HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-17, Page 5Fall Tem Opens Sept. 5th,
Ill 00R.Yoace.AND ALtnadenn Se s.
Cv Ona of the largest and boat (Jammer. t'
yl tint eaboole lu the Uominiou, MI of
our graduates aro absolutely sure of
scouring pooltlous. Strong stuff of
loathers; modern °curses • opleudid
equipinont, Ever student thoroughly
eethined. Write for our magnilloont
eataloguo, Addrosis
W. J. 171.L1OTT, Principal,
rf Z'/-Q3ti $ ii�4It..V120
1,�pv1{11 TRAIN UP A CHILD
A.l And when upbur . eetoud him or
Tenn opens Aprii llth, 1904
Two Connect—
Commercial and Shorthand,
Bend for College Journal.
A. L. MoINTY1tE, Manager.
gkoCaSZtSaf5 4AtrraikoragIt40
Successor to Dr. J. A. 11oNaughton
Brusaols, Ontario
Graduate of Polycllniu Post' Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, New York
Member of College of Pbyslciauo and Sur-
geous of Ontario.
Office and reeldonoo same as formerly oe-
cupled by Dr. MoNaughtou.
Dleoasce of women a cpeoialty.
cent. F.S. 500'1'T, Brussels,
V• Issuer of Marriage Ltoeoee4.. 01
see at Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels.
141ARMS FOR SALE—'1'rl le UN
000010NRn has several gu0•1 1 are. lot
Bele and to rout, easy terms, 110 'ruwusaim,
of Morris and Grew, 6 S. SOOT'r.Brasee s
0. 0. E.
Court Prinoees Alexandria,Nn. 04, 0.0. P.,
Brunets meets iu their Lodge Sown, 11 las.
hill Bleak, on the and and last Tuesdays of
anon month, ate o'clock. Vieltiug brethren
always welemne. JAS. BU11s473bS.
A. It. M(4LLISH. 10. S.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
• melt, will sell for butter prices, to
better men, 1n leas time and lees Charges
than any other Auctioneer In teat Huron or
ho won't charge anything. Dates and orders
nom always be arranged at this ofa0e or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Telma reasonable. Bales arranged fur
at the o8toe of Tun row, Brussels. 02(1
• Honor Otedium of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die -
'cisme of domesticated animals fin a compet-
ant manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. • (lolls
promptly attended to. einoe and Infirmary
Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et.,
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta.
Successor to G F. Blair. OMBoe over Stan-
dard Bank, Brunets. Solicitor for Metro-
politauBeak. •
V T • Banterer, Solicitor, i0ouveytueer,
Notary Public, &o. Oflea—Stewart'° Bleak
1 door North of Ceutral Hotel.
Solioitor for the Standard Bank.
W, P3tonnsooT, I1lI. 0 1t. 0. HAve
G. F BLAm:
Utiles—Those formerly occupied by Meyers
• 00morou & Holt,
GOnnn1O0, ON0An30,
Gradoate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and Firet•elaea Iloilo:
Graduate of Toronto University. OlAoe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Fall Term Opens Sept, 5 dC
It aye to got a bueiuoee education 1,1
Y,0 and it payo to got it in the pelmet
Which ash do most /or Ito otndohte
after . they emanate. This School is
recognised to be ono of the best Bud.
noes Colleges in Canada. All our grad -
maim secure, positions. B0010000 Col-
leges frequently apply to us to ammorP
our graduates us Woollen.
Vivito for our tree Oatalogne,
1041,I0'1'T & MOLAOHLAN,
Prtuelpale. '
l � C +heti-f ttZl
Business College
WA11111 UP to the suet that a knowledge
01 BookkooplugI( Shorthand end Tyoewi it,
lug le an equipment for anomie 1n life,
NO AN investment it pave a divldoutt
There to motimelike the PRESENT. fin -
prove tee proeent and you assure 1n the
Enter NOW, and secure a thorough training
la either of our dopultmonte, that will
pave the heathen avenues en0eeeefnlly
for you.
Terms and further Information cheerfully
giYen by Balling or writing,
GM, 500000N, N. 11001NALD FLieronna,
President, Prinoipal.
10 years teaching experience.
3f,listritt dos,
Lai elan ex w.
Jno. Wilson hae gone to the
There woe a big taro out from here to
Kinosrdine on Friday. It woe oivia
A goodly number of ons villagers were
attending the Summer School at
W. 0. Juhneton and Ab. Boyd were
attending the Grand Lodge of Odd.
fel 'owe in Brookville,
R. D. Oumeron lea returned from
Atlantic City, New Jersey, where he was
a delegate to the meeting of the Supreme
Count of the Independent Order of
A number of Hensellitee drove over to
Zurich and took in the ranee.
Mr. and Mre, Ortwein and Mrs. Short
attended the funeral of Mr. Ortwein's
slater •at. Hamburg. The deceased was
62 years of age and had been ailing for
Reeve Bmall000ntbo has commenced
work ou the bowling green whioh bas to
be levelled, oovered with cinders and
sodded. He intend° putting in a taut( and
windmill for sprinkling purpoeee.
A woman while ooming out of one of
our boOines0 places lost her footing and
fell heavily to the oidowalk, In the fell
she eo injured her hook as to be suable
to walk home and bed to be taken in u
bnggy.• She reoontly- earns out from
England and with her husband is settling
ou Queen street. ••
Ford. wlnit
Mre. Walkey wait at Kincardine Iset
week attending the Summer School
Rev. A. Dobson left for libly, Mich.,
where he will speed a month's vexation
taking a well earned rest.
Robt. S. MoDouald, foreman on the
Reoord staff for the past coven moothe,
hoe secured a similar position on the
Southampton Beaoon and left for that
The Willing Workers of the Methodist
&lurch have had the entry of the church
repainted, and rubber matting placed
upon the stairways and hall, leading to
the auditorium.
Juo. Bennrberg has bought J. J. Mo.
Laugblin's farm and will get poeeeeeion
in November: He is giving a part of his
village property in exchange. Mr. Mo.
Laughlin will move to Fordwiob.
Word was received on Tuesday of last
week of the aerio0e illness of Mre. Wm.
Mahood, in Siena City, Iowa. She was
very !ow at time of writing. Her sister,
Mre. Wilmot Mahood, left on Tuesday
morning to attend the sick bedside.
The literary contain in the Royal Tem.
plan Council was olo.ted on Monday night
of last week, Mise Mabel Sotheran's aide
making the meeting interesting with o
abort program. Mies B. Wltlkey'e side
won the contest by a few pointe.
The Quarterly Ofeial Board of the
Methodist eb0reh met and trangaoted
the usual buaineee. The minieter'e eti-
pend was fixed at 5750,.exolnoive of foci
dental+, ae last year. Ed. Cooper was
appointed to attend the Finaaoial Die -
trick meeting.
Yon surely won't atop at dollar bill to
Dore that horrid, eniffeling oold 7 Go to
any druggist and get "Catarrhozone" and
your oold will be a thing of the past,
There i0 almost witchery iu the swift woy
Catarrhozone kills oolde. But when yon
consider the penetrating, healing sed
antiseptic qualities of Ootarrhozone per
haps it's not no wonderful. Oertainly
there is no remedy halt eo prompt for
aoldo and catarrh as Catarrhozone.
Refuse a substitute and ineiet ou having
only "Oatorrbozone."
WIan g k,otan.
Wingham Fire Brigade will celebrate
Labor day.
D. M. and Mre. Gordon are spending a
few holidays in Mnekoho,
Beattie Broe.' Dolt took third money in
the races at Kelamaaoo, time 2,20.
Council 'granted 550 to aid the town
Band iu oompleting the baud stand in the
Wingham Rifle CIO) has secured from
Ieeac Stewart, near Zetland, gromtdo for
a fine 600 yard range.
Several from town attended the Sum
mer School in Kinoardiue during the
peat week. Rev. Dr, .Gundy was one of
the speakers.
y.:The membere of Wingham Baptist
ohuroh took action on. the proffered
resignation of their pastor, Rev. J. Me.
Loon aud he will leave shortly.
At the meeting of the Grund Enoemp
went, 1. 0. 0. F. in Brookville, T. J.
Elliott, of town was appointed *Istria
Deputy Grand Patriarch for Dietriot No.
Ohms. Barber, editor of 'the Pilot
:Mound, Man„ Sentinel was spending a
few holidays in his native town, visiting
with hie parente, Chao. and Mre.
Mrs. Broth's youngest danghtere,
Clara and Jeanett have been visiting
friende et Centralia. Word wag received
that Jeannette had been taken ill with
fever, Mies M. L. Brook lett to wait
upon her sister.
The town Oounoil offered the Bell
Telephone (10, the franohieo of their
Artiste for a further period of 6 years at.
5200 per year if the Co. did not raise the
rates during the term but the co, only
want to pay 5100 annually.
T. ti, jobb ices purahaeed J. H, Stephen.
eon's blaoketnith shop on Josephine
otreet and will move it to the lot adjoin.
ing hie shop on Diagonal ettaet. The
building will hereafter be used aa a ware.
hetlee by the MaeseyHarrie Co, The
building now uoed by the ioftsouyIlttrrio
Go. has been rented by air Anderson, the
new 'hue man and will be used by him se
U stable.
Ca' or -I-1
00,110 funny fellow ie turning off the
eleotrio etreot.lights at night.
The people of the Methodist church
intend bolding anniversary servioee on
Sunday and iviouday September 10 and
Mre, Hooka and Mre, J. J, Elliott are
at present 10 Jaolta011, Mioh. attending
the bedelde of the tormer'e daughter,
Mico Bolla Hesston,
Bey, Q. P. Welle, B, D., the new
Metbodiet minister 858 voted 1800 salary
at a recent meeting of the Board, Wm.
Beaus was elected ropreeentalivo to the
Dletriot meetinp.
Mien Martha Deaohman, of Toronto,
hae been visiting at the home 'of her
parents and while there Dr. Deaohman,
of Chicago, was Woo vloltiog hia parents,
who haw not boos under the parental
root for 10 years.
Such pain and endure the torture of
nervone headache when 26o. bnye a sure
core like Nerviline. A few drops in
sweetened water brings unfailing relief.
Yon feel better at once, you're braced up,
invigorated, headaohe poen away after
one done. The 000aeional use of Nervi!.
ins prevente indigestion and etomaob
disordere—keeps up health and strength.
Every women needs Nerviliue and should
use it too. In 25o. bottles everywhere.
151 v CI■.
W. F. Moser is a happy man. Oanee :
He is father of a bouncing baby boy.
Trinity church oboir went to Meneee.
tong perk, Goderioh, for' their annual
pia Ili(.
Mr. Washburn, a divinity student
from Heron College, Loudon, offioiated
on Sunday iu the English ohuroh.
Ieaso Barr hes Bold hie residence ou
Oombe street to John Weymouth. The
price paid was 5800. Mr, Barr has since
parohaeed from W. J. Elliott his 21 acro
form on the Base lice, near Clinton, and
will wove there on October let, It is
his intention to conduct a poultry farm.
E. J. Moser, of Winnipeg, is spending
to week with 110 parente, J, G. and Mre.
Moser. Our young friend beide a good
position in the Prairie City, beiug mane
ger of the Winnipeg brand] of .the whole.
este hardware business of Messrs..0ever.
hill, Learmont & Oo., who have their
head ofidoe in Montreal.
Four new street lighle are being added
to the slumber.
Mre. Jonathan MolIrien, Shipley Bt.,
had a slight etroke of paralysis the other
day. She has v000040ed enough to be
The Stapleton bleak le turning out
coarse Baa. It le expeoted that the plant
will be in full operation during the oom
ing fall and Winter.
Mr. and Mre. Wileman left on a trip to
Brookville on Tuesday et loot week,
where Mr. Wiseman was a representative
to the tneeting of the Grand Lodge of
Odd Fellows.
Mre. Straaghoo, of Kansan, who is
visiting her Mater, Mre. Luau at the
Grand Trunk Station, had the mi.•
fortune to tall off the platform and break
her arm.
Mayor Hoover may not stand for re-
election again. He says that there are °o
many thankless features about the posi-
tion that the boiler of trying to do your
duty is lost eight of.
Mre. Ralph Tiplody, of the base line,
Hallett, boosts of three aunts living,
whose united ages are nearly 280 years,
an average ot over 92 years. This is a
pretty good record of longevity.
It will be ten years this Fall since the
House of Refuge teas opened and not
Once the first year has the number of in.
mates fallen below 70. At present there
are over 80 inmates, some of whom were
among the 40 who were admitted the
fire, week the House was opened.
A bylaw fixing the rates for the year
was passed by the Counoil the eame
being ; for moiety rate, 1} mills ; town
rate, 6 mills ' school rate, 7 mills 1
ooneolidated debenture and sinking fund
rate, 3 mills ; Doherty Organ debentures
and einkiug fund rate, 2 min.; total,
29 mills. • The town oolleotor wag also
empowered to add 5 per tent to all taxes
unpaid atter the 15111 of Deo.
The Clinton Knitting Co. hae decided
to build ite new factory on the property
adjoining the Electric Light Works, on
Mary Street and hae secured the lot East
At A.
May be found a
supply of
Binder Twine
of first-class quality. Plymouth sells
at 1og1.c. per pound and Green Sheaf at
tic.—Now Is the time to get it,
Fine New Stock of
Dinner Sets.
Bargains all over our Store.
of the eemee. Thio will enable the 001:0•
NW), to eeonre power from the eleotrio
Light Co , which will then run both day
and night. The contract for the new
oon0rete building, two atones high -
90245 and basement, has been awarded
to J. G. Fisher, of Brantford, who expecte
to have it oompleted three weeksafter
starting worts.
BARN BURNED.—About five o'olook on
Friday evening of last week, the born of
John Wise of the Heron Road, East,
together with all its 000teute emulating
of about twepty five tone of hay, three
loads of barley, all hie implement° except
hie binder, and 'throe pigs was de-
stroyed by fire. h'ir. Wire
had been drawing in barley end was
busy at the supper table when the fire
wee disoovered, too late to have the least
hope of extinguishing it. Indeed 'Mr.
Wise and his brother had to beetle to
get out the bargee end then to save the
house whioh, until the wind fortunately
turned, was in great danger of also being
destroyed: Bo great was the heat that
the planta inside the 8111(088 were
ruined. Tbie lose leaves Mr. Wise with•
out any abetter for the balance of hie
Drop or stook em that it will be ueoeeeary
to sigh up a building with as little delay
as poseible. There was an Mementos in
the MoKiliop Mutual., bat it is quite
impoaerble nowadays to replace barns at
their former cost. The cause of the Bre
is unknown, het it is supposed to be due
to the beating of the hay•
'MIEN TUE 1.111005 ARE 5(1R11
From coughing and you d,.n't know
what to do, just inhale the soothing vapor
of "Catarrhozone" ; ite a long food, a
strengthener and certain cure ; try
Catarrhozone. _.
The town Council has voted 1100 to
the Fall Fair.
Soots Burton ehowe but little change
of late and is not in a very hopeful oondi•
Isaac Mattbewe loot a now from in.
fiammatiou. It was said the cow died of
anthrax but it is untrue,
Andrew Olimie le progressing slowly
towards recovery and has been able to
nit up for a period at a time.
J. W. Stott end J. A. Halsted have ar•
rived in New York on their return from
the Manufacturer's trip to Europe after
one of the moot delightful tripe of their
The Methodiet Oburoh Sunday School
have fixed their Anniversary services
for Sunday, Oot. let. Mies Doty, of
London, hae been engaged to train the
sohool for au entertainment to be given
during some evening of the fleet .week in
are. T. H. Rolla had been in her usual
health until one morning over three
weeks ago she loots a 0nddeu fainting
spell and was assisted to bed where she
hae since lain colder the charge of
trained muscle. She bag been very weak
einoe and 0000000(004 at times end does
not show ritual' indioatiou eo far of re.
gaining strength.
( cxdaes' fine
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
first-rate workman-
Made to wear and
keep their shape.
Beautiful' finish, easy
comfort, very durable.
When you discard
hem you want another (t j(ist Tike the last ones."
Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of the buying.
Here are a few:-
-Ladies' Dongole Laced or Buttoned Boots, heavy or light solos,
at 11+1,00..
—Choice Laced or Buttoned I1rid Boots at $2.00 and upwards.
IARNESS DEPARTMENT—A choice lot of Single llamas, rub-
ber trimmed, our oWn make, at close prices, Balance of our
Dusters reduced to cost. Illy Nets, Rubber Bugs, Trunks and
Satchels at Lowest Prices.
comfortable Dwelling for aalo, apply to
Charles Irwin, of Donegal, who has a
repuLatina as a rnugh.hoase maker when
be l0 itnbibinl', although he is n kindly
and poaont l• enough oltizen otherwlee,
wait tried by 1'. "1,'Terbune on Tuesday
night for aseanit, The mix up took
plane at Atwood on Saturday night and
the polios were telephoned for to tome
out and arrest him. It was Monday be,
fore a warrant was e8Orn out, however,
and Irwin was brought to and maimed
e Ane of 520 and 50.85 coats, whioh were
.'3 t;wo4Q.
Atwood Preobyierian obargh trill hold
Annivaraary services on Sunday, Sept,
John Pelton, of Port Huron, le spend.
ing a few days visiting his parents anti
A. Al, Sweeten was in Brookville laot
week attending Odd Fellows' Grand
Lodge. He wait repreeentiog Atwood
D. A. Norrie, of Slrathroy, formerly
principal of our school, bee been appoint.
ed prinuipel of the Drumbo Public eohool,
ata salary of 5500 per annum,
W. F. Forreet'o planing mill is (Mooed
down for a ohort time to permit 111,
enlarging of the boiler and engine roans
and the inolalling of the new engine and
shafting. When oompleted he hopes to
have ample power to run both the plan•
tug mill and grist mill.
Harvey Colalough, of the Stratford
Beaton staff and formerly a member of
the Bee staff, was s visitor at the home
of John W. Wi eon, fou, 8, Harvey le
employed as ad. setter for the Beaton
and will attend the University alien it
re•opene in Ootober. He putpeee0 to
e0ter the work of the ministry in con-
nection with the Church of England.
{Yell Known New England Woman
Oared of nay Fever.— ('oro Was
Jas. Fox ie reoommending to hie one•
tenure as a mare for bay fever, Hyomei.
It is claimed for this remedy that it
elope the spasmodio peroxyeme, the
sneezing, the smarting and rosining of
the eyee and nose, and other acute symp-
tome of this disease.
Many persona have been oared of
hay fever by Hyomei, and the dieooverer'
of the remedy profoesee to be able to pre.
vent both the 0000r0enee of the animal
attack and to atop the progress of the
disease, even in themoat chronic' forms.
A. Hamlin, of Westford, Maes.,
writes "Hyomei oared me of hay fever in
one week's time. I oonsider it a duty to
tell others who puffer from this dieoaee."
The endorsement is only ,nm of hug•
Breda that have been received by the
proprietors of Hyomei, cud Jae. Fox
offers to refund the money if Hyomei
does not do all that is olaitned for it, is
the strongest proof that eau be given ue
to the oonlidenoe he has in Hynmei's
power to ours hay fever. The complete
outfit wale but 51 00, while extra bottles
can be procured for 50 cents.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Connell met a000rding to adjourn•
ment in the Council Room, Morrie, on
August 7th, membere all present, Reeve
in the chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and passed. On motion of Mr,
Taylor, eeeonded by Mr. Shaw, a grant of
560.00 woe made to be expended in
gravelling at Iota 3 and 6 on 7th eon. line,
the road at said place being iu su almost
impaeeible state, The treasurer present-
ed his hail yearly etatemeut aid on
motion of Mr. Mo0ntoheon, seconded by
Mr. Kelly the ewe wag accepted se
eatietsotory. On motion of 'Taylor and
Shaw Richard Proctor wee reappointed
Oolleotor at a salary of 585 00, on fornieh-
ing satisfactory eeouricy for the per.
formauoe of his duties. On motion of
Shaw and Kelly the Reeve and Treasurer
were inotrooted to borrow 5500 to meet
current eapeueee. A000100te were order.
ed to be paid as follows :—
Wm noel!. work with grader ...:548 50
D. Irvine, gravel 7 52
J. Breckenridge, gravel 4 15
M. Niobol, underbruohing 6 00
W. J. Souoh, gravel 4 80
W. Forrest, gravel 8 64
D. Agar, gravel, 6 40
Geo, Kirkby, gravel 4 14
Wm. Taylor, gravel 1 26
Jae. Sherrie, drawing tile 6 00
D. Walker, gravel 3 85
W. H. Kerr, pert printing oontreot 15 00
Robt, Shedden, underbrnebing3 20
E. Laundy, gravel 4 68
Geo. McDonald, gravel 11 80
Wm, Skelton, gravel 8 00
P. J. Kelly, gravel- 8 05
Juo, McElroy, award drain 11 70
Wm. 0. Laidlaw 2 oulverte 9 50
T. Newsome, bridge on East tidy, 58 84
A. Murray, timber for bridge4 00
Thos. Marshall, repairing bridge8 00
Wm. A. MoGall, repairing bridge 6 00
G. eloOallum, repairing bridge8 00
0 Pollard, removing atone 25
Jas. Fargahareoo, gravelling 80 00
M. Outman, iuspooting work..., 76
Jae. Hall, gravel 5 89
Geo. Proctor, gravel 2 69
Jae, Oruikehank, gravel, 2 22
W. J. Henderson, opening road to
gravel pit 1 00
Ohae. Campbell, grovel 1 08
Wm, Nioholeou, use of ooraper.,1 00
Inc, Salter, nee of scraper 1 00
A. Campbell, grwvel 4 02
Jae. Niollolnon, gravel 11 18
.loo. Barr, gravel - 2 88
A. Huggit, digging award drain17 20
Jae. Taylor, Dotting ditches on W.
boundary - 5 00
S. Jordan, drawing tile 8.00
S. Irvine, drawing tile 8 60
A, Molwan, gravel..., 2 45
Jae. Gooey, gravel ..., ...... 8 01
Jno. Hopper, work with grader., 3 00
Thos. Brandon, gravel and damage 5 20
M. Watson, gravel and repairing
bridge - 1 48
A, Pollock, gravel...,, 4 80
H. Dunoon, gravel 4'82
0L, B. Campbell, gravel and use of
eoraper .., 4 06
0, Johnston, culvert ,... 2 00
Mae, Pollard, gravel - - 8 82
Geo. Peacock, gravel 2 24
John Bing, gravel 2 16
J. Breokenridge, gravel and damage 2 44
A. Oentolon, digging ditch ....., 19 00
On motion of Taylor and Mo0ntoheon
By-laws No. 6 and 7, were read and pave.
ed, The Connell then adjourned to meet
00 11th Sept, next, W. OnAnoc,
August ale ews
I euegoi wvaGMaMs
During the month of August we purpose making' a Special
Cash Sale iu all kinds of
Table Cutlery- and Spoons
Our Cutlery and Spoons include various makes from the Cheap-
est to the Rogers' Genuine 1847 Goods.
—Rogers' 1847 Goods at a Reduction that will positively please.
—Rogers' 12 dwt. Knives at 114,00 per dozen,
— Triple Plated Knives at 53.00 per dozen.
SPECIAL IN BUTCHER KNIVES -5 doz. fine high grade Butcher
Knives at 25 per cent. below the usual price.
SPECIAL IN SPOONS—One gross Tea Spoons, extra heavy Silver
Plate on a plate of nickel, usual 3.50, now lte.00 per dozen,
- A limited quantity of Berry Spoons, usual 0.25, now n50.
— Berry Spoons from 750, to 52.00.
—Meat Forks from 75e, to 50.50,
HANOVL'R CEMENT always kept in stock.
A. M.tokA Y & 00.
01100ICEN SLEEP-'1'0REO Nitre 1401080311(4. ^rig f,'�" 7T O Qr
Bleep not oily ate, bat builds up the ' 1K0
body. Cat down the bourn o1 sleep, sod
you out down health in the same propos•
tion. Rebuilding then [leases, nerves go
to smash, you grow tired, weak and
To restore Bleep you must get more
bodily 000005th, more nutritious blood,
healthier norvee. Ferrc•zone eolvee the
wholeproblem, makes you Bleep soundly,
gives endurance, vim, ambition. No
more morning wealtnese—instead the fire
of yenta will run in your veins, supplying
abuudenoe of energy and vigor. Witch-
ery expresses the inetaut effect of Ferro -
0,00 ; try it,
Fraser & Sone' mill and Inmber yard
at Fredericton, N, B., were hutted. LOEB
about 5200,000.
Have placed in stock a
fine assortment of late
Songs, Waltzes
and Two-steps
.(111 sold at l price
25C_ E. A. 11
('dint jam;,
V . r
Sign of the Golden Clock.
W. F. Stre4 on
can supply you with any grade of
Watch you require and at the lowest
You can rely on ally piece you pur-
chase from us to be just as we rep-
resent it.
If your Watch is not satisfactory
after my repairing all you require
is to return it and !get your money.
Boots and Shoes
Readymade Clothing
Dry Goods
and Groceries.
A Choice Stock at the
Postofllce Store ,
A. J.1/1. Heim.
After 14 years es chief inetreetor of
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