HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-24, Page 7iE:a�4a kYOUNG DTTA HI` 1.Ielod 0-0-0-0Oo04•0.0-00-0-0->0-0 :OW Tlo naliimmnEmEln, llug,''.ly was out les tho beat yard FOLKS see' a`a flg-playing' with Johnnie Gibbs, Thoy , o il playing staannlnoat and had Just e inva. dreadful disaster whets mom, - loots, tune tote door. emmetvant you to go down the street u•lancae, Teddy," see Bald, "I ./lust ng elsoma balking powder and va- I the Iefore I canliuislt my baking." ag' ofut Lin nil smashed up, meta - ie he, answered 'teddy, Troia under a At first it vette feared some 00 thereof rubbish, 1r1'hey'll gait ?nu and deadly epidemic had broken out, POISON IN ICE CREAM GOOD ANIMAL STORIES A BUSY DAY IN BIR1YIINGIIA1YL, TRUE YARNS ABOUT OUR ENGLAND. FOUR -TOOTED FRIENDS, The Hospitals Crowded With .A. Dog Dug Up Carrots and Gave Sufferers From Baleful Them to a Horse-1Ylonkey Penny Ice. Divides Banana. For four hours on a recent Sun- Tito dispute between. those who day afternoon anti evening the Dir. behove in the reasoning powers of mingham, England, hOspltals were animals and their opponents*, who fairly be:dosed, A constant stream ascribe every action of the dumb of vehicles kept arriving and dis- creation to mere instinct, is an old charging sick ehildron. The little sora; but fresh facts aro continually ones eatno in cabs and tramcars, -4/ cropping up to add to the interest perambulators and ambulances. of the controversy, Here aro a few Many of thorn .sora suffering frOIx stories of dogs and other animals, violabdominalt abdominal petite, and all domestic and otherwise, which will were afflicted with alarming sickness. afford food for thought to either section of the disputants. That dogs aro capable of disinter- ested friendship for other animals Is beyond dispute. Professor Wesley Mills, in his luminous and deeply in- teresting work on animal intelligence mentions a dog that struck up a friendship with ono of his master's carriage -horses. For some tins carrots were missed from. the kitch- en garden, and, a watch being kept, it was found that the dog had been in the habit of digging them up and presenting then to his equine frietld. Now, dogs do not themselves con - shier carrots a delicacy. How was that particular thinker to ]snow that a present of that nature would bo acceptable to his friend the horse? If reason was not in operation there something very like it must have been. DUG UP IFIL: KITTENS, cl 0I1c+fOre long incl find out if i, m 01.0 otj or not, If I ain't, p'r'eps 1 00msgo bbueby." ut w;nune, laughed. "I don't see h oiic;J, cart wait, my son. Judging 1° see' appearances, I do not think you les /killed, and I can Join the rescu- oilclnrty and help out. I want my e the eg powder ns soon as possible." ts, tl crawled slowly out. "I wish n an s could bo /bade without ietgs,:' he said, rather vaguely, else I wish papa would (keep a well hitneelf right hero at home, LLerns+;I wouldn't alv„ys have to stop ti r(tkt in the most interesting plane. el; elpin' t you anyhow get along Lisa lout 'em?" ere ru, my clear; nut if you go right he et quickly you will soon be back. rs, ti. general rule, I want my little ma•;to clo errands for me because he omens me; but since you were in such id it Salmi condition I will give you tea le' pennies to spend. Now, don't pct, Teddy, baking powder and IYIPBilla, Say it over five times, to hen fure." 5. Balsas powder and vornillor. but inquit'loe made proved that they were all patrons of an Italian On - cream vendor on the Parade. In all 45 cases were attended by the doctors. In many instances the work of the medical men had been tnado light by the intelligence of the pollee, who had promptly adutinis- tared emetics, without waiting for the doctor. Parents and friends of the sufferers became greatly excited, anticipating the worst consequences. 'there were some noisy scenes outside the hospi- tal, and then at indignant crowd went off in search of the man who hart sold the ice cream. Iso beat a hasty retreat, which was covered by the police. It was well that a good force of constables was on the scene, or the man would certainly have been handled roughly. The remainder of rho ice cream has been seized by the pollee. It is be- ing kept in a frozen condition cud was handed over to tho analyst. e'er ,t forget; sec if I do—hakin' red rider and ve'niller. Do you care ,a, est kind of candy I get?" Ay sp, o, Just what you like, If it herbgqi�e5 within your means. What is tege Lou arc to get far me?" 13akln' powder and cvernillor. had t't forget, never," 1d l 'erhn.ps not, but say it over to et "Allg'self on the way and go as to Wkly as you can." pingwn tho road ran Ted. 'Dan' with diki e•-1'11 get a candy eler—ver- almccr — and p'r'aps a chocolate The ese. Malkin' powder—I don't O tijv but. 1'd rather have Just tatty; talkes longer to eat, 'cause it ee st4acs to your teeth. What was that t s'ooj r thing mamma wanted? I ' P,e°4Iu like a whole pound of candy c1re'5• Oh, dear! I can't remember + t that other thing was, an' I rat Ili saying it like everything! Well, 1 eV,11`'maybe she can rot get one, r y t iS l ask without the other. I'll g \ l D ulc . �! a• es L Clerk what he supposes it 5.v/., e I. ybc he will remember for .rte. 1 lir Atdst think 1 wont get a cigar, prf\hiI l all. .I'11 have more fun, I guess t was all one kind. When you • i mean I. have much of a thing, youJust goin', and it's ail gone. T'ln 6g h • to et all taffy.' Having sot - the momentous question nt us ues t o n i n his wed ticl, Ted flew over the ground. mo'•lI want—two cents' - worth of g ern s'.•," he said, breathlessly, as he urn ruled into the store, be l5ll right," answered Mr, Clark, o whitt santly; "anything else?" 1 rho rd's fare grew blanik, "Y—cs, sir est y mother she wants—why, she is—something. T !kept saying ft ladec 0 and over, and I don't anyway it tlj how I forg o t . It was as something m sionecAr. Clark, but Ted shook timelybake with," :sr t Sugar, spices, extracts, soda?" on head, latrl•i:f think you had better run right male�k and find out.Si s ll I keep 0 Sae it candy for you Until you conte so the kr, of tot No, sir, thank you. I think it .1, I kind of—encourage me to have ,;s, b vita tine." 1 yar All right," said Mr, Clark, laugh - ha ound the se ma o Ted trudged back ]tome; and 'chew it seemed much longer to 101 at.ils time, in spiteito of his ca- ne th fragment. ].lorry!" called mamma from doer; "I ane waiting for the bak- 'Ie wider." y"There," exclaimed Ted, "T knew at '.was! only, you see. I couldn't her; I said it over lots of Imes; I what was the other?" vele° are t peoplO led le ✓ th d, riel t ('at} this ii';"Olt, Ted Arnold, .you did not go s Mil target both, did you?" d rash Why, , no z don't think I really great got 'em, 1 remembered the candy /tache somehow 1 couldn't think what I 1111'. naves of the other two things metes re," oavlli 'Oh, said mamma, in a funny tone. Ily th i see—a distinction without any wee] 'eretre, wast it? Well, now you w" right back and I will lkeop your 10 c1' lily roe yon. If you do not ro- mhor this tlfne, you cannot have 1n 117 at all. Baking powder and va- I013 CREAM FOR BABIES. For a time the condition of some of the children was exceedingly eth- ical and but for the prompt measures taken might have had fatal conse- quences. All the sufferers wore discharged. from the hospital on Saturday night, though many remain under medical treatment at their houses: A striking feature of the incident is the fact that some of the little sufferers were notes only two years old. At that age it might be thought, even the very best ice cream is liable to have an undesirable ef- fect. Apparently the Italian does not rely upon children for custom. Ono patient admitted to the hospital was a mat 45 yea's of age, who has had to endure a file of merciless chaff as a result of his amiable weakness for penny ices. ICEEP CHILDREN WELL. If you want to keep your children 11ren hearty, rosy and full of life during o th la HE TELLS THEM TO ASK THE I.O.F. SOHN J. BURNS 01.111.DD BY DODD'S IOIDNEY PILLS. Ile Had Chronic Inflammation of the Kidneys—Says His Brother Foresters Can Tell all About it, Darnley, I'.1,I., Aug. 14 (Special). —John J, Burns, a prominent meat ber of the I,O,F., here, whose cure of Chronic Inflammation of tho Loins and Kidneys caused a sensa- tion some time ago, reports that ho is still in splendid health, "Yes," says Air, Burns, "my aura is entire- ly satisfactory, I have (hail no trou- ble since I used Dodd's Kidney Pills. They drove away the disease from which I suffered for eight years, "No, I'll never forget Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. The doctor could not help me. I got so bad I could scarcely walk, sit or sleep. I was about' to givo up entirely when an adver- tisement led me to try Dodd's Kid- ney Pine. Now I am in gond health. Dodd's Kidney Pills saved my life." If any one doubts Mr. Burns' story hn simply refers then to his brother Foresters. They all know how he suffered and that Dodd's Kidney Pills cured 11151, A somewhat similar story was told by a correspondent of the "Spectator" some time ago, A certain fox -terrier was the particular friend of the household cat. It so happened that pussy had a sitter of kittens, all of whom/ found a damp grave in tho stable bucket, Tho mother -cat took the loss of her chil- dren to heart dreadfully, and hoped about the house in disconsolate fash- ion. This caused the terrier great anxiety, and he tried to cheer up the sorrowing leather in every way; but in vain, l inelly, a bright idea came into his doggy mind. Ho rush- ed into the garden where the drown- ed corpses of the unfortunate kit- tens had been burled, with busy paws resurrected thorn, and carried the earthly little furry bodies in glad triumph to his distracted friend. Can this action of the dog be ascribed solely to instinct?Cats and other animals have been seen to divide food with particular friends. Thus• a monkey in the London Zoo was watched dividing a banana into three equal portions, • himself, one of'whlch he kept for self Pre- senting the others to two simian chums. A hog which had wandered by chance Otto a vegetable garden the hot weather months, give them, did not stay to luxuriate in selfish an occasional close of Baby's Own Tablets. This medicine will prevent all forms of stomach and bowel troubles which carry off so many lit- tle ones during tho hot summer months, or it will euro these troubles if they conte on unexpectedly. It is just the medicine for hot weather troubles, because it always does good, and can never do harm, as it is guaranteed free from opiates and harmful drugs. It is good for chil- dren at every stage from birth on- ward, and will promptly euro all their minor ailments. Ill's, 1, J. McFarlane, Aubrey, Que., says;—"My baby was troubled tvith colic until I gate hint ]3ab3's Own Tablets, and they promptly cured him. Now when r 1 give hien t f sorts, S a little out o he ie a dose of Tablets, and they promptly bring him back to his usual health." You can get the Tablets from your druggist, or they will be sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing Tho Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1g nd now—wasn't it funny? --Tod 8„0',10'5,ncunbercd this• time without tho lget,st trouble. wool+;i3eraftor," said mamma, "I will rho. L pay you until you get home, 1 nlc." slf tits d the wall '3(1113 OPERATORS RBT31J.lsF. small 'neve you a• tele Tarn for me?" marl Iced a pompons railway official, 'rho 'pping from his private car and nP"r"!vesting the agent at a small ota- which made"T'hn blessed if T know," said the Nova' u.l„ ntor, eyeing hint critically. wont- wlsk;h .Vould yourphotograph be On ft?" ire n fl - gene DEAD. TO MS REARM. it3icl' ,1Vi11 yet) have another helping'?"o 1=011 the neighbor "Yoe seem very nd Of our ettickdito "Arid why shouldn't I he?" re- mitted iillhthlnmrt.n, who had beret eft ed to dinner, "when I tan tie- „ He et the flavor of our flowers In She +cry 11'iers01,?" tone >f hist Floating isignst.b, the ltu'gest beim; 1. 5 rent th,eo-queeeers Of a InliO in have,, en, form illi i F•er08li1R, feature of lake in g`setlal' w',5: f-- IFL'EC 1'IVE IRONY. L Like ridicule, irony is often more effective than argument, and may convey suggestionsestions and ideas in a rets/ and pithy manner, as when one says You can't always judge by solitude, but rushed away, and in a short time returned with some* per - clue pals. A raven which Charles Dickens noticed at Hungerford used regularly to carry bones to a dog with a broken leg. A striking instance of animal thought for others wee seen on the road from Lucknow to Sectapore, An elephant: train was on its way to the latter town, when one of the big beasts went lame, and had the great- est difficulty in ]keeping up with the rest. Seeing this, the elephant be- hind him began with his trunk to remove some of his suffering com- panion's onpanion's load. DONICTY TOLD 17:35 FRIENDS. Nearer home, a donkey onto dis- covered that he could open the gate of the field in which he was grazing. Not selfishly content with keeping Me interesting fact to himself, he to mediately called three friends—a mare, a foal, and a yearling—and es- corted them from the field .and for some distance along the roar!, until, in fact, the entire party was met and turned back by a farm-hand, Again, an Australian opossum, brought to England as a pet, greatly to a dogbe- came o- cams in 1 attached c 6 tc same house. P An opossum re- face, holding his muzzle in Its little paws, and carefully licking it all over, In this particular instance of animal friendship it may bo that the dog's patience and politeness in thrown in this way in less than a Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or harden them, It will maks them zeft white and fleecy. TB How TO THROW A HORSE:. To Thoroughly Take the Conceit Out of Him, To thoroughly take the conceit cut of a horse, there is no better way than to throw bin, It certainly re- quires pluck and determination to throw a horse single handed, but if done, your hose is virtually con- quered for good and all. To do this put a good strong halter on your horse, take a strop with a ring in it and buckle it round the horse's off foreleg below the fotlocic joint; take a rope eight feet long and tie it to this strap; place a surcingle round the horse's body; take up your poli - Lion on the right side of the horse, bring the rope over the horse's back from the off sine; take hold of the rope, and pull his foot to his body; take a firm hold of this foot, holding it in that position, then take hold of the horse's halter with the loft hand, pull his head to you, and press against his body with your elbow, using the words "Lie down," The majority of horses can Le submitting to the process, rather than hurt its little friend's feelings by refusing, is quite as noteworthy as the opossum's anxiety to do what it regarded as a kindly act. This capacity for sympathy and love of others is something of an argument against those who insist that animals aro guided by nothing but instinct, Another is found in the rapacity of dumb things for make-bcllev0 and play. Who has not seen a kitten pretend that a cork or a reel of cotton is a mouse, and stalk it ferociously? Or a couple of dogs indulging in mock combat, growling, snapping, and yelping as it in the deadliest earnest? sembles a cat in being very t• ,Y Lls9 Y appearances; the main who wears mover its 'toilet, and this particular '1 m its own wealthy." nn 1 wca performing really U it ma. • be tea .Y fret et diamond Y men a P y ci P a e P A gentleman, it was once said ablutions, 'used to wash the dog's never inflicts pain. On which a wit remarks, "This is hard on the den- tists." Not a bad story is told of on aged clergyman who mot a man loudly declaiming against foreign missions. r "doesn't k•theobs O "Why,"askedobjector, the March lookafter the heathoaat hone?" "Wo do," said the clergy- man, quietly, and gave the man a tract. "So far as you saw," said coons sel to a witness, "she was doing her ordinary household duty?" "I should say so—she was talk- ing," was the ironical reply, Ho never had but one genuine case In his life," said a lawyer of a rival, "end that was when he prosecuted his studies... Some lawyers have had curious ex- periences or ironical wills, There is tho not unfamiliar thee of the French merchant who left a handsome legacy to a tatty who had refused to marry him twenty years before, in grati- tude for iter kindness in not . talking !nim at his word. Thorn is a good deal of painted satire its such ironical facetikte as tho Meted Ott amnia of the trouble "ICING-OF—THE-CASTLE." That noted observer of animal life, Mr, J. N. Bembridge, ha.s recorded an exciting game of "king -of -the - castle," indulged in by some lambs in a field. The pasture had been covered with heaps of seaweed, and On one of these a lamb took up his position, Ci all comers. In d and defied a glade at i Haddon Chasm fawns s have been soon playing "touch" as vigorously and as understandingly as children, The capacity for "mak- ing -believe" was strikingly exempli- fied by a squirrel which Professor Wesley Mills captured and shut up in a cage. The little animal appealed drowsy, listless, and as if suffering from paralysis, dragging Its limbs after it in a helpless kind of way. Tho observer could only conclude that he had unwittingly inflicted sonso injury upon the squirrel during capture. All these symptoms con- tinued till the third day of impris- onment, when Professor Mills incau- tiously left the cage door open. CI0510 in an instant was the pretended Paralysis; the artful beast darted frf the open window, and a flash of brown fur across the garden fence was the last that the 'naturalist saw of his cunning captive, Everybody knows that form of ard- T was so flustered that instead I ex - mal intelligence which is manifested claimer', 'At last!' " HEART RIGHT When He Quit Coffee. Life Insurance. Companies will not ' •in inskuo 0 man suffering front heart trouble. Tho reason as obvious, This Is a serious matter to the husband or father who is solicitous for the future of his dear ones. Of- ten the heart trouble is caused by an unexpected thing and can be cot rooted 0 taken in time and properly treated. A man In Colorado writes: "1 was a gloat coffee drinker for many years, and was not aware of the injurious effects of the habit 011 I became to Practical invalid, suffer- ing from heart trouble, indigestion and nervousness to an extent that made 1110 wretchedly miserable my- self and a nuisance to those who Witllasacti my sufferings. "1 continued to drink Coffee, hoW- over, not suspecting that it was tiro cause of lay ill -health, till, on ap- plying for We insurance I was re - following "Wo are relntuded you 5. with my heart, 'Tet I becalm?can't bey a quart of sand and bo Burr. tient it ie not half saga," alarmed, 1 fond that leaving oft coffee rnolpcd me quloTclY, so I. quit zt reslcicnt in It s'dtul•ban district it altogether and having been at - was asked flow his bauee had fared during a snowstorm. "011, badly;" was the reply; "my cistern is the on- ly dry place in i•." "Wot'll I` do with this T.lm'gln alarm, Bill talks it nog?" s burglar nlnnbe' one. Second burglar; "Yes; slip it; itt the bag. We can get sometime for it." TWO 114 SUCCFltes1oN, •i'css -Jatdk 81.010 it IIS troll me hurt 5,111)1, ,lest,•--llraeroist Shat did you tlo about Tl? roes->nl111ng, T ii1111n't have 111110; ho /Wade reel.ituilOn luinredlalcly, trached by the advortisemnnts of )'ostnmt Food Coffee T began its 11130, "The (bulge 10 my' condition was ranerikable 01151 it was not long 011 1 teas completely cured. All my ali- ments temish0d, hl'y digestion was completely I•est:orecl, my nervousness disappeared, and, Most important of all, my Heart steadiest down and be- came normal, and on a second 0x- nrnhuaton T sone accepted by the life Mem-Mice company, Quit.ing Coffee and using Postcon worked the cure," Ne,mss give1 by Postcon Co., Battle Crook, Mich. There's a rOrtsoe, end it is explaiil- efl in the little book, "'rho goad to Welivilla in each package, minute, while others. of course, might fight longer. As soon as the animal has been thrown, talco the rope that is underneath him, bring it Maier the surcingle and pass it through the ring of the halter, and hack under the surcinglo again, end thus you have the rope in position to brieg his head over his shoelace, Make him put his head on the ground, enol if he makes any at- tempt to get up, pull his head up immediately, which will prevent him from rising, This will give him thoroughly to understand that you are master. Once a horse realizes your power over him, he will do al- most anything a Horse can do. We Could Talk to You AIN Day tomegr...I=sazastmai ectoos000mmacmiamemslam TEA, but we could not convince you as easily as a TRIAL wapiti that BLUE RIBBON is the nearest to PERFECTION that any lea bas reached. TRY THE RED LABEL QUALITY. 110 1V0\ D1112. "Julia!" yelled the poet, "why don't you keep that kid quiet? Whets the matter with it?" "I'nt surd I dont know," replied his patient wife;; "I'm singing ono of your lullabies to the little darling." The Popular rill.—The pIll the most popular of all forms or medi- cine,and of gilts the most popular aro Parmelee's Vegetable because they do what it is asserted they can do, and aro not put forward c on any ficti- tious ctaims to taah, They aro taken. t olid portable. they 130 easily .stat, they give not nauseate nor gripe, andthey give relic`. in the most stub- born cases. Father—"You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Dick; you are now in your twenty-fifth year, and you haven't earned a penny Set. At your age 1 had already married a w0111011 wills 1011 thousand dollars." Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will remove the grease with the greatest ease. Ethel (to her dearest friend)—"I put my foot in it so dreadfully when Edwin proposed. I meant to Fey, 'This Is so sudden!' you know, but hu seeking the aid of human beings —not necessarily /taster or mistress —in matters which the animal is un- able to accomplish by itself, The simplest form of this is shown by the cat who sits mowing at tlto door to he let in; but there aro in- stances of more reasoned appeals than this familiar one. A monkey in the London Zoo was scan to hand a nut to a spectator the foiled havingbeen n 11 'lt bars, in Isis efforts to crack it. The vlsi� for realized the situation, cracked lc which handed t bac lc, and ha c the net, + was evidently what had been ex- pected of hint. ..IOW A RETRIEVER G01' HOME. Signals oI Danger.—flava you lost your appetite? IIavo you a coated tongue? have you any unpleasant taste in the mouth? Does your dead ache and have you dizziness? If so, your stomach is out of order and you need medicine. nub you do not like medicine Ile that prefers sickness to .medicine tr,nst suffer, but under the cir- cumstances the wise man would procure and speedilyPgot! in self in health, Felin leo rive to P so, et Iu tho "Spectator" of recent date a correspondent describes his ad- ventures with a black retriever, The street as ho tho him i 'll mot uu u au a was going home one night, and in- sisted on being accompanied up a narrow alloy, Tho mat, rather curi- ous to see the reason of the dog's behaviour, did as he was evidently desired to do, and was led, with much tail -wagging, to a yarn door at the top of the alley. This door was latched but not locked, and, in response to tho dumb entreaties of his canine acquaintance, the corre- spondent opened it, whereupon the dog, with a joyous bank, darted in, evidently at home, It thus appear- ed ppear ed that the dog had been shut o and had had the sagacity to seek out a perfect stranger in the nearest fre- quented street anti induce him to accompany it home and unlatch the door. 'l'hoso very human traits of vanity and dislike of ridicule are prominent in domestic animals. A dog "cross- ed up" by children for amusement may sttbinit without a murmer, but he loops the picture of misery tho whole time. During the Coronation festivities in 1902, Fein dogs absolutely re- fused to recognize their own houses covered with flags and other decors; tions, std wont away its a heft, One dog, belonging to a lady resident in Mayfair, was observed to be sitting on his haunches opposite his decor- ated domicile, and barking Isis dis- gust and disapproval:—t,onclon An- swers, 'Pori (smilingly)' --"Yet remind me of an old friend of .nine.' 113thei (baaghtily)--" Indcedl T1OtV old, please?'i Wise Housekeepers Always Have a Supply of Libby9s (Elavor> Food Products Veal Loaf, Melrose Pate, Deviled Ham, Dried Beef, Ham Loaf, Vienna Sausage, Baked Beans and Corned Beef Hash, THEY ARE COOKED AND READY TO SERVE Tho ,Eooltiet, "Irmo lo brake Good Things to Eat," sent Jroo, Address Libby: McNeill 6. Libby, Chicago L PRY A telegrapher earns from 6540,00 to $1800.00 a year. Do you? If not, let us qualify you to do so. Our free telegraph book explains everything. Write for it to -day. B. W. SOMERS, Principal. DOMINION 8G11OO1, OF TELEG00PNY 5Adcieido St. Ea t, Toronto, Ont. Mention this paper. A VARYING IMPRESSION. "Do you believe in the theory that he sun?" ilia into t • h 1 the earth S falling "Sometimes," answered the un- scientific elan. "1 believe it in the summer. In the winter I forget about it." If your children moan and are rest- less during sleep, counted, when awaits, with a loss of appetite pale connten- mice retia of the nose, etc., you me' Melting upon it that the primary other of the trouble is worms, Mother G the Graves' Norm lxtorm inator atoc eBrr.tunl l'' removes these pests, at once relieving the little sufferers. AT THE FRONT DOOR. Weary Willie—Say, Lady, I'm dat hungry I 'don't lames what to do. I Mrs. Goodat—'Very well, poor man; walk around to the kitchen and we'll give you something. Weary Willie—Dat's a putty long Walk, lady; couldn't yor hand it out hero jist as well?" Brannigan—"Como ]tome and take supper wird me, Flannigan:" P101100' gan Slane, Its past Y 1 P PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During Juno, July, August and North September tho Chicago and Pg Western Ry. will sell from Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portlaud, Ore. (Lewis & Clerlke Excursion), Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. Rates, folders and full infnrmntion can be obtained from I1, ll,. Tlennotl, Gencn'ai Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. 31 EXACT 013L;DT1 . CE. Native servants in India have the generally desirable though sometimes inconvenient virtue of the Chinese— doing exactly es they are told. Tho trouble is that they seldom use judgment. Lord Roberts, during a campaign hisman to in India, had ordered a prepare his bath at a certain hour. Ono day a fierce engagement was g0- 1119 on, but the servant made his way through a storm of bullets, and appeared at the commander's side, "Sahib," said he, "your bath is ready." Even a better story comes from an unknown soldier, who was awakened, ono morning, by feeling the servant of a brother officer pulling at his loot h man "Sahib," Whispered the i do?Mymas- ter what out 1 to "Bah wake him at half ter told Inc to n e past six, but he did not go to bed till seven." Nothing looks /faro ugly than to sena a ppnl'eon whose stands M•„ eowel'ad aver with warts, 1Vhy kava these thzllgura- nlantS on your person when a sure re- mover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found fn kiollowny's 00r0 Cure. Superfluous Flair Permanently ()moved While traveling in Mexico I discover- ed a drug which removes hair from taco, arms, .neck, or any part of the body instantly and permanently, so will send to any one afflicted without any expense but a postage stamp. Don't Judge my treatment by unsuccess- ful attempts of others. I have suffered for years with this aliliction and now my life's work 1s to help others from this humiliating trouble. My treat- ment is easy and accomplished at home. and I will forfeit 8500 if it. fails to remove hair. Don't suffer longer. Re- lief is now yours for rho asking. W>'ito now lest you forget my address. DoitoTHY KLA VI:, '1815 North Six- teenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.. :r—" willondrifhe u t I wonder D t h Thea c g r - u s after we are ma v amcl n c loomea tied?" The Mother—"Never mind, You will not care then whether ho does m' not so long as you aro mar- ried.' Dr. J. D. '.Gellogg's Dysentery Cordial Is a speody cure for dysentery, dlaw rhooa, cholera, summa• ooulpinhlt, son sleknoss and complaints incidental to children teething. .15 gives immediate relief to Whose suffering frau, the effects of indiscretion in Dating unripe fruit. :ucumbors, oto, It nets with wonderful rapidity and never falls to conquer the disease. No ono need fear cholera 1f they have a bottle of this modielne con• votttont, r, AIt00 AT A!Biltltll•:, AI.1KFT+TA— 2508 acres -2'3 miles north of Ualgary; 3 miles from Airdrie railway depot; convenient to church, schools, stores, etc.; splendidly situated; Magni- VIM; first-class soil; good water supply; up-to-date improvements; well- built house of eight rooms, fitted with v' drainage all 001;modern conveniences and d s system; workshop, stable,cattle shoes buggy d ' corrals,etc..; good shod, a, dl new and substantial; std be sk, fences, al Crops, as a going concern, lis stack, nrshin machinery, tools and house fur- nishings; eopec; this farm d all plowable, and !s especially y adapted for growing hard fall wheat and for mixed farming. Full Bros., Air n, Altaapp. anon to Gray Bens., Airdrie, Alta. TWO FATIIIIRs. Bishop Wilson of Calcutta, whose er sun er- speeches aro often gem or, had the sweeter; complexion divinely fan•; tune note; yet. wifo'li be ns mad 515 a happy faculty of saying the right sweeter; too complexion 51111• an 1050; hatter," 13rnnnigan—"That's jist lilting at all times, !nose in tact, he's fitllit.less; but T Won t YOUR OVERCOATS sed fed d Suite .,,;.1 4010 Boaor deed. 11 no Winn o in one Clea n ice ,lircoe 5foeercal nox 151 a rx r r , BRITISH AM21OIOAN OYCI NO CO. MONTREAL. FLY KILL TBERM ALL .AVOIR P100RJMITATIONNS , r •GTED. WELL INSTRUCTED. It uld r shoulder Her head rested on hiss and her little hand lay confidingly is his. "Tell me, Alfred," said the happ3 maiden, "how you ever came to pick me out as the girl y00 want - eel t0 marry." "Well, Dora," .replied the ecstatic young ratan, in a gush of confidence, "it was mother that put 0170 up to it." It is h now/ Everywhere.—Tact, 'Ie not a city, town or hamlet in Canalla where Dr. 'Phomas' Eclectric 01l is new .known—wherever Introduced it .laude a foothold for ,iL,olf and maintained it. Some merchants may suggest scone other reinody ns equally boaoli sal. Such rocolntnendations should he (0- cltod with doubt, Them is nay nus .. clect•hl 011, and that is Dr. 'Phomas', Take nothing else. "Pretty? No, T won't say baby is pretty," declared a young Inother, "for I tan speak of him illipartially, evell though ho is my own,. and titan's mora than most mothers can do. Re Inas lovely blue eyes, perfect in shape. hair Iiko tho morning sunshiee; mouth—arch, no rosebud could be it; but she can't lick the two of us,'l On ono occasion two young people 5.51105') father were famous for thetheirIsay hors 1».etly." diverse and pectillat' views 0n— cal subjects came to see the bishop. "Ab," said ho as he greeted ono, "your father wrote a great work on the Apotnlypso. I congratulate you en being tho daughter of such a man..". Then, turtling to his other guest, he said: "And year father forbore to write about the 'Apocalypse—a wise forbearance. Yon nee to be congrat- ulated on having so wise a father." NOT :DESIGNED 1"073 LOV3h1',S, I:io--"I ant sure Cupid had nothing to do with the alphabets" She' -"What gives you that impres- slon?"• He --"If ho had been doing it be would have plated U and T much geese+ er ditch -other. 1r Summer Colds 00,0 that cold at onoe, It isnot only mailing you feel 1111804lo,. but it ie doing you berm. fake S of shonid 9s sum ti.''�'" Cure Ton fig iO ..Ung roe Ynoneet rafundod 11,ft doesn't. ' Stout At all druggists, Hes sea sad 81,0e it vollllt, ISSCV 11'O,, 38-w.014