsior Knitting Mills, Brussels, is prepared to pay 26 cents per pound, trade, for arty quantity of good Wool delivered at his Mills. Splen- did stock of choice goods consisting of Tweeds, Flan- nels, Flannelettes, Cotton Shirtings, Cottonades, Szc., brought in from the best Mills, and Blankets, Yarns and Sheetings made iu our own Mills of choice stook, to give in exchange for Wool. Now is the time to 'market your Wool. Strictly Fair Dealing our Principle. 9 Come and see us before going elsewhere. IIhia ,I1Aa'lW1101,0, J. To Excelsior Knitting Mills LLI .g WOR▪ M 01 Q ▪ CiZ 0