HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1905-8-17, Page 4ON $mcabs dost, THURSDAY, AUG, 17, 1905. SUMMER SCHOOL AT KINCARDINE. The second Summer Bohool for the 'Andy o1 Missions, the Bible and For. ward Movement in Sabbath Schools in connection with the Epworth Leagues of Wingham Dietriot, convened in Lane. dowse Park in the beautiful Summer town of Kincardine on Monday evening of last week. President Baotou, now the junior pastor of Port Stanley and one of the moat energetio ofiimere who ever held oflioe in this Dietriot, presided and pretend the opening eoesion with a few timely remerke. Following a joyful song Benne, in charge of S. W. Perry, B. D., Mayor Cooke, of Kinoardine, was intro• ducted and spoke words of welcome which model the visitors feel quite at home. W. H. Kerr, of Brunets, replied. A de. eotioual addreee by the President, io whioh the duty of the Christian world was eat out, was followed by a prayer, praise and testimony service, whioh brought the session to e close. Tgeeday morning "New Testament studies in Missions" was opened by Rev. E. W. Edwerds,lB. D., of Tiverton,•follow. ed with a Mission shady Maas on "The Heart of Japan," by W. B. Beer, of Kincardine. E. A. Hardy, B. A., of Toronto, who ie pushing Sabbath Sohoot interests ander the direction of the Provincial Association gave the first addreee of the aeries, his topic being "The preparation of the Sabbath 8ahool lesson.' Evening session opened with a consecration service led by Rev. J. H. Oeterhout, B. A„ of W rox ster, whose theme was;"Oonvereion." Mr. Hardy substituted in the absence of Rev. J. H. Raley, of "(Rennet, B. O., and gave a very interesting talk on "The Big Rev, W, A, Smith, 13. D., of Aahtleld, lead off in the "tlloruing Notch:' Ue was followed by liev, A. E, Jonee, of i3olgrave, who gave en inspirited address ou New Testament etgdiee in Miseione, 11r, Hardy took the helm in a Round Parliament on Sabbath Bahoot nod Epworth League work and entered the Draft wisely and well. A business session o h f the Sabot(' was held 0 1 e d and President Beaton's resignation, after 8 years 4 1 servie'e was reluobantly accepted, owing to hie having entered the mluietry end been stationed at Port Stanley, A cordial vote of thanks was paned to bim for the energetio and sucoeseful work a000mplieb. ed. Rev, M. J. Wilson, B. A., Teeswater, was chosen Preeident until the Dietriot Oouventioa which will be held at Tees. water, next October. Greetings were sent from the Bummer Sobool to the Schools in session at Goderiob and Port. Stanley, An afternoon session was held on Friday when three able addressee were given, Rea. Mr. MoOan ie showed "The supremacy of Ohriet In Missions; O. 13. Keenleyeide, B. A., of London, was quite at home "On the Banka of the Bettor ; and air. Darwin proved to a de. munetration the important part Minions is playing in the Great Northwest and the neaeeaity for redoubled diligeoee. The stored concert given in the even. Ing in the Methodist church was a fine ens and was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. Program was as follows ;- "Glocy Sou" by the audience ; prayer, Rev. Mr. Baker ; colo, "BatieSed," Min Carrie Megaton, Broeeefe ; reading, "The light from over the range," Min Annie Joyet, Luaknow ; solo, "*alilee," J. Leslie Kerr, Brussels; Bolo, "Come Uuto Me," Miee Laura Homatb, Wing. hem; address, "The Missionary For. ward ISovemont 1n our Sunday Scheele," Mr. Feenleyside, B. A. of London ; solo, "If I were a Voice," Rev. D. N. Mo0am. as, of Listowel r reading, "Oallin' the Yung one,' Miee,Anuie Joynt; Bolo, "Sunshine and Rain," Mies Carrie Hing. Ston ; duet, "Unanswered Yet," Mies Ethel Soon and Mise Thurso. Gerry, Broesels ; Foto, "Sun of my Soul," J. PRESIDENT BEATON. Boys and Girls." The oloeing addreee Leptis Kerr ; reading, "The Revenge," who by S. W. Perry, B..9..' of Elmer- Mies Annie Joynt ; eolo, "The Ninety dine, on the ever interesting subject, and Niue," Mise Laura Bernath ; solo, "Canada and Oanadiane." "The Oomfarter " Rev. D. N. McCamae ; The "Morning Watch" Wednesday a. Presentation 0f the Banner by the Die- m. was in obarge of President Beaton tent Preeident to Olivet League for at. and the New Testament etgdiee on .alis• taining the highest average in Wingham /lone was wisely directed by Rev. Mr. Dietriot for Missionary contributions loaf Baker, of Bluevale, Mr. Beer took the year. 24 members 0o0tributed $47.20, topio allotted to Inspector Chisholm, who an average of $1,97. A littiog response was absent in the Northwest, viz., "The was made by the Preeident of Olivet Heart of Japan." "Teacher Training" League. A vote of thauke was paeeed to was Mr. Hardy's subject. "The Witneee all who contributed to the program. of the Spirit" was well handled by Rev. Receipts of concert were about $86.00. T. W. Omens, of Brussels, at the opening Saturday morning D. 0. Taylor, an of the evening meeting ; Rev. Mr. Oster• ex-Preeident of Wingbam Dietriot bout filled in an hoar most intereetingly League, of Luaknow, took the initial on "What I caw and heard at the Denver service in the pavilion ; Rev. Mr, Darwin Convention." Last but by no means spoke on "Erperienoee in the Mission least oame a very thoughtful addreee by field in the West," and Mr. Hardy dealt Rev. D. N. Mocamne, of Listowel, on with "Primary Methods." At the "The Supremaoy of the Holy Spirit." evening session no small interest centred Thureday forenoon was tweel filled in, about the addressee. Mr.Keenteyeide set, all the epeakere doing well. Rev. T. W. out on practical li nee "How to evangelize Blatobford, B. A., of Ripley, took the the world in our generation," and was "Morning Watch" ; Rev. W. A. Smith, followed by Rev. Dr. Sutherland, the B. D., of Ashfield, continued the New veteran Mieeiouary Seoretary, of Toronto, Testament etgdiee ; Mies Edna Ouyler, who handled hie eubjeot in a most plea°. of Whiteohnroh, -further elucidated the ing manner, The Dr. has had an REV. O. oueexONAb'r AT "React of Japan" ; and Mr. Hardy otos- ed with "A gentian for young men,' The Chairman of bhp Dietriot, Rev. Lt. Gandy, addreosed the evening gathering 00 "The fruit of the Spirit" in words of window. "Some teaching prineiplee" opened the door for many ideals worked out by the speaker, Mr. Hardy, who bac e 000esefatly taught in the Public, High and Sabbath Sobool'' for years. Rev. Mr, Darwin, one of the Superintendents of MMieaione in the Nortbweet, took the piaoe of Rev. Me, Raley, and the armee of Missions did not suffer at his hands. He baa a good voice, a wide experience and is meet enthue'iaetie in hie work. With. out much difficulty :he soon imbued his Midland() with a good deal of the game e pirit and the people heard him gladly,. In opening the program ou Friday, • H. RALEY, 0TTAMAAT, p, c. experience in miesioaary aotivitiee seldom equalled in the binary of any ohnrch and his work will hoop his name ever green in Methodism. Expeotatione ran high and a feast of fat tbinge was anticipated and realized on the Sabbath, Rev. Dr, Sutherland was the preacher at the morning ger- Woe, the tamed) being well 1311.. ed. St. John 7-16 wasthe text ohne', and from it many beautiful and fruitful leeeooe were adduced.- Reeds, Dever, Smith, Baker, Leeear and Beaton notated in the eaerament of the Lord's Supper following the preaching cervica. "The Oatcast" was sang by J. Loslle Kerr, ot Bruseele, and Mies Hnntntb, el Wlnkgham, rendered "The Lord i8 my Shepherd." Instead of the usual session Of the Saha bath Sobool In the afternoon a mase meeting wan held end Rev. Dr. Sather. land took his bearere on a meet interest- ing and edaoative trip to China while be dilated upon the npportunhiee of the Christian thumb in that land to•day. In the evening air. Heeuleyeide preached 10 tboroagh evaegellstlu sermon busing hie thought ug It anon the words I oat the Light of the world Rev. Mr, Millyard, of Lookoow, nested in the service. A short time was devoted to praise and testimony before the service closed, Thee was oomp!eted the program out. Hued for the second Summer School in Wingham District, and the only regret is Ow each a spread of good things was not partaken of by 10 to every 1 who at• tended and their absence fn many oases proves the greater neaeeelty for a repeti- tion of the Same olaea of work, Last year'e eerie(' of eervieee was ouneidered good but last week the work was better arranged end the discussion of the topica more helpful. Those who absented them• selves inland a trent, 8011171r031 800000 1111108I0r05. Than who camped for the week report a good time. 218 persona registered et the Sobool durlug the week. The \a/Ingham Dietriot Convention will be held in Teeswater in October. President Beaton filled the bill splen. didly and will be greatly mieeed in the Dietriot. Lake Huron's waters were greatly en- joyed, especially n-joyed,especially by the younger portion of time attending the Sobool. The afternoon'', except on Friday, were devoted to rest and reereation, affording many pieseant hours to the vieitore. Wbiteohoroh, Luokoow and Brunie were the beet repreeeuted point,' on the Dietriot se to numbers attending during the week. "The Betake of the Beear" and its whole euuled author, nose in for many lavorable oommegte by the visitors at the Summer School. The Seamen Programa did not Gell well. Had they been in the bande of the various Leagues a mouth earlier the revolt might have been different. The absence of a-onmber of the min latera in the Dietriot viae oonspiono0e. A majority of the clergymen were in at. tendeuoe however we are pleased to state. Csrewar Has a choice stock of Canned Goode of all var- ieties, the very thing for the hot weather. Large range of Fancy Cakes. Agent fur Stewart's High Grade Chocolates. Onr Ice Cream, Crushed Fruits and Summer Drinks are delic- iously Cool and Refreshing. TJ7Y- Red. nose Tea IT IS GOOD. erney LEADER IN Ice Cream • Summer Drinks Fruits Confectionery Give us a Can 1 TELEPHONE NO. 5. OUR STOOK OF Dry Goods roceries Boots & Shoes Crockery, 84c. IS ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE A NICE RANGE OF Ladies' Ready-to-wear Hats ON ORDER FOR FALL, D'en't Alfas Seeing thein. c orad ETHEL. Thursday evening a iuoouligbt exeur. 8100 wag given on the shimmy King 131. ward while oohing at Kinuardine. The town Oounell very kindly ked electric lights placed tit the elate ou the park where the (union were held, free of ohargs Mr. Ilardy'e addressee on Sunday Sc o vok r were pummel and oto r ed up maty a knotty problem in Oda great work tf the ehuu,it, Monday the laet of tbelSumtncr Sehnol, etudente bel,' adieu to the lake el'a town but will not peon forget tbe 'many kind people with whom they met in 1ieoar. dine. ]friday'a Sabbath Sobool Exoureioo brought many vieltore, many of whom heard IRev. Mr. 11fo0amne, Mr. -Koentey• aide end Rev. Mr. Darwin during the afternoon with pleasure and profit. The Ball where the services were held was neatly deoorated with red, white and blue bunting, Hage, Mieaionary °karts and maps and Summer Sobool (nottoes, which were helpful and sag. gestive. Rev. Mr. Raley's unavoidable abeenoe was greatly regretted but good words were spoken of hie works at Kitamaat by Rev. Mr. Darwin and Rev. Dr. Sather. land, who are moat entha5iaetio in the edvooaoy of Missions. It le hinted that eogniry may be made by the Exeoutive before deciding am to holding a School next Sommer et Kiu- oardiue as to the alenability of fol ming a 00100 with Goderioh and Exeter Dietrich; and thereby redacting expenses. W. D. Beer, teaoher fn the Collegiate, Kincardine, oarefolly and most agreeably looked after the signing of the railway oertilfoatee. Mies Edna Co)ler, of Whiteoboroh, took charge of the Mite (denary book and leaflet tal•le end was elite to give timely hittte to Missionary information eeekere. TOUR 1VOItN.OUT STOlI,CII. What it needs is the strengthening influence of Dr. Hamilton's Piffle -they work marvels where the etomaoh and digestion are poor. In one day the appetite iooreaeee and the whole system is rapidly strengthened. No stomach specialist oonld write a butter presorip. time than Dr, Hareiltoo'e Pitle of Mare drake and Butternut. At all neulere in a yellow box, price 25e., or five boxes for one del ar. (i.od HrlcJs. A!ternatione are being made at the Bank of Commerce That will cause quite a'bange in the appearauoe of the bank- ing department. Medical Health Officer Helmet, aoneolt ed with the Mayor regarding some ree0. !atlone governing the dumping of rubbish at the gully South of the town. Peter Grant, of Olevelaul, is in towel, the guest of his ;mise'', the Melees Spence, while on hie way to the Lewis .8 Clark Exposition at Portland, Oregon. We are pleased to notice the name of Mies Mona Wetahe, old in a list of three earns who have graduated with honors at the Galt Poblio G,neral Hospital. The Town Connell are to be oongrain. Wed on cleaning op tbe Square and streets, removing grass and unsightly weeds, eta., before the big excursion end Summer School delegates arrived. Will. Jenkins has returned from Tor. onto, where he was under medioal trout. went in the Ortbopedio hospital. He noderwent several painful operations, which it ie hoped will prove ettooeeetnl. On Saturday, 5th inst., after a long illness, John Curran t4faottooald, eon of the late Sheriff Macdonald, of the united oountiee of Huron, Bruce end Perth, died at Montreal. Mr. Macdonald was married to a Miss Dunlevy, (daughter of the laC. Duny), fs eurvive.i te aptHe leaveslev0by0 wbom be children. Obarlee Itiaorlonald. of Calgary, and Fred, at present in L. -vaned, are brothers of the deceased and sties Macdonald, of town, Mrs. Maylfug and Mrs. Dunlevy, are eietere. 'LOW CONSUMPTION , STARTS. Tired When Ten IVteltca-Ossein' hat hay -Nerves worn out Soap All Gene. Your limbo feel "draggy" and exoee steely weak. A night's Bleep seldom brings eatiefying rest. Continuous headaches, exhaustion and nervous sen. (tattoos destroy your health. Soon every epatk of vitality 10 used 'op. Then you catch toberooloeie. Start to day. Build np, get new nerve fern, and overoome the prongs of decay. Uee Ferrozooe whioh phyeioiane ooneider the most vitalizing, uplifting tonic ever made. Ferrozooe anree beoaoea it can tarnish the body with sufficient notrl. meat and building material. Think of the {natant effect -at once the appetite inoreaeee, delightful color in the oheeka proves that rich, red blood ie being oironlated. Tired mantles ate in. vigorated, dealt and weight are added, Nerve force develops, attd bounding, joyoue health is firmly established. This 1e certain-Ferrozooe reetoree failing' etength from any cause. The experience of Thee. Dowd, of Sobrieber, Ont., proves title ;- "Yodeehold worries and oared had• exhausted my , trengtll. My theehe leak el the color of health and 000aatotta!ly I had epelle of rheumatism. Then my ep. petite fell cif and nothing could tempt me to eat. Wore out feeling and de. epondenoy fitted my very being. I be game anaemia and dwindled to a shadow. Consumption was very near. Perrozne° pub strength in my body with a roah. It built me op strong and happy and I have been strong ever emu." Ferrozone puree eiakeeee by tiering tbe real oaaee-look of b cod and nerve tone, It keeps ppople at their beat -fit, ready and sextette for work. In 50o. boxes only six for $2 50, at all drugei8te, or N. C. Polson & Co. Hartford, Conn., and Kingetoo Ont. Green Bros: grain elevator et Harrow, was horned, A Winnipeg despatch hays 10,0.00 her. venue are wanted in the West. Barry Cox eeaap0d from two 000etsleg. Who bad him in oharge at Blenheim. About thirty Dehltbober fanatics were arrested at Y I A Th d or(ton, sea. ey want° to march through the town without any clothes on, Junior Judge Morrison, of Grey county, hae been appointed Judgs of Prince Ed. - - ward county, and ugh O'Leary, B. 0., soN,8 of Lindsay, has been appointed Judge in Thunder Bay Dietriot,• 1 a • . B I G • • • MOVAL SALE 40).1%1 aa+, holtee tettaeddhdhlw'1,1,ala elatatatatet uedida eeeitteea r In order to reduce my stock before removing to new premises in the Garfield Block, Brussels, I have decided to give you an opportunity of a lifetime for buying Y g f-Iigh=class Goods at Small Prices. Wide-awake and discriminating Judges of Good Bargains will not lose a minute in taking advantage of this Phen- omenal Low Price Sale The following are a few of the many Bargains I am offer- ing you ;-- Men's Ready-to-wear suits at $4,90 50 Men's Ready-to-wear suits in wool tweed, good Italian lining, well made, all sizes 34 to 44, regular price 7,50, sale price ... .., $,4,90 Men's Beady -to -wear snits at $6 90 50 men's Beady -to -wear suite in all wool tweek, nice range of patterns, regular price $8.50 to $10.00, sale price ... ... ... $6 90 Men's Beady -to -wear suits, all sizes, ,$10 00 75 men's Ready-to-wear suits made of the best Scotch tweed ttnd English worsted, best twill Italian lining, beautiful range of patterns ranging in price from $13.00 to $14.00, during sale ... ... $10.00 • H'en's Odd Suite at $8.50 '50 men's chits of broken lots in firm Scotch tweed nud English worsted, all sizes, ranging in price from $9.50 to $12,00. We have grouped -the lot during this eale.at $8.50 Men's Pants at 75 cents per pair . 100 pair of men's tweed pants, well made, regular price $1.25, sale price ... ... .,..75c. Men's Pants at $2.00. 100 pair of men's firm NIorst•ed pants, nice range of patterns, regular price $3.25, during sale for per pair ... ... ... ... $2,00 Men's Hate at 49 cents 25 dozen men's fine fur felt hate in soft and stiff, odd sizes and broken lots ranging in price from $1.75 to $2.50. We have grouped the lot at ... 49c. Youths' 3 piece Suit at $4.90. 75 youths' fine tweed and serge suits, well made, lined with good Italian, regular $6.00 to $7.50, your choice during sale ... ... $4.90 Boys' 2 piece .Suits at $2.90 100 boys' 2 piece suits, good serviceable suits, well made with good lining, during sale at .., , . .. $2.90 Boys' Knickers at 390. 50 pair of boys tweed knickers, strongly made, regular price 50e to 75c, during sale 39c. Boys' Knickers at 69e. 50 pair (Lion - Brand) knickers, made of fine' wool tweed, double seat and double knees, regular price 85a and 95c, sale price ... 69c. Men's Fine Cambric Shirts at 54c. Men's fine cambric shirts, nice patterns, fast colors, best 75o goods in the market, all this season's goods, sale price ... ... ...54o. Ordered Suits at a Big Discount during sale. ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR SPOT CASH ONLY. euts in Hat and Furnishing Stock And its Cut i Cut ! Cut ! all over our Store We are not going to tire you with a long advertisement about this Great Cut Price Sale that opens Saturday, 29th July, but we beg you to read what we write and fail not to visit our place of business during this Sale. D. C. R S S, The Leading Clothier. 1iio.Doual�so�'s the balance of the stock of BUGGY DUSTERS Will be cleared out at COST. See our Fly Nets and Save Your Horses. Good Stock of Trunks and Valises. Our Assortment of Single Harness is A 1. Call and See us. Auld Acquaintance be Forgot" IF NOT BUY YOUR Groceries, Confectionery Crockery Glassware MARE OF SHIER GERMS. Will Cause Sickness Unless Stomach is Strengthened With Mi-o-na. Otte tablet of Mi o na taken before emelt meal during the Summer months, when - 'ever the stomach ie out of order, or the digestion weak, will do more than any other treatment to prevent the diseases Danced by germe at thio eeaeoo. If the stomach is weak eo that food doee not readily digest in it, the food will beoome a sour, slimy, fermenting mase in the digestive organa, the ideal ',audition for germe to cause bowel trouble, distr. hoea, or other Sommer illneee. . M'i•o ne will Boothe and heal the ir• ritated mu000e membrane of the etomaoh and digsetive tract, stimulate the solar plexus, end etrengtheu the whole nsrvooe system. This remarkable remedy will make the whole digestive eyetem so healthy, clean and sweet that food team not ferment, and any disease germewbioh may eater the etomaoh will be destroyed. Juet one small tablet out of a 50 cent box of Mi.o ne before eating, and you will have no headaches, beck.acbe, poor appetite, dietreee after eating, hearbbnrn, 1erred tongue,.aleepleeoneee, or general debility. Ii will t00e up the digestive system and give perfect health and strength. Take Mi-o•na now, and James Fox will guarantee to refund the money if it doee not cure. The rfek le all his 23c. f.rWoo1 J. T. WOOD Proprietor of the Excelsior Knitting Mills, Brussels, is prepared to -pay 23 cents per pound, cash, for any quantity of good Wool delivered at his Mills. Splen- did stook of choice goods consisting of Tweeds, Flan- nels, -Flannelettes, Cotton Skirtings, Oottonadeg, tie., brouruht'in frotn the best Mills, and Blankets, Yarns and Shootings made.inour own Mills ,If choice stock, to give in exchange for Wool. An advance of 2 cents per poundallowed for Wool in trade.. Now is the ` time to market your wont. ) Strictly Fair Dealing our Principle. )' 'Come and see us before going elsewhere. ,1111tilhal1511e'l,tgMl,i i , ,,. J. T W-- Excelsor od. Excels Mills,L7.� V I�Js��a..7.