HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-17, Page 744.0.:.0. .....'.4.f.•...:.M1.;.... 0.:.@.;...4.� f 'Ng By cl[tic[ I o The Scientific Stomach; I think you thavo given mo nett in this article of nutrition? The Waiter: Certainly, sir, salt. ;Caviare can't be made without salt. Stomach: }What ignorance of the rules of health! You mance me a Hal- •ophogist. Do you not know that Dr, .Orb forbide salt, the cause of catarrh, thein disease, ohllliueaa, rind emacia- tion? 'Take away the caviare. llciug mo the next course. Ah, what is this? • Walter: Consomme, sir -soup, sir. Slonach, VirtuallyunllY a meat extract, Ilr. Bright, wh:ah, according to 1 g , con- +tabus the maximum of excretion pro- ducts with a minimum of nutriment. A veritable poison, Waiter: Fish, sit"? Salmon R a nd fob sLot r-sauce— Stomach: Salmon and lobster eaucul Is it your. design to poison the?Salmon, the source oe uric -.sets:, according to Professor Schultz: which they may, in certain eventual- ities, be required. For a force of this haracter you do not at all re- quire the same standard of physique as the r'eg'ular army. Asa matter of ENGLAND'S CITIZEN ARMY SIR ALFRED TURNER DEFENDS VOLUNTEERS, A Former Inspector -General Bo- sents Cci'itiieisms of Arnold- F orstar. Major-General Sir .Alfred Turner, late inspector -general of auxillory forces in the British army, says in the London Chronicle: Wo have heard from Mr. Balfour the country is perfectly safe behind the navy. We have been told by Mr. Arnold -1 orster that it is a perfect delusion to imagine that the velum toe's can form a sufficient reserve to the array in the field, Now, under this new order, we aro told that the volunteers aro to be examined to find out whether they aro fit 1.0 be a re - Servo for the regular army. 1t is difficult to arrive at any conclusion in this maze of contradictions. Alt r OL7 IORS D- r TElltS WORK. N In my opinion tho volunteers serve admirably as a force for the defence of the country -the purpose for which they were raised., aitd for lobster, a certain manufactory 01 ptomaines, according to lir. Hart- land; sauce -all sauces are prohibit- ed by Dr. Jay. Waiter: Whitebait, sir, sea -trout, fact, however, the volunteers too red mullet— quite up to the physique of the regu- Stomach: W1dtebait teems with lar army, recruited as it is at pro - sewage microbes. Sea -trout, red scat. This new ? r0r Office circular is mullet let me see. Ah, yes; the perfectly preposterous. It can only ' the famous curist Kreutzne• says have been issued for the purpose of that these fish -all fish, in fact -pro- duce irritation of my lining mem- brane. What is this? Waiter: in English, it is lamb. sir, and asparagus and potatoes, and a ',sauce. SLontach:.Take It away! Uric acid again! Dr. Jones forbids asparagus, mushrooms, lentils, peas, and beans. Dr. Grindal advises the prudent man to abstain front fish, flesh, and fowl. 1 Dr. Costo is the discoverer of a most injurious principle in the potato - diluting tho stomach. Bring mo none of these things! Waiter: -Sono curried rice, sir? Stomach: 1heo cannot be taken without salt, according to Dr, Dick, :and salt is banned, as I told you, by Dr, Orb. Walter: Try a little bread with Camembert, Roquefort, Brie— Stomach: Cheese? Utterly condemn - red by Dr, Volker. Bread I certainly will not touch, for it is the cause of all digestive evils, according to Herr Siemens. Have you nothing really nutrlous-sumo natural food of man? Waiter: Dr. Walker says that an -ounce and a half -of mature Stilton. 'with sever ounces of— Stomach: 1 will have no cheese! 'Take away .the cheese! Waiter: Dessert; sir? Stomach: Alt, dessert! These or- anges arc over -ripe -forbidden by Dr. 'Charles (Henry. These pears are un- dor-ripe-forbidden also by Dr. 'Charles Henry. Waiter: Grapes, . sir, strawberries, • pineapple's? Stomach: Grapes? Too much sugar _a cause of diabetes. Strawberries? A super abundance of acid. Neutral- ise the alkalinity of tho blood. Pine- apple? A most dangerous fruit, con- taining a powerful ferment. liqueur, }}'niter: lilaclt coffee and a Sir? Stomach: Certainly not! Black t k Co !Teo is anathematised by Dr. Brown. Alcohol is forbidden by every real authority on health. Waiter: Milk? Stomach; No. MI/oiled milk is the ' vehicle of consumption, diphtheria, typhoid -fever, measles. Boiled milk, ,z r cannot drink, Wailer: A cigar, sir, or a cigarette? Stomach: Tobaeco, accordiug to Dr. Nicole, is an acrid poison, stupe- fying and paralysing the nerves. No; I will not smoke. Have you no- thing that a hungry man may con - sumo 'without os-sumo'without danger to health? Waiter: Well, sir, I can only sug- gest water. Stomach: AhI That's nearer tho mark! Taken leisurely, in spoonfuls, it is perfectly innocuous! IF•YOU WOULD BE POPULAR. 33e sociable. 70 Lt ISf. S llicul. 3 1 13e generous. Do a good listener. - Never worry of whine. Study the art of pleasing. Do trails, open, nod truthful. 'Always be ready to lend a hand. Bo kind and polite to everybody. Do soli -confident but not conceited, Never monopolize the conversation. Take a genuine interest in other people. Always look on the bright side of things, Take pains to remember names and faces. Novel' criticise or say unlcind things of others. Look for tho good in others, not tory their faults., Forgive and forget injurn es, but never forget benefits. Cultivate health, and thus radiate strength and courage. Always be considerate of the rights and feelings of others, tat Have a good time, but never fun degenerate into license. have a . hind word.' and a cheery, encouraging smile for everyone. Learn to 'control yourself under the most trying circumstances, .13e respectful to wotuonn, and chiv- alrous in your' attitude toward them, Meet trouble like a man, and cheer- fully endnrd what you can't tilfrc, Believe in the brotherhood of marl,. and recognize no claw ilistinottons. 10 not be self-opinionated, but lis- ten with deference to the opinions of iters, of Never utter witticisms at the risk of giviicg pain or hurting someon0's feelings, Ile cant/Woes and energetic, but Hover benefit yourself at the oxponsa another. 1. of n r bei)l e to d e r Tia ns eolurtoos s and a g your -inferiors as ,you are, to. 110ur equate and supettors. 3)o not here people by tolling i.bept long', tedious stories, or by enntinu o Ally dilating of. your Men. 011(tirs,- yi•ison Swett hl.a'don in "`3naaess rjognrinn,'f' THE FIGHTING SWORDFISH XONSTER WITH TI714 HORNY WEAPON ATTACES S53I7?S. And In Some Cases He Comes Off Quite as Well as the Vessel. Along the north Atlantic coast just now the lisheemen are having many a tassel with the fighting sword lsh, that rentarlcablu denieeit of the deep, whose head bears a long horny ernes with saw -like edges. Armed with such a terrible weapon as this "sword" and gifted ivlLh aunazing. powers Of spooct, the animal Inas no enemy to fear but man. 1a has a habit of lying quietly near the sue - face, with its big, black dorsal fin waving gracefully to and fro in the s h it and often the tail is almost a air, conspicuous. A man stationed on the lookout platform at the mast- head is watching for the appearance of the nn, ale1 when it is discovered v the steersman is warned reed and sends the vessel in the direction indicated, Caro must be oxeretscil by the look- out not to lose sight of the small speck just visible to his practised eye, as it would not be easy to pick it up again when 0000 lost, As quietly as possible the vessel is run Hose BEI -TEND THE 1rISII. Sometimes the fish sees her and quickly sinks himself out of sight. When the bowsprit is within twenty or thirty feet of it the harpooner hurls his weapon with a skillful and still further worrying the volunteers, powerful hand into the fish's back. and making the service more anal I'The dart dislodges itself from the more distasteful. My opinion is that shaft, which is hauled back io the the Secretary of State for War, not being able to reduce the volunteers vessel by means of the line attached to it, and the stricken fish goes off by fair means, is determined to do it at a tremendous rale of speed. As by a system of attrition.. He is the, soon as the fish is struck tho buoy worst enemy that the volunteers, tho tied to the rope which is attached militia, and, for the matter of that, the regular army have over hacl. Nor is that all, Mr. Arnold -For- ster is also tho best asset that the Opposition in Parliament possesses, to the dart is thrown overboard. Then away 1L sails, sometimes out of sight and at other times sicitnming the water anis making the foam fly es it clothes along. In the course of and they will certainly know how to Mine the fish tires himself so that a take advantage of this attempt at!sailor puts out in a dory and picks the gradual destruction of the ,fine up the cask. Then he hauls slowly citizen army, of which Groat Britain on the rope and gently brings ]tis is so proud; and which, in spite of catch to the top. If the fish is ugly there is opportunity for a lot of trouble. When brought near enough he is lanced until dead. Tho vessel is then run alongside, the tackle at- tached to its mouth and the tisk Mr. Arnold -Forster, site means tena- ciously •to preserve. AS TO SOUND TEETH. With regard to some of tho clauses of the now circular, it is simply ab- surd to say that men over forty -live hoisted aboard. are not efficient. Some of the bast When angered, the swordfish, owing to its great strength and tote iblo weapon, is able and anxious to in- flict serious damage upon its parse - of the volunteers, and those who keep the corps together, are the older men, with years of ripe experience behind thorn. Wo had wiser methods lc»tors. ATuny instances have been in former'days, end institutedreported whore it has attacked ves- for long' service in order tto keep medals sets and boats. In 1871 the English ship Queensberry was struck by a swordfish, the sword penetrating to a depth of thirty inches, causing a leek which made necessary the DISCHARGE 01' THE CARGO. One of the Gloucester fishing schoon- ers, while on a trip to Georges volunteers in the ranks as long as possible. The most preposterous require- ment of the new circular is that the volunteer should have sound teeth. In the case ofa man called out for the defence of the country such a condition can only excite derision. Any man of sound body, who shoots Banlcs in 1875, was attacked by a well and is active and intelligent- swordfish in the night time, He as - oven if he has some slight physical sailed the vossol with great force, and succeeded in putting his sword through one of the planks some two feet, and, after making fearful sLrun- gles to extricate himself, broke the sword on', leaving it hard and fast in the plank, and made a speedy do - disability -is a most valuable asset for the defence of the country. 'No ono who has had any practical mili- tary experience .would . throw away tho services of such a man, ATTEMPT TO DESTROY. MANITOULIN CAN DO HER PART • SHOWING THE GOOD WORK DODD'S 1 IDI7EY PILLS ARE DOING. Mrs, Thomas Rumley One of the Many Who Found Health in the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy,' Silver Water, Manitoulin Jnland, Aug, 7-(Special),--l:ve;y part of Canada scents to be testifying to the good work Dodd's Kidney 1'ills aro- doing and there is no reanan why Manitoulin Inland should not do her port, Many a man and woman here blesses thefor aches relieved and health restored. Take for instance the case of Airs, Thomas !Walley. not She says:- s•.- i Y ltd "! doctored for years and c seem to get any better. It seemed 1.0 be my kidneys that was the trou- ble so I tit ugn, I would try Docld's Kidney fills and they helped me very much. "1 cannot say how many I have taken for my house is never without theist and whenever I don't feel right I take a fete. Afy'husband also takes then once in a while. I find then a splcudid medicine to have handy." Dodd's Kidney !'ills are the great- est tinnily medicine of the age. They can be taken by young or old with perfect safety. They cure all kidney ailments, and Hier -Lentils of the sickness of the present day springs front baci kidneys. The request that officers in com- pa•ture. Even with the sword in, the maul of volunteer districts should, vessel leaked badly, requiring pretty furnish information ae to whetherlively pumping to keep her free. Tho they have any units which are con-Ibrigg P. M. Tinker in 1876 was struck sidereal inefficient, and which should by a swordfish, - The sword pone - bo disbanded or amalgamated with 1 trated the copper sheathing, a four - other corps, seems to be an indica-'inch birch plank, and through the tiolt: to these officers that it would timbers about six inches -in all be very agreeable' to the. War Office I about ten inches. The crow had to if they reported in this sense; and in pump steadily until port was some cases the hint will probably be reached. taken. This is only another proof of the determination of Mr, Arnold - Forster to destroy gradually the vol- unteer forces. In fact, I have hoard 1t said by people who would ince to see the volunteers disappear, that .keeping of an old housekeeper called their 'raison d etre' is past because et, was constantly annoyed by they were raised at a time when in -1""' the fact that the good dame always vasion was proposed by Flan"' poll fast asleep as soon as he enter - and that this state of things no led rho pulpit, whereas she kept wide longer exists. Anything more puerile awake whenever a stranger was the JANET'S 000D REASON. A Scotch divine, who was a bach- elor, and whose manse was in the I find difficult to imagine. It see me preacher. Ono day he summoned his buildings, with pannier and cattle -me just like stopping the instil, -coma 'o to the sticking point, mad antic of your house because it Wes g g 1 market and fair tolls, together with tackled the old lady on the subject. rho lordship of the /nater of Ash - 4 IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND " Pure soap!" You've heard the word's. In Sunlight S o 47771 have the fact 'HE WORKINGMAN'S TEA Should be Rich, Strong and Full Flavored. Mor.: than medicine is a steaming cup of Firagrant R.E,DLICE'1 Ask ter the Octagon Aar, WREN PRINCE WILL SAIL. Will Leave London for India ctober 18th on O It has now been definitely arranged for the Prince and Princess of Wales to leave London for their Leer is India on Wednesday, October 18, and to join H.M.S. Renown at Genoa days l r s later. Their suite will a leave Portsmouth in the battleship P -.i• Royal High - COSMOS on October 10, their toys >, nesses being accompanied on their de- parture fronn London only by an equerry and the Prince's private sec- retary. It is expected that the Prince and Princess will wiliiesit 8010 evolutions NEWS EY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Coin- mercial World, Of the 194,986 aliens landed in England last year, 95,463 were brought by British and 99,523 by foreign ships. Air. W. Seeger Morey has been ap- pointed solicitor to the London County Council at a salary of L1,- 200 per annum, increasing to £1,- 500. The Rev. Canon Thompson, D.13., rector and chancellor, has had the honor of presenting a copy of his "History and Antiquities of South- wark Cathedral:' to the King. On Wednesday. night 129 students were "called to the Bar" at the four Inns of remit. There. were 41 at tho Inner Temple, 36 each at the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn and 16 at Gray's inn. It was decided by the London (IourLty Council recently to seal an agreement with Mr, Drury, A.R.A., for the design, modelling and cast- ing of eight bronze panels for Vaux- hall bridge, to cost .81,200 -each, - Mrs. Noss, ono of the four women in the country who are sworn police constables, has just retired from her position at .Scarborough. She had hold the office for seven years and during that time had had 768 fe- male prisoners fit her charge. Herring fishermen at Yarmouth are having a hard time, and many of the steamers have not taken enough fish lately to pay their coal bills. Three herrings represented the entire catch of a boat one night. Mr. Richard. Croke•, the famous "boss" of Tammany Hall, has de- cided not to live fn England, pre.fe•- ring the Emerald Isle, Itis beauti- ful Berkshire estate, the Alanor of Aritwiek, is announced to be sold. At 'North Wales Calvinistic Meth- odist Association they resolved that total abstinence should be made a contention of church membership and that the church's officers, ministers and deacons should bo total abstain - en's from intoxicating drinks. Lord Clinton's Ashburton estate, incluclitig tho public hall and market once in danger of being burnt clown. IIOT WEATHER AILAIENTS, The best medicine in the world to ward off summer complaints is Baby's Own Tablots, and it Is the best medicine to curo them 3f they attack little once unexpectedly. Int the first sign of illness during the hot -weather give the' child Baby's Owls Tablets, or in a few hones the trouble may beyond aura, These Tablets cure all stomach troubles, diarrhoea aul cholera infantum, and if occasionally given to the well child will prevent theme. Mrs. Edward Claris, McGregor, Ont., says: "I used Baby's Own Tablets for any lit- tle girl who suffered from colic and bowel troubles and I found them the most satisfactory medicine I over tried." 'This is tho experience of all mothers who have used this medi- cine. Keep the Tablets in the home during the hot weather months and ,you can feel that your children are safe, Sold by e11 druggists or Melt by snail at 25 cents a 'box by writ- ing the Dr. Williams' ,Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Janet.,saidhe 'Yo kon when I f almost s t alwn est you're al s Y preach asleep before I've well given out my text; but when any of -those young melt mo, I see you Hover sleep n wink, Now, that's what I call not using me as ,you should do." "Hoot, sir," was the-roPly; "is that a'? I'll soon toll ye the reason Of that. When you preach, Wo a' ken the word of God is safe in your hauls; bus when thee young 'biricic's tak' it. in baud -mo cortiei but it la's u5 a' to look after them." Wife -"I made a big hatch of these calces to -clay." Ilusbard-"You did indeed, dear!" Wife -"Now do you know how big a batch I nnade? Tusbband "Oh, I thought you said 'botch.'!" from St. Andr'ew's preach for REAL VALUE. . Mr. Ncrvoy-"Miss-llIoxlcy, I adore yen. Will you not bo my wife?" Miss Roxley (haughtily) -"Tho idea of your proposing to a gh'I in my stationl You should know bettor." Mr, Norvey-"I do, hilt not tither.' :A venerable clergyman eaten that lie once attended a mooting at which a man rose and said ho intended to speak, that hitherto ho had been prevented from s e ki n g in public by lila tiro, but that she being dead iso should speak with freedom, "Ile tiid so," added the o)crgyman, "anti It Was not long before ovoryone in the afcilencc mourned over rho death of that: wife as that of a personal "Why do you tip the waiter?" ask- ed tine man with the rine-fifty-five suit atcl the rotund front. `He's better oil' than your are. Ho owns at automobile." "If he does," replied tho man with a comfortable lay - down collar, "ha neecls ,the money.'3 E � fit'LXt"�t^Lakdf"Yl'Tl�,..�'t'c"h� TEA. FOR SALE BY ALL LIVE GROCERS r T Y A telegrapher earns from $540.00 to $1.800.00 a year. Do you? If not, let us qualify yoU to do so. Our free telegraph boolc explains everything. Write for it to -day. Y B. W. SOMERS, Principal. a0 E 0 E TEEEGRRRNY 5 Adelslde St On t, Toronto, Ont. by the Mediterranean fleets under PACilIO COAST 17XCUUSIONS. Lord Charles tire g •rd? r before con- o d ,t Vinton and joint lordship of the r £�n 3000, borough, has been sold for About 500 laborers employed on the roads in Plaistow marched to Stratford Town Hall to demand tha the use of labor-saving machinery by the contractors who are building tho electric tramways there bo discon- tinued. They fruitlessly objected to With machines as the scattier, 'which tears up many yards of road in an hour, A long-standing obstacle to the freer use of the Post Office Savings Bank is withdrawn. Now and hence- forth a depositor will be allowed to withch'aw any sunt up to £i without previous notice on producing the deposit book at any ono of the 15,- 000 post office savings banks in the kingdom, and satisfying the post - /nester that ho is entitled to re- ceive the money. tinning their voyage to the East. During Juno, July, Augustr and The ;ending should take place 001 September the Chicago and North Thursday, Noveenher0, the King's:Western Ry. will sell front Chicago, birthday, and also the date of his round trip excursion tickets to San Majesty's landing in India thirty J Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Years ago. Two or three officers of the Indian army will be attached to the Prince's stall throughout the tour. Do No.t Dotay.-Whop, through debili- tated digestive organs, poison finds its way Into the blood, the prime consider- ation is to get the poison out as rapid- ly and as thoroughly as possible. De- lay may moan disaster. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will be found a most valuable and elTeetive medicine to as- sail the intruder with. They never fall They go at once to t115 seat of the trouble and erode a permanent euro, ARABIAN NIGHTS PALACE. Gorgeous Splendors of an Eastern Potentate. There is now in the North-West Ore. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train sec vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits, states, folders and full information can be obtained from 13, It. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. 31 TI111 RESULT, Mr, Tawxem, the orator of the evening, exhausted his topic, no doubt." "No," answered Miss Cayenne, "only his audience." . Some parsons have periodical attacks of Canadian cholera, clysontry or diar- rhoea, and have to use great precau- Pun ab a royal palace which for tunes to avoid the dlseus,, Change of Punjab 1 cantor, eoakin , shd green trait, 1s sero beauty and splendor will eclipse any similar building in lnlia, the coun- try already so rich in monumental treasures, says the London Daily Mail. It Is the new winter palace of his Highness the Maharajah of Kapur - theta., and its total cost, it is anti- cipated, will not be far short of 51,000,000. "It will be a dream in blue and 'white marbcl," was the terse but pic- turesque description given Of the building yesterday by a gentleman intimately connected with its con- struction, "and tho designers," Ile added, "might well have based their plans upon the gorgeous . palaces which appear only in the pages of the 'Arabian Nights.' " Despite the famous speech of Lord Curzon in which he deplored the fact that Tottenham Court road art was ousting native art in the palaces of Indian rulers, the new building will almost throughput be decorated in European style. All round this vast palace of de- light will run a spacious verandah with marble floors, supported by blue Canadian marble columns, and the entrance hall will be paved with blue and white marble, the colors of tho Afaltarajah. There will bo fourteen state rooms, many of them over- looking a beautiful courtyard • and gardens, where fountains will play among tho foliage. The ilurbar hall alone of all the chambers will be decorated in Indian style, Adjoining it will be the state salon, in trio style of Louis XIV,; and the English dining -room of Charles II. period. The, many other' rooms in the palaces will exemplify the bast' representative periods of English and French art. The ered- tion and decoration is being carried out by Messrs. Waring and 01110 v, Limited, and will occupy about two years mare. So .far as sanitary arrangements, ventilation, and lightingttl ng are con- cerned on- tic t d itwill be equalual to any build- ing in the world. All fittings, fur- niture, carpets, wall papers, cur- tains, panels, tiles, marble, etc., ev- erything of tho finest procurable twill bo taken from this country, and the kitchens, the fitting of which will dost $25,000, will, itis stated, be second to none in the world, ADAPTABILITY. Adaptability's sails aro set to catch any wind that blows. To the man with adaptation au emergency is an opportunity, Adaptability is tho ability to adapt Yourself quickly to unexpected condi- Mons. Adaptability le always ready, is novae taken at a short; is the great lightning change artist, and often turns hopelessness into victory. A general 1n battle, a statesman in office, or a financier handling large ontenterprises,L without tit the ability to readily adapt himself to suddenly changed colulitiorns-is a 1111511. When 0110 plan fails the min with adaptation has 49 untried ethers waitiiig,- Tho banlcrupt .late is meant as an without h0 eco w for /non w int fob 1 t asp adaptability, On the railways of the United Kingdom thoro. fs 0110 locomotive and thirty-six Vehicles per mile of the 110,6 - Rejoice as genuinely in another's to bring on trino attacks. To such per- sons w5 would recommend Dr. .1. D. I(eflogg's Dysentery Cordial as - being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when tho symptoms ere noticed no further trouble will he ex- perioneed. I'12OPER CARE. 01' BOOKS. These rules should be framed and hung up in the library: - Never hold a book near a fire. Never drop a book on the floor, Neve' turn leaves with the thumb. Never lean or rest upon an open boolc. Never touch a book with damp or soiled hands. Always keep your place with a thin bookmark Never pull a book from the shelf by the binding at the top, but by the back. Never toucha book with a damp cloth nor with a sponge in any. forret, Never place another book, or any- thing else, upon the leaves of an open book. Never rub dust from hooks, but brush it off with a soft dry cloth or duster. Never close a book with a pencil, a pact of paper or anything also be- tween the leaves. Never open a book further than to bring bout sides of tho cover iu the. sante plane. Always keep books of value out of the reach of children and in a clean dry place. Always keep a borrowed book cov- ered with -a paper cover while in your possession. Never cut the leaves of a book or magazine with a sharp lusilo, as the edgo is sure to run into the print. A Cowl Name 1s to be Prized -There have been imitations of Dr. Thomas Eclectric- 011 which may have been in- jurious to its good name, but if so, the injury .bas only been temporary. Goodness must always come to the -front and throw into tho shadow that which is worthless. No it has been with ']iclostric 011; no imitation can if. against the ae ar- ticle. itself enui G g Superfluous Hair permanently Removed. While traveling in Mexico I (Hoover- ed few, a alms, neck, removes hair from face, nest, neck, any port .y 150 body instantly and.permanently, d i 50 will send to any ono afflicted without any ez100 11 fru a postage stamp, Don't tempo sty other,treatment, bIt en Suocoss- ffered. Suffered others, I neva off d fel. attempts of otho i a to years with this unction others now any llfo's fieri is o b help of ]s rot- tiht 508)' ing trouble. -- My treat- ment, is easy anal ac 1sted. at home, t fails to and v 111 forfeit nit 5500 If i a Lv f f longer. Re- lief 105 hair. Don't saner g 110 is sow yours for the my a, Wrcess. now lost you forget my_ address, DORtT II HLA('i<, 1815 Worth tomtit Street, Philadelphia, Pa, A1tM AT AIRDRRIE, Al,ltliniTA- �� 2588 acres -22 miles- north at ualgary; 8 miles from Airdrie railway depot; convenient to church, schools, stores, etc.; splendidly .situated; magni- ficent view; first-class soil; goon water supply; up -tis -date improvements; well- built house 5f eight ,rooms, fitted with all hwclern conveniences and - drainage system; stable, cattle sheds, bulrgy shod, workshop, corrals, etc.; good fences, all now and substantial; will be sold as a going concern, with stock, crops, machinery, tools and house fur- nishings; this farm is all plowable, and Is especially adapted for growing hard fall wheat and for nixed farming. Tull particulars on application to Cray Bros., Airdrie, Alta. ROPERTY 1511101 TS HJtPPIN1]SS, happiness begets health. Buy . a farm in the celebrated hoose Mountain District whore everyone Is prosperous. and crop failures unknown. Carlyle is four years old; has ave elevators, with capacity of 200,000 bushels, The teen who built thorn know their business.. :They aro filled every season. Tho D. C. bte1ee Land Co. of Carlyle, Assini- bola, have 200,000 acres of improved. and unimproved farm lands for sale in district. theys solicit corres- pondence. information and particulars cheerfully given. success as in your own. BABY'S INSTINCT. Shows He Knew What Food to Stick To. Forwarding a photo of a splendidly' handsome and healthy young boy, a happy mother writes from an Ohio town: "The enclosed picture shows my 4 year old Grapo-Nuts boy. "Since he was 2 years old he Inas eaten nothing but Grape -Nuts. He demands and gots this food three times a clay. This may -seem rather unusual, but he does not caro for anything else aftor he has eaten his Grape -Nuts, which Iso uses with milk cr create, and thou he is through with his ureal, fovea 0nThanksgiv- ing Dayho refused turkey and all the good things that nnako up that great dinner, and ate lits dish of Grape -Nuts and croon with the best results and none of the ovils that the other foolish mombclis of the fancily experienced. "Ito is toyer sick, has a beautiful complexion, and is considered a very handsome boy. May the Postutn ttnue r :ser need ton Cori n on anal if Company n 1 1 to purnislt thole Wholesome foody'', Name given. by Peetum Coe Battle Creek, Mich. *Te'e's a reesen, ]'lead the little book, "Tho Itoad to Wcllvilto," i8 every plc,. CF!ATfrfER DYEING EING ele.olo¢ nn�d aur1log .nd Std eleree alennod. Th." 008 a eel Lr 0001, Io per em the ant,. ;Ps h." AMERICAN DYEING CO. RLONTarAL Protect Your Property —WIT 11— D I A M Tv elk 7.'NG U IS1O Ct A dry powder put up In metal tube., 21 exon nigh th moot. rioit It will Inotod or a e moot t dos. Wrifo ford or oil. elrrimeatnr Boob, 530.00 The Diamond Orr Powder Fire ACENT8 - extinguisher Co., Toronto, Ont WANTED TIIE GREAT TROUBLE. All things may come To those who wait, But when they do They're out of date. Lover's Y-7 (Wise React) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is bettor than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant, PROCRASTINATI1S, Procrastination may he the thief of time, but every man pets off dying until the very last moment. Mother Graves' worm Exterminator has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults. See that you got the genuine whoa purobus g BEIMANICABLTI SUNDIAL. At alto Putaw entrance to lDruicl Hill Park, Baltimore, stands ono of the most remarkable sl.tndials in the world, file tine in many parts of the world is shown wherever the sun is shining, It is easily possible! al - must at first glanOe 1.0 read the tints within two or three ininute5, while closer acquaintance With the dial enabled the correct time to be read to the =Mutt. The been is of carved bronze; Tito instrument was' pre- sented to the park by Peter 'Hamil- ton, who designed and made it 1 en- With .d u ear s. ' h hi9 0Lv1 GREATEST BRIDGE SPAN, The longest span of any bridge yet erected will be placed in the canti- lever bridge now under construction Myer at 't e the S . tiv Lawrence 1 L across Quebec. This bridge is being 0051- strttcted with two approach spans of 210 feet each, two shore arras 500 feet in length, and a great central span of 1,800 Mot, Vehteli is the long- est yet built by 00 feet(, WILSON'S FL P DS WILL CLEAR THEM OUT 1SEWASE OF SUBSTITUTES Mistress (to cook) -"Your nettle, Mary, and my daughter's being the sante makes matters somewhat colt, fusing. flow do you like, say, the . name of Bridget?" Cook -"Shure, intuni, an' it's not nlosilf that's par- ticular. 0i'm 'within to call the young laddy anythin' yez loike." Tios. Sabinc iii t on says:s: "I have removed ten Borns Bop my feet WithHCern Cure, Reader go thou and do likewise. "I am proud to say that my - grandfather made his mark in the world," observed Mrs. Newriehe. "Well, I suppose he wasn't the only mat in those days who couldn't write his name," replied Mrs; Tipp - Prevent disorder. -At the first amp. toms of internal disorder. Parmelee's Vegetable hills should be resorted to immediately. TWO or three of those salutary pellets, taken bolero going to bed, Yellowed by doses of one or two pills for two or three nights in succes- sion, will serve as at preventive of at- tacks of dyspepsia and all the diseom• forts which follow in ,the train of that fell disorder. Tho 111011.110 aro simple whoa ..the way 0 known. Bobby -"Is every word in this die- tionary, pa?" Peckloy-'•"Oh, no any clidld, h,very little while' a, now Word eemes into the language." - Bobby - "What's the latest word, pa?" Pecic- ley -"?'Our eta will toll you. , $$She always Inasthe last word." S3A79IA iikel- Croup A orouuy cough is a dangerous tieing for the little folks in summer than. rue lover that aeoompandneg It liable to Oases seriOtts illness. 11130 thorn S hes Consumption ��^,0� The Lung `�..��'1"'. a TOI110 xt ppt ttntleeesnb to take, will cure t$om tl°iolcy and has no unpleasant atter effects, dil can bottle, 250 G05 and L I druggists, Anal ru tug ISS17g NTh 2..-05l