HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-24, Page 5loormarts .4111, .1111 ield ,ing ting Len- l%r- eoft 'g in uped 49e. Well )0 to 14.90 )able sale ;2.90 'ugly 390. e of 0ee8, 69c. erne, , all .540. Sale. you ay, lace ler, 111 Term Opens Sept. 5th, TORONTO, ONT Con, YONnll AND ALISXANUnn 1 Ono of the largest and hest comma*, ial schoold in the Dominion. All of 1 -leour0(ni11 poaltles oue, absolutely tnSStron 1y aLxtf f leaohore;pmodern courses 8 spleudld 1�1'rqulpm0ut. Every ancient thoroughly '.atiafiod. Write for our magnificent ,ratnlogue. Address :- W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal'. TRAiPN UP A CHILD And when hup gond him or er to (((11(rr5rr LISTOWF-L , ,1Torin opens April 11th, 1904 4‘, Two OOereBe- :51 Oommergial and 8uorthem'. nt0004 dor 0ollege Journal. A. L. Ma1NTY1tE, Manager. 4� )er MEDICAL. CARDS. ?R. R. A. BURNS- __. h Neu kion r to De. J. A uecesso K ,1 Brussels, UD,nrto 0raduate of Polyclinic Post Graduate boot of Medicine and surgery. New York -unbar of College of Physlolaua and Sur- ma of Ontario. S l c- a formerly o Mae and madame same e Y y (gilded by Dr. omen opo , 'Semmes of women a apeolalty. BUSINESS CARDS. 1 ONEY TO LOAN A'L' 5 Pk)R pont, P.S. SCOTT, tura eole V. 13, MoCC•-= leueE{A r of Maritage KENeetOuaeo. 01._ 7at 0000c00y, Turnborry street, 11ruooaio, 1ARMS FOR SALE -T LIE UN jj" DnitelrNND Das several goo.' r' 11:141 10. and to asy terms, iu row usn, klorr1B and Grey. 01 S. fluQTT.1 rueumie C. O. F. • ))Sort Fitness Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. 1., tinsels. moots in their Lodge Sown, B 1"1„ook, eu tho 2nd and last Tuesdays of b month, ate o'clock. Visiting brethren Tars weluom0. JAS. BU10Gll0B, C.10, A, N. MELLISH, H. 8. M. MORRISON, Bluer of Marriage Licensee, WALTON, ONT. • ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI IN0D0AN0a, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. `,l S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- ' • nun, will Noll for better pricoa, to otter men, in lass time and lees chargee An any other Auctioneer in East Huron or ' eiwon't charge anything. Dates and orders lit always be arranged at this office or by faoaal application, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT. 1 L Ltictioneer for Huron County. i Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for the office of TRU POET, Brussels. 22tf indigos. be eyes, 0000, or general inane, it is not Instead I making Bah and wh into se that ing, and de body 50 oont and all ler, and to show Nulls VETERINARY. 1 A. CUNNINGHAM- 0.a • Honor GlndnnOe of the Ontario Vet - nary Collage. is prepared to treat all Me- lees of domesticated animals lin a oompet- (E manner. Particular attention paid to terinary Deotletry and 14110 Fever, Cella °raptly attended to, Oftlee and Iunrma,-y our doors North of bridge, Tnrnberry at., mete. iEOAL AND CONVEYANCING. B. MAODONALD- • Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, F.to. aeoeaor to G. F. Blair. Olfioe over Btau- rd Bouk, Bru01ote. Solicitor for Metro- Iiton Bank. ;DCT M. SINCLAIR- ' V • Barrlbfer, Benaitor, ,Conveyancer, btary Public, &a. OStoe-Stewart's Block door North of 0eutral Hotel )Iolieitor for tbo Standard Bank. ,'DBOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- ARRIITERS SOI:I01LttRS, NOTARIES PUBLIC ETU. PAOTIDPcot, K, 0. BLAIft. R. 0. BABA"G.. Les -Those form.10erly 000upled by Moore Y'1 -Demme .Holt, °DEMON, - ONTAn1o: . . DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D, DESTIST adnate of the Royal College of Dental rgeoueof Ontario and Firot•olaee Boner adnate of Toronto University. Ogles xt to 1(rewor'e Photograph Gallery, ++d BRUSSELS. Fall Term Opens Sept, 5 CENTRAL {2T;onD.oNT. It nevi got a baldness education and It pays to get it In the school welch 400 do most for Its students after . they graduate, This school l0 recognized to be ore Of the. boat Ilusl- nese 00110100 hi Miriade. All otfr grad. at autos r omo nn)2 tioue, Bu0f001 000p� Col- lagen taertnontiy apply to as to genre Tt ear g 1(s for 0 00 teachers. Lf ky %rite for our free Catalogue, ELLIOTT & moLAOHLAN, Prinolbals.crt WINGHAM 11si22,ess College FARB tITB,YOUNG MF..N,YOUN0 WOMEN, WAKE UP to the loot that a knowledge of Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewrit- ing is an equipment for 0000000 In life. As an Investment It pays a dividend oyory day 10 the vett', There 0trine like the I'm - prove prgve the pros0uE and yPRESENT.nenure In the future. Enter NOW, and mere a thorough training iu either of our depot0m ants, that w111 pave the business avenues 00000eefu1ly for you. Terms and further information cheerfully glyen by calling or writing, GEO. BPoTTON, N. REGINALD FLn1'08030, President, Principal. 12 youro teaching experience. 1i31vsle. Twenty-one tickets were sold at Blytb atilt ion for the L 0. 0. F. 0X0000ion to Detroit. For nearly two weeks Wm. Sime has been laid aside from work from a bad attuok of lumbago, Mre. Peudalo has gone to London atter spending three months with her daughter, Mre, D, D. Crittenden. Robert Barrett left last week for Mani- toba and will take np hie reeideuae in come live town in that province. Mise Lizzie Watson, of Tampa, nor. ida, is visiting her nnole, Thomas Brown, and other friends in the village, 0. P. R. cone0ruouoe is now going on right in the village. Men and teams are fast making a new course for the river. C. W. Vail is away On a two weeks' vaoation. During his abeenoe George Lamouq of Wingham will have charge of the Grand Trunk et0tioo here. John E. Young, a .former resident of Blyth, now a commercial traveller, was married in 8t, George's ohnroh, West London, a few days ago to Mamie South. am, fro re' vvich, Jas. Brown, er, is nursing a Bore foot these days, canoed by a railway tie falling On it. The end tidings of the death of Mre. W. R. Mahood, of Boaix City, Iowa, wee received here. Rev. Jae. Edgar, who is visiting hie father on the 4th line, ooeduoted the [services in the Presbyterian church on Sunday in Gerrie and Fordwioh. Word was reoeived on Wednesday of last week of thedeath of Mre. Krmp, who epeut last Fall with Mre. J. H. Johnston. Mre. Kemp wart a greet eel. ferer from dropsy. A valuable mare belonging to George Ashton tell throukh the barn floor last week and broke her 'back. She died the next day. Mr. Ashton paid 9170 for her a short time 0000. Dr. M, A. V. Armstrong hae sold hie residence, drug store and praotiae to Dr. Foster, who hails from Province Bay, Manitoulin 'timid. Dr. Armstrong has been practicing here for two years and nine menthe. He ie nndeoided at to what be will do, bat says he will likely go Weer. He gave np his practice en Tina day noon of last week. Dr. Footer hae praotioed for three years in Manitoulin. 110W TO GET CONSIVMPT101. Ninety per Dent of the "tangent" con• trent consumption by Allowing power of reeietanoe to fall so low that a favorable condition for the development of the baaoilli ie provided. Io a healthy system consumption can't take root, But where there is weakness and debility, there you find tnberaoloeie. For developing strength and building up the weak nothing equals Ferrozone. It makes the nerves enduring and the blood nutritious. The way it oonverte food into nutriment is surprising. Just what the man verg ing on consumption needs -that's Ferro - zone. If tired and weak don't put off. Fifty Dente bays a box of fifty tablets at all dealers. W limb nm. Wiugham'e tea rale thio year will be 23 mills, or 3 mills more than Met year. Roofing the new posh Moe ie now in progress. So far all the work appears to be well done. Two young men were in town looking Into the prospects for a foundry for agrionitaral implemente. W. H. and Mre. Green and daughter Lizzie,have returned from a visit with friends in Rainy River. . W.F. VauStone hes sold hie grocery tandem to L. G. Kruse, Stook was taken and Mr. Kruse is in poese0sion. Mise M. Oornyn has returned from the city of Mexico, where she spent several menthe very pleaeently with her brother. The excursion to Detroit under the auspioee of Minerva ,Encampment, was fairly well patronized. Seventy tiokete were Bold at Wingham elation. The hay loader is a Most a000u! labor-eaving invention ; i0 9e said that sixty were ebipped to Wingham during the peatseaeon, and that all were sold. Wm. Orr, coo of Mr. Orr, of Hotel Brunswick, is holding down a fine alma. tion in Btown'e ,Ltmtted, departmental store, Portage la Prairie, al a handsome salary, Although Dr, Jerome has Bold hie mei- deuce, he does not intend leaving town, but has pnmhaeed from G. 0, Hanna the house on the opposite corner, occupied by Demo Davidson. Poseeseioo will be given by Sept, 12th. Again the shadow of death hae fallen on the home of our townsman, T. C. Graham, and on Saturday, 12th feet., death took from the tardily Mies Fier. 0nae, the youngest daughter. Deceased had bean a eufferer for many menthe, and notwithstanding that all that kind Mende 000ld do, wee done for her, she paged away, aged 20 'pears. Deceased wait 0 member of the Epworth League of the Methodist ohurob, and her place will henceforth be vacant. Service was 0003• ducted by her pastor, Rev, Dr. Gundy, al the home. A painful sodden!' 000urred one day recently at the home of Mr. Robinson, who lives on Minnie street near the G. T. R. bridge. Mre. Robineon'omcther, Mre, Boot*, was holding the baby, when the emelt of smoke was notified and Mro. Robinson notioed that her motberte clothing wag all on fire. She gniokly Mind a blanket, and wrapped it around her mother, outmoded In extinguishing the domes, before either Aare. Scott 00 the baby Were burned, though the former's hair wee singed with the flame. In her heroic' efforts to extinguish the Omuta Mrs, Robinsnu'o kande were very aevorely burned, The re,ulte might have been for more eerfuaa. It in thuugbt that the fire wee caused by Aire. Soott stepping upon a wattle, whish ignited and set fire to her clothing, A 1111.10 118 IIEAIht('Llli Ie one of the meanest thinge in the world. To prevent bilioucnoes neo Dr, Hamilton's Pills whiob keep the 0ye00m glean and pure, regulates the bowels, gives tone to the kidneys and liver. You'll never have a headache, you'll never have a sour atomach, but you will have vigorous braoiug health Ly taking Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Your druggist sella Dr, Hamilton's Pills, 25o, per box or five bone for one dollar, C1i11 ton. Five rinks of Olin0on bowlere were competing in the Goderiob tournament lost week. The I. 0. F. Order bag engaged a Jubilee Troup to give a oonoert in the Town Hall about the 30003 Mat, The Knitting Fnotary has bought a email lot from A. Oouoh, Mary Street, paying therefore the sum of 980. - Mr. Ohunt who was so badly hart in an accident at the Organ Factory some worths ago, was able to regime work, Robert A, Stoddart, prinoipal of the Forest High Sobool and formerly of Clinton, bas accepted the classical mas- terehip of the Port Hope Collegiate In. atitate. Mime Maggie McMurray, daughter of John MoMurrsy, formerly of Clinton, who bee beau training as a noree in a New York hospital, is spending her holi. days with friends in this neighborhood. Ioeso Dodd, who probably gives more attention to bees than any other matt in locality, that this is a verypoor this cosh honey season, vt ing donbtleee to te wet weather. O'at of a colony of 45 hives, be will only get this year about 1600 Me of honey, while three years ago he got as moob as three tone from pra0lidal• ly the same oology, Police. Magistrate Humber gave out hie deoieion on Friday in the case be. tween Lloenee Inspector Asquith and P. A. Lewie, of the Hotel Normandie, in reference to the double bar. For July 12 Lewis erected a eeoond bar in a room ad joining hie regular bemoan, which was a violation of the regulations as made . by the lioenee commissioners of Weet Enron. The magistrate imposed a fine of 920 and coats, and the latter will amount to much more than the fine, owing to the adjournments that have taken place. LETTER FROM LONDON. DOAN EvnasnoDT.-I promised to write you something about London this time, but I don't see where I can bsgin. The vastueee of it is appalling. New York has bat one Broadway, one Fifth avenue, but London tae many. We paes them day after day and never know their names ; wherever you go a sea of Kaman beings meets yen. We motored out to Epping Forest the other day, a distance of 13 miles, and all the way out with the exception of three miles altogether, we whirled along between walla of brink houses built aloes on the aides of the street, ansete narrow and sidewalks narrower -some plume too narrow to pass and we had to bank np to a street corner to lat a wagon go by. We weut through Whiteohaple and oaaght a glimpse of the Tower of London as we whizzed onward, Oo out through Hackney, where the first hackney ooaoh was made ; we went on and on until we thonght we would never leave those honer(' and races be- hind. We slopped first at Waltham Abbey, a fine old building at Norman arobiteoture, built during the reign of Edward the Confessor. Sere Harold the Sax',n was buried, but unfortunately der. ing the reign of Henry VII, 95 feet were torn away and with it went Harold's tomb, and nothing remains today but a small piece of black marble bearing the name -Harold-very indistinct 'tie tree but can he deciphered. The tombstones in the oharohyard lie °rumbled and broken and the English Ivy makes a soft, green covering for these reline of past ages. At Waltham aroma a abort dietanoetrom the Abbey rises the mono• meat which Edward I erected in honor of a e he made in tea atopy there R r in bringing K the body of Queen Ealnor home to rest in Weetmioieter Abbey. We took a differ. ant route home and the view we had wag charming, At A,. McDonald's Store, Cranbrook May be found a supply of Binder Twine of first-class quality. Plymouth sells at Ioic, per pound and Green Sheaf at tic. -Now is the time to get it, Fine New Stock of Dinner Sets. Bargains all over our Store. A. ltd ' D D X96 A LD CRANBROOK. Yeeterday we touk the motor oar to Windsor Castle, 25 miles from London. The condition of the roads is eaoellent. England I think would be a paradise nu motors and bicycles. Oeoe having seen piotnree of Windsor Castle you cannot mistake it, the massive pile of grey atone rising from the green award, tb e tall Boned Tour from whichfloats the Uuton leak by night and day, the river Thames at its feet sparkling through the green trees, while to the West the little town of Windsor noatlee diose against its walla. We entered St. George's Ohaple first. Part of it dates back to the reign of Henry III, but moat of it wee built during the reign of Edward VI, The grandeur of the arohiteoture, the unrival. led beauty of carving and tracing in atone and wood, the soft riohneee of the light au it streams through the oolored windows, the sacredness of the place all till you with feelioge of ewe. We left it and went to the «tate apartments. The various monde nre exceedingly beautiful. I liked the great dieing room beet, for from its walla look down uson you the pictures of meg who have swayed or help ed away the destinies of many countries. who though long since dead yet live in their words and work«. The Round Tower was very iotereeting Here John, King of France, and David, of Scotland, ware imprisoned, besides many other noted personages of that or later periods. There are two parka, the Home Park where "Frogmore Hoose" ie, lu whiob our late Queen is buried, and the Great Park, oonlaiuiug 1,800 aures of beautiful woodland .through whittle roam hundreds of deer. We left at 3.45 p. m., and were at the Savoy Court at 6 10 p. m. The ride was a delightful one ; we have nothing like it in Canada. Yon miss the great barne and roomy farm houses where each mac to hie own master. This 1e mare poetic', makes a more picturesque scene, but I'd rather take my ohaaaoe m the world - come here if you have money to spend, stay with the "Bney Beaver," or the "American Eagle" it yea have it to earn. To morrow Igo to see the College of Sorgeoue through the kindness of Dr. Wells. This isn't much of a letter, the inopira• tion to write isn't in the London air, eo you'll have to excuse me this time. We leave Thnreday for Ostend, iheaoe to Brussels, Cologne, Geneva, and Paris, That is if all pea well. A lady eat across from me in the cafe today, and I thought at dreh she was a figure from a show case, but she wasn't, it wag just paint and powder, but the application had been redooed to a fine art. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that we all went to a =ideate at the Botanic Gardena one afternoon and Mre. R. and I enjoyed studying the ladies, young, and old, and English. I don't think they dress nearly as becomingly as the merioan omen but I didn't ea A w u y so of course, for even though I inolade Canada, Alaaka, Greenland, eta., in my "America" Wars, R. would not, and I'm not throwing oomplimeoto "Uncle Same" way, he's. cradles' fine Shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. Fi rst-rate workman- ship. Made to wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, easy comfort, very durable. When you discard them you want another " ji st like the Last ones." Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying. Here are a few.- -Ladies' Dongole Laced or Buttoned Boots, heavy or light cotes, at $1.00. -Choice Laced or Buttoned Kid Boots at $2,00 and upwards. HARNESS DEPARTMENT -A choice lot of Single Harness, rub- ber trimmed, our own make, at close prices. Balance of our Dusters reduced to cost, Fly Nets, Rubber Rugs, Trunks and Satchels at Lowest Prices. Comfortable Dwelling for gain, apply to /i Vs R • C • . A D S. got anaemia pride a0 it ie, 1 hope you are all well and that I shall hear from 300 'loon. illy 10'Idrese remains tbo game. Iiendest rtt''rdato everybody. Yuure alrootionately, Attar Ii. FINnao' n, July 17th, 10o5. LIMIT OP 1I1111AN AGONY Is often reached with oorue, Foolish booaaea Pgtnam'e oorn extractor puree In twenty•four hoar«. Don't put off -get "Pgteam'e to -day -41V year(' in use - painting' and sure. Grey Council Meeting. The Oounoil met pennant to order in the '1'ownehlp Hall, Ethel, on Monday, August 14th, at 11 a. m„ the Reeve in the ohair and other member° all present. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Moved by John Brown, seconded by John Grant, that the agreement of the oon0raotoro on the Balfour Mouioipal Drain ae executed be aooeptod and that the peeve be authorized t0 sign the same on behalf of the oorpora0ion and that the corporate Beal be attached thereto. Oar ried. Moved by William Fraser, emended by Dnnoan Johnston that the agreement of the contractors on the Oox Muniolpal Drain as executed be accepted and that the Reeve be authorized to sign the some on behalf of the corporation and that the corporate Beal be attached thereto, Car. med. Bylaw No. 278, filing the rates for the °arrant year at 14 mills for oouoty per. poses, 5 for township br p pP oeeeand 8 mille P for general sohoolpurposes, was read three limes and finally passed. By-law No. 274 to levy and raise the amounts Bent in by the trnetees of the several School Seotioue and parte of Union Sohaol Section's in the township, was read three times and finally passed, Moved. by John Grant, amended by D. Johnston that al Bylaw be prepared to prohibit parties from going over any of the bridges in this townebip at a faster rate than a walk. tarried. Moved by Donoan Johnston, seconded by John Grant that the defioienoy of 104 on the Bolton Municipal Drain $ .00 p be paid over to the Treasurer of the townenip of Elma. tarried, Moved. by John Brown, seconded by Jahn Grant that the refuni of earplug of $7,64 on the 14th Oen, Municipal Drain be paid over to the Treasurer of the town• ship of Elma. Carried. Moved by John Brown, seconded by Duncan Johnston that Joseph Ooombee be appointed inspector on the MoFarleoe and McDonald bridge abetment(' at the rate of 91,50 per day. Carried. Moved by Joint Grant, aroonded by William Fraser that Edward Collie be appointed iuepeotor of the Forks' Bridge abntmeuta at a rate of 91.50 per day. Carried. The County requieitinn for this year is 98823 80, that ie 91140 45 higher than loot year. On motion of William Fraser, oecoad• ed by John Grant the following acnonots were ordered to be paid :- Robert McTaggart on contraot Howard drain 9 75 00 A. Hill & 0o, payment of Ethel bridge superstructure 1860 00 A. Hislop an contract Lamont drain 450 00 Duff & Stewart, cedar plank for Oniverte 44 00 Jno. W. Sanders, culvert, lot 21, oon 12 8 00 Samuel Dann, gravel 7 80 R. 0. Davies & Oo„ Voters' Liat books 1 20 Alex. Fraser, gravel 4 40 Daniel Neabie, gravel 25 52 Walter McKay, gravelling S. R 6, sou. 16 28 00 Walter McKay, grading lot 30, eau. 16 6 30 Jas. Denman, repairing Oalvort, lot 30, atm, 12 8 00 P. Tarr, ailment pipes for culverts 33 00 Jae, Brown, part pay Ethel bridge approach (South aide)85 00 R. Close, wire fence at White's bridge 19 40 W. Connelly Co. batenoe of contract on McTaggart drain 75 00 John McIntosh, expenses to Goderiob re Kendall suit.•5 25 Robert Close, gravel 4 40 L. A. Mason, gravel 5 76 RobertLivingstone,a ensee W a to Goderiob re Kendll snit5 25 Merles Case, expenses to Gode- riob re Kendall emit 5 25 Joseph McKay expenses to Gode riob, re Kendall suit 6 25 A. M. Sweeten, Treasurer of Elma, refund of eurplue on 14th Oen. drain 7 60 Mr. Rose, Treasurer of MoKillop, delloienoy on Bolton drain104 00 Moved, seconded and carried that the Connell do now adjourn to meet ou Mon. day, September 18th, at 10 a. m. Jong MdINToen, Clork, Tile Scourge o Consumption. mptioai. Thousands Are ,tytulr-Ir Tired, Lrulgukl or umt-llnwn Get Protection Before Teo Lata. No ohild, man or woman is safe from consumption unless their blood is pure, riot and nourishing. Allow the blood to beoome thin and immediately the whole eyatem grows weak. The lunge are deprived of resist- ing r• rteent tubercular ing power and a eve p e baaoilli develops. The most positive protection against consumption is Ferrozone, which restores full etreugth. Weak organs are inetant. ly strengthened. Worn out Hermes are rebuilt, New life is given to the lunge end all danger of eonaumption be destroy. ed, Mrs. E. J. Richardson, Manotiok, Ont. tells as follows of her enormous increase in health from Ferrozone : "For two years I wag not well, I was thin and Anaemic. Totvarde Spring I fall into a condition of nervone exhaustion, A dead tirednoso hung over me like n load of lead, Housework of any kind I Dimply noted nit do. A bad cough developed which worried ma greatly f°r thought it might bo tuhurettlar, When I firet read of Ferrozone I was oouvluoed it wits -rood, I took it tee ttlady for eight weeks and the change in my eoudition was wonderful, My (leeks filled oat and im- mune clear and rosy, I gained eight pounds and now am strong and vigorous McKA_Y & Co's uaust Sae ews fereereeneeteenetai During the month of August we purpose slaking n Special Cash Sale in all kinds of Table Cutlery and Spoons Our Clattery and Spoons include various makes from the Cheap- est to the Rogers' Gemmel/347 Goods. - Rogers' 0847 Goods at a Reduction that will positively please. - Rogers' to dwt. Knives at $04..00 per dozen. -Triple Plated Knives at 93.00 per dozen. SPECIAL IN BUTCHER KNIVES -5 doz. fine high grade Butcher Knives at 25 per cent. below the usual prion. SPECIAL IN SPOONS -One gross Tea Spoons, extra heavy Silver Plate on a plate of nickel, usual 3.5o, now $z.00 per dozen, SPECIAL IN BERRY SPOONS AND MEAT FORKS- -A limited quantity of Berry Spoons, usual 0.25, now q5c, -Berry Spoons from 75c. to 92.0o. -Meat Forks front 750. to „sl,po, HANOVER CEMENT always kept in stock. COME AND SECURE A BARGAIN. A. M. M c A V r as poeaible." Ferrozone feeds, nonriehoe and tones rip the body -it sande the thrill and vim of robust health from bead to foot-makee you feel better at an0e. Won't you u00 p Ferrozone ? Price 50 manta per box, or six boxeo for S2.50 at. all dealers, or N. O. Poleon & Go., Hartford, Conn„ U, S. A, and Kingston, Ont. Nelson, B. 0., le aurroanded by forest Brea. Four lives were lost in a fire that de• etroyed the Grand Hotel at Nelson, B. 0. Freeman Jacobs, of Hamilton, and William Roberts of Drayton, Bell Tele. phone linemen, were found on the rail- way near Palmeraton, having been etrnok by a train. Jumbo is dead, but Roberta will re0over. 00E BRos. Have placed in stock a fine assortment of late American E (nags, •Waltzes and. Two-steps All cold at price 250_ ACg3 Sign of the Golden Clock. W. F. Streit WATCH, S W. F. STRETTON can supply you with any grade of Watch you require and at the lowest price. JEWELRY You can rely on any piece you pur- chase from us to be just as we rep- resent it, REPAIRING If your Watch is not satisfactory after my repairing all you require is to return It and Iger your money. FULL RANGE OP Boots and Shoes Readymade Clothing Dry Goods and Groceries. A Choice Stock at the Postoffics Store CRANBROOK CALL AND SEE US. A. J. M. Helm DO YOU KNOW ? After 14 years as chief inetruator of Bir Isaac Pitman's Shorthand and Touch 'Py smiting 1n the Western Ontario Shorthand and Bneinese Academy of the City of Loudon, MISS MORPHY baa boon engaged by the Spotton Business Col- lege, Listowel, We can guarantee all oar worthy gradnet° Stenographers Iterative positions. OPENS SEPTEMBER 4TH Write or call. GEO. SPO'1"1'ONPxit, Phone 70 cipnl. Y l ECU DeDDRIMI renlaneel reTerean 0 0 1-3 w co CD