HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-9-7, Page 1vol. 34. No. 9
W., H. KERR, Prop
New Advertisements,
Local—Dr. Butler.
Local—Jno. Kerney.
Strayed—Thos, Brown.
Notice—Stewart & Lowick,
Millinery—.MeKiunOu & Co.
Dinner sets --Goo. Thomson,
Removed—Ferguson & Ross,
Tea talk --R. C, Davies & Co.
Farm for sale—Wm. Douglas.
Farm for sale—Thos. Russell.
Pantmaker wanted—D. C. Ross,
Wanted --Mrs. M. D. McTaggart.
Bargains in wagons—);wan & Co.
By-law No. 2—Village of Brussels,
Meeting of Directors—W, H. Kerr,
Apples wanted—ino. Cunningham.
School of Telegraphy—R. Larmour,
We will be pleased --R, C. Davies &
Co, ►t
!Ristxtxt gaps.
Earl Euigh ie on the siok list,
Arthur Hoy has returned from a visit
to friends in the U. S.
Mr. Young, of Seaforth, prenobed in
the Methodist church la*t Sunday.
Rev. R. S. Baker will return in time
to take the services on bis circuit next
Robb. E, Humphries and Lewis Mc-
Donald paid a flying visit home for
Labor day.
A number of ono villagers are attend-
ing the National Exhibition M 'Soweto
this week.
The Epworth League service next Sun-
day evening will inohnde an address
which it is expected will prove of interest
and profit.
Panting, foam-fleoked, and mud-
beepattered, dragging an empty carriage
behind them, a team of handsome horses
dashed into town in the early hours of
Tuesday morning, and were coralled in
f and Two-steps
Have placed in stock a
fine assortment of late
Songs, Waltzes
All sold at - price
250_ -RI A0:8
the Walton Hotel sheds, Grave fears
were entertained by our people for the
safety of the late occupants of the rig,
but all anxiety was set ab met on the
approach of a 11100,011111 from Brussels,
who explained that it was only an
ordinary accidental oata*brophe. While
lonely and tom, the unforttuate driver
wended his way homeward we presume
he had ample time to rafted 00 hill fail-
ure to observe the old adage "Beep your
eye on the oat."
R. N. Duff was at Toronto this week
on a business trip.'
Last Sunday evening Rev, Mr. Baker,
of Bluovale, preached ab Jamestown Hall,
Misses Cora Messer and Pearl Baker
will attend the Model school at Stratford
this session. We wish the young tadioa
Faust ren SALa,—Joseph Robb,
administrator of tiro late David Moffatt';
estate, Turoberry, has instructed F. S.
Scott, auctioneer, Bruseele, to offer the
property for *ale by publio auction, at
Johnstori'e hotel, Blnevale, on Saturday,
Sept. 80th, at 2'olook, Lots will be sold
separately or en block bo suit pnrchaaers,
.-f1 *Not a .'.
Mrs, B. Lang is the guest of relatives
in Stratford.
Mre, J. Found, of Gerrie, visited here
last Wednesday.
R. and Mrs. Thomson, of Strathroy,
visited Mrs. Black.
Joe. Cowan spent two weeks with
relatives at Liudeny.
H. Jackson, of Brussels, spent Labor
Day with G. Howe.
Frank Sanderson has purchased a drug
business in Wallaoebnrg.
Mitre Edna Godbolt, of Exeter, is vieit-
ing her aunt, Mrs. Brawn.
Mre. As Dodds, of Howiok spent a
week with friends in the villa, e.
Thirty tickets were sold here for the
Manitoba excursion on -Saturday.
Gavin Davidson has returned from the
West where he epent the Summer.
Misses Elda and Kate Hazlewood spent
last week with relatives at Proton.
Mrs. Dane ndfmil
M e. G. E. Dn a family have re-
a -turned to their home in Hamilton.
Mrs. Lamont, of Port Elgin, wan the
guest of Mrs. Lewis for several days.
George Howe and Mies M. Rowe visit-
ed friends in Brantford and Paris recent-
Wilbur Johnston returaad on Saturday
from Harrieton where he had spent a few
Mre. C. Reiss and Mrs. A. H. Moffitt
visited the latter's sister in Ayton tbie
W. C. Hazlewood is spending two
weeks with relatives at Toronto and
Peter MoSwen, of Tnrnberry,bad a
large party Friday evening which a num-
ber of young people from the village
Special Bargains in
To clear out the balance of stock of Farmers'
Medium Sized Wagons, 2i end 3 inch tires,
Special Reduced Prices will be offered as the
room is needed for our large display of
Which everybody should watch out for.
is preparing for the season and will
open the market by paying
Seventeen Cents r,
.L�. 4 F� 411
dor Apples.
)tq'gg111!,ittlpry;llpilNilWill tAb�tg
',lino. Cunningham,
Mitre Bessie Lovell left Ler New Haven
on Saturday.
Jae, Anderson is having a stable emot-
ed on his premises,
R. llama and Miss Edith Barrie spout
Thureday in Harrieton,
Allan Rae is spending two weeks in
Unionville and Toronto,
Mise Voaburg vielted with Gerrie
fri made over the holiday.
Mrs. R. Fox, of Brueeela, le renewing
aegnaintanoes in the village,
Mies Lulu Toll, of Blenheim, is the
guest of Dr, and Mrs. Smale.
Miss Barthel Dane has returned from
a month's vacation spent at Kiuoardine.
Mies Nellie Black entertained a number
of her girl friends last Thureday evening.
Mise Carrie Barrie returued from Heti-
ieueel] on Monday where she bee visited 0
Mina Janie Rowe, who is teaching
eohool in Howiok, visited her home here
over the holiday,
Mee, W. Rutherford wall the goat of
her deter, Mrs. A, Stewart, near Herds -
ton, over the holiday.
Barrie Hamilton returned to Piston
last Thursday after sprawling two weeks'
holidays at hie home here.
Jae. and Mre. Allan and eon Harry
returned from Cleveland on Saturday
where they had spent ten days,
Orwin Smith returned from,Mooeomin,
Asea„ and will visit at his home for a
while before Ieaviug for the West again.
Mre. J. Rapier, and daugbter,j Maggie,
of Sault Ste. Marie, are vieiting the
former'; parents, Jas, and Mrs, Paulin,
In the absence of the student, Mr.
Cornish, who was in London on Sunday,
'John Hartley occupied the pulpit in the
Episcopal ohnroh,
Hugh and Robert McLeod left for
Eebevan on Saturday where they will
make their home with their mother and
two brothers who left here a few years
Rev. J. El. Oeterhout and Rev. Dr.
Gundy exchanged eervioee a week ago
Sunday. Owing to the Harvest Thanks-
giving services in Salem and Belmore on
Sunday there was no service held in tba
Methodist church here.
Among those who atteuded the Toronto
Exhibition from here were Missese J.
E. Carr, J. Robertson, J. D
Mi]]er, M. Harris, G. Harris, M. David-
son, Mre. Hemphill, Mre. T. F. Miller,
Mrs. R. Bleak, C. Reiee, J. R. Wendt,
It, Harris, N. Harris, T. G. Hemphill,
R. Blank and B. F. Carr,
Irvine Hunter and Mise Flossie Seel
were united in marriage recently. We
wish them prosperity.
While engaged at work on Qounoillor
Duncan Johoeton'e, new reeidenae, 14th
con. Grey, Jno. Hunter, of Oranbroak,
was serlonely injured by falling off a seat.
told. Mr. Hunter had one leg broken and
VW otherwise injured but we hope he
will aeon be able to resume work, It le
a particularly busy time to be laid off at
tbie season.
WeDnrxo.—The following notioe of the
marriage of Rev, J. 0. Carrie, formerly
pf this locality, now. of Kesote, Min., U.
S•, will be read with interest :—Probably
the prettiest of the mid•Summer wed.
dings that have taken place in this
was that ofMi 0 Jennie
youogaet daughter of A. and Foster,
of Brieelyn, and Rev, J. U. Currie, of
Keeota. The happy event occurred at
the Baptiet church in Brioelyn Wednes-
day morning, August 2. The church
was beautifully decorated. A pretty arob
ot green vines, tied with white ribbons,
rielug from the channel rail and banked
on either side with potted plants, made e
lovely background for the beautiful bride,
She wee preceded to the altar by Mies
Jessie Salisbury, as maid of honor, and
little Mina Bessie Foster and Gladys
Ackerman as flower girle. Fred ',yens
sated tie beet man, The brill was
charmingly gowned in white eilk and
parried Dream roses, The Miseee Autos
Laxmour School
of Telegraphy
The now system of ketone for railway
service, under teat elope January last, has
proved entirely successful, Write for pato.
tablet wbioh gives full partioulere, teatlinen•
*ale front pupilsnow employed by the e, T.
0.4 Principal and Proprietor.
New and
Assortment of
Ready}to-wear Hats.
Come, whether to look or to
buy, to a store Where ShOW-
ing goods is considered a
Z. C. Davies & Co
Kingeloy and Hattie Rowland aoted tie
ushers. Ae the bridal party entered the
oburoh and passed up the aisle Miss
Lillian Brown, of Albert Lea, rendered
kleadeleeobn'e wedding march. They
were met by Rev. Peterson, of Mimeo -
polls, who read the beautiful marriage
garvioe. At the oloee Mies Lillian Lewis,
of Albert Lea ,rendered the solo "Beauty's
Eyes," while the bridal party were re-
tiring. T1te re0epbioo woe at the :home
of the bride's parents. After oongrat.
alatione, a sumptuous wedding dinner
was served to two hundred and ten
guests. The happy couple departed on
the afternoon train for Mioneapanie for a
week's stay. Numerous valuable and
appopriate proaentn attested the popular
ity and worth of the young couple who
start out in life with the beet wiebee of a
legion of friends. Gnats were in attend.
ones from Albert Lea, Owatonna, Blue
Earth, Forest City, Sherburn, Walls,
Rioter, Waltereand Obiosgo, The bride
is one of the eorlieet and beet famiifea in
this part of Furibault county. She is a
young lady of exoellent culture and Mbar.
eater and ono who will be much missed
and kindly remembered among a hoot of
friends among whom elm hue grown to
womouhood, - Rev, Mr, Currie has for
the past year until recently been pastor
of the Baptist oburob at Brlcelyo, but be
lately resigned to accept a eel! to Kesota,
He ie able, euooeeetui and popular and hie
reeigning oaueed general regret. In the
high and holy calling in which he ie en•
gaged be will find a true and efficient
helpmate in her with whom he has joined
in holy wedlock, with surroundings and
aeeociatione most joylal and with pros.
petite fall of promiee and hope.
Orarrte*et° writ .
Mies Lizzie Straoban, of Guelph, visit
ed at the home of Jae. Straoban.
Mre. Wm. Rielly was vieiting with
relatives in Oweo Sound for a few days,
Mies Janie Howe, of Wroxeter, has
been engeged as teaober at the Boundary
Rev. Geo, Baker, of Blnevale, preached
a good sermon tart Suuday evening in
the Ball here.
Mies Gladys Outt, of Blyth, was visit
ing with Mende and relatives In this
part last week.
Mies Marion Gourley, of Stratford,
and Miss Wileoo, of Howiok, were visit.
ors with Mre, J. D, Miller,
Last Saturday George Ooombee left by
the Exoursion for a trip to the North
west. This ie hie first visit.
Richard Bates, of Michigan, her been
vieiting hie sister. Mrs. Wm. Fraliok and
other old friends in Grey and Morrie.
Hostess—The undersigned asks all
parties indebted to him to settle before
the close of September as be hae diepoe
ed of his business and will be removing
from Jamestown. Wasson Iinne,
The infant daagbter of Hugh and
E,iza Droket, let line Morrie, died on
August 26th, aged three days. Funeral
took plena on the Sunday afternoon fol.
lowing. Interment was made in Blue.
vale amatory.
A. H. 0oahraoe, of Waterloo, is home
for a abort vacation.
It is rumored that Alex. Nichol jr,
intends erecting mo o madame
en a nom di na r ai e
with latest improvements before long,
Robert Niobol, and daughter, Mise
Bertha, were visiting W. R. and Mre.
Oloekey, Toronto. They were also at.
tending the Exhibition.
Ernie Wheeler, 4th line, will take a
course at the Baeineeei0ollege et Toronto
with a view of preparing for oommeroial
life. We wish him progress,
Baxter Bewley and Frank Kelly of the
7th and 8th Hues and Thos. Brown, of
the 8th line, are away to the West on the
Excursion. They may become perman•
ent residents as they have relatives there.
Among the Morrisitee who have gone
West on the Harvest Excursion are Joo,
Speir, Richard and Percy Mitobeil,
Rutledge Bros., and W. Henderson, who
will do their part in the Western wheat.
Peter Macdonald and Jim Long, spent
Sunday with friends in Moukton.
Mies Jessie Ounuingham, of Drayton,
spent a few days the gae01 of herbrother
Mise Mary Macdonald and Geo.
Eokmler spent Sunday with the Mina
Miss Lizzie ;Lynn and Wat. Hain•
eboak, of, Fordwioh spent Sunday with
the Miseee Manatee.
Mies Florence Ar matron' daughter of
Wm, Armstrong, 5th eon, left on Monday
for Clinton, whore ehe will atbeud the
Model eohool,
Mies Mildred Menzies, accompanied by
bar eister Lillie, of Bark's Palls, are
ependiug a few days at the home of Mre.
James Manatee.
Wm. Armstrong and son Glynn, of
"The Maples" 911* 00n„ were among the
visitors at the Rational Exhibition Tor.
onto, during teat week.
111094LTND iN DeAT11.—The people in
tbie community wore eerily shocked last
Friday at the news of the aooident to an
old and well known resident of the 1811,
eon, of Grey, in the poreou of Patrick
Blake. He had hitched up the team
about 2 o'oloolt to heal Dome wood for
the threshing engi11e whoa the home ran
Away and Mr. Blake was eo eerioaely in.
Pared internally that he died in abbot
an hoar despite all that ootvld be done to
aid him. Deceased was in his Mtn year.
He woe born in Galway, Ireland, and
tame to this errantry sedum 8 years old
his mother dying on ehipboard, For
about 46 yore he ban been reeiding in
thin townehip on hie tine term. Mrs.
Blake predeceased her husband by a few
yoara. Pour gone (J. D. and T. 7„ of
Terabits, Wis, ;• Frank F., of Marion.
able, Wie, 1 and Wm. ab home) and six
daughters (Nits. Hanson and Mre. Barry,
01 Minneapolis ; Mrs. Moyle, of St, Paul ;
Mre, Monter, of Anetin, Min, ; Mre.
Kelly, of Seaforth ; and Mise Lizzie at
Nome) survive, The innate! took place
on Monday forenoon, 0510100 being hold
in 01, Jamee' thumb, Seaforth, and
irfterniont made in the cemetery of the
scene oharnh, Mr. Blake was a generone
hearted man, a typloal Hibernian, and
woe known by many in this motion who
will regret to hear ot lila Budden demise,
township Ooonoil will meet in the
Hall here on Monday, 181h Met,
Robert Barr was away to St. O:ttbar.
ince last week attending the High Court
meeting of the I. 0. F.
Dioit Davies has returned home after
spending a few weeks with friends in
Brantford and St, Thomas,
Mrs. W. Hamilton, who has been visit.
Ing Moe, Barr, for the last two weeks hue
returned to her home in Listowel,
Miee Agues Lauahail, who woe vieiti,•g
be mama, It, Blair and Mrs. Oololough,
has returned to her home in Taroulo.
She was greatly pleaeed with °poetry
The Anonat Labor Day pie-nio, ander
the 000pi080 of the Sone of Temperance
of this place, was held on Monday after,
noon of Ghia weak in Maitland Park.
A good time wall enjoyed by everybody,
The Harvest Home aonivereary
sermons will be preached in the Metho.
dist ohnroh here by Rev. Mr. Mo0amoe,
of Listowel, on Sabbetb, September
17th. Special music will be supplied by
the oboir. A tree•will offering will be
taken instead of the customary teas
meeting, Mr. MoCamue in an exoellent
speaker and all should hear him,
A very enjoyable afternoon woe spent
Tuesday, Aug. 2204, when the Mina
Berths, Dawsinia and Maggie Blair, of
Ethel, entertained their little girl friends
to a Floral Festival. The apaolone
rooms wars beautifully decorated with
flowers the prevailing colors being pink
and white. After a dainty repast the
little folks departed each carrying away a
tittle eouveuir in remembrance of the j
event having spent a very enjoyable)
Speeding at Fall Fairs.
Provincial Superintendent of Agri.
S ea II B. has
gathering information iu regard to a
number of faire which hold raoee at their
Hall exhibitions.
Ae a result of a series of questions
sent ant to 000ieti00 it has been found
that 144 societies are in favor of horse
racing and 126 against it. Many of the
sooietiee in favor of horse raoing believe
that the vain of the purees ebonld be
limited. 140 sooietiee report that they
believe horse racing to be necessary for
the moose of their exhibitions, while 180
are nob of lite opinion.
In reply to a question asked the
sooietiee 08 to whether they would eon•
eider horse raoing necessary were there
fewer exhibitions iu their vicinity 118
sooietiee replied that they would, while
152 elated that they would not. The
value of the poreee offered at the exbibi
Bone last year amounted t0 considerably
over 128,000, 126 sooietiee are in favor of
rat -rioting the ramie to horses owned by
men living within 20 miles of the fair,
while 142 societies stated that they
would sot be in favor of etch a restric-
Quite is number of the moieties are in
favor of restricting the value of the
purees for horse races to a sum uob bo
exceed one third of the value of the total
amount paid in prioee for all agricultural
t?ft'ltbif t Malis.
Next Sabbath Rev, T. W. Cosens will
occupy his own pulpit after an absence of
three Sabbathe.
Rev. 5', M. Lang -Ford will take charge
of the usual services in St. John's oburoh
next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Kitty wee the
preacher last Sabbath,
The regular Fall District meeting will
be held in the Methodist ohnroh, Tees -
water, on Thursday, Oct. 11th. Rev,
Dr. Gandy, of Wingham, is the Chair-
man of the District,
Rev. Mr. Looks, who was appointed to
the pastorate of the Kincardine Metho-
dist church last Conference bat hae not
been able to assume his duties yet owing
to ill health, is improving nioely we are
pleased to hear.
.Crossley and Hunter, the famed evan-
gelists, will bold revival services in Walk-
erton in September, under the anapicee of
five of the chorohes. The rink is to be
seated and n ohoir of one hawked votoee
will lead the singing,
Rev. Dr. Ross occupied the pulpit of
Melville (Murata last Sabbath, having
arrived home with hie family the week
previous. "The world wide mission of
the Ohttrch" was the morning topic and
"The Greeks seeking Josue" at the even-
ing service.
On the first Sabbath of Ootober Rar-
vest Home sermons will be preached in
the Methodist ohnroh, Brussels, by Rev,
D. N. Mo0amus of Li to 1
s we , Gni Mon-
day evening following a tea meeting will
be held followed by a choice prepare of
mesio and addressee. Pr000ede go to the
Trust feud in meeting 1obereet on church
debt, Leo.
Rev. George Jewitt and family have
returned to Dutton after an enjoyable
visit in Bruseele and locality, Go Sab-
bath, Aug. 27th, Mr. Jowitt preached two
instrnotive discourses bore. The room-
ing topic) was "Enoch'* walk with God,"
and the evening theme, "The Hebrew
children in the fiery furnace." His ears
vices were highly appreciated and he will
be welcome hook.
Next Sabbath will be a Berb, Lott day
in the Methodist Sabbath School here.
Bert, who is one of the most faithful
pupils in the Sohool, will be leavingcu
the 27tH fust„ for Brantford to tae a
onto of Instruction, both ednontional
and industrial, at the I0etibnte for the
Blind, To aid him in hie work the
School will make him a presentation that
Sunday afternoon S o0 of the saint oollgoti
to on
y t?
taiceu, Othoriteme of intermit will be on
the program in the way of roeitabion by
Bora and others, muele, &o, A11 the
members of the congregation are invited
to be prssont.
St. Andrew's Presbyterian oongrcga-
tioa of Brantford has extended a pall to
Rev. F. J. Maxwell, of Ripley.
The annual Epworth 140agu0 Conven-
tion of Wfngbarn District will be held at
Teeswatsr on Thureday, Out, lath. A
meeting of the )ixecuive was held in
Wiugham on Wednesday of last week to
arrange the program which will be a
profitable one, Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.
A.. of Teeswateo, will uf]doiate an Presi-
dent for the unexpired portion of K. J.
Benson's term, Full announcement of
the program will be made in due course.
The int oduotory meeting to the Conven-
tion will be held Wednesday evening,
Oet. lith, when two addressee will be
Mr. Robinson completed hie term of
six weeks no supply of Melville ohnroh
pulpit on Aug. 27th. That Sabbath he
dwelt in the morning on "Life's AI/pater-
lea" and in the evening "Belshazzar's
Feast" wee the subjeot. Both sermons
were good, full of comfort and counsel.
Mr. Robinson matte many friends while
here and proved himself nob only to be a
better than ordinary preacher but a
wbnlesouled, genial Christian gentleman
who is sure to promote. He went to his
home at Lindsay from here and will sup-
ply in Peterboro' Presbytery during
September, returning to Knox College fn
October where he will compiete his theo-
logical course next Spring, Before leav-
ing town he told Tan Pon- he had found
the people ot all denomicatione moat
oonrteoas and was sorry bo say Gnod-bye.
Be would remember very kindly his
pleasant stay in firuesels.
Sabbath the anniversary services of the
Methodist Sabbath School in this place
were held and were of a very inberestine
character. Bev. S. Anderson, of Blyth,
occupied the pulpit. This was his first
appearance in Brussels but the congre-
gation hope it will not be the last. The
morning eermoa was addressed to parents
and was based on the familiar words
"Oar Father which art in Heaven." He
showed very clearly that Fatherhood
meant (1) The supply of all our temporal
wants ; (2) Protection ; and (8) Educa-
tion. In the afternoon at the mass
meeting n t g Rev. Mr. Anderson gave a short
address recommending personal religion
to the pupils and showing its advantages.
The evening discourse was aline one, be-
ad on Pealm 63 and 3, "Thy loving kind-
ness hi better than life" in which the
young people were urged into relationship
with Josue Christ and the church so that
their experience might be that of David's
in the text. Mr. Anderson has a good
voice and preeeuoe and is enthusiastic in
his delivery. The congregations were
both pleased and edified.
People We Talk About,
Peter Ritchie bas gone West for o trip.
J. Leslie Kerr has gone to Winnipeg.
Robt, Work is holidaying at Toronto.
W. 0. Smith is spending a few days in
Alfred and Mrs. Lowry are vieiting in
Jno. Wilbee was here from Stratford
for a few days.
Mrs. A. McGuire is visiting her son in
Mies Minerva Jones is visiting her
sonata at Toronto.
Mise Vera Ainlay is home from a visit
with ItIoliillop friends.
Jno, Hawthorn, of Seaforth, was a
visitor at M. Buchanan's.
Jno. Smyth, of Loudon, was visiting
at his uncle's, Thos. Bone.
Mise Maggie MoNanghtoo, of Clinton,
was home for Labor Day.
E. G. Eggleston, of Blenheim, i0 re-
newing old friendships in Brussels.
Miss Annie Ross returuecd this week
from a two weeks' visit in Detroit.
Fred. and Mre. Palmer and daughter,
of Belleville, are visiting at Jno. Skene's.
Miss Flo. Buannan left to resume her
duties as teacher at Winona on Monday.
Mise Eva Gilpin arrived home from an
enjoyable outing with Owen Sound rela-
Miss Leo Curry was away to Wood -
stook, Ingereoll and other points for a
holiday visit.
Miss Belle Livingston i0 home from an
enjoyable visit to St. Catharines, Hamil-
ton nod Toronto,
Mrs. George Halliday and abildrea, of
Brandon Man., are renewing old friend-
ships in Brussels.
A. H. Montgomery, teller in the Met-
ropolitan Bank nasal; his home, Burling•
ton, for Labor Day.
Mrs. Geo. Wilcox, of Obiongo, was
here on a visit with her sister, Mrs. M0-
Kinlay, Mill street.
Mies Lena Booker has taken a position
in Toronto as tailorese. She is a good
hand and will do well.
James V. and Mre. Blashill nod child-
renf of Ypsilanti, Mich., are renewing old
friendmhipe in Brussels,
George MoLanohlin left last week on a
trip to the West accompanying his
cousin, Gun. MoLanohlin.
Kenneth Fraser, tenet of the Standard
Bank, Brussels, i0 holidaying at Toronto,
Bradford and other pointe.
Wm, Morrison, of Bowmanville, cousin
of Wm, Roes, William street, is a wol-
o0me visitor with the lattsr.
Misses Nettie Brown. Muriel Moore
and Mildred Scott visited in Winghom
and Teamster diving the past weep.
Rev. 7, E. and Mre. Rutter, of Har-
mony; were visitors. at Jno. Hunter's,
John 0treet, fora few days last week.
Mies Ada McGuire, of Clinton, is a
visitor with Miss Winnie McGuire, The
young lady 1s a cousin to Miss MeGuire.
B. N. Barrett and daughter, of
Wiu ham, wore visiting in town for a
few clays last week with relatives and
Fred and Mrs. Rath and daughter, of
Blyth, and Joo, and Mrs. Grbnoldby
and daughter Elva, of Walton, were
vl0ftore at Retry 1lfooney's,lBeussele.
Thos. Rill, an old Bruesolite who wee
in the employ f i Gerrie 0
o A. O r for setae
genre, has moved from Lanrfnm, Mfok„
to Lek Linden in the same State, where
lie takes charge of a meat market, life
Still has tt warm spot in his heart for
Misses Dooglaas are enjoying a visit in
Mrs, (Dr,) Graham was visiting in
Mies Thane Gerry is vieiting Mise
Ethel Scott at Drew.
Leslie Bailey was home from Stratford
for a few days.
Miss Annie Gordon wasvieiting friends
ab Moloswortb,
Geo. Edwards spent a few days in
Patrolia this week,
The Misses MMMoNair, of Oraubrook,
visited Miss Mildred Scott.
Miss Gerrie and W. J. McCracken en-
joyed a holiday lo Toronto,
Mre, Joseph Thompson is enjoying a
visit with Port hope relatives,
Mrs, Samuel Wiltou was visiting her
sister, Mre. Greoneides, at Atwood.
Mrs. Crone was vieiting lo the Queen
city for a few dsye during the past week.
Mrs, (Dr.) Toole and children wore
visiting Blnevale friends for a few days.
B. and Mrs. Gerry were holidaying at
Wingham and Blyth for a few days this
Mrs, F. F. Hazlewood, of Hamiitoo, is
the guest of Mrs. F, S. Scott, Blair
George Thomson jr. hes gone to ;pend
his holidays with hie brother James, in
Mrs. R. W. Matheson, of Luck -
now, and Miss Harriet are visitors at
Geo. Crooks',
Miss Pearl Sharp has gone to Inger-
soll to assist in the hospita. of her sister,
nurse Sharp.
W. A. Grewar was visiting at Gold-
stone where Mre. Grayer is making a
visit with relatives.
Wm. Lake was away on a holiday visit
with relatives and friends at Eamiltou
and Toronto for a week.
Mrs. Richard Edwards, of Canoington,
i0 visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. 0. Mac-
Farlane, Tnruberry street.
The many friends of Mise Sate Smith
are delighted to see her able to be sbon
once more after her illness.
Mrs. McMartin, of Rental], was vieit-
ing her daughter, Mre. W. Wilton, and
old friends in Brussels and iooality.
Fred. and Wilton Payne, of Seaforth,
who were holidaying at Wm. Wilton's
Brussels, have returned to their home.
300, and Mrs. Donaldson were holiday-
ing with Goderioh relatives. The for-
mer's brother was also home from Mon-
Harry Aiolay has gone to Clinton to
attend the Model School. He should
make a good teaohsr and we wish him
Miss Lizzie Downing is back from a
very enjoyable visit to Winnipeg and
sections of Manitoba looking the better of
her trip.
Will. Jamieson, of Stratford, was
renewing old friendships in Brussels and
locality for a few dart. He may go West
next Spring.
Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, of Toronto, and
Mrs, J. C. Hamilton, of Listowel. are
spending a few days with Mrs. Leckie,
"Kelvin Grove."
Misses Nettie and Lyda McLeod, of
Woodstock, who were visiting Mre, Alex.
McLennan, have returned to their home
after an enjoyable time here.
Miss Ada Ross will attend the Col-
legiate at Gnel
h whereshe will
take up
Senior Teachers'en oxk and i
Matriculation. She ie a bright young
Mrs. 18. Sberritt, of New Westminster,
B. C., was here visiting her sister, Mrs.
Baines. The visitor hae spent 15years
in the West end is a hearty representa-
tive to send Bost.
Miss Ella Funston, of Stratford, was
home for a visit with her mother and old
friends. She has gone to Goderioh to
attend the Model Sobool. She has met
with success as a teacher.
Dr. W. J. Cameron, of Palmerston,
who hoe been ill with typhoid fever at the
parental home, Cranbrook was vieiting in
&meals during the peat week. He is
recuperating quite nicely.
Janne Turnbull, who has been in the
Northwest for several months, arrived
home on Friday evening of last week.
We understand he will assume a position
as traveller for an oil firm.
Mrs. Turnbull and daughters, formerly
of Brussels, have removed from Clinton
to South Bend, Ind., where they porpose
residing. Mrs, Will J. Bozell, a dauglt-
ter of Mrs. Turnbull, resides there.
Peter Stewart has gone to Langdon,
North Dakota, where he will spend the
next few months in looking after the
harvesting, threshing and sale of his orop,
returning bo Brussels about Christmas
Miss Hattie Downing and Miss Mabel
Zimmer will leave next Monday for
Toronto where theypurpose attending A 0 n
the Normal Sobool or a term. We win
the young ladies a pleasant stay in the
Queen's city.
Among former Bruaeelibos in town
during the Moos we noticed Jno. Ament,
of Milbank ; Ino. Walker, of Teeswatsr ;
Bert. Garry, Ohne, Kneohtel and L.
Kennedy, of Wiugham ; Jas. Beattie, of
BarrieBen. Dario, of Molesworth, and
Harris Hamilton, of Piebon.
D. Stewart, of Antigoolob, N. S., wee
in town for a few daye Inst week visiting
at Jno. Broadfoob's. He and Mrs.
Stewart, the latter Mr. Broadfoot'e
daughter, Ieft for their /intern home
this weep. They were a000mpanted by
Miss Lizzie Ferguson who will matte m
visit in Nova Scotia with relatives sod:
friends. We wish her an enjoyable stay.
Joe Hunter left for the West by the
exonreion of Saturday with the intention
of pushing his way. Ho bas been work-
it atthe stone cutting k-
ing n for the pset year
and a half in the marble works here. .in
the Methodist ohurel1 he will be mie,,:d
es he was a tnember Of the choir, no
Otlioer ie the leagueand assistant Super-
intendent and a Malabo, in the Sunday
Selioob. If he doge not find what sotto
him he will go on possibly to Saskatoon.
Rio many Irnends here wish hitt anoco P.
Ort the excursion of Angdst 26th to the
"%feat Brnoaele wee represented by R. T.
and Mre, Hingstou, Miss Lizzie Ilio•
Laochlin, John and Mre. Coates al.d
Mtea Mal'y,1104.4thbssion s, sal Juo,,