The Brussels Post, 1905-8-24, Page 8Souvenir
The Tablets contain on each
page a view of Brussels.
Two different views are in
each Tablet.
Come in two sizes—Price
25c, and 15c.
Secure one for your corres-
is almost here again and we
are ready with a fresh sup-
ply of all kinds of
Pure Pickling Spices
We keep a full line and give
careful attention to filling
the Recipes for Pickling
.11'40 I101AM 01,0111.11010.11,1 01
Fe R. S
Trains fauns Bruesele Station, Nortb
and South, as follows ;
Mall 7:08 am j Mixed &40 axe
Mraed.........11:80 a.mI Mail . 1.08 p.m
Express 8:02 p.m Express 861 p,m
rinal Ida gte1ns.
A. ohiePo among ye Mirk ' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Next week we will take our Anneal
Holiday and ea a consequence the genal
weekly edition will not be published.
Advertisers and Correepondeute should
make note of this. Thursday, September
7311, we will enter upon oar Fall oam•
paign. 26 cents will get THE Poem for
the balance of 1905. Send it to your
abeeut friends. Oar office wilt be open
during the week for the receipt of sub.
eoriptioue, advertisements and Job work.
Send 0e a budget of now from your
locality for Sept. 7th.
FRIDAY of next week will be Sept. let.
Banaen/a Public School will re -open
on Tueeday, Sept. 5111.
Lemon Day, Monday, Sept. 4th, will
be the next public holiday,
Tax remains of broken cement walk
should be hauled from Main street.
J. COMER & BONS sold a good driver last
week to Rev. E. F. Armstrong, of Ethel.
TORONTO Faire opens on Wednesday of
next week and will continue to September
Oortsnu oz MCLAUO0LIN is etOpping ball
throwing on the Main street. Glass will
he eased thereby.
WALTno J00090N'0 collie, "Kaplan,"
10 no more. Last week he made his exit
by the poison route.
THERE is a rumor that another Balt
Works may be eetabliehed in the vicinity
of the G. T. R., ab Braoeelo.
QUITE a nnmbor from Brussels and
locality talk of going West on the Exoar-
8100 0° Saturday, September 2nd,
Tan ,iterations to the Garfield Block
are about completed and Meseta. Fer-
guson and ROBB will be moving to it in
the near future.
Homes Mutual Insurance 0o, Direot-
ors will hold their regular monthly meet.
ins on Saturday of next week at Gerrie.
They do a large business with very little
fuss and pay all their claims without
kicking up a moss,
neat meeting of the County Board will
be held in the Public Bohooi, Seafortb,
on Saturday, Aug. 26th, at 10 e.. m.
Applications for the Model Sohoole
should be in the hands of the Inepeotoro
on or before the 26th inst.
BBORE A PLATE GLAes.—Tueeday even.
ing Findlay Scott pioked up a stone and
playfully threw it toword a oompaoion
on Turnborry street. The mieele etruok
an iron tie poet in front of R. Leather.
dale & Son's and diverted the course of
the atone into the window in the store of
the above mentioned firm. Result a
Bma811 of plate glass. Fortunately the
glass was insured and a new one will be
obtained as speedily all possible.
PFoaroTED.—Fox some time D. Mo.
Gilliouddy, formerly of Brueeels, hoe
been engaged in Ottawa preparing au
analytical index of Hansard, but he has
ein00 been appointed editor and nom
piler of immigration literature by the
Dominion Government, and has gone
to the North-West to look over the wheat
fields and the conditions of the West.
Mr, MoGilliouddy was an excellent news•
paper man, and will bring to hie work
a spice and vigor of expreaeion that
ebould make Canada's literature effeotive
COLD STORAGE,-0oa11oilior Thomson is
making preliminary arrangements for
the ereoli001 of a oold storage building
and plant if the By.lew exempting him
from time is ,carried. He has an option
on the lot formerly occupied by the
Tecumseh hotel and hie intentions are to
meet a oement building 60x60 feet, 2
8100188, with storing oapaeity for 300 tone
of ice. One of the lateet freezer arrange.
monte will likely be pat in, The By-law
will be read at the next °oonoit meeting
and will then be published the requisite
number of timer' before the property
owners will have an opportunity of ex.
prowling their opinion.
ILLU6xRA'roD L$oxoRE,—Slum life in
the oftiee was depicted in a very rea1ietlo
manner Thursday evening of loot week
in the Town Hall, Brussels, when Mes-
srs, Robinson and 08rnieh gave their
lime light views. The former gentle.
Man sang "het behind the timer'," an
illustrated song in good voice and Misr'
Zetta Ferguson, of Teeewater, added to
her laurels in rendering "The Hely
City," "Just paint me a pieture," and
"Good-bye little girl good.byo" nicely 11.
Iu8trated. She oleo gave "Sing on sweet
bird." Inetrnmental seleetione were
well rendered on the piano by Misers
Daley Robinson, and Zetta Fergneon
and T. A, .'Hawking, The moving pie.
tarts were good, Me. Robinson wag
terse, 1001r00012e and happy in hid re.
marks egplauatory of the views. Theta
Wee er large audience.
Tax Pon will holiday next week,
IT i8 0014 another Dry Goode store
will open in Brueeels this Fall.
PUTLanD's shooting gallery from Wrox
rear is here,loceted alongside A. Booker's
Ekes Huron Fall Fair Thursday and
Friday, Oct, 5 and 6. It will be a hum•
ore 0.
Don'T kink us if the name of your
visitor is not in the columna of THE Poem.
Kink yourself for not handing it in.
Bamuxas have not been as buey for
years as 111181 Sommer and the work ie
riot completed yet. Gement is taking a
prominent place in both building and
A e»Ecxoo Harvest Exooreion will be
tun to the West starting Friday morning
of this week. The rates and oonditiooe
are the earns as the other excursions
which will follow on dates previously
Taos. NEwsoME Ilea moved the old
brae from the lot, known as the Living.
soon property, King street and is 0rr0ng.
log for the building of the cellar for hie
new brick residence, Foundation will
be oement. Cellar is being excavated.
Tax fine premises of I. 0. Rioharde
have been greatly improved this season
by the arranging of a new lawn, lattice
fence, paint &o. Mr Richards has avery
comfortable place, and we wish him
many years of comfort and happiness in
A Fm RIO was held at the Davidson
grove, 12th cru., Grey, on Tueeday after-
noon by a number of young people of
Melville church in courtesy to Mr. Rob-
iceon who is supplying Dr. Roes' pulpit.
The verdict wan that a moat enjoyable
time was spent.
BRUSSELS bowling rink won god prize
in the Ooneolation oompetition at Gode-
rioh tournament last week. They won
7 out of 10 contests. The prize was 6 Oct
glass goblets. Oar representativee were
well to the front in doublee and singles
Som attention should be given by the
Oounoil to the fine spring near the flax
mill. Laet Spring's freshet did not
improve the surroundings of this valu-
able etream so aooeptable to many.
Steps should be arranged down to the
spring and a permanent onrb built.
An addition of 20 or 22 feet will be
made to the shops now occupied by
Frank Stratton and Meeere. Dodds and
Habkirk, Stratton block. It will be
cement and one story high, The gravel
s being bonded now for it and work will
be proceeded with at an early date.
J20. BAIOANTYNE, who p0robaeed the
brick residence formerly owned by the
ate James Oliver, Taruberry street, he
has made a number of improvements
od with the new dress of paint the place
Doke very neat. Mr. and Mrs. Ballantyne
nd daughter move into their new home
hie week. It is eligibly and conveniently
Wo congratulate Mies Barbaro MoKet-
ey on her eooeese at Seafortb Collegiate
eoently where she: -passed the Senior
eaobere' Exam. Her intention is to
aloe up a University course we believe.
ut she may take a term at a Young
aches' School prior to that. Mira Bar.
aro is a clever girl and we wish her the
remotion she desires.
HURON OLD nays' TENT.—The follow•
ing, from S. T. Oburob, President of the
Huron Old Boys' Association, Toronto,
epeake for itself ; "The Huron Old Boys
of Toronto extend a moat cordial invtta•
tion again this year to all Haronttee who
attend the Exhibition here, to make
their head -quarters at the H. 0. B. tent,
"Society Row," Sept, 2ud to Sept. 8th
inclusive. No pains will be spared to
ake both the old boys and the old
gnirla from the old county welcome.
I. 0. F.—Courts Maitland and Mar.
guerite will meet conjointly on Friday
evening, 25th inst., in Foresters' Hall,
punctually at 8 o'clock. The Deputy
Supreme Chief Ranger, Rev. Jamee Mo-
0aul, who will be present., nrgee earnest.
ly that every member of both Conte be
present, as Minium' vital to the interests
of both Ooarte must then be traneaoted.
Vieitore from Court Ethel and nom.
panion Oonrt Forget -me not are expect-
ed to attend and au exoellent Committee
has undertaken to secure an entertain-
ing program for the evening, Courts
Ethel and meet jointly at
Ethel this Thursday evening without
fail, The membore should 00028 pane.
tautly at 8 o'clock,
COLD STORAGE,—The Gunton New Era
eaye ;—"We noticed the other day that
the people of Bruesele proposed to erect a
Gold Storage plant, and evidently im.
agine "there's millions in ft.,' We don't
want to discourage them, bat we eoggeet
that they send a delegation over to inter -
718W some of the baeiueae men here, who
will give them valuable experience free of
oharge. You oould not get anyone here
to go within a mile of a oold storage pro.
position," The eitaotione are diamotri-
oally opposite. Clinton's; baloon prop -
'million woe to do the County and it did
"do" several of those interested, accord•
ing to their story. Councillor Thomson,
who does a large egg, butter, poultry and
apple business in Bruesele, le building the
sold storage plant proposed here all his
ttade domande it. The town is only
granting exemption of Wee on the new
property, barring eohocl and bneinese
taxer'. and consequently we 000 toes troth.
hog but will be gainers by large odds,
Mr, Thomson parpoeee allowing °there
to nee his plant ea that it will be a general
good 10 the community, There may not
Standard Bank of Canada
RSTA92+2012'zaman le'7a
A 0 etreriLt 131t,rtkin : 11311141ne;ezla TranistLetesd
Aeerued Interest is added to aa000nte every six (months and becomes principal.
,lollel Deposit Accouniv—A 88'JOOLO.L OON VIJIVIENCE iu use in our Savings De-
partment is the "Joint Deposit" anemia. looney may be deposited or withdrawn
by either of the two members of the household, This system le a great convey.
loose to 03007 residing in town, but more particularly ea to farmers, as m the latter
ease whether man or wife comes 00 town either oan attend to the Banking. An.
other feature of the system to that in case of the death 0f either party the money
can be witbdrawn by the survivor without cost. W'e will tell you 01200 about our
methods 1f you will kindly call or write.
Married Women and Millers may make and withdraw deposits without the in.
teryentiou of any person,
only for whish no oharge is made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and courteous attention.
be millions in it but the proprietor is
long enough in bneiuties to know the
imperative needs and probable profits of
such a 'nature and Tax Pon wiehee him
every success.
People We now.
Rae, Brown is home from Toronto for
a week,
Mise Vera Wilbee wee holidaying et
Herb. Cunningham, of Stratford, is here
0n a visit,
Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, spent Son.
day in town.
Homer Barrett, of Wiogham, is vieit.
ing in Brunel'',
Mies Lindsay, of Clinton, is visiting
Misses Buchanan.
Mrs. T. Farrow was visiting in Wing-
inpham on Tueeday.
Mre, W. A. Grewar fs visiting at Dray.
too and other points.
Mies Nettie Black, of Wroxeter, is
visiting Mies Gertrude Roes.
G. 0. McDowell 7008 visiting relatives
in Ma$illop for a few days.
Miss Belle Habkirk is attending the
Millinery rooms at Toronto.
Geo. MoLanohlin is home from Wing -
ham. 'Be talks of going West.
Mre. W. H. Willie and eon Harvey, of
Seafortb, are 019111ng at B. Gerry's,
Mies Freda Vanetone, of Wiegbem, won
visiting frienda in Brussels thio week.
Mise Annie Bartliff, of Clinton, is the
guest of Mise Vinie Cardiff, Prioceee
Miseee Oliver and Stevenson, of Listo-
wel, were visitors at W. H, MoOraoken'a
lost week.
Mre. M, H. Moore and children are
enjoying a holiday visit with relativee
at Iuuerkip,
Mre, Eaet, formerly of Bolton, joined
her husband in Brueeels last week, We
welcome them.
Mre. Lowry and Mrs. Winetanley, of
Guelph, are visiting at Walter Lowry's,
Prinoeos street,
Mre, J. F. Stewart returned to Toronto
on Wednesday afternoon after an enjoy.
able visit here,
Mre. Nelson Gerry and ohildren, of
Blyth, have been spending a week with
Bromide relativee.
Mre. Austin, Mies Jean and Chas.
Olimie, of Listowel, were visiting at R,
K. Roue' on Wedoegday.
Mfae Belle Straohan is in the Queen
City in the interests of her Millinery
hairiness in Brussels.
Mrs, J. D. Warwick and children were
visiting with relativee fn Morrie townehip,
daring the paid week,
Mre, W, A. Crich and baby; of Sea.
forth, were renewing old friendship' in
town during the poet week,
Mre. Harry Mooney and son, Lisle,
have been visiting at Seafortb with
friends for the peat two weeks.
Mies Mary Oliver will leave os Friday
on a trip to the West. She will vieit her
deters in Winnipeg and Mooeomin.
Mre, G. F. Blair and sone, of Goderiob,
are visitors with old friends in Bruieele.
Mr, Blair expecte to be here over Sun.
Mies Georgia Rose will leave early in
September for Ottawa where she will at-
tend the Normal. Sbe will visit at Tor.
onto en route.
Mre, and Mise McKinlay went to
Toronto last Monday to look up the 1at•
est styles and novelties for the Doming
Fall end Winter season.
Mie' Eva Condon and her nephew,
Cleveland Denbow, are enjoying a visit
with relativee and friends in Clinton and
locality for a week or so.
We are pleased to report that Mre,
Jno. Hewitt is considerably improved in
health and her many triende hope she
will soon be Cully restored,
Among the number going West on Fri-
day are Misses Bella and Aggie Dunoan•
eon. We wish the yoaug ladies emcees,
They will be missed from our town.
Mies Eaphemia Wilton returned on
t3atnrday after a two months' visit with
Berlin and Waterloo triende. Her
ooneio, Mies Simpson, acoompenied her,
Mre, Jame' McDonald, tormeriy of
Grey is here on a vigil] from Griewold,
Man. She 001110 via London where she
visited her daughter Mre. Chas, Sager, a
one time resident of Brussels.
The name of George Buchanan is among
the Het of those who passed the Junior
Matriculation and his purpose is to attend
the University at Toronto when it opens
this Fall. He ie a good student.
Mre, Robt, Johnston, of Wingbam, and
her Dieter, Mre, Barlow of Chicago, were
gaeete of Mre. D. 0. Rose last week.
The visitor from Chicago will be better
known by the name of Mies Bowlers,
Mre, A. Ooneley and children and Mies
Teenie Sample, formerly of Bruesele,
have gone to Souris, Man., from Hamil.
ton looaliby where they were visiting for
the past few montbe, Mr. Coueles, is at
Harvey Buchanan will likely go on the
Excursion to the West. He wiehee to
take a abort term at the Normal Bohooi in
Winnipeg and afterwards teach in that
land of better salaries, Mr, Baohanan
should do well.
A souvenir petal card from Min
Ema Walker, of London, a former Erne.
seli6e, 11870 vielting at San Franoisoo,
California, gays oho ie enjoying a fine
time. It may result in her Wog cap -
tared by thole Sam,
Wm. BlaCnllongb, of London, is re.
Hewing old lriendebipo to town, It is 10
years 01000 he removed to the Forest
alty from Jimmie, He is now Metried,
Many enquiries were made of him oon•
earning hie mother, eiders and brothers.
Mise Elsie Wilton wax visiting at
Atwood with her aunt, Mrs. Greenaidee.
Mrs. John Currie was visiting her
daughter, Mre, Eddy, in MoKillop, for a
few days.
Mre. Jno. Brown and eon, of Stratford,
were vi8ltore at T. Ennis,' John street,
during the past week. Mrs. Brown is a
Rev. A. 0. Tifftu, of Trowbridge, was
in town on Monday en route to hie
parental home where hie children leave
been holidaying. Mre. Tiffin is still in
the Northwest whither she went to visit
relatives. The reverend gentleman is a
popular preaoher and pastor.
Will. Ainlay and family will move to
Toronto, it is 'raid. They are old Brne-
eelitee, their respective parents being
among the early Bottlers. Mr. Ainlay
Bold his residenoe to David Walker, of
Morrie. We wish them well in the
Queen oily. They have a son there for
several years.
Thu. Fon had a call from Dr. Ohae.
McLellan, of Ohioago, ou Wednesday.
He and Mre. McLellan have been touring
the Eaatero Provisoes. The Dr. wall a
former teacher of Brussels Public
School, leaving hero 38 years ago. Time
deals very kindly with Dr. McLellan.
His old friends here were delighted to see
him once more,
Business Locals.
Timm millinery apprenticee wanted
by Sept. let. tM1ae STneoHAN.
New baggy and an E & D. bioyole for
Sale cheap. Apply to JAe. BALLANTYNR,
COMFORTABLE dwelling rooms to let over
my store, soft water. Poeseeeion oan he
given at onoe. I. 0. RICHARDo,
Fon &heap millinery go to Mime Hob.
kirk. See our 50 oent bate,
COMFORTABLE dwelling and 2- aures of
land ; ohoioe fruite different varieties ;
for sale or rent, poeeeeeion given Sept.
let. I. 0, RICHARDS.
PRIZE BnrrEs.—We will pay 25o. for
the beet package of batter we receive
daring two weeks, commencing Aug.
28th. GEO. E. KING, Wiogham.
OFmroe,—Fora few days J. W. Browett,
Doctor of Optioe, will he at F. R. Smith's
Drug Store fitting modern eye glaseee,
epeotaolee and artificial eyes. Home' 7
to 8 each evening, except Sunday.
SAwo.—We give you saws easy to work
and eaey to pay for. Your courage will
improve when you use our eawe, If you
have slow, bard working eawe do not de.
lay bot come right away and have them
toned to your fancy, T. Mo0aaaoa,
Mill St„ Brussels.
Hay Fever for 27 Years.
Well Known New England Wonsan
Cured of (lay Fever—Cure wag
The th
ouesnde of dieoouraged people
who dread the approeoh of Summer be.
cansethey have hay fever and cannot
find any relief from it, will read with
iniereat and gratitude the following
statement from Helen B. Williams, of
Mansfield, Mase,
"For 27 yeare, from the month of'
Augnet until heavy freer, I have been
affiioted with bay fever, growing worse
and worm each year, until of late years
I was unable to attend to my work dor•
ing that period.
"Last Summer I Fortunately gave
Hymnal a trial, and I am happy to say
that it entirely oured me, and I have had
no 000urtence of the disease ainoe."
This letter is only one of many that
have 00032 to the proprietors of Hyomei,
and the results following this treatment
have been so remarkable that it is pro.
posed at the annual convention of hay
fever sufferers to recommend Hyomei.
By breathing the germ killing and
healing baleame of Hyomei, anyone oan
CAPITA. L—f'ald gp $1,000,000
RESERVE FUND - $1,000,000
REV, It, II, WARDEN, D. D„ Director,
8, J. MOORS,
President. VlaO•ProDldant.
Tiros, 0080830870, F LA, HIS 000010 Mit w, MORTIMER CLARE, 0,O, 0. E. Ta003000, a, 0,
7000 FIRe'050000
Dratle Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notee Die000nted,
S:,Iiy'd'JYQ16° ` 01$MAr 1Is'r.Y2eTtvra6czav?v
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all some of $1 and upwards
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
have at any moment of the day, either in
their home or officio, a climate like that
of the White Mountains.
The complete outfit coda but $1.00
extra bottles 60 wrote. James Fox
agrees to rotund the money to any hay
fever eufferer who uses Hyomei without
Eaono.—In Howiak on Ang. 161h, to Mr
and Mre. Earle, a daughter.
Lexe—•at Mountain View, Hamilton,
on Ang. 17th, to Mr. and Mre. J. M,
Lake, a Bon.
BADGLEY.—.In Morrie, on Anent 20th,
George, second son of David and
Mrs. Badgley, aged 13 years, 10
menthe and 5 days,
DEWOLF.—Io Morrie, on Aug. 201h,
Frannie DeWolf, aged 82 years, 6
months and 14 days.
BAYAGE,—In Grey, on Aug. 22nd, John
Savage, aged 66 years, 3 m0n1hs and
11 daye.
T000DAY, AUGUST 29TH.—Farm stook,
implements, grain, &o., at Lot 22, 2ud
Line, Morrie. Sale, anreeerved, at 1 p.
m. L. J, Pepper, Prop. Robe. Gornies,
SR J X37 L,Fa _x.s130 TS,
Furl Wheat 70 73
Barley 85 40
Peas 60 63
Oats 25 27
Butter, tube and rolls17 18
Eggs per dozen 15 16
Hay per ton 6 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 6 60 6 60
Hoge, Live 0 75 7 00
Wool 23 23
Sa't, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Potatoee per bus 60 75
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25
A pupil fu vocal music of Mre. Nor-
ton, of Detroit, is prepared to give 'iodruo-
tioninvocal music and the violin. Terme
on application,
.i Ton rams for sale. One is a 2 year aid
aup the other a iamb. They aro utaee ones.
7.0 Lot 17,Oon, 0, Grey.
4i acres of laud in Brussels South. to
rent. Possession could be given about Oct.
1612. For further particulars apply on the
premises, or it byleIoBO.
letter to
At next meeting of Brussels Council, on
September 4th, tenders will be 'received for
the construction of cement sidewalks in
Brussels, acaorable to apecidoattono of for-
mer years. Tenders to give price per square
foot and work to be dons this Pall.
F. S. 8002270, CL100,
and 81 Lot 20,,06 . being 101
township, Go.
Huron. The lots will bo told separately or
together to Reit pnrobaser. There ie a frame
house, frame bare, orchard, &o. Property
is 83 miles from llraesole and in a flue oom-
mu0ity. Ear 1,x100, forme and further par -
Healers apply on the premises, or address
Brussels P.O.
7-01 MRs. Ili, BEr,LINGTON,
Mg Lot 12, Con, 00, Grey, oontoluing
100 acme, 80 of Which are cleared and Mil-
ano') in hardwood 137th. Framo house, new
bank barn. orchard, &c., on promises with
abundance of spring water. Plano is wall
tone ed; it in good oonditIen and 00 waste
Mud. 6 miles from either Brussels or Wal-
ton. For tnrtber, Rrtionlars apply on the
promises or 1f by lett D4N09NBON P.O.
NE/7.11 Proprietor,
Ladies' Hats
Ili Or'ONr'16'IIi Ili hi'hl'011ld'h.Ih14AI1,11.
We have just passed into stock an as.
sortment of Ladies' Ready-to-wear Hats
for the Fall trade. We will consider it
a pleasure to have the opportunity of
showing you the different styles and we
ask everybody (whether a customer or
not) to call on us that we may have
this pleasure,
'vaeueriilu'telAVJIBM,'Oi al,.WN.
R. e. Davies & eo.
SALE, — The undersigned offers his
desirable property in Graham's Survey tar
sale. cootaining 81 items, with a good brink
house and frame barn on it, For further
Particulars apply on the premises,
0012! SAMUEL II0GGABD, Brneeele,
l being Lot 20, Con. 13, Grey township,
Huron Co., oontaluing 100 sores, There is a
clearance of DO acres, the hued being to
splendid rendition. IIpoii the 101.01 18 0
brick house, bank baro, low barn, pig house,
&o ,also good orchard, Poeseselon given
next Spring, with privilege , of putting Fall
wheat in. Par further particulars apply o0
the promisee to WM. 510NAB13, Propriotor,
or F. S, Scott, Brussels. 61-03
When you buy Rubber gat it,
got part something else in mat
the Rubber Goode sold. Oar 3
be Goods are bought direct 01
manufaoturors and we pink the c
ufaoturere carefully. Those gi
aro fresh, the quality is assured
the prince are the lowest ab wi
goods of the quality oan be sold,
and 2 acres of land for sale on Walt
etr•eat, Brussels. Brink house, good dal
hard and soft water, small orchard,
Property le good shape. Immediate poor
Bion oan be given. Per further partloul
01PIY ou the premt lee, Will oleo Bell 1
good Jersey Oows, one a tboro' bred.
62-tt Proprietor, Brussel
For the past twenty-seven years we have been in the Furn
tore, Undertaking and Music Business in this town, and to day v
are in a better position than ever to supply the wants of the peop
of this community.
Two years ago we extensively remodelled our store and adde
doubtedly have the largest assortment in any of our lines in th
As August is a very quiet month in the Furniture Line and n
we have made some very large purchases at Reduced Prices w
will give a
Special 10 ant. Discount During the Plant
Call at any time and inspect our Goods. We consider it
pleasure to show them.
Leatherdale &
of Our Great
v Sale
For the next 10 days we have decided to make
this store the Busiest Store in Brussels.
Below we quote a few prices which will give you
an idea of what you may expect when you visit our
50 ends Fancy Colored Dress Mullins, worth regular
20c to 80e, Clearing price, per yard .,, .,, so
3 pieces Grey Tweed Dress Goods, worth regular 25c
60c, Clearing price ... "' „ CJ
10 only Ladies' Cloth Skirts, worth regular
$15,00, Clearing price 2.5�
2 only Black Taffetta Silk Waists, last season's 2.00
style, worth regular $5.00, Clearing price...
25 only Ladies' White Cambric Corset Covers, 15e
worth regular 35c, Clearing price „ .1-
L20 only Ladies' White Cambric Corset Covers, 371
worth reg. 50e, 75c, 1.00, 1.75, Clearing at V 2C
10 only Ladies' Tweed Rain Coats, worth regular 2.75
5.00 and 6.00, Clearing price ,,, „
5 only Ladies' Fawn Rubber Coats, worth 3.50 125
and 4.50, Clearing price .. „
3 dozen Ladies' Tweed and Velvet Capes, worth 25C
regular 50e, Clearing price ... .., „ �t
25 Short Ends Silk, length 2i to 5 yards, worth ta5e
regular 75c and 1.00, Clearing price,.,