The Brussels Post, 1905-8-17, Page 8Souvenir
The Tablets contain on each
page a view of Brussels.
Two different views are in
each Tablet.
Come in two Sizes—Prise
25e. and 15e.
Secure one for your corres-
is almost here again and we
are ready with a fresh sup-
ply of all kinds of
Pure Pickling Spices
We keep a full line and give
careful attention to filling
the Recipes for Pickling
AIS t.It'''t,'h'h'eq,nyn,,nl,nv
00000005 EXTENSION W. 0. & R,
Trains leave Browses Station, North
sod South, ae followe ;
Gomm Soros GOING NORTe,
Mall 7:05 a.m [Mixed SAO am
Mixed.........11:20 a.mMail -...«1:33 p.m
Express 3:02 p.m I Express 8:01 p.m
.axat Reivs
A oilier e amang ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is,
FINE rain OD Tuesday.
Dors are rapidly shortening.
Nimes local items are always welcome
ALE. BAERER, R. Thomson and A. B.
MaoDouald attended the races at Omega.
villa this week,
BnuesELs Apple Evaporator will soon
open op for the Fall trade d:reoted by
Jur). Cunningham, the proprietor.
Sown 20 or more entriee of horses at
Orangeville races this week were made
for Branch races next Wednesday and
A DEMENT wood abed and Summer
kitchen is being built at R. Leatherdale's
to take the place of a frame structure
_pulled dawn.
MONDAY of this week Samuel Hoggard
made the first shipment of Spring cbiok.
ens to Toronto. They are of the barred
Rook variety and were fine young birds.
AMONG tbose who talk of taking in the
excursion to the Weet are R. T. and Mre.
Hing t r', Jno. and Mre. Coates, Miss
Mary Coates and Min Aggie Duooanson.
Loam light views and illustrated eoogs
in the Town Hell, Brussels, Thursday
evening of this week, under the auspices
of the Young People's Society of Melville
THE residents of Grahamvilie enjoyed
their annual pia nits in the Davidson
grove, 12th non., Gray, on Tbaroday
afternoon of last week. Foot ball,
swinge, &o., were among tbeamnsements.
Joao. BATEaine baa parohased the Jno.
Cunningham house and lot on Alexander
street and has moved to it. The price
wan $750. Mr, Cunningham and family
live in the home bought from J. D. War-
wick, V. S., Turnberry street.
Seamen RAOEs.—The program of races
on the a mile track at Brussels will take
place on Wednesday and Thnreday, 23rd
and 24th taste, wben a bill of fare cal-
culated to please the most prononoosd
sport will be presented in trotting, pacing
and running ranee,
Kerr took part in the program of the
Summer School program in Kinoardine,
last Friday evening and also sang solos
on Sunday in the Methodist cherub of
that town. Miss Thorns Gerry and Mies!
Ethel Scott contributed a duet at the
SALE.—It is the intention of Thomas
MoLanoblin, the well known horseman of
Brussels, t0 hold a clearing auotion sale
which will inalnde hie comfortable resi•
deaths and tote, hie horses, good colts,
rigs, &a. In the liet will be found his
well known stallions and several well bred
mares. The date is not yet set but due
notices will be given later for which the
public should keep on the lookout.
Stook and premises may be inspected any
time prior to the sale.
TUESDAY evening the Oommittee re
Carriage Faotory met and spent an hour
dist/fleeing various phases of the situation.
The general opinion of those present
appeared to be that the proposals up to
the present were nob likely to be fruit
bearers and the men priooipally interest.
ed will likely proceed along lines of their
own marking ,out. We hope to see the
business extended as there is a good local
field and in the oateide markets they
would stand en good a show as their
eompetitoks if they omit turn out the
PETITroNs are to be presented for the
building of Dement sidewalks on the
Easterly blook of Queen street and the
block between Flora and Thomas streets
on Alexander street. Tenders will be
received at the next meeting of the Oonn•
oil for the construction of the work. The
spseifioatione need in the laying of the
other walks in Brussels will be Oontinusd
and the tenders will be by the square
foot. Now would be a good time for a few
other odd plum of walk to be put down
as it is money well invested, The work
is done by ffrontage tax exoepling the
street grossing for which the town steads
Ronan Bnowemm SncODains.—Thnreday
evening Roger, the eldest son of Dr. W.
J, and Mre. Browatt, of Wingham, and a
nephew to G. A. and Mre, Deadman, of
Brunetti, wee nailed away to the Better
Land. He had been ill for 8 or 9 weeks
With typhoid fever followed by pongee..
tion of the brain and despite all that
could be done he parsed away as above
Mated. Roger was bofn in Ingersoll and
Was 16 year* of age, He was a kind,
olevet youth of good habits and is said
to have had the Baptist migietry in view
had hie life been epared, A funeral ver
vice was heldFriday evening by Rev.
Mr.Motto and on. Saturday morning
the remains were taken to Ingersoll by
train and interred in the family plot,
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brow.
aft will eynepathlee very sinoeroly with
ahem in the lobe of their tion,
RACES on Brussels track on Wedueaday
and Thursday of neat week, 23rd mud
24th lode,
RURAL. schools will open next Monday
and town and village schools on Ssptem•
her 5th in most places.
A isomeric} rink composed of T. Farrow,
H. James, R. Downing and D. 0. Rose
were at Goderiob this week attending the
bowling tournament' whioh opened there
ou Tueedoy.
A GOODLY number are taking advan•
tags of our 25o. trial offer of Tan Pose to
Jan. 1st, 1906, and are remembering
their absent relstivee and friends in this
practical way.
Foos rinks of Listowel bowlers were
here last Monday and played an enjoyable
game with Braseels. The visitors won
by a few shots, Score cards are not to
hand se we cannot give the list of players,.
To Mena 1 Town HALL.—•Io addition
to the attraotione already announced for
to night's entertainment, Miss Zetta
Ferguson, of Teeswaler, will sing. Beau•
tiful illaelretions accompany all the spege.
THa POST is greatly obliged to a goodly
Dumber of people who are squaring off
back subscriptions, Ra every dollar will
come moat convenient this eseson in
wiping out indebtedness on our new
Dn. OVENS, M. D., Surgeon, OCouliet,
Speoialiet, Di•eaovu of Eye, Ear end
Nose treated and glasses fitted properly.
Will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brussels,
on Tuesday, Sept, 1911. Hours 8 a. m.
to 1.30 p. m.
—Last Batnrday'e daily papers oontaioed
the notice of the appointment of H. R.
Brewer and Thos. Newsome. both
of Brussels, as Clerk and Bailiff of the
Fourth Division Ooart of Huron County.
TENDERS WANTRD.—Tendere will be re-
ceived by the undersigned np to 5 p. on.
on Saturday, August 19th, for the booth
privilege for the raise meet on the 23rd
and 24th of August. Also tenders for
sacra oarde for both days of meet.
A. B. MACDONALD, Seoretary,
A NEIN' residence will be erected by
Wm. Martin on hie eligible property,
Flora street. The main hones will be
20x30 feet and the kitchen 14024 feet.
George Barkley and ebaff is now putting
in tbs cement foundation. House will be
two story with cottage roof.
A PEREGRINATING bovine visited several
gardens one night recently and parried
on a vigorous campaign of epoilation,
Visions of early corn faded before the
property owners' eyes on account of
bossy's undesired energy. It's very
exasperating to nay the least of it.
Tan storehouse at the rear of the
Graham block is receiving attention this
week. It 10 being straightened on the
foundation and the rear portion of it torn
down. Dr. Graham is also having the
well drilled into the rook, piping pot in
and the well filled np which will prove of
benefit no doubt.
Taos, A. HAWRnio, with most sincere
thanks to the people of Brussels and the
surrounding country for past patronage,
anno0nnee with regret that in order to
farther pursue his etadiee in music, he
will leave Brussels next Spring. Any
wishing to take advantage of hie in.
straotioos while be remains should make
applioation at their earliest oonvenienoe.
Those preparing for the mid -Winter
examinatlone should resume their abadiee
at On0e,
Elliott Business Oollege, of Toronto, bas
enjoyed a splendid patronage during the
present year and this is no doubt due to
the eoperior training that the Oollege im.
parte. The Fall term opens on Sept. 5th
and already many have signified their in.
tendon of being present on the open-
ing day, "Thoroughness ie the keynote
of this Institution," is the motto of the
Elliott Busioeee College, Toronto, All
the graduates secure positions and the
demand for students to fill good positions
has during several menthe of bbe year,
been fully ilia time the supply.
Ex6URS1ON TO KnloAaDINE,—Last Fri•
day the annual Sabbath School Exour-
sioo on W G. & 13. line of railway was
ran to Kincardine and was largely pat.
ronized. The morning looked moob like
u wet day and prevented some from
going. Friday was the Oleic holiday in
Brussels So upwards of 400 took in the
trip to Kincardine and Luoknow followed
suit. Train accommodation was good,
two specials running, the seoond one a
doable header, It is said over 1600
people were conveyed to the lakeside
town. Mayor Cooke met ,the emersion.
iets and gave them a hearty welcome ;
the town Band wan aiso at the depot and
played a number of stirring airs ; and
the dray was ready to tape the baskets to
the Park where a good Kinoardineitetook
charge. Hot water was supplied and
everything done to add to the oomfort
and oonvenienoe of the viaitore wbo
enjoyed themselves splendidly. The
bowlers of Luoknow and Braeeele had a
great day on the fine lawn of the home
team and in the afternoon Kincardine
and Wingham whaoked one another in a
game of Laoroeee. After a day of delight
the exonreioniebe bade the good people of
Kincardine "Good Bye" with DO :small
regret and between 0 80 and 7. p. M. the
tramne pulled out on the home trip. 140
boofdu It marred the pleasure of the
excereion. The water amply on the care
ran abort and nobody appeared to assume
reeponsibility eithet tot it or the shortage
of supe to get a drink when water was
there, It was surely somebody's buei•
Standard Bank of Canada
c:STA274ZSSIM=XD 1E172
TOTAL ASSETti OVER 10,000,000
A G-a3nera1 SanIeilug E1xmilneDaa Tj-anDreetod
Accrued Interest Is added to accounts every six months and begonias prinolpol.
Joint Deposit Accounts—A 8PEOIAL 00NVENIENCE in two 10 our Savings Da.
postulant le the "Joint Deposit" account. Morley may be deposited or withdrawn
by either of the two members of the household, This system 1s a great °enveu-
ieuoe to mau0 residing in town, but more parucnlarly so to farmers, as in the lather
case whether man or wife cornea to town either uau attend to the Banking. An-
other feature of the system is that in ease of the death of either party the money
eau he withdrawn by the 801x11000 without cost. We will telt you more about our
methods 11 you will kindly pall or write.
Married 'Women and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without the in.
terventioa of may person,
only for which no oharge is made,
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oareful and courteous attention.
A FAntoua Banoox.—The Central Busi-
ness College of Stratford is recognized to
be one of the beet Oommeroial and Short.
band Schools in the Dominion. At prise•
ant there is a great demand in the Bnsi•
uess World for young men and women
who have a praotioal education and those
who desire to meet with 000050e io life
should take a 00aree in the 0. B. 0., for
we are informed that all gradaatee get
good positions. Those wbo are inter.
rested should write for a free catalogue.
Fall term opens on Sept, 5th.
PusT tapes pleasure in oongratulatiug the
pupils and teaobere of Brussels Sobool on
the success attending them at the Junior
Teachers' and Junior Matriculation
repent examinations. Oat of 17 who
wrote on the former 16 were suooeeeful,
Bertha Rees being given honors whioh
implies that the took over 75% on the
total and 50% on each subject. The
names of the pupils pae.iug Junior
Teachers' sem. are :—Harry Ainlay,
Robt, Bryans, Willie Oemeron, Mary
Dark, Frank Davidson, Robert Forrest,
L'lla Hansuld, Mary MOArter, Carrie
McCracken, Jun. MoOracken, Duncan
dloDouald, Argo and Bertha Rose (ohs
latter taking boners), Gertrude Rues,
Arthur Smith mud Elsie Wilton, These
atudente will have to attend the Model
School for a term and wile then be quail.
find to teach for three years. In Junior
Matrianlatioo exams. 5 out of 6 were
enooesafol viz , Willie Cameron, Bert.
Hengaton, Deno. MoDouald, Argo and
Bertha Rose. Four of these wrote at
both examinations. The result of the
above pupile passing will mean the re-
moval of the 17 from our eohool bat a
class of 27 who passed the Entrance will
take their please in Form I when school
ra•opens. This class will be under the
tutorship of Principal Cameron and Mise
Janie Robertson, the latter eaooeeding
Mise Ethel Scott. Brussels school has
had a series of splendid successes and
this year has been no exoeption to the
rale we are pleased to state. Intending
pupile should arrange to get to the school
at the opening so as to get a good start in
the cowing year's work.
HYMnNERL.—The Reward, (Assn•)
Chronicle, of July 25E12, gives the follow-
ing account of a wedding in which Mies
Jennie Btraoban, grand daughter of Thos.
Sbraoban, of Grey, was the bride :—
A queer thing happened to the editor of
tbie paper last week. About all be one
remember about it was a vision of a
Dumber of guests, a minister of the
gospel, a ritual, a marmot, which sound.
ed like "1 will," "do you," "I do."
Shortly after hie vision was cleared by
hearing those preeeot say "Congrabola•
tions Mre. Caekey.', To more clearly
illustrate what happened we reproduce
the following from Net week's Star.—
The home of Amble and Mre. Hislop was
the scene of a very interesting event last
Wednesday at 12 a. no. when their neige,
Mies Jennie Sbraohao, eldest daughter of
D, Btraoban and R. N. Cathay, both well
known in Arcola, were united in the
bonds of matrimony. The event was a
quiet one, only the relatives and three or
tour of the most immediate friends of the
°entreating parties being present. Rev.
A. O. Straohan, B. A. performed the
ceremony. The bride, wbo wee given
away by her father, was attired in a neat
travelling snit. After the ceremony the
happy oonple and guests sat down to a
enmptuous breakfast provided by Mre, A,
Hislop, after which the bride and groom,
amid a shower of rioe and old boots,
and the beet wishes of their many friends
left for their home in Howard. where the
groom has recently started up in the
newspaper business. The bride is well.
known in Arcola town and district where
she was born and brought up. Sines
Arcola started She has been assistant in
poet office, where by her ooarteane and
pleasant manner she has won favor and
many !Heinle. The groom is also a
well•known Aroola yonoe man who Dame
herelia the Spring of 1902, from which
time be bad charge of the advertising and
job department of this paper until last
Fall when he started up his own paper
in Hsward. Mr. and Mre. Oaakey
certainly have the beet Wiehes of their
many Arcola friends wbo wish them a
long and happy Ilfe. The bride was the
recipient of many valuable preeente
among which is included a handsome
silver set from Aroola young men and
also substantial obegaee from her uncles
and grandfather who resides here.
Business Locals.
SERVANT wanted at once. Apply to
MRs. W. U. SINdeaoa.
Tilling millinery apprentices wanted'
by Sept. lat. MISS BTRAOnAN,
NEW buggy and an E & D. bioyole for
sale cheap. Apply to JAS. BArLANTYNto,
COMFORTABLE house and lot, with stable,
pump &o., oonveniently loomed on Queen
street for Bale. Apply 10 THE POST.
A WATRReoor nape found. Owner may
have same by pproving property and pay.
ing for this notice by palling at THE
COMFORTABLE dwelling rooms to let over
my store, eoft water, Poeseeeion can be
given at ono°. I. C. Haonanne.
600 pkgs. butter wanted—ohoioe-17c
cash or trade. Don't mien bur July and
Ang. sale. Geo. E. RING,
tf Wiagbam.
SALT,—Any quality of good clean salt
of all hinds at Brussels Balt Works for
local retail sales, Salt Man be gob only by
calling at the Braude Salt Works.
Fon cheap millinery go to Misses flab.
kirk. See our 50 Dent hate.
OooFooTARLE dwelling and 9 acres of
land ; ehoioe fruits different varieties ;
for sale or rent, possession given Sept.
1st. I, C. Rowans.
Mise Muriel Brothers ie visiting in
Walter Lowry spent a few days in
Mies Lizzie Rose is holidaying at
Adam Scott. of Alma, was in town for
e day or so.
Miss Gordon has gone to Orangeville to
visit for a month.
Mre. Thomas, of Toronto is a visitor at
Councillor Plum's.
Miss Simmous of Wingham, is visiting
Mise Winnie McGuire.
Gerry Willie, of Seatorth, is visiting
hie cousin, Frank Gerry.
Mrs. Bell, of Carlingford, is visiting her
daughter, Mre. Fletcher Sperling.
Rev. and Mre. Lang -Ford and daughter
are vieitiug relatives at Grnn'on.
Mrs. Howell, of New Hambore, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. B. T. Plum.
W. H. MoOraolteu was a visitor in
London and Port Huron for a few days,
G. A. Deadman was visiting at Lon-
don and Delaware, during the past week.
Mrs. Jas, Constable and sou, Lorne,
of London, are visitors at Will, Ainlay'e,
Mies Hattie Murray, -of Seatorth, is
the guest of Mies Hattie Downing, Flora
Last Friday A. H. Montgomery, left
for bio vacation which will be spent in
N. B. end Mre. Gerry and daughters,
of Blyth, were vieitora in Brussels on
Last week J. H. Cameron arrived home
from an enjoyable tr'p to Manitoba and
the Northwest,
Mrs. Tboe Danford lett on Monday for
a holiday visit with relatives and friends
in Simooe county.
Miaeee Della and Lynn Gillespie, of
Seatorth, were visiting relatives and
friends in Brussels.
Mrs. I, C. Richards and Harold are
visiting at St. Marys where they will
spend a week or more.
Edward Speiran has been on the sick
list but ie petting around all right. Hie
son Percy has also been ill,
Misses Mabel Taylor of Paris, and Rose
Clark, of Morrie, are visitors at George
Crooks', Queen street, West.
Joseph Thomson, of Montreal, is heli
daying with relatives in Brussels, , He is
a brother to Oonnoillor Thomson.
Miss Minnie Cosene, of Trowbridge,
wan s sial or at the Parsonage, Brussels,
for a few days during the peat week,
D. C. Rose and N. F. Garry spent San.
day in Kincardine where members of
their families were enjoying the week.
Mrs. E. B. Creighton and Charlie, of
Hamilton, were visiting Mrs. W. F
Stewart and other friends in Brussels.
Miss Mary MoLaucblin, of Toronto,
was borne for a brief holiday, She ie
a daughter of Alex. MoLaueblin, Brussels.
Mr, East, of Bolton, has been employ.
ed as miller by Messrs. Stewart & Low•
ick, He will move bis family here
Mrs, Jno. Friendship and baby, of
Detroit, were visiting Mrs. J. T. Rose, and
Mre, A. Carrie, Mrs. Friendship is a
E P, Welles, of Toronto, is taking the
piece of Mr. Patterson in the Standard
Bank here, while the latter is enjoying
hie ennusl holiday,
Mies Daisy Robinson, of Hamilton, a
niece of Rev. Mr. Rabinson, now of Brits -
eels, and Miss Ida Wood, of Kineardine,
are visiting in Braeeele.
Earl Baelcer, at St. Marys, wee home
for a few days. He is a baker in that
town, is enjoying bis work and doing
well. We wish him moueee.
Rev. Geo. Jowitt, and Mre. Jowitt and
family, of Dutton, are enjoying a holiday
for a few weak° with relatives and friends
in and around Brnesels.
Joe. Ainlay, wife and children, of
Listowel, were visitors in Brpeeele last
Monday. Mr, Ainley is a brother to
Watson and Wm. Ainlay, of town.
Mr. Thompson, of Tbe,salon, Algoma,
ie here on a vioit at J. Leckie's. Mrs.
Thompson, who came a week 0r 0o ago,
ie a eietet to Mrs. Leckie and a former
A, E, Mellish, agent of the Mobropoli.
tan Bank here, arrived back to town
Thursday of last week from an outing of
several weeks in the Keeton Provinneo.
He had a fine time.
Mies MOAtter and brother Milton are
away on a driving tour, calling on rale•
fives and friends and as a oonsegnenee
the former's dressmaking shop will be
oloeed for two weeks.
Tan Pon ie pleased to hear that
Charlie Pepper, wbo has been ill with
typhoid fever in the hospital at Toronto,
le able to be about once more and we.
treat be will soon be as hearty as
Barrister Uriah MdFadden, of Sault
Ste, Marie, ie here on a visit renewing
old friendships in town and locality. The
visitor is a brother of John McFadden,
Braesele, and Mrs. David Walker, of the
6011 line Morrie,
Mts. J. F. Stewart, of Toronto, is a
weloome visitor to Broseele and le renew.
ing old friendships in town and locality,
She and her husband will be remembered
by a goodly number of our older residents
on account of Mr, Stewart's being in
business over 26 years ago. Mr. Stewart
pained away some years eines,
CAPITAL—Paid ftp $1,000,000
RESERVE FUND • $1,000,000
REV, It, H. WARDEN, D. D., 0, 0, MOORS,
President, Vloo-Provident,
0005, DRAD0HA W, F I,A, ms xenon 1515, w, 000W0IMRR GLARE, E,0, D. E, Tn070130N, a. 0.
Draft° Bought and Bold. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 91 and upward')
RR EPSOM s _ r eigrel/
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
Mrs. George George Lowry and Leslie were
visitors with Beaforth Mende this week.
Mrs. Day and son Oecil, of Gerrie,
were visitors at James Sharp's, Princess
Mies Eva Gilpin is visiting her cousins,
John and Irene Cavanagh in Owen
Mrs. Browatt and children. of Wing -
ham, are °pending a few days ab G. A.
Joe Hunter spent a few days in Kincar-
dine during the past week and attended
the Summer Sobool in session in Lans-
downe Park.
Miss Adams, of Toronto, is the gneet of
Mre. J. Leckie at "Kelvin Grove." The
visitor's slater was a former successful
teaoher in Brussels and is now Mre.
Lovell, of Winnipeg.
Master Franklin Vincent, of Bothwell,
went home on Wednesday after a two
menthe' visit with bis grandma, Mrs.
Livingstone, 9th con. Grey. Mrs.
Patrick has gone to visit her Dieter, Mre.
Jno. Vinoenb, of Bothwell.
Mrs. D. Stewart and eon, of Antigonieb,
N. S., who bas been visiting here for the
past few weeks, left for Seatorth where
they will renew old friendehip0 and from
there will oall on friends at Brantford
and Montreal enrouie East.
Mre. (Dr.) Holmes left laat Monday on
,, trip with her sister, Mre. Campbell of
Port Elgin, to the Pacific Owlet where
they intend visiting relatives and friends
fora few months. We wish them a
pleasant time and a safe return,
A Winnipeg paper says :—"Invitations
have been issued by Mn. and Mre. Herron
for the marriage of their daughter, Auna
Edith Webster, to Thomae George
'rhompeon, on Aug, 16, at 2 o'clock, at
their residence, Balmoral street, Winni-
peg." Mre. Herron will be remembered
by Braeselitee as Mrs. A. Webster of
former day°.
Taeeday of this weekTaoPoem had a nail
from Obae• Keeling, of Cargill. He was
a former Brnsselite being an employee of
George Good 25 years ago, then a
merchant in the store now ooaupied by
A. Strnohan. He bas developed a big
bueineasein the Northern burg and in
addition t0 his store is rushing a woolen
!eatery. Mr. Keeling was quite a hustler
when a boy and we guess he never got
over it.
Mies Ada A. Sharp, of Bt. Thomas, wee
here this week pushing Matinees for the
Butteriok Pnblisbiug Company, of New
York. An added interest is given to this
personal when we °babe that Miss Sharp
was the first lady officer of the Salvation
Army in Brussels and the splendid work
she did here endeared her to limey. We
were pleased to have a call from her and
enjoyed a little while iu remioieoenoes of
18 years ago.
SnIALr,.-1n Goderiob, on August 12111, to
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Small, a son.
LIVEN°—DILLINo.—Ab "Maple Lodge,'
Oranbrook, on Aug. 12th, by Rev. T.
Wesley Clowns, of Brueeete, Mr. Jas.
A. Livens, of Ingersoll, to Mise Adah
E., daughter of Mr. John Dilling.
BROwATT.—In 'Wingbam, on Aug. 10111,
Roger, eldest eon of Dr, and Mrs.
W. J. Browatt, aged 16 year°,
TUESDAY, ArlosST 29000.—Farm stook,
implements, grain, &o., at Lot 22, 2nd
Line, Morrie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p.
m. L. J. Pepper, Prop. Robt. Garniea,
Fall Wheat 78 75
Barley 37 40
Peso 60 62
Bate 27 85
Batter, tube and role17 18
Eggs per dozen 15 16
Hay per ton 5 00 6 00
Flour, per bbl 6 60 6 60
Hoge, Live 7 00 7 00
Wool 28 23
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Potatoes per bus 76 75
Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 25
SALE. — Tho undersigned offers his
desirable property in Grahame Survey for
sale, containing 0t aoreo. with a good brick
house and framebarn cu it. For further
p G1cf ulnas apply
At next meeting of 131118e8ls Oounoil,. on
September 4th, tenders will be Iroeeivod for
the aoostruatiou of cement sidewalks in
Brunetti, according to opeoifoatisns of tor -
trier years, Tenders to give price per square
foot mad work to be dons this Fall.
and 2 acres of land for sale on Walnut
street, Brueselo. Brink house, good stable,
lined and soft water, omen orobard,
Property fu goad Shape, Immediato p018e5•
eiOn Can be given. Por furtherarticulars
apply ou the promisee, Will also 5511 two
good Jorceyows, one a there' bred.
,10115 tfeRiSN010,
52•tt Proprietor; Brnaaele,
ton, of Detroit uilifs prepared n vocaluito give lof ust o•
Mon in vocal mueio and the violin. Terms
OD application.
NJ being Lot 20, Con. 13, Grey township,
Huron Co., containing 100 acres. There is a
clearance o1 90 acres, the land being in
splendid condition. Upon the farm in a
brink boars, bank barn, low baro, pig house,
&o ,also good orchard, Poeeoenloa given
next Spring, with privilege , of putting Fall
wheat iu. For further particulars apply on
the premises to WM. M0NABB, Proprietor,
or F. B. Scott, Brussels, 61-11
When you buy Rubber got it. You
get part something else in many of
the Rubber Goode sold, Onr Rub.
ben Goode are bought direst of the
manufacturers and we pink the man-
ufacturers carefully. These geode
are fresh, the quality is assured and
the prioes are the lowest at which
goods of the quality can be sold.
on Alexander street, Brussels, Ells -
ably l000ted,1 acre of land. For farther
partloulars as to prin0, terms. ate., apply to
MRS. A. HUNTER, Themes ttreot, Brae.
eels. 4.11
iaxxxxx,40c7crcxx xxxxxxxxxx
yyy BL,YTI3
New Fall Mantles
We have just received our New Fall and Winter Mantles, and Jackets,
and they are dandies. We show all the latest styles in the market. Every
garment ie up-to-date. A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of
Blyth and vicinity to call and inspect our New and Stylish Mantles
whether they are prepared to buy or not. Every lady requiring a New
Mantle should see our stook when it is at its best. When you buy a
McKinnon -Made Mantle you may be stire the style is the latest and the fit
and finish unexcelled. We show exclusive styles which will not be shown
by any other bougie in Blyth. We have them in all qualities from 63.50
to 615.
Misses and Children's Coats a Specialty.
New Dress Goods
We always take the lead in Dress Goods. Our new styles for Fall
have arrived and they are magnificent, We show all the new designs in
Viouuas, Cheviots, Venetians, Voiles, Criepinee and Fancy Tweeds.
Priestley's Dress Goode a specialty,
Summer Goods
We have some Summer Goods still on hand in Gingham°, Muslim,
Voiles, Mercerized Venting°, Prints, Eto., which we are selling at slaughter
prices to clear.
Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs.
of Our Great
\\\\\\\\\\\' IMIEM.\\\\\\\
For the nest 10 days we have decided to make
this store the Busiest Store in Brussels.
Below we quote a few prices which will give you
an idea of what you may expect when you visit our
50 ends Fancy Colored Dress Muslins, worth regular. 80
20e to 30o, Clearing price, per yard
3 pieces Grey Tweed Dress Goods, worth regular CSF^
60c, Clearing price ... Ga�e.�
10 only Ladies' Cloth Shirts, worth regular
$5.00, Clearing pride
2 only Black Toilette Silk Waists, last season's 2.00
style, worth regular $5.00, Clearing price... �+
25 only Ladies' White Cambric Corset Covers, 15c
worth regular 35c, Clearing price
20 only Ladies' White Cambric Corset Covers, 1
worth reg. 50e, 75e, 1.00, 1.75, Clearing at 3 a 7 2C
10 only Ladies' Tweed Rain Coats, worth regular
5.00 and 6.00,Clearing p
rice ... ... ' • 5
5 only Ladies' Fawn Rubber Coats, worth 8.50 1.25
and 4.50, Clearing price ..
3 dozen Ladies' Tweed and Velvet Capes, worth
regular 50e, Clearing price
25 Short Ends Silk, length 2} to 5 yards, worth
regular 75c and 1.00, Clearing price... ...